Minutes of Meeting of the Regional Health Forum West, held on Tuesday 23rd November, 2010 at 2.00pm in Room 1, Education Centre, HSE Offices, Merlin Park, Galway Miontuairiscí cruinnithe an Fhóraim Réigiúnach Sláinte, ar an Mháirt, 23 Meitheamh2010 ag 2.00 i.n, sa an tIonad Oideachais, Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte, Páirc Mheirlinne, Gaillimh.

Chairperson/ Councillor Pádraig Conneely

Members Present/Comhaltaí i Láthair Cllr Declan Bree Cllr Mary Hoade Cllr Paul Murphy Cllr Rose Brennan Cllr Michael Hourigan Cllr Gerry Murray Cllr Richard Butler Cllr Gordon Hughes Cllr Austin Francis O’Malley Cllr John Carroll Cllr Colm Keaveney Cllr Annie May Reape Cllr Catherine Connolly Cllr John Kelly Cllr Gerry Reynolds Cllr Tom Connolly Cllr John Kennedy Cllr Jerome Scanlan Cllr Joe Cooney Cllr Gerry McLoughlin Cllr Tony Ward Cllr Ger Fahy Cllr Tom McNamara Cllr Seamus Weir Cllr Laurence Fallon Cllr Brian Meaney Cllr Imelda Henry Cllr Michael Mullins

Apologies/Leithscéalta Cllr Ciaran Brogan Cllr Sean McGowan

Absent/As Láthair Cllr Liam Blaney Cllr Tim Broderick Cllr Michael Crowe Cllr Cllr Frank McBrearty Jr Cllr John ‘Rocky’ McGrath Cllr Bernard McGuinness Cllr Malachy Noone Cllr Kevin Sheahan

In Attendance/I láthair freisin Mr. John Hennessy, Regional Director of Operations (RDO) Ms Catherine Cunningham, Office of the Regional Director of Operations Mr Frank Dolphin, HSE Chairperson Mr Pat Dolan, Area Operations Manager, Sligo/Leitrim Mr Bernard Gloster, Local Health Manager, HSE West Mr John Hayes, Area Operations Manager, Donegal Ms Chris Kane, Office of the Regional Director of Operations Mr Liam Minihan, Asst Nat Director, Finance, HSE West Ms Shirley Murphy, A/Section Officer, Office of the Regional Director of Operations Mr. Francis Rogers, Asst Nat Director, Human Resources, HSE West Mr Brendan Shovlin, Asst. Head, Logistics and Inventory Management Mr John Swords, Asst National Director, Logistics and Inventory Management

Apologies/Leithscéalta Dr. Jacky Jones, Functional Manager Health Promotion Mr. Pauric Sheerin, Chief Ambulance Officer

310/30/10 Minutes/Miontuairiscí The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 28th September, 2010 were proposed by Councillor Mary Hoade, seconded by Councillor Colm Keaveney and adopted.

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311/30/10 Matters Arising/Nithe ag éirí Questions and Responses from September Forum Members acknowledged that written responses to their questions were circulated after the September Forum, however, they expressed dissatisfaction that these could not be discussed at today’s meeting.

Some members acknowledged receipt of written responses to Questions submitted at meetings during the Work to Rule period, they also requested supplementary questions be permitted, as per usual practice.

Agreed: The Chairman agreed to discuss the matter of Questions, including where they sit on the Agenda, with the Regional Director of Operations. It was agreed that there would be no presentations at the next Forum meeting.

Visit of Chairman of the HSE, Dr Frank Dolphin Dr Frank Dolphin, Chairman of the HSE, launched the Health Service Executive's second annual report on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), today, in Merlin Park, Galway. The Forum Chairman welcomed and thanked Dr Dolphin for agreeing to address the members briefly.

Agreed: Dr Dolphin apologised for not being a position to stay and participate fully in the meeting; he agreed to return and attend a Regional Health Forum West Forum meeting in the New Year.

312/30/10 Chairman’s Business/Gnothai an Chathaoirligh Apologies The Chairman noted apologies from Councillors Sean McGowan and Ciaran Brogan.

Next Regional Health Forum Meeting The Chairman advised members that the next Forum meeting would be held on Tuesday, 22nd February, 2010 at 2pm, Room 1, Education Centre, Merlin Park, Galway.

Next Regional Health Forum Committee Meetings He also advised that the next Committee meetings are scheduled to take place in Room 1, Education Centre, Merlin Park, Galway, as follows: 1. PCCC Committee, Tuesday 7th December, 2010 at 1.00pm 2. Hospital Committee, Tuesday 14th December, 2010 at 1.00pm

HSE Achievement Awards 2010 The Chairman advised that he will be attending the National HSE Achievement Awards tomorrow on behalf of the Forum. Five projects are nominated from HSE West, as follows:  COPE Galway Community Catering  Roscommon PCCC – When nature calls! Managing Incontinence in Roscommon  Mid Western Regional Hospital Limerick – Paediatric High Dependency Unit  Mayo - Occupational Therapy Splinting Clinic (Primary Care)  GUH – Regional Anaesthetic Facility The Chairman wished them the best of luck on behalf of the Forum Members.

Overdue responses to Forum Questions (Work to Rule) The Chairman noted that most Councillors will have received responses to their overdue questions and that three Councillors have yet to receive their responses. A dedicated administrative support is working on them at present.

Sympathy The Chairman, on behalf of the Forum, expressed his sympathy with Councillor Catherine Connolly, and with Councillor Declan Bree, on the passing of Cllr Connolly’s Father, Coleman Connolly RIP.

Retirement The Chairman announced the retirement of Dr Jacky Jones, Functional Manager Health Promotion, from the HSE on 30th November, 2010. He wished Dr Jones well on her retirement after 36 years service. Councillor Catherine Connolly wished to further tribute Dr Jones on her excellent work in the Health Services in an area which is not fully recognised as a vital service.

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Councillor Connolly queried if Dr Jones’s position would be filled on her retirement; Mr Hennessy advised that this could not be decided until the impact of the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme / Voluntary Early Retirement Schemes becomes clearer.

313/30/10 Finance Update/Tuairisc chun dáta Mr Liam Minihan, Asst. National Director of Finance updated members on the financial position of HSE West as at 31st October, 2010.

Following the Presentation, there was a Questions and Answers session with all members. The key issues from this discussion are as follows:  Position re Private Health Providers – Claims > 12 Months  Although the savings achieved is positive, how will the further cuts, required to breakeven, affect the public?  Medical card/prescription charges to those in residential care

Mr Minihan advised there is currently €36m due for outstanding claims from Private Health Providers. The National target is 65 days for turnaround of claims. The West is currently at 142 days; this scenario is similar around the country. A number of initiatives are taking place to deal with this issue:  Targets are set for each hospital  Clinical Directors are prioritizing this issue with the Hospital Consultants  Staff are redeployed from other services to deal with these claims  Weekly monitoring of accounts for each hospital  National negotiations are taking place with the VHI regarding electronic submission of Claims, and Claims over 90 days.  Pilot Schemes are now in place is some hospitals around the country to allow sign off on Claims by alternative Clinicians in the Services.  The aim is to separate the Hospital Bill versus the Consultant Bill  Primary difficulty is getting Consultant sign off on Claim

Members felt that consultants should receive penalty clauses on their Contracts. The Regional Director of Operations advised members that the HSE West is in a better position than other regions in this respect and that every effort will be made to rectify the situation.

Agreed: L Minihan will provide a further update regarding Private Health Insurers & Claims, at the next Forum meeting.

The Regional Director of Operations reiterated for Members the current financial situation in HSE West. He also set out the guiding principles the HSE West aim to use to manage services in the current climate:  No compromise to patient Safety and Quality of Services,  Protection of frontline services, where possible,  Services must be managed within their budgets.

The RDO recognised and acknowledged the efforts and hardwork of all HSE Staff involved in achieving savings to date.

Some members expressed the view that Public Health Services were being undermined by contracting of services to Private Companies and that these savings should not be seen as an achievement.

Some members queried the contracting of a Private MRI Imaging Centre at Merlin Park Hospital and asked why details relating to this centre were regarded as commercially sensitive.

Some members felt that the HSE should not suggest they are achieving savings if they are not in a position to provide evidence of same by withholding information regarding Private Contracts, which they view as commercially sensitive information. It was suggested there is a conflict of interest and that details regarding the Imaging Centre should be provided.

Agreed: The RDO agreed to provide further details on the MRI Imaging Centre at Merlin Park, Galway.

In relation to Medical Card/Prescription charges to those in residential services, Mr Pat Dolan, Area Operations Manager, Sligo/Leitrim advised that this matter is being considered at National Level, and

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 those in residential care are liable for medical card/prescription charges,  there is a process in place, whereby at the end of a calendar month charges for medical card/prescriptions are raised along with any other usual charges for that individual.

314/30/10 Presentation on Procurement/Cur i láthair faoi Sholáthar Mr John Swords, Asst National Director, Logistics and Inventory Management, outlined for members the following:

1. The areas of management under the Procurement remit: 2. The Objectives for Procurement: 3. Achievements to date 4. The recommended Physical Distribution Model 5. Structure and Procurement Target for 2011

Members welcomed the initiative and highlighted situations they were aware of, whereby within counties there were several different arrangements for similar products, with several providers, and out-of-date drugs were being disposed of in some counties, which may have been used in other counties/services.

Members also asked for clarification on locations of procurement hubs, a definition of ‘Portfolio’ management, if €170m is the national target for savings, what is the projected target for HSE West and if there savings to be made with generic drugs.

Mr Swords advised members that generic drugs are sometimes more expensive than branded drugs and that every avenue is being looked at in this regard. He also confirmed that Portfolio Management relates to Contracts and not Estates, and that estimated targets for HSE West will be calculated on a pro rata basis and apportioned where service areas can achieve the cuts/savings.

315/30/10 Questions/Ceisteanna Rheumatology Services at Mayo General Hospital Councillor Annie May Reape requested an update on a question she submitted at the September Forum regarding Rheumatology Services at Mayo General Hospital. Councillor Seamus Weir supported Councillor Reape on this matter.

Ms Chris Kane, Office of Regional Director of Operations advised Councillor Reape that there are currently 8 additional Consultant Posts in Dermatology, Neurology and Rheumatology identified as priority posts under the QCCD programme. One of these posts is a Rheumatology Consultant post who will be based in Galway but will have a sessional commitment to provide services in Mayo General Hospital and the breakdown of hours are 31 hours in Galway and 6 hours per week in Mayo. This post was submitted for approval to the Consultant Appointments Unit and approval is awaited.

Addendum to Minutes: Further clarification was given to Councillor Reape regarding the sessions at Mayo General Hospital, which should have stated 28 hours in Galway and 9 hours per week in Mayo General Hospital.

W30Q669 Cllr Brian Meaney I request a breakdown of the cost to the HSE West in providing security for each facility operated by the HSE West this year to date, 2008 and 2009.

Western Region Security Spend Jan 2008-Oct 2010

2010 Oct YTD 2009 2008 Amount € MW 2,120,275 2,602,025 2,531,002 NW 276,401 419,336 260,691 West 658,109 880,381 743,822

Total 3,054,784 3,901,742 3,535,515

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Sum of Euro Amt Year Roll-up Location 2008 2009 2010 Jan-Oct Grand Total Mid Western Regional Hospital MWRH Dooradoyle Dooradoyle € 901,831 € 918,448 € 795,815 € 2,616,093 Regional Maternity Hospital, RMH Limerick € 211,679 € 206,460 € 180,677 € 598,816 ENNIS Mid Western Regional Hospital Ennis € 240,221 € 176,122 € 53,155 € 469,499 Mid Western Regional Hospital NENAGH Nenagh € 98,791 € 119,964 € 97,688 € 316,443 ROH Orthapedic Hospital Croom € 530 € 1,146 € 872 € 2,548 Clare Clare Psych Svs € 212,084 € 395,585 € 304,576 € 912,244 Care of the Disabled € 17,058 € 16,800 € 15,444 € 49,302 Sandfield HC Ennis € 10,588 € 1,235 € 9,032 € 20,854 Sixmilebridge HC € 7,106 € 3,933 -€ 156 € 10,883 Care of the Elderly € 5,700 € 1,345 € 1,304 € 8,348 Museum House € 6,586 € 588 € 586 € 7,760 Westbury HC € 1,175 € 2,628 € 2,345 € 6,148 Other € 4,212 € 17 € 4,229 Regina House Kilrush € 1,564 € 1,620 € 981 € 4,165 St Josephs Ennis € 1,955 € 701 € 1,477 € 4,133 Ennsitymon District Hospital € 1,204 € 1,282 € 1,371 € 3,857 Shannon HC € 1,816 € 537 € 702 € 3,055 Cappahard € 2,887 € 2,887 County Clinic Bindon St € 1,575 € 545 € 473 € 2,594 Kilrush HC € 1,657 € 14 € 766 € 2,437 Raheen District Hospital € 726 € 729 € 848 € 2,303 Ennistymon Day Hospital € 1,419 € 1,419 Clarecastle/Quin HC € 413 € 194 € 255 € 861 Enviro Health € 496 € 219 € 145 € 860 Health Prom / Edu € 136 € 276 € 362 € 774 Oth Direct Svs € 742 € 742 Miltown Malbay HC € 360 € 190 € 550 Corofin HC € 530 € 530 Clare Aural € 503 € 503 Ennistymon HC -€ 179 € 306 € 364 € 492 Opthalmic Svs € 306 € 306 Clare Occupation Health € 219 € 219 Clare Homeless Unit € 216 € 216 Clare HC € 199 € 199 Kilmihil HC € 173 € 173 Child Care € 57 € 57 CAPS Misc € 17 € 17 € 34 Clare Social Workers € 18 € 18 CWO's € 17 € 17 Clare HQ Prog Admin CC € 5,445 € 52 € 61 € 5,558 Limerick Limk Psych Svs € 83,193 € 95,419 € 72,491 € 251,103 Southill HC € 38,244 € 48,585 € 38,490 € 125,318 St Camillus € 24,560 € 14,401 € 30,942 € 69,903 Newcastwest HC € 42,578 € 15,321 € 9,452 € 67,351 Doordaoyle HC € 24,383 € 19,427 € 20,118 € 63,928 Primary Care € 52,765 € 4,880 € 6,016 € 63,661 Ballycummin HC € 3,651 € 16,158 € 15,772 € 35,581 St Itas Newcastlewest € 2,610 € 17,710 € 13,865 € 34,185 Care of the Disabled € 11,685 € 7,128 € 10,370 € 29,182 GP Co Ops € 7,326 € 6,162 € 5,827 € 19,315 Kilmallock HC € 8,865 € 5,674 € 3,022 € 17,562 Moyross HC € 13,916 € 1,823 € 728 € 16,467 Ballynanty HC € 3,737 € 3,634 € 4,412 € 11,783 Child Care € 1,837 € 3,485 € 4,719 € 10,041 Final Mins RHFW#30_23.11.10.doc 5

Care of the Elderly € 50 € 7,440 € 531 € 8,021 Health Prom / Edu € 1,894 € 1,694 € 1,903 € 5,491 Dental Svs € 679 € 786 € 1,149 € 2,615 Enviro Health € 731 € 331 € 722 € 1,785 West Limk Imp Proj € 394 € 466 € 386 € 1,246 Limerick Aural € 545 € 545 PHN's € 168 € 174 € 34 € 376 Enviro Health Limerick € 370 € 370 Opthalmic Svs € 304 € 34 € 337 Social Workers € 67 € 81 € 186 € 333 Child Care Limerick € 258 € 258 Home Helps € 117 € 84 € 34 € 235 CWO's € 134 € 13 € 17 € 164 Limk Local Admin € 141 € 141 Local Admin Liimk € 84 € 84 Oth Supp Svs € 55 € 17 € 72 Health Prom / Edu Limerick € 35 € 35 Infectious Diseases € 34 € 34 Limk Physiotherapy € 17 € 17 Limk Psych Services € 17 € 17 Infectious Diseases Limerick € 17 € 17 Home Care € 13 € 13 Limerick HQ Prog Admin CC € 6,519 € 4,509 € 14,567 € 25,595 St. Gabriels € 17 € 17 Regional Child Care € 324,032 € 83,755 € 71,431 € 479,217 Coovagh House € 234,097 € 234,097 Oth Direct Svs € 10,562 € 16,149 € 26,711 CWO's € 3,017 € 1,270 € 1,351 € 5,637 Care of the Elderly € 3,050 € 258 € 366 € 3,675 Other € 1,011 € 1,135 € 436 € 2,582 Health Prom / Edu € 182 € 241 € 160 € 583 Child Development € 457 € 457 Adult Family Placement € 110 € 110 GP Co-ops € 36 € 36 Reg Asylum € 17 € 17 Primary Care € 16 € 16 Care of the Disabled -€ 4,211 € 0 -€ 4,211 Tipperary Roxtown Cappamore HC € 40,337 € 43,124 € 25,894 € 109,355 Nenagh HC Kenyon St € 6,469 € 19,033 € 12,799 € 38,301 Other Nenagh HC € 9,008 € 19,246 € 7,479 € 35,733 Assumption Hosp Thurles € 15,533 € 10,677 € 6,178 € 32,388 Welfare Home Roscrea € 6,593 € 8,194 € 4,998 € 19,785 Welfare Home Nenagh € 3,679 € 6,337 € 4,118 € 14,133 Other East Lk HC € 7,279 € 3,174 € 822 € 11,276 Thurles HC € 3,437 € 4,155 € 2,738 € 10,330 Roscrea HC € 3,882 € 3,836 € 2,591 € 10,309 Tipp Psych Svs € 5,445 € 1,797 € 1,004 € 8,246 Oth Direct Svs € 879 € 3,363 € 3,419 € 7,661 Care of the Disabled € 4,530 € 1,180 € 899 € 6,610 Maternity Svs € 4,500 € 4,500 Social Workers € 1,863 € 642 € 170 € 2,675 Primary Care € 2,231 € 305 € 34 € 2,569 Child Care € 17 € 1,598 € 127 € 1,742 Tipp Aural € 431 € 431 Enviro Health € 113 € 113 Dental Svs € 84 € 84 PHN's € 67 € 67 Tipp PHNs € 50 € 50 AMO € 17 € 17 Tipp Dental -€ 1,683 -€ 1,683 Tipperary HQ Prog Admin CC € 329 € 2,228 € 34 € 2,591 Final Mins RHFW#30_23.11.10.doc 6

PROG ADMIN DIS/CHILD CARE Coovagh House € 205,880 € 205,880 Prog Admin CC € 17 € 307 € 325 PROGRAMME ADMIN Child Psych € 1,591 € 3,300 € 10,346 € 15,237 Adult Victims of Past Abuse € 1,759 € 2,079 € 1,260 € 5,098 Prog Admin € 663 € 65 € 46 € 773 OLDER PERSONS DIRECTORATE Program Admin Elderly Care € 58 € 47 € 21 € 126 HSE Corporate HSE Corporate € 20,539 € 6,260 € 12,946 € 39,745 CEO Dept € 33 € 33 AMBULANCE Ambulance KILRUSH € 126 € 126 Ambulance THURLES € 126 € 126 Ambulance ENNISTYMON € 126 € 126 Ambulance ENNIS AMB STATION € 126 € 126 Ambulance NCW € 126 € 126 Ambulance NENAGH € 126 € 126 Ambulance ROSCREA € 126 € 126 Ambulance SCARIFF € 126 € 126 Doordaoyle Ambulance Station € 143 -€ 6,712 € 102 -€ 6,467 Orthodontic Orthaodontic Dept € 13 € 13 Grand Total € 2,531,002 € 2,602,025 € 2,120,275 € 7,253,301

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W30Q670 Cllr Brian Meaney Do facilities operated by the HSE West maintain a register of disorderly and violent incidents including incidents that necessitated asking the Gardaí for assistance? I request a report detailing frequency and cause (substance abuse, feuding, etc.) for the year to date and 2009 HSE Reply: Mayo PCCC There is no specific register per say that records disorderly and violent incidents including incidents that necessitate asking Gardai for assistance. All areas in Mayo PCCC have in place an Incident Reporting System, in line with the HSE Incident Management Policy and Procedure. This reporting system would capture violent incidents that have occurred in services operated by the HSE and would identify if Gardai were asked for assistance.

Mayo General Hospital At Mayo General Hospital any reported incident of violence or aggression is recorded on the STARSWeb Incident Reporting System operated by the State Claims Agency. This system allows for the recording of incidents where there could potentially be Employer or Public Liability as well as incidents covered by the Clinical Indemnity Scheme. There were nine incidents classified as Violence/ Harassment / Aggression reported in 2009 in Mayo General Hospital – all of them falling within the category of Employer Liability i.e. incidents where patients or visitors were reported as having been aggressive towards staff. Up to the end of Quarter Three of 2010 there have been seven such reports. None of these include a “cause” as referred to in the question because such incident reports only deal with the facts of what took place at the time.

Roscommon County Hospital We maintain and register all incidents reported on our STARS website. To date, there have been no incidents that necessitated asking the Gardaí for assistance.

Roscommon PCCC Please be advised that all Mental Health and Older Persons facilities in Roscommon PCCC record incidents in an incident report book and forward details of same to Health and Safety Department in Merlin Park, Galway.

Galway University Hospitals In respect of Galway University Hospitals I wish to advise that all incidents regarding patients are recorded on their medical notes. In relation to visitors, etc., any violent incidents are reported to the Gardai and are dealt with by the Garda Siochana. We are currently collating this data manually and hopefully will be in a position to provide same for the next Forum.

Galway PCCC Mental Health Services Galway PCCC Mental Health Services maintain a register of violent incidents relating to physical violence, verbal abuse and aggressive behaviour. The total number of incidents reported in 2009 was 114 and year to date in 2010 161. There is a reporting mechanism in place for all services to facilitate the reporting of serious untoward incidents including incidents of violence and aggression. While each report is acted on as appropriate, figures from these reports are not currently collated at county level.

Limerick PCCC

Assault Assault Sexual Bullying/ Attempted Emotional Restraint Other Total Year Physical Verbal Harrassment Intimidation Physical Abuse Intervention

/Abuse Assault 01/01/2009- 211 48 7 7 5 8 286 31/12/2009 01/01/2010- 100 48 4 10 19 2 4 8 195 22/11/2010 Total 311 96 11 17 24 2 4 16 481

Above is detail as input on STARS system at Primary Injury Cause level. Reporting for 2010 is based on forms input to date. More specific detail on each incident would necessitate the reading of each incident form to determine exact cause of incident which would require considerable time.

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Donegal Letterkenny General Hospital does not have separate register for reporting of disorderly and violent incidents including incidents that necessitated asking Gardai for assistance but all incidents would be recorded on the Clinical Indemnity Scheme system.

Sligo / Leitrim The HSE use the STARSweb System to record all incidents. However, incidents recorded under “Violence and Aggression” would more appropriately sit in a “Challenging Behaviour” category these incidents relate directly to patients clinical condition in both Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Services. The STARSweb system is currently being amended to include the latter category. Detailing incidents under Violence and Aggression would give a false picture and be extremely unfair to patients whose behaviour is directly related to their clinical condition.

W30Q671 Cllr Brian Meaney What is the cost to HSE West in providing rent supplement and emergency housing assistance in each county in its control year to date, 2008, and 2009. Has the HSE vetting procedures for the recipients of such assistance? Donegal Cost of rent supplement: Year Amount 2008 €14,817,000 2009 €15,300,000 2010 to end of October €11,261,000 All applicants are assessed by the Community Welfare Officer for rent supplements. Cost of Emergency Housing is minimal.

MidWest Limerick PCCC 2008 €9,397,876.80 2009 €10,871,934.22 2010 up to 29/10/10 €9,580,803.10

Applicants are investigated and assess by the CWO on the basis of:  Rent limits.  Rent Supplement Policy Document that is currently being reviewed.  The assessment for housing need carried out by the Local Authority.  Local knowledge from Gardaí, HSE Staff and Local Authority Staff.

Cost of Rent Supplements Limerick, Clare & Nth Tipperary 2008 and 2009

2008 Scheme Category Tot Pmt Value Rent Supp €8,468,676.04 Tipperary Rent Supp €7,416,291.96 Clare Rent Supp €9,397,876.80 Limerick €25,282,844.80 2009 Scheme Category Tot Pmt Value Rent Supp €9,697,238.10 Tipperary Rent Supp €8,527,763.72 Clare Rent Supp €10,871,934.22 Limerick €29,096,936.04 2010 Rent supps paid to 29.10.10 for CWS Limerick, Clare & Nth Tipperary Scheme category Total Payment Value RENT SUPP €9,580,803.10 Lk RENT SUPP €7,331,366.10 Clare RENT SUPP €8,254,633.70 Tipp €25,166,802.90 Total 2010 (to 29.10.10)

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W30Q672 Cllr Brian Meaney What is the incidence of HIV in each county in the HSE West area?

HSE Reply: HIV/AIDS Surveillance Information on newly diagnosed HIV infections is sent by laboratories and clinicians to The Health Surveillance Protection centre (HPSC), via the Departments of Public Health. All reporting of new diagnoses of HIV and AIDS is voluntary and confidential. Below is a breakdown of cases (2002 – 2009) by HSE East and Non East areas.

Further information can be obtained on: http://newsweaver.ie/ndsc/e_article001470765.cfm?x=bfKtW5m,b29wySNR,w http://www.hpsc.ie/hpsc/A-Z/HepatitisHIVAIDSandSTIs/HIVandAIDS/ W30Q673 Cllr Paul Murphy To ask the Executive what plans are there to address the unsatisfactory waiting times at Limerick Regional Hospital for Elective Medical and Surgical Procedures for Adults.

HSE Reply: Response not available at time of printing

W30Q674 Cllr Paul Murphy To ask the Executive what plans are there to address the unsatisfactory waiting times at Limerick Regional Hospital for Elective Medical and Surgical Procedures for Children HSE Reply: Response not available at time of printing

W30Q675 Cllr Paul Murphy To ask the Executive what plans are there to address the unsatisfactory waiting times being experienced by patients trying to gain access to the Emergency Department of the Limerick Regional Hospital

HSE Reply: Response not available at time of printing.

W30Q676 Cllr Declan Bree How many patients are on the outpatients waiting list for appointments at Sligo General Hospital across all Departments and what is the period of time patients are on the waiting list? See attached template outlining the Outpatients Waiting Lists broken down as follows:  by Specialty  period of time waiting i.e. 0-3 mths, 3-6 mths etc  by Adult (A), Child (C) & OP (Older Person)

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Monthly OPD Waiting List Report Cardiology = CNS Rehab Gastro = Kevin Walsh Respiratory = McKenna & Marcus Kennedy October Geriatric = Paula Hickey & John doherty 2010 Medical = donal murray & gen medical exclude refraction and lva HOP-WL01A

0-3Months 3-6Months 6-12Months 12-24Months 24-36Months 36-48Months Public Public Public Public Public Public C A OP C A OP C A OP OP C A OP C A OP C A OP Specialty u Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Qty Cardiology 01620078 01 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0053 Dermatology 6467 011 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0061 Endocrinology 0 7 7 061 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0023 Otalaryngology 115 253 90 102 189 62 88 189 40 9 27 3 2 6 1 5 8 3 1192 Gastro-Enterology 072160315 08 1 0 1 0 0 000 00134 Geriatric Medicine 12837014 00 4 0 4 100 3 80 11102 Haematology 0 0 1 084 05 0 0 2 1 0 1 20 0024 Neurology 2 72 13 0 30 9 0 52 8 0 110 19 0 91 25 0 0 0 431 Obstetrics 0430 040 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1048 Gynaecology 1 106 13 1 53 7 0 23 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 212 Oncology 0 Ophthalmology 45 134 140 32 125 107 31 138 86 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 843 Orthopaedics 16 167 91 5 131 55 6 189 65 7 195 49 0 14 6 0 0 0 996 Paediatrics 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 Nephrology 0 0 1 000 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 002 Respiratory Medicine 146280431506 2 0 2 2 0110 00147 Rheumatology 0 General Surgery 16 166 67 4 75 20 7 66 27 3 58 27 0 5 2 0 0 0 543 Urology 1 43 14 2 34 24 0 38 29 0 12 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 206 General Medicine 1 99 43 0 28 14 0 8 6 0 8 4 0 3 0 0 71 20 305 Radiotherapy 0 Anaesthetics 0 Pain Relief 0 239 0511205422 0108270 6 1 0 0 0313 Warfarin 0 Maxillofacial 1 284 3322 2524 1 131 0 0 0 0 2 0145 5810

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W30Q677 Cllr Declan Bree Please provide a breakdown/details of the reduction in Hospital services and in the reduction in Primary Community and Continuing Care services in Sligo and Leitrim in the period since the 1st of January 2009 to date as a consequence of the reduction in HSE budgets.

HSE Reply: Acute Services As at 31 October 2010 Sligo General Hospital has a total of 60 beds closed. At the end of 2009 a total of 72 beds were closed but due to emergency admissions presenting, 12 of the 72 beds closed were reopened at the commencement of the year. Despite beds closures significant efforts have been made to ensure sustained levels of activity in the Hospital through reviews of work models and how services are delivered. Overall activity of the Hospital has increased in the period with a focus on increased day case activity which reduces the requirement for inpatient beds. In addition, the hospital has been increasing the level of same day admissions in line with best practice which also reduces bed pressures. Although Breast Cancer Services ceased in August 2009, patients continue to receive chemotherapy in the Day Services Oncology Unit. Despite these reductions Sligo General Hospital has consistently scored well in the monthly HealthStat monitoring of hospital performance (sixth nationally in August) and has been the best performing Hospital in 2010 for the reduction of its long waiter list.

Primary Community and Continuing Care services To date there have been no reductions in service as a result of budget reductions. We continue to review services based on the identified assessed needs of clients and to date we continue to meet those identified needs.

W30Q678 Cllr Declan Bree To ask when copies of the 2009 and 2010 HSE Business Plans for county and hospital level will be circulated to members of the Forum?

HSE Reply: Any available Business Plans / Performance Contracts will be circulated as soon as they become available.

W30Q679 Cllr Declan Bree Recognising that the office of the Ombudsman has recently highlighted HSE delays in dealing with correspondence can the Forum be advised as to the procedures in place in the HSE West region to ensure that correspondence is dealt with promptly and without undue delay.

HSE Reply: The HSE has developed a guidance document/pathway for each hospital to develop a local hospital protocol to ensure that there are adequate systems in place from a patient safety perspective to ensure appropriate communication of critical, urgent and unexpected clinically significant radiological findings between radiology departments and referring clinicians is defined and documented. It is recognized that the processes for communication will be different in each hospital depending on the IT infrastructure and communication systems. It is recommended that each hospital/radiology department, in conjunction with the referring clinicians and hospital management, establish a local protocol that clearly defines the processes for communication, and the responsibilities of the radiologists, the referring clinicians and hospital management. The protocol will need regular updating as communication and IT structures evolve.

It is recommended that a hospital/department protocol for communication of critical, urgent and unexpected clinically significant findings contain the following elements: Definitions The following are recommended definitions. It will be a matter of local policy and professional judgment on the part of the reporting radiologist when additional steps need to be taken to supplement the normal systems of reporting to referrers.  Urgent clinically significant unexpected findings: These are cases where the reporting radiologist has concerns that the findings are clinically significant for the patient and will be unexpected by the referring clinician. The decision will require professional judgement on the part of the radiologist and should made in conjunction with the clinical details on the request.  Critical findings: Where clinical action is required as soon as possible  Urgent findings: Where clinical action is required within 24hrs. Process The process should  Define acceptable mechanisms of communication based on the degree of urgency of the findings and the local resources. For critical findings, typically, a direct verbal communication of results may be required. For less urgent reports individual hospitals may permit other mechanisms of communication, for example electronic mail, fax or a ‘flagging’ mechanism on an electronic patient record, The mechanism chosen must ensure that the clinician is informed in a timely manner. The process should make it clear to the radiologists what mechanism of communication is to be used with each degree of urgency.  Identify clearly the responsibilities of personnel, other than radiologists, who may be integral to the communication process.  Define a mechanism whereby both the sending of the report and the acknowledgement of its receipt is recorded. The system should Final Mins RHFW#30_23.11.10.doc 12

highlight reports that have not been reviewed within their agreed timeframes.  Contain an appropriate escalation policy if it is not possible to notify the referring clinician within the timeframe determined by the hospital policy. For example, if a given clinician has failed to respond within a timeline, the radiologist should inform his/her clinical director.  Should be transparent, clear and allow for audit.

Responsibilities Consultant Medical Staff:  Consultant medical staff maintain responsibility for ensuring that team members are aware of the hospital/radiology protocol on this issue, and that it is implemented appropriately. Referring clinicians:  Maintain the responsibility to read and act upon all radiology reports for investigations, which they generate. A recognised procedure to ensure all results are checked should be included in the protocol.  Must ensure their contact details are clearly identified on the request form  Are responsible for adhering to the procedural steps of the protocol.  Ensure that they are ready at all times to receive urgent communications by the agreed mechanisms, or clearly identify to whom the responsibility has been delegated. All abnormal reports must be notified by the delegated team member(s) to the consultant. Reporting radiologists:  Reporting radiologists maintain responsibility for ensuring that critical, urgent and clinically significant unexpected radiological findings are reported to the referring consultant or delegate. This must be done in a timely fashion as determined by the agreed protocol. Hospital Management:  Should ensure appropriate resources are in place to achieve compliance with the protocol. This may need the development and provision of appropriate IT support.  Should ensure appropriate resources are in place to ensure audit of the protocol.  Should ensure governance structures are in place to allow development and review of the protocols

Each hospital has been issued this guidance protocol and assurances from each hospital have been sought to confirm that protocol has been put in place.

W30Q680 Cllr Michael Mullins Can you please advise me of the status of the Service Plan for HSE West for 2011, and the Hospitals Reconfiguration Plan, and can you let know what effects if any, will these Plans have on services currently provided by Portiuncula Hospital? Galway Roscommon Reconfiguration Project HSE West is currently devising a reconfiguration programme for hospital services in Galway and Roscommon. This initiative has been flagged in recent months and local representatives and hospital boards have been briefed on the need for reconfiguration. The way we deliver health services is changing: medical technology and advances in medicine and research means that we have to ensure that we offer patients a health service that gives the best outcome and increased survival rates. The best health services are designed around the needs of the people who use them; rather than on a geographic or historical basis. There are changes coming as we move towards a licensed hospital system and a more integrated community service. Our goal is to be ready for that change and to be in the best position to provide the safest, quality service in the most appropriate place. The appointment of a Clinical Director to manage four hospital sites as one integrated unit was the first step in ensuring that Galway and Roscommon acute hospitals are in the best position to meet the changing health standards. A Reconfiguration Project Group has been established to develop a plan for services in Galway and Roscommon. Following consultation with clinicians, senior managers and directors of nursing in GUH, Portiuncula Hospital and Roscommon County Hospital, a short overview has been drafted showing the proposed future of the hospitals in the Galway/Roscommon area following reconfiguration. This overview is currently being discussed by the hospital boards and management teams. This input will be reviewed at the next Reconfiguration Project meeting in late December. A reconfiguration plan will then be developed by the Reconfiguration Project Group and there will be a range of sub-groups working on Medicine, Surgery, Theatre and Critical Care, Radiology and Laboratory medicine, Women and Children’s Health and ambulance/pre- hospital care. A Clinical lead will be identified in the coming weeks and a Project Manager will be identified to co-ordinate and drive the planning and implementation. An agreed detailed implementation plan should be available in the first half of 2011, for implementation in 2011. The reconfiguration project will be critically dependent on the provision of adequate resources, especially the advanced paramedical services with an enhanced ambulance service. None of the four hospitals in the Galway/Roscommon group will close; each hospital will continue to provide the majority of health services required by the community it serves. Once the plan is developed there will be a full communication programme to inform the public, staff, public representatives, key stakeholders, GPs and the media.

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W30Q681 Cllr Michael Mullins I welcome the fact that the Portiuncula Hospital Budget for 2010 was adjusted to reflect the gross underfunding for Oncology Services etc, and can I have an assurance that this funding will remain in place for 2011?

HSE Reply: Not available at time of printing.

W30Q682 Cllr Michael Mullins Can the HSE explain to this Forum how it can stand over the waste of money, and condone the conflict of interest associated with the situation where a Company with links to a Senior HSE Executive, is providing Staff to respond to queries from the Public, and Public Representatives in relation to Medical Card Applications? I understand that they are being paid on the basis of calls received, and the costs are in the region of € 32,000 per month.

HSE Reply: Rigney Dolphin operates as a major customer service, staff recruitment and business process outsourcing business and has worked with many public service bodies over the years including the former health boards. Rigney Dolphin held two contracts with HSE prior to its chairman becoming non-executive chairman of the HSE. In accordance with the disclosure of interest provisions in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2009) and the HSE Code of Governance, these were disclosed on Dr Dolphin’s appointment. One contract is for the provision of temporary clerical staff to Waterford Regional Hospital. The second Rigney Dolphin contract is to support a new call system, which was introduced by the HSE in early June 2010, to manage customer telephone queries. Rigney Dolphin provides an overflow service for the HSE call system and it is paid on a per-call basis. As is the norm with public service business, the contracts for the provision of these supports were entered into with Rigney Dolphin following procurement processes for competitive commercial services. In accordance with best corporate governance practice and the requirements of the Code above if a matter relating to Rigney Dolphin arose for consideration at Board level, he would depute another board member to Chair the board meeting and would absent himself when the board is deliberating or deciding on a matter. Board documents on any deliberation regarding interests would not be made available to the member concerned prior to a decision being taken. It would not be anticipated that any of these contracts would be matters which the Board would be required to deliberate upon as they are within the financial thresholds delegated to the executive.

W30Q683 Cllr Michael Mullins What assurances can our Director give to us, and a really concerned public, that all existing services, will be provided in a safe and timely manner from the 1st January 2011, when large numbers of Staff will depart under the Voluntary Redundancy Scheme, and early Retirement Scheme?

HSE Reply: I wish to assure the public that paramount to provision of services, is that they are provided in a safe and timely manner across area west. Contingency planning has commenced to ensure that this remains the position from 1st January 2011 with the departure of staff under voluntary early retirement / redundancy schemes.

W30Q684 Cllr Mary Hoade Can I have an update on any changes that may have taken place in A&E in UCHG following the visit of the A&E Forum to Galway. HSE Reply: The Medical Assessment Unit opened to direct GP admissions in april 2010. The oncology Assessment area opened in October 2010. Earlier ward rounds are undertaken by Consultants. Reconfiguration of beds has taken place across both UHG & MPUH . Ongoing engagement and consultation with GPs in relation to ED Avoidance Measures. Training is being provided to staff in Nursing Homes and Public Health Nurses to provide catherisations, etc so to reduce ED Presentations. Escalation Plan has been reviewed. Proactive daily management by Senior clinicians and management of ED.

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W30Q685 Cllr Mary Hoade Can you confirm to me how long someone is on the Orthodontic waiting list before treatment begins, from their first appointment for assessment. Teenagers are referred for Orthodontic treatment up to what age.

HSE Reply: Waiting list from assessment to treatment is 18 months. Patients up to age of 16 year are treated.

W30Q686 Cllr Mary Hoade Please explain why within the Board area in Mayo and Roscommon adults can avail of Digital Hearing Aids, and in Galway it is not possible to avail of them.

HSE Reply: Funding has been received for the purchase of the required equipment. We expect to be in a position to provide adults in Galway with digital hearing aids in the second quarter of 2011.

W30Q687 Cllr Catherine Connolly Please clarify the position in relation to Tearmann Eanna including how many patients/residents are residing there now and where they have been transferred from, when the full complement of residents will be there and further please clarify under whose management and care Tearmann Eanna comes under including the number of staff working there and clarification on what private company (ies) are involved in the management of same and/or care of the residents and the nature of any contract entered into by the HSE West with such company/ies.

HSE Reply: Tearmann Eanna was opened to service users in September of this year. There are currently three residents all of whom came from unit 9A in Merlin Park. It is envisaged that the number of residents will be increased gradually over the coming months. Depending on the requirements of the individual residents, maximum capacity of seven will be reached by mid 2011. The services in Tearmann Eanna are supervised and managed by the Galway Mental Health Services personnel. The actual provision of care is through an agency called Home Instead. The agreement with this agency will be subject to renegotiation in 2011.

W30Q688 Cllr Catherine Connolly Please furnish full details in relation to the private care companies now used by the HSE West giving a list of the companies, the nature of the work carried out by them and the nature of the contract including the costs.

HSE Reply: Roscommon PCCC Please be advised that in Roscommon PCCC Roscommon Home Services provide a Home Help service on behalf of the HSE and to date have spent in 2010 up to and including October 2010 €70,255.05 Roscommon County Hospital We have none in Roscommon Co Hospital Mayo Health Services Mayo Health Service does not use Private Pare Companies. Sligo / Leitrim


Bluebird Care PA Support On a case by case basis

Caring Angels PA Support Criticare PA Support Gateway Services Ltd Residential Child Care Bentley House Ltd Residential Child Care

Limerick Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services uses private facilities in St. John of God Hospital, Dublin, St. Patrick’s Hospital, Dublin and Nationwide Health Solutions, Head Office, Kildare. These facilities provide specialist mental health assessment and treatment packages to children with acute mental health difficulties when

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appropriate facilities cannot be accessed in Galway or Cork. CAMHS does not enter into contracts with these service providers. The costs range from €1,000 to €1,500 per day generally.

The Child Care Department uses private facilities of Nua Health Care, Naas, Co. Kildare, Keys Group, Fostering First Ireland Ltd., and Stepping Stones. These facilities are used when the needs of the child are such that they could not be met by existing and available HSE placements. The weekly costs for Nua Health Care are €6,000 per child. The weekly costs for Keys Group are €4,390 per child. The weekly costs for Fostering First Ireland Ltd. are €1,950 per child. The weekly costs for Stepping Stones are €6,000 per child.

The Community Intervention Team uses TLC Nursing Services. TLC provide qualified skilled professional nurses and nursing aide staff to hospitals, nursing homes, residential care units, public and private industry nationwide. They also provide nurse accompaniment to international destinations. They specifically match individual nurses and care staff to clients to ensure that our clients obtain the maximum benefit of hiring a TLC staff member. They tailor the total nursing care package to the needs of our clients. TLC Nursing Services also provides medical, bathroom, home, bedroom aids should the need arise to enhance patients quality of life. Their contract with us is to provide three Home Care Assistants and two nursing shifts per week. The rate of pay is as submitted by the agency but is subject to National Procurement Rates.

Disability Services use Nursing Homes to provide care for people with a physical and/or sensory disability. The nursing homes currently used are as follows:-  Maria Goretti  Kilcarra  Beechlodge  St. Paul’s  Abbot Close

They pay top-up subvention payments based on historical payments. The cost is based on the care plan agreed between disability services and the nursing home. They also use the TLC Nursing Agency to provide nursing care as required to a client with a physical and sensory disability. The cost is based on the nursing care needs of the client.

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Donegal W30Q688 Service Private Care Company Service Provided Contract Details Costs per month Home Support Service Home Instead Personal Care to one client € 20 - apprx 60 hrs per month approx € 1,200 per month Physical & Sensory Service Home Instead Home Support € 21 per hour approx € 17,500 per month As above Bluebird Care Home Support € 19 per hour approx € 2,000 per month Learning Disabilities Services Bluebird Care Home Support € 19 per hour for 23 hours per week approx € 1,750 per mopnth 2009 2010

This is a private company providing residential childcare services Social Work Service Ashdale Care Ireland Ltd Private Placements specialising in young people who pose a sexual risk. 378,026.00 198,735.65 This is a private company providing residential and outreach parenting assessment and Bentley House Private Placements support services. 88,122.01 206,397.11

This is a private company providing an integrated care programme for young people with extreme behavioural difficulties. Services include High Support Residential Care (both secure and open), High Support Foster Care, Psychological Assessment and Boystown National Therapy, Psychaiatric Assessment and Support,, Research Hospital Private Placements Educational Assessment and Support. 96,969.00 130,646.00 Foster Care Associates Private Placements These are private 133,470.70 111,187.50 Stg Fostering First Private Placements companies that provide foster care placements. 358,876.83 424,298.94 They also provide behavioural support and educational support services depending on the needs of the young Kindercare Private Placements people placed with them. 24,750.40 6,119.65 Stg The Haven Private Placements 199,142.00

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W30Q689 Cllr Catherine Connolly Please furnish full details in relation to the MRI/Imaging centre at Merlin Park Hospital on public lands including full details of the Contract/Licence/Lease if any entered into by Merlin Park and the operators/owners of this building/service and further clarify the nature of the referrals from the public health system to this service. HSE Reply: The lease was made on the 16th June 2003 between the then Western Health Board having its office at Merlin Park, Hospital with the Merlin Park Radiology Group.

The Merlin Park Radiology Group were to provide 500 scans of public in patients in Merlin Park Regional Hospital, Galway to the Board without charge, each year during the term of the lease. As part of the revised agreement in 2008 a significantly reduced price was negotiated for all scans financially more beneficial to the hospital.

With regard to the referrals the MPIC does CT and MRI imaging for all inpatients of MPUH covering the specialties of renal, rheumatology, respiratory and Orthopaedics.

MPIC also provide a selective MRI for outpatients based on clinical need, they also provide emergency cover for GUH. MPIC are integrated as part of the GUH Major Accident Plan.

Unfortunately I am not in a position to provide details in relation to prices as this is commercially sensitive.

W30Q690 Cllr Catherine Connolly Please clarify what progress if any has been made in relation to the very specific recommendations set out in the report of the Human Rights Commission in relation to the HSE West and in particular (1) that the HSE West should immediately provide the 12 individuals in the John Paul Centre who have been on a Residential Waiting List for between one 1 and 12 years with a full time service to meet their needs (ii) that the HSE West should immediately fund the Brothers of Charity to engage an additional full time Speech and Language Therapist and a full time Occupational Therapist and a Consultant Psychiatrist to work with the current Psychiatrist on a needs basis and (iii) that sufficient funds for respite service should be ring fenced to allow at least a minimum service to continue to be available in the future.

HSE Reply: Not available at time of printing.

W30Q692 Cllr Padraig Conneely What is the current overspend to date in the HSE West and what is the current overspend in UHG / Merlin Park?

HSE Reply: Current overspend in the West is €32.2m Current overspend GUH is €13.8m

W30Q693 Cllr Padraig Conneely How many oncology patients had their treatment cancelled or deferred in UHG from 1st Jan 2010 to date, and how many procedures were cancelled or deferred for whatever reason at UHG / Merlin Park from Jan 1st 2010 to date? HSE Reply: In relation to the number of patients who had their treatments cancelled and deferred from 1st January to date, I wish to advise that this information is not readily available as it would have to be counted manually as we do not have an admissions information system. All patient admissions are based on clinical need in consultation with the treating clinician and all patients who are cancelled or deferred are prioritised for admission at the earliest dates following the deferral.

Recent Statement issued: The inpatient Oncology Unit at University Hospital Galway is a dedicated unit with 45 dedicated inpatient beds. The Day Ward in the Unit continues to function as normal. Currently, 56 patients are receiving active treatment, and there are also 11 radiotherapy patients receiving treatment. Early last week, the demand for beds was such that eleven patients’ admissions were deferred. These patients are currently being prioritized for admission. All admissions are based on clinical need in consultation with the treating clinicians. The majority of chemotherapy is delivered on a day case basis. Galway University Hospitals is continuously working across a number of levels to reduce the length of time patients wait on trolleys in the Emergency Department. The hospital has a very busy Emergency Department with over 62,000 attendances per year. The Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) opened in April 2010 to direct GP referrals and this is assisting the ED situation. On average between 100 - 110

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patients are treated in the MAU weekly, with over 800 direct referrals from GP since April; patients who would otherwise have presented to the Emergency Department.

The ED situation is monitored on a daily basis and there has been a reduction in the number of patients waiting over 12 hours compared to 2009.

Hospital Management together with senior clinical staff are engaging with GPs and are holding awareness sessions to promote the use of this facility in the community. The MAU improves access to diagnostics for GPs allowing quicker turnaround of specific patients thus avoiding a hospital stay. The Hospital has also engaged in the reconfiguration of beds to ensure specialty teams have designated wards to assist and improve on discharge planning, bed management, access to beds for admitting specialities and facilitation of the hospitals role as a tertiary referral hospital within the region.

We recently opened a Oncology Assessment area and there are also plans to open a surgical assessment unit in the last quarter of 2010. Attainment of these projects is subject to the constraints of financial resources and staffing restrictions currently being experienced by the hospital to meet their financial obligations and service plan targets and in the context of compliance with the moratorium on recruitment.

As part of our cost containment plans there are currently 145 beds closed in Galway University Hospitals (UHG & MPUH) 69 of which have occurred in 2010.

The following matters were raised by members:

Question No: W30Q669 – Councillor Brian Meaney – Security Facilities Councillor Meaney highlighted the amount of spending on Security in the MidWest as opposed to the West and NorthWest. It was agreed that the RDO would review Security spending across the region and provide further details to Cllr Meaney.

Question No: W30Q670 – Councillor Brian Meaney – Register of Disorderly and Violent Incidents Councillor Brian Meaney requested a full response to this question. It was agreed that a complete response would be collated and forwarded to Councillor Meaney.

Question No: W30Q671 – Councillor Brian Meaney – Cost to the HSE in providing rent supplement and emergency housing assistance Mr Bernard Gloster advised members that the HSE provides a rental allowance to members of the public; they do not provide accommodation and therefore would have no authority to vett those individuals availing of the allowance as respective tenants. It was acknowledged that there are issues in this respect in some counties. As not all counties provided a response to the question posed, it was agreed that further details would be provided to Councillor Meaney.

Question No: W30Q673, 674, 675 – Councillor Paul Murphy – Waiting times at Limerick Regional Hospital It was agreed that responses to these questions would be supplied to Councillor Murphy as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q678 – Councillor Declan Bree – HSE Business Plans Councillor Bree insisted that HSE Business Plans for each county be circulated as agreed at the September 2008 Forum meeting and at subsequent meetings. The RDO advised that these Plans were not being withheld from members and there has been no intention to mislead Cllr Bree. Since 2008 Plans ceased in their usual guise, were dropped in 2009 and are now recognised as ‘Performance Contracts’. It was agreed that members would be supplied with Performance Contracts by the end of the week.

Question No: W30Q679 – Councillor Declan Bree – Delays in dealing with Correspondence Councillor Bree stated that the response given was incorrect; he was not referring to Hospital Services. He highlighted the lack of acknowledgement to emails he sent to the RDO office requesting a meeting with members of the Brennan Family from Sligo. Previous commitments had been given by HSE Managers to meet with this Family to hear their grievances and to date that meeting has not taken place. It was agreed that the RDO would meet with the Family as soon as possible.

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Question No: W30Q680 – Councillor Michael Mullins – Service Plan 2011 – Reconfiguration Plans Councillor Mullins requested further details on Plans for 2011 and Plans for Portiuncula Hospital. He requested a briefing as soon as possible, including details of the Reconfiguration Project Group. It was agreed that further details would be circulated to Councillor Mullins and a briefing would be arranged as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q681 – Councillor Michael Mullins – Funding, Oncology Services, Portiuncula Hospital It was agreed that a response would be sought from Portiuncula Hospital and forwarded to Councillor Mullins as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q685 – Councillor Mary Hoade – Orthodontic Waiting Lists Councillor Hoade advised that she received three different responses to this question. It was agreed that correct details would be forwarded to Councillor Hoade as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q687 – Councillor Catherine Connolly – Tearmann Eanna It was agreed that Ms Catherine Cunningham would provide Councillor Connolly with further details re Tearmann Eanna.

Question No: W30Q688 – Councillor Catherine Connolly – Private Care Companies It was agreed that further details would be provided re Clare, North Tipperary and Galway services.

Question No: W30Q689 – Councillor Catherine Connolly – MRI Imaging Centre, Merlin Park, Galway It was agreed that the RDO would meet with Councillor Connolly to discuss the Imaging Centre.

Question No: W30Q690 – Councillor Catherine Connolly – Human Rights Commission Recommendations It was agreed that a written answer would be forwarded to Councillor Connolly as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q691 – Councillor Padraig Conneely – Capitation Payments The following was omitted in error from the Questions and Responses document circulated on the day of the Forum. W30Q691 Cllr Padraig Conneely How much in Capitation payments were paid to GPs in County Galway from Jan 2006 to Nov 2010 – and what was the amount paid in Inappropriate payments to them for Medical Card Holders and what is the savings in County Galway since centralisation was introduced? HSE Reply: This information has been requested from the Primary Care Reimbursement Scheme section and response will issue as soon as possible. It was agreed that this information would be forwarded to Councillor Conneely as soon as possible.

Question No: W30Q693 – Councillor Padraig Conneely – Oncology Patients It was agreed that further details would be provided to Councillor Conneely as soon as possible.

316/30/10 Notices of Motion/Fógrá Rún Motions were deferred as there was no longer a quorum available. The Chairman agreed to deal with Motions before Questions at the next Forum meeting, with those Councillors who remained at the meeting being dealt with first. (Cllrs Declan Bree, Tony Ward, Catherine Connolly, Michael Mullins, Jerome Scanlan, Brian Meaney, Paul Murphy)

317/30/10 Schedule of Forum and Committee Meetings 2011/Sceideal na gCoistí den Fhóram Réigiúnach Sláinte 2011 Although a quorum was not available, those members present agreed to the Schedule of Forum and Committee Meetings for 2011.

318/30/10 Any other Business/Aon Ghnó eile The Chairman permitted each member who had remained at the meeting to speak on areas of concern.

Cllr Michael Mullins Requested the HSE to install Security cameras as a matter of urgency in Health Centres and other health facilities.

Cllr Tony Ward Requested a meeting between the RDO, Dr David O’Keeffe and Roscommon County Council re Roscommon County Hospital. It was agreed that this would be arranged in the near future.

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Cllr Gerry McLoughlin Requested a list of all Mental Health Services in the HSE West, in particular in the Mid West. Highlighted that in some hospitals drinking water is not readily available for visitors/patients.

Cllr Catherine Connolly At last PCCC Committee, there was a commitment to request HSE Estates Office to undertake a formal assessment on the suitability of St Anne’s premises in Taylor’s Hill, Galway for use by the HSE.

Cllr Declan Bree Requested full response to his question W29Q 638 regarding costs of properties rented by the HSE in Sligo/Leitrim. It was agreed that the RDO would take advice on the matter and provide whatever information he was in a position to release.

319/30/10 Date and Time of Next Meeting/Dáta agus Am an Chéad Chruinnithe Eile The next meeting of the Forum will take place on Tuesday, 22nd February, 2010 at 2 p.m. in Room 1, Education Centre, HSE Offices, Merlin Park, Galway.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______Cathaoirleach/Chairman Adopted at Regional Health Forum Meeting on Tuesday 22nd February, 2010

` 22nd February, 2010

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