Dr. Jorge A. Carvajal Cabrera Alumno

Programa Doctorado en Ciencias Médicas

Dr. Carl P. Weiner Profesor Guía

Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences Professor of Physiology University of Maryland School of Medicine

Noviembre 2000


Manuscrito final



D edicate to Pamela, Diego and Cristóbal… this work would have not been possible without their support



PREFACE ...... 11


ABSTRACT ...... 15

INTRODUCTION ...... 17 Hypothesis ...... 19 Objectives ...... 19 General Objectives ...... 19 Specific Objectives...... 19

MATERIAL AND METHODS ...... 20 Animal Model and Tissue Preparation ...... 20 Human Tissues ...... 20 Isometric Tension Studies ...... 21 cGMP Measurement by Radio Immuno-Assay (RIA)...... 21 Reverse Transcription -Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)...... 22 Ribonuclease Protection Assay (RPA) ...... 23 Immunohistochemistry (IHC) ...... 24 Experimental Protocols ...... 25 a. Effect of Fetal Membranes on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility ...... 25 b. Effect of Fetal Membranes on Spontaneous Contractility ...... 26 c. Effect of Chorion-Conditioned Medium on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility ...... 26 d. Effect of Human Chorion on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility ...... 27 e. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Action of Chorion-Induced Relaxation ...... 27 f. Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility ...... 29 g. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation ...... 29 h. Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on Myometrial cGMP ...... 30 i. Evaluation of BNP expression on Human Gestational Tissues ...... 31 j. Effect of 8-Br-cGMP on Oxytocin-Stimulated Myometrial Contractility ...... 31 k. Effect of Fetal Membranes on Myometrial cGMP Content ...... 31 l. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Chorion-Induced cGMP Increase ...... 32 m. Evaluation of the source of cGMP in gestational tissues ...... 33 and Solutions ...... 34 Statistical Analysis...... 34

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 9 RESULTS ...... 35 Guinea Pig Myometrium as a Model for Isometric Tension Studies ...... 35 Effect of Chorion and Amnion on Myometrial Contractile Activity ...... 36 Effect of Chorion Conditioned Medium on Myometrial Contractile Activity ...... 38 Effect of Human Chorion on Myometrial Contractile Activity ...... 38 Effect of Blocking Myometrial cGMP Pathway on Chorion-Induced Relaxation ...... 39 Effect of Inhibition of Putative Relaxing Synthesis in the Chorion ...... 40 Effect of Blocking Myometrial K+ Channels on Chorion-Induced Relaxation ...... 41 Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility ...... 41 Temporal Course of Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation ...... 41 Effect of Anantin on Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation ...... 42 Effect of Rp-8-Br-cGMP on BNP-induced relaxation ...... 43 Effect of cANP on Oxytocin Induced Contractility ...... 43 Effect of PTX and TEA on BNP-induced relaxation ...... 43 Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Myometrial cGMP Generation ...... 44 Effect of Anantin on Natriuretic Peptide-Induced cGMP Generation...... 45 BNP Expression in Human Gestational Tissues ...... 45 Effect of 8-Br-cGMP on Oxytocin-Stimulated Myometrial Contractility ...... 46 Effect of Fetal Membranes on Myometrial cGMP Content ...... 47 Effect of Guanylate Cyclase Blockers on Chorion-Induced cGMP Increase ...... 47 cGMP Production by the Chorion...... 48 Effect of Myometrial Incubation with cGMP ...... 49 Tissue Distribution of cGMP ...... 49

DISCUSSION ...... 52 Chorion Releases A Substance that Inhibits Oxytocin-Stimulated Myometrial Contractility . 52 Mechanism of the Chorion-Induced Relaxation ...... 55 Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation is not Mediated by Guanylate Cyclase Activation ... 59 Chorion Produced BNP may mediate Chorion Induced Relaxation ...... 62 Role and Tissue Distribution of cGMP During Pregnancy...... 63


APPENDICES ...... 73 Glossary of Abbreviations ...... 73 Pharmacological Tools Used ...... 74



he Medical Sciences Ph.D. program at the Pontificia T Universidad Católica de Chile is a three years program. After completing my first year in Chile, I was fortunate to receive funding from the Fogarty International Center, a division of the National Institute of Health (NIH) of United States. Coupled with support from our School of Medicine, I was able to perform my Thesis work at the University of Maryland. With the approval of my proposal by the Thesis Committee, I started research work in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Maryland Baltimore in September 1998. This text is the result of a two years work in the laboratory of Perinatal Research of Dr. Carl P. Weiner M.D. at the University of Maryland Baltimore. The Laboratory is located in the Bressler Research Building in the University Neighborhood in Downtown Baltimore, State of Maryland.



was fortunate to receive a strong humanistic education from my I parents Jahel and Jorge. They, as well as my brother Sergio, the cornerstone in my medical education, my grandmother Laura and my loved wife Pamela strongly support my decision to pursue a career in academic medicine. My gratitude to all of them. I would like to give special thanks to the School of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Medical Sciences Ph.D. program for all the assistance provided me during training for my M.D., residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and now the Ph.D. degree. I would like to state my appreciation for Dr. Alfredo M. Germain, who as served as my mentor since the last year of my residency. He encouraged me to become a researcher and provided important advice along the way. The success of my work reflects his collaboration. I also wish to thank Dr. Carl P. Weiner. He has dedicated many hours of valuable work for my benefit since I began the doctoral process. He has provided me the tools I needed to become an independent researcher. After my two years in US, I appreciate his friendship. I also wish to acknowledge all the support I received from my colleagues in the Perinatal Research Laboratory at the University of Maryland Baltimore. I make special mention of Drs. Loren P. Thompson, Ph.D.; Irina A. Buhimschi, M.D.; and Kripamoy Aguan, Ph.D. Last but not least, I wish to offer special thanks to our research assistants in Maryland: Gerard Pinkas, Michele Huber and Renee Bilkas and for Rossana Vidal L. from our laboratory in Chile.



e hypothesize that the chorion or a similar compound, which may be one W releases a substance or substances of the chorion-derived relaxing substances necessary for the maintenance of responsible for the maintenance of myometrial quiescence during pregnancy. myometrial quiescence. We demonstrate A decrease in the release of this quiescent the ability of atrial and brain natriuretic factor at the end of the pregnancy is peptides to inhibit oxytocin-stimulated required for normal myometrial activation. contraction of isolated myometrium The objective of this thesis research is to obtained from the pregnant guinea pig. test portions of the working hypothesis. Most important, we demonstrate that Our experimental protocols use both the natriuretic peptide-induced relaxation guinea pig as an animal model and human involves neither guanylate cyclase nor tissues, coupled with state of the art natriuretic peptide clearance techniques in physiology, biochemistry and activation, and is not mediated by the molecular biology. We demonstrate that cGMP pathway. This novel mechanism is the chorion releases a substance or reported here for the first time. Finally, substances that reduces oxytocin- we discard cGMP as a key mediator of stimulated myometrial contractility and myometrial quiescence despite demons- may be involved in the maintenance of trating the ability of chorion to increase uterine quiescence. While definitive myometrial cGMP content. We conclude identification awaits ongoing study, we that chorion releases several factors that have discarded a role for the myometrial act on the myometrium in a paracrine cGMP-PKG pathway, and for chorion fashion to generate and maintain uterine derived NO, CO and prostaglandins. We quiescence during pregnancy. The iden- found that the inhibitory action of the tification and/or characterization of the chorion is mediated in great part by the mechanism of action of these substances opening of myometrial large conductance will provide important insights on the Ca2+ activated K+ channels. We suggest physiology of pregnancy and constitute that the chorion releases a natriuretic valuable tools to develop new strategies peptide, possibly brain natriuretic peptide for the management of preterm labor.



he length of mammalian pregnancy activation no doubt impacts greatly on the T is tightly regulated to assure the timing of parturition. Numerous studies in delivery of a newborn mature enough to several animal models confirm that a survive the extra-uterine environment. A balance between the bioaction of successful pregnancy requires near progesterone (pro quiescence) and complete relaxation of the uterus for more estrogen (pro activation) is central to the than ninety-five percent of gestation, initiation of parturition (Olson et al., 1995). overcoming the inherent tendency of the However, such a relationship has been myometrium to contract with stretch. This difficult to confirm in all mammals including active and highly regulated process is the human and guinea pig. called myometrial quiescence. It requires Several recent studies focused on the not only the near absence of myometrial paracrine rather than the endocrine contractions, but also its refractoriness to regulation of myometrial contractility. The contractile agents. Myometrial quiescence amnion and chorion are of fetal origin, is mediated by complex molecular metabolically active and strategically mechanisms that remain poorly located adjacent to the decidua. The latter understood despite much research is a maternal tissue in direct contact with (Cunningham et al., 1993). the myometrium. Thus, the amnion, Myometrial quiescence precedes chorion and decidua are each potential myometrial activation, the process of sources of paracrine regulators of myometrial awakening that occurs late in myometrial contractility (Bryant- pregnancy prior to labor (Norwitz et al., Greenwood and Greenwood, 1998). 1999). During myometrial activation, the Several investigators studying guinea molecular mechanisms responsible for pigs, rats, and rabbits have documented quiescence are nullified and the ability of a time dependent increase in total the myometrium to contract to uterotonins myometrial cGMP content during restored (Cunningham et al., 1993). pregnancy, which decreases shortly prior The balance between substances that to the onset of labor (Weiner et al., 1994; generate myometrial quiescence and Yallampalli et al., 1994). Considering this

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 17 temporal profile and the known smooth myometrial cGMP of pregnant guinea pig muscle relaxing capability of cGMP was independent of NO production and (Carvajal et al., 2000; Lincoln and proposed that it was secondary to Cornwell, 1993; Vaandrager and de particulate rather than soluble guanylate Jonge, 1996), these investigators cyclase activation (Weiner et al., 1994). proposed that this second intracellular The natriuretic peptide system is present messenger had a central role in the in gestational tissues. Particulate maintenance of uterine quiescence guanylate cyclase, a membrane-bound though disagreeing on the source of the receptor molecule, is found in the rat (Dos cGMP (Weiner et al., 1994; Yallampalli et Reis et al., 1995) and human uterus (Itoh al., 1994). et al., 1994). The natural activators of Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent, endogenous these receptors are members of a family relaxing agent of smooth muscle, and its of natriuretic peptides (Rosenzweig and action is predominantly mediated by an Seidman, 1991) whose presence has increase in intracellular cGMP (Moncada been demonstrated in gestational tissues. et al., 1991). Several groups pursued the The human placenta produces atrial possibility that NO, by its activation of natriuretic peptide (ANP) (Graham et al., soluble guanylate cyclase, was 1996). Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is responsible for the increase in myometrial present in amniotic fluid (Itoh et al., 1993) cGMP during pregnancy and and synthesized by cultured amniotic cells consequently was central to uterine (Itoh et al., 1993). Further, humans quiescence (Bansal et al., 1997; Natuzzi express particulate guanylate receptors et al., 1993; Sladek et al., 1993). However, type A and B (GC-A and GC-B) in the Weiner demonstrated that the increase in myometrium (Itoh et al., 1994).


contractility and elucidate their HYPOTHESIS mechanism of action. 3. Investigate the source and the role of Based on preliminary data from our myometrial cGMP during pregnancy. laboratory, we hypothesize that fetal membranes, specifically the chorion, Specific Objectives release a substance essential for uterine quiescence. We also propose that a 1. Investigate the ability of fetal reduction in the release of the chorion- membranes to inhibit, in a paracrine derived quiescent substance must occur fashion, oxytocin-stimulated contraction late in gestation for normal myometrial of myometrium obtained from the activation. We further hypothesize that a pregnant guinea pig. locally produced natriuretic peptide, by 2. Elucidate the mechanism of action for activation of a particulate guanylate the chorion-derived inhibitory substance. cyclase receptor, is the stimulus for the 3. Confirm the presence of a chorion-derived increased myometrial cGMP content. inhibitory substance in human chorion. Finally, we hypothesize that this natriuretic peptide is central to the maintenance of 4. Demonstrate the ability of natriuretic myometrial quiescence during pregnancy peptides to inhibit oxytocin-stimulated via the cGMP pathway. contraction of myometrium obtained from the pregnant guinea pig. 5. Elucidate the mechanism of action for BJECTIVES O natriuretic peptide-induced myometrial relaxation. General Objectives 6. Investigate the presence of the natriuretic Test portions of the working hypothesis by: peptide system in gestational tissues. 1. Measuring and characterizing the 7. Determine the source of myometrial effect of fetal membranes on oxytocin- cGMP during gestation. stimulated myometrial contractility. 8. Determine the contribution of 2. Investigate the ability of natriuretic myometrial cGMP to the maintenance peptides to inhibit oxytocin-stimulated of uterine quiescence.


Animal Model removal from the animal. The Committee and Tissue Preparation on Animal Care at the University of Maryland Baltimore approved the protocol.

Timed pregnant, Duncan-Hartley guinea pigs (term pregnancy = 65-68d) were Human Tissues purchased from a commercial breeder (Harlan Sprague Dawley, Indianapolis, IN). Human fetal membranes were obtained at Myometrium was obtained from pre-term the time of cesarean section performed for (43 + 2 days gestation), near-term (60 + 2 medical reasons. The amnion and chorion days gestation) and near labor (67+2 days were separated from each other by gentle gestation and pelvis opened), traction, frozen in liquid nitrogen and anesthetized (xylazine 4-mg/kg i.m., stored at -80 °C until studied. The clinical hydrochloride 100-200 mg/kg histories of the women were analyzed and i.p.) guinea pigs respiring spontaneously. recorded for the presence of labor (term A hysterotomy was performed and the or preterm) as defined by gestational age pups delivered. The fetal membranes and the presence of spontaneous regular (chorion and amnion) were carefully uterine contractions and cervical dilatation. separated from the myometrium and from The Institutional Review Board approved each other by gentle traction, immediately the study, and informed consent was frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80 obtained from each patient. One human °C until used. Full thickness myometrial brain and two myometrial samples were strips opposite the placental implantation graciously donated by another researcher site were excised including decidua and obtained for a different protocol and used endometrium but excluding fetal in preliminary studies contained herein. membranes. The myometrial strips were placed in Krebs buffer and stored on wet ice until used for isometric tension recording performed within one hour of


and Chart v3.4 software (AD Instruments, Isometric Tension Studies Mountain View, CA). To quantify contractile activity for analysis, the Longitudinal strips (10 + 2 mm length x 2 integrated area under the curve over 5 or mm width) of full thickness myometrium 10-min intervals was measured and were placed in organ chambers and normalized for the cross sectional area of attached to a force transducer (Grass the myometrial strip. The cross sectional Instruments, Quincy, MA) for isometric area was calculated as W/(L x D), where tension recording. The chambers W = weight (gr), L = length (cm) and D 3 contained Krebs buffer composed of: 118 (density)=1.05 g/cm . The oxytocin- stimulated, basal activity was calculated mM NaCl, 4.7 mM KCl, 1.18 mM MgSO4, as the integral activity of the stable 1.18 mM KH2PO4, 11.1 mM D-glucose, contractions over 5 or 10-min before the 0.016 mM EDTA, 2.2 mM CaCl2, 15.8 mM addition of fetal membranes or drugs to NaHCO3, pH=7.35-7.45; maintained at 37°C and continuously bubbled with the tissue bath and designated as basal activity. carbon dioxide (95% O2 / 5% CO2). The myometrial strips were equilibrated under 1-g of passive tension until a stable cGMP Measurement by Radio baseline was achieved (typically requiring Immuno-Assay (RIA) 30 min). The bath buffer solution was changed every 5 minutes during the equilibration period. After stabilization, cGMP was measured as previously myometrial contractions were stimulated described (Weiner et al., 1994). At the -8 by 10 M oxytocin. This concentration appropriate time, myometrial samples approximates the EC obtained during 2 50 (about 25 mm ) were placed directly into prior concentration/response curves. The boiling 50 mM Tris with 4 mM EDTA at a experiment was begun after a pattern of pH of 7.5 for 10 minutes. The tissue was regular contractions was reproducibly then minced, homogenized, centrifuged at achieved (typically 15-20 min following the 14,000g (-4°C) for 20 minutes and the addition of oxytocin). supernatant snap frozen until assayed for The myometrial contractions were cGMP content. Total protein content of the recorded and analyzed using a pellet was measured spectrophoto- combination of PowerLab/800 hardware metrically using the bicinchoninic acid

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 21 method (BCA kit, Pierce). The frozen shaking, the lysate was purred into a supernatants were thawed and diluted RNaeasy spin column and centrifuged for (1:75) in 25mM TRIS/ 4mM EDTA, pH 7.5. 5 min at 5000 x g. The flow-through was cGMP content was measured by discarded and the column washed 3 radioimmunoassay using a commercially times. Finally, RNA was eluted in 250 µl available kit (Amersham, Piscataway, NJ). RNase-free water by 5 min centrifugation All cGMP measurements were corrected at 5000 x g. for total protein content in the sample. cDNA Synthesis: cDNA was synthesized Duplicate values were averaged and the from total RNA using the SUPERSCRIPT measurements expressed as ρmol/mg First-Strand Synthesis System (Life protein. To represent the changes in Technologies, Rockville, MD). In a total cGMP content, we compared the cGMP volume of 10 µl, total RNA (5 µg) was levels induced by natriuretic peptides with incubated at 65 °C for 5 min with 5 µl the basal level and expressed the results random hexamers (50 ng/ml) and 1 µl as times basal. Intra and inter-assay dNTP mix (10 mM), then place on ice for variations were each less than 5%. at least 1 min. For annealing 2 µl RT buffer (10 x), 4 µl MgCl (25 mM), 2 µl DTT (0.1 µ Reverse Transcription -Polymerase M) and 1 l RNase were added and ° Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) incubated at 25 C for 2 min. Reverse transcription was performed by addition of 1 µl (50 units) of SuperScript II Reverse RNA extraction: Total RNA was extracted Transcriptase and 10 min incubation at 25 from human samples (brain, myometrium, °C. Tubes were transferred to 42 °C (50 chorion and amnion) using a commercially min), the reaction was terminated at 70 available kit (RNeasy-Midi kit; QIAGEN, °C (15 min) and then chilled on ice. RNA Bothell, Washington). A portion of template was removed by digestion with previously stored frozen tissue (200-250 RNase H at 37 °C for 20 min. mg) was homogenized in 4 ml guanidine Polymerase Chain Reaction: a reaction isothiocyanate containing buffer and mixture was prepared as instructed by the centrifuged for 10 min at 5000 x g. The supplier using human cDNA and self- pellet was discarded, the supernatant designed primers for human BNP and β- transferred to a new tube, and 70% actin. Briefly, 2 µl of cDNA were subjected ethanol was added. After vigorous to a round of 36 cycles of PCR


amplification (94 °C for 20 s, 60 °C for 60 µl ligation buffer (10x), 1 µl T7 promoter, 2 s, 72 °C for 30 s). The BNP sequence µl PCR product (10-25 ng DNA), and 1 µl was amplified using 5’-TTCTTGCAT- T4 DNA ligase (final volume 10 µl with CTGGCTTTCCT-3’ as the forward primer DEPC water). and 5’-GCAGGGTGTAGAGGACCATT-3’ T7 PCR: The ligated DNA/T7 adapter as the reverse primer. The β-actin complex was further PCR amplified using sequence was amplified in a separate the T7 primer and forward primers for the assay using 5’-GCTGTGCTATC- specific human BNP or β-actin genes, CCTGTACGC-3’ (forward) and 5’- respectively (the same used for RT-PCR). GCCATGGTGATGACCGGC-3’ (reverse) A 25 µl reaction mixture (2 µl from ligation, primers. The resulting PCR product was 5 µl of 10x PCR buffer, 3 µl of 25 mM Mg run in a 2% agarose gel and the bands Cl, 1 µl of 10 mM dNTP, 2 µl of 10 mM T7 identified by UV transillumination. A DNA primer adapter, 2 µl of specific forward ladder was run for identification of the primer and 0.5 µl of Taq Polymerase) desired band. The band was cut and the underwent 30 cycles of PCR amplification gene product was eluted using the Gel (94 °C for 20 s, 58 °C for 60 s, 72 °C for Extraction Kit QIAEX II (QIAGEN, 30 s). Bothell, Washington). The product was The PCR product (DNA/T7) was then run then submitted for sequencing to prove it in a 2% agarose gel, the band cut from was BNP or β-actin. the wet gel, and the DNA/T7 product eluted using the Gel Extraction Kit QIAEX Ribonuclease II (QIAGEN, Bothell, Washington). Protection Assay (RPA) Transcription: The DNA purified from the gel was converted into RNA probes in the 32 α Synthesis of 32P labeled RNA probes: T7 presence P-[ -UTP] and T7 RNA Ligation: The BNP and β-actin PCR polymerase using the In vitro-Transcription TM products provided the templates for Kit (Ambion, Austin, TX). The generating the RNA probes necessary for transcription was performed for 1 hour at ° µ µ the RPA assay. Each individual PCR- 37 C by mixing 5 l DNA/T7, 3 l µ µ 32 amplified DNA fragment was ligated to a nucleotides, 2 l reaction buffer, 6 l P- α µ µ T7-adapter using Lig’n-ScribeTM (Ambion, [ -UTP], 2 l UTP and 2 l RNA Austin, TX). The reaction was setup at Polymerase. After transcription, the room temperature for 30 min by mixing 1 reaction was boiled for 5 min and chilled

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 23 on ice for at least 1 minute. The template The product was loaded onto a urea-PAGE DNA/T7 was extracted by digestion with gel and run slowly at 250 V for over 3 Dnase I at 37 °C for 30 min. hours. The gel was dried and autoradiographed. Expression levels of Probe elution: The transcribed 32P-labeled the each gene were directly analyzed by RNA probe was run onto a 3.7 % urea- Phospho-imaging machine (GS 525; PAGE gel, and exposed to a radiographic BioRad, San Francisco, CA) and film for 15 min. The wet gel, was aligned normalized against the expression levels with the exposed film and the of β-actin gene. corresponding gel band, containing the RNA probe was cutout and placed into an Eppendorf tube. The RNA was eluted Immunohistochemistry (IHC) during a 3 hours incubation at 37 °C in 1 ml of RNA elution buffer (RPA III Kit, Ambion, Austin, TX). In general, 70% of Guinea pig tissues were fixed in 4% the RNA will be eluted within this time paraformaldehyde solution for 10-15 min, ° period. and then incubated at 4 C over night in 0.1 M phosphate buffered saline (PBS) Hybridization: About 5 µl of the eluted with CaCl (pH 7.5) . The tissue was then buffer (containing RNA probe) was 2 dehydrated by increasing concentrations counted in scintillation counter. About of ethanol up to 100%, immersed 20,000 cpm of the BNP-RNA probe and sequentially into solutions of 50:50 paraffin 30,000 cpm of the labeled β-actin RNA and xylene followed by 100% paraffin. The probe (for normalization of gene paraffin embedded tissue was sectioned expression levels) were hybridized with 15 cut into 6-7 mm slices and mounted on µg sample RNA. Hybridization was carried microscope slides. The sections were out in an Eppendorf tube containing 20 µl deparaffinized in xylene, hydrated to water hybridization buffer and incubated at 470C in a series of decreasing ethanol solutions for 18 hrs. before incubating in PBS (pH 7.5) with Digestion: The hybridization mixture was 0.1% Triton X-100 and 3% hydrogen digested with RNAseA/T1 (to remove peroxide followed by non-specific blocking nonhybridizing, single stranded RNA), with normal donkey serum (Jackson Lab, precipitated and dissolved in loading Bar Harbor, Maine). Due to the high avidin buffer. Positive and negative controls for concentration in the chorion, the slides digestion were prepared using yeast RNA. were also blocked using the Avidine-Biotin


Blocking Kit (Vector Laboratories Inc., myometrial contractility, either chorion or Burlingame, CA). The slides were then amnion was added directly to the organ ° incubated overnight at 37 C with sheep bath containing the oxytocin-stimulated polyclonal anti-cGMP primary antibody myometrial strips and changes in (Transduction Laboratories, Lexington, contractile activity measured. KY), which is highly specific for cGMP and Previously stored frozen membranes does not cross react with the cAMP. The (chorion or amnion) from a single near- next day, the primary antibody was term animal were weighed and thawed for washed and the slides incubated for 1 hour 5 min in 37 °C Krebs solution. at room temperature with a biotin conjugated secondary antibody (donkey Approximately 1000 mg was added anti-sheep IgG, Jackson Lab, Bar Harbor, directly to the 10-ml organ bath (100 mg Maine). The slides were developed with membranes/ml buffer) after the the avidin biotinilated complex establishment of regular contractions by method (Vectastin-ABC Kit, Vector oxytocin. The isometric tension was Laboratories Inc., Burlingame, CA) and recorded an additional 30 min. The using Ni-diaminobenzidine, as instructed contractile activity after the addition of the by the manufacturer. A black reaction fetal membranes was measured in 10-min product marked the location of cGMP. intervals, represented in the text and Negative control slides were generated by figures by midpoint of the interval (i.e. 5, replacing the primary antibody with non- 15 and 25 min). Contractility (defined as immune sheep serum. Some sections the integrated area under the curve) of were lightly counterstained with each interval was compared to the basal hematoxylin-eosin and photographed with activity and expressed as its percentage. a microscope model Nikon Microphot-FXA Thus, 100% indicates no change from (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). baseline, while less than 100% denotes a decrease in contractile activity (i.e. myometrial relaxation). The pH of the Experimental Protocols muscle bath was measured at the end of several experiments and always found to a. Effect of Fetal Membranes on be unchanged (7.45 + 0.05). Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility Three experiments were done using fresh To determine the effect of the fetal chorion membranes. The chorion was membranes on oxytocin-stimulated obtained as indicated, weighed and placed

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 25 ° into buffer for 30 minutes at 37 C, While the myometrial strips of pregnant approximately 100 mg membranes/ml of guinea pig do not generally exhibit a buffer. Both the fresh chorion conditioned regular pattern of spontaneous media and the chorion membranes were contractility, some 3-5% of strips will do directly added to the organ bath after a so. To determine the effect of the fetal regular pattern of myometrial contractions membranes on spontaneous myometrial was produced. The effect of fresh chorion contractility, either chorion or amnion was and fresh chorion conditioned media was added directly to the organ bath containing evaluated as described above for thawed the spontaneous contracting myometrial chorion. strips and the change in contractile activity To determine whether the effect of chorion measured. on oxytocin-stimulated myometrial c. Effect of Chorion-Conditioned Medium contraction was gestational age on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility dependent, the membranes of pre-term To determine whether chorion-induced and near-term animals were thawed as relaxation of oxytocin-stimulated previously described and added to myometrium was the product of a myometrial strips obtained from one substance released into the media, animal per experiment. To test whether chorion-conditioned media was prepared the response of the myometrium to the as described below and its effect on factor (s) released by chorion changed myometrial contractility evaluated. with the gestational age of the A sample of chorion (1500 mg) from an myometrium, near-term membranes from animal was thawed for 5 min in 37°C Krebs the same animal were added to buffer. The membranes were incubated myometrium from pre-term and near-term an additional 30 min in a glass container guinea pigs. To establish whether the with 5-ml of 37 °C Krebs buffer. The effect of chorion was dose-dependent, membranes were then discarded and the chorion-induced relaxation of oxytocin- freshly prepared supernatant added stimulated myometrium in the presence of directly to the 10-ml organ bath (final ~100 either ~50-mg tissue/ml or ~100-mg mg chorion/ml buffer). The effect of tissue/ml in separate experiments was chorion-conditioned media on oxytocin- compared using chorion from the same stimulated myometrial contraction was animal. measured as described for the chorion b. Effect of Fetal Membranes on membranes. Spontaneous Contractility


d. Effect of Human Chorion on described above) to treated or control Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility strips and the changes in contractile activity compared. To determine whether the chorion of humans had a similar impact on oxytocin- The incubation time and concentration stimulated contraction of guinea pig used for the Rp-8Br-cGMP was previously myometrium, chorion from a single, near shown to inhibit both PKG activation and term pregnancy delivered by cesarean the relaxation induced by the activation of section prior to labor was weighed and the cGMP pathway in vascular tissues thawed for 5 min in 37 °C Krebs solution. (Dhanakoti et al., 2000). We also tested Approximately 1000 mg was directly whether this concentration and added to the 10-ml organ bath (100 mg incubation period inhibited PKG in our membranes/ml buffer) after the myometrial samples by measuring PKG establishment of regular contractions activity in a series of experiments. PKG stimulated by oxytocin, and the isometric activity was quantitated as previously tension recorded an additional 30 min. described by measuring the incorporation 32 This is the same protocol used in our of Pi into a PKG specific substrate (Diwan studies of the guinea pig chorion. et al., 1994; Patel and Diamond, 1997). e. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Action Basal myometrial PKG activity was 16% of Chorion-Induced Relaxation of the maximal activity induced by 5mM cGMP. A 30 min incubation with Rp-8Br- e.1. Myometrial cGMP Pathway Blocking: To cGMP alone generated a small increase determine whether the chorion relaxes the in PKG activity (26% of maximum). In myometrium by increasing cGMP, the contrast, PKG activity increased to 40% pathway of cGMP action was of maximum 5 min after the addition of a pharmacologically dissected in additional single dose (10-7M) of BNP. This effect of series of experiments. After stabilization BNP on PKG was completely blocked by and prior to the addition of oxytocin, the the 30 min incubation with 30µM Rp-8-Br- myometrial strips were incubated for 30 cGMP; the enzymatic activity was only min with 30 µM Rp-8Br-cGMP, a 10% of maximum under this condition. membrane permeable cGMP analog that specifically block cGMP-dependent To determine whether the chorion relaxes protein kinase (PKG). Vehicle incubation oxytocin-stimulated contraction by was run in parallel. A sample of chorion activating myometrial soluble guanylate from the same animal was added (as cyclase and increasing cGMP, myometrial

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 27 strips were incubated for 30 min with 30 compared to vehicle-incubated chorion µM 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3-α] studied in parallel. This concentration of quinoxalime-1-one (ODQ), a specific Tin-protoporphyrin effectively blocks blocker of soluble guanylate cyclase prior hemin-stimulated CO production in to the addition of oxytocin. This myometrial strips (Acevedo and Ahmed, concentration of ODQ was previously 1998). shown to be effective for the inhibition of To evaluate whether chorion-induced soluble guanylate cyclase in myometrial relaxation was mediated by a chorion- strips (Hennan and Diamond, 1998). A derived prostaglandin, the synthesis of sample of chorion from one guinea pig was prostaglandins in the chorion was blocked added to treated or control strips to with indomethacin, a cycloxygenase determine the effect of soluble guanylate inhibitor. The chorion was thawed as cyclase antagonism. described, incubated by 30 minutes with e.2.Chorion Synthesis of Putative 10µM indomethacin before its addition to Relaxing Inhibition: the organ bath. This dose was previously To test the potential role for chorion- shown to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in derived NO in the provision of myometrial guinea pig tissues (Naderali and Poyser, quiescence, potential production of NO by 1996). Chorion from the same animal, the chorion was blocked by N (w)-Nitro-L- incubated in vehicle solution was studied Arginine (L-NNA), a nitric oxide synthase in parallel as a control. (NOS) inhibitor. After thawing the chorion e.3. Myometrial K+ Channels Blocking: membranes, they were incubated for 30 As an alternative mechanism for chorion- -4 minutes with 10 M L-NNA, or vehicle, and induced relaxation, we investigated the then added to the myometrial organ bath. effect of myometrial K+ channel We have used L-NNA at this concentration antagonism. Chorion-induced relaxation and for this incubation period to was measured in the presence and successfully inhibit endothelial NOS absence of different K+ channel activity (Kim et al., 1994). antagonists: 2 mM Tetraethylamonium To test the contribution of chorion-derived (TEA, non-specific K+ ), CO, its production was blocked with Tin- 100 nM Iberiotoxin (IbTx, large protoporphyrin, a hemoxygenase inhibitor. conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channel The thawed chorion was incubated for 30 blocker), 10 µM (Glib, ATP- minutes with 30 µM tin-protoporphyrin and sensitive K+ channel blocker) and 2 mM


4-Aminoperidine (4-AP, voltage gated K+ represented in the text and figures by their channel blocker). The agent under study time at the midpoint (e.g. 2.5 minutes, 7.5 was added to the tissue bath 10 minutes minutes, etc.), and expressed as before the addition of chorion; vehicle only percentage relaxation. was added to the other strips to provide a g. Evaluation of the Mechanism of Na- parallel control. triuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation f. Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on g.1. Myometrial GC-A blocking: To Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility determine whether natriuretic peptide- The effect of natriuretic peptides on induced relaxation occurred by the myometrial contractility was investigated activation of particulate guanylate cyclase by generating concentration / response A (GC-A), myometrial strips were pre- curves to the cumulative addition of each incubated for 5 minutes with anantin (10-6 peptide. Contractility was induced by M), a competitive antagonist of the GC-A oxytocin (10-8 M) and relaxation to ANP, receptor, prior to the addition of a single BNP and c-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) dose of natriuretic peptide. As the determined at concentrations ranging from relaxation induced by natriuretic peptides 10-9 to 10-6 M (final concentration in the is maximal during the first 5 minutes after organ bath). Contractility was measured exposure, this time period was selected during the 5-minutes interval after the to compare the effect of anantin alone, and addition of the natriuretic peptide and the effect of anantin on natriuretic peptide compared to the basal contractile activity. induced relaxation. The difference between basal activity and g.2. Myometrial PKG blocking with Rp- that after the natriuretic peptide was 8Br-cGMP: To determine whether calculated and expressed as the natriuretic peptides relax myometrium by percentage of basal activity, and identified increasing cGMP, the cGMP pathway was as percentage relaxation. blocked before the addition of a single The temporal course of the natriuretic dose of BNP by a 30 minutes peptide-induced relaxation in response to preincubation with 30 µM Rp-8-Br-cGMP, a single concentration of each natriuretic a membrane permeable cGMP analog that peptide (10-7 M) was investigated by specifically inhibits cGMP-dependent recording myometrial contractility for 30 protein kinase (PKG). As discussed minutes after peptide addition. The effect earlier, we demonstrated that this was measured in 5 minutes-intervals, concentration and incubation period were

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 29 α adequate to inhibit PKG in our myometrial protein i subunit. This concentration and samples. incubation time were shown to effectively g.3. Natriuretic Peptide Clearance block PTX sensitive G protein of porcine Receptor Agonist/Blocker: Some of the myometrial strips (Kitazawa et al., 2000). biological actions of natriuretic peptides The effect of 2mM + are mediated by activation of a natriuretic (TEA), a non-specific K channel blocker, peptide clearance receptor (Anand- on BNP-induced relaxation was Srivastava and Trachte, 1993; Hempel et investigated by adding the drug to the al., 1998). To determine whether clearan- organ bath 5 minutes before the addition ce receptor activation was part of the of BNP. At this concentration and biological action of the natriuretic peptides, incubation time, TEA effectively blocks + the effect of a single dose of atrial myometrial K channels (Khan et al., 1997; natriuretic peptide des-(Gln18, Ser19, Gly20, Perez et al., 1993). Leu21, Gly22)-fragment 4-23 amide (cANP), h. Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on a specific agonist of the natriuretic peptide Myometrial cGMP clearance receptor, was tested on To determine the effect of natriuretic oxytocin-induced contractility. It was peptides on particulate guanylate cyclase reported that natriuretic peptide action by activation, we measured cGMP content of the clearance receptor involves a guinea pig myometrial samples under heterotrimeric G protein coupled basal conditions and after the stimulus of mechanism (Anand-Srivastava and a single dose of 10-7M ANP, BNP and Trachte, 1993; Murthy and Makhlouf, CNP; either in the presence or absence 1999) and results in an increase in K+ of anantin (10-6 M). To determine whether outward conductance (Anand-Srivastava contractility altered the effect of natriuretic and Trachte, 1993; Kanwal and Trachte, peptides on cGMP content, three 1994). To determine whether the additional experiments were performed in mechanism of natriuretic peptide mediated duplicate in the presence of 10-8 M relaxation of oxytocin-stimulated oxytocin (the same concentration used to contraction involved a pertussis toxin induce contraction of the myometrial (PTX) sensitive G protein, myometrial strips). To clarify the temporal profile of strips were preincubated for 3 hours prior natriuretic peptide-induced cGMP content, to the addition of BNP to oxytocin- cGMP was measured in duplicate tissue stimulated myometrium, with PTX (5mg/ samples every 5 minutes beginning 2.5 ml), a specific blocker of heterotrimeric G


minutes after the addition of the peptide concentration response curve was (up to 27.5 minutes total). prepared to 8-Br-cGMP, a membrane i. Evaluation of BNP expression on permeable cGMP analog. Human Gestational Tissues After the presence of regular contractions To further test the possibility of a role for was documented, the drug was added BNP in the mechanism of chorion induced directly to the organ chamber in 0.5 log- relaxation, preliminary data of BNP unit increments and in volumes of 20 – µ expression was obtained from human 40 l as appropriate. A new dose was tissues, by RT-PCR and RPA. added each 10 minutes. Vehicle controls were run in parallel. The amount of drug The presence of BNP mRNA was studied used was calculated as its final by RT-PCR in a sample of chorion concentration in the organ bath. The effect obtained from a woman at term but not in of 8-Br-cGMP was expressed as the labor. The product of this RT-PCR was contractile activity during the 10-minutes sequence to prove it was BNP, and used interval after the addition of the drug, and to generate the RNA probe for the RPA. compared to basal activity. The results The presence of BNP mRNA in human are expressed as the percent change from gestational tissues was studied by RPA basal. comparing one sample of human brain, non-pregnant myometrium, pregnant k. Effect of Fetal Membranes on Myometrial cGMP Content myometrium, chorion and amnion (obtained from a woman at term but not in To further elucidate the mechanism of labor). Additionally, changes in BNP chorion-induced relaxation of guinea pig expression during gestation were studied myometrium, we determined the effect of by comparing the BNP expression chorion on myometrial cGMP in vitro, between preterm (one sample 30 weeks using the standard laboratory protocol. gestation) and term not in labor (2 For each experiment, several strips (25 samples) human chorion. mm2) of full thickness guinea pig j. Effect of 8-Br-cGMP on Oxytocin- myometrium (decidua attached) were cut Stimulated Myometrial Contractility from a single uterus and incubated in To test the ability of cGMP to modulate oxygenated Krebs buffer for 40 minutes ° oxytocin-induced contractile activity of at 37 C before exposure to the fetal myometrium from pregnant guinea pig, a membranes. Previously stored frozen

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 31 membranes of the desired gestational age further elucidate the mechanism of were pooled, crushed to generate a chorion-induced myometrial cGMP powder, weighed and aliquoted into generation. Before the addition of chorion separate tubes. Pieces of myometrium to the bath, the myometrium was incubated were then incubated in a 2-ml bath of with one of the following drugs: 10-4 M Nitro ° Krebs solution, with 1 mM IBMX at 37 C L-arginine (LNA; a NO synthase inhibitor), under agitation by 15 minutes, in the 10-6 M 1H-[1,2,4] oxadiazolo [4,3, -α] presence of 400-mg of crushed chorion quinoxalin -1-one (ODQ; a highly specific (200 mg tissue/ml bath) or control (amnion soluble guanylate cyclase antagonist), 1 or myometrium alone). After the mg/ml HS 142-1 (a microbial incubation, two pieces of myometrium polysaccharide that inhibits all particulate from each intervention were taken for guanylate cyclase receptors) and 10-6 M cGMP assay. anantin (a microbial peptide that To correlate the relaxing effect of chorion specifically inhibits the particulate and the cGMP generation induced by guanylate cyclase type A receptor). chorion, a protocol similar to the one used The generation of cGMP and its release for chorion-induced myometrial relaxation into the medium by the chorion was also was employed to study alterations in investigated by incubating 400-mg of myometrial cGMP content over time. crushed chorion, or 400 mg of thawed Previously stored frozen membranes chorion, in 2 ml of Krebs buffer for 15 (chorion or amnion) from a single near- minutes at 37°C in the presence of 1mM term animal were weighed and thawed for IBMX. The chorion was removed and the ° 5 minutes in 37 C Krebs solution. Pieces cGMP in the solution measured by RIA and of myometrium (25 mm2) were incubated normalized to its protein content. with thawed chorion membranes (100 mg To further clarify the mechanism by which chorion/ml bath) for 30 minutes. Two chorion increased myometrial cGMP, pieces of myometrium were removed at myometrium was incubated in Krebs regular intervals (basal, 5, 15 and 25 solution with increasing concentrations of minutes) for the measurement of cGMP. exogenous cGMP (range from 1 to 5000 l. Evaluation of the Mechanism of nM). For each experiment, several strips Chorion-Induced cGMP Increase (25 mm2) of full thickness guinea pig Inhibitors of soluble and particulate myometrium (with decidua attached) were guanylate cyclase were employed to cut from a single uterus and incubated in


oxygenated Krebs buffer for 40 minutes cGMP in the presence of 1mM IBMX. The ° at 37 C before exposure to the fetal myometrium was then fixed in 4% membranes. Next, the myometrial paraformaldehyde and the cGMP location samples were incubated in a 2-ml bath of determined by immunohistochemistry. Krebs solution with 1 mM IBMX at 37 °C under agitation for 15 minutes in the presence or absence of synthetic cGMP. After incubation, two pieces of myometrium from each intervention were taken for the measurement of cGMP. m. Evaluation of the source of cGMP in gestational tissues

To identify the main source of cGMP in gestational tissues, samples (biopsy sample) of myometrium, chorion and amnion were taken from preterm, near- term and near-labor animals as described previously, and immediately assayed for cGMP. The cGMP in situ was semi- quantitated in paired samples using immunohistochemistry by immediately fixing the biopsy samples in 4% paraformaldehyde. The location of cGMP in the myometrial preparations was determined after incubating the sample with a known concentration of exogenous cGMP. Myometrial samples, including decidua, but not fetal membranes were incubated in Krebs solution bubbled continuously ° with CO2 at 37 C for 40 minutes. The samples were then incubated for an additional 15 minutes with 1-5000 nM

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 33 Drugs and Solutions

The cGMP assay kit (BIOTRAK) was purchased from Amersham International (Piscataway, NJ). Oxytocin, human ANP, BNP, CNP, Anantin, IBMX, LNA, 8-Br-cGMP, cANP, PTX, TEA, IbTx, Glibenclamide, 4-AP, indomethacin, tin protoporphyrin, were obtained from SIGMA Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MI). ODQ and Rp-8-Br-cGMP were purchased from Alexis Laboratory (Alexis Corp., San Diego, CA). All drugs were dissolved in double deionized water unless otherwise specified. Glibenclamide and ODQ were solved in 0.01 N NaOH.

Statistical Analysis

All data sets (mean ± standard error of the mean) were subjected to a test of normalcy (Shapiro-Wilk test) and parametric or non-parametric tests performed where appropriate. For normally distributed data, statistical comparisons between two groups were conducted using Student ‘t’-test and among multiple groups, a one-way blocked Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett multiple comparison test (parametric). With non-normal sets, comparisons between two groups were performed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and among multiple groups by a Friedman’s test (nonparametric). A two-tailed p < 0.05 was considered indicative of statistically significant difference.



Guinea Pig Myometrium as a Model for followed by regular contractions of short Isometric Tension Studies duration (30-60 sec), low amplitude The spontaneous contractile activity of compared to the spontaneous isolated guinea pig myometrial strips was contractions, with a frequency of 10-15 in characterized by irregular contractions of 10 minutes (Figure 1). This pattern of long duration (approximately 3 minutes for activity continues with little variation for each contraction), high amplitude and about 30 minutes. Thereafter, the variable frequency (from 0 to 4 per 10 contractile activity declines somewhat by minutes). While most of the strips have 60 minutes after initiating the experiment no spontaneous contractions; 3-5% have to a 80% of the oxytocin-stimulated basal a regular pattern of spontaneous activity. activity (p=NS). In preliminary studies, we -8 Oxytocin initially produces a tetanic determined that 10 M oxytocin was the contraction lasting 3-5 minutes. Tetany is optimal concentration to produce a regular pattern of contractions.

Figure 1. Representative tracing of spontaneous and oxytocin induced contractile activity of the myometrium from near-term pregnant guinea pig.

Figure 2. Representative tracing of the effect of chorion on oxytocin- stimulated contractility of the myometrium from the pregnant guinea pig.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 35 Effect of Chorion and Amnion on Fresh chorion inhibited oxytocin-stimulated Myometrial Contractile Activity contraction to the same magnitude and Chorion but not amnion produced a time with the temporal profile as thawed dependent decrease in the oxytocin- chorion. The average of three experiments stimulated contractile activity of myometrium conducted with fresh chorion revealed a obtained from near-term pregnant guinea decrease in contractile activity to 85%, pigs (Figure 2). As illustrated in Figure 3, 60% and 42% of basal at 5, 15 and 25 chorion significantly (p<0.05 vs. temporal minutes respectively. control) reduced the contractile activity to 58 In contrast to the chorion, the addition of % and 39 % of the basal level at 15 and 25 amnion, either from pre-term or near-term minutes, respectively. There was no animals, had no significant effect on the significant change in myometrial contractile oxytocin-stimulated myometrial con- activity without the addition of chorion traction (Figure 4). (temporal control) (Figure 3). Contractility Similar to oxytocin-stimulated myometrial returned to near basal levels within 30 contractility, the chorion, but not the minutes of removing the membranes from amnion decreased spontaneous the bath and replacing the existing solution myometrial contractility in the four strips with fresh buffer.

Figure 3. Effect of near-term chorion membranes Figure 4. Effect of amniotic membranes from pre- and chorion-conditioned medium on term and near-term animals on oxytocin- oxytocin-stimulated myometrial stimulated contractility of near-term contractility. Values are mean + SEM of myometrium. Values are mean + SEM of 5 8 experiments (chorion from 8 different experiments (amnion from 5 near-term and guinea pigs). * = p < 0.05 compared to 5 pre-term guinea pigs). temporal control.


evaluated. After the addition of chorion Chorion induced-relaxation was (obtained from two different animals), independent of the gestational age of the contractility decreased to 78%, 68% and myometrium. There were no significant 56% of basal at 5, 15 and 25 minutes differences in the ability of near-term respectively, while after amnion, chorion to inhibit oxytocin-stimulated contractility was 95%, 89% and 86% at contraction of myometrium obtained from the same times, respectively. pre-term and near- term animals (Figure 6). The inhibitory effect of chorion on oxytocin- Relaxation induced by chorion was dose- stimulated myometrial contraction was dependent (Figure 7). Oxytocin- gestational age dependent (Figure 5). stimulated contractility was reduced to 75 Pre-term chorion produced a significantly % and 61 % of baseline at 15 and 25 greater (p < 0.05) reduction in contractile minutes, respectively, after adding ~50-mg activity (41 % and 23 % of the basal activity of chorion membranes per ml. The at 15 and 25 minutes respectively) reduction in contractile activity was compared to near-term chorion (60 % and significantly greater after the addition of 41 % from baseline). ~100 mg membranes/ml, declining to 58% and 39% of baseline, respectively, at 15 and 25 minutes (p<0.05).

Figure 5. Effect of chorion membranes from near- Figure 6. Effect of near-term chorion on oxytocin- term and preterm animals on oxytocin- stimulated contractile activity of stimulated contractility of near-term myometrium from near-term and preterm myometrium. Values are mean + SEM of animals. Values are mean + SEM of 8 5 experiments (chorion from 5 near-term experiments (myometrium from 8 near- and 5 pre-term guinea pigs). * = p < 0.05 term and 8 pre-term guinea pigs; chorion compared to near-term membranes. from 8 guinea pigs).

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 37 Effect of Chorion Conditioned Medium on 49 % of the basal level at 15 and 25 Myometrial Contractile Activity minutes (p < 0.05 vs. temporal control). Chorion-conditioned media had the same Similar to whole chorion, the effect of effect as whole chorion on oxytocin- chorion-conditioned media was reversed stimulated myometrial contraction (Figure by rinsing the organ bath and replacing 3). The addition of chorion-conditioned the conditioned media with fresh buffer. media reduced contractility to 63 % and Conditioned media prepared from fresh chorion also decreased myometrial contractile activity. The average contractility of three experiments using conditioned media from fresh chorion was 90%, 64% and 50% of basal at 5, 15 and 25 minutes after the addition of conditioned media to the tissue bath.

Effect of Human Chorion on Myometrial Contractile Activity

Figure 7. Effect of variable amounts of chorion on Figure 8 illustrates an experiment oxytocin-stimulated myometrial contractility. Values are mean + SEM of 8 experiments performed in duplicate testing the effect (chorion from 8 different guinea pigs). * = p < 0.05 compared to low concentration. of human chorion on oxytocin-stimulated

Figure 8. Representative tracing of the effect of human chorion on oxytocin- stimulated contractility of the myometrium obtained from a near-term pregnant guinea pig.


contraction of myometrium obtained from 39% of basal activity during the 5, 15 and the pregnant guinea pig. Chorion 25 minutes period after chorion addition. decreased contractility to 69%, 47% and This effect was reversed by removing the chorion and replacing the solution with fresh buffer. Thus, human chorion has virtually an identical effect as did the guinea pig chorion on oxytocin-stimulated contraction of guinea pig myometrium.

Effect of Blocking Myometrial cGMP Pathway on Chorion-Induced Relaxation

The protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor Rp- µ Figure 9. Effect of myometrial incubation with Rp-8- 8-Br-cGMP (30 M) failed to block the Br-cGMP (30 µM) on chorion induced relaxation. Values are mean + SE from 5 relaxing effect of chorion. On the contrary, experiments (chorion from 5 different guinea pigs). * = p < 0.05 vs. basal; # = p < the inhibitory activity of chorion was slightly 0.05 vs. basal and control. but significantly increased by the drug. As illustrated in Figure 9, the relaxation induced by chorion at 15 and 25 minutes in those strips pre-incubated with Rp-8Br- cGMP was significantly greater than in the controls (p < 0.05). Figure 10 illustrates that the inhibition of soluble guanylate cyclase activity in myometrial strips by ODQ did not alter the response of oxytocin-stimulated myometrium to chorion. Chorion significantly decreased oxytocin-induced

Figure 10. Effect of myometrial incubation with ODQ contractility at 5, 15 and 25 minutes (p < (30µM) on chorion induced relaxation. Values are mean + SE from 5 experiments 0.01) in both control and treated strips. (chorion from 5 different guinea pigs). * = p < 0.05 vs. basal.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 39 Effect of Inhibition of Putative Relaxing relaxation. As demonstrated in Figure 11, Agonist Synthesis in the Chorion at 5, 15 and 25 minutes after chorion Blocking NO synthesis in the chorion by addition, there was a significant reduction L-NNA failed to alter chorion-induced in contractile activity in both control and treated myometrial strips (p < 0.01) The inhibition of any potential CO production in the chorion by blocking hemoxygenase with tin-protoporphyrin failed to impact on chorion-induced relaxation, as illustrated in Figure 12. Both tin-protoporphyrin and vehicle incubated chorion significantly reduced oxytocin- stimulated contraction compared to baseline at all the studied periods (p < 0.05 at 5 minutes; p < 0.01 at 15 and 15 Figure 11. Effect of chorion incubation with L-NNA (10-4 M) on chorion induced relaxation. minutes). Values are mean + SE from 5 experiments (chorion from 5 different guinea pigs). * = p Inhibition of prostaglandin synthase with < 0.01 vs. basal. indomethacin failed to alter the chorion- induced relaxation of the myometrium. In

Figure 12. Effect of chorion incubation with Tin-Proto- Figure 13. Effect of chorion incubation with porphyrin (30 µM) on chorion induced Indomethacin (10 µM) on chorion induced relaxation. Values are mean + SE from 5 relaxation. Values are mean + SE from 5 experiments (chorion from 5 different experiments (chorion from 5 different guinea pigs). # = p < 0.05 vs. basal; # = p guinea pigs). * = p < 0.01 vs. basal. < 0.01 vs. basal.


this series, both treated and control to the tissue bath, prior to the addition of chorion produced a significant reduction chorion, produced a 40% reduction in in contractility at 15 and 25 minutes (p < chorion relaxing capability compared to 0.01) as showed in Figure 13. control (chorion from the same animal added to myometrium in the absence of K+ channel blocker). Neither glibenclamide Effect of Blocking Myometrial K+ Channels on nor 4-AP had any significant effect on Chorion-Induced Relaxation chorion-induced relaxation. In addition, + The addition of K channel antagonists to higher dose of TEA (20 mM) failed to the organ bath produced an immediate but increase its inhibition of the relaxing activity small increase in oxytocin-stimulated of chorion. contractile activity that was statistically significant only for 4-aminoperidin (120% of basal contractility, p< 0.05). As Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on Oxytocin-Stimulated Contractility illustrated in Figure 14, only tetraethylammonium (TEA) and iberiotoxin Both ANP and BNP, but not CNP produced (IbTx) among K+ channel blockers dose dependent relaxation of oxytocin- significantly (p<0.05) inhibited chorion- stimulated myometrial contractility (Figure induced relaxation. TEA and IbTx added 15). The effect of BNP was greater than ANP (p<0.05). This result was unexpected considering that ANP, compared to BNP, has greater affinity for the guanylate cyclase type A receptor (GC-A). The threshold concentration for both BNP and ANP was 10-8 M; relaxation induced at 10-6 M (the maximal dose used), was 52% and 32% of basal respectively (p<0.05).

Temporal Course of Natriuretic

Figure 14. Effect of myometrial incubation with K+ Peptide-Induced Relaxation channel blockers on chorion induced relaxation. Values are mean + SE from 8 experiments for each drug used (chorion Figure 16 illustrates the effect of a single from 8 different guinea pigs for each drug -7 used). * = p < 0.05 vs. vehicle. concentration (10 M) of ANP and BNP on oxytocin-stimulated contractility. During

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 41 the first 5 minutes, the magnitude of the The relaxation induced by BNP but not relaxation induced by BNP was greater ANP decreased significantly over time, than ANP (31% vs. 12% relaxation though relaxation to both peptides respectively; p < 0.05). remained greater than baseline for the entire 30 minutes study period (p<0.05, Figure 16) and from the temporal control at each time up to 12.5 minutes for BNP and 22.5 minutes for ANP (p<0.05, Figure 16).

Effect of Anantin on Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation

Figure 17 illustrates the effect of anantin (10-6 M) on the natriuretic peptide-induced Figure 15. Effect of Natriuretic Peptides on oxytocin- induced contractility of pregnant guinea pig relaxation (during the first 5 minute myometrium. Values are mean + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. interval). There was no effect of anantin basal; a = p < 0.05 vs. control; b = p < 0.05 vs. ANP. alone on oxytocin-stimulated contractility.

Figure 16. Temporal course of a single dose natriuretic Figure 17. Effect of Anantin (10-6M) on single dose peptide (10-7 M) induced relaxation of oxytocin-induced natriuretic peptide (10-7 M) induced relaxation of oxytocin- contractility. Times in minutes are 5-min intervals induced contractility. Anantin was added to the bath 5 represented by the midpoint of the interval. Values are min before natriuretic peptide. Contractility was measured mean + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate. * = p < in the 5-min interval after drug addition. Values are mean 0.05 vs. basal; a = p < 0.05 vs. control; b = p < 0.05 vs. + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. ANP. control; a = p < 0.05 vs. ANP.


Both ANP and BNP alone relaxed the Effect of cANP on Oxytocin Induced oxytocin-stimulated myometrium by 9% Contractility and 31%, respectively (p< 0.05). Anantin Atrial natriuretic peptide-fragment 4-23 did not alter the relaxation produced by a amide (cANP), a specific agonist of the single concentration (10-7 M) of either ANP natriuretic peptide clearance receptor, had or BNP. no significant effect on oxytocin-stimulated myometrial contractions at either 10-7 or -6 Effect of Rp-8-Br-cGMP on BNP- 10 M (Figure 19). induced relaxation

The effect of Rp-8-Br-cGMP on BNP- Effect of PTX and TEA on BNP-induced induced relaxation of oxytocin-stimulated relaxation myometrium is shown in Figure 18. Under The effects of PTX and TEA preincubation control conditions, a single dose of 10-7 M on BNP-induced relaxation are illustrated BNP produced a 30% relaxation. The 30 in Figure 20. Under control conditions, minutes preincubation with 30 µM Rp-8- BNP produced 26% relaxation at 10-7 M. Br-cGMP had no effect on this BNP- Neither PTX (5 mg/ml) nor TEA (2mM) had induced relaxation (32% relaxation, Figure any effect on this BNP-induced relaxation 18).

Figure 18. Effect of Rp-8-Br-cGMP (30 µM) on single Figure 19. Effect of a single dose of cANP on oxytocin- dose BNP (10-7 M) induced relaxation of induced contractility of pregnant guinea pig oxytocin-induced contractility. Strips were myometrium. Values are mean + SEM from pre-incubated with Rp-8-Br-cGMP by 30 5 experiments in duplicate. min. Contractility was measured in the 5- min interval after BNP addition. Values are mean + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 43 of oxytocin-stimulated myometrial to BNP, generated a larger increase in contractions (Figure 20). cGMP levels at 2.5 minutes (7 vs. 4.5 fold increase from the basal level respectively; Natriuretic Peptide-Induced p<0.05). This finding is consistent with the Myometrial cGMP Generation higher GC-A receptor affinity reported for ANP compared to BNP. The results of this Both ANP and BNP, but not CNP experiment did not change when increased myometrial cGMP content conducted in the presence of 10-8 M (Figure 21). The myometrial cGMP oxytocin. In this situation, the basal levels content under basal conditions was 7.41 of cGMP were increased 6.5 fold by 10-7M ρ -7 + 1.6 mol/mg protein (average + SE). ANP and 4.5 fold by 10 M BNP (p< 0.05). After the addition of 10-7 M ANP or BNP, The temporal course of the cGMP increase the content rose to 45.14 + 9.5 ρmol/mg (Figure 21) paralleled the relaxation profile protein and 28.87 + 4.58 ρmol/mg protein, induced by both ANP and BNP (Figure 16). respectively (p< 0.05). cGMP content decreased over time, but As illustrated in Figure 21, a single remain significantly elevated over the basal concentration (10-7 M) of ANP, compared level throughout the experiment (p < 0.05).

Figure 20. Effect of pertussis toxin (PTX, 5mg/ml) and Figure 21. Temporal course of myometrial cGMP tetraethylammonium (TEA, 2mM) on single dose BNP (10-7 generation induced by a single dose (10-7 M) of natriuretic M) induced relaxation of oxytocin-induced contractility. peptides. cGMP was measured at basal time and every Strips were pre-incubated with PTX by 3 hours. TEA was 5 min starting at 2.5 min after natriuretic peptide addition. added to the bath 5 min before BNP. Contractility was Values are mean + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate. measured in the 5-min interval after BNP addition. Values * = p < 0.05 vs. basal; a = p < 0.05 vs. BNP. are mean + SEM from 5 experiments in duplicate.


Effect of Anantin on Natriuretic shown in Figure 22, anantin significantly Peptide-Induced cGMP Generation reduced the rise in cGMP stimulated by both ANP and BNP approximately 40%. Figure 22 illustrates the effect of anantin (10-6 M) on myometrial cGMP content at BNP Expression in Human Gestational 2.5 minutes after a single concentration Tissues (10-7M) of either ANP or BNP. Anantin The presence of BNP mRNA in a sample alone had no effect on cGMP content (6.57 of human term not in labor chorion was + 2.0 ρmol/mg protein), compared to the demonstrated by RT-PCR (Figure 23). basal myometrial cGMP level of 5.26 + 1.1 The primers were designed to generate a ρmol/mg protein. 250 bp product, corresponding to the band ANP alone increased cGMP to 34.95 + 6.7 identified in the gel. The gene sequence ρ mol/mg. In the presence of anantin, of the product eluted from this band was however, ANP increased only to 21.77 + 100% concordant with a portion of the ρ 4.1 mol/mg (p < 0.05 compared to no reported coding sequence of human BNP. anantin). BNP produced a cGMP increase An RPA of human gestational tissues to 22.38 + 3.4 and 14.17 + 2.64 in the revealed BNP mRNA only in the chorion absence and presence of anantin (Figure 24). BNP was also present at high respectively (p < 0.05). Therefore, as

Figure 22. Effect of Anantin (10-6 M) on myometrial cGMP Figure 23. RT-PCR for BNP in a human chorion sample, levels induced by a single dose (10-7 M) of natriuretic obtained from a woman at term, not in labor. The right peptides. Anantin was added to the bath 5 min before arrow indicates the 250 bp product amplified by PCR. natriuretic peptide. cGMP was measured 2.5 min after The band was cut, the product was eluted and sequenced natriuretic peptide addition. Values are mean + SEM from to prove it was BNP. The left lane shows the 50 bp DNA 5 experiments in duplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. basal; a = p < ladder used to identify the size of the products 0.05 vs. ANP; b = p < 0.05 vs. BNP.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 45 levels in the positive control (human brain), Effect of 8-Br-cGMP on Oxytocin- confirming the effectiveness of our probe. Stimulated Myometrial Contractility We could not demonstrate BNP mRNA in 8-Br-cGMP produced a dose dependent human myometrium (either non pregnant decrease in oxytocin-stimulated contractile or pregnant at term) or amnion at term. activity in myometrium of the pregnant The expression of BNP mRNA in human guinea pig. Relaxation was apparent at term chorion was in a similar magnitude 10-5 M ultimately reaching 38% of the to the human brain (Figure 24). agonist-stimulated baseline at 3x10-4 M BNP mRNA was present in both preterm (the maximal concentration used) as and term chorion. However, the illustrated in Figure 26. The relaxing expression level of BNP mRNA, capability of 8-Br-cGMP was independent normalized to β-actin, was 4 times greater of myometrial gestational age and similar in the chorion obtained from preterm between myometrium from pregnant and pregnancy compared to that near term but non-pregnant guinea pig. not in labor (Figure 25).

Figure 24. RPA for BNP in human gestational tissues. Figure 25. RPA for BNP in human chorion and amnion. The presence of BNP mRNA was demonstrated only in The presence of BNP was demonstrated in all chorion the brain (positive control) and in the chorion sample. samples, but not in the amnion. BNP expression levels Lanes represent: 1 brain control; 2 non pregnant were 4 times higher in the preterm chorion compared to myometrium; 3 pregnant myometrium at term not in labor; term chorion. Lanes represent: 1 and 4 chorion and 4 chorion at term; 5 amnion at term. amnion at preterm not in labor (30 weeks); 2 and 5 chorion and amnion at term not in labor (38 weeks); 3 and 6 chorion and amnion at term not in labor (39 weeks).


Effect of Fetal Membranes on chorion in the absence of IBMX (similar Myometrial cGMP Content protocol to the chorion-induced relaxation protocol) did not alter myometrial cGMP We investigated the fetal membranes as content at any time point studied. potential source of an endogenous inducer Therefore, it was not possible to correlate of myometrial cGMP production. The the degree of relaxation and the magnitude incubation of strips of myometrium with of the cGMP increase produced by chorion increased dramatically myometrial chorion. The explanation for this cGMP content (more than 3 times) (Figure observation became clear subsequently. 27). In contrast, the incubation of myometrium with amnion had no effect. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of the Effect of Guanylate Cyclase Blockers on chorion on myometrial cGMP production Chorion-Induced cGMP Increase was gestational age dependent: chorion The inhibitors of the NO-cGMP pathway from pre-term gestation elicited a greater failed to alter the basal cGMP content of effect compared to chorion from near-term myometrial strips. Further, neither the NO gestation (Figure 28). synthase inhibitor, LNA (Figure 29), nor the Opposite to the afore noted results, specific soluble guanylate cyclase incubation of the myometrium with thawed antagonist ODQ (Figure 29) inhibited the

Figure 26. Effect of cumulative doses 8-Br-cGMP on Figure 27. Myometrial cGMP levels in strips from near- oxytocin induced contractility in myometrial term pregnant guinea pig after in-vitro strips from term pregnant guinea pig. incubation with fetal membranes. Values Values are mean + SE from 6 experiments are mean + SE from 10 experiments in in duplicate. duplicate. * = p< 0.05 vs. control and amnion.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 47 increase in myometrial cGMP produced by in the basal cGMP. Further, the co-incubation with chorion. antagonists of particulate guanylate Inhibitors of the natriuretic peptide-cGMP cyclase (HS 142-1 and Anantin) failed to pathway also failed to produce any change inhibit the increase in cGMP content of the myometrial strips incubated with chorion (Figure 30). As shown in the Figure 30, HS 142-1 had a paradoxical effect further enhancing the chorion-induced increase in cGMP.

cGMP Production by the Chorion Chorion released large amounts of cGMP into the media. After a 15-minutes incubation in the presence of IBMX, the

Figure 28. Myometrial cGMP levels in strips from near- concentration of cGMP reached on term guinea pig after in-vitro incubation with µ µ pre-term and near-term chorion. Values are average 2.53 M (range 0.26 - 7.5 M) + SE from 10 experiments in duplicate. ** = p < 0.05 vs. near-term chorion and control; * = p < 0.05 vs. control.

Figure 29. Effect of NOS inhibition (LNA, 10-4 M) and Figure 30. Effect of Particulate Guanylate Cyclase soluble guanylate cyclase blocking (ODQ, 30µM) on Inhibition with HS 142-1 and Anantin on chorion-induced chorion-induced cGMP levels of myometrium from near- cGMP levels of myometrium from near-term pregnant term pregnant guinea pig. Values are mean + SE from 5 guinea pigs. Values are mean + SE from 5 experiments experiments in duplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. control. in duplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. control; ** = p < 0.05 vs. chorion alone and control.


for crushed chorion, and 0.36 µM (range Tissue Distribution of cGMP µ 0.15 - 0.68 M) for thawed chorion. Among gestational tissues, chorion contained significantly more cGMP (by Effect of Myometrial Incubation with RIA) compared to the amnion and cGMP myometrium (p < 0.01). As illustrated in Figure 32, the amount of cGMP per mg of As illustrated in Figure 31, incubation of protein was more than 30 times greater in myometrial strips with exogenous cGMP the chorion compared to the myometrium. produced a significant increase in the The mean + SE was 11.54 + 3.22 ρmol/ cGMP content as measured by RIA. In mg protein; 373.11 + 83.35 ρmol/mg the range studied (1 to 5000 nM), the protein; and 16.66 + 6.26 ρmol/mg protein cGMP content of the myometrium in the amnion, chorion and myometrium, increased linearly from 2.8 to 35.6 ρmols/ respectively. mg protein between 100 nM to 5000 nM (0.1 µM - 5 µM). The cGMP content of all those tissues studied changed with advancing

Figure 31. Effect of myometrial incubation with external Figure 32. cGMP content of gestational tissues from cGMP on myometrial cGMP content. guinea pig. Values are mean + SE from 15 Values are mean + SE from 5 experiments animals. * = p < 0.01 vs. myometrium and in triplicate. * = p < 0.05 vs. basal level. amnion.

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 49 gestational age. As previously described, The immunohistochemistry studies were myometrial cGMP content rose consistent with the measurements of significantly (p<0.05) during pregnancy cGMP by RIA. As illustrated in Figure 36, before declining significantly (p<0.05) immediately prior to labor (Figure 33). Those samples classified as near-labor belonged to guinea pigs at 67 + 2 d whose symphysis pubis was separated >0.5 cm, a sign that precedes delivery by approximately 24h. The cGMP content of chorion also increased significantly (p<0.05) with advancing gestational age, but a decrease prior to labor was not seen (Figure 34). Amnion cGMP followed the same temporal Figure 34. Chorion cGMP content across gestation. Values are mean + SE from 5 animals. * = pattern as the chorion (Figure 35). p < 0.01 vs. pre-term.

Figure 33. Myometrial cGMP content across gestation. Figure 35. Amnion cGMP content across gestation. Values are mean + SE from 5 animals. * = p Values are mean + SE from 5 animals. * = < 0.01 vs. pre-term and near-labor. p < 0.01 vs. pre-term.


cGMP immunoreactivity was very strong After incubation of the myometrial strips in the chorion. cGMP was undetectable with exogenous cGMP, the by this method in the myometrium and immunohistochemistry slides were positive decidua; amnion was not studied. All in the decidua, but in low amount. No tissues were negative in the control slides cGMP immunoreactivity was detected in (absence of primary antibody) confirming the myometrial cells after incubation with the specificity of the technique. exogenous cGMP (Figure 37).

Figure 36. Immunohistochemistry for cGMP on myometrium-decidua-chorion preparations. Panel A shows a Hematoxylin- Eosin stain. Panel B shows IHC for cGMP using a specific sheep anti-cGMP primary antibody. cGMP immunoreactivity is present almost exclusively on chorion tissue. Original magnification 10X.

Figure 37. Immunohistochemistry for cGMP on myometrium-decidua preparations after incubation with external 1000 nM cGMP. Panel A shows a negative control (absence of primary antibody). Panel B shows IHC for cGMP using a specific sheep anti-cGMP primary antibody. cGMP immunoreactivity is present exclusively on decidua. Original magnification 10X.


This series of investigations advanced our chorion from near-term animals. The pre- understanding in six main areas: a.) The term membranes were obtained from effect of the fetal membranes on guinea pigs at 0.7 gestation, which myometrial contractility; b.) The corresponds to 28 weeks of human mechanism of action underlying chorion- pregnancy. This time period is induced relaxation of the myometrium; c.) characterized by the near absence of The effect of natriuretic peptides on myometrial contraction under normal myometrial contractility; d.) The conditions. The near-term membranes mechanism of the natriuretic peptide- studied approximated 0.9 gestation, a induced relaxation; e.) The role of cGMP time period roughly equivalent to 36 in the maintenance of uterine quiescence weeks of human pregnancy. By this during pregnancy; and f.) The distribution stage, myometrial activation has usually of cGMP among gestational tissues. begun and the myometrium is more sensitive to contractile agonists (Norwitz et al., 1999). Since the relaxation of Chorion Releases A Substance that oxytocin-stimulated myometrium by Inhibits Oxytocin-Stimulated Myometrial Contractility chorion was similar regardless of the gestational age of the myometrium, the We have demonstrated for the first time gestational age differences of chorion- that the chorion, but not amnion, induced relaxation are due to differences decreases oxytocin-stimulated myometrial in the capability of the chorion to produce contraction. This effect was dependent on relaxation rather than to differences in the the gestational age of the chorion ability of myometrium to relax. These (declining as pregnancy progressed), observations support our working independent of the gestational age of the hypothesis that the chorion produces a myometrium, and reproduced by chorion- substance or substances that may have conditioned media. a role in the maintenance of uterine Chorion from pre-term guinea pigs quiescence and that the generation of this produced greater inhibition of oxytocin- substance(s) decreases near-term to stimulated myometrial contraction than allow myometrial activation.


We demonstrated that the effect of In the present study, we report the new chorion-conditioned media was similar to finding that guinea pig chorion releases a the effect of whole chorion on oxytocin- factor that inhibits oxytocin-induced stimulated myometrial contraction, contractility in the myometrium obtained suggesting that the inhibitory substance from the pregnant guinea pig. This factor was released by the chorion and therefore is clearly different from the one described capable of acting in a paracrine fashion. by Collins et al since our model used We also demonstrated that fresh chorion myometrium from pregnant animals and had the same relaxing ability as the the inhibited contractions were produced thawed chorion, thus discarding the with oxytocin. Further, human chorion, in possibility of an artifactual effect of freezing contrast to the Collin’s report, inhibited upon the membrane. oxytocin-stimulated contraction of Prior studies by other investigators have myometrium obtained from pregnant noted that the human chorion releases a guinea pigs. As the two experimental substance that inhibits spontaneous and designs are similar, we presume the prostaglandin-stimulated, but not oxytocin- apparently divergent findings are due to stimulated myometrial contraction of the differences in the model (pregnant vs. non- rat uterus, suggesting a role for the fetal pregnant myometrium) and species membranes in the maintenance of uterine (guinea pig vs. rat). quiescence (Collins et al., 1993; Collins To an attempt to further differentiate our et al., 1995; Collins et al., 1996; Emery et model and the rat, we investigated the al., 1998). While chorion inhibited effect of other contractile agonists. spontaneous (Collins et al., 1993) and However, as previously reported by others, agonist-induced contractions to the guinea pig myometrium failed to α prostaglandin F2 (Collins et al., 1995) and respond to other uterotonins such as the L-type calcium BAY K prostaglandins, endothelin and platelet 8644 (Collins et al., 1996), they failed to activating factor with regular contractions. inhibit oxytocin-induced contractions in In our experiments, these drugs at high isolated strips obtained from non-pregnant concentration (10-4 M) produced only a rat uterus. Emery et al proposed that a single, tetanic contraction lasting 3 to 5 Ca2+-channel blocker was released from minutes, followed by the absence of chorion that inhibits the activation of L-type contractile activity. We were able to Ca2+ channels of myometrium (Emery et investigate the effect of chorion on al., 1998).

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 53 spontaneous activity, however. We findings in the guinea pig chorion are demonstrated that spontaneous applicable to humans. Our preliminary contractions, like those induced by data indicated that human chorion oxytocin were also inhibited by the chorion, obtained from term pregnancy, prior to the but not by the amnion. onset of labor, is like the near term guinea pig chorion. Human chorion inhibited The guinea pig provides several strengths oxytocin-stimulated contraction of compared to the rat which aids our search myometrium from pregnant guinea pigs to for an understanding of human pregnancy. almost the exact same degree as the First, it has hemomonochorial placentation, guinea pig chorion (Figure 8). As a which is the most similar among all non- consequence, we anticipate that the primate mammals to human placenta guinea pig myometrium can in the future (Pijnenborg et al., 1981). Second, the sex be used as a biological model to hormone profile of its estrous cycle and investigate the physiology of human pregnancy are similar to humans (Challis chorion. The clear implication of our et al., 1971; Martensson, 1984). Third, the preliminary data is that a chorion-derived pattern of in vitro contractility of substance may modulate myometrial myometrium from pregnant guinea pig is more similar to human than the rat contractility in the human. myometrium. And finally, the relatively long The chemical identity of the substance(s) and stable gestational period (67 + 2 days released by the chorion of guinea pig (and from copulation) compared to 22 days for perhaps the human) that inhibits oxytocin- the rat, facilitates comparisons between stimulated contractions has (have) yet to different gestational ages. Additionally, our be elucidated. Several chemicals model has the advantage of using produced by the fetal membranes, decidua myometrium obtained from pregnant and myometrium itself have been studied animals, which may be a central to the and suggested as possible regulators of differences from prior publications in light myometrial quiescence based of their of the important modifications that occur known ability to relax smooth muscle during pregnancy. (Acevedo and Ahmed, 1998; Bansal et al., We recognize that the human and guinea 1997; Brodt-Eppley and Myatt, 1999; pig chorion are embryologically and Downing and Hollingsworth, 1992; structurally different (Ramsey, 1975). Ferguson et al., 1992; Itoh et al., 1993). Thus, it is reasonable to ask if the present And though a singular line of evidence


suggests that the inhibitory role of the fetal process of parturition and for the membranes, particularly the chorion, on development of pharmacological tools uterine contractile activity is based on its useful in the management of preterm labor capacity to locally degrade uterotonins and in humans. This was the focus of the rest prevent their action on the myometrium of our work. (Germain et al., 1994), our findings refute this possibility since the effect of chorion Mechanism of the Chorion-Induced was lost by washing the strips and Relaxation replacing the bath with fresh buffer not containing oxytocin. Indeed, our findings Pregnancy changes the production and suggest that oxytocin stimulates a regular action of many agents with smooth muscle pattern of activity in the myometrium that relaxing capability (Acevedo and Ahmed, after a while becomes independent of the 1998; Bansal et al., 1997; Dong et al., presence of oxytocin in the bath. After a 1999; Downing and Hollingsworth, 1992; regular pattern of contractility was Itoh et al., 1993). Their intracellular stimulated by oxytocin, the replacement second messengers have been studied in with fresh buffer did not abolish the the myometrium and neighboring tissues contractions. The same inductory effect (Buhimschi et al., 1995; Meera et al., 1995; of oxytocin occurs in human myometrium Weiner et al., 1994) as related to the (Germain, 1998. Personal Commu- maintenance of uterine quiescence. No nication). agent, however, provides a full explanation of the mechanisms underlying uterine In summary, the chorion releases one or quiescence, suggesting that several more factors that mediate myometrial mediators may participate in the process. quiescence in a paracrine fashion during Considering that several relaxing pregnancy. While we document the ability pathways are proposed but not proven to of the chorion to inhibit oxytocin-stimulated be involved in the maintenance of myometrial contractility in vitro, the exact myometrial quiescence, we investigated nature of the relaxing factor (or factors) their possible roles in chorion-induced released by chorion during gestation relaxation. Our results do not, at this time, remains to be elucidated. The identi- support roles for either the cGMP-PKG fication and characterization of the pathway, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide or mechanism of action of this substance(s) prostaglandins as the mediators of the are essential for an understanding the paracrine action of the chorion on

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 55 myometrial contractility. Furthermore, our PKG and the effect of Rp-8Br-cGMP on investigations demonstrate that chorion- chorion-induced relaxation the additive induced relaxation is substantially result of two different relaxing pathways. mediated by a factor that opens large Nitric Oxide (NO) and Carbon Monoxide conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channels (CO) were proposed as putative mediators in the myometrium. of uterine quiescence (Acevedo and The absence of an inhibitory effect of Rp- Ahmed, 1998; Buhimschi et al., 1995). It 8Br-cGMP on chorion-induced relaxation is known that activation of soluble demonstrates that the chorion-induced guanylate cyclase is the principal increase in myometrial cGMP content mechanism underlying the cellular actions does not mediate the chorion-induced of NO and CO (Moncada et al., 1991; relaxation. We also found that the chorion Wang, 1998). Herein, we demonstrate increases myometrial cGMP content in that the inhibition of myometrial soluble vitro. As a result of these findings, we now guanylate cyclase, by ODQ, has no affect conclude that the high levels of myometrial on chorion-induced relaxation. Thus, a cGMP reported during the pregnancy and role for NO and CO on chorion-induced its decrease prior to labor are events not relaxation can be almost completely causally related to myometrial quiescence. discarded. We have demonstrated that cGMP While it is accepted that the cGMP analogs inhibit myometrial contractility pathway is the central mechanism (Figure 26). We studied preliminarily the underlying NO induced relaxation, it has effect of 10-5 M 8-Br-cGMP on chorion- been suggested that myometrial induced relaxation, by adding this drug at relaxation induced by NO does not involve the end of two chorion experiments. We the cGMP pathway (Bradley et al., 1998; observed that this cyclic nucleotide analog Hennan and Diamond, 1998). Our results produced further relaxation, suggesting are also inconsistent for a role of a non- that its effect was additive to that of the cGMP mechanism for chorion-derived chorion. Our experiments inhibiting PKG NO, since NOS inhibition in the chorion activity revealed that the addition of Rp- failed to alter its ability to produce 8Br-cGMP alone stimulated a mild relaxation of oxytocin stimulated increase in myometrial PKG activity. This contraction. Likewise, non-cGMP paradoxical effect may be explained by a mediated CO induced smooth muscle partial agonistic activity of this analog on relaxation have been reported (Wang,


1998). Our results refute this possibility substance, may be involved in the given that inhibition of CO production in maintenance of uterine quiescence the chorion, by blocking hemoxygenase, (Weiner et al., 1994). However, our failed to produce changes in chorion- present results also discard a role for induced relaxation. cGMP. Prostaglandin synthesis occurs in the fetal We confirm the presence of BNP in the membranes, and its actions have been human chorion and hypothesize that a associated with an increase in myometrial natriuretic peptide, perhaps BNP, may be contractile activity prior to parturition one of the chorion-derived substances (Olson et al., 1995). However, it has also that relax the myometrium. The cleanest been shown that both excitatory and strategy to confirm BNP as a mediator of inhibitory prostaglandin receptors are chorion-induced relaxation would be to expressed by the myometrium (Senior et test the effect of a BNP receptor blocker al., 1993). In human myometrium, the on chorion effect. Our experiments prostaglandin receptor EP2, that produces revealed that natriuretic peptide-induced relaxation when activated increases with relaxation is mediated by a novel advancing gestation before declining prior mechanism that does not involve either to the onset of labor. These observations activation of the known natriuretic suggest a possible role for prostaglandins receptors or the cGMP pathway. As we in generating myometrial quiescence do not as yet have a drug capable of (Brodt-Eppley and Myatt, 1999). However, inhibiting the natriuretic peptide induced a role for a chorion-derived prostaglandin relaxation, this approach cannot be used. was not sustained by our experiments Thus, we cannot at this time eliminate the since inhibition of chorion prostaglandin possibility that a natriuretic peptide synthase by indomethacin failed to alter contributes to the maintainence of uterine chorion-induced relaxation. quiescence. We previously demonstrated that the The action of the chorion-derived increase in myometrial cGMP evidenced quiescent factor was blocked some 40% during pregnancy was not related to by the addition of K+ channel antagonists soluble guanylate cyclase activity in the such as iberiotoxin and tetraethyl- guinea pig, and suggested that an amonium. Considering the specificity of activator of particulate guanylate cyclase, IbTx (Galvez et al., 1990), and the lack of such as a natriuretic peptide like an effect by the others K+ channel

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 57 antagonists, (glibenclamide and 4- with the ability to relax oxytocin-stimulated aminoperidine), we hypothesize that the myometrial contraction. The mechanism chorion-derived quiescent factor acts on of action of these substances involves the the myometrium by opening the large opening of myometrial Ca2+ activated K+ conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channels channels. We have identified two

(BKCa). These BKCa are present in rat and candidate substances for the paracrine human myometrium (Khan et al., 1993). regulation by the chorion of myometrial

Their pharmacological properties change quiescence: a BKCa opener and a during labor (Khan et al., 1997), and their natriuretic peptide. opening by specific drugs (eg NS-1619) + To confirm the K channel antagonists inhibits oxytocin-induced myometrial were acting on the myometrium and not contractility in vitro (Khan et al., 1998). by inhibiting the release of the chorion- TEA blocks other channels in addition to derived quiescent factor, we tested the BKCa. Thus, the similar magnitude of preliminarily the effect of these drugs on effect for IbTx and TEA suggests that the relaxation produced by the addition of chorion-released quiescent factor does not conditioned media. The average of two affect other types of K+ channels. Further, experiments indicated that chorion a higher concentration of TEA produced conditioned media induced relaxation was no additional inhibitory effect on chorion- also partially inhibited by TEA, supporting induced relaxation suggesting that the our conclusion that chorion-induced chorion releases either more than one relaxation was mediated by a substance quiescent factor, or a single substance with that opens myometrial BKCa. more than one mode of action. It is The relaxation induced by chorion certainly possible (and teleologically likely) increases progressively over time. We that there are redundant mechanisms interpreted this to suggest the relaxing within the chorion for this crucial activity. substance is released continuously into While whether or not the chorion releases the media. However, the effect of chorion- a natriuretic factor as one of the quiescent conditioned media was also increased factors remains to be determined, over the time. One possible explanation natriuretic peptide-induced relaxation was for this observation is that the factor not inhibited by TEA. Thus, we conclude released by the chorion does not directly from these specific experiments that the affect K+ channels, but rather triggers an chorion releases more than one substance intracellular cascade of phosphorylation


and de-phosphorylation events that ultimately lead to the development of culminate with an increase in the pharmacological tools for the management probability of an open state. Perhaps of preterm labor. Specifically, drugs that 2+ + significantly, myometrial Ca activated K modify the activity of BKCa channels are channel (BKCa) activity is modified by candidates for use in human diseases as phosphorylation of the channel protein the premature onset of labor. (Perez and Toro, 1994). An alternative explanation for the delayed effect of Natriuretic Peptide-Induced Relaxation chorion-conditioned media is a necessary is not Mediated by Guanylate Cyclase delay due to the specific mechanism of Activation action of the as yet unknown quiescent factor. The activation of BKCa channels We originally hypothesized that at least enhances membrane hyperpolarization one of the chorion-derived quiescent and decreases Ca2+ entry through factors produced was a natriuretic peptide. neighboring voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Consequently, we tested their ability to Thus, the net result is a reduction in decrease oxytocin-stimulated myometrial contractility. This mechanism would be contractility. ANP and BNP, but not CNP, consistent with a report that the drugs used inhibited oxytocin-stimulated contractions to open BKCa channels show progressive of myometrium obtained from near-term inhibition of oxytocin-induced myometrial pregnant guinea pigs. And while BNP activity over 30 minutes of observation produced a greater degree of relaxation (Khan et al., 1998). than ANP, ANP stimulated a greater The nature of the substance(s) released increase in myometrial cGMP content. by the chorion remains unknown and none Further, anatin inhibited the increase in of the substances with relaxing capabilities cGMP stimulated by both ANP and BNP, known to be present in the fetal but had no effect on natriuretic peptide membranes can explain the induced relaxation. The results of these characteristics described herein. We experiments indicate that while natriuretic suggest the chorion releases several peptides can produce relaxation of factor(s) that modulate myometrial oxytocin-stimulated myometrium, the contractility and are responsible for the mechanism of action does not require maintenance of uterine quiescence. This activation of any of the known guanylate information provides new insights into the cyclase receptors. regulation of parturition and could

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 59 Six isoforms of the receptors for natriuretic stimulated myometrium by a mechanism peptides with guanylate cyclase activity independent of the activation of either GC- are identified in addition to a non- A or GC-B. guanylate cyclase coupled clearance In contrast to relaxation, natriuretic receptor (Foster et al., 1999). Only the peptides do increase myometrial cGMP type A (GC-A) and type B (GC-B) receptors via GC-A activation. The functional are reported to be present in rat (Dos Reis presence of GC-A in guinea pig et al., 1995) and human myometrium (Itoh myometrium from pregnant animals and et al., 1994). The binding affinity and the its higher affinity for ANP are order of potency for GC-A activation is demonstrated by the significantly larger ANP > BNP >>> CNP, while for GC-B is increase in cGMP content induced by ANP CNP >> ANP > BNP (Suga et al., 1992). compared to BNP. Further, anantin While our findings regarding the significantly reduced the effect of ANP and stimulation by natriuretic peptides of cGMP BNP on cGMP content indicating that the in the myometrium are consistent with this two peptides activate GC-A to increase receptor profile, they are inconsistent with cGMP. CNP failed to increase cGMP natriuretic peptide-induced myometrial content supporting our conclusion that relaxation profile. GC-B activation was unrelated to cGMP BNP was a more potent inhibitor of generation in pregnant guinea pig oxytocin-induced myometrial contraction myometrium. than ANP, while CNP had no effect on Though the time course for the natriuretic contractility. Since CNP does not relax peptide-induced cGMP increase guinea pig myometrium, we conclude that paralleled the relaxing effect of the CG-B activation is not involved the peptides on myometrial contractility, relaxation stimulated by ANP and BNP. anantin had no effect on natriuretic Furthermore, anantin, a specific peptide-induced relaxation despite competitive blocker of GC-A (Weber et al., inhibiting the cGMP increase. Further, the 1991) had no effect on the relaxation inhibition of cGMP-dependent protein produced by either ANP or BNP, indicating kinase with Rp-8-Br-cGMP had no effect that BNP-induced relaxation is not on the relaxation response to BNP. These mediated by GC-A activation. Thus, we results suggest that the cGMP pathway conclude from the available results that does not mediate the myometrial BNP induces relaxation of oxytocin relaxation produced by ANP and BNP.


The observation that BNP-induced increases K+ outward conductance relaxation was greater than ANP induced (Anand-Srivastava and Trachte, 1993; relaxation, but the increase in cGMP Kanwal and Trachte, 1994). A relationship stimulated by BNP was less, supports the between clearance receptor activation and conclusion that neither GC-A activation nor myometrial contraction / relaxation has not the cGMP increase mediate BNP-induced been shown. In the present study, we inhibition of oxytocin stimulated demonstrate that cANP, a specific agonist myometrial contraction. In summary, we of the clearance receptor (Maack et al., conclude from the available data that the 1987), did not inhibit oxytocin-induced relaxation by natriuretic peptides of contractility. While the presence of the pregnant guinea pig myometrium clearance receptor in the myometrium of stimulated to contract by oxytocin is either the pregnant guinea pig has yet to be not receptor mediated (a mechanism that demonstrated, our results do not support would be wholly novel), or mediated by the a role for it in the inhibition of oxytocin- activation of another receptor distinct from induced contraction by natriuretic peptides. GC-A and GC-B and free of particulate In addition, neither PTX (a trimeric G guanylate cyclase activity. protein inhibitor) nor TEA (a K+ channel Several reports suggest that natriuretic blocker) interfered with BNP-induced peptides have biological actions not relaxation (in contrast to their effect on mediated by guanylate cyclase-coupled chorion induced activity) further suggesting receptors. Rather, they function by a that natriuretic peptides do not activate the signaling activity via the natriuretic peptide clearance receptor to cause myometrial clearance receptor (Hempel et al., 1998; relaxation. The finding that both TEA and Johnson et al., 1991). Activation of this IbTx inhibit chorion-induced relaxation of signaling pathway does not result in cGMP oxytocin stimulated contraction suggests generation (Drewett et al., 1992), but does that even though the chorion produces involve a pertussis toxin sensitive G BNP, it also produces a second quiescent protein (Anand-Srivastava et al., 1996; factor. Murthy and Makhlouf, 1999; Murthy et al., In summary, these experiments show that 1998). Activation of the clearance receptor both BNP and ANP, but not CNP, inhibit inhibits adenylate cyclase (Drewett et al., oxytocin-stimulated contractions of 1992), increases phospholipase C activity myometrium from the pregnant guinea pig. (Anand-Srivastava and Trachte, 1993) and We propose that natriuretic peptide-

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 61 induced relaxation is mediated by we failed to identify BNP mRNA in any activation of a previously undescribed guinea pig tissue. We are forced to receptor that lacks guanylate cyclase conclude at this time that either the guinea activity and therefore does not involve the pig does not express BNP, or its gene cGMP pathway. Our results suggest that shares little homology with the reported BNP has a greater affinity for this receptor sequences. than either ANP or CNP. This pathway of We next cloned a fragment of the human relaxation is independent of GC-A or CG- BNP gene and found that among human B activation, cGMP generation or gestational tissues, BNP was expressed, clearance receptor activation. Finally, we and at high levels, only in the chorion. suggest that a locally produced natriuretic Further, we found that the expression of peptide, perhaps BNP, may be involved BNP mRNA as quantitated by RPA, was in generating myometrial quiescence greater in chorion from preterm (30 weeks) during pregnancy via this novel compared to that in term (38 and 39 mechanism. weeks) pregnancies. The presence of BNP has previously been Chorion Produced BNP reported in human gestational tissues (Itoh may mediate Chorion Induced et al., 1993). This group demonstrated Relaxation BNP mRNA in the amnion but not the We hypothesized that at least one of the chorion. However, they only studied term quiescent factors produced by the chorion chorion. The BNP they identified in the was a natriuretic factor. We first amnion was obtained from a second demonstrated natriuretic peptides, trimester pregnancy (15 weeks). In especially BNP, decrease oxytocin- agreement with our preliminary study, they stimulated myometrial contraction of were unable to amplify BNP mRNA from myometrium from the pregnant guinea pig. amnion at term (Itoh et al., 1993). We next sought to confirm the presence Our findings are preliminary. It remains of BNP in gestational tissues. Despite for us to demonstrate that BNP protein is multiple alignments of the BNP gene present and secreted into the conditioned sequence reported for a number of media before we can make a convincing species to generate a large number of argument that BNP has a role in uterine primers for conserved areas of the gene, quiescence.


Role and Tissue Distribution of cGMP chorion is released into the media in high During Pregnancy amounts. Therefore, we postulated that The studies to date are inconclusive with the cGMP measured in the myometrium respect to the role of cGMP in the during gestation might be produced in the maintenance of uterine quiescence. chorion and transferred to the myometrium However, they suggest that the cGMP as a paracrine signal between these two pathway is not a key mediator in the important tissues. process. While the cGMP analog, 8-Br- The immunohistochemistry studies (Figure cGMP, produced a concentration 36) dramatically support the postulate. dependent reduction in oxytocin Virtually all the cGMP appears to originate stimulated myometrial contraction, the in the chorion. The quantity of cGMP concentration necessary to produce a produced by the chorion is massive 50% reduction was as high as 10-4 M. strongly suggesting some important Furthermore, we were able in other biologic function. And while we postulate experiments, to discard the cGMP that myometrial cGMP may have a role pathway as a mediator of either natriuretic other than relaxation, a small quiescent peptide or chorion-induced relaxation of effect cannot be excluded. oxytocin-stimulated myometrial These results clarify some of our contraction. previously unexplained results. Chorion Prior to these studies, it was assumed the induces an increase in myometrial cGMP source of the myometrial cGMP was the content measured by RIA despite the myometrium, produced under the stimulus pharmacologic inhibition of myometrial of a paracrine factor released by the fetal guanylate cyclases. This effect of chorion tissues. Chorion induced an increase in was reproduced by incubation of the myometrial cGMP content, yet the effect myometrium with exogenous cGMP. Thus, of the chorion was not blocked by the it appears from our experimental model inhibition of either soluble or particulate that cGMP is released by the chorion, guanylate cyclases. Our incubation transferred to the media, and then to the studies revealed that the amount of cGMP myometrial tissue. In other models, it was produced in the chorion is several times reported that cGMP can be released into greater than that produced by the the extracellular space and there act as a myometrium. Furthermore, we paracrine mediator (Chevalier et al., 1996; demonstrated that cGMP produced by the Radziszewski et al., 1995).

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 63 In an attempt to clarify where the cGMP Much work remains before our generated by the chorion goes, we understanding of the paracrine regulation investigated the immunolocalization of the of myometrial contractility during cGMP after incubation of the tissues with pregnancy is complete. While the results exogenous cGMP. We described for the of our work are not the final solution, they first time that cGMP in vitro is present provide novel, and we believe, important almost exclusively in the chorion. We also new knowledge bringing us closer to the found that after incubation with exogenous ultimate goal. We have elucidated some cGMP, this cyclic nucleotide taken up by of the physiological mechanisms involved the decidua but not myometrial cells. in the maintenance of pregnancy; These studies support the likelihood of identified one paracrine mechanism for paracrine communication between the myometrial relaxation, and provide studies chorion and decidua but not the suggesting the existence of novel myometrium, an observation further substances and pathways involved in the rejecting a role for cGMP in the generation of myometrial quiescence maintenance of uterine quiescence. It is during pregnancy. These results open the possible that the cGMP content measured door to future investigations and provide in biopsies of myometrium, reported by new avenues for novel therapeutic many authors reflects only the differential approaches to preterm labor. content of decidual cGMP. We also cannot dismiss the possibility that this cGMP transfer demonstrated in vitro is only an experimental artifact. The experiment required the presence of IMBX to inhibit phosphodiesterase activity. Thus, the very high levels of cGMP measured in the chorion conditioned media are not reflective of the physiologic event. On the other hand, our confirmation that cGMP content changes with gestational age suggests precise control of cGMP synthesis supporting the possibility of a physiologic role.



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Glossary of Abbreviations

4-AP = 4-Aminoperidine ANP = Atrial Natriuretic Peptide BNP = Brain Natriuretic Peptide

2+ + BKCa = Large Conductance Ca activated K Channel cANP = Atrial Natriuretic Peptide fragment 4-23 Amide CNP = C-type Natriuretic Peptide CO = Carbon Monoxide GC-A = Guanylate Cyclase type A Receptor GC-B = Guanylate Cyclase type B Receptor Glib = Glibenclamide IbTx = Iberiotoxin IHC = Immunohistochemistry NO = Nitric Oxide NOS = Nitric Oxide Synthase PKG = cGMP-dependent Protein Kinase PTX = Pertussis Toxin RT-PCR = Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction RPA = Ribonuclease Protection Assay TEA = Tetraethylammonium

DR. JORGE A.CARVAJAL CABRERA 73 Pharmacological Tools Used

4-Aminoperidine = voltage gated K+ channel blocker Anantin = competitive inhibitor of GC-A receptor cANP = specific agonist of the natriuretic peptide clearance receptor Glibenclamide = ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker HS 142-1 = particulate guanylate cyclase inhibitor Iberiotoxin = large conductance Ca2+ activated K+ channel blocker IBMX = phosphodiesterase inhibitor Indomethacin = cycloxygenase inhibitor L-NNA = nitric oxide synthase inhibitor ODQ = specific blocker of soluble guanylate cyclase α Pertussis Toxin = specific blocker of G protein i subunit Rp-8Br-cGMP = membrane permeable cGMP analog, specifically blocks PKG 8-Br-cGMP = membrane permeable cGMP analog TEA = non-specific K+ channel blocker Tin-Protoporphyrin = hemoxygenase inhibitor