LAPITOL Read and to Give
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NEW BRITAIN DAILY HERALD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1020. 19; aristocracy, and by a large number . NEW 'RICHELIEU' !did acts I'ilcer, Douglas, 'ere.' i:,;;s tra-h'- 1 of visitors, natiiriiig uvir .teei.oiifi distinguished especially and McKenna. the intern: o;' titrK.-- those to ationaliy pounds was consumed in' arner isros. belonging nations honored famed dance Others ilicluile state on Tha n kse in selection of the new cardinals. l.jhis iving and the Kenny and Kemanl in "Foolin.e tsi of agriculture lias esti- - Fri" Sat- - Around;" Rati and Ruinh le. 'Tin-i- nlate.l that a pproximately the same S TRANDTcday' ROOKIE POLICEMAN GETS A Kilo l''oois;" Sid I ...wis. "Tl' f'lnwn aiiioniH w ill be required for tiie I'rinee of Vaudeville;" and "I town Christ mas ho; M-- y. Relentless Crime Tracker Comes to America to South" a Old Version for Re- i southern festival, Hampden TWO BURGLARS IN STORE Ml mm am Solve Baffling Crime! me u MffM UM U Sun. lay tile Strand will MAY ABANDON B A i LIMAD vised Local Writer offer the famed liroadnay st by c. ss no .v a hii in the talk i. Four Mouths on Force Gives liuck-lr- y leia'ion that li;e pre iously 1.1th ( N I1J811 hair" with Conrad la. and b ..Pinm.-- t by tl:.- North- - I'ir.--t Chance io Proc Leila .Hy.uns in the leading roles. ". stern l'a. iiie railread of a section When Waller Hampden appears ' m V olticru-ip.- ( lin- - - k 1 k-- f 1 at Parsons' theater, Hartford, t'nlfps Inrtiafed. thentrirnt nnt'rps antl reviews tn this column are ext. tiding ;;; mil.-- in Mar- l Courage Totlny. wiitten bv ,iei-s- as'T.rietJ for the respective amusement company. in and Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve- See.oi.ei counties. California, Items b" (.nfiriii...!. was tn in- - and matinee it Ul'c. J 'J tP) Patrolman City made the nings Saturday lioslon, 1. TsC'i'e e will be in a new version of "Riehe-lieu- " William F. a rookie of eon,!'.. todav Buckley, band. But a in. written Arthur Goodrich tiii:.vii:i:. HAinronn stage after fortnight of The i.y r c, Howard. by scared y four months experience, Is mode l was Yarpas choir under the lead- sintdo-luinde- Certainly there nothing operation the cafe abandoned who was long a resident of New proved liinibLlf today when, ;ii ership of J'. P. Uruzauskas will have in the title of the current attrac- and its entire interior M N ""CJ ISritain and risen to the two Now York dismantled. a IviLLi !) BY MM ( !i who lias he captured tion in Hart- And Ted rehearsal tonight at the Lithuanian of one of the as to at the Grand theater then Lewis and his com- Dee. r.l position leading hurglars they were about in hall on Bark street at s o'clock. Vhitmsvil!.., :ib;s,. (I'l'l ford. Hilled as "Best Show Town" pany started work in on .)u-.- dramatists of the eountry. Un- "crack" a Kate. another set ph 1.. meiuv. 4 7, of l.inwood. drugstore one can this offer- one of the sound Worthy Temple, Pythian Sister, of Mr. Goodrich's "Come out of or I'll hardly deny that great stages at the kill. .1 a'l l II. doubtedly many there blo; live to Warner will hold a nguiar meeting tomor- Jei'll Boy of this ing has something to up and Bros.' studio in Hollywood, n ii ie-- l old friends will seize the opportunity your brains out," Buckley ordiel row night at Judd's hall. A Christ- v,::s :r, v, hey v. re that is just, what it has been doing the of i to go to Hartford to see his latest the open dooi. continuing jinaking the pic- mas sir,;. I; by :; t r"ek through drugstore its stav in the ture of which the cafe scenes party for members and friend operated work. When he added : during capitol city. form will by William liens of while they hesitated, a love- a follow the meeting and refresh- ALL TALKING! "She" rare type of brunette part. ; Mr. Hampden long has wanted to "You won't walk out it you don't ments w ill be serve,. walkin ale:.;: the le hwav last out with hands in the liness, is featured in a sensational This Yitaphonc production, called appear as Cardinal Kichclien, but conic your "Is Officers of the district association night. 17 lie .air." shimmy dance that literally slops Everybody Happy?" and at the of the International Dance Stars the famous play dealing with that show is a the Veterans of Foreign Wars will r r " y v Featuring was marching the to the and she supported by Capitol today and Friday, and for a be great French statesman, written by Buckley pair n elect,., for tiie coming year at a Llsie r.onts box when i oliee car cam-.- trio of lovely maidens Kvelyn part of its length presents the Dudley Bulwer I.ytton, is out of date a patrol a meeting of of McKlCN.NA quite Lois, lieba Malvey and line Ger::!i. Ted just as he appears in real representatives posts I'lI.CKK DOI (il.AS in its so the actor-manag- er by. A second automobile bearing in tiie .lb.tri.-- at in Famous i original form, who sure know their Tiie life as a a the state armory Play was to New York registration plates the stuif. stage entertainer of eiiv llvxiy Keuney and lleniant sill Lewis not able realize this in- this tonight. y male contingent of funniakers distinctly different sort. ambition until Mr. Goodrich fur- police called it a Henry K sen Run' ninl Kuiulile Down south" cludes such well known In tiie scenes laid in the raszewski. of .Mr, mel a up. Alter a chase the driver performers Hungarian Mrs. r Krasz.-wsk- nished him witli modern version Co.-tel- Wall, .,t lie. was also arrested. as Bob Startzman. Lou and cafe in New York city. Lewis f" - ;n which the mechanical action and sings Broad si r. and Mel. -- ems. :. said were Andy Anderson, three ni usketeei s three songs in the manner Chris The three they Sannn. that has son Mr. I I'llilhWl stilted phraseology of the old drama t of 'in. Mrs. William Daniel Feluiuan and Mil- v ho are a show in lu niselves. view- so charmed theatergoers that he has j were eliminated. Feldman, of 14 Bine .s:r.-.-t- both stu- ton Lebotf, ail of hut tir. ed from a laugh angle. The costum- for years been one of vaudeville's That Mr. Goodrich is well lioxbury, dents at Vermont will ar- quali- police claim the names and ad- ing and scenery approaches the most popular stars. academy, fied rive to this to sp.-m- for such a task was evident are fictitious. at times and is always Lewis' east in city tomorrow his dresses spectacular supporting "Is the Christmas recess from former triumphs in the in gooil taste. A bevy of winners Evcrylvody includes Ann here. theater. he an- Happy?" It was who wrote completes the east with "Best Show Bennington, Alice Lawrence other of Mr. Boom Seal Sale Day, Hampden's greatest Pupils in Town." Tickets for the idniglit Grant and Julia Swayne Gordon, ad Native successes, "Caponsacchi," this Turkey Prices being At Nathan Hale School Frolic New Year's Kve are still the picture was directed, by Archie dramatization of Jtobert Browning's ' L. For Christmas Great interest is being shown in available at the Grand. This thi Mayo. Joseph Jackson and James Cheaper TONIGHT dramatic "The and j ;) MPS great poem. Ring seal.-whic- is tile A. Ilartl' Lee. Tli the annual sale of Christmas h hour mirth melange high spot Starr wrote the screen story. stale the Book." This play served Mr. on me- department of a.u'ricult n r.- has opened at the Nathan of Hartford's doings that The offers the popular announced Hampden for an entire season at we.-ter-n today that native for Hale Junior high school. There morable evening and the manage- star Ken Maynard in his turk.vs his own theater in New York and sell-ou- t'iiristmas will be. ten a of m ment expects a t first all talking thriller of the west cents pound has won in what- are displays posters and flyers logiylly ; general approval befo-f- t!ie cui-ici- ris.-- on this "The cheaper than l!,e TlianUs;,-ivini- TOMORROW NIGHT ever other the classrooms and corridors and long Wagon Master." cities it was presented. event. Spe.-ia- turkey. 1 aitraetions. favor, Beginning for lour Another of Mr. Goodrich's fine con- the student body is kept advise Saturday days 'i'lle turle-.i- best direct the en- cotniuitlee has r 1 on the progress of the sa!,j the obtainable sketches Capitol will offer the return tributions to the stage was "Yes or daily New as well as reconiniende.l pne, s from by means of the bulletin boards. from Yoik the gagement of 'Tiie Gold Diggers of r:m;itiar No," a drama which also enjoyed an 15 to 'Pi a lor tin- The sale is carried on in company of "(bt Hot" wliic'i Broadway." pound Ms all season run in New York. being tiie 't is sell. dul"d : play here that week 'a SATURDAY NIGHT "Richelieu" Mr.