page 2 the paper february 17, 2016 FFordhamordham PPrep,rep, ppg.g. 3 FFlippylippy FFloppy,loppy, ppg.g. 9 NNewew DDirection,irection, ppg.g. 1155 F & LL,, 221-221-22 PPabloablo JJob,ob, ppg.g. 2233 the paper “Kanye Album Name” c/o Offi ce of Student Involvement Editor-in-Chief Fordham University Siobhan “Anthropablogy” Donahue Bronx, NY 10458
[email protected] Foreign Correspondent Kelly “Booty in the Butt Ass Bitch” Tyra the paper is Fordham’s journal of news, analysis, comment and review. Students from all Executive Editors years and disciplines get together biweekly to produce a printed version of the paper using Arthur “Scalia Got Pablo’d” Banach Adobe InDesign and publish an online version using Wordpress. Photos are “borrowed” from Luis “Death of a Pablo” Gomez Internet sites and edited in Photoshop. Open meetings are held Tuesdays at 9:00 PM in McGin- ley 2nd. Articles can be submitted via e-mail to
[email protected]. Submissions from News Editor all students are always considered and usually published. Our staff is more than willing to help John “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Pablo” Looby new writers develop their own unique voices and fi gure out how to most effectively convey their thoughts and ideas. We do not assign topics to our writers either. The process is as follows: Opinions Editors have an idea for an article, send us an email or come to our meetings to pitch your idea, write Melody “The College Pablo” Knight-Brown the article, work on edits with us, and then get published! We are happy to work with anyone Claire “Untitled” Nunez who is interested, so if you have any questions, comments or concerns please shoot us an email or come to our next meeting.