THE GAZETTE, JULY 30, 1926. 391

KILKEEL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. 4. Water Street, , to the Bridge in Bridge Street, Rostrevor. Notice of Application by The Rural Dis- trict Council for a Special Order under Section 26 of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1919, to SECON'D SCHEDULE. acquire compulsorily and to use land for the PART I. purpose of an Electricity Generating Station Streets repairable by the County Council of County • and for the generation, sale and distribution of . electricity by the District Council within the The following roads, so far as they extend within the limits of the of Rostrevor, etc. area of supply .— THE KILKEEL RURAL DISTRICT COUN- (1) Main Road from to Kilkeel. CIL (hereinafter called " the District Council"), (2) Main Road from Warrenpoint to Hilltown. (3) Road from Rostrevor Square to Glenmore, Ros- whose Office is at Kilkeel, in the County of Down, trevor, where it joins Main Road to Kilkeel. hereby give Notice that they intend making appli- (4) Road from Bridge Street, Rostrevor, to Shore cation to the Electricity Commissioners for Nor- Road, past The Willows. ' thern Ireland for a Special Order authorising the (5) Water Street, Rostrevor, to the Bridge in Bridge District Council to acquire compulsorily and to use Street, Rostrevor. land for the purpose of an Electricity Generating (6) Road from The Square, Rostrevor, to Greenpark Station, and the generation, sale and distribution Bridge, Rostrevor. of electricity by the District Council within the (7) Road from Hilltown Road to Forestbrook. limits of the townland of Rostrevor in the Kilkeel (8) Road from Forestbrook Road to New town Rural District and County of Down And that it Bridge. is proposed that overhead Electric lines shall be put up on the roads in the said townland of Ros- trevor named in the First Schedule hereto within PART II. two years from the commencement of the Order. Streets not repairable by the County Council of the And that it is further proposed to obtain County ot authority to erect overhead electric lines over the (9) Roxboro' Place Road; Rostrevor. roads not repairable by the District Council as the (10) Syenite Place Road, Rostrevor. Local Authority named in the Second Schedule (11) Victoria Terrace Roads, Rost-revor. hereto. Dated this 22nd day of July, 1926. The land of which it is desired the said Order WILLIAM JOHNSON, Solicitor for "the shall authorise the acquisition and use for the pur- Kilkeel Rural District Council and for the poses of a Generating Station is all that piece of said Order. land situate in the Townland of Rostrevor, in the Co-jnt/ of Down, consisting of a Garden whhb KPS 6 Marcus Square, between Water Street, Rostrevor, and Bridge . Street, Rostrevor, and a Lane or Passage to said Garden from Water Street, Rostrevor, and which said Garden and Lane or passage are coloured red GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN on the Plan deposited in relation thereto at The IRELAND. Office of the said Electricity Commissioners. And Notice is hereby further given that every MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. Local or other Public Authority, company or person MARKETING OF EGGS ACT (NORTHERN desirous of bringing before the Electricity Commis- IRELAND), 1924. sioners any objection respecting the application may do so by registered letter addressed to the In the exercise of its powers under the above Secretary of the said Electricity Commissioners, Act, the Ministry of Agriculture for Northern 13 Wellington Place, Belfast, and dispatched within thirty days from the date of the publica- Ireland hereby tion of this Advertisement, and that a copy of SUSPENDS such objection must also be forwarded to the undersigned Solicitor for the said Order. as from the 2nd August, 1926, to the 2nd Novem- ber, 1926, the under-mentioned licence by reason Printed Copies of the Draft Order as applied for of the holder's non-compliance with the conditions and of the Order as made can be obtained at the prescribed by the said Act and the Rules made price of 2/- each at the Office of Messrs. Wheeler thereunder:— & McCutcheon, Solicitors, 2 Wellington Place, Belfast, and at the office of the undersigned at 6 : No. of Date of Name and Address of Person Marcus Square, Newry, and at the Office of The Licence Licence to whom Licence was granted. Kilkeel Rural District Council at Kilkeel, and at 1221 19th Jane Mallaghan, the Office in the Shop of David C. Sinton at Bridge January, Screeby, Street, Rostrevor. 1925. Fivemiletown, County Tyrone.

FIRST SCHEDULE. Given under the Seal of the Ministry of 1. Main road from Warrenpoint. to Kilkeel, from [L.S.] Agriculture for this Seapoint, Rostrevor, to the Quay, Rostrevor. 24th day of July, 1926. 2. Hilltown Road, from Mary Street, Rostrevor, to the Roman Catholic Church, Rostrevor. J. V. COYLE, 3. Road from Rostrevor Square to Glenmore, Rostrevor, where it joins Main Road to Kilkeel. Assistant Secretary.