The Independent liii IISI)~Y Florid 3, j %N. lb. 197 ~ 67 NO. 64) Campus Communotions inc Go'nu~v'lI. Florida Not oficiolly OSW oted ~s 0, the U F do L PuDished b~ A Book price hksle average 8 per cent By RENA EPSTEIN a ww. enlarged edition "a' published Alligator Staff Writer I he publishers increased the price of the ic~ edit 'on Ironi 12 to St 7 95 so the physical led hook prices Ii lye lunuped as much as science ileparinient decided to purchase IS per tent this scar, according to Sani ~e; eral copies and pui them on reserve instead U cten. nian.igcr of the ( ampus Shop and *i~ making the students buy it. lie said. Bookstore lILT HE ADDED ninny of the students I he average increase. U tien siid, is about took the initiative to purchase the cheaper. X per cent older edition col)ies left in the bookstore Ito,,, "PRICES HAVE been rising all year but he pre~ iou, quarter is lbtilitie(1 to specific looks.' he said Florida Bookstore reported more price lit' iC~W printings tost more because it tic, eases than any of the either bookstores. lit rca ses ill the toy ,t paper, binders board l)avid B:iuldree, manager. ,ad there have i loll, a I Luc report cii ( 'et iv been "ore price changes t his quarter than Hi ii~ a rd An I A ndcr~on book In~ other quarter ICC pa i-I ii C it lianager. jul he receisecl 'ABOUT 30-40 per cent of he te~thooks I Sch~urx Outlines Wed- arc ituireasc~I as much as 10 per tent. he iesl.iy iTid ii ret so era price i tic rca ses Sdid. "THREE HAVE gone up SI .piccc. three I here have not been any direct coni~~Iaints, it our 'I hers rcreasol Mi cents each and hr sat'1. heciuse most students are buying the sonic have i ntrtascl 2S cent'. he said htsks or the first time and dont kno,& what Attouruting or these iicre:isrs. he uted they cost before the nereases. libtirs desire or iritreaseil ~ age' and in- l.~pIaining that increased paper costs are creases in pa per tosts which .1 re directly Pail K rt51,(insible or the 'rice increases. elated to pillion ci'iitrtl iicastircs required Haulcirce also said the hooks publishers might III i.tptt tiijtuitactujrtrs be hedging against possible future price Ironically there have been ewer con, tree/cs hints about hook inces iii CtfliuI)Mi5Ofl to MALONE'S Bookstore manager Bill he last two quarter'. .cct~rding to Arders&,n. icarah said he ;ruces of sonic hocks have "MAYBE STUDENTS are grinning and ~One up hut he cant name the specific books. liv.irnig it. hut I k ni. e;eryorie is unhappy I can tell sonic have gone up hut it is no iboil lie sit iitioti. lie said luort than t hey h ase been increasing .tll lilt ILIlS nil dtn~iis of the ecoiii'iiiic ear he reported situition iw Liii itfecting the number of Alt h ugh ic V hook ~rice' generally are in cteasl rig, it Ii a'n t icc! ~1 Li It It Proessor Anilcrson ~iiul publishers ire not bringing hi it kst ore, w h ci, sells general books but not Oh! iS 111.015 iciisiuiis and cilitions as in texts liesiohis ink's Wuic to the econoriiy ACCORDING to Viola tiocring. ow ncr iii "TI! FY ARE pichrw nit he liesi ones and the bookstore, the first week of winter quarter iuitliiig nhtrc flumes unto printing these was largest' of any quarter since they ciliti.,uis. liv situ. opened in (janesville three years ago. photo by ondy newman I'i of I lvi bert olit,. ph~ SIC ii science But she The worlds biggest bonana? Although it moy ltpiririent pi-uilessoi ho teachi, the said book prices have been slowly look increasing in the last six months. Ups and appealing - and certainly appears fruity the Nutuiral Re eioius course ((PS 235). has strange apparatus these students ore frolicking on is in 'I'pptul rcqtiiriug his students to purchase Sonic' books go up between the cents to 10 tact part of their coursework. For on expionotion and * Hi vsiovr.iph~ oft he I tired States. because cetuts ii, each order. she said. downs more pictures, see page seven. For Emma and others abortion is a way out

ByJACkII HARI)ER She it Ii.itl iv' list clues a tcs~ weeks ago. "I WANT a ~arecr r~ore than anything lit calls conitoriahlc dtninu chairs and touches Alligalor Ccrrnpondent islie,, her huils began telling her something into rip edreer. into school and doing all the A stereo mcii to W(,VI 'its on white par as ismong inside. Oni nous symptoms, like thing' I tan do as in md is dual sons Cables Paint Ings I women hang on the l~ulT4)HS NOTE: Tno lean ago next tlalIsei C' Cr' da~ and all day Ic tig. and I don't "ant the rc.ponsibilits ol thinking white "aIls rhunda~. the U.S. Supreme Court effetIveIy sitelling. tender breasts that hurt when she for a little person It should he the most tin- AN I) THE door keeps opening Icr girls lust Inislidated stat. lrn.segaIn.t*b.rtlon. p1,1mg slept on her side. Aiid no period. feast hie situ at on pussi ble like [nina esen American '.oman the right te ha. a But it "as still a shock. There is no such Words like adult tess. had little ii hoN I was a little embarrassed and 'cared at legal abortion. Tod.~ The AllIgator it thing is being halfway I~reMnaTit. She didnt didn't hurt. But murderer' first. Its lot one (if those thun~s you advertise. c~aminn the abortion comtro,.ru, by Cr' until later. 'PERSONALLY, I didnt see anyihing I i~ent up to the desk and whispered, In, reporting the st.tu. of abovtln-amd anti. Her bo~ friend Pete "as upset. It ~as his wrong with it. I dorVt think of an embryo as here to have an abortion abortlon-leglslatioit. ataibble methods of iirst too. Ironic w discover his physical person. I tion? consider it murder at all. rhe gangly. red-hatred woman behind the termInatIng pregneney. and the upsurge of ~owncs and his titter helplessness at the same 'Abortion was really ni' only alternative. desk wasn't embarrassed. And better, there the sntl-aboullon ~totenient. We hegli with line. There was nothing he could do for I-or all ~artie% Concerned, it t'as the best i.a. no accusation in her eyes. Matter ol the ston id F:m~na the result @1' IntensIve l:mtui.i except stand I,' her and leave her to alternative. For Pfle. it "as a problem~ arid it faetly, she asked if pregnancy had been ludmnlns .Ith women about their take his incredible trip alone. had to he taken care of It "as like a disease conuirnueci and when her last menstrual nnhnw. pndk~anwitt of being pqsaiut. SHE'S IA. triini4mrried and want, to stay that had to be cured. period "as- Although oh. lndI.Idusl cIrcumstances that ~. a' for ~iw bile. In the old days girls got Eight weeks pregnant and faced with an SATiSFIEI) THE pregnancy was early dffmnd In time and plan. Emma - a ~re.~anr and had to get married. Not ,uo,. undeniable responsibilit' for her own life and enough to be handled by the vacuum complete of (line four wonun, aceurat.b A~d not Enint,. tor that grow nc di' idinM blob ol cells inside aspirator procedure at the clink, she made desedhes the npei'Ience of undergoliti a legal n'.ins of nfl friends had to get married. her. Enina an appoininuent for iii. ncn Wed- a&oqIbn. outside of hating kids. the~ll ne'er anuouant "I DECIDED abortion was the only nedav at II am. In five minutes. Emma was to zunthing. Iheyrt' so limited. I cant accept alternati,.' 'but the door with a blue pamphlet filled with lIst' inatn diflerenec lctwcen Eni,,a and gcttiiig ijarried so ~t'uing. It just ruins so Recalling an article in the G.ines~iile Sun pre-procedure instructions. 'lost of the .n her girl' on cai.tptas " as that '11.1 in things. about the abortion clinic at the Gainesville Eat nothing after 8 pa. the tuisht before Emuimi "is prcgnaiit. Sb or eight 'secks. the Besides. I don: think I could be in a Wone&s Health Center. 'he and Pete went to the procedureThe next morning. eat a light doct'r .it i lie in rinrin an told her. ,itaritul. noiuoganou' relationship and ha~ the to" green building opposite Alachus unurishing breakfast. a lrucnd so stiectiscil' rut it. What a tIlL' person thro' in nit face. Gtddamrnit. I General Hospital. bummer. What an n,~rcd ibit' I'm,, iner. had to nu.irr' smi. I don 'I "ant I.' rut iii' self The clinic is like ~o ordinary' doctors A BL'l~Iht ER. but it't ot ills utse.srtscd ii, that sit uat ion. ottiec. The blue shag carpet matches the Ion. (See Emma.' per lit P.g.2. 1). indnn.den* floriD. Ailigalor, Thur.doy Jonuory 6. 197$ ~mnnunimni#iuinig hlnsaonuiannrgigngnnuun lIIIHl~~'~~ thursday ALLAN J GINGLFR I Ford state of union not good CapsuleWit. &dior

U.S. ECoNOMY ~ngres~ \Ve~inesda~ liw ,,wotile tR Cut, tO 1 'A ittesslor~V \Sl-IIN(, igid for 10N41I'Il ica~; raw' -itake'resident tic! cost fuid' - c~Cflisked it II -, I the 'is, of niak,,w inflation one r Ii, *~' *' Colby admits I - I iltist 'a' to ~(~ui that the state ii he LlIilc~ i~ riot F) * '" ':g, (*~ ~ ~ood 1-ord told a joint scsson of he I-louse and the Senate. speakin doomil~ in the chaiii her hCIL he ser' ed * for a quarter ol centuip I~A

~as and $22.5 billion of permanent cut' in income taxes WASHING I (IN UPI) - Director Wilbau,, F. t t4h~ paid by individual and corporations. His adiscrs said the ackno" edged Wednesday hat the ('IA maintained tiles or, fuel lax would add substantially to inflation. IO,(XX) American dissidents, and also conducted surseillaice THE I)EMOCRATIC-controlled q4th Congress ap- t~ o U. S. cities to abort reported plot to kill Vi~ ,lauded little and i)eniocrats attacked Ford~ ideas as I President Spiro Agne~. likely to enhance inflation and hurt the pogor. * Colby's ackno~dedgiiieilt came in a 4 5 -page report to tc Many said rationing fuel would be less painful and niore * intelligence subcommittee of the Senate Appropriatiors lair. Senate Democratic Whip Robert C. Byrd. W. Va. Conniittee. It also detailed other apparently illegal doniestic called Fords plan a surrender to inflation' Sen. William activities. Proxmire. 1)-Wis. said. it wont work and it wont get the However. Colby denied news reports that the agency hod support of Congress. engaged in massive illegal activities in violation of its 144' THERE WERE reports thai the departure of Treasury * charter which prohibits domestic intelligence. Any institution wouldbe Secretary William E. Simon - a longtime advocate of hard put to avoid some wrong

driving down tuel consumption by driving up its price - steps. he told the subcommittee. "But any steps over the lint. was imminent, but Simon's office denied it He wanted in CIA's 27-year history were few an tar between and if wrong. cuts in government spending even deeper than those Ford stemn~ed from a nilsoonception of the extent of (IAs

l~roPose~ authority - Ford's economic coordinator. L. William Seidman, said Sen. John 0. Pastor. 1)-Ri. angrily declared after tle the Presidents proposal for energy excise taxes would add session that Colby's testimony showed there had heci, 2 per cent to the Consumer Nice Index itt this and sub- serious abuses beyond the statutory charter otthe (IA. sequent years hinders Ford to drop Simon Soviet rejection detente WASHINGTON (UPI) - White House officials indicated

MoSCoW UPI) - The Soviet rejection aithe 11.5. Trade trees may row pull out. Wednesday President Ford had decided to drop William liii I II disrupt H ussian-Anierican trade and may scuttle The Soviet decision refusing to accept a provision requiring Simon a' I treasury secretary. but a spokesman said Sriuc ui~'rc thin two 'cars of delicate negotiations to make trade a speeded up emigration of disaffected iiiinorities-partieularl~ h .1d no intention of resigning. k4'iIbcriQrlt of deletil e iet~ cen the two superpowers. Western Jews-in exchange for trade preferences in the United States White House sources told U P1 that Simon had lost tilt is Ii1~lllr1iit, siid Wednesday, puts the issue hack it was on Oct. IS, 972, ~.hen the tine of Fords cha ci economic advisors when the Preslenr I lii lakes is hack to 'J72. one diplomat said. All is not trade agreement signed by the t~o nations, ignored his counsel and abandoned efforts to fight initial lust 'iii it looks is though ~e are ~oin~ to have to start Ironi he Soviet note disclosed l,~ Secrerar~ of Stne Hcnr~ A and balance the budget in Ia'or of concentrating ml tilL tItili . Kissinger did not abrogate the I ~ ttreenwnt, tinder iL Ii itO t~ S I CCCS5i('fl ti Aiercan Thiress operating in the So'iet I ' American corn p.i flies h ,i' t beer a cered 'ted it 4)1W rate \ s1 wkcsn,,, lot .Sinitiii said cmphaticall~ ihii I ii ii Ille F& iis etuse ii ,ilIo~ am r,,OrC 1: 5, M.siv~ But the Smiets s.d 1w aQreenent ~tilI 'lot be \etIetjr~ has no intention ol resi~triing tii ii ii, ,~,ti tic ii lit cturit~ w tlo''n trade A tit.~ ettect because ol the eri~i itton cL.iursc 'Inch ii calk I dunn lezivt a ship Itisi because wit: rim liii 'iti Fl, (iistriilHt)Jtors ,hikici lit I rcasiii' s1 ,tkesn,,in sail Pregnant or HOW TO GET Little Larryk think you are? THE SUNDAY C,> 7]-p.' (DINNER) TIMES .5' ja Call soeckl THE ON SUNDAY

Now you can receive Americas most prestigious Your C hoce W/2 Vegetables Si 49 CORNER Sunday niOwspoper, the New York Times, .i.Your Choice WI Vegetables $169 delivered to your home the some day it's BREADED VEAL STEAK published. No more waiting until the middle of DRUG the week for these famous Time. features: Arts and Leisure Business and Finance. Travel and BAR-B-QUE BEEF Resorts, Sports, Book Review, Magozine, and OP-ED Section. DEVILED CRAB STORE 4 oz. BURGER STEAK for pregnancy testing, k ~ Stop waiting . get your Sunday New York BEEF STEW Times on Sunday. Coil today for more in- abortion ref erra~ or formation.

RN ~I(M S Oki RI Vii I-Kits 'RI I post-abortion counseling 5\I \I) (1)Lt Si W OR RN ~It~V \l~ 378-1588 373-8888 1128 S.W. 1st. Ave. Not Affullad wilk @.inui. Sun fl,* ind.nd.r,~Acvld. AJIIg$.v. Thw.d.y, January 14. IflSPag.3 CIA prober defends the practice of secrecy B~ STUART EMMRICH That's onc ot the things the comnhiss:on is AWgaIo. Staff Writer ~oing to look into.' he explained. A member of the presidential (IA in- rhe conn~ission's investigating powers only 'estigat ing cOnimisslOn. Corner U S. Solicitor reter to domestic operations. Griswold said Cci,. Cris~.old defended at UF the, Aill not look into the foreign activities of Wednesday the inherent secrecy ot the he CIA. CIA. bin added the commission '.as going to GRISWOLD SAID the comnhissrnn would thoroughly investigate any areas of domestic report to the Justice department. whose duty ~urveiIlance the agency may have been in- it "ill be to carry out any recommendations. volved in. fhere are no penalties stated for persons Griswold, at U Es College of Law as a "ho may have violated the CIA charter and Distinguished Professor, said the coninhission Griswold said this is one of the areas the THE 10 WEST I ~as instructed by President Gerald Ford to tonnis'ion might look into examine any domestic operatorss the CIA Griswold said the commission hearings may have engaged in and to make any would necessaryr ly he private because of he recommendations it feels necessary. confidential nature of sonic of the testimony THE CIA is ferlidden by its 1947 charter being given. to involve itself in domestic spying and "THE OPERATION is inherently seerd. If NOW OUR VERY BEST Griswold said the commission was going to you report to too large a group then it wont determined if the charter was violated. kept secret," he said. He added the task might be difficult Answering charges Iron, some government OUR MOST ELEGANT because the CIA is "a complex organization officials that the investigation of the CIA involving a large number of individuals. We might hamper the agency's operations. DESIGNS ARE SLASHED TO cant be expected to walk around the place Griswold said. 'if hey are doing ~omethang wtth a magnifying glass. illegal then it .'ught to be hampered" He said, however, that the commission Griswold said he thought the investigation NEW LOWS. would "follow up any lead or problem we hear would ultimately benefit the agency and help about. We want to learn as much as we east' the morale of the CIA's eniploycs. AND HUNDREDS OF PAIRS ALTHOUGH Criswold said any domestic spying by the CIA should not be going on, he defended the necessity of the agency existing STILL MUST BE for foreign operations. There must be a CIA." he said, "and it SOLD AT NEW has to operate in secrecy. We live in a world of niany nations that have intelligence INCREDIBLE REDUCTIONS. operations. We cannot go aftund with blinders on Often the only things we know about a country is what we find out through the CIA. Most of their work is done by reading newspapers and journal< he added. NATURAl COMFORtS WERE HE EMPHASIZED, however, that the NOW agency must be "under effective citizen 5 control' but refused to say whether chat 3Q ~15 control should conic from the President or PItCRSSCR ERWIN GNISWaD KIMFIS WERE NOW Congress. member of Investigating Commssion Revenue loss forcescity budget cut 534 to ~51 ~15 to ~23 The City of Gainesville will start trimming would be cut. He will report to the con,- WERE more than 5400.000 off this year s budget mission next Monday with his a recoin- NOW beginning next week because of revenue loss. niendation. The $4O4,O~ deficit was caused by lower FARMER 'TOLD commissioners the deficit to 539 17 ~20 tax reveres and higher fuel adjustment was caused by three main problems' charges. Gainesville City Manager B. Harold * The luel adjustment charge oil CAP BFPS WERE Farmer told City Commissioners at this companies have had to assess the city for NOW weeks meeting. providing oil to the Regional Utilities Board. ~26 THE 5404,000 loss represents ap- * The ID per cent utilities tax, which the ~5 M 3to~1 6.90 proximately three per cent of the 514 million City of Gaineville charges on utility bills, has city budget. Farmer said. also decreased because electric consumpdon ~1 ATFORA' HLJAPACIIFS WERE 'Our budget is so tight that certain has fallen. NOW ~rograrns will have to be cut into to make up * The 10 per cent ad valorem tax, which tor the losses. Farmer said. equals 10 cents for each 110 of property tax ~2O to Farmer wouldn't say which programs evaluation has also decreased. THE SKI LOOK A Req. $40.00 I Now $28.95 jLight weight blue denim quilted jacket with a hue down linng for maximum retention of 'tarmnth. Period tar around town. camping, - -v and skiing.

L 029 W. Univ. Ave. 'K - Aqusik A liii RecAst iS? Is 97 OPEN) D -8 MT SAT. 10-S r' 3448 W. Mi. Aig.~ 02Wfl Pag.' Th.Ind.p.nd.n*&d4a Ailigoor Thundoy Januory '6, 975 PAID FOR AT USUAL ADVERTISING RATES



Student Government is, first and foremost, students. That's right STUDENTS, tnt like you. That means there are going to be o few differencesfrom the usual conceptof''government' nghtoff thebot You wontfnd yourelected studentofficiolsin aforoff capital representing you and learning your needs and problems by phone. No, they'll berghtnextto you in lineatihe Hub; they'll be sitting right behind you non overcrowded classroom, and, well, you get the picture. Next it should be emphasized that Student Government does hove an office, or meeting and planning area. This is on the third Iloorof the Reit, Union -- you know- that big building with the pool tablesond the bowling alley. If you can get to the third floor you can't miss the office. If you do miss it the phone number is392-1665. Now whatdoesthisgroupof studentsoccomplish - really? For starters, each year StudentGovernment allocates three to jour HUNDRED THOUSAND DOI.LARS in your direction. Those dollars fund the Accent speakers program, intramural athletics, the Block Student Union. the Environmental Action Group, Samson. and the list goes on and on. These students also handle special projects in th, students interest, such as student lobbies in Tallahassee, the SG Office of ConsumerAffairs (which will be putting out the studentConsumer Guide in February) and the off-campus roommate referral service. Students looking out for student interests. And then there are the little things Student Government does that you don't really think much about Things like course schedules that indicate who the instructorswill beforeach section in advance. Or the one or two dollars you save by seeing big name entertainment at SG concerts. And do you want to know something else that Student Government is- really? Mistakes. Sure, SGpeople make mistakes: doesn't everyone? But they're students just like you, remember? Not mystical names that just appear on campaign posters in the spring and then vanish into the editorial pages of the Alligator. But the mistakes STUDENTS. don't happe., all thotoften. Theresa whole lot more done right than wrong. And the last thing that Student Government - is really - is two or more potnis of view If you don't representative think SG is of most 0f the students on campus, come to a student senate meeting sometime. So now you should have a general understanding of what SG is. If you have any doubts or questions, or if you'd tike to help out, come up to the office. You know now where it's at.


"money money money - the SG Budget'

NO MINIMUM $G BUC2GfT REQUESTS STUDENT INFOOMAIlON BOOTH on NAUCCIAL ONGANIZATlON POR OPEN Toll Discount Program WOMEN Any student organization wishing a The information booth across from Student Government budget for fiscal Apparently the Hub is open third through there hos been some 1975.76 must submit sixth misunderstanding their budget periods doily, concerning the request by January and has on-the-spot 22. Budget information Consciousness raising groups of Student Government Turnpike Toll requests for all your needs. The may be submitted to the eight to ten people are Discount Program. There is no booth is sponsored by Student now being Treasurer's office, room 310 in the formed. This minimum toll charge required to Government and operated by Alpha is a workshop on the Union meaning participate in the program. Ph, Omega, of being a manor woman in a sexist Society. Approrimotely 100 students are now It you need assistance in compiling BOOK EXCHANGE STILl. OPEN participating The book in the program but more your budget, come by Treasurer Greg exchange will be open ore needed to realize full savings Sherman s office Monday tha. Friday, todoy from 100-4 00. The topic for the next meeting potential. January 6.2!, 1 30-4:30. Students may buy books, leave will be "Women in Prisons.' If you are interested call or come by books to be sold and pick up unsold There wiN be a panel on work-release; the Treasurers office, 310 1, Wayne books. Checks for books sold this including a SG COMMITTEE OPENINGS prisoner from Lowell, Heitz Union, 392-1623. quarter will be mailed out in about a former prison two weeks Books not sold this quarter guard, the head at Lowell's counseling Applications ore now being program token in will be held for sale Spring quarter and two graduate students the Student Government CREDIT UNION ANNOUNCES DIVIDEND office, 305 Your book exchange s located in currently counseling at Lowell JWRU for the following SG openings room 337 or the J Wayne Reitz Union The student credit union has an bounced a dividend on its shores The * Activity and Service Fee Allocation Meeting time - open WEEKLY to the public amount of the dividend for member Committee members DEADLINE$ will thursday, January Anyone 23. 7.30 pm' shores is 6 percent in 1974 desiring to submit motersal at 1402 W. University Avenue Students interested in establishing * Student delegate to the University for insertion in the SG WEEKLY should on account or obtaining a loan should Senate hove their copy in the SG Corn- contact the credit union at 392-1622 municotions office on the preceding or * Distinguished Professor Plans come Cha4 Friday 4 pm for it to a ppear in ore underwa y to print or to room 310 in the Union Selection Committee nernbers Thursday s Alligator anthology of writing of Gainesville *T~FUiV~iUU, '~u.I .J. '-- -. ~.Jnma., it .----

K P~'~'~r'~

* *~,. - ~ -~ 5r STuVtN1' GOVERNMENT 305 J. WAYNE REIU UNION 392 166S The Ind.p.nd.n* Florida Aitigat,, Thurdey, January 16, 1975, Peg. S Hanson candidate for president of India no State University

H1 BRUCE MORRIS prcsinIcnc~ ol Iidtana State Unnerst~ (ISLI Alligator Staff Writer [he) have me under consideration. HMnson said. There

are aht ays others too. Its no big deal.' he said - UF Fxccuti~c Vice President Harold P Han 'on HANSON acknowledged Wcdnesda~ he is candidate or the confirmed he has been under consideration for several months. Members of IS ti's search Committee canic to UF OnCe to interview. him and he has been in contact ~ ith hem a couple ol times since then, he said. Jury examines ISU is kcaced in lerre Haute. md. According to the Terre Haute Scar, the presidential search comniittee has narrowed its list of candidates to eight from an original list of 400 applicants. Sunand abuses This could not be confirmed Wednesday. Search coninititee [he Alachua County Grand Jury heard the second day of spokesmann were out of town and unavailable for comment. testimony Wednesday ISU is a small school, and Hanson acknowledged his in an investigation of alleged HAROLD P. HANSON mistreatment of residents at Sunland coming from a university with high enrollment might be a Training Center. UF Executive. Vice Prnid.nt Dave Fallon. an investigator for the state attorneys office reason they are considering him. said approximately nine o ten persons were suspended six HANSON, in fact, was criticized last fail for allowing 600 weeks ago for abusing residents of the center. extr, freshmen students to be admitted over the Board of Noted Fallon said the state attorney's office took up the case aftet Regents ceiling of 2900. scientist visits the Human Rights Advocacy Council brought evidence of Asked if he would accept the job if o&red, Hanson replied. The first visiting scientist of UF's College of Veterinary abuses to their attention. liii ketp'ang my options open. Medicine is Dr. Alex B. Novikoff. He will teach students and The suspended staff members allegedly beat male Hanson was at UP from 1948 until 1954 in the physics work with faculty members in the J. Hillis Miller Health residents of the center and forced them to eat soap as punish- department. He left and was chairman of the physics Center fwm Jan. 20 until March 20. ment. department at the University of until 1969 when he Novikoff will present the first annual research lecture for The grand jury will determine if there is enough evidence to returned tour as dean of the graduate school. the College df Veterinary Medicine in February. warrant criminal charges against the staff members. In 1971. Hanson was appointed vice president for academic Novikoff is a professor of pathology at Albert Einstein Fallon said he "had hoped the grand jury would be affairs, a job beheld until last August when he was appointed College of Medicine in New York. He is an internationally finished" Thusday. but said hearings may last until Friday. executive vice president by UFs new president. Robert 0. acclaimed biologist and was selected as a member of the Testimony before the grand jury is confidential. Marston. National Academy of Science. 111W IIMCOCICS AUTO REPAIR AU West G~amnfl.d

Mojor-Minor R.paivs 200 NW lOAv. 377-5185


& The Fish Ihurs Sot SOAt The Door

The independentt Florido Alligofo, I o publicnion of Cornpvs CorTi nlLJnhcotons incarporoted, a privoic. non profit ccrpornt'on It is published five .me, week~ ecep. during June, uly ord AuQuM whet, its pub' 'shed ~ee~Iy and during student hoIdoys ond e~orr periods Opinion e*prs,,ed .n the Independent AIIi~cIos nrc thos, of the editor' of 'he wttes of ihh nrtri.s and not hose o~ he Uni~,entity of Ftorpda the corr.pus ser~,ed by he Independen' Florrdc AIItgotor Add,.,. correspondence to the independent Floodo Ailigoto, F' 0 Ani I i266 Un'v,','ty Station GoresoIJe Florida ~26Ci he In dependent Fiordo A~iigolo, is entered ci second cia. matte, of the Unuled Slots ~o.t OHic. a, Oopo.svdi. Flonido 32601'p.on rote is $20 ~ p, year or 55 SO p.r quote, - Suik iutcripions ore provided h.oLgf, Sludenit goVernment for I. sludects of ik. Un.v.sly of Fio.,da The Fiorido Alifootor reeves tt~. right to ruio. th. ty~ogroph'coi rote of oil od- vqliStrCntS and to ,.VL. 0, *uIn owoy cli copy ii considers ot- ectonobf. tb. ind.ndent ~iauido AllIgator w'ii - consid. edjuisments of payment *or orty odverthsemenle invol.nng iy~ogophIcol ertot 0' erronnus ins~ion -,i.n ~lce is gin., is he odw1'Jng - The ~dep.~d.rt florid. AIIgOO. w~iI - 6. r.p.wad. Mv - *00 - - ~e d -, .d.ii.m.nt nfwduhd k NO tor@i iinnt

A P.g.4. lb. Ind.p.od.n florid. AJIIgdcr, These.7 , Ja.n.y I& '975 Deans: budget cut I t erase deficit can \N or .Lti I B, TOM SHRUDLR I)i F~~it I ~Iiirj> LILID '1 I F ( oIlei~t Eli' t~tIEtscL IN I)i I \ \ iridor \\ oil dciv ot he LII lIege \ts Allikhtor Swif Writer I Iii oiI V it WV tL~L[(l 'dO ikil ilitLTh In Skit t' 'AL'1 IW vUtIlLl like iii o~)ptinitlnIt~ hi zLttI 'it' I,' mod Hr Fit" itli fl~'ni~ Reiihieti \~kc~ I lie line (leans >1 1 F s ititlenit. ttiIIege~ agreed HR~ AN 4SI~Izl) he ( "tin>' V .i(tc!liiL I ttidninieiil~ Wedne~tt.~ thc~ iolhlh not nikc tnotigh ad (tilLi tim ljtL~It 00 pitibititnIl tim It At liiitiial tiit~ fl &~ptflV iionc~ to oil I F's SI - niilhiiiii Ufli~~I(httS ~~crihI h.A'c eli the'' coIIcgc% ILL' ShICilt iT r ~R1S (N) 'otis to build uni'er''t~ like this mu so jeiji. it ~LLoitIitli~ '0 \ Rio' '~ ellen assistant go ii let mr ~mcdbtliis overnight, imiderWeri %jt(l I)r Robert Br~tn I F ~ice pre~dent lot acadcniit allairs. toi icj~Ittiflic ittiiis ''ttir1~ Ihc~c b~() Nscrita ne' ii, ill 1011 It I is Iticed to dhiwss ~radti~ite studeilts ~~ho Illotglii asked the deans to find ~tavs lo tilt In additional 28 itt tent niiiiiteninct personriol ttoitI~I sa~ C ibotit SI rhict had tiiiiiiitliiitlt5. ~e could itsc our ibiIit~ to CCI Lit! 'it their dlred(l~ sla'hci 'peraIin~ budget~ \Ithotigli there "a' eCtICiii dW*CiiiCflI sOiil4 ersit' C tillege i.ttliiatc stimdttmtt~ Iti 5~) wa's he said 1111. U LISlAVIt A II arrcr. d 'ret.! ur iii Fs ,brarits. said be clo~etI ~!c" ii. I)i Rob Horton Hm~' ii. Liii 0 better thin ~t' II ANSON sche~i uled i meeting next week "it Ii stilt he lhiarw ~vIh I~tok purchases alreid~ lrwen. could saw lean. ,aid. We could sul n~e that tile much miii ctslt~ st~tClfl u'ItiCi.il5 to discuss possible solutiotis it Ilk, bet ~ an I and SI Mk{MX) more b~ cutting expenditure' totill the los. it gratlitate students liii ti&i.iI Liile!geilt% to ink regular perLI~dleaI suh~cripIions and eliminate the Ut RECENTlY told 'lore Han IX) gtadiiatc sttideti(s Risari 'aid he could m~m' 'i'm the meeting and say t'F has hardcncr binditw I periodical c,,IEeciron~ they Qolild he laid ott sjiriiw qilartel it tin more tliOtjC% ~ terre e;ervihmng possible to cut back tin e~pcnws arid Fhere is no I & (j college I all II colleges except health iI)rthcflni 1hZ IIjnwi, saiti 'Iced, he help ~t the test ot lie ssteni a~riculttiraII~ reI.ite(l hCI(lSJ vt H Can tonic up ~ that Ill I xect'tI'c cc 'resident I), Hirol~I We~c iiwas bailed out people in the past. Bryan smit Ii is ticar I' flit! hi, iini~er'it' catititA cor~e up ~uIh ~ rida~ that in tri cnlergenc~ sitliatititi 1 ,robationdt~ cartel Nom we rad hel;,. rho SI riiillinn Hr~ini saul ~er' Ice CWI ii O'CCS 'U Id be t Cr111 iii at ed helore raI 'ate

~h. PICK THE Mfl! YOU UKE THE MQIT fit I (I! .' '9 *~tifl~ Jood'Q~d Mo., d,'l0r .,~!r, %(~k~ ~e ,h ~Q Iran a

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Off., ends Jonteory 19, 197$

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Need to print a magazine Or circular Or letter? The Gator composition shop Can always do it better! Student files complaint Th.In~.pnd.nflovld.MII~br, Thj~.y.JSOCq 111971 h,*l 'Nebuloi ranking I By KAREN MEYER causes graa CUT (C Prt-~ide~~t br Academic A flairs Robert Chandler said the ronkiugs "crc per In (ICijil .15 50011 us possible he said. Alligator, Staff Writer Bryan s.iid (handlers complaint should be loriled on oil graduate students in his A s',,sia',t Dean tar the C college of Arts and handled informally by getting all panics department last spring, despite sonic Sciences Ruth McQuoi~n said. We've not A UF graduate student flIed a complaint together and talking things out. utssagreenen among faculty members. had a formal report. regarding Chandler. against the Speech Department of the College Hr}an also said a committee of faculty and Chandler said Graduate School Dean In sonic departments. if a student per- of Arts and Sciences with the Office for students being brined to investigate the Harry Sisler told him those spring rankings l(,rnis successfully in every respect with Academic Affairs Wcdiiesday. situation, isolated graduate school policy. competence at a high level." his assistaniship Bill Chandler. third year doctoral can- Chandler said assistantships '.ere funded Those rankings were performed again at ~~ilI be continued. MeQuown said. didate in the Rhetoric and Public Address or six master degree students in the other the end of this fall quarter unknown to the In other departments there is open program, said hi~ ~ssistantship was cut Jan. 3, Speech I)epariment program, Behavioral students, according to Chandler. competition Mt'Quown added. on the basis of nebulous rankings. Studies, although he had been assured Two American Civil Liberties Union doctoral candidates would be considered first. Chandler didn't know what criteria the The general practice is that doctoral lawyers are investigating his situation. The Speech Department did not fund rankings were based on. candidates would have highest priority if they Chandler said. anyone in Rhetoric and Public Address. Nobody knows. Nobody is willing pertbrned at a high level and it they fulfilled * said Chandler. their duties up to their capabilities, she said.

Affirmative action plan Chandler charges: She said Hutchinsor was in charge of the * that representatives of a particular area investigation because Arts and Sciences of study within the Division of Com- policy is to exploit your remedies at the munication Studies ranked students in their department level" revisions are approved area ahead of others without regard to Thomas W. Cole, associate dean for academic progress or standing. academic affairs, said. all I can say is that I By JANET PARK *that the ranking was a form of economic have an appointment with him (Chandler) AllIgator Staff WrItn reprisal directed at students concentrating in Monday.' I * particular area of study. The charges were led through Cole. The Affirmative Action Advisory Council Mhat graduate school and university policy Hutchinson could not be reached fbr and the Council of Academic Deans both gave was subverted by the ranking procedure. toni nient approval Wednesday to the draft form of the revisions ol UP', affirmative action plan. UP Executive Vice President Harold Minor changes In one area were suggested Hanson said the rankings seemed reasonable. Chandler said he maintains a 3.5 by nienihers ot the Council of Academic 1 don't see any reason why not.' Hanson gradepoint average with two or three lkans. said. quarters to go." He has had an assistantship Ibis area involved the number of available ''We'll be looking into ('handlers situation for two and a half years. women in a particular r discipline, which needed in sonic case' to be adjusted. LOW GOALS for hiring women was one of he 'ix area' in the affirmative action plan hat ,ictdcd correction before being re submitted to the I)epartment of Health. SG power abuse report in error F:ducalion and Welfare (HEW) on Jan. 21 UF's plan was first submitted to I-fEW An Honor Court investigating committee The machines are also not kept in Sher- early in l~74. II was sent hack to UF in report on Student Governnent, the basis for mans office, which the report stated, hut are January, I 1fl4, with some corrections an article in wednesday's Alligator, was in instead located in (he main SC office.

requested . Ihey were made and the plan error when it reported that SG officials have Sherman said he pointed out the errors to machines. i-esubnntted. hut HEW returned it (111CC unlimited access to duplicating Ken Ofgang. who prepared the report, but Igainrequtrltig sfl more revisions and that no records are kept about their use. they were not deleted before the final draft Predictions I.,r the gyalahle n umber of Student Body Treasurer Greg Sherman was released to the press. ~'nien in disei1,lgne were based on the said SG officials do not have tree access to the iiunihcr ol vacancie' txpteted on the stalT and machine's use and records are kept stating Olgang was not available for cornnient I he timber of ~'n1cn receiving the term oat their use. Wednesday afternoon. degree in I heir field EXAMPlES ol correction' iiiadc in the JOSEPH JUUN ii U iii her of iv :i il able ~. ii ncr, are the College of must hove three years experience. I a~ and the College if Veterinary Medicine. la'. school lcai, Joseph lulin pointed out hat acuIty iicmbcrs ~isua11y must have about Ili ret seal s ,l piot ession aI cx ~ i~l to .i ierniin~il degree. before being ii Fand jsstinic the job as soon as convenient c,,isidercd or I I IcuIb posit ci, for him. 1k. l)oiiitln N. ill. intern,' attirniative icimibli coor(lgTi;itoi, s~iid .i i e1 ,resent~ltive ft-on, (Thu rid I in em her [ )r. Grace Henderson Ilit' Cot kg. o I Vet Cr itia [5 Mcdi ciii.' pointed expressed her concern about AlIisoVs being 'iii lii iiicciir~ite itcdictioii ci the n,,niher ci ible to come in light ci university.wide budget .~,,riit'ti ii .iilahle Iczlcli in hat college 'its N EVIUL SAIl) 'he hid calculated the nimbi': ii. the iiiiil'cr ol "orilcil holding the lt'~iriiiiiig tlci~rec ol l)ocioi of Veteri,,arv AT AN EARLIER iiieetilig of the council. Fxecuti'e Vice President Harold Hanson Med ci 1k'. ito,. e. ci . I he to liege of Veteriia r' Mt'diciiw equlit's it' Iaciilt~ to also hold a l~i oiiiised that the money to pay Allison would he found. e'ei, ii. it had to conic from private tt0L'i4,r~iIt in the ;'er't'T'' xiriiciilir ' eiialt'. 1 ~ tunds Nt's ill id she took i ~ tonsidera I ion the I t'qtl ire lilcilt' ol host d hC l~l lie' According to Shov . there are hir inslailte. soi~iC disej;,litit's eqtlire a several ic.ison', or iii guig Allison to con'e aboard tlocior.ttc liii then lacult. iie,,ihcrs. Ai - I'. 50011 IS 110551 Ne. cl~ ii i'd lire .i ud 1-imie Arts req LI res On l~ I ii.m'ter'. so ili.'ii ,ui,,bei ci ii .iilable QoiietI tIC1 tides I llt'st .155 id cci I iii isler' or doe I-irst. ic s.iid. U F anticipates the presence oldie." shi said. help achieve All. COLLEGES veic uNed to ieilietL .rc settled st .1W ot a flairs iniegard to I~ V Jetion. heir lirinc Ii gLi its ci .' t'm ci, l~s L)i Robei ittiriiii

Hr~ an - ice president tot icadeti, Ic it lair'. ill ~a id 'i,''t clii nge' in 'he ci rafi ol 'he ANOThER consideration is the adiantage sii iplt'ivcitl tO Li F' .itliriilti~ c .,~'tion ,Lii, it gi~uuii'iug continu't, at a critical dine fbr 1 photh by ondy n.wman .'ill be c.'nig.letcd l's Frichis. ,iltiiiii.ii IW idioT~ at U . he said. Shi~~ itliCi 0 \llisoii s~iid it I l~Lri~tneiit LOoidiil.iIOi is instilled soon. a ,umher of Wheeeee I Till: NOMINEE or perihlilIclIC it- (IcLIsiOli mci 'ciilIirL'% Ii his Irca n'a~ ha'e It hi lililISI? *I~iiOti cotir&litiiIt'i IS CSIILYIQLI 0 iiti~t'iitbCC his dcclsi,'ii ii' ticipt 'i iICLtliit the

. Wll it work? Instructor Dan Powers, it'sIIiOiI siilliiii I ThCCL ,,cc~'idiii,~ it' Flciidei'.'ii aldeti t lie left, tests slide constructed by his I jitect, the " hole l)i. liars Shu.s, Methods of Construction and Materials inns civt~ . 10! 11%! 'lie univ and hid C,' be rote go lame. \llisoii lie win i'd as II: while youngster enjoys swing. st'lei'Icd or he ~,NsI. lucille Ti' st'iiIt to P 8 3, Th*inS.p.nd.nlRoflda Aillgo'or Thur.doy. January I' 975 EDITORIAL Eviction0 0 Sometimes in the past we ye considered the rhetoric A our feminist friends in the National Organization for Women a bit overstated. But yesterday NOW director Alyce MeAdam dropped by with a grievance that has her un- derstandably peeved. It seems the i. Wayne Reitz Union Board of Managers voted last November to move NOW into a smaller office in the Union's student activities center. An act of small significance, it might seem. except that only seven ot the board's 14 members were present for the vote. And except that NOW ~asnt notified its oftice space would be up for consideration arid so couldn't present its case before the board acted. And then there's the matter ot what groups the board saw tit to move into NOW's current office. But to get the full impact of all this, it's necessary to have a quick review of the UF NOW chapters battle to get into the student-built union at all. The t'roun s tirsi anolication tor office soace c, F - Cr - was mysteriously "lost~ before it could be acted

Then, on Jan. 29, 1974, the chapter won an notice in room 313. April 2. 1974, members fought oft an attempt to Infirmary morning-after p1 Is move the Florida Quarterly in the NOW office. May 14, 1974, saw an unsuccessful effort to move Florida Blue Key (FBK) into the NOW office. should be taken at own risk So it's been tough sledding for the group which led the tight to have FBKs bigoted anti-women "UF's infirmary offering free morning after pi1is. read the niembership policy changed. headline 'it last Thursday's Alligator. M first glance. this '9 The board of managers voted to use NOW's looks like good news for UF women students. But is it? present office as a 'Floating' office for groups Nobody is really sure why the morning-after pill works. which only need space temporarily during the The theory is that it changes the lining of the uterus so the year. They are Gator Growl. Interfraternity fertilized egg doesn't implant. thus preventing pregnancy JANIS MAltA [he IJE Infirmary Women's Health Care Center is Council (IFC), Interhall Council, and (WH( C) Panhellenic, conducting a federally funded study of the pill. a sorority group. THERE ARE numerous side effects that may result rem Gator Growl needs the office to put together its taking Premarin. the morning-after pu1 given nut by the once-a-year fireworks show in the stadium: [n- Women's Health Care Clinic at the infirmary terhall's project is Dorm Week, and IFC and Adverse reactions to the morning-after pu1 can include 'pokesperson tin the WI-ICC. Another nornmg-afier piE! Panhellenic's contribution consists of, you guessed blood clots, heavy bleeding, possible aggravation ol niastuis igh in c'trogen, [)ItS. has been notorious for its darigtru~ it. Greek Week. In short, the kind ot stutt great football So little ~a' knm.n about DES that between lQ4Oatid l4'(~ it ~Js gi~en to ~onen in hopes of preventing miscarriage' weekends are made ot. Ihe daughters of the women give this pill while pregnAnt NOWs gripe is that the office the board of base an unusually high incidence of vaginal cancer. managers wants to transfer it to is too small for its OPINION AN!) NOW WOMENconceived in the 1940's and 1954) needs. McAdam says there's no room for the two are currently being used to test out the effectiveness of a high tables and tiling cabinets in the present office. estrogen pill in preventing pregnancy. It sterns ironic. In addition, the group is preparing to start a In addition, the morning-after pill often is not needed, af~ct library with $350 allocated it by Student all. Only 21) out of every 1W women who have unproteetc~i intercourse will become pregnant, Government for that purpose. The library won't fit according to a flUrSIIW dnflamniation of mammary glands). retention of fluid. magazine with national circulation. in the smaller office. edema, vomiting. aggravation of allergic rashes, nausea. SINCE TIlE chances of becoming pregnant after tin- One of NOW's most intensive projects has been cramps.breast tenderness and enlargement, and aggravation protected intercourse are rather low, one option is waiting educating and counseling women about rape. Its ol' migraine headaches. until the monthly period is due. If the period doesn't conic on tree pamphlet on the subject is designed to help These are the possible side effects listed by the Physician's time, a woman can have a menstrual extraction perfornied. women avoid rape: but perhaps more important is [)esk Reference (PDR). The PDR is a collection of in- The menstrual extraction isa procedure that draws out the lormation on drug products compiled with the cooperation of contents of the uterus. It must be performed within six weeks the always available phone number where rape the manufacturers. victims can get instant and educated counseling at after inhercourse. It's not quite as simple as taking five pills a "PRtMAltlNconsistsof a huge dose of estrogen, stated a day for twenty days. but itis safer. a crucial time, NOWs vanguard work in the women's rights movement reaches every woman student at UF. Dodd Smith While the other four groups need office space The Independent Thai Wood Mtv.In.chIM MonoglCBSitOf for only short periods. NOW operates 25 to 30 hours a week throughout the year. Florida Alligator The clincher is that the board assigned another GIL Gm*tican Dovid 1(1.1,, room as a 'floating' otlice. yet allocated it to no 0*1 Fjmh Me. JOfl0 N.w. Editor group. Clearly. Gator Growl. IFC. Interhall and F Layout Shot Layo'tMW Panhellenic need not be thrown out in the cold if LA ''Tony' K.nduior G1 - NOW keeps rooni 313. Mm. V. Cock Ant G.n.mI MOw P.Midwd by NOW was supposed to be out of' its office last Met Ev.lyn k.t .AdmInia.glv. A~as night. At last word MeAdani was vowing an Mn. Campu. Communioatiofls. Inc C. Icy 5&ipp hsn.e*.me- Monog. Alamo-style holdout. Torn MoeNomoro Mn P.O. km 13266 UnIv.nhIy All she's asking is a stay of eviction until NOW Ray MeG.Jv. Mndsng Mcn.g.r ban, aa.dI. N.M. wits oflk. bS.Ind twCdsp Inc. can present its case to the board next week, as it MnnIs.,g Coodnot. Any H.~ Sflciol muon. Coo.dInsor 173 Wa UnIv.nhIy Anne. should have been able to in November. - Adv.nISng P~doebn Mon.,. ~-- . We hope Union directorBill Rion "illmakesure MItqi.I Pmducbn. SbuS kpant P4*411 SIgUIjOl NO&,da Mng.r Adv.rtI.l,1 *.d PmdwcII@fl NOW gets that stay. L. LynnSo&I.t Dsp fl: W4Mt Speech Department TI,. ind.p.nd.nt Florid, Ailigo.or Thur~4oy Jonuory 16 1975, Page 9 Park ngt cket money Docto ra Student 0 Ll)ITOR: Hccert itirtlin~ tiit~ di he University of Florida huh hi;c rcwltc~l goes to stuclent court do 'bit 1w &'r' lot ~ifl stu~lents in the termination of ni my ~rjdiia ic II elf in l)cp.mrtnlcrit I bird 'ci, studentss EDITOR, (iii JanuAr~ I .hh. ~ii jittLie of 'ike l~~s ciIIorccniLIit teaching assistants have undoubtediN intl the h j~ e first priort ~. Stall Writer Mark Scot I an nouncn~ the [I PD .r~'tii1t ot tines ilteads wing collected produced a variety ot sad storiess II I troiii ianuar~ W 1975 Oem can find no hike ~akts ciackdo~n appeared on page he so hold, I would like the following ~hon iH('toi 'chicle mu actions imnes ( in not persuade [kpartnicnt to three ot he Independent Florida Alligator In N' ionev froni t ra Itic tiies is char neled history to represent the plight of to fol in. graduate school ~Olcy Has no real that article Mr Scott quoed me is saying he campus poitec depannieii Money front ~radoatc students who lThd themselcs it ,o~ Cr to enforce. can only use moral Ihe idea is to present accidents. not gre student parking tickets goes to detray the mercy ol mismanagement of funds as the 'tiasion. tickets .'e (UPO) make enough money ott costs of the Student I well as a mismanagement of graduate atlic ('omirt and the January 0. 1975. 1000 AM. Heard parking tickets, eniainder goes school intl un versit y rules to the Cater Loan Fund and nonc~ for assistantship given to depart- This passage has brought about sonic regulations. Fines collected from Faculty and Stati ment learr assistaniship to be given to ntsunderstandir~ and needs to be cIartt~ed rickets January 2. go to the (iF Parking and iran- 975 I arrived in (iainesvlIe beginning student. 11:00 AM Give in- because the parking situation on the UP 'port at ion Con~ ii i ttee "here the Icy he beginning ol he Winter Quarter. I canipus has become money is formation to Dean of Graduate School. an agitation for fl~an) used foi Cam~~US road in.iintenance. Funds for put in an appearance in my deparinient to flean~ assistant contirnis. Department people. Mr. Scott did not misquote me .is 1114) are controlled by LIE Physical Plant heck itt the lay of the land I here I am clainnd ailed comprehensive. False much as he misinterpreted my comments. Divis Ion old. unofficially. hat it looks like my inlorniauon, What is going on in [he reporter questioned whether Operation The object ot Operation Life is not to make issistaniship i.,ll be terniinned, I he 9 department Who is giving out such in- Life was to be enforced in such proportions as more money or harass cyclists. So far there acuIty ranked all graduate students and 9 lormation 200 P.M. Met with Dr. Bryan. to create increased revenue from the tickets. have been no bicycle fatalities on Campus We ~4as not ranked high enough. I try to Since Office of Academic Affairs. Explained the program is designed specifically to like those statistics and we want to keep it con firm this inlormation - No inc is around situation including allusions to antipathies stop accidents and prevent personal injuries, I that way. corflrni. I he silence seems to say that in department Graduate school and replied that increased revenue was not the he's only a third year doctoral Jiii. Shuler student, he university policy confirmed. Bryan will try object of the program. in view of the dif- UP!) Public Intorniation Officer il~mcsn I court or anything. It doesn't to correct situation 2 ittur that hc has invested /i years in the JANUARY 13, 1975. No one answering ADVICE & DISSENT I university and the U nIversty 2 years in phone. Bryan doing all he can. Graduate hint school policy apparently not enforceable if JANUARY 3, 3975. Phone calls to Head Bryan cannot enforce. Adversaries in 'I Deparinient. i)etn of College. Dean of (tepartnient have won. No nioney and two Graduate School. Advisory. anybody. quarters Iron a Ph.D. I wonder what l)esperat:on. It isn't pleasant to have $17 losers do. I wonder if the system alwa~ Game plan and unexprettidly for with no explanation to wins. I wonder how undergraduate he tineniployed. Everyone tusy or not in. students can fight Wa doctoral candidate Wiil until Monday. has lost before he even begins. I wonder January Ix 197$. 8:30 AM. Waiting in how a University can attract Doctoral the Office oi the Dean of the Graduate students if they must run the risk of having the ultimatE School. Finally see him. Explain situation. bowl financial support discontinued if they do I)~parInienI received 5 ossistontships. not 'tudy in a particular arts withi, a liieulty ranked graduate students. Highest department. it they disagree with a strong r ranks i.,'tild receive aid. No discrirtination professor. ifihe University cannot make its Sound the trumpets. Step to the beat liciween graduate students and third year l)epartnients and Colie~es abide by the of the drums. ROBERT DAVIDSON tlictoril students. No consideration at rules. Come on people. 1eV s get into the spirit graduate school policy that advanced And everyone says distinction for the of the game. It's exciting. corn nuilig students receive aid first. Head University is right around the corner. It's habit forming. It's the most STAFF WRITINGS .4 IXpirfnwnf claimed rankings not l)istinguished Speech Department. I. popular game on earth. cv .11 tratory. [ka ii ould discuss with I)oetoral student. 0. War is the worlds hers. C. W. Chandler pastime. of Palestine. miles. Five miles. The Zionists IMAGINE A beautiful day Now let us look at the Israel have crossed the Sue, Canal. on the plains of Sinai. For the Zionists. Quarterbacking is a Touchdown! 2bth big year. ABC sports is crafty and experienced WE'RE INTO lie second bringing you the finest of veteran of the Mid-East wars. half action now The Zionists Saturday afternoon warfare. Moshe Dayan. At fullback for are defending the Golan Today we have the greatest of the Zionists former Michigan Heights and the Syrians are religious competition, with great Gerald Ford will be on the offensive. The Zionists the mighty Zionists of Israel providing massive arms have their backs to wall and going against the powerful support. All in all it looks like will need son~e inspired Mid-east Arabs. The battle we have a fine game in store defense to hold back the cry will sound shortly. but let for you this afternoon. charged up Arabs. us take a few moments to look OFFICIALS fbr the game Emotions are really flaring a! the teams. are the United Nations down there on the playing First on analysis of the Peacekeeping Force, the field. Syria has led a good home team, the Mid-East game will start shortly; but drive by the Arabs and that Arabs, The Arab offense is first, everyone rise for tough Zioni 4 defense could centered around the strong sacrifice to their god. he in trou ble. Ihe third arnioured attack supplied by The war cries have sounded ended with the quarter quailerback Leonid Bresnev. and we have ourselves a first- casualty hasscore, Israel 7.(~. In the backfield, the Arabs class war. The Zionists are on Arabs 10.000. "ill he depending on a Hood the 'tten;ie ar.d the Arabs Both learns are set up and showing I') Syria and the will he defending the Sue, ready for the crucial fourth talented, though tin. (anal. quarter play. What's this' vredict~mble. King Hussein of the armies arc setting up a (itro ci lord has come off the Jordan. the Arabs ore line of battle so let's pick up beach and wilt he qua?. looking or menge after last the action. ihe /.ionists have terhocking Boy the hard 'ear' defeat hi the Zionists displayed a fine air attack pressed Zionist team. Ap- Dci they should be tough. agaInst the Arabs. *lhe parently the excitement ol the Phi; is a homeconi ing for the Egyptian defense is crum- game 'as more than h could \rabs intl itt 'wild like to hung ~nd soldiers are being re'dst. cxtcnd our congratulations to 'l~ughtered h the thousands. THE RA1TLI. CRY has their ,ie"l' elected IN. What i game! Ihe Zionist. sciuncled. and it's a heat tilul. Wrestling fans missing extras iepre'entatne. Nasar Arafat Ire tir~r intl goal to go. len lofts ICBM nissle launch dclix cr'~I the heart of the Middle IAst.

Ibree. two. .me . Its hIiitfl .itlti siippiii I The Independent KIJIlOR: &,tiiitiLtl .1% I it 'II ncr. I he orange tcstr' Cs .irtl is not Iiiiik in Sl-( .tntcii(icr. mushroom ctnud signals the is ,rcs~'iiI lit' rea'ii Florida Alligator cml of the ganit. ttstr' c' ii, i'. .rsidcr:it it'll "ill tm'ii~C 'out ss hci, its Dcug Dcl Ron Cucninghoni OiiLC tu;iin he ganw has '.iiisl~ici t',i eluded ii~. I Fiat Ii' licc. I sj'e.iall' 'tiicc is Jell tiiotigli to iusrcruf its participants. Ent.flounme,, Editor Macdot. Editor tic ahi cilciitN'itttI LIIILsI he wmnic 'I tr.r tint, withoutt IS ft tL' lit iL~ ~i 'clinol 'pnI Kochonmec Jr 'it ton. I Ins can F. the only 'clict ol LtiLtrIc.itlL'i' .1ill it '~,i' Photo Editor tntl 'inn. for in i~8? there is iiAct I I' inner. ut 'ictinis. - ti hc' i'~~jsi cart, '" Greg Forrer Mino, Kernon Mug t~e LITitinue in cheer our Sport Editor News Editor 'ii its on to the ultimate Ii~t~eii Hi' rinilt Stuier Ho'.) game? P.g. 0.1%. Ine.p.nd.n, Pond. AJIIg.v, Thun4e1 , Jm.ucry 4. lUS $175 ,OOO surprise SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE enriches SG treasury Forn Piece SUITS reversible vest with CO, tt~fl stinq & riatchino slacks By LESLIE GOLAY support of the Equal Rights Amendment at Ahlgab. Staff Wdt.r the meeting Tuesd.) night and elected Senator S,,e Cline as the SC representative to the ERA coalition. $69.90 Student Senate President Kevin Malone The senate passed an amendment that mani fortliri~rs suqqested retail once announced Tuesday night that an extra 'aould pay the salary of the Chief Justice of the l75.~) of "unanticipated surplus money [raffle Coun from the money collected from Sc. came in to Student Government this rer. campus traffic violation fines rather than he extra money i~ due to an excess In Iron, SC as had been done previously. errolinient th,~ ytar, Malone said. This is the first time a SO officer is .ot DRE! S SLACKS 512.qo THE unencumbered funds to be paid by SC. The high revenue the traffic court allocated by the Activity and Service Fee gets frown traffic violations can pay fix him. THREE FOR 530* Advisory Committee (ASFAC) "just fell into SC can use the money better Malone said. ,ur lapC according to Malone. The senate also passed an amendment SC Treasurer Gre* Sherman said this is changing membership on the Student-Faculty up and beyond what w~e anticipated t~ Insurance Board. 800 nn~r casual slacks 55So revenue from the activity and service fee. Malone explained now there woiVt be a According to Sherman. ASFAC has total representative from Blue Cross-Blue Shield nnlvnster blends ninids tintrol nver where he nioney will go. Insurance Company on the board as there Rcconntendation~ wtll be made by the had been in the past. d coninitttee dii~ year. This will encourage bids from other In- THE STUDENT Senate reaffirnied their ~urance companies, he said.

Thief-proof cur bike banks mar scheduled for campus LOCATED AT 1-95 & NEWBERRY RD. A .drtually Inolprool method of bicycle theft rate is greater there. Lobed said. Open daily till 9:OC Sunday liii 6:oo 373-9297 wturily is now availabic to UF students LORECK said a student from each campus [tin loheck. Student Govern- dormitory area is needed to be in charge of ucnl Secretary ii (onstimer Affairs. renting the devices. That student will receive lkviccs called bike banks are being SO cents for each rental he or she obtains. in~IaIlcd on campus to provide studentss with This cornnission will be paid foroutof the $3 'RE ,,orc 'ucure means ol lockinK their bicycles. rental lee.) WHEN YOU S TUCK An additional SO cents per rental will go to pay one student who will be in charge of FOR STUDENTS can rent the bank from replacing lost keys, making necessary repairs, THE RIGHT WORD. St tident (h~~eru neni it he rate of ten cents a and assisting in the installation of new banks lay or or 3 a month. throughout the campus. lw hank~ hive .ilrcady been installed in Students interested in applying for either Maiiphrte Area, position should contact Debbie Feinberg. I be hcj vjest concept rot ions of banks will Undersecretary of Consumer Affairs, at 373. be inst lied 'ii dormitory areas because the 3975. Er a S S S 915 NO. MAIN ST. NEXT TO PANTRY PUN TRY OUR STUDENT AIDS! C.R.C. HANOBOCIC Of CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS SSth.d. 1974-1975 i OPEN MON.SUN. THRU 12*S:30 SAT. p.m.~ a.m.-9p.m. C.R.C. STANDARD MAThEMAIlCAA. TABLES, 22nd.ed. 19741975 TURABIAN: MANUAL FOR WPflUS OF 11AM PWS, THESES, AND DISSERTAIlONS C,, lURASIAN: SlUDENTS GUIDE FOR WRITING cOLLEGE PAPES a, SHRUNK: THE ELEMENTS OF SIYLE SEEIR: A SIYLE MAMJAI FOR STUDENTS C EWS HOW TO WRIT! THEMES AND 11AM PAPERS BILLEfl: PREPARING THESES AND OTHS lYflO -a MANUSCRIPTS RESUME SERVICE: RESUMES THAT OtT JOBS C,, FROM ARCO, MUONS, COWLS REONEY, AND SIMON 8 SCHUSIE:

-a cnoduo, ~ tgomqoon Ctr.uI Apifludo Tt~ MuIit Arai~m T. I.- Schel Ads,.n Ian P~atic.I N.nhaq lOtS A4~ 1s. Muqing 5Oo.i 1 n"o'c. f~OfThflO~I@fl MLIII*,O~U go, E.omna.,o. fl~ - Ga. lOtS Jwncg (seen '., of EngI.* - o N.tgn Languor Cu negative heels smooth leather uppers SW4 BOWS TUE C, crepe sole meWs sizes 7'/2-12 520.99 -a ladies sizes 6-10 $16.99 the 1kb

*,~ 'I,. . *~I~ S * S . 't * I'.'' I'

Th. ind.p.nd.nt Florida MIIgaor, Th.rsday Janoary U, 915, Pg. Ii Flor do State Museum receives donated gifts H, JAMES K. ECClJS to ''LiT '',toi S. Ihek Inson Said I Alligator Staff Writer ('ills Ii id lug .1 tIe" home a' the ii 'set,,,, ticiticie a collection ot Indian arttkat~. H I migine opening a gift and Ii iding 4000 Atticai CCTC 110 Fl 'a I asks, a roon, filled ~' it h p 44 lick Led snakes. Ings and lizards. slieR es ol bottled lish. ha ndgu os. lertlit~ 7 Pie Florida State Museum is expecting lolls. 533 carat eneraid appraised at

such a gift Iron former museum staff $l~U.tXU - the largest ,ialtiyaL get~i found in ,,,ernber. Dr Sam ucl Telford. "ho ~t ill send Nor: h America. and an em ha lri~ed alligator his collection trot,, South American this s.eek. bunt ed by a Miami itort liary science school. MUSEUM I)grector IC Dickinson believes the most valuablee gift is the gilt of in- tormation and especially nforniation leading to fossil sites. On several occasions people have informed I)geknson ol lindang hones that have Lcd to the discovery ol an entire tkssil site. A couple starting a nursery in Archer called the museum six months ago to examine a bone that their plow unearthed The bone ~ as the key to a rich plocene site that rn useum scientists studied lasi 'tifllflicr "A BONF ound b~ i boy IS year' ago led is It, .4 {,ssil site in Nt't berry that is still GO FAL[OOr~1IHG. c:i~e today, Ihikinson saW [he ntituin, ilt, rccei~cs rationa] Un- ~Iii~g INC BAND EMERY WEEk 'A I on it ion troni the National IN- Io~. ment br I he Arts. Washington. I). C. h as enabled the nIliseun, to expand an exhibition JULES VERNE BAND IS BACK that should attract high school science classes Dickinson said. (SUNRISE HIGHWAY ~ Sonn~ "THE NEW expansion. an addition to Fips, VV~w Fhts NO COVFR South FlaIl is a help yourself eAhibit with a tot by chip hi,*s Fr, Ft Sar $100 catalogue at specimens in drawers.' UGHI 'We hope to include a accorded ex- ancient example of ALL TI+E BEER OR WINE YOU CARE TO DRINK planation br each dras~er on cassette tapes a blind dose Guys $2.UD Every MON 810 Girls FREE Ending entrance freeze won I admit 5111-Hanson By TOM SHROIJER U F is 'Iready on'nl tied to readmitting Alliptor Staff Writer those student' who have been previously he admissions freeic will end this month. enrolled. hineS. Gisa viii. hut "a substantial number of qualified fresh- Based on past enrollments. Dr Janles Burns, ii F engineering professor. projected C- mmePut&UIq 1430tw. iasmn "lan and junior college transfers' will be lro~en out of hF In the fall ,&hcn enrollment between 17.838 and 18,781 students will .1 caps go into effect. return to hF next tall. r~fta hF Executive Vice President Harold IN EITHER case, freshman admissions are t&5C Hanson said Wednesday he received set at 2Q~X) by a Board of Regents ruling. assurances fron, rallahassee the regents- Ihat leaves space br between 2,0q6 and imposed admissions freee will be over by the 3,OJq transfer undergraduates. DoNI(;ANS end of the month. The larger estimate icr transfers is based ENROLLMENT caps were enacted in the on the percentageof UF students in 1972 who tall to limit the growth of state universities. returned to UF in 2973. 21w snialler tirure is Monday the Board of Regents imposed a based on the sonic calculation between 1973 complete halt on admission of students to and 974. allow time tbr study of the present financial BURNS SAIl) molt students return % en, e rge n cy. PRICE school in SALE!! years ol poor job market,. Hanson said the frecie was a spur of the ihe beginning of a recession this l~l -LADIES'- moment thing he never considered very marked the highest percentage ot' returniob in, port ant stud~rts since 1971 when an economic Shirts & tops Ihe iniportant thing we have been downturn combined with American in- Tennis weai' considering is how ~e ~.ill impose enrollment 'ol'enent in Vie! Nani to drive students back limits flex: tall. Hanson said. to campus hi droves. Burns said. Long dresses HANSON SAil) HF'. ill aim at holding UF He 'aid if the job market didn't improve b) A Ftc C enrollnient (~tll colleges outside icxt tall, the lower estnate thy the space fhr Pnntsilits z'grictilttiral and health related fields) at transfer students probably was more Bc- Dresses 24.678. last balLs total Sweaters OFF Pants HEAR -MEN'S- JAN, 19 Shirts Pants 7:30 P.M. Ieisiire suits 'A Sporteonts IN CONCERT Ties Suits OFF r Sportshirts playIng eanbapesry Chehen mualc rate is DON IGAN 'S NORTh CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH irbi "iw I i~Ii avr NA 'ANGFORD PASTOR 1128W. Univ Ave. :172-04'fl r

12 The 'n d.~,,,nderida Aft qoot Th ur~doy an Kci r~ 6 9 S -- in K -- Emma

(I' 'run ON i/

Iii ilL: In tic inc u-inc hr tosi IS ~I 23. xi~abic in ,iine~ order ui'thing (fl court.'. I (IIdflt %!t)p lirni richer I is' LiNhier s heck ( hli or ~er~tutijl thitcks riot 'IC ~nncn I,, do it. thu~ leir pIi~c t cptcd 1k ~m'r tIrcn!% knoW' M' rnothci I I coUldnt we ;in~ 'ejon to tell hci I here Ri tiL: I ,',itar~ napkin ith mu 'as nothiiw ~he couhi lo but he hur .ird ~~rried iii hrinuz 'ri~ luggage "AM) ON Fhc~ talk tou an hour. ~iII iii I FElT relieved ~ and I could handle the nitdcal torn,' nrc' OK I felt lukeu burden, .i "eight had rolled I his place ~ niprcssnc. Warm. human. ear'tw It in shoulders. Wednesday coutdnt come soon 'You're a person. rot %onl kind of beast ~ it cflALtigh I counted the da~s until I 'aould he normal 'our legs stuck up in thc .iir.' Again. I hen the waiting. 'Ihe doctor 'aho does the He~ng pregnant is more than being in the family proceduic drives it, from, Jacksonville and doesn't I he hormonal changes affected her spirits as get it, town until 2 p.m. Things are late well. Cheerful optimism gave way to bitching. flights A BLACK girl troni south Florida sits next to of mood, and a cattiness she thought was reserved to Emma. and Emma can feel her tension. So they competing movie queens and old maids. lalk. about symptoms, families, goals. school. "I found myself getting real upset, crying every Waiting. day for no reason at all. I wanted to be loved all the Emma is called, handed a IS-cent Maas Brothers time, to be held-think of me, inc. ME!' shopping bag with a gown in it. Clothes off (you can IHERE WAS tear. keep your socks on). gown on and snapped at the 'I tried not to think about it because I was afraid neck.

of what I was going to think about. . . afraid I'd feel Waiting. Candas comes in with a couple cigarette. coo much emotion and it'd overwhelm me if I Talk about self-hypnosis, pinched nerves, night thought about it too much." classes. From the next room, a machine thrums to and doubt life and a few seconds later the fluid suction does its "Maybe this is what I should do. Maybe I'm woit. supposed to have this baby, and this is the course of PALMS SWEAT and perspiration rolls down her action for me. Maybe this is my only chance and rm hack. throwing it away." Now. ABORTION was the only chance. Into the examination room, up on the table. The Wednesday niorning. bright and cold. Off to a gangly lady is Fnma's nun. Dr. Cohen greets late stan-typical-and few words to offset the Enim., squeezes her arm. Candas is there too, as silence as Nte drove Emma to the clinic. Emma lies on her back, feet propped in covered, It'll be over soon. This time tomorrow, everything warm stirrups. will be over. done., finished. Breast exam, then pelvic. Candas holds her hand. ALREADY WOMEN are perched on those the other smoothing the hair from her fact. She comfortable chain. The big day for six, seven. 10 talks. other women. Mostly white, middle class, from WHAT ARE you studying in school? Sounds young to the other side of 30. interesting. Got * job lined up? y.phlcs by in. pvcd. You're not alone. Fingers in and out, probing, feeling. Lab work, blood test, urine test, chaffing with the Eight weeks." Dr. Cohen tells the nurse. 'Right sprightly, gray-haired lady in the white lab coat. She in the uterus. Beautiful" 'Right to life' tells Emma everything she does, why it's done, what EMMA TAIlS, feels the needle piercing her sought it'll reveal about Emma's body. insides. Zilocarne. works fast, pain becomes a dull 0 0 COMMONPlACE things, and it helps Emma pressure, like the dentist shooting your gums with relax, makes the waiting easier. p one aim by anti-aboiton group Next i. group coonading-uta. seven women troop Pain again, like being ripped in two from the into another loom, settle on cushions, the floor. crotch, widening the cervix to fit the pinky finger Dy KAREN MEYER use contraceptIves." said oMalley wherever. "The Procedure." as the abofliou, is diameter of the evacuation tube. Dijatlon. A11S, Staff Wile, Some costracepiiva do not receive S euphemistically known to the clinic's worked and Codas saying keep your eyes open, slow deep grmip s endonemefit. patients. ii explained with pictures, pieces of breaths. yes, good, niaL Still holding her hand, her The right to lift. INTXA-UTERINE devices prevetit t equipment and plastic uteruses. arm. Abortion opponents think it bekxip to fatilgaid eu free, being implanted in the wi Vacuum aspiration is used for women less than 12 MACNUN! on the whir, sloppy suction, two three everyone' and therekee could be considered a term I weeks pregnant. Basically. it's upon the table, knees four seconds-it's ova. Plastic tuba, metal "WE ARE seeking a constitutional abortion. O'N4alley said. bent and heels in the stirrups. In with a plastic speculum. eight.week old tissue. npngmatioc amendment that would protect lift from The birth control pill, still being investing speculum to widen the vaginal opening. let the blood., gone. conception to natural death," Alachua County for possible relation to cSflW. is considd docto, see what's going on. It's over. Right to Life member Lois O'Mallcy said. "okay" but not officially endorsed. THEN SEVERAL shots of Zilocaine. a local "Just let me pull my legs up and roil over." Founded in response to the gradual lguas everyone knows babies are hard' anaesthetic, into the cmix. the entryway to the INSIDES ACHY, cleaned out, heavy, cramped. liberalization of state abortion laws. "Right to come by. Literally hundreds of people WE fetus-holding uterus. In the next minute, a rapid sets wont. Tears dribble from Emma's eyes, stop. Life" groups popped up all around the nation. thmni." she said. succession of flexible plastic tubes of increasing Candas still there, how do you feel. With the Supreme Court decision of 1973, WHAT ASOIJY the young single woIfl*ii diameter is inserted to widen the opening to suck the Peel faint, eyes going black, ears ringing. God- that limiting abortions in the first trlmser is college, who doesn't want to gve up school' fetus out. dam cramps. Ten. 12 steps to the recovery room. unconstitutional, they banded torther to tbrn a job because, she forgot her pill one day? Then it's over, the whole procedure taking bare rinas in charge then, Ue down, blanket. heating the national organization, arid on to create the She should 1mw flue child and give ii up I minutes. pad for those foul cramps. Two pills, washed down most powerful anti-abortion ktbying pressure adoption. Oit4afley said. thai pick back Up 'I was kind of worried until the group counseling with warm tea. Empiric for cramps. others to in Congress. schooling and work. session where they tell you what's going on. The contract the uterus to normal position. "ABORTION is not the answer." said Another Aladwa member, Mrs id thing that helped me out the most was all the people ILOOD pressure down, pulse down, temperature OMalley, Alachua County chapter member. Valenti. said that while a woman should hit' down, all down except the cramping pain in that With one exception: if the physical - not there. There were married women there on their right to liv Own body, the fetus - althoUi

second, third abortions. After talking to them I double-cupped handful of female organs. mental - life of the mother is endangered. dependentonthe mother for life support - thought. well, it can't be that bad." It's done. Over. Finished. Abortion is justified in that case on the sepate body. PULSE, temperature, blood pressure checked Empirin works fast. Emma feels better already. rationale that the baby is attacking the "WA WOMAN doesn't wish to bear a clii and noted in the medical chars. Unpregnant. Ready w face the rest of life. Must wait mother.'' she shouldn't have to' There are enough sOu And the hesitant questions begin. Will it hurt? 30 minutes before leaving the clinic. BUT EVEN an aborted fetus has a right to birth control measures available that Ho~ long '.ill it rake? When can I make love again? "IT'S GOT to be kind of stupid if)ou don't '.ant Inc. said OMalley. and doctors should make shouldn't get pregnant." said ValeTiti Will I be able to have children if I t~ ant then,? to hase a baby to keep screwing around and not special efforts to that end. Where the mother had German nwaJCO "The~'re pretty frank andopen over there. One of using an'xhing O'Malle~ justified the ease of Boston ob- drug like Thaldonildi and chances ,.erC ~ he girls ~as concerned ,.tch pain. All she could ask lt ~ou're pregnant. don't go through all this stetrician Dr. Kenneth C. Edelin not~ facing the child would be less than normal. aboti 101 ibout 'as the pain.' trouble. don't ha'e the baby it 'ou don't ,aanc to. manslaughter charges for failing to try to keep still not justified. said Valenti. a our-month-old aborted fetus alive AND INDIVIDUAL counseling "ith Candas. don't ~o ]Unipiflg into anything. You~c still got a 'To kill tO healthy fetuses to CliniiflJ!t I What do 'ot' think of this abortion' chance. Abortion isn't chat bad. You'll be so happ~ Abortion. said OMallev. doesn't solse the unhealthy one seems wrong." ~ad aLe All Mong I didn't think of it in terms of being i~hen its o'er ~itl, lw knot~ti things that hun initial problem ol getting pregnant. 'Where there is any possibility the chill AIl ~regnant. All it neant ~ba5 that it the test "as ~ than an abortion. "MOST WOMEN get pregnant because they normal, it labortlon) shouldn't be done ,ositie. it neant abortion. If ncgati'e. no 'You're part of a statistic. I read that 110 nonien "ant to. whetherr they realize it or not." she "Then is a place in wcwty for all hurid problem. " a month get abortions here. One hundred 'en said. including then less capable than sortie Were you using any kind of birth control? 'bomen ~ nontl, can find a wa~ out. "And most nomen 'ho have abortions don't else," she salt. Th. Ind.psid.nt ~Jorido AliLgotor ThUrUIOy )OVIUCry 6, L 15 Pny. 1 S r ii 0 Abortion laws SIwing rul I circle B, KAREN MEYER II AilIMator Staff Write, N <4 > to kct.p lii F.i~c ol litig.ttlLi~ ii 1inIL~ to corlstitIitoii~i] iIgl4l Jilt [Lit~L2t\% iiuI k. i'll ~I Il~ I. qtt.iI OtL\ I :,ttLI I wars ago abortion ~as a ~tLiflidIl 11 TWO PROPOSED ( on~rcs~lon a I Pt tsiticiiE ( crald R Ford '' on record a' I HA I MUM il-NI 01 S ,ttisnn tiN nuLl hit. iiilCii(Ilflclits Cl C ictentI~ CkCt~Wd probahl~ i~o!in~ in ,iflicn(Il11tflt thai "oul~I gi;e states K ~iIi e disappeared with the first th LiihI ~<'rutro~ei ~iiI s~,ie luig the nictkcti~e dl Lfl Cr' ding the Supreme (Thiirt he ,m~ti ii I cgulate. ,iIIo~. or turbid I NV! iON ol qtLc'titins felt re~ I ~~ boil ion ~t at ute pa~scd bN Hi it sh a Fort on leci ~ions by a Senate 'a hconi fl lit? CC Fm non parLianlcilI in 1803. .1 mc ndi-ne nI' %pon sored by Senators M ik, n a Fort IOu I 'tate NMIC i~iigh t receive IN TH~ TIME spanning Iron, that A I,,r Kid bttt.itI 425C11L1 1.01111 IldildIed one 'ilics I. FluckIeN. 4- Ne~. Nork. and Jesse A. support Ironi Right to Like adv Wa le~ it op- itI the US. Suprerte (olin %IIt.I1 qil Sticli Ill \ueist LII 9 ~, onL~ to iiiw Uciris. 4- North ( arolina. are designed to pOtlCfltS ot ICC ChOlCtt are C~)IlVhflCCd the buith ~ilc~ 11jbtil an~t the I S Sitirenic egjhi~C'! abortions on Jan. 22, 1973 'onlen I mu the a' atlabaluy ot abortions. Hdni~ and Ihickle) amendments will not battle1 cflStafltly to regain the treeditni ( dirt lefitNel H c~ lit 4 EACH PROVIDES that every jesus is a ,.ork. hoc I he Florils itlitni s,,itl '1w etn~Crlt ot the t I lit ''tight you rts. litibiid .1IIIAITICLI ~ ('Il1dii or parents olin I hc~ I~uigli t religion. OIlY FOUGHT other ~on'en. ~.In, IwI it.- H he right of the tet us care before (JTIII H 1551. ES iIica~t~ or soon ti, he * iistii ,icIi~1e heir A4 ii he cward changed abortion from a LrInic * lie aiihorit~ H stiles to leqilire 1 hick to choice, giving the ~tjtes the Option 41tt1rs ii iikc 'ptcitl efforts to keep I spit lying that oniy doctors may perform horned let, ses Ii' e a Fioston d odor hr Ii 'I', currently ices mar~laughter charges or In I Y72, just before the court made its ailure 0 (10 50 ritfl'C, Gallup poll showed 46 per cent ufthe * Whet her city or state hospitals can ~ereraI population in favor and 45 per cent rettise tO l~crrnit IrlY abortions in their opposed to legalized abortion. lacilittes l~rOpO5C(i in Congress by Sen. Frank IN MARCH of 1974. the Gallup poll round ( hurch, I) Idaho hitle change in the split vote with 47 per ccn * I he power ol state or local governments in lavor and 44 per cent opposed. to turbid advertisements telling where to get Ihe etlects of that Supreme Court ruling abortions, charges former Alligator Editor Ron Sack niultiplied more rapidly than ever an- laced in 1971. INUA-UTUINE idpated * The right of a woman on welfare to have The original 1973 decision held that the (he state pay for an abortion. right of privacy of .11 citizens under the lAth * The authority of Congress to withhold Amendment Is broad enough to enconipass tcderal funds lbr abortions in a variety of a ijonians decision whether or not to ter- tederally financed programs. Lippes Loop, Coil Nullip, and th. new Copper-7 finale her pregnancy. * The right of doctors in prison on BY DECLARING unconstitutional the critTlira? abortion convictions to get cut. restrictive Texas and (eorRia abortion * When a fetus becomes a viable person. 'tatutes in the original cases. the court Alter the initial Supreme Court ruling. Month of pregnancy overruled all state laws thai restrict a written by justice Harty A. RI.ckmun. the woman s right to obtain an abortion during justices have tended to let lower courts handle the lirsI three months of pregnancy. the sprouting side issues. Alter that point, the state may regulate the Rut legislators in states and Congress heron procedure to a "reasonable" extent continue to encounter lobbying pressures sets medical method By KAREN MEYER the wall. AIigaise Staff Wde., NOT ONLY does cost increase with ad- vanced pregnancy. but so does the coin- Kathy boarded a plane bound for New pIe zity. York in 3:30 darkness three years ago. The saline injection method, used in the She remembers the sun rising as she flew fifth and sixth months, costs around 1500. over with a four month old fetus Amniotic fluid is withdrawn with a large kkking inside her. needle and replaced with a saline solution AND SHE remembers the gnawing feeling inducing labor, a far more painful and of irony after the abortion as she watched the dramatic experience for a woman. sun set over Virginia hours later on the way DAVID SAID her clink investigates each home. woman's medical background betre ac- Right-to-Ufr~ groups would point up the cepting her foe - abortion. symbolism, b~t Kathy said she "definitely did *Some women for medical reasons simply the right thing." shouldn't have iii outpatient operation "IrIliad a kid and was busy with dirty don.," she said, citing diabetic - an socks and diapers and no chance to go to example. school, what would I be?" she said, roiling her The Women's H~alth Center requires a eyes. woman be over IS or have parental or KATHY WAS one of thousands of women guardian's consent, and be less than 12 weeks who flew to New York where liberal abortion pregnant. All records are confidential. laws were in effect three years before the U.S. GROUP, individual and birth control Supreme Court opened the doors to choice. counseling are part of the process of the non- Today Kathy's abortion would be subject to proflt clinic said David. sonic state regulation since her pregnancy was "What we're basically trying to do is make so far along. situation that could be traumatic into a Rut during the first three n'onths, the growth experience,' she said. decision is up to the woman and her Homemade patient gowns, and a recovery physician. room dc-hospitalized with tapestries and THE PRICES and procedures are paintings are designed to relax patients. essentially the same. David said about 94 pet- cent of the patients The vacuum aspiration method is used return for their posi-operative checkups two during the first trimester. The 1125 operation weeks after, the 24 hour hot line answers generally only requires a local anaesthetic and dozens of reassurance calls daily. a recovery period of about an hour. THE PROPORTION of married to single Gainesville Women's Health Center ~onen having abortions is about one to four. director Betsy David said this includes a post- David said, with ISto 20 per cent ol' the total operative check and counseling before, during being black. and after for both the man and woman. I)avid didn't have any idea on the local THE SAME operation and brief counseling ration of Catholics to non-Catholics, but no single day cost from 1325 to 1175 in Ne~. national data suggests the influence of York in 1970. Catholiosm is not as overpo~teridg a' the A Dilation and Curesage U and C). like (iurchs avowed anti-abortion st:ince Kath' had, is perfornied from 12 to IA 'seeks. The Gainesville center has pertornied over IIiis inpatient operation usually~ requires a ~) abortions since it, open~w in Mas 974, zcneral aiaesthetic. ,.irh cost ranging from and else~ here abortions are 'r, he 'ticrease. A Jackson' lIe clinic reported pertorniing r From 4 to I h 'ecks an abortion is not more than 2.6~ abortions since June 973. medically safe Icr the ~onan because the and having a patient volume 10 pci cent up "ails ot the uterus enlarge and become 'er; BETSY DAVID r.- from last year despite the presence of the new thin Miy instrument could easily tallahassee and Gainesville centers. dqmonatrotes gentl* suction of vacuum ospirator perf&ate

DEVICES PhOt by peg. kochon~.c jr. lbbq. 141),. Independent florid, A~IIgetr Thsursdar, Jbrsucvy II n97

WANTjD FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT men, students toon for rertt by quarter fernal, roommate ttgenlty 4 desperately 'i5tr'ls gu tor& rmot *corner far I'e For scri. 35,', o2 B Auio Yo.hmin Lr, X 2 STRONG ELECIPIC YAMAHA GUlrAP l5mw. 1Toil 3 black, from corpus il needed o.,cny0 opt $70 Morithly + 1-3 toll 392e074 after A pm la it 59 -p) I c od Cor direr 580 00 %vah case $125 392 8405 IA 5! 5' P1 doily or stoP I lties please contact debi or crdy im" 5161 NC' vreg 37709625 5 30 t 7 00 6'r7A00 rcc.eie i 5570 sel n ol 77 $710 Ar-ilo. (A kopo ArcuirK gL~lor line shop. SOS5 ken wood redinlely 3739147 C 51 58*) $370 duol 1229 for $155 'nieg'oted AC C'C C osselte Pecorder mi (on mtrol 70wi ison p4 t wo inputs JAN PENI FAIDi Aove in now female t r'ru'' stereo eeual ,ei for SI o k er' 4 on cord r'r i cots Ipore tnPes I' i oak coree anlw '2*e xe 20$ oarg. portobi. bav v 40,6, nel ,oommote rndd for luxury I1-beart rorOOtS O9 wnt in 4-' Awood 8002 po.'e' omp $150 cali 373 mtros $35 C0 Cal 372 0545 Keep $55 512 rno 6th strSet (o 4t 59 p, op 595 rnior'th + ' t it.e Coil 373 opt comfortable 8 bike to SI 186-mo fo' EXCITING ADVENTURE! * 7930 Ic 5i 59 p * 'A 3T 6t i rmn 6 ,rmb e.cellen, (o,,d,,,or' ,,ron 0800 b 5,59p' own call bill or chuck 373.1617 (C scently rebuill w steel nadials podded 954 triumph gtbt overhauled irons ST 57 P) M~niL'iing' C $arp TV b, w 0 inch screen S month, in' bar 72 iseos $1200 378 0663 or ofIer motor very 400d body good 'odin new C ord lust S40 00 377-1496 (A 37 61 P1 G000 8 SILVER lop prices paid for clot, 6 (t.1 Pri) 226I sa At 59p) corpetin9 new brokes Ilutch N ice 25 WANTiD ref I mpg ken 378 4432 $IdO0 (a-St 59 p) in"9 s old jewelry, etc cop fdnnhal DOwr. sleeping bog, muvrmy with lube Ozzie 338394 (c-50-5 3 -') constructisOn. Medium weight hiking 4972 VOC,UE nubile han. 12 * 70 Has Femaole own ran,,', bath Lichen boot, never used, siCe 9 coMj 373 2353 den, bor k ichen, living crn with 3 -aod Students need roomrnpole, own '"sse diver prvges nfl., 3 p m to 5St9pi firepfoce 2 br, t both wall to wall FOR RENT $50 mc7 rnom n 0 reol house Jireplac., pionts, a-. rprei cenol nit heat comprleteiy ,",sic ynrd Ir iendihip 108 nmo I Web.r Pig' Surfboard Mu" $ell $00 9458Aft. 5 Nopt Pleas (C $P60 P) $.6tlnt Conditioni (cli 376-8334 Alte., fur'mshed t uxutout ecanam ccl easy rocimmrroes wonted soon Os possible 2 expenses call 373 3734 (C 2T-61 -P) ten, ol 33 I 7i nd leave name iberal berom bthfuncoutr rden opt beoe~onnnedo rn t 972 szuki SW0, excellent conddhin furnished $1 SO a monti' Inquie die 5 lou ing. 2 helmet, turn signals, w'eenhousm sole healthy ferns, cocti 378 1761 oryti mc (837T 57 P) oiler sissy bo. p rat the Village Stjion 22(C 1 377 8)2 2 0 C 3T 61 P) WIIN-WI - 9:5 * foliage plant. ,n cloy poll Sundoy $750 or bas! offer mull i.Il 376 966' fenmnle roo,,inone Ic shore bin, it evening. 05t-5o() 1 am 4pm go west on newberry td post ROOMMATE 3 BEDROOM APART heattiful Wmndmncdowt $66 Mo I -751 tonw 9! it foLlow signs {A 3760- MENT PECENCY OAKS OWN Sadent or couple wanted to share idDesperne AC pe1 tennis bouno efDROOM $120 t 3 UTtltlIES MIKE spoc out 3 b house with 2 m, ittjdenlt U.JG$NI Mutt sell Honda 1974 Cb 340 Al 373 5246 (B 5760 P' IS nun dr, e Pets we Icon,. 67-mo 3)5 condition (usi aul of shop for rune up) N E 43rd Tetroce 5 p m (C 3TtOP' Ash Ag price but will Ink. best offer Call ma rle roonmmme ended in .ubl et upt Wanted PIOce to live Own. roam trnto Howord ot 2 7364 aofternoons) (Al5T SSP(1 clos. Ic - rmpis 49 50 oer mo 'K util 2 T M good rmt s~r good people coHl392 AP turrioble pae6 o ndn, w-Shur. bdrocii irshed swimmiri~rg paci 4 0573 or B33 Leave ronme ra umber rart, idge $75 Oynnr o A 25 speakers '.ordry cctll I'S 3955 A4 for Sipve iS Please respond Moit 5 t 59 p) . C * * C C C * * C C e $75s pair (noll 378l 9994 everng, 0. IC3 J roomrrsie 2 br opt Furnished $52 00 icr sribie opa~treiel c the im'den . ithlitre. monihiry anloriownr dpts coil SEARS ELECTPONlC SttDE RULE 7 mc old r' ilpa' brC,.i'fg teb I eniaolo 3779993 it 5i 59pi cord & I eatinig 1)00l bias ail to', SI1(0 or offer 377 6290 ANY7IME 'ILL rOP, r'oe ,ae 75 pr m't 'r $93 25 Pr ni h 377 7011 orange 'B31 t CHINA I2 0 P M lAST 57kP) _____ u i unes cfte, 630 377 5560 wayrne (c 3t 64) Pi ix Surfboard6'10'Chotlenger rounded p~ 59i WEEK ranod Conditior rll Herb 392-917S (A Th~RSMY ZO &W&tWIfldM.LffSISW4O~lC XSMJA HORN JT~l UM Tecri PC-u kEDICALXIOaM.c in, & onip $30 phone 378 Iyou desir to m ove fham your preserl 4744 after 6pmr (AST 61 P) lacci~on wecan tena sublet ior nd you OS%4.TN CW kN InAE H KA$R3ASET a roommnate .mrmedralely at NO COSI Ponoseci C mn-imn stereo ond cassette MOAT D t ME$ U.D$ ENCE MTOR!U J H745 FRIOAY 7.3OWEN INCH~d"SPAKER KEI(Y HAILTON, tripe player and ormojfier $120 o, best 377 1496 (A 37 6) P) MiCCARTY GS@ rifler 13 NE lath Ave 377 6092 (b Ir-55 C) Sherwoad S 7l0 om fm, sieO airp Im0 CfENPQRAPY CiINESE ARI'fACTS-fl A STATE IMJSEUM, wrlts w Duol 1 715S auto turntable and remote wonted Brandywmne opt $67 2 -4-5 117-75 r~undrfle. 12 inch speakers Just $425 Izdrn, 2 both Large Tm' Jan renl CQ4TEMPMR CHIM(SE POSTER ExHlelr GRINTER GALLEmr, 377 1496 (A Me!1P) negotiable furr tV stereo htd pool etc tall a, come by W 189 37S-tO3I (B-2T IBM Selectric It typewteter 7 months old CEXPRlNtnflsvrI 2NC 61 P) ______rtoOR RE1Z UNION Id "" 'ted less ihon 10 hours only $500 or 7:30 90 Il best offer 377-1496 (A 3T-61-P) FEMALf ROOMMATE shore 2 bd C.,,d MAE IR stel lrurshed optmor, ae-poo flly strug guitro - . 1030i ARTSCIENIS ne e-19$155 A3 6 P -3 u't'tis 3734'37 B-2-4-P

1268 between SWand 50 (.A574- P)

r thefl~J beek. mHBR -ODEp Awn AT TEE Wa Don Wallis

IA MD s'rrno 4.4 bq reqwet

9pm $latthedoor_ J Th. Independent SorId. Mugs,. IhurSoy, January it ifS, pug. IS hL)ROPt ISRAEL A5RICA ASIA Tovej,,ni. year o,,rd Si iderit A, r~ el, 4 it"( y iv SP09 Ro,~neil ~d Al IOPiLi Cu ~J3*2 25~ 4433 I M I 4 itc P' HOUSES OCAQOED [,ttIe rare onck ,nformol *r endly oil tori tIes S from uf s*ol$s-573 posiur. $30 J76- HELP WANTED 4?N k* trying M lOT-tOP) ELP WANTED HELP WANTED dive he bohono, spring brook oufltalOrt interviews one day S.a. i'ne sailing LO per rang ~( 'Clef y pail t !l,~e 3 hrt p.r wewk PERSONAL SERVICES unlimited our-S neal. a doyc bunk oil nr]~orory I eCu ~rn. II be nbIe to type 65 ~ou ye ,.od our ods on ii. radio s.c (U ~'O!'~ cloilut%-nlode 'a your wishe, day Mncy It ~A Camp selling flhushoor. .oII otoques maul *c. S*Cfm5glancus days mo.ZtSpb ,ndCS&~CCUfl#' -, ri S3~hovrroiiey.i3~~ ?102 iF our r, on TV sean our ad, .rt lie' ujuunh gowns. 510CM., oiI.rotior pomnr.$ Now its U~ 0 yOu Come c Out oppeibean, 3924756 (M-5t40-P, isytrenia PIracier seek suig 2 ~ .ncludung Posioge or ~rnpIo 01'~5 31 6 I P g.i'erol sewing *x.r.enced 'r~ t',s tottirdoy Oi*I.j *MM'I*flCa fruil'o'd I .n1 a elf d.rrnent. cabolaggn tho %dh.r Con p o 60. * susan 3fl-~8W (M-fl-4t- Self R.oilzo.uoc Aa4.lonc. A personal 'he *.hulao,,on of scoring flit. *fl -42W hr ~pWmeo arid fl Corbondol. KonLos 66414 - cc' -i .p.r'uuol .nlv.,wt aided ioilplon.-glid.r Our in I aT-S-Cl AUTOS lOSE R* LEASE U E.g American b5 yo ct.4g7 chart Donitas Sn-A'S, tjtuCtOct au1 be pleased a tat. ye. fat 69 Camaro evceIl.nt condition, our ouro Soddlobnd Geld '~ pl*o.necr show Irons 350 ci on. owner $t t~ Call 3fl- or nhIodbcio-y rid this ou'dcv Call p6-lU' 4M-51-6~ P) 8361 0 3T-6I ?} 3730W for sch.dul'n o*e. 6 Ike Aug. rePair Foreign end D.m.s$acs. Will type yaw dussesa.uon met,. g.,.nl.d work 0' goed tone Sill a, 971 Suboru wagOn good it. 0% Florida Sowing Anocioihon U-lT-61 -r~ Repass. mnonuscripis Ek *.p.ancd Mhk.o.216N1 3rdAe frwnIO~,kll7W "'pg SI2~ coil 373 2353 oh.,3 p." - Post and accurate 1fl4613 (M-5V61 -'I JM-51-U-P) St 59 ~) LOST& FOUND CIAR St7 mustang ~ oc auto 259 vS flew flOTOGAAR#RS any cc. intentS in o pilcit co.p Coctod Nil lovait Sn Iros 7 np 9 body and untatbor g.od EVVThING MUST SE SOW condition drie. horn pef.ct $650 tee of 9259 0*. 6 M.fl-57*) Nuts! lt4rw iSti coIiev 5pm (G51-S. La~ op camos Gold kacalet wuf Ii des'gr A) Ge. I s.ntn.pol vol - towed Vt. t-4I- SO-) GOING OUT 11 nest SN. o.occic, - a 2231 mpg I2~ In good ccndflcn 3fl-dIdo' ta.W 50 calculate bet ~. TW.A - F~CW TO MCVI OUR 373-COI cit 235 (G-5T fl-fl SJ.ot - - b-Ge. ke. N. - w~ onuS. $2 JWEU box office coked, CII N24S3 - SflJP& It-ST-U 72 ~OO ~3. good cooditioc. 3-.eed mutt utteRs nil 5I~ colt 3Th10 oft 5 pm - BUSINESS 392-65Wduuimg ike day, at far mictiel Fqd.c SET 04 Car teys W.itfy CALL (G ST-tOP) LA&A ma. II-3WMC1 SOME NEW SOME USW Voivo. fllQ lids AC, $1650, Found paIr .4 inn hIc~ Ia.see In Kings,. bed c.mplee $14995 Negotiate. 3?3~525O kep trying 0 block vinyl cee *1* rutb, - S-p.c. ba* ace., suie 599~50 bridge bond dwrsdoy r.41.t In tnt 5Y ~ ~1 Ttle loni. SI leech near univ l'* 55 Mt far Wand. aS D.nlng cc.,. chow, $370 rnut (l-kM.oc~ PERSONAL living roont suite 54925 ninelo, hoord opplicotiocs flaw $25 P.ed. far ,Mvn, of rod and whIt. ?*oce dirsete set Eqs avolcbl. for unit. collage ronufau. SoagI. mole lot viciniN .4 .o~ JonQ Mo*emS.r Ins Ufliof Woolen wilk 3 ~s pid ip yours at - Dod. co. togs, no q.A0lOct ccli Twin bad, complete me ,~,1 ouROLD.TME ArMOSfl union ocivitlet desk on third 5Th '904, 3fl.29fl (1~ 2 z~zp) H.ay carpet 9K' 2 $1950 floom or 'igert info M.& {j 5TS~SL Rhtb~~J'tbwe *~ F ~r 1 w.lpfone this saturday fo, 0 nOw 1W, OF OTHER REMS CASH OR TERMS e. per is ,,ce wl~ icl, you II troosure SERVICES forever (oh 37,-Cm oIler 6 The ~ NSh~fl VbSrerS 44 '41 Fioida Sooring Associorov, (i-IT-al .P) Scubo Class starting Scubo eipmeflt FURNITURE CITY provided, 4 open water diwos. In- - a NC) thing hovel perceived. .xce1 A hot Corn., of Ecu Univ St It Si nrc. I perceived Cod within it, God befo. it. t.rriotional CetificotIon. Ton Allen (to- Fran, the coorlhoa S Wilson Dept or Cod oft.,' Bohop Wittn (1 host Wild KingdoM) R.~c4rs, Senice. Slat. Sr 161 C) Soles. Raniols.- - Allen. Aoijotic Trail Center - * [inn P3-9223 (rn-fT-fl. gon poking nowopr onSW 1)1,5 * 0) SINCLAIR EATON lit An. ~a* 'Ins, to brycat, tigeil, HYWaIS UPS 'lORE ATTAIN GOMS 4,A norman & little hull, hourly, doily bY AiDING ANY PIYSICAI A~ MENTAl 1017 W.tiniv.v.Jty rnonihjy rates (V i2t-*ol ASILrTY-STUQYiNG MEAOY ATNLEIIa Dnuo Cierk And Il,. Ho' Nuls coming to 373-3059 Donald 0 Pratt CertIfied DOG SCHOOL thePaiFri tSot i7i~,& lothof Jon two AMH, rAPS (m-2It-AS.~ - - ~. 'bows 9 II Tidots $2 in odvonce a! Independent Florida Alligator rot or union bos all ice (i- 41-SQ-c) pOffSSO~AL TYPIST. Fat, acCurate m.rvic* iBM Salodric Varying low rota 9ay community tarvice CCntr gay ran ord *or,,er~ nest iluradoys at 7pm 07 Dahivety Slenogophlc rvic ond NV( 5 'err info coli ton, at 1,21861 notary public also Call 462-2,39 (M.ST- CLASSIFIED MAIL-IN 57 P) iso,' or toy. at W2-i5~5 (i- -1 SAtMiitS A~lVD FROM LC~OON, DRY TC*TL~AS for spring b.ok diving and us. ~CW OPEN Specioi'rirg in, Erigiusi, l~oir romping 'rip Fly by seoplon. fiat,, ~oy rutting, blow eating for the in look West notch 21 25 or 25-29 All scuba 9 YEARS f--I. uns., Drop by Coion'oi Plaza 7)6 W Ct 1 LIiplnent provided Expiate hisfluc Foil foe I inii Ave 37' 2442 (i 50' SI-pI Jefferson $1 S vvtth c.tifucot.on $ISO in- "I, dude, full scuba coWo ccli S'ubc ad EARN kAPAtE rnolifi.d instructOrs now Dynamics 373-5040 (M.5T-fl.P~ EXPERIENCE wnhd class stating mo,' all ages male S - female. *o. cog * further info coil oolo* THE MARRIED STUDENT aNItA OffRt howard 373 8252 1' 55-pd) FIJIL RANGL Of *LPING SERVC!5. O~E YFAP CXC mouuiy} LAB floods MEDICAL AI'V DAY CAU hEMROM FIFE OBEDIENCE CLASSES lose a f~nd 2AIIOAJRSEWVCE CALt Sfl-8125 (M-QT harp /.rt oFertionote and intelligent TO START JAN 21-JAN22 .e.vkn LOH Lorry or 4owi e 377 7 315 nw 60-C Art, Dr J Experienced typist will lype .ini papers. ~no& Pecks ~ugby Shirts. Hiking has's or diseilolion F~s, S occurete ALL BREEDS ACCEPTED Shori~. trail Shoe, Woolnich Shirts service of ,eooonabl. rot., Coil 373- POE INPOEMAnON CALL I SAW 16 RUt White Stag Soltuing Suits Aliens 8423 (0, l0'-53 -pj Aquoluc Trail Center 3440W Univ 373- 3764221 IVENINGS 4M4I~5 [EARN (ARM! qualifIed instructors new 'day Q233 ti f-55p) class ste-sung soon oij oge male 71~ N. MAIN STREET 2dys Wedding vita' Or', SIt 40 p.r 100. f.rnol., far 'eq further info toll 3day.- I@~nnt bu.wess cords 59 95, rubber stamps. howard V3-6252 (nub 55.p) rrogneiuc iugr~s, ofIset prinitno Cliff Hall 4dq. duan Prr't'ng 1103 ~* Mo',' (J-FE-56-C) 5 day. 444 444 KARATE (ESSQIJS ft U metes ac.s Small classes $20 p.v not, 1215 NW ~th Ave (off 13th 55 Mon rkru ft Set even,' toO 3'I'l 31 (J-201-W.Pl ft This hem say h. s.d U * The Free Movie plot. tIaflS .a 64e In KARATE UNIFORMS Quality. tleoch.d * Is Back ft pen. - by welt Th. $24 up (orate Do. f2?5 NW 5* Av. I * bik eat of SuIt St Mon Wed-fr' eve mIa4en da1 . I. ILK I. to., 1k,. Pe es, aa.i 3fl-7131 J 5'-4O-PP line .dd Us tM~l~ Eta Rustic. 84,11%, tondcn, Paris. Wont IC trowel t*ihyS.*.rMd.w*. for our weki with fallow siudofift and the J0nathan Li V ngsto o'er study l.cgin-july. d.pwuro-SI350 n plod Coil or lAcrilyn 376-7106 or Mc. [email protected]. ma &.W 1 p3-32I~ oke. SPMo. marc ln~ p-nsa- q#k~h - hr swmwv. ineto. Seagufl I I you sow 'ho -bicycle accident Monday I 4-75 ci 3 IS en fran of ytJLtE t l1LCoIl $92 ~2 UROENT (J.51.4O-P) ft iwe a mcmw Original Score By Nell Diamond ft U I O~RSEAS JOSS Australic. Eu.a. ~ Acceplgmee qi paySest ME. r * Ar.,,co Africo Siuden's cli r*efespoa. * .d.ecag oar an and occupotiOrit $700 to 5~ vnonihly n fispon.' paid. ovoflurne. si#Maing * AND santa. Wi&g Pr. nfoeunotion TRANSWOI.D * - We UdysAs bid. OESEAKH CO D.pi 06, POlo. 602. * ft a a, n oslE -" F 6 - Carte 4'odro CA 9.925 1J41S-PI Jack Lemmon in his Oscar - ft lb. bd.e.S.s fleet'. r * winning role r COW 5 foCiOi hour removed p.- ft Agar~.eae.igivu -icranily Call Edmund Owy * - - S. Isp - Sm r el.cftolog.It ova, ~ yowl *.pO'ieflC * "iflWq .9a~ S d .4 Call rn-WI. JFa4t-C~ ____ * "~*q apy Sad lee * S The Tiqer -I-a-. - Sm ii * aye an. *h~ -*ct -, - -p.

bsb. - IS p.a day. - w g day Friday At 8:00 pm m ow - r MeN Ak S ws seance V (O.ct w*wedb U. On Tho Grass By Tho Union Aa~ a~ tO.ej lala * * -i 'fr - AN Li B .N~mu -1 -- S * Feattire 4 4M.44.4 ~ sal

O' -, Pog. lb The nd.p.nd.n~ Florldc AIII~cor Thun~oy Jonuory 6


Al Fauout2 E3zea4ut.


WINN WMi *,0m1 *d~ S,.A1t. an ceSSayt *V -Is P1105 BOOS TINES. JAIl. 16 13111 MI. JAIl. 22

ha PLO 9 ~; 75c Syrup. * . . . . 't : $129 Starch. ***P 0 laIn BUDWEISER 0-des 39 5- $149 $ Saran Wrai p . . . 89c Dog Meal -G I 00* PUP4CW MC PACK Handi-Wra1 p . . . *~. 47c Potatoes. 12-oz. SAVE ~0- NhlCN C ITYIC &t&IMID * . . liLt $519 CANS 34 C Dog Ration Potatoes. '~~: ~ 5'~ 1W 'AmC 111kM CI LUM Softener *9*. GM Grahams * 4 . 87'

C*CIW 0000 1W OWCt~i *MSMOY. 'I IL. -a 'SOS I Diapers. 'A' 99' Saltines. Rice . . . . ~,, -~ (Satin 0000 'CaIne $J00 uO&A5 WICU ,~J. 0' tSa .2 AL "* 99c Kruncke.s Puddings.4~~58' Pastries. 210. $100 Chicken . *0. *SI'w C~tI. avg. $100 Ii 0011 OflthnO *eow*~ I~ Mw .2 P.O'S n.e I'k9 Cake Mixes. '~c 59' Flaky Rolls. 79' ~gibies 4 ~Z 'I" Shrimp. -alt,., SAwS & Odili OA~"G rm.tPT. -C .0w~S,0 * .9 no Spaghetti.4A~; $100 *0 CT 1j99 ~ Pecan Twirls. 2 ;.~ 88' A4iIk . * . . . hO - .*** . . . IM*#t, .Aic SAeuII'l IOUtki SN ciscuil L~ sAtuto I iyacy PCI? 1fl*O 59c Pears.2~z $100 - ' $194 . . . ~ Potatoes LI Flour 5 68~ Pizza. . . * * sill * . 3 leGs I LhLT*A *AN 0Wflt t**ULA. OS SflAV SAW U WUSA * na-u-ma ~Q!yhue ITaM I I tQ~YP~! ITAMM Its, SO. I LI PIG Ill DEODORANT $j29 41121* 0~E" Pr. I.k COO. *.a~J i&~. ?? '000 INlU IA" 12 Id '*53. No 5i. No 35.


TI,. Ind.p.nd.n* Mofldo AIt~gocr, Tht.ruIoy January ~&, ~ Fog. '7 cEUClOUS

Ouonlty R. ,. rye OlELI STOlES INC Cc#yii0~T h~7,

SAVE 11 . LB 1-LB. PKG.

rucu NOS flUb. MM. 16 THEU WED. JAN. 22 MFLARS - nsga.w. V

I W 0 fl0 UboA C.40( F TALMADGE SSANO IRISM 'OS K IJWA OtAD A '5154 PIOZEN WOWS P*flSO WICU Chuck Steak.~. 98c Chicken Franks. ~ 49c Neckbones. 49' Chicken . . 49c w BRAND USDA ( HOIC ( SItE ~d MUL I LO*N f LI IOU BANQUET SilO 00 0' MOn PIECES PULP COOKfO~ C NIP b#t,0"r SA~F '0. SaND USOS ("04(5 SIll lull C 75 LBS CUT & 'AKAtPFD FOIL -*

Its $149 - K. S $168 LB $219 sin Round Steak Strip Steaks Chicken A .-.- Food rz'. PIG snfoto 99c 0 *&AldO 5*40010 ~A~F 10. W b *KAfl Utal CNOICF BIlE TOP SOUND OW 2., 99c . Game Hens .2 $219 Sausage. PRO Sirloin Steak. Sliced Bologna T2~ 69' 'A,. lO~ WO "*140 USCA OKIIS"OUII OF ~IS@F SNOULDIK BLADE BOSTON 99' PorkSUNHYLANO NOTSausage. OK KAILO SOIL 99' T-Bone Steaks . . K 88c Veal Patties. Pork Roast flfS~ POlK WOS~fl USC. ~"CICI Slit IF SM WHOLE OR 511 &Nt *AL~ (On 1*140

. 98' Dinner Franks. Stew Meat. - . . . Pork Ham. Spareribs


Shrimp. . . ~ $369 Cheese.~ 89' Topping. .2 ~ '1" Grapefruit. .5 A 69' Poll SAG *IjTTRKIO APFO 0 '50)! ta0cI0 POl*SN ~tt*CO SUITES MINOr . !~A~2 43C Peas. 'At 69' Celery. 39c .~ $129 BiSCUitS: JR Sausage. 'BS' PEAS 01 O%( AK *AVIS R!hIIAuK~ I. ci * Lb $129 79' Vegetables ?.t' 69' Cream Corn. WIGS $100 Franks 'IC. 4 Biscuits. NAIVI$T SlIM I SN 051114 27 'I IOtlO~A' ~OhJI ON!L)NS OP ~UM I 11AM 49c S Oranges. * . . . "-S 8Z69' Gbage. ~ 12' uri ...... 4 Sloe Bake-a-tata. . . . U $ N. I VEIKOW IS iB~ tI.L IAKYISI 151511 71Mph ~LI Pt C*ANO IO14~"~~IN ~IOUIFSR IF 2 ~. 79' Onions . .3 A 33' Ii 0050 . . . 89' Oranges. C ~ Cup Cakes. .

I Ia U runVALUE STAMPS TW VALUE STAMPS TOP n-rnVAtS STAMPS I?~, *t5 ?BPEG 2 Lb PIG .IIPES'OOl ASIA ASSOSIlO fASTS 0 SEA rain o SI. L*wr Coke Pined., St.k P.rch H.k . ~ GOOD '"SKi lAN 22 0000 i~4SU *N 32 0000 !E'SU JAN 32 I *. flo Na 59. N.59. dO.

N.fl. "-- .

3421 WEST UNIVERSITY AVE. 1401 N. MAIN ST. OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M,-7: 00 P.M. 130 NW. 6th ST. HIWAY 441, HIGH SPRINGS a ~og. ~8 Th. nd.p.nd.n~ Rondo MhIgoor Thund.y January lb. 975 It's soup n sandy U ch time at Publix.

GOO0 C, * / )iir LI,; I

I 3Jh'I -Y II Al,


r *.v.r* Sd dhj.,.t. .ini ~.a.n Alihal MltyWuy. * IE~ *frnhl. Mote. Caned. Mimes . . . *,.h't tony a *~ 574 t Sunheem Slum. . V . *u.hs Mon.wew4a MImtC.elers ~; 576 PA: Kid. Ion osti .b'. * S-.a. . Octet En Eas .4. 93

*A-.t. jelly 30ems . S. .~;.- rr r

44A sCheek1 Chicken Soup Wt 39. M.a.m. O.iI*. Chuuky Beef. III. 45~ 0.0., wI. I.*.I ".64. Premium Saltinos .

Sprinklelweet. ::' 55' flwr,6.s. 34. *dl Dog Ratio...... 'tt $515 Beam Sprouts *~-. 3 ' "S. Lin C 7 Chn S.fl Vegetahles. 't'45' U.v fbi .hin Ned. ".d. *utterucetch Morsels. :i:;' 'in S.~ Wbk. rnn.d . Paperlowels. 2.,.SI 67' lustuat Breakfast ~:: 91' QnRubates C.' Ch.t.I.,. Ch.e. . USM. I *~-~~t ~ Chips Ahoy ~7 99. IdubeP.tat.s. I, W.fh to.,. *.nh.n.d ra. lOt @*4 Label). 4~0g *.x Fabetergent A'V $1., IO hr $1- Kind 1 V., Mast. ISO. C" L.bSd) 22-as 7 S . Palmolive Liquid . sIt. DSdi.s.Jy Sift.,., -. M.~S t: 39' ass. I fl.d. Wbh. - P5.6 ltuIIauBeums *0e***~* Seedless Srepefruit. S Pept. U*" I 5w Julep Ul.ld. . DaflIm Diapers. ~ : '2" *ucunula Cheese * ?r~i~ 45. 24.0. Kosher Spears. jar '9. Jam. buy @rumg.Julce. CrI* loud., .I.u. 12.:. Pizza S.i& Tray. '~ " Fe~~.dd*. Fe. Suflarry, A. - Ch.iny not Cocoa Mix . . PSemeems "V l~ Visit Turts . ** *. Pip - Oak., ad.f 39. Ill. 34. ft**** Shefliag Paints 'I.~ 91'* Freahlggpla. Th. nd.p.nd.nt Flovido AJIIge.or Thursday Jonuory 1$ 1915 Pop 19

". ml ide

LOG CABIN COUNTRY $102 lICHEN SYRUP 24-ct h~t $1.12 z~

E dp. 6! QOaliOAi2~&ViM~~ QVQ


- FCLGERS Vt' I * L INSTANT COFFEE Sw~ft'a pisel. Pishe SaM 1.1. uiumu i@-:t. I" sill Sirloin Steak I. $159 - d I. ~ ~rnw~ Beef Round Steak C. lb Swift P.i.u. P.t. Snail ,.d G00j ~jvieS SpCC1aJ& KeyClub Steak lb WflPfl~*Sj~ to 1t7 $I*c .d I' skim ar

. ** * .UI.r lb 89 Genoa Salami 59~ fi.du* Ni,,h.,-F,.h

Imperial Oven Roast . lb $129 *akedm.ams . A F*y**i*. 5w1, *n.sI. Pest. .n.I. .* *.qlisk 'ut **n' OAKeN *Iwa~s *teiiy NrA M Chuck Shoulder Roast. lb Bar-B-Owed Fryer. ~ 69' Sw$r. PISeb. Pr.?. .l Pie,. * * * * * Short Ribs I' 79~ Banana Pudding . ':' 39' With assorted fruit toppings *roumd Beef with E.V.P. ib~9 -~ this 7-Inch round French style K Cheese Cake /- Sue, each ii With tasty almond filling, garnished with I butter streusel. 1 2-oz asso;td Iruit strip Coffee Cakes 4 each 89~ Regularly 98~ garnished with sliced nuts, i .44) this delicious 12 oz Golden Ring Rum Cake

each69~ Pr'c*i Eflec~pv. W.d Noor, Jon I 5th *hu Regularly 72c tasty White Mountain W.d NOOI,, Son 22nd, I9~5 doted Sundays Dinner Rolls doz for 59. V Selected mehy Deep. Fighter FumOuxWuttPegst A Gist SaM 1~I SaM Sirloim Stock. *b. $125 TayIorChablis. l/5.$l.89 L.a. M.fl S fell-Cot Meg. Dawdiug Apple mound Steak. sits lb- C Strawtutyllti Tony b. L.I. - lb. Maguisit .,.,.oa.,. Si .g9 RibSteak II *l.n$.* I. Uafl .l *l.4. '4 Julius kayw Liebcrauilch. I/5.StlB Chuck Roast. lb. 69 teat chock AV* 'I Pot Roast lb. U Ivy .l'cln. ScM Ce-md This

i~. IL1: Tip Roust CC C* P * C On. I.' ap-4., CaM Fl.'. **0S .1 ;: 29 U. * * l.t a S.,. Sl~ort Ribs . . *. . lb. 'I-. 'I UvIteSIk Shells. pk* I3 hansel .k" lb. 99. Pesmnum Cheese. C. Beef ferStew. ~ wa.~, II.' in, a,. SIH Pickles Ca. S.j.a~t 49. WhIImg Cream. SaMad Tv.t. laty Potlat * C.weIe.d I, Small Shrimp. r *'a (tea. h.d A-.ufltt S.h.e tv.*. T.fl P. Sliced American . . t% Seat. H~-.n ~ahS ~huok Turbot Fillet . ~r 99 Miner. C.flci. Cm. ., ~-:~ 794> S.,:ss leez" Sips * * * * C Wiaaa (h.n. - P., sit, Mild Cheddar . . . . a a Wiseal. 'h. -. S., where Liked MeszereIIUa. *k~ 59' shopping HeA&Bea4A&b 'so O*C'ie 9. Va. * ida, * St.C a., Eahy Shampoo .* pleasure be- .i.~"d., A ~nd,,i.,, vole!,. I.lan.~. (0,t Hamdlotlon.**' t~ar WISTOATI SHOPPING CENTEE-W. Ufilversity An. at 34th St. light, Ca etti. P '.1k.,., *u' It*~ P.L MALL-2630 NW. 13th Street 3,. Ye.tbpeste . a* a* * * 95 GAINESVILLE SHOPPING CEN1ER-1014N. Main Street K.a *.s.*h F,.& Ia; i**w~* Le~a~'* MILLHOFMRSNOPPINGCENTER-41 15 NW. 16th Myd. Meubwah . a* a * * * 756 A Peg. 20, Th. nd.p.nd.nt florida

Fri C asses sus ended

Second. third and fourth period classes ~ II be suspended in 1-riday. Jan. 7.

It, atttn~i the Inauguration of U F Prt'sule,,t Robert Q. Mary tnt at II) rn in the

I a proIts~or wants, he ma, i n\ht cI.iss be held, hut the 'lea is hr all students. acuity Intl career service cmployt's to attend.' Robert A Hryan. Interim Vice President 'I Academic Aflairs 'aid. Bryan strcs~ed first period classes should not he excused by prolessors, as it is not One the suspended hours Career service en~pIoyes ~.,il he tlIc,~ed to leave their ohs to attend the in atigurat inn Assistant L)mrector of Personnel t itt Fa~an. was not .iwarc ot any eniployc who coo Id not ml Wi rid the event if they ~vtnrcd ii

Hi '.1 Ti N.ii(l only those

'ii ib~tIimtcIy needed itt. tht ph till I~t i eqiiircd it k

UF obtains do rmi't ones

li.iilt,,i II.*N!i, IlK

K piiiItliii~

II I ' ttss hi LU> Sr

Fl N ILIItLti (eIlvct


,I~L I .1 It I

lit ~IN Iii! Nh Iii. [IL 'I) liii iii IL' I He * I III'' fliL' lit IlL '~IiL iii Ili tuttl I lii It;' iNli S I lit .1

I I '~ liii cii IL: iii' I 1t2.IL'tS ILSII It'll, lilt! P 'Ill C I.'

lit .11111 i~~lill lit V iii 'I Vt' Al,

lilt iliti liii IL''\ Nil

I Lii ii I I I illS tili I lb LI ' t'fll sL'' It' t his ~tI4 I 111% L "1 Lii lCd

I 4~oIYO WIG?, ha KARATE CI 4 'JUNO' -U- A 4. A 11 .9 Wet t,. A. K hl~f Florida AI1ig~

Thui.do1 . Jonvory 36, 191$ p,1p.23 K ~tor INM w NT I I, ~1 Go 'Fish with Barry Melt on

I be F-is h is coning' Birrs Melion. former lead guLl ai'~ or C'wilirs Joe and the lisli ~;,lI be at the Lorgbranch SaFoon or he rev three dis s jn e'cit'n~ show by a (, IL j~erIei 'icr is sure bet his a .ipo~er gi~ br Melton ~hc is on has "av to I lirope br a "inter tour It sicni~ Melton has been around for ages 'ci he is only F \oti should renenbei- Mellon a' the funo; one in

F resign I heaters film -- Zacharuab COUNTRY JOE an'1 he Fish came into being ~vhen Joe Mclhnald and Harry Mekon stand a duo named ouut r' Joe a ml he Fish C; uess * ho was the Fish Suppose~il~, Melton is credited for starting the banana peel e~'ntrovers~ Hit Parader magazine said that Melton started the whole banana thing which subsequently rocked he ~mernment all the way to the FDA. Melton is a trip in hin,,elt In Electric Knol- Aid Acid est I oni Wolfe refers to a lug hand named the Instant Att ion Jug Hind a hand that Country Joe and Melton "crc respil n si Me or founding. It ~oki jont think Mellon hasn't been around take a look at the likes if the company he keeps. Anybody that was a part ol the San Francisco counter culture trip ends up on the list because Milton was the hilarious synthesis of all these people SUCH PEOPLE as Allen Ginsberg who Melton backed up at a reading in a San Francisco park summer before as!, Jerry Garcia, Bob Hunter, John Cippolina, Grace Slick. I)avud Freiberg. etc in other words anybody in an~ way associated ~.iil, the Frisco hippie days ends up on the li~ So. tot a hat ol the nostaglia and a gander at a counter culture historian, nioke your way down to the Longbranch tonight. Friday or Saturday with 51.50 itt your mitten and~ It' yours Ihere will be three performances but once gbronch voure inside you can stay as long as you want. L. Bony Mel Ion

rGet in the game ruF Music Fest II you arent the athletic ~pc, hcr&s your ch ante to Severin Browne be recoMnifld as a national champion begins tonight I he J Wayne Reit, Union ganics area" tipconling ill- F CLIII lWi~ burn ai,,cnt s ill dettrni inc the representative' 11w 1975 UF Music Festival will begin tonight with a Iron' I Jl~ br the Asw~iation ol College Unions In special performance honoring the inauguration of Dr. plays GviIIe lerrut innals ~ACU I) regional Robert 9 Marston as University turnanenl president. Therewill be a surprise in store for you if you happen to liii MPER Beethoven Ninth POOL, air hockey. bowling, and loosball Symphony will be presented by the stroll into Reef and Bottle next Monday and Tuesday CS ellis Ilegi ii Monday i .un 20 arid .1re open t I 'F ~t ud en is, lJniversitv Symphony Orchestra and Festival Chorus nights. Jan. 20, 22. still iini haLtalty. Winners ol these esent' directed bs Peter Herman Adler will not be at 8:30 in the tluiivcrsity There will be a young singer on the stage you might or eligible lot he region Auditorium ots. hosteser. he same program will be presented again might not have heard cit His name is Severin Browne. less table tennis (men's and wotiwr' s singles nid Friday evening at 8:15 p.m. Chances are if you were in California sonic where and this ii bl~ ,aad i ni ~ed dot, bIn) poe ket bill i aids. I net ii sh toil VOCAL SOLISTS will be Veronica Tyler. soprano who manic appeared you would probably know who he was. lialliarcis and sgioker semis aisti begin ~1,,dn to recent K lined he LI F faculty. EVEN THOUGH he is Jackson Brownes brother. dont mane totarsitnient iepresciltati't% Marvellee (aviag~i. a mezzo-soprano will also solo. let this tool you. He is his own singer and songwriter. if I lie regional John tnhariijnucnts also being held it LI 'till be Mc(ollurn. tenor soloist was recently appointed you can get a copy ,thas first album this becomes evident. Feb ta through $ hairman it the SOLOI department at the Unisersity of fhe people backing him upon the album testily to this According to kill 1% ust. director ol the ~anIe~ iiC~i. MiLhigan School t Music. also, such as brother Jackson. [inda Ronstadt, John David regiotial winners will be sent to the national touriiallltnt% Noel l~ I, baritone soloist was waited by Opera News Souther, and Sneaky Pete Klelnow Iron, Flyin~ Burruto at the expense of the ACIJI. n,~ainc a' ~,cally ~LI I. perb. Brothers. Admission is SI. il

j Apple Tree blossoms I hr ~flflIC I! cc three ii musicals Ibi the pertormers, Loch and every )tlc dewrving a piitc ol inc ~sall be piesented by the New 'ton in itself I he cast is Martin Ikst nit. N irk I theatre (iv. ii' a dinner theatre Rob C rantors. Jim H ay, Valerie Im Miller. spt'tisortd bs Pie J Was tie Unit I 'nor I .~ dii Roberts. Jeffrey Rockwell. and Mark I "alp N, l)iur~ of \dnii and l)enniN Warring. F> c. , ark N ~p'ekron s rhe lad; or lAd Id Roberts is seen on sci ccii in lie r vii a Id Jules I-callers Pa ranloli n N, lii ni Godfather II. while Li. iiike 'p a trtal~ delectalile l)en ni' W an I ng appear' in in I theit riLdi cntertaiuinlent [li'ttrians nc~ h released film (It I enny Till-. IIW4 for Pie \~'~lc lice LC)nics to B, t'&c Icon' as troi,, Jeti &ck ~uid Sheldon Harnick. I he (liruner-IbtaIre production 'ill he ilk jiithsits of such hats 1-iddlci in the ottercil inc ii ight only, Friday. Jar, 24. at RitE .itd I- mu el lo Hick I ote the I ~ ni St udenh rickets are S4 .50 and 'iuicsk. ~hile No nick vintc lie Krics liii -Si i;(tcnt tickets are S6.OO. lick us are 4. Ii \c~s ~oIk heatre COIl~lThfl~ S tirri'ntI~ ii sale at the Uni~t ride up of .t LJSI I ielular '1~ - .- P.9 . 20 U. Ind.p.nd.n~ Florid.

Fri. classes suspended

Second. th ~t and hurth

period k I~c~ ill he si~~pendcd on I-ridav. Jan 17. ., WIo~ ~iiiclcit~ and acuity in jtlc rid I iv naugilflt ion ol LI I- I 'rtfl Ien ( Robert C).

Mar~tou ii II) ,j in in he r Iori~ia ( II )rt~le%%orants, he may insist LIJ~ be held, but I he '(ICa s lot- all students. faculty and career 'ct-vice cmployc~ lo attend. Robert A Hryan, Interim Vice 'resident Academic Affairs said. Bryan stressed lint period classes should not be excused by professors. as it is not one - of the suspended hours.

Carter servicee eniployes will he aIlcwcd to cave their lobs to attend the inauguration Assist ant Director of Personnel tilt Eagan. was not jwarc of any employs who could not attend the even if hey wanted to

ii ,I ~ ,, hs~ Put clv needed or hc ih~~i&al irinhtig ol the ci'lI'v isir~ ~ 'Ii bt 'e&~tiircd ti

UF obtains dormitories

I. 'N

Flii IsL.iii~~~ I! 'iiiIqtii~i~

i,~~~it~&h ,~L't~NN ILOIII Ni

[diii Punmi tt'lktcL' II INI ~NI)S 0 SL~iI [III. the

'ilL I iI'~LhUhi ~:IrIV iIt~i L2.IL'L

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I IlL ( nut ion Ic'~ 'h

I I I Ic lii

Ninth its itIlOIlCIL

has umusi Am-u maroon

S ~ A t I The Inde~wnd Florida Aug Ihu.~oy. J.nuory 14, 1975. P Wg. 2?

-U ______r Go 'Fish with Barry A4elton

he F ish is conin~ 8rr~ Meltor former lead guitarist or ( 'tinir' Joe and he Fish "ill be at the Longbranch 5a1114,qi liii- he nc~t three jays an excitii~g shos, by a Isniriqi peilirnier is a sure bet I his it '(op(ser giz br Melton sho is on his "a' to lurope foi a inter titir I see 'ii Melt on Has beer , mum! or ages vet he is only U ii should renteniher Melton is the funny one in

I- resign I heaters film -- Zachari ah caine into being s~ her Joe Mt Donald and Barry Melton started a duo named ,ant r' Joe and the I-si,, (mess s.ho was the Fish S uppusedk Melton is credited lot sarlng the banana peel j'nt ro~cr'v H it P-ara~Ier niaganne said that Melton stjrte~l the "hole banana thing ~hieh subsequently rocked the governmentt all the ~ay to the FDA, Metton is a trip in hniselI~ In Electric Kool-Aid Acid I est I in, Wolfe refers to a lUg band named the Instant Act oil Jug Hand, a band that Country Joe and Mellon "crc respon sib Ic for lou tiding If SOLI (font think Melton hasni been around take a look at the likes of the company he keeps. Anybody that "as a part of the San Francisco counter culture trip ends up or the list because Melton was the hilarious synthesis of all these people SUCH PEOPLE as Allen Ginsberg who Melton backed tip at ,i reading in a San Francisco park summer before last Jerry Garcia, Sob Hunter. John Cippolina. Grace Slick. David Freiberg. etc in other words anybody in am "av associated with the 1-risco hippie days ends up on the list So, or a bit of the nostaglia and a gander at a counter culture historian, make your way down to the Longbranch tonight. Friday or Saturday with $1.50 In your mitten and FORMER ASH its yours there will be three performances but once Barry Melton stops off at the Lot,gbronch you're inside you can stay as long as you want.

r Get in the game UF Music Fest II ~ou arent the athletic type. heres your chance to Severing Browne be recoMnhed as a national champion. begins tonight I hr i Wayne Heft, Union games area' upcoming ill- the 1975 LII- Music Festival will begin tonight with a 'ani1Mis tournament 'ill deterni vie the represent ati~ es plays G'viIIe Iron' Iii- or the Association of College [In ions In special performance honoring the inauguration of Dr. lernationals (ACU I) regional tournjnicnt Robert 9. Marston as University president. There will be a surprise in store for you if you happen to Rh MPER POOL, air hocktv. ho~ ling. and loosball Beetho'en Ninth Symphony will be presented by the stroll into Beef and Bottle next Monday and Tuesday U ii iversit v Symphony ALlis lwgiii Monday Jan 20 and arc open to LJF students. Orchestra and Festival Chorus nights. Jan. 20, 21. directed k 51.111 md faculty. Winners of these e'cnt' inli Aol be Peter Herman Adler at 8:30 in the University There will be a young singer on the stage you might or cligiblt tor I he regionals. ho' ever I he same program will be presented again I nu~ht not have heard of His name is Severin Browne. Chances are (hess. table tei~iiis Iniet, and '.omcns single' and F ridav evening at 8 15 p ni if you were in California some where and this Iqiuliles .aiid ni~ed troubles) pocket bill,.ir~Is. three ~iishioti VOCAL SOUSTS '.111 he Veronica Tyler, soprano who name appeared you would probably know who he was. billiards .i,,~1 snooker e'cn:' also hegiti Nlonl.t~ to retenuly joined the U 1< faculty EVEN THOUGH he is Jackson Brownes brother, don't Inc region a I tournanwn I rep rese n tat i' es M arsel lee (ariaga a me,,o.soprano will also solo. let this tool you He is his own singer and songwriter. If you can get a copy of his l~rst I lie egiona too rn .1tile., is a ho heiiig held a t 'F ill be john ML(lltj ni. tenor soloist * as recently appointed album this becomes evident. The people backing I-el, 6 through fl hairni an 4 the ~cal department at the Universty of him up on the album testily to liii At cording to kill Faust. director of the ~auc' irca. Nt ich igan School of Music als4N. such a, brother Jackson. Linda Ronstadt. John Davi region at ~ Inners '. ill be 'ciii to I he naT ,wal lot) iii ant CA I' Noel I si, baritone soloist was hailed by Opera News 5iouther. and Sneaky Pete Kietnow from Flyini Burnt ii the expense of' the ACUI. ii ~aine is ~ocalI~ superb. ~4rochers. Admission is SI J

h ~ppiea I- irea blossoms 1 I he .\pple I Ce three ii usicals for the performers, each and e;cry one dew-n ing a prite if one ~ill be lii esented li~ the Nes. st4~r5 in itself I he cast is Martin Ilestimt. oik I waive ( in dinner theatre Rob Gran lots. Jim I-lay, Valerie los Miller. sponsoici l's the I. Wp tic Nyu, I non I sd a Roberts. icttre~ Hoeki. cli. and Mark I 'sans flig' of Adam and l)cnns Warning. F ~c iratik H St.'ckitns I he t ads or 'di a lti'herts is seen oil S I Len it, rho I cci ard Jules I-edict l'jranoutnts film Godfather I I. hUe i'isstonell,. iii,' ke up a iruils delectable l)cnn is \Varning appears in I Just in LLka~2e of thean cal enterta'nrwnt IIoItntns released film p1 lenny Till-. li)i-X Iii he Xlpk I ice LOIHC llritit 1cnrn

PR iroi~ Jr r' 8o4 and Sheldon Ihirnick I he din ncr-theatre production ' ill be INC ititlitis I such hits Fiddler r the uitlcrcl uric night ,nlv. i-rida~ Jan N. at ~li1LI Fiureilt, Hock tile (he 6 1(1 p ni Student tickets are S4.SU and IflusiL 'tile I-li ILk ~t i 'cc the sties, ron -si miclent I icket, are SC, 00 lick its are H Nc" 'I 'ik I ~cacre ( onipans is uric nil' on sale at the Un ye Ru iiiidc up I a ~ai ,t ic~ular Hi-oads~as Ifict

'S S - tyt~ 9 Jackson wins with F work on "Iittk things By CHRIS GARRITY UF Wrestle rig Coach Gary Schneider Saic I that in the Alligator Sports Writer Alabama natch Jackson looked like his old self but added hell be even better as the season moves along. rhr(,u~hout Henry Jackson's entire restingng career, the SCHNEII)ER, A former UF wrestler and the first Gator to mi-pounder has been associated ~ winning team' arid has ~in the SEC has been helping Jackson on the "little things been a winner hinmell. this past 'teek. He thinks hightyof his 190-pounder. iackson'~ Coral City high school team won two Florida 'Henrys a natural wrestler. He uses a combination of State (hanpionships while he placed third and second his speed. strength, and balance and that's why he's as good as he junior arid senior years respectively. is. AT MIAMI DADE Junior College his team had little While Schneider thinks highly of Jackson the same is true trouble with their competition and Jackson finished second about the way Jackson feels about his coach and teammates. his first year in the Junior College Nationals and third his "GARY IS VERY knowledgable about wrestling and has second year been helping me work on the things I kwio* I have to do in Since transferring to UF last year. the brawny grappler has order to win.'' he said. lost only once in dual meets and last year won the 'The team is very close and everyone respects each other," Southeastern (onterence (SEC) title, qualifying him for the Jackson added. NCAA championships. His teammates showed their respect when they elected him So it's rio winder the senior Irom Miami has been staying co-captain along with Tim Granowitz. the Gators' 142. .ttter practice this week to work on some of the 'little things'' pounder. that make a winner. The Gators' co-captain hopes someday to coach wrestling. "I'M NOT DOING it lot of things like I did last year, so 'My goal is to become a coach and produce a Winner' he I've been working on straightening theni out. Jackson said. said. - by tde A major reason br the extra work is that the Gator has And if the Jackson tradition continues, he will certainly UVS HW4RY JACKSON been plagued by a groin injury this season. It possibly cost produce a winner-most likely mote. .0 rOre opportunity to relax him his lint dual meet loss this year since coming to UF. BUT AFTER the Gators' last match (a 29-5 triumph over Alabama) and a 10-0 victory over his opponent. it seems his injury is healing. The Independent 11w mulled niuscle is still bothering me a little but shouldn't itfect my wrestling the rest of the year he said. ini lot going to let it.'' Florida Alligator SRORTS UF swimmers face Georgia in SEC meet By LOUIS DRANCACCIO The swimmers last road trip included stops in Tallahassee needed sever, or eight." Orschiedt said. Alligator Sports Writer and Tuscaloosa. Ala., where the Gators dropped their first Orsehiedi said with UF~s obvious lack of depth dual meets two dual meets of the season to bring their record to 3-2. this year will not always come out in the (jators favor. It was the first time in six years that the tankmen dropped If we can sacrifice this and swim well in the SEC and I he (,~ltor ',wini cam will not run away'' with the UF- Iwo meets in a row. NCAA we will be very happy." Orschiedt said. ('corgid swim meet this Friday in Gainesville and it should be "WE WOULD have liked to have won." Orschiedt said of THE GEORGIA MEET, which begins at 3 p.m. will be good iofltt~t. 4sst Swim Coach Pete Orschedt said this the Florida State and Alabama losses. followed or~ Monday with a dual med against Auburn. ~.rck Orschiedt said despite the losses he does not expect the Auburn has already beaten UF in the Tulane Relays held in 'We ~iIl probably fluctuate our lineup and swim people in swimmers to let down. December. (I ilitretil e'enrs.' ()rschedt said. "We have been working the swimmers very hard. We don't Auburn is very strong. They have the best coach in the THIS TACTIC ~'t using i.inin~en in events they normally intend to let up on them.' he said. United States. H~ gets more out of his swimmers than any In not s'.inl h usually done when one team knows they are One of the swimmers problems, which will probably hurt other coach.' he said. a hit stronger than the opposing team. them all year long, is theirlack of depth. UF lost a lot of good Orsehiedt and many other Gators swimmers know the I he (icorgih meet will also give us a chance to look at a prospects to other schools. Orschiedt said, many of whom had Auburn coach well. Eddie Reese, the coach, left UF where he lt'~ nc~ people that could not come on our last road trip.' narrowed their choices down to UF and oneother school. was an assistant coach, for the head coaching job at Auburn ()rsth cdt s.unl hbWE RECRUITED four very good freshmen but we really in 1972. N

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lb PAl Mt (iRA I H is until 42 'err' lot Aliii or Spurts Writer he p ,'atltrti ~ h~d I cOld iii "in Ilie \'ikinr~s m~ icr. I Editors Nale: This is 'he rail SI celci iccak 'r, tiw side ~Vmntc; Iii, the hird time or a t'.o part sea-let on "hat an a lashing police cii st~ Ic red ~.rid. 'Mtasbc nest sell Alligator sports srlter Pat Roorics '0w houdit the McGrath found I~ NC,4 ihc~ ~ard lien Steelers a,, I ~fl2 or $2.5{E. Orleans during the Super ,askL'd In 'N ou\e got to get end tired tot, i decades ot Ilottid into the spit it it his hiw.'' tirtilin' ~r,,d ii", the chan,- no' her Pit' slw r~he,' it, gtoiishi1, as hi~ ,tid Pitt- gold hardl,~,i 'sith the ~,c- 10:45 P.M. SATURDAY con, pain in g decal sc earned. Ihe Siceler latis. ot

- Nc's Orleans during Super 'Brad (irant ard UI;sses S * Ii, .1 II ptcal d is~~lav ol

Ho~~ I cek . 'as a ii ass i'e sea couldiii lielti the Vaking~ (irit v arnith olid itlecttori. said. 4 humanit~ lnsanit~ of this me". 'liws desenc it more than pre' ailed as most everyone And oi' into the lIght It I. ,sere ~;ared tin, iheir had tina to ~et a little skater eni. The Irce-t1o~ ing fun ci isploys of emotion. tinder the belt. 5311CC continued so flo's bite France Harris Italian All the uproarious the da,.n as the nlass,'e Arm~ exhorted their zenetal's characteristics of pro throng "as tired ~. tb ~stacy record I aids ~ th ti,. toothall stadIum (obnoxious at the thought of Ihe Game endless cry. Franco! Eran~,! shouting, beer gunling. ,,o~. being merely hours away. Franco!

Ilorsonal verbal abuse toward 12:30 P.M. - Mode itto One lady broke into tears of the opposition) took over the fulane Stadium and decided joy. I cant believe it.' %he Mardi-Gras playground. to locate outside of it and sobbed. 'The Super Boyd. The Minnesota people. by observe the flow at' spectators. its ours' that time, numbered the sane Interesting personalities were Fi,,unions 1C1C Ivi~ed on as their Pittsburgh coun- the order of the day. Ironi the V ikinM side, too. Some terparts, hut sonic seemed to upper-class oil executives to cried. Other. shrugged in- he in awe of the whole everyday free-loaders. Three ditlerently. situation. of the latter whom we met Sonic tatis feared that this 'This is our third stop. were attempting a 'i rind-the- was the Vikes last shot for ~ baby.' noted a man from country escapade with no long time. They have quite a Bloomington who was dressed money. While listening In tew old players and the as a Viking complete with their tales of siphoned gas irustrotion ol three ones nuty purple horns, beard, and tanks and unpaid meal be too much. A!, defensive sword tied to the belt, Those cheeks. I came upon the tackle Alan Page put it. kIds iro,', Pittsburgh are inkling that the Super Bowl There were sonic guys out going to choke. thing was where its at lbr there who didn't want to win As the hours raced by. we every social class in the bad enough.

continued to see Steelu people country. From aristocrats to 9 30 P.M. - All good adorned in way nut clothes those three characters. all things fliust Conic in in cud. and saying way out things. roads, this day. led to New What a rip (iood-h'ye New One 'han standing outside Orleans. Orleans. Isiok Ior~& .i 'A ti get fifty lorint lithS Ore U ~old 2:15-5:17 P.M. - An seeing YOU zrgain RU Em percent off the aliens U gatur ElMU: Dut or delivery) (clip and saveRED VELVET for LOUNGE takt any MOU ~ 0 c. - ~tOO.,. M.n~ I. eof 2ii SW. ~0. Ar. Cm C,., Pic 0 S+dey 0 *30 .,. U Ucea.eJ S.ut.,ich Sb. 7., Ser COMUATIU4S lAMDqCn5S 'Jo! ______Inc aides I. lute torn ate I ON WHITE, R~. SPECIAL'OF-THE.HAUS - so Whole Wheal. at and mayonai,5 French or On,." Roll item 3 *,eat treat wilt disc, Tuna Fast I.,:, and our own lurker Whale BassO Pa slrami Roast S.t US Choice) special hiss dressamg TeAcy (White arsast) II. IS with cheese 53.14 Corn Beef R.ast Be$ (Choica) Ham LIEU ITALIAN' SITS Ha. he Salami ( Genoa) at,. & G.m. Sata.~ wait Corn ScsI Pievo. Oh. gernash Pastrail Turn So~nd S*I**i (Gn.a) sm Chute, tern CI. Op ion Bologna SI. chIc, and out own Haus Egg Salad I iviWijFtt dressing. Be I, gal a Cheese Swist. Aseracan L RDASr BEEF, TURKEY, HAM we rw it Egg Solad heese (Swiss, Acer, cam SI 00 SALAMI or CORN BEEF SIlO or Prevolome) ng Yorch,,c.oIse seat and AlIens own HOT Roast (Cheese, French or Oaai.n Roll - cheese. and lettuce, tomato Reel 'a natural Gravy on SC ealca) Ire,!, French bread'' LIPS and *av.ta~se. (Hall Sub SI 25~ ATOMIC ARABIC Si 10 SIDE ORDERS A spicy sub on a arabac American Potato Salad DRINKS bee ad with a swrt.est I Cole SIms Sic meal, and etc.,. watt Saud Beans Lemon ide lettuce, tern at,, asians Fruit Punch Sas rk Imu *,ckIes and peppers with Coke or Tab Kaus dressing BAGELS egg or onion) Seat. hop **tt butler ci Cream Ott.,, Root Beer THE IS' Loosen yOur 0.11 a bit Walk While 'Sc wd crest you, own Walk -Choc. lIe DESSERT Sadwch Iced Tea N' FEATIJNES-CHAR.SROILED We serv, and deliver so, lien Call., t'c TT DOG 'Char ri ad *'~ FlEw, Chocelale E CL AIRS Cti!i, Slew or K;.' ntowfl. inat Sic Burgew FREE DELIVERY PIt ISe b I______w'ih ninams. 1125 ordey tib - I Steak SI, 35 tO an,. Ia 1230 am DAYS'' Thg V.a. ng Sr ~ ;cs c. es N * er~ 3? 751 tO Knociwunat SI. REUBEN"' SI. ~ Give us a caU~ -9 8- L.t,,.eeed S.4wcA SI. . - Deft .Z~i.377.651d Fog. 24. II,. ind.p.nd.r.t Floddo AIIugaor Thur4 oy Jonuory 16 975 Auburn S Johnson exposes UF siack of 'fie d general'

It IcflhITflIctI L'ilL~ ii I fl~.t)2iL~ hi I ike a k~redt Ilidgian tutjII~ bitt], his *li(Iltnce SO tile' RICK ADELIYIAN t~~ih ~ dab hfl tiishelitI. 'an shed I roni the still earls SEC title race. WELL, AUBURN'S fddie Johnwr the flUil I thOUafl(i F-ddie the SR' leading scorer last year, poured in fuses, ~orkcI hi~ own special kind ol magic Ii Alligator 26 poi lii S But he did much more than score. I-Ic controlled AIie~ Monday night the "hole second hall A rid because of lb is. the Gators seemed to Ii'OW Icrnporaril~ WHEN THAT WHISTLE bIei~. Eddie began running and scoring and stealing halls and running and running and rtinnin~ Bob fUse; orite the worlds fastest hunian. wo~jld ha'c beer proud. The (,ators found theniselve~ playing catch-up. Mainly it W 375.09' "a' catch up to Fast Eddie Johnson looked like he invented the fast break, especially the "as iuddk man should handle the break situation. At time'. Johnson dribbled faster than the Gators ran DEFENSIVELY. Johnson was ah'ays moving and Sigma Kappa frequent}v getting his hands on the ball. Either he would steal it to create his own break. or knock the ball loose to disrupt the tiator;' continuity. And evervtime 1ohn~on made a good play, he'd let every Sorority human being in the ABcs know it. A wide grin ~mtld spread across his face as he shook his fit towards the stands. When one Gator fan verbally abused is having Johnson. vho was standing at halfcourt. he calmly extended his right middle linger and pressed his hand to his head it~ an ellort' to hide his gesture BY THE ENI) of the evening. Johnson had more than 5.~X) OPEN RUSH enemies He had uolated a sacred law li~ou shalt not ~iake gesture' to, crowd .ind get away with it All Uof F women are invited Fhats the most amazing part oflohnson's game. [he man actually thrives ('fl pressure and abuse. I he more, the better. to come by the house [he louder the shouting. the better he shoots. and meet us. Not many athletes can make that claim. Only one in many II tell 'on that they love being hated. R)R THIS REASON alone. Johnson is unique. But more importantly. Johnson may have exposed the Gators weakest Sat. Jan. 18 1 :00-5:00 point - -~-, a-.- w Johnson is a leader auburn rallied around him-and as of ~et .i qake charge guy has not emerged front the Gator For more information call AUBURN GUARD EDOIE JOHNS' ON ranks. thrives on pressure and abt SO the Gators don't need .i m agieian-~nly a leader. 372-1212

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