Leadership and management A REVIEW OF HEALTH LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT CAPACITY IN CAMBODIA Augustine Asante, John Hall and Graham Roberts HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH KNOWLEDGE HUB www.hrhhub.unsw.edu.au Cambodia The Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub This technical report series has been produced by the Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub of the School AcknOwlEDGEMEnts of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University The authors would like to acknowledge David of New South Wales. Taylor (Research Assistant, UNSW) for his Hub publications report on a number of significant issues in human resources for health (HRH), currently under the contribution of drafting this report. We are also following themes: grateful for the comments and feedback from leadership and management issues, especially at Dr John Dewdney (Visiting Fellow, UNSW), Dr district level maternal, neonatal and reproductive health workforce Russell Taylor (Director, Archerfish Consulting) at the community level and Ms Gillian Biscoe (Executive Director intranational and international mobility of health workers of the Bellettes Bay Company Pty Ltd). This HRH issues in public health emergencies. profile was reviewed by Dr Ponndara Ith, a The HRH Hub welcomes your feedback and any questions you may have for its research staff. For further information former Cambodian Ministry of Health official on these topics as well as a list of the latest reports, summaries and current PhD candidate within the School and contact details of our researchers, please visit www.hrhhub.unsw.edu.au or email
[email protected] of Public Health and Community Medicine of the University of New South Wales.