BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 103 Tuesday, July 29, 1969 12 pages Council to consider interchanges on 1-95 7 hearings <• %*• V"-- . are scheduled on ordinances

City Council Tuesday night will consider a resolution ex- pressing satisfaction with the proposed location of Inter- state Highway 95 — with one exception. Some driver apparently got even with the radar patrol this The proposed resolution week and took out his anger on this sign. Boca Raton police would put the city on record have been operating the radar car frequently and over ;30 backing the Boca Raton Home- drivers are scheduled for court appearance on speeding owners Association and home- charges this morning. owners of Hidden Acres Sub- division requesting the Flor- ida Department of Trans- portation to move the propos- Time is running out--. ed 1-95 alignment west to- ward the Seaboard Railroad tracks to avoid taking a num- ber of residential lots in Hid- on golf course option den Acres. The proposed jnunicipal golf the city would have to come up The councilmen will also course for Boca"Raton is still with 29 per cent of the purchase conduct public hearings on very much a live proposition, price, or $133,400. seven ordinances, ranging from but time is rapidly running out. approving sewer assessment ' 'We are still very hopeful rolls to rezoning. City Councilman PatHonchell that we will receive commit- chairman of the committee in ments from local banks and They will tackle a two-week charge of the proposed new fac- others," Honchell said. There's more than one way to beat the heat! full beach umbrella. With temperatures in the accumulation of work under With enough firm commit- This worker, high on a new apartment building nineties, he may have been the coolest man in ility, said although reaction so here, warded off the blazing sun with a color- their summer schedule of every far has been favorable, *'if we ments to buy the bonds, the town. other-week sessions. don't get help, we can't manage Council could, go ahead with the Also before them will be it." purchase. consideration of reappoint or The city must exercise its Under the proposal, the city Records show appointing replacements for option on the 184-acre tract would issue revenue bonds, three members of the Planning by Sept 1 and since it would be which would be backed by the Garden Apartments and Zoning Commission, Dr. impossible to validate and sell value of the property, and would John M. DeGrove, E4ward, H. the proposed revenue bonds to be paid off by the golf course this July' • Benham, and Tore Wplin; an buy the property by then, the operation, - i_ alternate member,. Howard Council would have to seek other Honchell said] there is every for rezbnin Flammer; arid a member of the funds in order to exercise the indication that the golf course was hotter cemetery committee, Mrs. option. would be self-supporting and The city has an option on the could easily pay off the bond's,. If you're one of those who in- The city Planning and Zoning Alexander L. Guterma, a Howard Roadman. Board may finally resolve the vice president of Itvenus, pro- Regular member terms are 184-acre tract at $2500 an acre, The Council hopes to issue sist it's hotter this summer than for a total cost of $460,000, last summer, you're right. rezoning controversy sur- mised to deliver such a docu- three- years, the alternate's (Continued on Page 3) rounding Garden Apartments at ment and Mrs. Gary Nation, term for two years, and the In order to exercise the option, According to official weather its meeting Thursday night. daughter of the Kammermans, cemetery committee term bureau records, Boca Raton's Hinging on rezoning approval who own Garden Apartments, three years. high temperatures have averag- is sale of the site of the World did the same. Also scheduled for intro- Drugs stolen in Delray ed 90 degrees during July so War II barracks to Itvenus The longest delay stemmed duction Tuesday night is an ex- far, compared to an average of Corp., which plans to raze the from City Council's inaction in tensive amendment to a city 88 last July. "eyesore" and build a modern approving the proposed new or- ordinance for controlling char- could be fatal to addict apartment building complex. dinance which sets new regul- itable solicitations in the city. And you can tell your stubborn ations for multi-family housing. "If our local junkies turbed nothing but the drug cab- friends who say it hasn't been The Board is being asked to The amendments would pro- suddenly start turning up inet and a refrigerator. rezone the area from L-B (civ- vide for a new Charitable Sol- so bad that we ve had 16 days The interest in Garden Apt. dead, we'll know where the "We know there are a lot out of 28 in July with tem- ic center) to B-l (business) icitations Board to be appoint- has been apparent by the cap- ed by the council for one year stuff came from/'Det. Lt. of kids in Boca Raton taking peratures of 90 degrees or and R-4 (multi-family hous- acity crowds attending each Al Nahrstedt said. drugs," said Nahrstedt. "If any more. ing.) terms. A large quantity of drugs of them buy some of this stuff Public hearings have follow- public hearing. The majority The amendments spell out Including one day when the of speakers •• approve of It- the requirements for obtain- were stolen from the Veter- and use it, they may be in very thermometer whizzed up to 98. ed public hearings, all of them venus plans to raze the present inary Clinic Sunday night and serious trouble." recessed for one reason or ing a permit for soliciataion and July also brought us three apartments, but some ex- penalities for violation. most of them are lethal, Nahr- highs of 95, two of 94 and one another. pressed objections to the pro- stedt said. Tw o weeks ago, the matter The council will also con- The off icer said some of the of 93. posed f our-atory height and the sider: Which might explain why the was tabled by the board, pend- density of the 550-unit com- drugs are phenobarbitol - ing receipt of written agree- Adoption of a resolution which based but in a highly-concen- ocean seemed warmer, the plex. would officially adopt the Cap- sand blistering, and sunbathing ments from the Itvenus board Garden Apartments is a trated state. They could cause Ann Landers Pase 7 ital Improvement Program pre- death if injected into the hum- just plain sweltering. of directors and Mr. and Mrs. familiar topic to Boca Raton pared by the city manager for Classifieds 10 The sun didn't seem to bring Leon Kammerman, petitioners, . residents who went to the polls an system. Editorials 4 the years 1969-74. A window of the clinic was on showers, though as the pledging voluntary compliance twice and rejected proposed city Introduction of an ordinance Public Notices 10 weatherman reports just about with the new multi-family hous- purchase of the site for expan- forced in the entry and the burg- Sports 8-9 the same amount of rainfall ing ordinance which does not sion of municipal facilities. (Continued on Page 3) lar, "probably an addict," dis- Women's News 6-7 this July as last July. go into effect unti 1 Jan. 1. Lease from city needed for new day care center

City Council is expected to $50,000 for the center under turn over the lease for one the condition that the city pro- acre of land to the Neighborhood vide land for the facility. Center for erection of a $50,- Prime movers behind the 000 day care center for un- proposed day care facility are derprivileged children in the city. (Continued on page 3) The land, located north of N.W. 12th street between Dix- ie Highway and U.S. 1 near the Long sessions main fire station and a muni- cipal park which serves resid- ents of the Pearl City area, is to be resumed part of 10 acres which Palm Beach County Commissioners City court will go back into had set aside for a city park long sessions this morning and recreation development. with 67 cases listed on the County commissioners last docket. week gave the city permission Judge ad litem P.J. Bran- to lease one acre of the land nen will be sitting for va- for the center, which report- cationing George de Claire edly will be named the Florence when the session opens at Fuller Day Care Center after 9 a.m. Mrs. James Fuller, who, along Court Clerk Mary Lawren- with her husband, donated the son said 39 persons had sign- ed guilty waivers up to 9 10 a.m. yesterday and a few Blush is 'Boca Pink more were expected. Most of the cases to be heard today wil 1 concern speeding The 26-story tower addition to the Hotel and Club was in the pro- charges. Motorists were the July 26 - 28, 1969 cess of getting a beautiful blush this week. Supervisors of the paint victims of a radar crackdown job hastened to explain the pink color is not shocking pink, howev- Hi Lo Rain which was instituted by local er. Although not patented, it is called Boca Pink and blends with the police last week. A total of 39 pink used throughout the decor ot ihe sprawling hotel complex. # Sat. 94 72 .10 defendants.will be called on to Sun. 94 74 1.20 explain excessive speed. Mon. 91 72 .55 2 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, July 29, 1969 Up 30.7 per cent Power use rises steeply the first five months of Increases in elec- consumption in Boca Raton, a fourth sub- this year in FP&L trical consumption have territory, for example, had the three Florida station will be put into service near the IBM totaled nearly 80,000 Power and Light sub- units. stations in Boca Raton plant in a couple of operating near capacity weeks, Ray said. With such rapid and in July, with hot weather Ray said FP&L rec- widespread increases in and straining air con- ords show that the de- the use of air condi- ditioners credited with mand has risen by more tioning, the summer most of the increase. than 200 per cent in five 'heat storms place John Ray, FP&L area years. heavy requirements on manager, said power Boca Raton's single generating capability. demand at its peak in substation satisfied a Along with FP&L other July was 30.7 per cent peak demand of 16,900 companies in the state ahead of the demand on kilovolt amperes in July and the nation have been the same substations 1964. Five years later, experiencing new rec- for the corresponding this year, the three sub- ord peaks during re- period of 1968. stations reached a cent heat waves. demand peak of 51,- So far, however, FPL Kilowatt hours con- 000 KVA. has been able to meet sumed increased 27.5 Statewide, the rec- the demand, avoiding per cent during the same ord peak use of electric- "brownouts" and the comparative periods of ity of last year has been need to make public ap- July, 1968, and 1969. topped 29 times this peals for widespread The comparisons summer. The latest all- reduction in the use of were made for the com- time high record oc- power, such as compan- bined output from three curred July 11, when the ies in other parts of the substations, which dis- FP&L system gen- country have been patch 95 per cent of their eration climbed to 4,- forced to do within the power in Boca Raton. 527,000 kilowatts. last few days. They/ are the Boca Raton substation near Behind the record SEAGATE TOWERS the City Hall, the At- requirement for power Condominium lantic substation by is the exceptionally Under construction hot July weather com- A unique Peninsula, location. Florida Atlantic Un- A unique apt. ploh. A "must" versity, and the Boca bined with enormous in- to see — on the Intracoastot Teeca substation at the creases in the use of air in Delroy Beach. Northwest corner of the conditioning. Sales of 200 McFarJond Dr. Boca Teeca property. air conditioning" during Phone 278-4564 or 399-8633 elf The Boca Teeca substa- s tion was just put into "JSPlTHURSDAY • '.." service in the last year. Because of the stead- Over 1500 ontained ily increasing power c Original 9.-30 A.M. OIL PAINTINGS EVERY THURSDAY nderwater Gehman TWO YEAH u Exchange Privilege ' 'f~ Change your painting* with to assume BOCA RATON your color scheme. Lowes! prices from the 8i reathing iti PHONE359-!Bie359Be worlds largest Art Dealer PICTURE FRAMING new duties SCHERTLE pparatus Capt. Hal W. Gehman, ART GALLERY who retired in June as 540 S. Fed. Hwy. presents Pompcno Beach 943-5450 chief of staff to the 3blocks Sof Atlantic Blvd. Oceanographer of the •THE ;on .U.S.- 1 Navy, assumes his new 'Open 10 to 5 duties Aug. 4 as dir- CHRiRillir Monday thru ector of ocean science PaiMvtalaa*. Color tsMua. Saturday development for the Palm Beach County ? --. Development Board. The Navy veteran Ten young people are learning to become SCUBA will make his home in divers as a result of a class conducted in the Com- the Palm Beaches with munity Center summer program. Instructor Rex his wife. The Gehmans Alfonso conducts the classes at the Bibletown ,. have ifour children: Lt. pool for 15 hours. In addition there are three hours '•\ Harold W. Gehman in of ocean swimming. ' i J the ' Wavy; James E. ' Objectives of the course are to teach the student Gehmpn, an iarchitect in U.S. 1-BOCA RATON to think under adverse conditions underwater and on Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Kath- the surface, to enable him to survive and recover leen C. Wallacem, from emergency situations, and perform emer- Athens, Greece and QUR SPECIALTY gency SCUBA rescue techniques. Mrs. Margaret A. Char-Broiled Steaks and The class is aquainted with SCUBA equipment Walsh, Keene, N.H. and it's proper use. The students are also given Capt. Gehman, who Broiled Florida Lobster a working knowledge of diving diseases of SCUBA will head the first county COCKTAILS 52i diving and how to avoid them. oceanography develop- 4 TO 6 PM. SCUBA class students are required to submit ment office in Florida, to a ridgid medical examination and must be will direct ocean (Except Sunday & Holidays) 14 years of age or over. science and engine- Schrafft's famous recipes of Alfonso, has an impressive background in SCUBA ering projects for the traditional foods assures you of Diving. He spent 4-1/2. years as a U.S. Navy diving area, contacting govern- top-notch quality whether for officer and is a graduate of U.S. Navy deep Sea ment agencies, and pri- breakfast, luncheon or dinner. Divers School, Washington D. C. In 1968 he vate industry in pre- It's Schrafft's for your favorite foods. attended the National Association of Underwater senting the opportun- PHONE 395-4800 Instructors. A graduate of University of Florida ities and advantages of- he is presently enrolled at Florida Atlantic fered by Palm Beach University as an Ocean Engineering student. County for research laboratores and manu- facturing plants. He will also assist existing ocean industries. In 1945 Formosa had only six fishing ports. Holiday Park Now there are 94. Fish- _^^ 5_ Ft. Lauderdale, Florida ery production last year reached 530,000 metric tons; the target for this ee ss year is 557,200 tons. OrlDAD,?OoRDZ\D J[

LET'S FACE IT, WE WOULD ALL LIKE TO FLY TO FLORENCE....and have the favorite dish of Baked Italian Sausage with mushrooms, green peppers, and spaghetti. It's a little impractical, but the same FUNNIER THAN THE BOOK OR MOVIE fine dish is right here in Florida, $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and it's only $2.95 $2.50 $3.50 $4.50 $5.50 Includes home baked bread and butter, coffee or tea Friday and Saturday AMERICAN MENU AND ViiNE LIST ALSO AVAILABLE. COCKTAIL LOUNGE 8:30 P.M. 3850 N: Fadaral Hwy. On U.S. 1 in Pompono Beach 1 block north of Shoppers Haven JULY 28 THROUGH AUGUST 2 For Reservations Coll 942-0006 Closed Ft. Laudertfale 525-7221 - P. 0. Box 4881 I

Tuesday, July 29, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3 Land lease needed for center Four are arrested (Continued from Page 1) depend largely on the com- The land reportedly wil 1 be at Keg Saturday munity interest shown in pro- leased to the center on a $1 members of the South County viding the land. a year basis. Beverage agents and sumption ~ by minors or Neighborhood Center, who con- local police made four a license in premise. ducted a survey recently which arrests at the Keg on indicated that more than 150 Public hearings scheduled East Palmetto Park children from the Garden Ap- Road Saturday night, in- OUR NATIONWIDE HOME artments and Pearl City areas cluding threeteenagers. could benefit from such a cen- (Continued from Page 1) proved by the Transportation Lt. Al Nahrstedt said OWNERS POLICY W1U ter. amending the Cluster-Develop- Dept. in Tallahassee and by Dets. Don Pauly and INSURE YOUR SCREENING ment ordinance. City Councilmen reportedly the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Don Goode, with state AT.NO EXTRA COST!. favor the idea of providing the Cost estimates for install- agents, entered the bar ation of traffic control signals SCOTTIES land for the facility. about 10:15 p.m. Satur- ' EXAMPLE " Chairman of the day care at U.S. 1 and N.E. 32nd Street; Golf course day to make the ar- A CBS Home in Boca Ba- center project is Mrs. Samuel Royal Palm Road and SE Sec- rests. All three of the ton insured for $20,000 Fleegler, who has announced ond Ave.; and West Palmetto .{Continued from Page 1) youths were 20 years would cost only $104.00 FACIAL TISSUES Park Rd. and SW 12th Ave. old. per year under our Elite that an organization meeting the bonds in denominations as Homeowner Policy. This 200 CT., RIG 33c, LIMIT 1 also will be held tonight at A report from the director of Claire L. Strawcut- public works estimating cost of small as $500 to encourage par- includes insurance on all which time committees chair- ticipation in the effort by as ter, owner of the bar, screening. men will be selected. beautification of North Federal was arrested on two Highway from NE 25th Terrace many residents as possible. The day care center com- The plan is to use about 150 counts selling to min- mittee members have pledged to to NE 32nd Street, at $5,855. ors and permitting con- D.L.WILKINSON Final decision on the route acres for a new municipal golf arrange for application of fed- course, and have 34 acres left AGENCY eral funds for nurses, teach- of 1-95"was expected in July, but state officials have conced- over to develop other municipal 48 NE 1st Ave. ers and supplies for the fac- recreation facilities. For Classified Boca Raton, Fla. ility. But, according to Mrs, ed that there will be more delay before final determination can The tract under option is Phone 395-2290 Fleegler, the granting of funds north of Glades road, west of by the federal government will be made. the turnpike. REPRESENTING All current maps are con- PRICES GOOD TUES. & WED sidered preliminary, subject The Council is currently Ad Service Myelona, also known as Kah- studying the feasibility of a NATIONWIDE ler's disease, kills about 3,- to change. Before the route can INSURANCE become final and official, the tax-free municipal bond issue, 500 Americans a year. It is a The nun from Nationwide Is on your sMt design of Boca Raton's three to be sold locally to support Call 395-8300 TM Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Co.: leukemia-like ailment. Home Office—Columbus, Ohio interchanges must be ap- the project. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 70% ISOPBOPYL, 16 OUNCE / / * . • REGULAR 17c


* EMERGENCY SERVICE COMBS ONLY $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 PER MONTH. 29c VALUE *Emergency service for mildew - stains - water damage and YOUR ENTIRE CARPET CLEANED, when you LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU want it done.


ALSO, CARPET & TILE BQURJOIS COMPACT REPAIR, INSTALLATION Foregoing the usual ribbon cutting ceremonies, Mayor Emil Danciu AND SALES. officiated at the formal opening of the Purple Pickle restaurant Mon- SPECIAL INDOOR-OUTDOOR day by cutting a pickle (what else?) Adding beauty to the ' event INSTALLED $5.95 SQ. YD. was pretty Dooder Sullivan. Corporation President Robert F. LaRue, left, watched the proceedings. 99-8866 Performance offers VO-5 SHAMPOO 7 OUNCE, DRY chance to compare OR REGULAR 1.09 VALUE portrayal of the nitwit- LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THBU 7/30 By SANDY WESLEY ted John, the youngest Boca Raton residents son of Eleanor and Hen- will have a good chance ry. to compare perform- ances of Jan Hayden and The play is well done David Legge with Kath- and does hold one's in- ryn Hepburn and Peter terest right to the end. ALOPHEN PILLS { O'Toole in "The Lion Our only complaint with in Winter." this play, as it will pro- Miss Hayden and bably be with all plays Legge are performing written in the 1960's at Delray Beach Play- is the vulgarities house in the same roles sprinkler throughout. ORS that O'Toole and Miss We're certain Hepburn played in the the play could have held movie version of the as much interest with- play. out "Who's Afriad of The Playhouse ver- Virginia Wolf" dia- NYLON SPATULA sion is first of C &L Pro- logue, but then we've PERFECT ductions and if all goes never been endorsed FOR TEFLON vulgarity as an art 49c VALUE well, there may be more form for enlightened this summer. people. LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 7/30 As in most cases, Miss Hayden's perfor- We recommend the mance as Eleanor, play to anyone who won't KEY REAL ESTATE CO. Queen of Aquitaine, King be shocked at the vul- Henry's wife, is superb gar language. If you're and at times remin- sensitive to vulgarities, REALTORS iscent of Kathryn Hep- it won't be your cup of GUTLERf Till burn. David Legge s tea. But that does not S COMPARTMENTS, Henry II, King of Eng- mean that the play is BY HUTZLER, not good and the acting AHHOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW OFFICE 98c VALUE land, too, was well done, is not worth seeing. It especially when he and LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON TH8B 7/30 Eleanor get into some is. AT pretty nasty verbal The play runs through fights. Saturday. In fact, it s hard to 2O1 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY find fault with the act- DIAMONDS ing of any of the per- QUALITY, AT LOW BOCA RATON. FLORIDA WINDPROOF LIGHTER formers, although we found ourselves partial PRICES CHROME C to a Boca Raton resid- CIGARETTE LIGHTER ent, Martin Tischler's l_. JEWELERS WILLIAM E. FESSr MANAGER 98c VALUE 27 S-E. 1 st Ave. Boca Raton LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 7/30 MONTEREY HOUSE The Condominium with Ocean- 1o-!ntracoastal Forever.' iEISiRfll CUP Luxurious! Beautiful! Desirable! PHONE 391-4343 2 CUP SIZE, *Under-building Parking |included; in . price *Breathtak" "DELTA" PLASTIC, Views of the blue Atlantic Ocean and the romantic Intrb coastal *200 ft. of Private Beach: *212 ft. of Private Boat 35c VALUE Package *Prestige Address. UVUl 1 WITH COUPON THRU 7/30 Large 2 bedroom 2 bath Apartments from 3114 S. Ocean Blvd. (A-l-A) Delray Beach '• Comments on the civic scene Teamwork example

By HAROLD H. GREEN really a VIP in a very wonder- right now, up north, enduring ful world. The club's relaxing the horrors and humidity of Praise the lord, Neil, Ed and new quarters on the ocean front New York as she visits with Mike are back in this world. A are also a big boost to one's her mother. I can keep up the half billion of us who were with sense of well being. house in pretty fair, shape but them as they made another im- it i s mighty rough trying to possible dream come true have Another sign that things may write this column without the shared in. a glorious example of be 'looking up is the announce- benefit of family conferences. teamwork that may be the be- ment that cigarette makers Oh shucks I Why not admit Time slipping away ginning of a great new era of have volunteered to end their that I am mighty lonesome for peace on earth and good will broadcasting of TV and radio her and Johnny is lonesome among men. commercials by the iautumnof too. The bright spot in this 1970 — Did you hear about picture is that each time she And praise the directors of the man who saved up enough returns from one of these pil- Time is slipping away on the option owned by The city would have to come up with $133,- the Atlantic Club |f or bringing cigarett coupons to buy him- grimmagesishelgives me a fine the City of Boca Raton on the 184 acres west of 400 to take advantage of the option. Total cost Loretta back as their hostess. self an iron lung? sales pitch on how lucky we are the city, proposed as the site for a new muni- of the tract would be $460,000. When you have been greeted by to be living in Boca Raton, cipal golf course. So the Council needs assurances — commit- Loretta you feel that you are Helen, my little ole wife, is ments, if you will—from local financial insti- Everyone in business, great The city must exercise its option by Sept. 1 tutions, businessmen and other residents, that or small, knows that it is a and there simply isn't enough time to push they will buy the bonds. complex proposition and per- through all the details of a local revenue bond Without the needed commitments, council- fection , which is constantly issue to raise the money to buy the property. men will be understandably reluctant to ex- sought for, is never completely The only answer is for the City Council to ercise the option. achieved. Many employes have use other available funds temporarily, so that And the tract involved is no different from Head 'em up, roll 'em out! the opinion that they would the option can be exercised before the ex- other property: here — mushrooming land values run things better if they were piration day. make sure that if the option expires, the price boss, without fully realizing That's a serious step to take, since once will go much higher. the increased pressures and the money is gone, the council would be com- If the tract is to be acquired, it should be responsibilities which are in- mitted to the revenue bond issue, and would need done now. We can all be certain the price won't herent in the job. Although it the money from the bond sales to replace what ever be lower. is true that no business of any had already been used. size can long endure without a team of capable employees, it is equally apparent that with- out sound management the whole enterprise will quickly disintergrate. Still most of us frequently and instinctively in- Action this time? dulge in passing the buck for our problems to the guys at the top. So it is only natural that The city Planning and Zoning Board takes derstand it, would return the area to the zon- we look to our government and another look Thursday night at the proposal to ing which it held before the city rezoned it as a particularly our President to rezone the Garden Apartments tract. civic area. lead us to better things. That is The pros, cons, if s, ands and buts of the We favor approval of the rezoning re- as it should be . But isn't it proposal have been explored amply here and quest, in the belief that it should quickly ridiculous to expect any man elsewhere. provide tbe means for eliminating what has or group of men to guide us, Now comes the time for decision, which we long since been labeled Boca Raton's No. 1 eyesore. in six months or six years to hope those involved are ready to make. The But we reiterate: if the board finds that a solution of problems which principals are expected to come up with let- the proposed 550 units provide unacceptable we the people have created ters of commitment which would promise to density, then at least informally, the board over many generations? comply with the city's new multi-family housing should be obligated to outline what it will It seems to me that Presid- ordinance, which won't become law until Jan. 1. find acceptable. ent Nixon, instead of making The board, in turn, is expected to render a There has been enough talk. Let's have impossible-to-keep promises, yes or no on the rezoning, which, as we un- action this time. is making remarkable progress in stimulating a climate of trust and reasonableness in which we Views of other newspapers may marshall our collective re- sources to move with orderly speed toward the diminishment of our problems and the de- velopment of our potentialities. It seems, too, that "buck How much faster? passing," is with us to stay, but is never excusable in those who fail to excercise their right to It used to be that when a fellow bought a like speeds. Among them a General Motors vote and who seek to tear down new Hupmobile touring car, or a Packard, or Chevrolet division model ^called the Z-28, the rather than support their gov- a box-shaped Hufison, the first question asked by Ford Mach 1 Mustang and'the Cougar Elimina- Nttof ernment, admiring neighbors was, "How fast will it go?" tor. When doing 150 mph on the highway, Elim- Down Johnny! It won't be Lately, hardly anybody asks that question, mostly inator seems well named. long now! because almost all of today's cars are pretty fast. The auto makers' stock response to those who question the wisdom of making cars capable of Somebody asked it the other day, though, being driven 150 mph and up is that the public The view from Tallahassee at the Chicago Automobile show where the wants them. Thepublicihas a way of wanting a "Judge," a high-powered car built by Pon- lot of things that aren't good for it. How much tiac, was on display. Urged to reveal the more speed is Detroit going to build into its car' s top speed, Pontiac s chief engineer products? Right now the auto makers seem to Stephen Malone said a "reasonably tuned" model be in a race to see how quickly they can get would go 150 to 160 miles an hour. the government to slam on the brakes. Lawsuit wave ahead? Other auto makers produce cars capable of —Charleston News and Courier By MALCOLM JOHNSON So they have pulled together little puzzling because the a faculty of specialists in all defense lawyer usually re- branches of business and presents the rich man in the We must, it seems, prepare sciences for seven days of case. ourselves for a massive wave teaching in such things as Generation gap of lawsuits, claiming dollar "why products fail," misuse of damage in the name of public pesticides and drugs, neglect The explanation may rest protection from all the evils of civil rights, and the whole with the insurance companies, of our time. range or buyers' grievances which often would rather pay Occasionally there appear exceptions to the present, the youngster sitting next to him against those from whom he off an out-of-court settlement generation gap. went sound asleep. This information comes by obtains commodities and ser- than risk a loss after heavy The other night they had a rock-and-roll way of a publicity handout vices. trial expense. They merely add show at the Mid-South Coliseum featuring acid, And that indicates either boredom or an ap- from the American Trial the loss to their records and which has been defined as "a lot of noise preciation for slumber, one of the finer things Lawyers Association and a lot of flashing lights." Midway through announcing that more than 150 boost the premium rates which of life. Maybe there's hope. Now, it must be conceded spread the consumer protection the evening, reports one of the teenage boys — Commercial Appeal (Memphis) lecturers would tell several thousand attorneys in con- that use of the civil law in costs to all of us. vention at Denver how to cure man-to-man charge of "you This pressure to settle or did" against a defense of 'I our domestic ills by civil r suffer works particularly hard On second thought litigation. didn't ' before a jury of our against the professional man — peers is preferable in principle like the doctor sued for "The American public is to dictation of consumer malpractice. Many a one of demanding more and more protection by administrative them has let his insurance com- legal services in the face of agencies that hand down broad pany pay off rather than take exploding crime rates, violent edicts under the name of a determined stand on his A sure improvement dissent, shoddy and dangerous guidelines. reputation through the public products, polluted air and But there are enough pit- courts. waterways, incompetent falls in the prospect of any army have a dozen credit card and professional services, financial If the plaintiff's lawyer only GUS HARWELL Mississippi, farmers and mer- of suing lawyers marching wants a settlement, and the other account numbers, and all chants and country folks and manipulation, and the social through the land seeking fat of my insurance policies have awakening of millions of the defendant's lawyer and in- ONE OF THE national scandal town folks all had a great stake contingent fees to make suror are willing to dicker newspapers caught my eye on a important numbers. And I must in the corn and cotton crops — nation's poor," the ATLA us shudder. President was quoted. on how much, we can't be very newsstand. use the numbers when corre- and other crops as well. sure that principle and justice The headline blared: "Amer- sponding with any of the firms If the farmer did well, the "It is squarely up to the Thus, it was comforting to will of ten prevail. ica^ Stinks, says Sammy Davis involved. I even have to put the town was likely to do the same. legal profession to measure up read that the ATLA president Jr. numbers on my checks when I But a bad crop year penalized to this demand, and to see to observed civil litigation should The jury system and ap- The story said, Davis doesn't pay bills. everybody. it that civil litigation is used be used "prudently," and also pellate system are good only like America any more. Says I have two cars, with a li- I think on the Gold Coast we prudently to make existing to suppose that there may be if the case comes to trial. the country stinks and he's mov- cense tag on each. Those num- hear a lot more about the tour- laws work for the benefit as many lawyers for the Then, there is always a maze ing to the Bahamas because bers are important, too. ist crop than any other. of all." defense among these students of precedent rulings to be over there, they've got better of trial tactics as there are exploited while the case drags, values. Seems to me its best not to attorneys for the plaintiff. out, expense mounts, and I couldn't help but think that try to remember any of them. insurance rates, costs of doing if this country stinks, the smell Getting them mixed can be dis- This, of course, is not anew business and prices and fees astrous. field of law; but the defense should improve greatly when probably hasn't caught up with go up with them. he leaves it. I've seen a couple of letters the offense in developing new If he is so convinced this lately on which the writer put We have congressional and techniques for convincing a legislative committees out country needs improving, his his area code instead of his zip Tuesday 4, July 29, 19G9 jury that a fellow who is hurt leaving it is a sure way to im- code. studying consumer protection is entitled to dollars by from all angles — except prove it. Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. the thousands — 'especially if RAIN HAS been plentiful most maybe this one. While con- 2nd St., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432 by the Boca Raton Pub- he is suing a man or company sidering how to protect the NUMBERS have become a of the summer, and it seems to with wealthy reputation, who me that a lot of the lawn sprink- lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. innocent consumer, they might part of our lives, and I feel probably has insurance, any- also look into the need for sure they'll become increas- ling has been just wasted water. way. I think I'm almost as happy W. H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher protecting innocent sellers ingly important to us as the against a plague of frivolous, years go by. to see a good rain as a farmer Here in Florida, we've seen with 500 acres of dry crops. malicious or opportunistic I can remember my service JOHN T. OPEL H. CLAY RILEY a few law firms get rich by damage suits in the hands of number (509864) which applied Editor Adv. Mgr. employing full-time staffs of experts at extracting big set- to me for seven years; but I ONE THINK I hear little about doctors, chemists, accident tlements from insurors and can't remember my Social Se- in Boca Raton — crops. There Entered as second class mail at the ppstoffice at Boca model artists and other big judgments from sym- curity number, which has ap- are plenty of farms not far to the technicians to go to~.ourtas pathetic jurors. plied to me for 25, or any of west of us, but it seems to me Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. expert witnesses on behglf of the other important numbers in here — and in other Gold Coast Member of the Florida Press Association and National their clients. my life. cities, too — you seldom hear a Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in The defense never seems Between 1961 and 1967 there quite as well prepared in court was an 85 per cent increase I have a phone number, an word about how the vegetable the city 70<£ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00. area code, a zip code, a street or citrus crops are doing. with the same models, experts in railroad - derailment acci- number and house number. I Back in a small rural town in 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. and techniques. And this is a dents in the United States. BOCA RATON NEWS 5 S.B.I. is NOW HERE IN BOCA RATON HERB A ROS. NC SOUTH FLORIDA'S LARGEST FULL LINE



Double birthday celebrations marked the evening for Mrs. John Brady, with her husband, and Mrs. John E. Baldwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Landuty with Mrs. R.W. Scofield, Mrs. Jean Miller, her daughter, Mrs. Marilyn DeChant and R. W. Scofield.

Boca Raton Hotel's Cabana Club was the Cabana Club was the place place in Boca Raton last weekend. More than 200 summer club members turned out for the club's dinner dance, largest crowd since the summer club to go for weekend fun opened in June.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Haines and Dr. and Mrs. David S. Arbuckle.

Among the items rented from us lust week: HONESTY IS NOT Drill - Piick - Appliance Hand Truck - Fogger - Edger - Tiller- Pdrta Hoist - THE BEST POLICY! Saw - Floor Polisher - Sledge - Sander - TV SERVICE Towbar - Cots - Transiif - Stapler - Fan - Prompt & Reasonable Camper Trailer CALL TOM 399-8109 Which of our more than 600 items do YOU need for temporary use? IT IS THE ONLY (14,000 pieces of inventory) feL 395-1877 POLICY! 19B|N. Federal Hwy., Fifth Avenue Shopping Plaza^-- Boca Raton

Boca Raton's Newest Mrs. Dixie Lee Haeberle with Levon Christopherson and Mrs. Inez Spooner. ALADDIN At Community Hospital INTERIORS and Finest Mrs. Stacey is admitting nurse

Mrs. Norma Stacey, every patient to the hos- Institute of Practical Broward County Wel- R.N. , has been ap- pital, coordinating the Nursing in Washington, fare. COMPLETE INTERIORS pointed admitting nurse functions of the Admit- D.C.j and holds a de- Residential 81 Commercial for the Boca Raton Com- ting Office and the Nurs- gree of Associated Arts munity Hospital, ac- ing Service in a more Classified Ad Service from the Palm Beach Phone 395-8300 ; cording to Mrs. Ruth rapid placement of the Junior College, De- : M. Acteson, director of patient to the proper av- partment of Nursing. (We Have Our Own Workrooms) nursing. ailable hospital bed. Prior to her employ- PLASTIC Mrs. Stacey has been Succeeding Mrs. ment at the Boca Ra- DESK - WALL Stacey as night super- 101 Fabrics To Select From serving as night super- ton Community Hos- PLATES visor at the hospital visor will be Mrs. Rhea pital in 1968, she ser- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY since its opening two Fincham, R.N. ed as the Pompano med- Mrs. Stacey received UNIVERSITY BOWL years ago. Her new du- ical supervisor in the Phone 395-5222 ties will commence her B.S. degree in nurs- medical department of Boca Raton Monday, August 4th. ing at Adelphi University k Following current and following her move to Florida in 1962, TIRED OF RETIREMENT? trends, Boca Raton served as an R.N. at Community Hospital is But you don't really care {or full employment. North District (now Vlhy not call for an Interview today regarding believed to be one of North Broward) Hospi- the few hospitals in the tal in Pompano Beach the financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- south Florida area to prior to joining the staff curities selling to select clientele. establish such a posi- Call Mr. Borgren at 395-0546 for Appointment FURNITURE tion. This position and a t Boca Ratort Com- its function will assist munity Hospital. BYER Buy Direct from in the more efficient Mrs. Fincham is a INCORPORATED Royal Pdlm Plaza admission of each and graduate of the National Boca Raton, Florida Wholesaler at Our




I Son wants advance inheritance i Teaching Johnny to swim Twentieth lesson from Americon Red Cross Teaching Johnny to Swim manual. Dear Ann Landers: come into any money un- are listed in the tele- man, check Ann Lan- ope. My brother died two til he was 21. All she phone directory. Enough ders. Read her booklet, Ann Landers will be months ago. His widow need say is, "Sorry, said. "Necking And Petting glad to help you with i has asked me for ad- we're going to leave — What Are The Lim- your problems. Send vice and I don't know things as dad wanted Dear Ann Landers: No its?" Send your request them to her in care of Mouth-to-Mouth (Mouth-to-Nose) Method what to tell her. Thethem." lectures, please. I know to Ann Landers in care Boca Raton News, Box of Artificial Respiration question is in regard to right from wrong. Just of your newspaper, en- 3346, Chicago, Illinois, her 19-year-old son. He Dear Ann Landers: I tell me if a married closing 50 cents in coin 60654, enclosing a woman can put the real and a long, stamped, I wants to get married. have a neighbor who self-addressed envel- stamped, self-address- The boy is 4-F so he thinks I have the most father's name on the ed envelope. 1 is not worried about the beautiful garden in town. child's birth certificate H there is foreign Army. He has been kick- She can hardly wait un- instead of the name of Tuesday, July 29, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7 matter visible in the ed out of two colleges til the flowers are in her legal husband. The I mouth, wipe it out so he is not worried full bloom so she can ask real father is married quickly with your fin- about his education. (He permission to "pick a and has several daugh- gers or a cloth wrapped can't get in anyplace). few." ters. He wants a son 1 around your fingers. He works in his grand- This woman insists to carry on his name. 1. Tilt the head back father's business (when she cannot grow flow- Our baby will be born so the chin is pointing he works) so he is not ers because her chil- next month and I am al- upward (Fig. 1) Pull worried about a job. dren need a place to most certain I'm go- or push the jaw into Here is the question: play. You should have ing to have a boy. I a jutting-out position The boy wants his mo- seen the look she gave This is sort of a mess (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). ther to advance him $3,- me yesterday when I and I need the answer. These maneuvers 000 against his inheri- refused to allow her to — Skylark should relieve obstruc- tance so he can get mar- pick a bouquet for her Dear Sky: Don't tion of the airway by ried and take his bride company table. Her face make the mess any mes- moving the base of the to Honolulu on a honey- was so full of hate sier by putting your lov- tongue away from the moon. His father left it ruined my day. er's name on the baby's back of the throat. him $20,000 but the will It takes a great deal birth certificate. Ac-i 2. Open your mouth states that the first pay- of patience, weeding, cording to law your hus- wide and place it tightly ment of $5,000 is to be spraying watering and band is the father of the over the victim's made on the boy's 21st luck to grow beautiful child. mouth. At the same .birthday. The second flowers. Am I selfish Give in or lose him 4ft time pinch the victim's payment comes due in because I want to enjoy . . . when a guy gives AUGUST nostrils shut (Fig. 4) them as long as possi- 1974. Subsequent pay- you this line, look out! or close the mostrils ments of $2,000 are to ble? with your cheek (Fig 5) be made at two year in- There must be count- For tips on how to han- Or close the mouth and less readers in your au- dle the super sex sales- place your mouth over tervals. I The boy keeps badg- dience who have this Classified Ad Service the nose (Fig 6). Blow ering his mother and re- same problem. Will you White Sale into the victim's mouth peating, "I don't want a kindly give us a word Phone 395*8300 ornose. (Air may be or two? blown through the vic- gift, all I want is an ad- tim's teeth, even though vance on what is legal- — Wilted Friendship Good News they may be clenched.) ly mine. I will pay you Dear Friend: Some the $3,000 in 1971 when people make a living WAMSUTTA SHEETS The first I blowing ef- 1 get the $5,000. selling flowers. They MANICURIST forts should determine What should she tell are called florists. BEDDING * BATH whether or not obstruc- him? She's leaving it up Their phone numbers now at tion exists. to me. FINE LINENS 3. Remove your — Keeper of the Keys mouth, turn your head Dear Keeper: She DIPLOMA - CERTIFICATE Colonial Earher ohop to the side, and listen 2426 E. LAS (HAS BLVD. ROYAL PALM PLAZA should tell him no. Her LAMINATING come in and meet for the rush of air that husband knew what he FORT IAUDERDAU BOCA RATON indicates air exchange. was doing when he wrote Jim-Helen-Harvey Repeat the blowing ef- his will in such a way UNIVERSITY BOWL fort. that his son would not Phone 395-5222 395-1720 For an adult, blow Boca Raton vigorously at the rate I of about 12 breaths per minute. For a child, take relatively shallow breaths appropriate for the child s size, at the rate of about 20 per min- I ute. 4. If you are not get- I ting air exchange^ re- :* check the head and jaw 1 position (Fig 1 or Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) If you still do not get air exchange, quickiy turn the victim OF THE NEW on his side and admin- iste r several sharp blows between the shoulder blades in the hope of dislodging for- Elaine Powers FIGURE SALONS eign matter (Fig. 7) Again sweep your fin- gers through thevic- Yes. Jor the first time, a NEW modern figure salon EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN available to the tim's mouth to remove foreign matter. women of the Boca Raton area, featuring the famous Elaine Powers reducing program of Those who do not wish to come in contact with "FIGURE CONTOURING"... The Nation's Largest Chain of SUCCESSFUL FIGURE CONTROL SALONS the person may hold a cloth over the victim's mouth or nose and breathe through it. The 7 LOOK cloth does not greatly affect the exchange of AT THE air. FABULOUS RESULTS Births THIS KM ESTATE! Mother and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lee Bryant, Sunstream JOHN B. DOLAN Groves, announce the RECEIVED birth of a daughter, Cyn- ON Vice Pres.-Mgr. Telephone thia Theresa, July 21 Bateman & Co. Realtors Area Code 305 at Bethesda Memorial 1299 So. Ocean Boulevard 395-9355 Hospital. Mrs. Bryant Boca Raton, Florida 33432 399-8284 is the former Rosetta Hankerson. TWO JOIN SUMMER CLEARANCE FOR THE SHOE SALE WE MUST CLEAN OUT OUR PRESENT STOCK TO MAKE READY PRICE OF ONE FOR NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY ^Summer Special

Reg. to $25.00 selbY NOW $14.90 to $16.90 TEAM UP-— BEFORE AFTER ^^ $12.90 to $16.90 PATTY THRASHER I Mrs. THRASHER TO TRIM DOWN PATTY THRASHER I Mrs. THRASHER 1 Reg. to $13.00 SIZE-12 I SfZE-16 Sandals NOW $5.90 to $9.90 SIZE-20 /^ I SIZE-22!/2 SAVE 50% PLUS.:, The FIRST COMPLJETE UNCONDITIONAL i IF YOU ARE A SIZE... FREEMAN CALL NO W $15.90 to $19.90 GUARANTEE in Slenderiz- > 14 YOU CAN be a size 10 by Aug. 29 | **? ing History SIX MONTHS 16 YOU CAN be a size 12 by Sept. 3 i DRESS AND CASUAL SHOES AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES. PLAN FREE If FOR ANY REASON 18 YOU CAN be a size 14 by Sept. 3 I - Res to$1 you fail to receive the 20 YOU CAN be a size 14 by Sept. 171 ToThe First 45 6IRLS PRETTY PARTY SHOES N^ results listed. CALL NOW Plenty of Popular Sizes 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.-Mon. thru Fri. ALL SALES FINAL - NO RETURNS PLEASE HOURS: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.-Saturday ROYAL PALM PLAZA 507 Golf View Drive, Boca Raton Maine Powers Figure Salons SOUTH BLDG.- OVERLOOKING THE DOLF COURSE. PHONE: 391-1414 197S N.E. 5th Ave., Boca Raton, 391-4890 (Fifth Avenue Shopping Plaza) 8 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, July 29, 1969 -*" I ft Dolphins will meet Vikings

Is, •' «r , i in preseason opener Aug. 2 1:9?."- <* £7~ • It's almost post time! in touchdown passes last in the record time of 9.9, an excellent receiver For Coach George year with , and he'll be wearing 99), (61 receptions over the Wilson and the Miami of Oakland, with 11 such and probably Jack Clan- past two seasons), but Dolphins it's almost grabs), cy (who missed last sea- there will also be inte- time for the start of (a four-year veteran, son because of a knee in- rest in the work of two their fourth campaign in and U. of Tulsa Alum- jury but set an AFL roo- rangy tight end rookies i the nus, who holds the NCAA kie record with 67 re- ... Jim Mertens, 10th W League. one season record of 134 ceptions in '67). Clancy pick, 6-3, 235-pounds They will meet the receptions), Jimmy is momentarily bother- from Fairmont State... Minnesota Vikings of the Hines (the ' 'world' s ed with an ankle strain. and Bruce Weinstein, National Football Lea- fastest human," who Veteran tight end 8th pick, 6-5, 240 from gue in opening presea- won the 100 meter race will prob- Yale. son test for both teams in the 1968 Olympics ably start and he too is On defense, Dolphins & on Saturday night, Aug- fans will be watching the ust 2, in Tampa Stadium, work of middle line- ,fc v.- in Tampa, Fla. Kickoff backer , will be at 8 p.m., East- Dolphin Huddle Club who came to Miami in. ern Daylight Time. the off-season in a trade (The game will be with Boston. In Bean-' broadcast on the Miami ^own, Buoniconti five - Dolphins Radio Net- tickets are on sale times was picked All- ^ work, emanating with League. At the cornerl Station WIOD, Miami, backs, the Dolphins will' and telecast in the Mi- Hud- Dolphins Huddle Club have veterans Dick. ami area by Station dle Club season tickets members will sit in Westmoreland and Jim- WTVJ-TV, Channel 4.) went on sale yesterday their own special re- my Warren. Dick An-. at the Orange Bowl Sta- served section on the derson, at weak safety,. There will be 33 pre- dium. season games between North sidelines. Last a year ago was picked" Coach Ernie Hefferle works out his offensive line on the sled. Students, grade school year, approximately by the AP as AFL "De- : AFL and the NFL, and through high school, .. 1,500 Huddle Club sea- fensive Rookie of the: the Miami-Minnesota may join the Dolphins son tickets were sold. Year" (along with Oak- ;• contest will be the first. Huddle Club and pur- In 1967, when this com- Memberships also land's George Atkin-. chase a season ticket may be obtained by send- son). petition started, the to all nine home games NFL won 13 of 16 games,, at half price (only $9). ing check or money or- Speaking of defense, Last year, as perhaps a Normally, student tic- der for $9 to.- Miami Miami's first two draft forerunner of what was kets sell for $2 per Dolphins Huddle Club, choices, , no. to happen in the Super game, and are available Box 308, Riverside Sta- Bowl, the AFL had a 13- at the stadium, only im- tion, Miami, Fla0 33135. (Continued on Page 9) 10 advantage- Last mediately before the Tickets then will be year, the Dolphins won game. mailed before the first over Philadelphia, 23-7, game. QJ and Atlanta, 19-13, and lost to Baltimore, 22-13. Uptights and Deerfield , Miami's all star quarterback, will start for the Dol- will play tonight at 8 phins, according to Coach Wilson, and with Fresh from a victory Moehs 3 12 BOCA RATON him in the backf ield will against the local re- FLORIDA'S NEWEST be running backs Larry Kiel 3 2 3 CHAMPIONSHIP creation department, Totals 35 9 17 18 HOLE COURSE Csonka, and . the hospital Uptights Griese and Csonka are Gently rolling fair- will take on Deerfield's UPTIGHTS ways and carpet-rich both former number one greens accent our rec center here in soft- par 72 layout... draft choices, and Kiick, part of the new ball tonight. AB R H Boca Teeca Country a fifth choice a year ago, Club Estates. was the only AFL player The game is schedul- Tompkins 6 3 3 ed for 8 p.m. and will Gillespie Phone for in 1968 to rankinthetop 6 3 3 Starting times: be played on the Little Davis 6 2 4 ten in rushing (7th) and MEMBERSHIPS 399-5120 League Field. E. Albury AVAILABLE! Pete Cooper, pass receiving (10th), Golf Director Rookie Eugene (Mer- Thursday night, the Lane Uptights pounded out 24 Knowles 6 1 0 cury) Morris, no. 3 draft against the local rec 5 2 3 choice from West Texas Wager COUNTRY CLUB State, who is the all- center while holding Edgecomb 5 4 5 N.w. 51st St. and 2ntf Ave., them to only nine runs. L. Albury 5 2 5 Boca Raton (Vi mile west of U.S. 1) time NCAA ground- 399-5120 . gaining champ (3,388 The hospital team put Anderson 5 2 4 Defensive back coach watches closely as Dolphins practice. yards in three seasons), together 36 hits for the Totals 56 24 36 is expected to see a good ^?e)|infi, along with a deal of action as are walk |hat later turned most of the squad of int© a run,, approximately 55 vete- The box score went rans and rookies. (On this way: SMALL BAY STORAGE account of some injur- REC GIRLS NOW RENTING! ies, mostly minor, it is Coach Wilson's belief AB R H 260 Sq. Ft. with 10' x 10' garage door. Summers 4 2 2 Ready for occupancy approximately that about 55 men will be 5 in uniform out of his Grimes 0 1 June 30, 1969 present squad of 60.) M. Catalo 4 1 3 K. Catalo 4 1 1 In Boca Raton industrial Park 3 1 1 Pass receiving has Durant i— i For Information Call Ken Peters At always been a strong Perez 3 0 suit of the Dolphins and Galvin 3 0 1 among the wide receiv- Lockhart 3 1 2 395-4525 ers expected to see ac- tion are.- {he tied for the AFL lead INDIVIDUAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES PRESTIGE LOCATION ... AIR CONDITIONED ,.._. ELEVATOR SERVICE RECEPTIONIST EATING OUT? Answering Service 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily Secretarial Service Available Try iis-you'll like ii. BROKERS UNIVERSITY BOWL PROTECTED DRUMMOND BUILDING 100 !!.E. 20l« St. 201 FEDERAL HWY., DEERFIELD, FLORIDA BOCA RATON CALL 399-1193 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Coach Les Bingaman, defensive line, points out a play during session. Bowling Standings THE OLDEST LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER Two local people, LORDS & LADIES Thunderballs 15 21 William Otto and Mari- Team Won Lost Lucky Strikes 14.5 21.5 on Pearson, were in- Noname 26 10 Mama's & Papal3 23 IN PALM BEACH COUNTY stalled as directors of Cavaliers 23.5 12.5 Four Pals 13 23 the Palm Beach County Go Getters 9.5 26.5 Lincoln C-B-S-S 23 13 Montego 1 Bowling Assn., at a Pin-Bouncers 23 13 High team game, Cava- Continental MERGUR meeting Saturday even- Swordsmen 21 15 liers, 676; high team ing. J-A-P-S 20 16 triple, Cavaliers, 1785; The meeting was held Chinooks 19.5 16.5 individual high, men, at a joint installation Teripinners 19 17 Mike Thomason, 217 - dinner for the Men's Gutterballs 17 19 women, Mary Marsh, and Women's associa- Miss Fits 16 20 177; individual triple, tions. Whatever 15 21 {Continued on Page 9A).

BUTLER 1st In Class since 1899 And 1st in FUN IN 1969 MOTORS Where else can you get so much economy, 18- Safety South Fioridas Most Complete Service features, and still look Oept. With a like a winner? $20,000 inventory of parts at ail times! I end (list a few minutes north of Boca Raton on US 1 DELRAY LINCOLN-MERCURY MOTORS INC. 208 S. Federal Hwy. Pompano Beach 941-6156 941-6157 BROWARD COUNTYS OLDEST FIAT DEALER 2102 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach 276-6331 IV2 miles North of Boca Raton Tuesday. July 29, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9 ©elf In Bees RoWa Vjfe* mm,In Boca Raton. INTRODUCTORY OFFER! "X Ladies' & Men's Custom Made Suits .. ?48 / 1969-10 (Price Does Not Include custom Duty and Mailing) MEMBERSHIPS Now Available MR. SAM ASWAN! Representing Yorks, Inc., Custom TaHo*s QREEH EACH 3 day sale! Sat., August 2, Sun., August 3, FEE & 2 PER and Mon., August 4. ELECTRIC CAftT: : CART 5.50 Custom-Made Clothes From a Large Variety of Imported Fabrics Men's Suits, Sport Goats, Slacks, Shirts, etc. and Ladies' Suits, Formals, Beaded Sweaters and Bags. All at Hong Kong prices. Satisfaction Guar- 395-5460 . 399-6921 anteed, p|ease ca|| for appointment at Boca Raton Motel 1810 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca Raton Tel 395-7500 OB Hilitaiy Trsir, mihrantly Pa Write for FREE Catalogue'tot York's Custom Tailors of Hong Kong, IB Bses Bates KPO Box: M73, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Miami Dolphin Coaches George Wilson, Ernie Hefferle, John Idzik, Tom Keane and Les Bingaman "One of The World's Most Trusted Custom Tailors'

Complete UMBRELLA protection •Travelers * Aetna-* Continental Group * Royal Globe * London & Dolphins meet Vikings MONTESSORI INSTITUTE Lancashire * Boston Insurance Co. (Continued from Page 8) All Star," and he'll ed out that the Vikings make a quick trip to have certainly moved of BOCA RATON JOHN D. TALBOTT 1, 6-5, 250-pound defen- Chicago for his trophy along. Last year, they 625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. INSURANCE AGENCY, jnc sive end from Georgia, presentation. won the Central Division 489 N.E. 20th St. Botw Raton and , no. 2, A newcomer of inte- in the NFL, and finished Ph. 395-1511 or 39T-1516 6-6, 265 defensive tac- rest with the Dolphins the season in the Pro ADMINISTRATOR SHERRY J.SABATINO kle from Pacific, wiE will be place-kicker Play-Off Bowl (in Mi- be playing in the Chica- , rookie ami), losing to Dallas. ASSISTANT SALLY SPERRY go College All Star 17-13, which means they from Tennessee. Place- Certified Teachers, teaching Montessori in the Game, Friday night kicking has not been one came very, very close to State of Florida for the past 2 years. (Aug. 1) against the New of the Dolphins strong making the Super Bowl, York Jets. Also in atten- points. Kremser, a fifth All these statistics sub- 8:30 A.M.-2:00 P.M. FOR SALE dance will be Csonka, round draft choice, tal- stantiate the fact that the SJ. CORNER OF NE 50TH ST. ANQ US1 who last year was picked lied 106 points on 16 Vikings will have the MONDAY THRU FRIDAY LOTS 29,30,31,32, BLK 7 V.R. as the "Most Valuable field goals and 28 extra role of favorite in Sat- points over two sea- urday night's contest. TUITON 575/MO. $750.00/YEAR sons, and this included STARTING SEPT. 8, 1969 TO JUNE, 1970 ALSO LOT 34,35, BLK 34 V.R. IT'S FUN - IT'S HEALTHFUL game-winning boots Joe Kapp, who piloted over Alabama, Vander- the Vikings to the Cen- ZONED R2 BOWL CHILDREN BETWEEN TA YRS. & 5YRS. JOIN A SUMMER GROUP bilt, and L.S.U. tral Division title last Total enrollment limited to 35 students. P.L. WEEKES, JR. OWNER 395-1221 Two veteran offen- year is expected to start 100S. FEDERAL HWY., BOCA RATON UNIVERSITY BOWL sive linemen are not ex- at quarterback for Min- Phone 395-5222 nesota. However, he is mGfSTER NOW! Boca Raton pected to play. , right tackle, is in a battle for the first 395-S263 recovering from an ap- string job with another pendectomy performed veteran, Gary Cuozzo. Bill Brown, at running on June 25, and Maxie •wrwwowmnramSBWm^. Williams, left guard, is back, is considered bothered by a severe Minnesota's top runner elbow sprain. ... he gained 805 yards The Vikings, coached last year, and tallied 11 See these by Bud Grant, came in- touchdowns ... and he to pro football, like th was also the team's sec- Dolphins, via the ex- ond best receiver, 31 for Beautiful Coral Manor Models! pansion route. In their 329 yards and three first three seasons touchdowns. (1961-63), they won 10 games. The Dolphins, in On defense, the Vik- their first three years ings are noted for their have won 12 contests, front four . . . left end and have the best three Carl Eller (250), left year record of any ex- tackle Garry Larsen pansion team in pro (255), right tackle Alan football history. How- Page (245), and right ever, it should be point- end Jim Marshall (248). BOCA RATON

Inlet Tide Table Boea Eaton DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME HIGH LOW START EARNING TODAY. 6 month Savings Certificates AM PM AM PM Tue. July 29 8:59 9:35 3:08 3:32 earn from day of receipt. Minimum, $3,000. Wed. July 30 9:53 10:29 4:02 4:20 Thur. July 31 10:07 11:11 4:50 5:14 MODELS OPEN 9-5 DAILY Courtesy Flotilla 36, U.S. Coast Guard 3 BEDROOMS 1331 S.W. 12th Ave., Boco Raton Auxiliary. 2 BATHS PHONE 399-2299 2 BEDHOOMS, 2 BATHS from *23,000 Bowling Standings 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from *33,000 (Continued from Page 8) IBM MIXED SUMMER men, Mike Thomason, Team Won Lost 531 - women, Lelia Owens, 479. Alley Cats 25 15 ALLSTATE Lucky Strikes 25 15 Team Won Lost Slumphfs 23 17 Big "3" 14 10 C.B/sAllstars23 17 Trip Alongs 13.5 10.5 Vestalites 23 9 Strugglers 13.5 10.5 Bowlweevils 22 18 "3" Shots 13 11 Razorbacks 19 21 Outcasts 12 12 Mylars 18.5 21.5 LOR/DA PHONE Gutter Gals 12 12 Foul Balls 18 22 Sleepy Cats 10 14 Untouchables 18 22 ONSTRUCTION CO., INC. (MODEL) 391-2229 Impossibles 8 16 Handicaps 17 23 High team game, Trip Four Squares 16.5 19.5 IN THE ECONOMY FIELD Alongs, 471; high team Wed. Aches 16 24 HOMES STYLED for FLORIDA LIVING triple, Sleepy Cats, Les Souriants 12 24 1249; individual high, Carol Kennedy, 187; in- High team game and tri- 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, FAMILY ROOM from $21,850 dividual triple, Carol ple, Bowlweevils, 811- (ABOVE PRICE EXCLUSIVE OF T-OT AND OPTIONAL SWIMMING POOL) O'Neal, 480. 2351; individual high, PIN PICKERS men, John Gattie, 199 - 2 and 3 BEDROOM MODELS ta Team Won Lost women, Irene Byrd, 185; Reverse cycle control air conditioninq #5 27.5 8.5 individual triple, men, also_ AVAILABLE , AMERICA'S LOWEST PRICED #4 26 10 John Gattie, 493 -wom- an heat #6 22 14 en, Donna Lamb, 490. *Bedrooms: Split plan arrangement - 2-DOOR HARDTOP #7 21 15 walk-in closets. #3 14 22 * Baths: Ceramic tile — vanities & full • TOYOTA " mirrors — 2 linen closets — heat lamps. CORONA #2 14 22 SCRATCH #1 11 25 *G-E Kitchen: "Americana" Oven and #8 6.5 29.5 BOWLERS range — hood and fan — Custom Formica High team and game, #4, OVERALL Cabinets full bctcksplash — abundance of 756-2149; individual cabinets - luminous ceiling - Pass-thro high, Al Karnicnik, 204; SPONSOR individual triple, Herb window — Breakfast Bar. LADIES *Roofed-screened Patio. Congo, 542. INVITED LADIES SCRATCH Pool. (Optional). Team Won Lost LIMIT 875-85 *2 car Garage — Sewing, hobby and utility. Terrazzo floors — morble sills — awning Jazzybelles 89 61 Bowl Wec/s 9:15 PM The Ding-a-Lings 84,5 65.5 windows — textured ceilings — Tile roof Hard-to-Top BLA's 84 66 Meeting — Pre-wired for TV and Phone. Debs 69 81 7/29 Toes. 7:30 PM tidTCLtOp with a price that's hard to resist. Misfitz 63.5 86.5 at Jtake Patk Odd Wads 60 90 UNIVERSITY BOWL High team and game, TOYOTA CORONA BLA's, 408-1220; indi- For information Convenient to IBM, George M/ss/fa F.A.U., Schools, TRY TOPPING THESE FEATURES: 90hp. Hi-Torque Engine • 0-to-60 in vidual high and game, 16 sec. pick-up • 90 MPH Top Speed • Deep Foam Cushion Reclining Loretta Riseley, 168- H-391 -1487 B-278-4564 Churches, Bucket Seats • Exceptional Gas Mileage • Air Conditioning (optional) 456. Downtown Shopping ... • Choice of Automatic or 4-on-the-Floor Transmission • Dozens of Safety and Luxury Features. ^^ BYER MODEL AT - KING INCORPORATED 126 N.W. 11th AVi. .MUTUAL FtfNDSr STOCK - BONDS T O Y 0 T A TAX PLANNINn BOCA RATON 1441 South Federal Highway (U.S. 1) 275 "Via. Rosada, Boca Raton, Fla. OPEN 10-5 DAILY Deerfield Beach Royal Palm Plaza 395-0544 SUNDAYS, .1.-5 Tune in Radio Station WSBR 12:10 P.M. week-days for your stock market report. : WE WILL BUILD ON OUR LOTS IN LAKE FLORESTA PARK OR YOUR LOT. TO BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, July 29, 1969 : 5 B Personals 10 B Help Male 75 B Apartments for Renrv 25 B Apartments for Rent DEADLINE PRIVATE DETECTIVE ASSISTANT ENGI- BLACK MINIATURE BOCA'S newest & fin- ^Furn. I "Bedrm. & ett. PUBLIC NOTICE POODLE PUPPIES apts. Air cond. 450' to J TUESDAY EDITION State Licensed-Bonded NEER and MAINTEN- est Annual rental Apart- . RELIMINARY CERTIFICATE Mondays, 10:00 A.M. AKC 391-1479. Public beach. Monthly OF CORPORATED Classified Personal Problems — ANCE MAN. Year ments, unfurn., 1 bed- DISSOLUTION Evidence Confidential- round. Salary Open, Full Chocolate Brown Min- iroom, 1-1/2 bath, and tor season 399-4453. THURSDAY EDITION |2 bedroom, 2 bath. Lafc Wednesdays, 10:00 A.M. Reasonable. Sam Sneath or Part time. Apply Hol- iature Poodle, 7 mos. Young business woman- 942-7865 for Appt. iday Inn 1350 S. Ocean old. Papers available. est GE kitchen R/C air student wishes to share Call cond. W/W carpeting, IN THE NAME AND BY SUNDAY EDITION BEAUTIFUL Blvd., Pompano. Call 391-2911 after 6. furnished apt. with THE AUTHORITY OF THE Fridays, 10:00 A.M. Screened Patios, Pool, same. Close to FAU. STATE OF FLORIDA PALM TRAIL LODGE 10 C Help, Male or Female Adults, no Pets, model Picturesque retire- To Place a Classified References furnished TO ALL TO WHOM THESE 395*300 NOTICE TO COOK 6:30 to 11:30 PM open for inspection. 331 also required. Call Miss ment home for you •SW 8th St. 395-5779. PRESENTS SHALL COME, JOB APPLICANTS or your loved ones. De- No experience neces- ad call 395-8300 and Snyder 395-2918 be- . GREETINGS: The Boca Raton News sary. tween 2-6 or 395-7347 licious home cooking, 399-6719 Use News Classified Whereas, 39W719 does not knowingly ac- 24 hour supervision, * * * * after 6. cept Help-Wanted ads reasonable rates. WAITRESS 11:30 AM to 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail ; WILLIAM H. PARR, BOCA from employers cov- Phone Delray 278-5680 5 PM s RATON, FLORIDA RATES ered by the Fair La- WAITRESS 6 to 11:30 16 Fiberglas boat SERVICE DIRECTORY| • : INES D. ZIMMERMACHER, 1 3 6 9 12 • anytime or Pompano 1964 40 HP Evinrude BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Lines Day Days Days Days Days bor Standards Act, 946-0262. P.M. AIR CONDITIONING PAINTING 1 JESSIE W. PARR, BOCA 4 1.20 3.36 5.76 7.92 10.56 which applies to em- Electric Start, with 'Fedders air cond. Resi- INTERIOR & 5 1.50 4.20 7.20 9.90 13,20 5 GXhild Care/ RATON, FLORIDA 14.40 ployment in inter- Call in Person 9 to 11 trailer $695 call 391- EXTERIOR ALEXANDER J. ZIMMER- 6 1.68 4.60 7.92 10.80 idential, Commercial 7 1.96 5.46 9.24 12.60 16.80 state commerce, if TIC TOC Private PM 400 S. Ocean Blvd. 0680 Central & Room, Arcade J. RUSSELL MACHER, BOCA RATON, 8 2.08 5.76 9.60 12.96 17,28 15 Q HOUSEHOLD GOODS FLORIDA 9 2.34 6.48 10.80 14.58 19.44 they offer less than School. Infants to 7 Boca Ask for Warren. Electronic, 2029 NW 2nd 391-1695 20.40 SINGER Sewing ma- 10 2.50 6.90 11.40 15.30 the legal minimum years. Open all year. •Ave., 395-4611.. did on the 27th day of DECEM- a 2.75 7.59 12.54 16,83 22.44 ID fl Situations Wanted chine. Zig Zag's, but- "MR, TODD"_ 12 2.88 7.92 12.96 18.36 24.48 wage (1.60 an hour for Summer program, 273 BER , A.D. 1956 cause to be 19.89 26.52:' tonholes, $28. UN- AIRTECH HEATING' & Interior Decorating incorporated under the laws of 13 3.12 8.58 14.04 those covered prior to N.W. 15th St. Boca 395- Retired, in good health, - • • AIR COND.' the State of Florida FARACON- Each 5044. CLAIMED FREIGHT FREE ESTIMATES Additional February 1, 1968 and white, single, wants po- Prompt personalized PORATION, A corporation, with tine .24 .66 1.08 1.53 2.04 $1.15 an hour for new- situation as com- 2003 U.S. Hwy. 441 S. "Our work is out of this Its principal place of business ns (ructions; futo rind Ft. Lauderdale ; economical service Call world" 395-7886. at BOCA RATON, PALM ly covered employees) panion, Caretaker, Gar- ,395-9465.. BEACH COUNTY in the.State or fail to pay the ap- PROFESSIONAL dener, Chauffeur, or WHIRLPOOL Automatic ROOF CLEANING of Florida, and whereas" such PUBLIC NOTICE plicable overtime. All ages. All problems. Handyman. Have a va- washer. $50. Call 391- ALTERATIONS AND PAINTING corporation did on the 18th day PUBLIC NOTICE Contact the United M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad riety of good tools. 1576 before 4 P.M. ARE U FUSSY Creative DON & JOHNS of JULY, A.D. 1969, cause to ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Harold Selleck 395-3303 be filed in the office of the Sec- States Labor Depart- Write Boca News Box French Provencial, an- .dressmaking and alter- Roof, house or trim, retary of State of the State of The City of Boca Raton will ment's local office for •;5SE Schools SGainps; GB7. tique white, Dropleaf ations 399-4038. Pressure Cleaning & Florida, the documentary auth- receive sealed bids for the more information. The table and 4 chairs EXCELLENT TAILOR Painting. Licensed Ins. ority required under Section construction of Fire State Num- •Boca Palm Day School 608.27, Florida Statutes, show- address is U.S. Dept. Children 21/2 to 6 yrs. Contemporary Baby to plus breakfront. $195 All kinds of Ladies & Free Estimate 946-1000 ber 3, for the City of Boca Ra- Grandma Sitter or ing the dissolution of such cor- ton, to be located at 100 South Hour and Public Con- 'Half Day - Full Day. Call days 399-7033 Men's Alterations . .-,. poration. Visiting Housemother. SLIPCOVERS Ocean Boulevard (State Road tracts Divisions, 395-3698^1^. & Ins Eves 395-2197 Barton & Miller Clean- Now, therefore, the Sec- A1A), Boca Raton, Florida. Washington, D.C. t Practical Nurse, resid- ers .- & Laundry, 2600 Rattan cushions re- retary of State does hereby Drawings, specifications and ;j5GKG etfi e fer ¥ V ot s; ent of Boca, Own car, King size convertible made. Your fabric or certify to the foregoing and that other information may be ob- 20210. N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 he is satisfied that the require- tained from the Office of the BURY your pet in Amer- neither smoke or drink couch, Upholstered Points. Wilton Manors ours. Foam rubber in ments of the law have been com- Architect, John Shoup and Paul ican Pet Memorial Ce- 1-2 weeks live-in. Ex- chairs, Marble shelf .566-4314,, stock. Call Paul 399- plied with. McKinley, 301 North Federal metery where dignity & cellent references. Call and mirrors. Slide Pro- 5152. Highway, Boca Raton, Florida, '56 CHEVY 283 3 speed jector NEW, Lamps, ARTICLES FOR RENT*" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I on or after July 31st, 1969. on the floor $295 Call confidence make the 395-1579. TV SERVICE .'., "^ have hereunto set my hand difference. 583-1090, Samsonite folding LAWNMOWERS 391-0680 Part time work wanted chair, other items TV SERVICE and have affixed the Great All proposals to be considered, Laaderdale. by mature Boca busi- HEDGE TRIMMERS PROMPT & REASONA- #, Seal of the State of Flor- must be received by the Of- '"63 BUICK SPECIAL Sta- 395-0122. . Help-female" ness woman aft 5 PM AND EDGERS. CALL BLE CALL TOM 399- ida, at Tallahassee, the fice of the City Manager, City tion wagon. Good con- DIXIE RENTS & SALES Capital, this the EIGHT- Hall, 201 W. Palmetto Park TYPIST and GENERAL weekdays or all day Sat- Only $225 Modern Style dition low mileage. $525 395-7359. : EENTH, Day of JULY, A.D. Road, Boca Raton, Florida, not OFFICE WORK for Con- urday & Sunday. Peo- 8 piece living room suite *r Star TV Service * " 1969, TOM ADAMS, SECRE- later than 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Call 395-8875. [ CAMERA SERVICE^! TARY OF STATE. August 21st, at which time the struction Office, Apply ple oriented. Strong in- with drapes, 7 piece REPAIR ALL MAKES. bids will be publicly opened and '64 DODGE 330 6 Cyl. 2260 N.E. 1 Ave., Boca tangible sales back- dinette set, complete '190 Color Print. Cam- Color, black and white. PUBLISH: July 29, 1969 read. Between 3 and 5 p.m. ground. Some hotel, mo- bedroom suite with era Repair, Free est. ZENTH sales and serv- Furnish Proof of Publication Automatic Power- steering. $595 Call 395- tel office experience at drapes. All like new. 'Passports photos. The ice, 2174 N.E. 1st Ave. s/Wm. R. Prendergast 2 Mature individuals to desk. Will learn typing Photo Mart. 942-6043. ;Boca 399-2266. PUBLIC NOTICE Wm. R. Prendergast 1675. take charge of executive 1675 NW 4 Ave Apt. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Acting City Manager or business machines. 620 CalLJ391-352O. CARPENTRY ; USED FURNITURE CITY OF BOCA RATON, *66 CHEVELLE SS 396 offices. To start - 20 Write including name & GATEWAY Carpentry repairs and The City of Boca Raton will FLORIDA Factory Air. Power- to 25 hours per week. phone number to Boca inside refinishing. Rea- BUY-SELL-TRADE receive sealed bids for the steering and brakes. Call Mr. Gulisano 399- NATURAL FOODS Boca Quality used Fur- construction of Fire Station PUBLISH: July 29, August 5, News, Box 888 for im- Natural, Vitamins & sonable rates. 20 yrs. Number 3 on Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Auto. $1595 Call 395- 1193. mediate reply. Exp. 391-4152. niture & Thrift 117 NW' 19th, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. at the Furnish Proof of Publication 8673 after 6 PM. Assistant Cook and Minerals Organically 11th St. 391-3580. City Hall, 201 W. Palmetto Park Helpers. Excellent 15 A Miscellaneous Sale grown, dried fruit. Di- CONTRACTORS - WATCH REPAIR Road. etetic Foods &Vegeta^ NOTICE TO CREDITORS '66 CADILLAC De- wages and fringe bene- DRY ICE now available MARINE JOHN REDDING"- Fritz! ville, Convertible. Blue fits. Only experienced at Delray Chemical. 75 ble Juices. Building . and repair IN THE COURT OF THE 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. Carlson -. Dora Yodon- Plans, specifications and other JUDGE, IN AND FOR PALM with white top. 5701 need apply. Call 395- NW 18 Ave. Delray Call specialist. Lie & Ins. related information may be NW 2nd Ave. Boca Pompano 941-8120 ;is. BEACON: LITE obtained at the office of John BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA 7510. 276-5439. Free Estimates Call \ JEWELERS Beacon Lite Shoup and Paul McKinley, IN PROBATE, No. 28787 Teeca, Apt 101 395-4564 ATTENTION! STAMP COLLECTORS 3 Italian. Provencial liv- Broward Seawall Ft. (Shopping Center. Architects, 301 North Fed- 5 Ladies needed. $5 to 1 am interested in buy- ing room chairs. Ex- Laud. 524-7771 eral Highway, Boca Ra- IN RE:ESTATE OF '63 RAMBLER Classic, ton, Florida. SILVERIA SPENCE Station wagon 4 new $8 per hour. Christmas ing private stamp col- cellent Cond. $60 each DRESSMAKING Deceased. tires, Inspected" Call business starting now lections. Call 399-8483. 395-8906. DRESSMAKING s/Wm, R. Prendergast 391-2464. with fashion merchan- Garage Sale. Bedroom 25 A Rooms for Rent' Wm R, Prendergast, To All Creditors, Legatees, REASONABLE Distributees and Persons Hav- dise. Call for appt. 395- Set, washing machine, WANTED Female 395-5196 onlfhe Acting City Manager ing Any Claims or Demands 7746. Etc. Good Cond. Call '• CITY OF BOCA RATON, Against Said Estate: '67 BSA Lightning, 650 Teacher or FAU Stu- PAINTING FLORIDA GIRL FRIDAY For 395-5501 or 399-9233 Sold Coast cc, 9000 miles, Im- dent to share new dup- ARVAN the PAINTMAN You and each of you are maculate stock con- Printing Co. Typing es- after 5. - lex, w/central air fully Publish July 29, Aug. 5,12,1969 hereby notified that you are re- sential - pleasant work- House & roof painting Furnish Proof of Publication quired by Law to present any dition. Asking $950Call Set of mens golf clubs, carpeted, furnished claims and demands which you, 278-3904 after 5 p.m. ing conditions. Call table lamps, patio furni- screened porch in N.E. WALLPAPERING ANDERSON HOUSE i PUBLIC NOTICES or either of you, may have Boca Raton Printing Co. ture, decorator wall Boca. With young 391-0399 SMORGASBORD ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS against the estate of SILVERIA. 395-8404 for appoint- planter, desk chair, TV , Mother. Private en- PROFESSIONAL 4840 N. Federal Hwy. ..SPJENCE, deceased, late of said 1968 GREGORY. 1,2^40; , ,;,£fU;Laud. 563-924? • The City of Boca -Baton, will re*-;: 'County,' to the County Judge of"> meny.. ^: ^" "-"•""'./ '...,.;". .- -.aerial, marble topped tr&BfAe.*^ IMl'395- 8300._ PAINTING ,£AYS.!;.;f 2 Bedroom 1 Bath gar- : ceive sealed bids for the coti- Palm Beach County, Florida," Bookkeeper for medical coffee table, miscglass, and iAfer 6 p.m. Call FREE ESTIMATES^- BOCA TEECA tructidn of Fire Station Num- at his office in the court house bage disposal, air'con^ group in Boca Raton. 399-0258 or 399-6856; ber 3, for the Cityof Boca Ra- of said County at West Palm ware. Call 395-5562. 395-2911 COUNTRY CLUB ton, to be located at 100 ditioned. Small amount Take charge of accounts 25 8 Apartments for Rent PROFESSIONAL N.W. 51 St. & 2 Ave. Beach, Florida, wjthin six down and take overpay- CHESS BOOK COL- Boca 399-5120 South Ocean Boulevard (State calendar months from the time receivable, posting on LECTION 40 VOL. Ex-, Furnished 1 bedroom PAINTING - PAPER - Road A1A), Boca Raton, Flor- of the first publication of this ments. Call 278-1568, bookkeeping machine, ida. Drawings, specifications cellent Condition. Plus Apt. Air conditioned and HANGING ANTIQUING-' notices. Each claim or de- some general office CUSTOM WORK 943- DELRAY HEIDELBERG and other information may be mand shall be in writing in 2 LARGE CHESS heat. Close to Beach, SHOW & DANCING obtained from the Office of duplicate, and shall state the FOUND: Ladies gold duties 5 day 40 hour Centrally located. 8179. 330 S. Federal Hwy. the Architect, John Shoup and place of residence and post wristwatch near Win- week. Send resume in SETS. $125 complete. Delray 278-0755 Paul McKinley, 301 North Fed- office address of the claimant Call Mr. F. P. Con- Monthly rentals $150 10A5H for your eral Highway, Boca Raton, field Shopping area. Boca Raton News Box and shall be sworn to by the ley 399-5260. 717 NE 1 St., Delray. THE FAMOUS DOOR Florida, on or after July 31st claimant, his agent or his at- Claim and pay for ad. HB 3. $ ORlEHTAtir 1969. 3 Bedroom 2 Bath CHINESE FOODS torney, and any such claim or 391-1597 TYPEWRITERS 1544 N. Federal Hwy. demand not so filed shall be LIGHT FACTORY Ml CHINESE HUGS 3 New 1968 Famous 2 Bedroom 1 Bath HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Deerfield 399-5455 All proposals to be considered void. WORK Apartments must be received by the Office USED FURNITURE. Applications now being make typewriters to ; Olib OR NEW ORIENTALS of. the City Manager, City Hall, be sold for $94.95 each Call Snow Construction MARRAFFINO 201 W. Palmetto Park Road, Regina W, Spence TABLES - CHAIRS - accepted for future 395-1.33, Eves. 399- MEDITERRANEAN As administrarix of the Estate openings on the 8 AM or $4 mo. Maybe RESTAURANT Boca Raton Florida, not later COUCHES. Boca Qual- 5922. SHERBA BROS., INC. than 2:00 p.m. Thursday, Aug- of ity Used Furn. 117 NW and 4:30 PM shifts. inspected in warehouse Closed Monday's ust 21st, at which time the As executrix of the Last Will at 2003 US Hwy 441 UNDER CONSTRUC- EXPANSION 410 N. Federal Hwy. bids will be publicly opened and 11 St. 391r3580. MANY BENEFITS. Ap- Pompano 942-5597 and Testament of Silveria ply 1070 NW 1 Ave. Bo- South , Ft. Laud erdale TION - spacious 1 and 2 PROGRAM read. Spence, deceased. MATURE BOCA BUS- 9 AM to 6 PM Mon thru bedrm, 2 bath. Near MAYFABR MANOR ca. HAS CREATED s/Wm. R. Prendergast Kurzinger and Honchell INESSWOMAN will Fri and Sat. till 1 p.m. F.A.U. air-cond., heat, BOATERS WELCOME ; Wm. R. Prendergast 279 North Federal Highway share apartment with Adults, no pets. Occu- IMMEDIATE 244 Venetian Dr. Acting City Manager Boca Raton, Florida 33432 female. Close to shop- ROUTE MAN for local ELECTROLUXT pancy apprbx. June. Delray Bch. 276-6375 CITY OF BOCA RATON, Attorneys for Regina W. Four Electroluxvacuum OPENINGS FLORIDA Spence, Executrix. ping. Walking distance deliveries. Year round. 1798'N.W. 15th Vista, PADDLE WHEEL QLEEN to University. Air cond., Must be married. Apply cleaners and all attach- 399-5922. . FOR CRUSSING SUPPER CLUB PUBLISH: July 29, Aug. 5, First Publication: July 29,1969 pool. Reasonable. Call Federal Vending 6299 ments to be sold for *A!R CONDITIONING 2950 NE 32 Ave. 12, 1969 Publish: July 29, Aug. 5, 12, N. Fed. Hwy. Boca. $39.95 each or $4 WANTED Female Ft. Laud. 563-2595 Furnish Proof of Publication 19, 1969. 391-4379 after 5 PM, Teacher or FAU Stu- SERVICE MEN all dav Sat. or Sun. month.y. Unclaimed High school senior for Freight, 2003 U.S. Hwy. dent to share new dup- *SHEETMETAL BILL STEWART'S shipping and stock room HISTORIC 441 South, Ft. Lauder- lex, w/central air fully INSTALLERS OLD RIVERVIEW work. Full time until dale. - carpeted, furnished *ELECTRICIANS By the Deerfield HOMES M)W AVAILABLE school starts wih part Intracoastal Bridge screened porch in N.E. *SALES ENGINEERS time opportunity after SINGER Boca. With young 399-6630 school. Call 395-3320 Touch and Sew Sewing Mother. Private en- *OFFICE SdME MOD ELS FOR IMMEDI At E o£cUPftNcll llllll Mr. Ray Machines. (7) AH are *ROOM UNIT TROPICAL ACRES slant needle models and trance. Call 395-8300 STEAK HOUSE JOBS-JOBS and After 6 p.m. Call INSTALLERS 2711 N. Federal Hwy. are fully equipped to Pompano 941-4108 Fla.Atlantic Univ. Seek- zig zag, make button 395-2911 SHERBA BROS., INC. ing qualified applicants holes and fancy stitches. Unfurnished 2 bedrm 2 5417 N. Dixie Hwy. UNIVERSITY INN bath, w/w carpeting, for positions as: Prop- These machines carry Boca 391-4740 & SCHRAFFTS erty Clerk 1, Stores full guarantee and will completely equipped RESTAURANT kitchen, screened patio An equal Opportunity 2700 N. Federal Hwy. Clerk, Motor Vehicle be sold on a first come employer. Boca 395-4800 Oper I, Trades Helper, first serve basis for $215 per mo. Yearly Draftsman II, Apply only $39.95 ea. They lease. The Forum Apts. 1316 S. Federal Hwy. NEED EXTRA CASH? Personnel Office. Equal may be inspected and TRY ROYAL CASTLE Opportunity Employer. tested at Unclaimed Boca Raton. We have full and part time openings for ambitious, Freight 2003 U.S. Hwy. LOOKING FOR A QUIET responsible people who would like to earn DRIVERS NEEDED 441 South, Ft. Laud. No HOME AWAY FROM $35 to $90 per week Semi Drivers. Exper- Late evening and night; AVAILABLE NOW. Sales to Dealers. HOME? APPLY IN PERSON ONLY. DAILY BEFORE 2 PM ience helpful but not Royal Castle 2001 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca STEREO CONSOLES Frmale wishes to share necessary, we will train furnished air/cond. 30 TO 90 DAYS REGULAR 6ccy?Ati0 § you. For local and over UNCLAIMED FREIGHT $75.00 apartment - all conven- the road driving. You iences. Close to shop- 20 MODELS TO CHOOSE |RQM can earn $3.50 per hr Just received 5 deluxe solid state nationally ping, walking distance APPLY NOW! DON'T WAIT! jpjJLl CUSTOM BUILD OH OUR I^fb^ and up, after short train- to University. Call 391- ing. For application advertised stereo con- NEW EXPANDING WORKROOM ^j||§ BIDROOM MODELS UHDERpHSTR^C||lp soles in beautiful hand 4379 aft. 5 PMorweek- write: Nation Wide Saf- ends. NEEDS EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES. ety Director, 1525 W. rubbed walnut finish. HIGHEST PAY. FULL OR PART TIME Memorial Blvd., Lake- World renowned BSR ON THE OCEAN ^atl-fy-walt carpeting - Central Heat and Air Conditioning land, Florida 33801 or turntable and four 1 Bedrm. apartments Call or Apply in Person containing living room i G£ Kitchen Range - Dishwasher & Many Other Features call 813-683-5975. speaker audio system, 40 SE 3 St. (Chez Joey Bidg.) 399-4951 to be sold for $75 each with dining area, full GE REAL ESTATE or $6 Monthly. May be kitchen, bath and vanity. SALESMAN Individually ^controlled LocaiiMI,Available: inspected in warehouse Due to increased busi- at 2003 US Hwy 441 air cond. and heat. Ful- M1ST0RES ness in our head office South Ft. Lauderdale 9 ly carpeted and draped. STORE CLERKS | UHIVERSITY HEIGHTS BOpAS||A|| in Pompano Beach, we $225 mo. on yearly AM to 6 PM Mon. thru MALE OR FEMALE are presently opening a Fri. Sat til 1 PM, lease. Adults only — no |A£M|it6 PAUK IERRACE new office in Boca Ra- pets. Starting pay $93.50. 6 day week with ton causing sales posi- 15 B Musical instruments opportunity for advancement. No ex- RENT AN'ORGAN GULFSTREAM SHORES tions to be available in 3851 N. Ocean Blvd. perience necessary. Full company TUIO50H PALMS our active and progres- OR PIANO sive organization! For Only $2 a week free les- Delray benefits including hospital insurance, an interview in confi- sons and' exclusive. Unfurnished 1 bedroom profit sharing, paid vacation plus dence call Mr. Fess. Wurlitzer hobby course. 11/2 bath. W/W car- many more. Must be 21 neat appear- All rental applies if you peting, completely ance and promotable. Immediate buy. Your choice of any, equipped kitchen,; opening apply in person 7-11 Food new Wurlitzer. Roder- screened patio. $165 per ick Pianos - Organs, mo. yearly lease. stores, 1704 Juan a Rd., Boca Raton, 1.19 Datura WPB 832- : Real Esfafs Co., Realtors , The Forum Apts., 1361* weekdays 9 AM to noon or call for 201* South Federal Highway, Boca 3858, Or locally Lillian 395-1211 39*5453 i Raton S. Federal Hwy., Boca appt. phone 399-8400. itvenus 391-4343 Merz 395-7089. 'Raton. 25 B Apartmenls lor Ren! 35 A Lots & Acreage Sale 35 D Business Property-Sale ii H Homes tor Sale 35 H Homes foi Sale 35 H Homes for Sale Tuesday, July 29, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 11 113 FT. SEAWALLED £ Bifficiencies furnished'*. 3 Bedroom 2 bath, Flor- Three bedroom, two WATERFRONT 35 H Homes for Sale INTRACOASTAL LOT 10,200 SQ.FT. ida room with fireplace, bath, split level. Boca BY OWNER 35 H Homes for Sale > Air conditioned. 1 block INDUSTRIAL PLANT WINFBELD PARK GARVY'S to beach.- Monthly or WITH BOAT SLIP screened porch, En- Square. Central air* 3 bedroom , 2 bath, COOL BV Owner anxious to sell. FOR LEASE closed carport located 3 Bedroom 2 bath. Spa- GOT yearly 391-2444 or 391- Suitable for electronics sprinklers, etc. $27,-' large playroom, central THE POOL 1934. Now employed in North- N.E. Boca, east of Fed- 000. Call 395-0585. A/H Dock, well, sprin- cious living, Fla. and IT? i ern city. This lot is plant or any industrial. eral, beautifully land- klers, extras. $32,000 dining area. Kitchen and VILLAGE Lot 165 ft. by 117 ft. A 3 bedroom, 2 bath 3 Bedroom , 2 bath ready to build on with scaped, large trees and home for $33,500. Wall (Furn $35,000) Call 395- pantry with closets ga- Central air, Near APARTMENTS no piling required. The M-3 zoning. Ceilings 12 Sprinkler system. Cen- 2576. lore. Garbage disposal, 660 Glouchester St. ft. by 6 ft. Paved park- to wall carpeting, schools and shopping. seawall is in excellent tral air/heat carpet drapes, complete. Hot TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW dishwasher, utility $32,500. MLS 2033P. North Boca. Deluxefur- condition. The lot is ing 400 Amps Power. FAMILY HOMES room, drapes and car- and drapes, By owner Point kitchen with dish- ED GARVY Realtor nished apartment Ibed-* located close in Boca 16 ft. by 10 ft. overhead Call 395-2881. washer and refrigera- 1323 and 1341 S. W.peting. Protected car- room 11/2 baths. Raton, and on the high- doors 300 ft. Air Condi- port. Mature fruit trees. 701 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. .Monthly or yearly. BOCA SQUARE tor. Large screened pa- 10 St. Each with large ly desirable west side tioned office space. Oct- 4 Bedroom 21/2 bath, tio, 2 car carport and family room. Carpet, Close to shopping cen- 391-0900 Anytime JT bedrm and 1 bedrm of the waterway. Plans ober 1st occupancy. Call sod, sprinklers, shrub- ter. Owner asking just Bob Jones, Assoc. large patio, pool, New sprinkler system. MLS- unfurnished air cond,, for a luxury home are street $38,900. 1366 BR-1988. Central air bery, and lot incl. 4 her investment $29,- w/w carpeting, refrig- also available as part of S.W. 13 Drive. Phone and heat, a fine value! bedroom $36,000; 3 500. Call 399-9666 from % "** erator and stove. 899 packagle. The Price is 395-7244. Phone Motherwell Real- bedroom $35^000. Ready 9-5 PM. SW 3rd Ave. (across $25,000. Contact Bill COUNTRY CLUB ty, Realtor, 395-4044 to to move in. 7-1/4 " SCHOOL TIME Gets Results from shopping) adults, Kincaid...Assoc. For KEY VILLAGE Mortgages. OCCUPANCY an inspection of this Real Estate Co., Reoltors see. ' no pets. Manager Apt 1960 N. Fad. Hwy., Pompano Lovely spacious 2 bed- 395-1899 CLOSEST TO NEW IBM See Your Realtor lot. EXCEPTIONAL 4. 395-4254. 941-6500 room 2 bath home with 2/2 WITH DEN ~ LUXURIOUS PLANT, 4721 NW 5 LEE MANOR ISLES ' SPECIAL SUMMER . ' BATEMAN &CO. Evenings & weekends 942-5172 garage and automatic Many extra features INTRACOASTAL TERRACE, University BOYNTON BEACH RATES Realtors USE THE CLASSIFIEDS sprinklers. Price in- make this beautiful 4 Bedroom 4 Bath, 2 Heights. Large 3 bed- This 3 bedrooms, 2 BEACH AREA 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. cludes wall to wall car- 2 bedroom 2 bath home story with large heated room 2 bath double ga- baths, home with pool Boca Raton peting, draperies, re- pool. A real bargain at rage, large family and located on water- Deluxe furnished effi- INVESTMENT very special: Lovely ciencies 1 bedrm apts. 395-9355 399-8284 frigerator and washer. Heated POOL, 2 car $100,000. MLS 1886 WP. room, and porch, car- front property with 35 B Co-ops & Condominiums Sale OPPORTUNITY Excellent Mortgage. Marian Valerio, Assoc. pets, range, dishwash- docks, is fully equipped Air conditioned, TV, SAN REMO - Boca Ra- auto, garage door op- Large pool. All utili- MLS. For details call ener, gas Bar-b-que er, disposal, sprink- for comfortable Florida ton - ocean to intra- 1 ers, fully sodded lot. ties, from $125 per Well located 12 unit, Sam Huthins, associate. on Chatahoochee Patio, living. The large coastal 2 bedroom 2 2 bedroom. 4 yr. oldEves. 395-7677. Realtor Many other features screened patio with the . month to Dec. 15. Three bath apartment with ex- w/w/ carpet thruout 2800 N. Fed. Hwy* 'Crowns Apts. 1945 NE apartment bldg. Last (including kitchen car- DRIVE OUT TODAY heated pool'will delight tra sundeck. The only year gross $19,900. Boca Raton Priced right at $33,900 you and your guests. 3rd St. Deerfield apartment available peting in kitchen and 391-0083 anytime Beach 399-7171. Greater potential in- den), sprinkler sys- MILCOR HOMES Price $46,000. MLS BR- priced below market at REALTORS 391-0941 - 399^5202 2023WP. 25 C Houses lor Ren! come. Alger BA 53. •OCA IATON If Ph. 39S-4624 tem $36,500 MLS BR MAGNIFICENT $37,000. Only $17,- FIRST REALTY CORP. 2020P. OCEAN PRESTIGE AREA xS""^ 395-4711 FURNISHED HOME 500 Down. MLS call Eves. 395-3884 f" **\ 399-6711 DEERFIELD BEACH 20 SE 1st Ave. CONDOMINnJM OVERLOOKING Jack Dolan Realtor. A GOLF COURSE J.O]|JiTCHELL&S0NS Nice' 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Call anytime 395=8600 1 J BATEMAN & CO. CARLE Superb View!! Custom ONLY $67,500. — -,22S. Federal central air, sprinklers. 35 H Homes lor isle REALTORS j Boca Raton, Fla. Realtors Appraisal & Realty, Inc. layout with 2 Big bed- in BOCA RATON Near shopping. No chil- 3 bedroom "2 bath pool rooms. .Security 35 K Duplex dren, no pets. $225 per 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. Realtor First time offered. A Boca Raton home with patio. Taste- Gets Results Guards. Owner, with 2 gem for a couple want- RENT FREE mo. annual basis. 395-9355 399-8284 fully furnished. Large 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. properties, offers fully HRAlPH Boca Raton 399-4440 ing a small home with This downtown duplex MAGNIFICENT corner lot, well land- See Your Realtor furn. at $49,400. We large rooms in a lush offers nice 2 bedroom OCEAN scaped. Center of Boca, have key. BCondo 156 CONDOMINIUM WATERFRONT landscaped setting. Two modern apartment for near shopping. 5 3/4% FIRST REALTY CORP. master bedrooms with JHCKSOn 1 mortgage. $42,500. Call WITH POOL owner's use and identi- DC A I TV inn H immmB RIVIERA 20 S E 1st Ave. sitting space. Thirty- cal second apartment REALTY, INC. « Superb View!! Custom 395-1380 or write Boca lot Sooth Federal Highway REALTORS Call anytime__?95-J6QP one foot entertaining which rental will pay Oaerfleld Beach, Fla. layout with 2 Big bed- Raton News Box RW 27. Modern home custom i___ 3W-3T32 area {Florida Room), costs and build equity. rooms. Security BOCA SQUARE built by one of areas CAMBVO GARDENS large 2 car- garage, These units have rad- Beautiful 3 bedrm 2 bath Guards. Owner, with 2 2 bedroom, 2 bath plus finest Builders. All SPECIAL! pool, patio. Tastefully Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 panelled den. Prime beautiful drapes and iant heat, built-in properties, offers fully bath air conditioned. large rooms and clos- carpeting. A high class ranges, hoods, spac- furnished including furn. at $49,400. We Screened pool S.E. ex- location between intra- ets. 3 bedrooms plus Two bedroom home, dishes, silver, linens coastal waterway and specially^ for a retired address with tall palm ious, landscaped corner have key. BCondo 156. posure. Extra large family room. Southeast trees. Excellent buy. property; sprinkler sys and everything. A real FIRST REALTY CORP. family room, double ocean. MLS BR-2016. patio with pool. Dock. 2 couple who would like to beauty. Must see. Year- SLONE REALTY enjoy a fj^^ome built MLS-BR-2019G. item with well and pump. 20 SE 1st Ave. carport. Cheerful fully car garage. Central a/c, Owner ill. A buy at ly lease $6500 or $4200 Call anytime 395-8600 Realtor Many "extras" includ- around ?^KSi and patio. season. Call Boca 395- equipped kitchen, wash- Reasonably priced' at ; $23,500 MLS BD 44. CLOISTER BEACH er/dryer, carpeting and 912 N. Dixie Hwy ing a 5 1/2% mortgage, 1380 or write Boca Ra- Boca Raton $42,950...MLS2005P. Realtor TOWERS - Boca Raton- drapes. $28,500. By too! $49,000. BR 1998 For appointment to see, ton News Box RW 27. owner 391-1558. *> 399-1223 WP MacLaren and An- 757 S. Federal Hwy. 25 F Miscellaneous for Rent Ocean front. Deluxe 12th call JIM MCDONALD . . Floor, 2 bedroom, ap - EXCELLENT I ENJOYABLE derson Inc., 135 E. Pal- Colonial Building REALTOR PRIME OF FICI Assoc. . Boca Raton, Fla. 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca partment with im- LOCATION WATERFRONT HOME mettoPk. Rd., 395-1333 WEIR REALTORS ^ LOCATION BOCA ISLANDS Phone 395-4044 395-8155 FEDERAL HIGHWAY. mediate occupancy. A New 4 bedroom 2 bath, Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy Approx. 600 Sq. Ft. Call value at $49,000. MLS family room, covered This comfortable 3 bed- Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 PRESTIGE STORE Bill Fess.. 941-6500. Call Bill Kincaid... As- patio. Self cleaning ov- rooms, 2 baths, air con- WLS ATTENTION IBM BATEMAN&CO. en, disposal, dishwash- ditioned home overlooks NEW ARRIVALS Office Space approxi- the waterway, with and mat>ely 625 sq. ft. Beau- Realtors er, air/heat, double ga- •m Gets Results 90 DAY' OCCUPANCY 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. every room having di- 3/2 Den $28,900. tiful panelling, recep- rage, etc. Call 946-4034 rect access to the pat'p OFFICE SPACES tion room, Central Air Boca Raton BOCA SQUARE See Your Realtor 90 DAY OCCUPANCY 395-9355 399-8284 and pool. MLS BR-20iS 4/2 $30,900. conditioned, all utilities Near Adaison Mizner. WP. ROYAL PALM YACHT FOR LEASE included. Rental $150 JUST LISTED A beauty less than a & COUNTRY CLUB 120 DAY OCCUPANCY /fiSi'7£x 395-4711 3/2 2 car garage $26,- In Beautiful new shopping complex per month Call 395-0909 Beautiful 1 bedroom year old. Partially fur- 3 Beautiful Bedrooms, " DRUMMOND BLDG. condominium apt. Com- nished. .4 bedrm 2 bath. /* "*\ 399-6711 900. under construction on Boca Raton's DEERFIELD BEACH pletely furnished, pool, Family room — screen- J.C.|^[lTCHELL & SONS 21/2 baths. Screened 120 DAY OCCUPANCY Porch, 2 car garage. 3/2 Den and pool $32,- main artery to beach. 200 block of E. under new management clubhouse, only $21.50 ed in patio. Fenced in -^ — ~^" 2AA2 So. Federareaerail Palmetto Pk. Rd, prestige office space per mo. assessment. yard. Sprinkler system. Boca Raton, Fla. Full Dining Room, 750. available size to suit. Won't last at $17,500 W/W carpeting, drapes, IMAGINE Lovely kitchen. Car- 120 DAY OCCUPANCY Phone 564-0289 Immediate occupancy. MLS washer and dryer, and A WATERFRONT HOME pets and drapes, wash- 3/2 car garage, pool • RALPH -FOR $29,500! er and dryer. Near Club $30,500. Call resident mgr. 399- much more. FhoneVSyl- $52,500 MLS BR-1969. 1193 Brokers protected. 1937 after 2 TPM" for This 3 bedroom, 2 bath : All prices include lot, appt. home has carpets, SEE central A/H, w/w car- 25 6 Wanted To Rent EMDLY C. ELSENER, pet and many other ex- Automobile executive drapes, refrigerator, JntKSoq GARVY'S WATERFRONT disposal, electric range, REALTOR tras. CALL NOW BUY GOLF desires 3 bedrm, heat- 1H South Fnferil Highway GOT WITH POOL sprinkler system and a 184 N. Federal Hwy. NOW before the interest ed pool home NOV., OetrfitM Beach, Fla. IT! Deerfield rate goes up. WHERE YOU LIVE I!! DEC., JAN., FEB. Ex- JW-Mtt link-chain fence. Inte- cellent References. S. CLOISTER Del MAR - Price $52,500 includes resting mortgage- and 399-8120 391-8121 DON ARROW INC. Enjoy true country club living M. Brinkman, 3 C alder- Boca Raton - Ocean double central air, we would like to show BUILDERS in the heart of the Palm wood Drive, Buffalo, Front. 2 bedroom de- sprinklers - double ga- you this conveniently lo- pEERFIELD 395-2227 Beaches. Many 2, 3 and 4 N.Y. 14215. luxe apartment brand rage, beautiful drapes, cated property. MLS- ^ BEACH BROKERS CO-OP , bedroom homes, villas and new, never occupied. carpets, 3 bdrm. 2 bath, BR-2020W. FURNISHED HOME apartments now available, 30 I Business Opportunities Listed at $46,500 — family room, walk to ;al"business sale net. only $12,300 down. MLS shops - MLS 1922 WP - 3 bedroom 11/2 baths both furnished and unfurnished $20,000. Call Fred Gall close to school, play- Call Jack Dolan Realtor a very lovely 2 year old Realtor Choice homesites up to a full acreft» accom- Assoc - 395-1661. ~- house. ground and shopping. modate your own house plans. Complimen- ROYAL PALMREALTi 757 S. Federal Hwy. $19,000. MLS BR 2000 Gets Results Realtors - ED GA3VY Realtor Colonial Building tary memberships still being offered with the 35 A Lots 8 Acreage Sale 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. 701 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. SLONE REALTY See Your Realtor purchase of property. Atlantis. . .between See our advertisement 391-0900 Anytime Boca Raton, Fla. Realtor Boca Raton Phone 395-4044 $27,500 Congress Ave. and Military Trail at Lantana at 35H, Home for Sale 395-9355 399-8284 $19,900 912 N. Dixie Hwy. SPANKEV NEW Rd. . .965-7900. DeMARCO & SONS, INC. , COMMANDING BOCA VILLAS BOYNTON BEACH Boca Raton 3'bedroom 2 bath panel- "RESIDENTIAL LOTS IN VIEW 3 Bedroom 2 baths east Spacious and attractive 3.99-1223. led family room 12 ft TUNISON PALMS. Fac- Two bedroom, two bath of Fed. Hwy. large 3 BR, 2 Bath home. Nat- ACTIVE by 18 ft. with built in ing N. on N.W. 5 St. condominium apartment screened porch, car- ural Gas Heat, Lennox FAMBLY? shelves and cabinets. (Aurela St.) Phone 391- 11th floor Boca Inlet port - utility room. Cor- central Air. 24x20 Lanai Beautiful private lake HOMES for SALE! 4057. Apartments. Developed ner lot 100 ft. by 120 entrance. 15x20 Screen- Here's a 4 bedroom, 2 in your own back yard, by Arvida Corporation. ft. Convenient to shop- ed Porch. Large Living bath, in Boca Square an excellent mortgage Immediate or Future Occupancy ~" FROM ping, beach and elemen- Room and Family room. which has everything for of $18,800 at 7%. May 13x26 Garage and Util- "THE YEUOW Panoramic view of tary school. Call own- the active family. Eat-in be assumed. MLS BR 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS ocean, intracoastal wa- er 395-1407 after 6 or ity room. MLS BR-2026. kitchen, pass-through 1996W. See Ed Ronan... Air-Conditioned, large screened area, carpeting DOOR" terway and city which Sat, and Sun. bar to keystone patio, 740 N.W. 6th Ave. DESIRABLE cannot be interrupted. family room, carpeting, 9O'xl25' lot, sodded, sprinkler t<%£ FLEXIBILITY and well, double garage v JO LOT 3-21/2 large Fla room. REALTOR drapes, many extras. Boca Square. A Hop, Price of $54,500 in- Family room may be 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca BR 2029. Call for de- Realtor Frigidaire appliances. *#Vjf Skip and Jump to Addi- cludes rich carpeting, used as study or 4th 395-8155 tails. TOM RAINES . . 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. drapes, grass wall-pa- ATTENTION"!" Associate. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS son Mizner School. bedroom. Dining room. Boca Raton Air-Conditioned large sceened porch, carpeting Priced below present per and a covered park- Single garage, double IBM PERSONNEL WEIR REALTORS 391-0083 anytime market for quick sale ing space. Ample guest We now have the Best Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed Hwy 9O'x125' lot sodded, sprinkler and well, double drive. Cable heat, Cen- Homesites in the area Boca Baton Ph: 395-4Q0Q oven range, Frigidaire $4,000. MLS BV-436. parking. Spacious tral air. Fenced yard. "OPEN" grounds. Truly luxury at the Best Prices. DEERFIELD BEACH dishwasher and refrigerator. PLASTRIDGE INC. Aluminum awnings. All ONLY 1 YEAR OLD NEW HOME • jfl 000 REALTOR living. 2M S. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton drapes. Near schools. WATERFRONT /Qi East Allantc Ave., Delray BY APPOINTMENT We can still build a new Immaculate 2 bedroom Boca 395-1433. Delray 278-2811 Private sale $29,300. home for less than a 2 bath hom'e, central REALTORS $2500 CASH ONLY Existing mortgage $15,- Just off Intracoastal. "1151 S.W. 17th St. ARVIDA REALTY comparable used one air/heat, awnings and Good corner residen- 000 at 53/4% ($108). panells, sprinkler, sew- Prestige Boca Raton *1171 S.W. 17th St. tial lot priced for quick SALES, EMC. Owner will take 2nd. neighborhood. Sparkling SOUTH OF CAMINO Realtors We can still deliver in ers, lush carpeting and GARDENS AND sale. Near Mitchell 1177 S.W. 4 St. Boca less than 120 days. draperies. Only $27,900 new with all the latest BOCA SQUARE. School, FAU, IBM: 120 701 South Ocean Blvd. 395-2025. features. 3 bedrms 3 Boca Raton 395-5330 MLS ft. wide. Nice MLS BV Step and visit our furn- • RALPH baths, dream kitchen, MODELS OPEN 35 C Aplsr Motels, Hotels-Sale etc. top quality thruout. 4141 DEERFJELD ished model at 901 S.W* 8 A.M. to 5 PM. daily APARTMENTS Screened Lanai with Telephone 391-3819 We need listings - Con- COVE SECTION 4th St. and ask aUat pool. $59,900. BR 1937 our special building JncKSon Eve. 395-0159 REALTOR dominiums & Co-ops. WP. Open 10 AM to 5 140 N. Federal Hwy.. Boca Call us for appraisal - program for 1MB Per- REALTY, INC. • PM, 531 Silver Lane, ._ 395-8155 East of Federal Hwy, 4 sonnel. 100 South Federal Highway MASON REALTY Motherwell Realty, Deerfield Beach, Fla. Golden Harbour. Mac- 'ATTRACTIVE JEtesid- Realtor - 395-4044. bedroom 3 bath pool DeMARCO & SONSTNC 3W-3132 Laren & Anderson, BUILDER ential Lots, Some wa- home. Large corner lot, Phone 399-4300 Realtors, 395-1333. :erfront, available in 5 UNITS Near Beach, beautifully landscaped. 901 S.W. 4th St. amino Gardens, From $59,000 Reithmayr Owner returning north. Boca Raton i$75QO. Contact Paul Apts. 1912 N.E. 3 St. MLS BR 1963P BREEZY MODERN GOLDEN HARBOUR Malone, 395-7020. Or Deerfield Bch 399-4560 SLONE REALTY Gets Results P.O. Box 520 Boca Ra- 35 0 Business Property-Sale INTRACOASTAL Realtor HOME AN ALL WATERFRONT COMMUNITY ton. Principals only TOOMEY REALTY' 912 N. Dixie Hwy. See Your Realtor *-. no builders. Sweeping view, yet de- IN BEAUTIFUL BOCA RATON Spectacular investment Boca Raton signed for maximum DELIGHTFUL YOU CAN'T TOP THB opportunities. Call 395- 399^-1223 privacy. Air cond., WATERFRONT HOME BUY 1B8L SPACE GALORE large 2 bedrm., 2 bath, BOCA ISLANDS ONLY 10 LOTS LEFT WILL BUILD TO sum LAKE FLORESTA This air conditioned 3 k _ 2900 Sq. Ft. of it under den, dining area, living East of Federal Highway with direct access *Underground utility Service PARK Roof. See this new 4 room with fireplace, bedrooms,. 2 baths, 1034 N. W. 6 Drive LAST OF THE home with patio and pool to the intracoastal *Seawalls MOHICANS bedroom 2 bath water- Fla. Room with wall *Approximately 1 mile to Boca Inlet *Wo need for expensive pilings North facing and 89 feet Approximately 4 acres front model home today. Bar-B-Q. Double car- is located on a water- wide, below market at Automatic range and front lot with direct ac- *City Sewers zoned Ml and M2 at N.W port plus special guest cess to the Intracoastal While at the model inquire about our $6,500.00. 28th St. and N.W. 2nd oven, dishwasher, gar- parking and separate Visit our model tin Golden Harbour • HOMES IN. bage disposal withloads Waterway and the ocean. LAKE ROGERS Ave. 29% down - 5 yr. entrance. Seawall, Boat MLS BR-2024WP. 501 N.E. 14th St. & N.E. 5th Ave. terms. BV 347. of pantry space in kit- dock. $59,000. In Del- ESTATE SECTION chen. Central air and 395-4711 BEL MARRA ray, near Boca Line. 399-6711 PROPERTIE Realtor heat, family room and 4 MOFFETT REALTY I INC. 2800 N. Fed. Hwy, large bedrooms. House A&P CONSTRUCTION CO. 42 S.E. Second street Boca Raton open at 901 N.W. 6th 1625 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton Boynton Beach, Fla. ' 1 22 S. FederaFederall Phone 395-1515 391-0083 anytime Ave. in Boca Raton. 1 391-0784—395-4254 2783254 732-8467 REALTORS [ Boca"Raton, Fla. 12 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, July 29, 1969 SULTAN & SONS 45th

ter, Irene Stahl, and S-C. Curtis IH brother, Forster I. Mitchell. Memorial services Services and burial will be held Thursday were i n Havana, 111. for Samuel Cox Curtis III, Boca Raton. Mr. Curtis died July R.Bratberg ANNIVERSARY 19th in Mount Carmel In 45 years Sultan & Sons has become the oldest and largest drapery manufacturer in the south. When Hospital, Dublin, Ire- Ralph Bratberg, 69, land. Internment was in 451 N.E. 34th St., died you deal with Sultan & Sons there are no middle men or outsiders. All work is done here in our large, the north. Wednesday in his home He was a life member Mr. Bratberg came to modern plant by expert craftsmen. Nothing is jobbed out . . .nothing is left to chance. You deal direct of both Fort Lauderdale Boca Raton a year ago with Sultan & Sons and are assured of the finest quality custom work in the business. and North Broward Soc- from Thornwood, N.Y. ities of the Symphony, whee he had been head charter life member of gardener for the New Florida Atlantic Music York School for the Guild, and a member of Deaf. He was a member the board of Cloister of Advent Lutheran Beach Towers where he Church. resided. CUSTOM-MADE Survivors include his He was treasurer and wife, Kaia, Boca Raton, director of Irish Im- daughter, Mrs. Anita ports Galore Limited, Kohn, Miami; two sons, and a member of LaCo- Ralph Jr., South Salem, quille Club of Palm N.Y., Raymond, Thorn- Beach and Boca Raton berg, N.Y., and seven Hotel and Club. With Ms grandchildren. DRAPERIES wife, he was co-found er of the Society of Ireland Services and burial in Florida. will be in Pleasantville, N.Y. with Kraeer Fun- Survivors include his eral Home in charge of wife, Patxica Cobb local arrangements. Curtis, The service will be conducted by Rev. An additional 6,240 98 Stephen Staudemeyer, at public - school class- rooms are needed to 4 in the Cenacle Retreat House, Lantana. house the 316,990 In lieu of flowers, American pupils re- PER YD. contributions may be ported on curtailed ses- made to a memorial es- sions last fall by 29 $ tablished by the Society states. Values to 3.98 of Ireland in Florida for the Irish Georgian Society in Ireland. Classified Ad Service Phone 395-8300 LABOR FREE Mrs. Rea

Mrs. Pamela F.Rea 83, Pompano Beach, sister of Mrs. Violet Jones, Boca Raton, died Saturday. Mrs. Rea came to Florida 15 years ago from Chicago, 111. Besides her sister, she is survived by her brothers, Harry J. Stone, Carlsbad, Calif., and Harold L. Stone, South Haven Mich. (7S HOME or APARTMENT or call for Services will be held at 11 a.m. today in Kraeer Funeral Home FREE ESTIMATE - NO OBLIGATION ••:•:•: by Rev. Lloyd Johnson, .v, St. Gregory's Episcopal Church. Burial will be in, Boca Raton Cemetery.

Mrs. Lord

Word has been re- CUSTOM-MADE CUSTOM-MADE CUSTOM-MADE CUSTOM-TAILORED ceived here of the death of Mrs. Elsie M. Lord, REUPHOLSTERY CLEAR PLASTIC WINDOW SHADES SLIPCOVERS 73, 870 S.W. Palm Ave. in Rochester, Minn. Mrs. Lord came to Custom Reclining SLIPCOVERS Boca Raton in 1952 Chairs as a winter resident Devoted exclusively Let our experts make from Benton Harbor, to your Comfort your upholstery pieces Mich. She was a mem- look like new:' Your fur- ber of St. Gregory's Episcopal Church and FLETCHER. INC. niture completely stripped and re-pad- Boca Raton Branch, 5501 N. Fed. Hwy, American Association Boca Raton, Fla. ded. Large array of fab- of University Women. rics to choose from.. Survivors include her k Phone 395-2133 husband, Austin R.; sis-

Expertly cut and pin-fitted in your home, by our own master craftwmen, then skill- ' 249 fully tailored in our workshop. DO Guaranteed professional work- 36"x48" manship offers you close fitting with purchase 00 Chair from slipcovers of the finest clear of 4 or more m OiF plastic to enable., you to protect Chair from your furniture and still enjoy its 19 beauty. Clear plastic slipcovers Sale shade is straight hem with ring will more than double the life of pull. Scalloped bottom with fringe your furniture and allow you to at slightly higher' sale prices. From 10% 00 enjoy them without a worry of dirt, 36"x48" installed. White only in 00 Sofa from stain or wear. Prices are compar- this sale shade. Sofa from to 70% Off able to fabric slipcovers. 39 STANDARD SIZES - LABOR ONLY Other sizes at comparable savings. STANDARD SIZES - LABOR ONLY

DAYTIME DRESSES- ASK ABOUT OUR OUR WORKSHOP is the LARGEST and MOST MODERN in the SOUTH. We utilize the most AFTER FIVE CONVENIENT sophisticated equipment in the business which assures you of quality work. But we also do REVOLVING CHARGE PLAN hand work where the job demands the personal skills of human hands. We invite you to visit SHIFTS - SUITS us and see for yourself. LONGERIE - PURSES OaCC JIA *JO Come *Jo Tfouz Ttme... STORE-WIDE SALE SULTAJV& SOWS the oldest and largest in the South - Since1924 Royal Palm Plaza, Boca Raton, Fla Telephone 391-1450 In Pompano Beach In Fort lauderdale fn Fort Lauderdale Lucille Fulgham Myrna Fulgham 1198 N. Federal 3560 W. Broward 108 S. Andrews 941-5804 587-1750 523-9627