1984 Aug.Pdf
~l I 1 4't . j: ~ ~ : Rhode Island History c - :*-'(AI .if) Pubhshed by The Rhode bland Hrstcncsl Volume 43, Number 3 August 1984 SoclelY, 110 Benevolent Sueet, Providence, Rhode bland, 0 1906, and printed by a ,;ranl Irom the Slate of Rhode 1~land and Prov idence PlantarlOns. Contents I lmeph Garrahy, Go~rnor . Suyn L. Farmer. Seueury of Su.te Jeffry Watson's Diary, 1]40 - I 784: lssued QlUnerly at Provjdence, Rhode Island , February, May. AUKUM . and Family, Com m unity, Religion and November Second da~~ ~ull:e p.lIldar Politics in Colonial Rhode Island 79 Providence, Rhode bland EDWARD M , COO K, J R, Sen . Roben I McKenn• . pre"denl Alden M AnderloOn. I'lce prendem .\"1> Edwin G FI!>Chcr, vIce preuaem Park Palmer. seer..t<lr y M Rachel Cunha, OUl.tUnI .euelory Stephen C. Wllham~ , treo sutet Alben Carlotll. Q.HI\t,JnI treasurer f(LLOW~ Of THE ~U(;ll TV Carl Bndenbaugh Sydney V. lames Amolnelte F Dowmn,; Richard K Showman I'UBIK"'TlUS~ C O M M I TT H Dr . Seeber! I, Goldnw~ky. chonman Gordon Allen Henry L. P Bc<:kwuh . lr Dr , Prancrs H, Chatce Robert Allen Green!' Pamela A Kennedy Leonard I Levin Alan Srrnpson wrn. Mc KenZie wood ward >TA n Glenn warren Lafanravre, ..dl!ot Maureen Taylor, pic/we ednur Len nard I Levin. copy I'JWl1 lean LeGWin, designer Glenn 0 , !lonon. ednonoi a.~'I~tun' The Rhode Island HIMurlCal Socrctv assumes no re1>f"-IOMblhIY f(>l the UpmlOn1> 01 comnbutorv. C 19 11 4 by The Rh,>de bland Hrstoncal S<:lClety Il.HO['J( ISLANll H IHUIIY Ils<N OOH "4t'1 191 l)UTCll ti 1 • J(' ,! , ,, , .? .
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