ps4 can't play downloaded games offline Best Multiplayer PS4 Games – The Kings of Competitive Play. Best multiplayer PS4 games – Playing together has shifted and changed much over the years in video games. So much so that now there’s a wide range of ways to experience competitive play. [ADDED RAINBOW SIX: SIEGE 04/07/18] Still, there are those that are truly good enough to cause arguments, adulation, and anger in high doses. So we’ve begun to list the best multiplayer PS4 games out there. We’ll add more examples as we go, and no, there is no order to when we put games on the list. What we will do is start with a strong example from… Best Multiplayer PS4 Games – . Sports games get routinely criticised, often by those not entirely enamored by the genre (or non-gaming fitness enthusiasts), for being effectively pointless. After all, why don’t you go outside and play real football? What’s stopping you from organizing your own Tour De France? So, it’s great when a games developer decides to make up its own sport that would certainly be horribly convoluted and deadly to attempt in real life, thus excusing you from that condescending line of questioning. Well, you could only hope so. ’s Rocket League is that sort of sports game and it kind of makes you wish it was a real sport too because quite frankly, it’s stupendous. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games: Rocket League is absolutely one of the biggest and most widely embraced online multiplayer games available. To think it started life as a PlayStation Plus freebie! Rocket League not only embraces the wonder of local multiplayer, it also keeps touch with modern gaming by feeding the need to show off your skills to complete strangers. A feat made all the more impressive by how deceptively complex it can be to learn. Seeing the variety of playstyles that have evolved over the past few years is remarkable, range from hard-hitting ground game to dizzying aerial ballet it’s clear Rocket League is a deeper experience than you might have expected. Now, I’m off to try driving a VW Golf into Wembley Stadium, see if I can pull off a backflip goal from the halfway line. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games – GTA Online. Have you played GTA Online? There’s a good chance you have as it continues to make Rockstar enough money to buy a neighboring planet. Not to mention GTA V regularly sits in the sales top 10 nearly five years on. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games: GTA Online is proof if there ever was that a resoundingly robust suite of online multiplayer functionality can give a game legs for *years*. And why not? After all, GTA Online has a huge amount of variety to it. GTA Online can be a racer on land, sea, and air. It can be a social space to chat with friends. It can be a multiplayer shooter, and still, it has a sandbox that allows for so much more. With years of free new modes and an actual mode creator, GTA Online’s ongoing success is simply down to offering more in one game than most. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games – . The hottest multiplayer flavor of 2018 is Battle Royale, and Fortnite Battle Royale is atop that ever-growing heap. It has reached phenomenon stage, and while that confuses those who don’t understand it, there’s plenty who have since indulged themselves in its peerless calibre. In base form, Fortnite Battle Royale drops up to 100 players onto an island with nothing more than a mining tool, and they must seek out weapons and eliminate each other until one remains, all the while a deadly is closing in, forcing all surviving players into smaller and smaller spaces. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games: Much like Rocket League before it, the mega-success of Fortnite Battle Royale was never preordained. The beauty is the random emergent nature of the way it all plays out. No two games are quite alike. You can survive just as long by being sneaky and passive as you can by shooting up everybody in sight. Throw in the crafting that adds a tactical defense not found in its rivals, and the fact that it costs exactly zero dollars, and it’s no wonder Fortnite Battle Royale is doing so well. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games -Titanfall 2. Titanfall 2 is a fantastic shooter. it features a bright, inventive single-player campaign that deserves more eyes on it. Yet the multiplayer should not go unnoticed either. The multiplayer, fortunately, is also quite splendid. There’s a high of accessibility to welcome players of different skill levels and provide fast, fluid mobility in the game’s parkour. Usually, matches are 5v5 or 6v6 with certain modes complemented by AI-controlled grunts and mechs to make games appear far busier (and provide some easy points for less skilled players). Oh, and you get to pilot Titans at points during a match; a hulking mech beast with enough firepower to win a shootout against Revolver Ocelot and Mo Salah. The maps, of course, make great use of the verticality and agility that Pilots need to thrive. Yet it’s balanced nicely with enough wide open areas for Titan battles to work effectively. It’s a testament to the design of each map that they can be played just as well with Pilots or Titans. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games – Gang Beasts. It’s fair to say that Gang Beasts doesn’t do much by the book. Indeed, local multiplayer games are almost by design, supposed to be simplistic and obvious affairs that can be picked up by players and engaged without the need to learn complex game elements or mechanics. Gang Beasts is having none of that. Instead, it offers up a physics-based multiplayer brawler that boasts deceptive ingenuity and hearty, belly laughs in equal measure. Gang Beasts thrives as a multiplayer hoot because of how creative it allows its cast of wobblesome fighters to be. The driving force behind the innovation in Gang Beasts battles is the physics system. It allows these gelatinous creatures to grapple onto anything and everything. As such, attempting to eliminate other beasts is never straightforward. In fact, it often ends up in rib-breaking bouts of hilarity. Mirth aplenty is often the result as your intended victim hangs on to some ledge, platform or even your own limbs, as you struggle to heft them over the edge for a quick elimination. Gang Beasts may have all the poise and grace of a bar dust-up on a Friday night, but it remains hugely entertaining when played with friends all the same. Best PS4 Multiplayer PS4 Games: Overwatch. Who’d have known Blizzard, the creators of Diablo and Warcraft, could have had such a massive impact on first-person shooters? Overwatch is another smash hit from Blizzard, taking the hero aspect of the popular MOBA genre and applying it to a team-based shooter worked absolute wonders. There’s a class type for all play styles in Overwatch. A focus on teamwork and maximizing individual abilities is the order of the day here (well, at least when people play nice) and while there have been pretenders to the throne, the king still maintains its seat thanks to constant updates and a remarkable level of backstory for its colorful cast of characters. Overwatch has truly become a phenomenon. Offering an interesting alternative to the regular online shooters. Best Multiplayer PS4 Games: Rainbow Six: Siege. Ubisoft got off to a rocky start with Rainbow Six: Siege. Yet an impressive amount of post-game tweaking and content saw the 2015 tactical shooter become an juggernaut. Rainbow Six: Siege is the thinking person’s shooter. You can’t go in all guns blazing here as you either infiltrate as the S.W.A.T. style team or defend as the terrorists. You have to plan and strategize in order to conquer the opposition, and that requires communication and teamwork on a whole different level. If you fancy something a bit more cerebral in your shootybangs, Rainbow Six: Siege is a decent bet. If you enjoyed this feature on the best multiplayer PS4 games, why not check out some of our other ‘best of’ features, such as the best FPS games, best PS4 exclusives, best PS4 indie games, best PS4 fighting games and best PS4 PSVR games that money can buy. PSLS Help Desk – How to Play Digital PS4 Games Offline. There are so many pluses when it comes to buying a game digitally over retail. You don’t have to swap out discs (lazy FTW!), you can play them at midnight without attending a midnight launch, and they don’t take up any shelf space. They take up plenty of hard drive space, but that’s easily remedied with a nice 2TB solid state drive (SSD). But occasionally, those digital games you purchased can’t be played without an internet connection, which hardly makes sense. If they’re not online-only games, and you paid your hard-earned money for them, then why can’t you play them offline? It’s actually a common occurrence, and the good news that there’s a super easy fix for it. If you come across this problem, the first thing you need to check is if your particular PlayStation 4 system is set as your Primary System. Only your Primary System can play digital games offline, because it’s this system that caches the licenses of your games. As such, anyone can play any of the Primary System’s games offline. To play your digital games on another system, you have to be online so Sony can verify the licenses. Here’s how to check and see if your PS4 is set as your Primary System: Log into the PSN from your PS4 Settings -> PSN -> Activate as Your Primary PS4 Select [Activate] Simple enough, right? But what if you already have your PS4 selected as the Primary System but you still can’t play your games offline? There are two things you can do to give your system a kick into remembering that it’s your Primary System, and it needs to play what you rightfully purchased. First, try the tried and true method of logging out of the PSN, restarting your PS4, and then logging back in again. If that still doesn’t work, manually restore your licenses. Here’s how you can do that if needed: Log into the PSN from your PS4 Settings -> [PlayStation Network/Account Management] -> [Restore Licenses] For 99.9% of all cases, following these steps will get your PS4 to play digital games offline. If you’re one of the unlucky 0.01%, you may have to resort to making that fun phone call to PlayStation Support. PSLS Help Desk – How to Play Digital PS4 Games Offline. There are so many pluses when it comes to buying a game digitally over retail. You don’t have to swap out discs (lazy FTW!), you can play them at midnight without attending a midnight launch, and they don’t take up any shelf space. They take up plenty of hard drive space, but that’s easily remedied with a nice 2TB solid state drive (SSD). But occasionally, those digital games you purchased can’t be played without an internet connection, which hardly makes sense. If they’re not online-only games, and you paid your hard-earned money for them, then why can’t you play them offline? It’s actually a common occurrence, and the good news that there’s a super easy fix for it. If you come across this problem, the first thing you need to check is if your particular PlayStation 4 system is set as your Primary System. Only your Primary System can play digital games offline, because it’s this system that caches the licenses of your games. As such, anyone can play any of the Primary System’s games offline. To play your digital games on another system, you have to be online so Sony can verify the licenses. Here’s how to check and see if your PS4 is set as your Primary System: Log into the PSN from your PS4 Settings -> PSN -> Activate as Your Primary PS4 Select [Activate] Simple enough, right? But what if you already have your PS4 selected as the Primary System but you still can’t play your games offline? There are two things you can do to give your system a kick into remembering that it’s your Primary System, and it needs to play what you rightfully purchased. First, try the tried and true method of logging out of the PSN, restarting your PS4, and then logging back in again. If that still doesn’t work, manually restore your licenses. Here’s how you can do that if needed: Log into the PSN from your PS4 Settings -> [PlayStation Network/Account Management] -> [Restore Licenses] For 99.9% of all cases, following these steps will get your PS4 to play digital games offline. If you’re one of the unlucky 0.01%, you may have to resort to making that fun phone call to PlayStation Support. PS4 Games Playable Offline. SCE World Wide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida continues to answer gamers' lingering PS4 questions, shooting down the rumors that the console might require an always-on Internet connection. Both the PlayStation 4 and next Xbox have been rumored to require always-on Internet connections in order to play games, but Yoshida stated that's not the case for Sony's upcoming system, despite its focus on social interaction. Speaking with , Yoshida confirmed that the PlayStation 4 is usable offline. "Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that." Earlier today Sony offered vague reassurances that the PS4 won't block used games, shooting down another unpopular rumor which should make gamers happy. Can't play games offline. I've tried restoring licenses right before going offline. It used to work a few years ago; whenever I took my PS4 places that I had no internet, I'd restore licenses right before I left the house and it would work fine. Now whenever I do that, after I turn it off and turn it back on, all of my digital games are locked because the console needs to "connect to the internet to verify licenses". I'm also game sharing with my buddy so I can't activate my PS4 as primary otherwise we'd lose our shared library. Is there any way I can keep our game sharing activate, and also play my own games offline? These days work requires me to be in locations where internet isn't greatly available, so I'd at least like to pass the time some other way. I've looked up a bunch of different posts on this and none of them have given me a clear answer. So sorry if this is a repeat question, but if anyone can link me to a post that can help me out it'd be much appreciated. EDIT: Thanks for the replies. It looks like theres no way around game sharing and playing offline. So I'm going to have to activate my PS4 as primary. Luckily they added this feature where you can remotely deactivate your account from another PS4, so that will make things easier.