Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2014 No. 4 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ing a commemoration in recognition here to announce today that close to 9 called to order by the Speaker pro tem- not only of Lyndon Baines Johnson, million people have now been recipi- pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). the President who declared war on pov- ents and victors in getting health care; f erty, but also the many workers and 3 million young people have been able many Presidents since who, in many to stay on their parents’ insurance; and DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO aspects, helped to build on the Nation’s we have seen the slowest growth in TEMPORE safety net. health care in 50 years, safety net. As The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Today, however, we find ourselves in well, we have people who will no longer fore the House the following commu- a dilemma, not recognizing and accept- have lifetime caps or preexisting condi- nication from the Speaker: ing success where it is. Poverty has tions preventing them from getting in- fallen significantly over the last half surance or those who work as roofers WASHINGTON, DC, century. Since the mid-1960s the aver- January 8, 2014. or laborers who, because their work is I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. age incomes among the poorest fifth of difficult or dangerous, they cannot get DUNCAN, Jr. to act as Speaker pro tempore Americans have risen significantly. In- insurance—safety net, part of the over- on this day. fant mortality has dropped sharply, all picture of the war on poverty. JOHN A. BOEHNER, and severe child malnutrition has Now we find ourselves in the midst of Speaker of the House of Representatives. largely disappeared, but it still exists. a debate about a transitional outreach In parts of my 18th Congressional f to individuals who are chronically un- District in Texas, we have very high employed. Some would argue we should MORNING-HOUR DEBATE mortality rates. It means that our job not do it. We should not do it for indi- is not over. Nearly 50 million Ameri- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- viduals who have looked for work ac- cans, however, were poor in 2012, in- ant to the order of the House of Janu- tively when there are three individuals ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- cluding 13 million children; 60 million people lived below half of the poverty per job. Some would say we need an off- nize Members from lists submitted by set. I consider it an emergency. the majority and minority leaders for line; and large racial disparities in the African American community were But do you know, Mr. Speaker, I am morning-hour debate. concerned about the people in my dis- The Chair will alternate recognition clear and documented. African Ameri- cans have a lower college degree grad- trict and across America that are tired between the parties, with each party of partisan politics. So why not a com- limited to 1 hour and each Member uate level than White Americans. So the safety net has to be something promise? Why not a 3-month emer- other than the majority and minority for all of us. I borrowed this from my gency extension and then a delibera- leaders and the minority whip limited good friend from California, just to tion on the offset? Well, that probably to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- show you a line of Americans possibly will not be heard. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. looking for work. We cannot point out So what is the offset? Why are we not f and we cannot know at this point in the midst of a combined discussion about what would be the most effective THE WAR ON POVERTY which one of these are near the edge of poverty or living in poverty simply be- for all of the Members to be able to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cause they cannot find work. vote on? It is documented that the un- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from So it is important to note that there employed are in everyone’s district. Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. are elements that many discard: the There are 1.3 million that are chron- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, earned income tax credit; supplemental ically unemployed, who are on the there are so many acts of success of nutrition program; the huge job train- brink of poverty, who are not able to our government that many of us know ing and educational investment that secure a safety net . it is the greatest Nation in the world. President Johnson made on the war on Let me just make mention of the Through the years, we have had great poverty; Medicaid and Medicare, huge earned income tax credit that has been leaders who have recognized that gov- safety nets, not handouts but safety a vital lifeline for many around the Na- ernment can work on behalf of the nets. Maybe the word ‘‘welfare’’ should tion. Yet, that is looked upon as a po- American people. Today, we commemo- be changed to something of a transi- tential cut. It is too expensive. rate the 50th year of the war on pov- tional living fund, for that is what it is These are lifeline safety nets that erty. for people to be able to live. President Johnson started. Quite I thank my good friend, Congress- There has been much maligning of frankly, of all the wealthy nations, we woman BARBARA LEE, who will be hold- the Affordable Care Act. Well, I am have the lowest safety net and the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H23 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Jan 27, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JAN 2014\H08JA4.REC H08JA4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H24 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 8, 2014 highest poverty because we are not floor and it breaks, does that mean we farm bill conference committee. I willing to accept the fact that some- have to evacuate the House floor? Ac- want—and America needs—a strong, times an American needs help—even a cording to the EPA, at least we should comprehensive, and forward-thinking veteran, even a soldier. do that. bill. I represent farmers and farms, Today, I honor the 50th anniversary I give you more: ‘‘Open a window’’— conservationists, and agriculture re- of the war on poverty, Mr. Speaker, don’t have any in here—‘‘and leave the search institutions, and like every and I ask us not to give up the fight be- room for 15 minutes or more. Shut off other Member of Congress, I represent cause the American people are looking the central heating and air-condi- people who rely on the nutrition pro- to us to win the war. tioning system. Carefully scoop up grams in the farm bill to put food on f glass fragments and powder using stiff their tables. paper or cardboard and place them in a That has been my primary focus as a TURN OUT THE LIGHTS, THE conferee—to support and fight for the PARTY’S OVER glass jar with a metal lid.’’ Mr. Speak- er, I hope you have some of those old hungry in America. I believe the nutri- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The mason jars around here. tion title—where SNAP, formerly Chair recognizes the gentleman from There is more. The EPA says: ‘‘Use known as food stamps, is authorized— Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick is the most important part of the farm Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it is up any remaining small glass frag- bill. This program provides food to 47 a new year. As the clock struck mid- ments and powder. Wipe the area clean million food-insecure Americans—peo- night, Americans throughout the with a damp paper towel or disposable ple who don’t know where their next fruited plain celebrated the end of 2013 wet wipes and place them in the glass meal is coming from. Food insecurity, and the start of a new year. jar or plastic bag. Do not use a vacuum Mr. Speaker, is another way to say January 1—out with the old and in hunger. These people are hungry and or broom.’’ Next thing you know, we with the new—light bulb, so sayeth they get food because they are on are going to need a HAZMAT crew to Uncle Sam. That is right: ‘‘turn out the SNAP. lights, the party’s over’’ for the incan- come in to someone’s home if they ac- We have been told that the House descent light bulb. cidentally drop a light bulb. may vote on a farm bill conference re- I went to H-E-B last week in Texas There is a lot more: ‘‘These light port as early as next week. According and the shelves were bare. Only curly bulbs may cause interference to radios, to some reports, the bill would cut $8 fluorescent light bulbs to be found.
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