REVIEWS SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 17: 21-8, 2015 Oral manifestations of HIV disease: A review Daiva Aškinytė, Raimonda Matulionytė, Arūnas Rimkevičius


The HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to plague the world. Evaluation of oral health sta- tus is important at every stage in the management of HIV disease. Oral health services and professionals can contribute effectively to the control of HIV/AIDS through health education, patient care, infection control and surveillance. Dental professionals have an important task of determining accurate diagnosis of oral manifestations and choosing proper treatment for each case. This review provides information on HIV associated orofacial lesions, their clinical presentation and up to date treatment strategies.

Key words: oral lesions, HIV, AIDS, oral health care.


The HIV/AIDS pandemic has become a human lence of specifi c oral lesions like candidiasis, hairy and social disaster, particularly in resource limited and Kaposi‘s sarcoma has been proven settings. Oral health is an important component to be lower among patients on HAART (7,8,9,10) of the overall health status in HIV infection and other conditions such as oral (11,12) and essential component of quality of life (1,2). HIV- (11,13) have been found to related oral abnormalities occur in 30 to 80 percent be more prevalent in this population as part of im- of the affected patient population (3). Policies for mune reconstitution resulting from antiretroviral strengthening oral health promotion and the care of therapy initiation. HIV-infected patients have been issued by WHO (2). Oral health services and professionals can contrib- CLASSIFICATION ute effectively to the control of HIV/AIDS through health education, patient care, infection control and There are two main classifi cations of oral les- surveillance. sions associated with HIV (HIV-OL). The fi rst is Oral lesions are among the early signs of HIV based on the HIV-OLs etiology and according to it, infection and for individuals with unknown HIV they are classifi ed as bacterial, viral, or fungal infec- status may suggest possible HIV diagnosis. For tions or as neoplastic lesions or other conditions. In persons diagnosed with HIV who are not yeat on 1993 EC-Clearinghouse on Oral Problems Related therapy, the presence of certain oral manifestations to HIV Infection and WHO Collaborating Centre on may predict progression to AIDS (4). Furthermore, Oral Manifestations of the Immunodefi ciency Virus for patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy has reached a consensus on new classifi cation of the (HAART) the presence of certain oral manifestations oral manifestations of HIV infection. It classifi es may serve as surrogate markers for the effi cacy of HIV-OLs into three: lesions strongly associated with antiretroviral therapy (5,6). Even thought the preva- HIV infection, those less commonly associated with HIV infection and lesions seen in HIV infection (14). (Table1). The 1993 EC-Clearinghouse classifi cation 1Institute of Dentistry, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania 2Department of Infectious, chest diseases, dermatovenerology is still globally used despite controversy on the rel- and allergology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, evance of periodontal diseases today (15). HIV-OL Lithuania case defi nitions were updated in 2009 to facilitate the Daiva Aškinytė1 – MD accuracy of HIV-OL diagnoses by non-dental health- Raimonda Matulionytė2 – MD, PhD Arūnas Rimkevičius1 – MD care workers in large-scale epidemiologic studies and clinical trials (16). Address correspondence to Daiva Aškinytė, Slucko 1-60, Vilnius, 09311, Lithuania. Besides diagnosing, it is essential to choose E-mail address: [email protected] proper treatment for each case. This review provides

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2015, Vol. 17, No. 1 21 D. Aškinytė et al. REVIEWS

Fig. 1. Erythematous candidiasis in 40 year old male with Fig. 2. Pseudomembranous candidiasis in 41 year old male AIDS, CD4 count 74 with AIDS, CD4 count 74 information on HIV associated orofacial lesions, didiasis (Fig. 1) presents as a red, fl at, atrophic lesion their clinical presentaion and treatment strategies on the dorsal surface of the tongue or on the hard or (Table 2). soft . The condition tends to be symptomatic, with patients complaining of oral burning, most fre- quently while eating salty or spicy foods or drinking acidic beverages (2). Erythematous candidiasis form Oral cadidiasis (OC) remains the most com- is more prevalent among HIV patiens than in general mon HIV-OL (5,7,12). Being strongly associated population (18). with a low CD4 count, OC occurred in as many Pseudomembranous candidiasis (Fig. 2) presents as 90% of patients before introduction of HAART as painless creamy white plaque-like lesions on the (17). The prevalence of OC among patients who tongue, , buccal mucosa, or oropharynx and is receive antiretroviral treatment is 50% lower com- frequently asymptomatic (18). pared to the prevalence Table 1. Classifi cation of orofacial lesions associated with HIV/AIDS in adults before HAART era (10). However OC remains Lesions strongly associated with HIV infection common in HIV-infected • Candidiasis • NonHodgkin’s lymphoma patients without access – Erythematous • to HAART or those for – Pseudomembranous – – Necrotizing (ulcerative) whom antiviral therapy • Kaposi’s sarcoma – Necrotizing (ulcerative) periodontitis is started late (17). Lesions less commonly associated with HIV infection Candida albicans is • Bacterial infections • Viral infections the most prominent path- – Mycobacterium avium intracellulare – virus ogen (17). Other Can- – Mycobacterium tuberculosis – Human papillomavirus ( like dida species (particularly • Melanotic hyperpigmentation lesions) • Necrotizing (ulcerative) – Condyloma acuminatum C. krusei, C. glabrata, • Salivary gland disease – Focal epithelial hyperplasia C. dublinensis ) are also – Dry mouth due to decreased salivary – Verruca vulgaris associated with oral can- fl ow rate – Varicella zoster virus • Unilateral or bilateral swelling of the – Herpes zoster didiasis in HIV patients. majorsalivary glands – Varicella Emergence of non-al- • Thrombocytopenic purpura bicans Candida species • Ulceration NOS (not otherwise specifi ed) might result in reduced Lesions seen in HIV infection azole susceptibility in the • Bacterial infections • Fungal infection other than candidiasis oral cavity (17). – Actinomyces Israel – Cryptococcus neoformans – Escherichia coli – Geotrichum candidum OC presents com- – Klebsiella pneumoniae – Histoplasma capsulatum monly in three forms: • Catscratch disease – Mucoraceae (mucormycosis/ erythematous candidi- • Drug reactions (ulcerative, erythema zygomycosis) multiforme,lichenoid, toxic epidermolysis) – Aspergillus fl avus asis, pseudomembranous • Epithelioid (bacillary) angiomatosis • Recurrent candidiasis, and angular • Neurologic disturbances • Viral infections (4). – Facial palsy – Cytomegalovirus Erythematous can- – Trigeminal neuralgia –

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Table 2. Treatment of HIV associated oral lesions

Systemic treatment Local treatment Oral Can- Preferred therapy: Fluconazole-refractory OC Preferred therapy: didiasis (OC) Fluconazole 100 mg PO Itraconazole oral solution ≥ Clotrimazole troches 10 mg PO 5 times daily, or (1,15,17,27, 31) QD for 7-14 days 200 mg PO QD, or Miconazole mucoadhesive buccal tablet 50 mg Alternative therapy: Posaconazole 400 mg BID, or QD for 5d. Itraconazole oral solution Voriconazole 200 mg BID Alternative therapy: 200 mg PO QD for 7-14 Nystatin suspension 4-6 ml QID or 1-2 fl avored days, or pastilles 4-5 times daily; Posaconazole oral solution Chlorhexidine 0.12% oral rinses 400 mg PO BID once, then 400 mg daily Oral Hairy Leu- There is a paucity of evidence on OHL treatment. Possible effi cacy of podophyllin resin 25% koplakia (OHL) Acyclovir or other systemic antiviral treatments such as application, or podophyllin resin 25% and acy- (15,27) valacyclovir, ganciclovir, foscarnet, famciclovir, and val- clovir 5% cream, or surgery and topical tretinoin ganciclovir. Lesions recur when treatment is discontinued. (retinoic acid, vitamin A) Non-Hodgkin’s Acyclovir inhibits viral DNA synthesis in lytic infection lymphoma (1,21) but not latent infection. Complex cytokine or cytotoxic therapies oncological treat- ment. Prognosis is poor, with mean survival time of less than 1 year, despite treatment with multidrug chemotherapy. Kaposi‘s sar- Mild-to-moderate KS: initiation or optimization of antiret- Intralesional vinblastine and sodium tetradecyl coma (KS) (1,27, roviral therapy (ART); sulfate 3%; 31) Advanced KS: chemotherapy + ART Radiation therapy (800–2,000 cGy), laser therapy Periodontal dis- If Candida is identifi ed, antifungal drugs (see oral candidi- Improved oral hygiene, eases Linear gin- asis) Chlorhexidine 0.12% oral rinses gival erythema Periodontal debridement (1,21,27) Necrotising Metronidazole (250 mg orally 4 times daily for 10 days), Chlorhexidine 0.12% oral rinses ulcerative disease or other systemic antibiotics, such as tetracycline, clinda- Periodontal debridement (1,2,27) mycin, amoxicillin, and amoxicillin-clavulanate potassium Adequate pain management Signifi cant bacte- Management is systemic in the hands of a specialist physi- rial infections cian. (TB) (21) Melanotic pig- Depigmentation might be treated with surgery, mentation (29) cryosurgery, electrosurgery, or different types of laser surgery Salivary gland Adequate ART, systemic corticosteroids Repeated aspiration, or disease (1) rarely a radical removal of large cysts; drinking more water, chewing sugar free gum Trombocytopae- Plasmapheresis, fresh plasma, corticosteroids (not recom- nic purpura (30) mended in very immunosuppressed patients) ART even with stable numbers of CD4 cells or viral load Recurrent Thalidomide (200 mg/d for 4-6 weeks) has strict require- Topical steroids in same doses and duration as aphthous-like ments for use, but is the most effective. those used for HIV-negative patients with recur- ulcerations (1,27) Systemic steroids in same doses and duration as those rent aphthous ulcerations used for HIV-negative patients with recurrent aphthous Chlorhexidine 0.12% oral rinses ulcerations (prednisone 1 mg/kg), or dapsone 50–100 mg daily for 4 weeks Herpes simplex Valacyclovir 1 g PO BID, or infection (31) Famciclovir 500 mg PO BID, or Acyclovir 400 mg PO TID for 5 to 10 days Herpes zoster Valacyclovir 1g PO BID, or (31) Famciclovir 500 mg PO BID, or Acyclovir 800 mg PO 5 times daily for 7-10 days Human papil- There is no consensus on optimal treatments of lomavirus oral warts. Treatment may involve surgery, laser (1,2,27,31) surgery, or cryotherapy with or without intraop- Oral warts erative irrigation with podophyllum resin Condyloma acuminatum

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Fig. 3. in 33 year old HIV-infected male, Fig. 4. Oral hairy leukoplakia in 62 year old male with CD4 count 480. AIDS, CD4 count 110

Angular cheilitis (Fig. 3) can occur with or especially palate and gingiva. Clinically colour of without erytematous or pseudomembranous can- lesions may vary from purple or red to brown, or didiasis. It presents as painful erythema, fi ssuring yellow – brown. Lesions of KS can grow to a very or erosion of the corners of the mouth covered with considerable size and in advanced AIDS are likely fi ne scale (19). to be multiple. Sometimes lesions may ulcerate. Lesions of greater size show greater risk of compli- ORAL HAIRY LEUKOPLAKIA cations such as haemorrhage, secondary infection, destruction of bone and periodontium and are a Oral hairy leucoplakia (OHL) is another reli- serious aesthetic and functional problem (19). able indicator of low CD4 count (5,7). It is a benign epithelial hyperplasia on the lateral borders of PERIODONTAL DISEASES the tongue, more prevalent in males (Fig. 4) (20). OHL is caused by latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Periodontal diseases are a group of diseases that reactivation (4). OHL appears as white, corrugated affect periodontal tissues. Periodontal disease associ- lesion on the lateral borders of the tongue, that can ated with HIV are classifi ed: linear gingival erythema not be wiped away (2,21). OHL might be unilateral or marginal gingivitis, necrotizing ulcerative disease, or bilateral. and necrotising stomatitis (4,6,21).


EBV drives a range of malignancies of the lym- LGE can be defi ned as a distinct fi ery red band phatic system, associated with B-cell non-Hodgkin’s along the margin of the gingiva, most frequently lymphomas (NHL) (21). Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas found in anterior teeth, accompanied in some cases by (NHL) are 60 times more common in HIV-infected bleeding and discomfort (Fig. 5) (19). The aetiology patients, compared to general population (23). of this oral disease seems to involve an invasion by Around 25% of all the extranodal NHLs are located Candida species of the gingival tissue (9). It mani- in oral cavity (23). Clinically oral NHL presents as fests in imunocompromised patients with CD4+ T growth and ulceration (19). It commonly affects gin- lymphocyte counts <200 cells/mm3 (4,9). gival, palatal, and alveolar mucosa and may mimic dental infections (4,21). NECROTISING ULCERATIVE DISEASE

KAPOSI‘S SARCOMA Necrotising ulcerative disease (NUD) is sub- clasifi ed as necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) Kaposis‘s sarcoma (KS) is the most frequent and necrotising ulcerative periodontitis (NUP) that HIV-associated oral malignancy (2). KS is caused appear to be different stages of the same disease. by human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8), also called Ka- NUG is characterized by rapid onset and acute pain- posi sarcoma-associated virus (1,4). HHV-8 infec- ful infl ammation of gingiva with rapid destruction of tion drives endothelial cells to a form of neoplastic soft tissues. NUP is escorted by bleeding, extremely hyperproliferation (21). sharp pain, ulcerated gingival papillae, rapid and Early KS lesions commonly present in mouth, extensive soft tissue necrosis and advanced loss of

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Fig. 5. Linear gingival erythema in 49 year old female with Fig. 6. Necrotising ulcerative disease in 17 year old im- AIDS, CD4 count 115. munocompetent female periodontal attachment, frequently leading to bone antiretrovirals, antifungals and Addison's disease exposure, and crater-shaped defects, sequestra- (24,25). tion of a signifi cant piece of alveolar bone (Fig. 6) (19,22). Sometimes necrotizing ulcerative disease SALIVARY GLAND DISEASE may progress to necrotizing stomatitis (9). NUD is ussualy followed by fever, malaise, halitosis and HIV infection is associated with salivary gland lympthadenopathia (19). disease (SGD) which clinically results in gland en- Similarly as in HIV negative patients, micro- largement and diminished fl ow of secretions (4,19). organisms, associated with necrotic ulcerative peri- The enlargement typically involves the tail of the odontal disease include Porphyromonas gingivalis, parotid gland or, less commonly, the submandibular Tannerella forsythia, Dialister pneumosintes, Ag- gland, and it may present uni- or bilaterally with peri- gregatibacter actinomicetemcomitans (4). ods of increased or decreased size (1). Patients suffer NUD is more common among immunocompro- from redused salivary fl ow and mouth dryness (Fig. mised patients, particularly if they have psychologi- 7). It is more frequent among men (4). Histologically, cal/motivational problems, poor nutrition, and use there may be lymphoepithelial infi ltration and benign tobacco or other drugs (21). Sometimes NUD might cyst formation (1). develop as a symptom of immune reconstitution disease after innitiation of HAART (9). TROMBOCYTOPAENIC PURPURA

BACTERIAL INFECTIONS HIV infection can cause a marked thrombocy- topaenia, particularly in the acute or initial phase. As imunosuppression of HIV infected patient This can present to dental clinicians as intramucosal progresesses, extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) haemorrhages (21). becomes more common and affects many internal body sights. Occasionally mycobacteria caused le- ORAL ULCERATION AND RECURRENT sions might occur in mouth. APHTHOUS STOMATITIS In a study in Kenia it was noticed, that there is a link between TB and oral candidiasis and they sug- Atypical ulceration, including recurrent aph- gest that especially in high-incidence communities, thous ulcer, is found in 3-13% HIV-infected patients TB diagnosis must be sought when a patient presents (25). According to size, number and duration of with oral candidiasis (21). ulcers recurrent aphthous stomatitis is classifi ed as minor, major and herpetiform. Unlike in immu- MELANOTIC PIGMENTATION nocompetent patients, they persist for more than 2 weeks and their presence is indicative of immuno- Melanotic pigmentation can be found in patients supression (4). with long HIV history. Some of the reasons that have been advanced to explain such intra-oral pigmentation HERPES SIMPLEX INFECTION include: increased release of α melanocyte-stimulat- ing hormone caused by deregulation of cytokines in Recurrent herpes simplex (usually HSV-1, HIV disease; use of melanocyte-stimulating drugs; occasionally HSV-2) oral infection is prevalent

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Fig. 7. Extensive caries lesions in HIV-infected 30 year old Fig. 8. Oral wart on palate in 51 year old HIV-infected male due to xerostomia and methamphetamine drug abuse, female, CD4 count 586 CD4 count 450 among HIV infected patients. It might manifest as types of HPV found in the mouth of patients with HIV or primary herpetic gingivostomatitis infection are 2, 6, 11, 13, 16, and 32 (1). (21). Oral manifestations, represented by diffuse An increase in oral warts was noticed among mucosal ulcerations, are usualy accompanied by patients on HAART (11). Development of warts fever, malaise, and cervical lymphadenopathy (1). may be related to immune reconstitution (2,4). Warts Recurrent intraoral HSV outbreaks start as a small are often extensive and progressive and recur after crop of vesicles that rupture to produce small, pain- removal. Thus they cause substantial discomfort and ful ulcerations that may coalesce. Lesions usually aesthetic problems (11). erupt on and keratinized tissues, including the hard palate and (2). Ulcers might persist for CONDYLOMA ACUMINATUM more than 1 month and their presence is indicative of immunosuppression (25). Persisting painful lesions Condyloma acuminatum is a contagious HPV- can result in reduced intake of food and weight loss, related lesion which usually appears in anogenital which worsen the morbid condition (26). area. It is associated with HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31 genotypes. Occationally condyloma acuminatum HERPES ZOSTER INFECTION might develop in orofacial area. Clinically eruptions are painless, caulifl ower shaped, pink (Fig. 9). As Contact with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) imunosuppresion progresesses, multiple lesions or may result in varicella (chicken pox) as a primary big conglomerats might develop (19). infection and herpes zoster () as a reac- It is important to recognise and diagnose oral tivated infection. Herpes zoster infection of the manifestations of HIV infection since these lesions oropharyrngeal regions results from reactivation might be the fi rst symptom of the disease as well as of latent VZV, harbored in the trigeminal nerve, might indicate progression of imunodefi ciency or ef- in response to immune deterioration (27). Multiple fectiveness of HAART. Adequate treatment of oral dermatomes might be involved or herpetic lesions lesions associated with HIV infection may consider- might get secondarily infected. The lesions are usu- ably increase our patient‘s quality of life. ally associated with severe postherpetic neuralgia (2). CONCLUSION

HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS Evaluation of oral health status is important at every stage in the management of HIV disease. There are over 100 types of human papillomavi- Oral candidiasis is the most common oral pathology rus (HPV) (19). In some patients with HIV infection, in HIV infected patients, followed by a large spec- HPV causes a focal epithelial and connective tissue trum of other oral manifestations. The necessity to hyperplasia, forming an oral wart. HPV infection identify HIV-related oral lesions behoves all health might also result in formation of condyloma ac- care professionals – primary health care workers, cuminatum (28). Oral warts have a papillomatous infectious diseases specialists, oral health and public appearance, either pedunculated or sessile, and are health professionals – to closely collaborate to pro- mainly located on the palate, buccal mucosa, and vide the best care, health promotion and prevention labial commissure (Fig. 8). The most common geno- possibilities for patients infected with HIV. A major

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challenge lies in the part of HIV- infected persons unaware of their HIV status. Oral health practition- ers must take their role in recognizing the potential signifi cance of the oral manifestation of HIV. In the future, the dental offi ce may become a site for rapid testing for HIV.


All pictures used in this article are from authors’ personal archive. Every patient has signed a written Fig. 9. Condyloma acuminatum in 35 immunocompetent consent form to use their pictures for research and female publishing.


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Received: 14 09 2014 Accepted for publishing: 25 03 2015

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