-A lxuRutrucsEMt-FtNAL. SA1'L I{DA}-, I Ned Charvle and his men lsere slow to I settle down in the opening exchanges, and it I rvas only the sotnd goal-keeping of Jack I o'Brien that saved a number of dangerous I Treaty drives initiated b1' Dovle, rvho rvaq lilt*n* grest work for tfie eity- at midffold' ' WidJs followett at both ends before Ptddt' I Doyle and Pa Connolly pacerl the rvay for a determineil Treatr- drive, rrhich Nedtly Mc' Semi-Finatrs.Grath finishetl off $'ith a clever point-the opening score of the game. Replying rvith determination, Granagh took the lead rvith a JumonHunuxc AND goel, per John Fitzgernlcl. Alter Leahy acldeil n point lor the city meu. Granagh retalisted FoorsaI,r. rvith a similar score, per Mulla4e, and Ned Charvke followed. up rvith another point for the winners e fe\r miDutes later. Treoty Granagh counter'attscleil to secure a point, per tr'lana- and Sapfielas lYalsh' €&n, and before the intelval Packey lrom & touch'line shot, sent all the way to t5.,t.IL.Win. goal, W the Treaty net for & further GraDagh leaving the half.time score:- (Froon Oun Reporter), '0--3. Gnanagh,'Treaty 2-J; TreatYt Junior Hurlino: An early point from Bourke rras Granagh, 3-2; Treafy, 2-3. disallo*'ed owing to an in{ringement, but e J|*nior Football: subsequent sustaineil effort was rervartleil with S-arsfields,3-3; Ballyst een, 2-4. a goal, when Murphy inisheil off a clever and West shared the movement with a slbshing ball to the net' FAST honours & series ll when the semi-finals of the Co. The Treaty defence stood well up to L.imerick junior hurling and football of dangerous Granagh drives th&t {ollowecl' champioh6hipswere decidedat Then Treaty took up the running, and Hogan on Sunday. The fixtures drew a large gave tho city men a point leatl t'ith a graud and representativegathering to the 9oel. Granagh, norv ffghting Rgeinst tjflre' picturesquevillage, and the splendid retaliated with all th&t vas in them anil e.nclosure was in perfect order for Pockey \tolsh, frorn otre of his choice touclr' the occasion, The-stewardinq.-and how- Iine pucks, dropped the leather in the sqtrore. ever, left much to 'be desired. en- fn the hectic scramble that ensued, the Grsn- croachments on the playing-field agh fott'ards movetl iu in a,mass offensive tended to accentuate a edupte of un- and suceeded, by sheer strength, in forcing pleasant scenes that more or less the ball into the Treaty llet for the tleciding marred two otherwise excellent score of the game. games. ft.$jln,"*trii:ii4i,#,;tir*j Inileeil, were it not for the intervention of l#":f*n;,"".:,"*#: $'ell kro\yn Claels such as Rev. E. Punch, "b.;*;".!Hi;: C.C.,_Chaiman, County Board, Rev. Father :!irgj, ;, Jtlhane, C.C., Rev. Fr. Kelly, C.C., and 1!Ir. i;?1;'.i.&,,",.'foralasrr;a?:, pails'r,:* 3ill Sheehan, Rathleale, it is doubtful if the i??1. "ii natches $'oultl have been flnished at all. "J?'1;",ili,1sf,"fr Soth matches ffnished in r&ther 'actory & unsatis- manner. In the hurling game the city men evidently refused to accept a, ruling of the referee near i5;;ifr}::r'"+*#_*q5 uhe end, and a number of the Tre&ty players qilin" "f: were threatening to leave the feld rvhen the H*".l:sF full-time *T \i'histle \r'es blotvn. A gereral nrelee ftifri#' follorveil, during the course of which even the ?eferee (Jim Roche, of Croom) had to de. fencl himself. ft was some time before the pitch could be cleared for the football semi- final and. ilarkness had practically falleu l.hen tr#rH$it;i,t'ffq':{ir the game eniled, also in a state ol confu:ion, *r"" with players sDd spectators taking part in a $l;1igi_*kg,"+" .*,r":r general mix-up. I{owever, it must be readily conceiled th&t duling the ectu&l progress of play in both games, the players acquitteil them- selves most creditably. The matches were, in fact, excoptionelly well contestecl, anil in hoth cases the issue rvas very much in tloubt tn to iffi;;tfi.lii,t#*-xr* the last miuute. *il?",-[lao," fn the hurling test the lA/estern channpions i,f,ffFi,,?t,r?: rg.al* were deserving winners, elthough they did not mainf&in -lhc folm sho$'r!_in the later stages of the divisional conpetition. On more then one occasion, indeed, they rrere sorely l' pressed by the city repr€sentatives, v,ho dis. # i**, played admirable dash trnd determination and +fl$i+*,p,-+,+'' continued to ffght the issue right up to tle t'rg'" end. At half-time Ned Chatvke,s men \\,ere l,l$il"'!li'"""1'" l' leading by 2-3 to 0-B for Treaty. A few "li'# miuutes from the end Treaty took the lead. .lt'rn"tnft!#""Ji","%Ll??ii1 by a point, snil it $'as only a last minute ,tlay goal thet saveal the for the Westerners. Ned and. Stephen Chawke, Packey Walsh, Mick Mullane, John Fitzgerald, Barry and Hannan did great rvork for the rvinners. r,ho s,ere also well served by Jack O'Brien, in goal, Gra. ham, Considine (,:oal), Connelly, Dofle, FIana- gan and McGrath rvere outstanding for Treoty. Sarsfelds, lvho rvere much the younger team, fully tleservecl their football victory, al. though they were extremel)'luckl to escape a last minute ilefeat at the hantls of the more experiencetl enil sttonger Bslll,,steen combination. The city lads started in a can- ter, end at half.time were leadins g_2 to 2-2 loP Balll'steen. Although Salsfields lrad much the better of the play in the second moiety, the Western nen maile a trallent last minute efrort to pull the fat out of the ffre, anil their ffnal effort was.frustrated only by the referee's whistle. It rvas a hectic end- ing to one of the best football games seen il the West ef the eount]' for manv vears. iltilil,1ilt I ll l ,uNloR HUR!-INGAT Gra ADAREt&/${P naSh-Batt in garflf o-rf inat At the Adare Gaeli6'/i"olta" oh Sundav lasf, before a large fi#fl!;,ffi#T j attendance, Granagh defeated Hd Croom in the Losers' GrouP of , - the West Limerick Junior lIurl- l*i""iffi,?i*i""ilf,?ly ;l,m I *,il: ing Championship (writes our Adare correspondent). .'Tbe same was well contested ind Granagh had the better of *'i?**ffiT'l,r}i* tlit' opening and were leading bY two -goals ht ttru interval. On r'esumption, Croom Pl?Yqd better hurling but their half rfu*s this i#'l,l*{,'t+::",=,.'s forward line was weak and i cost them a few scores. T?re flnal scores were:- Gran- agh.3 goals 4 poir-rts; Croom, 2 goals 1 point. i\llr. Michael Burke (- Kiifinny) refereed. Best for Granagh were Sheahan, Chawke' a-nd l{annan. while McDonnell, Regan broth'ers, and l{ennedY played well for Croom. .ODROM"TOURNAMENT

,9f',1,1qsn-Baliingarrv ...... 4-I, rtueedy ,.. ... B-p, At-Dromcollogher Gaelic Grounds on Sunday last the season opened wlren .Granagh-Ba.llingarrv def-eated nrre.eoy tn the opening round of a Fassing local- nurllng tournament. In the of otd opening half the winners held. the i upp€r hand and led at the interval I e4 tn_e score, 4-1 to 1_1 for Kileedv. I ael d l.R.A, ]'he- losers played spirited hunlin-e I rn rhe second half and added Z I goals 1 point to rln Porntror.and t."".693,,;'tp".". _ a solitarv I an I

WIN FOR GRANAGH- BALLTNGARRY/?61 I At Dronrcollogher on Sundav the junio.r county championships. I{e lholders, Granagih - Ballingarrv, became a member of the Irish Vol- lscored a welj-deserved victory unteers at an eaily aBe and took lover Feenagh in the West Lime- an active p,art in the fig.ht for irick Hurling Championship. The freedom, and was always ready lvrinners, -who led 3 goals a-nd 2 and willing to serve the cause of lpoints to 1 goal and 2 po,;ntc for' in any capacity. I{is iFeenagh-Ililmeedv a-t the interval, house was the meeting place for llvere e.t ail times the superior side the local Volunteer company. I:tis I and ihorlqh Fcenagh bettled in remains were removed to St. l splrifcd fashion they rvcre ttnnbie Joseph's Church, Granagh, aad ito come on level term i. Finsl the internment took place in ihe lscc're: Gra"nagh-BalllnsnrryJ 6-5', Fecnaeh-Kiimecdy. 3-4. nearby cemetery of Shananoha, i The coffin, draped in the tri-col- our together with the colours of the Granagh hurling club, was borne by some of his former f.B.A. j comrades and by past and present I members of the local hurling club, j who wished in this mannei to be I associated even in a small way I with one who took an active -Ire-pari I in the games of the GaeI and I land's fight for freedom. Prayers lat the graveside were said by'the Very Rev. P. Lyons, P.P., Ballin- Ealryi Rev. J. Sheehy, C.C., dol and Rev. Dr. Sadlier, C.C.. Gran- agh.

I -q! 9l ?* I*:H"I,F Ner\.caFrir€ fvest on Sundal', Granagh de- lft"lt, feated Dromcollogher hy 2-8 tc cRANAGH cei 6/ut ncnn 0-{ in e lack lustre encounter, general Granagh are the title holclers At the recent annual have to im' G.A.A, but wili certainly rneeting of the Granagh prove sho$'ing if theY outgoinB chairms,n, on this Club, the ' retain the title. did not seeh re-elec- hoDe to Glanagh Willie Lee, Charvke ...... 3-10 very popular ofncial Scorers: Granagh-R. .Knocl

'Western finalists, Granagh, who defeated in the junior semi-final at on Sunday.

. Granagh= aomflete-Iy

0-1,L. Shrne0-1. final is the last report of the year, I Granagh 2-7, Klleedy O-7. Grenagh:J. Hogan,S. Mullane, would like to take this opportunity J. Lynch, M. Regan,J. Power,K. of wishing my many fienhs a very Clifford, M. Quaid,N. O'Connor, happy C6risimas: ihe team man- A WELL balancedside coupled with the immacu- M. Lee, J. Tierney,T. Costello,J. agers,players and officialsfor their late free taking of Tadgh Costelloe had Lynch. A. Doody. T. Enright, J. courtesyand help during the year; the West Noonan. the W(*t Board'officeri foriheir Minor title booked for Granagh long before the Kileedy: T. Murphy, J. Kelly, M. guidance and to the referees for final whistle at Knockader.,rvoh Sundav. Browne, J. Forde, G. Long, J. their co-ooeration. Cunningharn,B. Curtin, L. Shine, Althoulh it may ?ppear a little Kileedy,long in thewilderness at that little extra, wheneverneeded, P. Hennessy, D. Browne, G. invidious to single out any one minor level,tried vainlv to emulate while Liam Shine and Gerard Magner,K. Kelly,D. Callaghan,J. particular peson, neverthelessi their senior brothers.-and in the Magner continually re-intorduced O'Connor,Ml. Forde. would hke to extend my warmest final analysisit must be their the elementof hope for Kileedy. Referee: M. O'Sullivan (St. thanks to the chairmanof Bord na dependenceon two few for too The winners defence all worked Kieran's).-CONCLUSION nOg.Johnny Kennedy (St. Mary's) much that saw them take home their oassasewith Lvnch. Power and Jim Long (Feenagh- lired andaching limbs rather than a and Clifforii restedarid not found As this write uo on the minor Kilmeedv). Westtitle. wanting, while Hogan, in goals, just Grit and determination, they had savesthat couldlay claim to had aplenty, and should their for- brilliane. wards merit some criticism, it is Few will denyGranagh their just worth bearinqin mind that someof them had win asthev movedwith a fluencvto scirc€ly attained a look giving of adolescence. the title,- and while iop marks to the losen tenacity and It was a splendidgame and must grit, it is perhapsfair to suggestthat comparefavourably with anyofthe they lacked the coolness of the greatfinals of rhepast as Granagh winners as essentiallv all their srruckrop form aid hetdthe le;d efforts carried- a senie of desp- from start to frnish. eratlon. While Granash were the All in all, it wasa splendidminor superior side, thiy never quite final, never short of pulsatinl managedto shakeoff the Kileedy movementswith the emphasiscon. threatand particulalryin the early tredon closehard pulling and tighr stagesof the secondhalf, the win- marking in the traditional style. ners confidence w-as somewhat and perhapslt is fair to say,that the shaken. only loseri were those who didn't Nevertheless,this was a game see this outstandinggame. thatGranash never looked IikE los- ing, with MIke Quaid at centrefield Scorers: Gremgh: T. Costello and Tadch Costelloat centrefor- 0-7,T. Enrisht l-0, J. NoonanI -0. r ward, weie alwaysable to provide Kileedy:G.-Magner 0-5. K. Kellw-,II

west Minor Final:Granagh captain John Lynchis prese-ntedwith i'ff-C"p by West Brancl"iChaiiman,Mr. Ed.Corbett, at Knockaderry onsunday 7c iZ b West Board G.A.A.: Granaghcome infrom wilderness Granagh --...... 3-7 Adare - T. Dunne 1-1, M. Adare-...... 2-5 Alfred 0-1. J. Reidv 1-1. J. Hickev- 0-1. M. Bensbn0-1. TEAMS GRANAGH. the team - that public opinion con- Granagh D. O'Connor.B. ttno O'Connor, D. Hartigan, D. sidered as hoperstt Ahern, D. Hanley, T. Dono- confounded their critics by van, J. Power,T. Treacy,M. romping home with a com- Chawke,N. Lynch,J. Chawke, fortable margin in the R. Chawke, J. Noonan, J. rhe Gra na gh team wh ichrcAffi nsAda re,E.'.,f, senior hurlinq semi final at Chawke,W. Power. ii L:Uf,jli?,?r"$?il'. Dromcollogher on Sunday. Adare - P. Brennan, D. Marron,M. Butler,P. Hickey, A resoundingcheer of E. Fitzgerald,T. Normoyle, P. approval from the black and J. Kinnervane,G. Hickey, P. 'white bedecked supporters Hall, M. Alfred, S.Tierney, T. sreeted the final whistle as Dunne,D. Costelloe,J. Reidy, Iheir team, wil- B. Flynn. long in the - derness, were by sheer deter- Referee Noel O'Connor rnination. now. for the first (N.C. West). time, through to the West final. In the euphoria of the win-, ners dressing room club chairman, Jimmy Stapleton, laid the foundation oftheir win at the one hundred per cent Granagh doggeoly main- team effort, and pressed for a tained their will not to be prediction of the final with beaten, while Adare, with either Kileedy or Tour, he equal determination. tded to beamed confidence and prom- coax the game their way. but ised that Granagh would be a thev never succeededin find- force to reckon with in the ingihe right blend. I think that final. Adare failed to reproduce the It all beean so well for the form that beat Baliingarry and winners. w-ith two Doints to and perhaps their credit within sii minutes the reason isn't hard to find. and the 13th minute could Granagh's close marking perhaps be best described as a meant that the danser men nightmare period for Pat --had no :iotrri; whidh is an Brennan, when he conceded essential part of their game two goals in a three minute winning repertoire, and the spell, and with it Granagh moving of Tom Normoyle to established a lead, which they the inner line of defence cre- never lost for the remainder of ated problems in the vital half the same. back line. With Granagh's confidence All in all it was an eniovable getting an upward boost they game and if the hurling wis not pulled hard and fiercely, and always brilliant, still it can opened up cracks in the compare favourably with any defence to such an extent that of the exciting games of the key man Tom Normoyle was past. Full credit must go to moved from centre to full back both sides for the sports- to stem the ever increasing tide manship displayed. Despite of the winners attack, but the close and hard tackling. nevertheless, going into the never on anv occasion. did I break at 3-2 to 2-2, Adare see a hand raised in anser or remained very much in the the slightest suggestion o:f any- hunt. thing unpleasant. Continuing their fire and While Granaeh's win was an togetherness on the resump- undoubted teair effort, with tion, Granagh never looked all the players equally working like losing this game and their their passage, nevertheless, close marking ensured that the towering head and shoulders Adare key men had little room at full back.was Dave Har- to manoeuvre. tigan, whom I believe was reluctant to line out. SCORERS Granagh - R. Chawke 1-3. J. Chawk--e1-1, N. Lynch 1-0. W. Power 1-0, N. Culhane 0-1, B. O'Connor 0-1, M. Chawke 0-1. Granagh,defeated by Tournafullain the senior hurlingfinal at Dromcollogheron Sunday.

West Board GAA *L-gL Granagh had a shock win Granagh.;...... 2-7 oroblem area still remained at nor. W. Fitzmaurice.D. O'Con. Kileedy...... 1-7 Lentrefield, despite a variety of nor. J. Mccrath. D. Flvnnfor M. changes.Reshuflling the team they Fitzmaurice.M. Mulclhv for J. which THE last Sunday in May and stepped up the tempo Masner. culhinatedln a Willie Fitzmaurrce Rlferee: JackQuaid. drama at Drom in the senior soal in the 22nd minute and when hurling as Kileedy bowed out M. Cunnineham added a further of the championship on a Doint the leEwavwas reclucedto a scorelineof 1-7 to Granagh's iolitary goal seiaratingthe sides. 2-7. In an agonisingmoment for It wasa fine achievementfor the Granagh.Kileedy were awarded a winners as they struck form and free, difficult perhapsin terms of never lost the lead from start to angle.and in lhis dramaticfinish finish. Looking at Granaghin the the- Willie Fitzmaurice scorcher sun-splashedvenue it was hard to barely went wide of the left-hand ..,% recoricile their vastlv imoroved post. '3-tygU formwith theirpoor sliowin! in the with few exceptionsall the : openinggame of thechampionship Granaghside played vital rolesin . ;"',; ai Rath-kialea few weeksaso. their team's win with outstanding This win is a sreat riorale Derformancesfrom the very ef[i: booster for the side-and with it aient Derry Noonan in goais and Granaghare back in businesswith further out, Dan Hanley, Tossie a vitaf confidence in their own Donovan, Mike Chawkeanil John ability. Chawke. All the Kileedy team However,at the orltsetit mustbe tried hard to coax the gametheir said that this iniury plaqued way, blt their perfonnanceswere a Kileedyare but a p'ale-shddo-woi recurring series of peaks and their fbrmei selvcisand on this vallevs. Times when thev were performancetheir supporlerswill brillilnt alternatedwith oeiiods of be forced to find som6'measureof the not so good. consolationin the memoriesof the greal yearsgone Dy. Kileedv were in arrearsbv the second hinure with a rilging Scorers shakingshot from Jimmy Chaiixe. and when John Chawke was on Granagh: John Chawke 1-3, targetfor a pointone minute later. Jimmy Chawke Gl, M. Chawke Granash had establisheda lead 0-1, R. Chawke&1, T. Donovan that th-eywere destined never to 0-1. lose. : W. Fitzmaurice 1-3, They got a further boost in the L. Shine, J. O'Connor, M. Cun- 22nd minute when John Chawke ningham,M. Fitzmaurice0-1 each. blastedhome from thepenalty spot and it was a decidediyunhappy Kileedy that trooped to the dies- singroom trailingG4 to 2-4. On rcsumptionGranagh were againon tarsetwith a in Doint the Mr. Dave corbett, charleville, presentsa set of trophies to Denis,Ahernof 3id minure,ind durineiheinterval Club' it would appear thai thcy were Cii""gh C.A.A.CiuU. On leftis MikeTreacy,a memberof GranaghG.A.A. madeaware of thefollv of needless petty fouling which was in fact giving Kileedy an opportunity to come on terms the easvwav. Kileedv were much imoroved during tliis second'lilrlil'half brir their 1il ii+ iii: r*.1;':-i; 1.:r:ti nt

#it $qti F.f,j 'ri,,Y::, i4 FE: Granagh,who defeatedKileedy at Drom. on Sunday,

Granaghlost to Tournafullain the West seniorhurling championship '6il'5fr'

Granagh had a good win over LIMERICK LEADER. SATURDAY. AUGUST6. 1983 Ballingarry in the novice junror hurling at Knockaderrvlast Sun- oav-z-) ro l-J. Granaeh seniorsare out for the frrst rouid of the senior hurlins championship next Sunday al Bruff. Granash beat Newcastle West in the ffrst round of West championship by 7 pts. last Sundav. Grairaeh drew with Athlacca rn the Me-anus tournament last Friday.

Granagh Granagh under-12 hurlcrs won the county final in Bruff on Monday cvening, "woreThcy - bcatCapp. amorc.- Thel black rirm bands for their comrade. Tony Hanrahan, who died undcr such tragic circumstarrces a fcw dals beforc thc final. He was a kecn hurler and is sadly misscd. Thc Granagh-Ballingarry,who beat NewcastleWest 3-2 to 1-0 in the under-14 Macra na Fcirmc hcld thcrr hurlingfinal at KnockaderrY. f ffgfliifl3 Ballyhahill Poorshow as HurlingClub 'S {8t A hurline club has been formed in theparish and a generalmceting will be held in the ParishHall on aants'taal'n nextTuesday, March 1st, at 8 p.m. which Evervbodvinterested to atlend. GRANAGH...... 0-r4 neverreached geat heights. polnts ln arears betore sT. PATRICK'S.,...... 0-s they tra . The West Limerick team always their first scorein the tenth minute had a grip on the proceedings,birr next Granaghled 0-9 to 0-2at thebreak GRANAGH advancedto the were torced to light all the way but round of the county senior hurling found scoreshard to comeb before fashioning-an 0-14 to 0-5 after the resumption. championshipat Bruff on Sunday win. - The losers were reduced t, last, when disposing of the St, St- Patrick'swere slowto settle Iourteen Patrick's challenge, in a game men in the openin, down and found themselvesfive moments ol the second hal PictureParade Midfielder,Manin Faul, recerve marchingorders - a decisionwhic seemedto be a harshone. This sc i backfailed to dampenthe spint c i "Saints"and againit the odds, the I fought bravely to pull back th, arrears. Noel O'Connor and Tomm, Treacy gave Granagh a decidei pull in the centreof ihe park. Thi pairingwas really domiriant in tht earty stages and succeededir settingup their front men for thos( h.e,W eafly polnts. Adrian Costello,Tony Malone Joe Markham and pail Mullin! played well in the St. patrick'r defence, and it was their coo courageunder pr"ssure which kepr uranagnrrom chailflngup a totally one-sidedscore in ihe' openrng moletv- In contrastto theopposition. the losers.failed to mov'e with any cohesionup fronl Gary Morgan and substitute,Ger McMahon- were the pick in this sector.with John. Mlrphy showing distinct promrsetn the secondhalf. GoalkeepersDerry Noonan of Granagh.and Tony Malone of St. Patrick's gave outstandinedis- plays. Th-e larrer was siperb, bringingoffsavesin theseconii half whichmade him the outslandins playeron view. Scorers Granagh scorers:R. Chawke Front(L-R) - D 0-6, T. Treacy, J. Chawke 0-2 R. Chawke,J. Chawke each. W. Power, J. Noonan, T. O'Connor.D. Ahern. W. Power,M. Chawke,J. Chawke, Donovanand P. Connors0-1 each. , St. Patrick'sscorers: G. Morgan 0-3. G. McMahon0-2. Granagh: D. Noonan, D. Aherne, B. Connors, N. Culli- nane, J. Kelly, T. Donovan. D. ^9J$r"f,f.f,,*",,, C_onnors,N. Ci'Connor,T. Treacy, ^*"u.A.A. was held recentlvin the N.-Lynch.P. Connors. R. Chawkc, Social_-Centre,Granagh. There wer€_)J J. Noonan,J. Chawke,W. Power. memberspresent. It was St. patrick.s: oectdedto_startlraining _ T. Malone, F. two nights A. Costello. a. week. Tuesday anil Thurdtay Pongya.l.. G. Gavrn, P. Mullins, J. Markham, G. ryghts at 8 p.m. in lhe Socidl B-utler. p. entre.A full M. Faul. Farrell. J. I turnoutofall players Murphy.J. p. at O'Neill,G. Morsan. l1_-iaq".l9d .rhese. tiaiiung Slattery. A. sesslons.lt was also pointed Faul, G. Fower. out Su9:.: McMahonfor Donovan, thatanyone who does iot Davthelr .G. power. membership J. rognerlor will not be eritiiledto Referee: participatein . R. Moloney (Kilmal_ drawsfor All Ireland lock l- trcketsor be allowedvote at next year'sA.G.M. Officers _ Life President,William Lee. Presrdenls._Fr. O'Leary, C.C.; Kevin ^Oponoghue; chairman. Jrmmy_slapleton; vice chairman, llan Monckton; secretarv. Sean_Cagney; treasurer, John sheehan;registrar, Jimmy O'Gor_ man; P.R.O., Dinnv Ahern: fi- nance committee, al[ the offi;iah nameabove plus Johnny Sheehan, Conor9urtin. GeorgeMagewood, Donie Scanlan,Willie powir. John O'Connor.Tom Treacy.Selectors: Jlmmy Stapleton.Sean Cagney, JohnSJreehan. Football Seleitors, John O'C-onnor,Tommy Treacy. Teamsaffiliated: Seniof Hurling. Under 2l Novice and Junror F.ootball..TeamCaptains. senior, Ned Cullinane; urider 21. Tom O'Regan; junior football, BiIy O'Connor. Team trainer. Jimmy StaDleton. f- ilq$q4 Over the lasttwo weekJtheclub _ had rather mixed fortunes. ."*,:.:,1[?F]"{* Our senior hurlers were beaten first game .". oi the seasbn,novice ,,"^ttf*H,kfr*football championship asainst bv N.C.W. in the first round of the in the social centre. Thi: Croagh-Kilfinny.After I ver! slow championshipon a score 2-10 to chairman in his addressto a start we werebeins led 1-2to 0-2at 1-5. Last week-end our novice fine attendancewelcomed Fr. half time. But a bie imDrevemenr hurlersgave us something to cheer ^2-3€k D. McCarthyto our meeting, in the secondhalf biousht us to a 2 about by beatingKnickaderry 4-5 point victory, 0-9 to 1-4. It was to 2-7, It was a sreat team effort uranagn he also strelsed that retireA and the standard of hurlins was players should encouragingto seesuch a big panel At a meetine held on take more ot players turning out for the verv hish. Tiresday night it ias decided interestin the club especially game. Training resumeson Tues- 6n Sunday next our senior that training would start on underasedteams. claysand Thursdays.We hope that hurlersplay Ballingarryin a vital The iecretary in his report the big numbers that have been championshipgame. A lot of Friday, Zt[. There will be improvementis neededif we are to hainiag congratulatedour underaged tuming up for training will con- sa ths fsllowitg even- trnue beat our old rivals. Ballingarry ings, Fridays, teamson winnine both under to keep it up. All intending Sunday-mom- club membeis whb have not oaid alwaysseem to bring outthe bestm ings,Tuesdays. flaining s16fis l4 and under l6 w:esterntitles. our players.We are hoping that a gave f,2 reg. fee, should do so'im- at 7.30 sham. All plavErsare The treasurer a favour- mediatelv. good spirited performance will expectedto-be on'tide. able account <'n-our financial bring us victory on Sunday as Anyone with any historv or situation. He also thanked defeat worrld almost end our old photographs anyone who helped with the interest in this West Cham- of the club pionship. We appeal to all our teams should forward them to fund raisingduiing the past vear. loyal supporters to turn up on Willie Lee or Father D. - Sundayand support the team. Mc€arthy as the club is Election of officers-Life printing a booklet on the presidents, Kevin O'Do- history of the G.A.A. in the noghue, Willie Lee; presi- parish. dent, Fr. D. McCarthv:ihair- team must be congratulatedon merr".:_ffi*"?,*?,. great win on man, Jim Stapletoi; vice- Sundavat the chairman, caelic Athletic Grounds,-Limer_ Dari Monckton; rck, when they secretary, beat Ballinacurra Sean Cagney; Gaelsin thefianl of Feilena nGael treasurer,John Sheehanf ree- (gradeB hurlins). istrar, Jimmy Players ,:r,affif;lp*,". O'Gormai: _ from- Granagh wcre nuflers,"played Adare in -Enright, rhe first PRO, John O'Connor. Peter Staplergn, J. round '84 J. of the CentenarvCuo. Teams for senior hurl- Uerard and Thomas O'Gorm'an, The gameended in d draivon a ing- Uormac.3nd Kieran Kennedy. score of Granagh Z-12, Adare ^)l'Q'P4 John Under 2l minor o'Brien, Par Fitzgeralil, l-15.The first hal-fwas a vervdull hurling, KieranMllqueen, Niall affair. uranagn novice hurling. novice Staileron, Thestandard of hurlin! was foot- RaymondSrapleton, Stephi:n Kie_ not vcry.-high especially Our novice football team had an ball, senior h-urlins selectors Trom easv victorv over Dromcollogher !;r.John To_omey, ThomasO'Shca, uranagh.we seemto be vervslow George Maewo6d.-D. Dan SheamusHanrahan, Sheamus Brs_ to the ball andlack of trainiriewas on Saturdai eveninglaston a Sore gane. of 3-6 to d-1. Our-senior hurlers Sheehln, tr. McLarthv. A very_clor.gur.. iiiitin"g very evident. on Sundavnext in Dave Hartigan, captain,Jiin tnroughoul.The local boyscame will olav Adare out cup and ori Sunday Chawke; on top in the lastquarrAr of the the ienienary trainer. Mike game weekwe play old rivalsBallingarry Chawke. and proved wbrthy in rne trnal score.4-0 to in the first- round of the Wedt Under l-3. The same 2l selectorrDenis- boys bear in the _ le../.9$ chamoionship. The club has Ahern, Richard rootDalt."ura{ragJr of jerseys and Chawke, championshipearlier in !-eena8|l' bmuhi a new set Mike Ine week. socks.The weather is getting fine Chawke. Caprain, Tom now so we would appeal to all our O'Regan.Minor capt.,John supporters to help our teams by Enelish.Novice football selec- Kllmeedy turnlng our ano supPontng au tor;Jimmy Stapleron,Jimmy The West senior Scor semr eames. Traininq continues on O'Gormari, Jcihn Sheehan. Granagh finals will be held at the commun- ity centre, Feenagh-on Friday. Tuesdaysand Tfrundays and any Captain,Billy O'Connor. Everyonein Granaghwish to player who does not turn up for Januarvl8th, at 8 D.m. All intendingclub members conqra[ulalethe under 14s boYs G.A.A. A.c:M.-Officers irafning cannot exp€ct to be hurl'ine team who won the west consideredfor selection. are reminded that mem: -hurlinl elected were: Dresident. Pat bership fee f2 should be pard final in last McCarthy; vice-piesidents,Rev. Fridav night-againstAdare. Gra- to registrarbefore Apil lst. boys who took Father E. Looby, P.P., and Jim nash-Baliinsarry-as -follciws: Noonan; All playersare askedto make oait *et. Padraig chairman,Rory Kiely; a special effort to attend all Michae-l vice-chairman, Sean Aherne; horde, Maurice Quaid. secretary, trainingsessions and give full O'Keeffe. JimmY Jim Longl treasurer, Quaid, Tomas Tommy O'Brienl" registrar, co-operationto the trainer for McKenna,John McCarthY'Peter J. J' Michaei Hartnett. Cori'mittee: t984. Stapleton,Michael DaffY. Jim Cormac Keane, Liam Cummins.Tom- Senior Hurlins Cham- Eniiqht, Pat Horgan, my Hatchett, O'Gorman, Ned lrwin, Sean pionship draws- Keniedv. Tomas Gorman,Billy O'Brien, Kevin Mul' Bill Ryan, County Gerald O'Gorman, Martin Meehan,Liam Long,'Pat championship first queen,John O'Brien. round-Granaqhv. Claushaun. Gilbourne. ^ Westgrn _ehampionlhip- o"",fit'"$H*"","0Granaghv. Ballingarry. -78.1,2h had rather mixed fortunes, Our senior hurlers were beaten by N.C.W. in the frrst round of the championshipon a score 2-10 to Grarygh-!1 1-5. Last week-end our novice hurlersqave us somethinsto cheer aso' about bi beatins Ktrickiderrv,t-5 C'tlemahofffi to gl- 2-7. it was a-sreat team eiffon i?-r- The A.G.M. of the Feosha- and the standarii of hurlins was nagh-Caastlemahon verv G.A.A. elub hieh. was held on Friday last at the On Sundav Grdnagh next our s€nior sportscomplex, Coolyroe. a Granagh hurlers play Ballinearrv Quite 'Ain a vital Granagh/Ballingarrv Feile na larqe crowd attended.The follow- is extendedto Fan champidnship gade. lot of Sympathy Gael under 14hurlersbeat Croom ins-officerswere electedfor 1985: andKathlcen Hanrahan, Kilmore, improvementis neededif we are to last lifE president, Pat Cregan; beat week and in the final beat chair- Granagh,on the recentdeath of our old rivals. Ballinsarrv Knockaderry man, John Young; vice-chairman, always in a very close their son, Tony. R.I.P. He was seemto bring out the bEstiir excrnnq Dermot Doodv: secretarv. Pat our players.We same. very popular and a great favourite are hooine that a Und;ri4 Championshio O'Dometl; aslistant secretary, with pals good spirited perfornianie wiU hurles all his and friends,too beatFeohanagh afFeenaeh. 7-2 Eamonn Walshe: treasurer. John numerousto mention. bring us victorv on Sundav as to - 3-4. Collum. Granagh I.C.A. had a very defe-at would ltnost end our Executive committee: Thomas interest Communitv Games teams were enjoyableday on their bustour to in this West Cham- also iery Collins,Janes Jack pionship. We appeal suiccssful in the recenr Quaid, Quaid, WestCork recentlv. to all our games in hurling. Michael King, John Kenny, John The 12boys suPPorters to tum Thev beat under hurling team loyal. uP on Rathkeale5-l to24-a Sexton, plus two members from go forward to meet Cappamoreln Sundayand support the team, er6atwin. They now go on to the sdmifinals. the iuvenile committee, two from the final. We all wishthem well. r ne socaerteam won recentsames the handballand two from squash GranaghN.S. boys must also be beating Kilcolman. Ballylgran,' - committee. congratulatedon winning the Murr& and St. Senan's. Deleeate to West Board-Pat school leasue in Rathkeale on In camogie, another win over O'Doniell. Tuesdayev:ening last. Granville/l{orwood. Three local Delegateto the County Board- Granash Macra na Feirme girls were selectedto play for the Thomas Sweeney. novelty siportsare to be held on c_ougtyrnde{16 team: Ann Kiely, Deleeates to Co. Conven- 2lst July for childrenand adults. Catherine Kielv and l,ouise Mril- tiom-Thomas Gilbourne. Pat Pleasegiveyour suppol, asit isfor queen-all plavine well-and O'Donnell, John Young, P. Bar- a worthyr^"n. ,iQJklsg; Limerick beai ClarE. They now ry, Paud Keetle, John Flanagan, play Kerry in Kilneedy dn this Jbe Quaid. Tom Sweeney. Fridavat 7.30p.m. Delesatesto West ConventiorF Lo6al under'16 camosie team Pat O'Donnell, Joe Quaid, John beat CroasVKilfinnv oi Fridav Flanagan,Tony Sweeney,Seamus last. All l&al girts played weli. Flanasan. t iltl tllllttl err?ifrt{,Erc I The club held their A.G.M. al the socialcentre recently. Officen elected: Life presidents: Willie Lee' Kevin O'Donoshue. President: Fr. McCarthv. thairman. John Chawke. Vice-chairman: Dar Monckton. Sec., Sean CagneY, Treasurer, John Sheehan. Reg' istrar: Eirmonn Noonan. PRO John O'Connor. Selectors: Junior and Novice Hurline: Sean Cagney, Dan Sheehai, John O'Connor. CaP' tain. Mike chawke. SelectorsU 21 Hurline: TossvDonovan, Jin Lvnch. fom EnriAht. Novic( F'ootball: Seleciors: Johr Sheehan. Mike Chawke, Johr Sheehan. Captain; Billy O'Con nor. Outqoingchairman, JimmY Sta pletonl in his address lo th( ineeting,thanked everYonewhc helned-in the runninq of the clut lasi year. He regretiedthat the Granagh-Ballingarrywho defeatedcappamore in the countyunder-12 hurling final. Dastseason wasn't a very success- 8g iul one on the playing field. He hooed that with a lol more deilicationboth on andoffthe field that the club would have more successin the coming Year. He congratulatedthe camogi-eclub on brinigingthree county titles to the Darish.' The club would like to take this ,.,?:lli#f#J".*, of thankingour out- senlor hurling championship Bal- oDDortunitv Ballingarry took to the plavins chai'rman for all his hard lingsrry had a line convincingwin sbine fieldswhen they took on Rriladh ii fuorli and dedication throughout {'h over St. Patrick's by l-10 to 0-6' the current league.Ardagh and we are sure he will bline Mike the main marks- the vear the county junior title hol-dersancl Quaid continue to take an activeinterest i,?,ffifl; man. scorins l-7 with O'Kecffe, new to senior ranks were Intendingmembersare Offrc€rselected for 1985: Costelloe.Bhrke sharinga point in the club. Presi- favourites and proved so by asked to Dav their !2 club mem- dent, Pa McCarthyl vice-Presi- Deatrng each.The backswere in Tine'form and us by a mere Doint. and Davre bership fe! immediately. dens, Father E. l-ooby, P.P . Ballingarry went with Dave Clifford Senator into the'game O'Keeffe shining throughout thc Jim Noonan; chairman, with great zest and vice-chairman,Sean drive udth a game. Rorv Kielv: sprinkleof youth and experience. - Aherne; s6cretary.Patrick FlYnn: Joe tsourke when moved to Fitzgeraldbeing'the man assistant secretary, Jim Long: _Liam half-back had a fine game. The ol the match, wirh the Ouaid game treasurer, Tommy O'Brienl reg- brothers, itself lacked lots of fire, but Mike and Tom. the and incident istrar, Michael Hartnett. O'Keeffes not far behind. ias a fine soortins-are Tim Keane. Liam free. All plhyers asked to Committee: Trainingcontinues every Cummins. Tom Hatchett, Ned Thurs- turn-uDlor lralnlnq. ;#ffiftbs/Lql,bu BillY day night and it is hoped'tharall Irwin, Sban O'Gorman, avaliable The'ream wasi J. Kellv. S. Our U/12 hurlers were playerswill iurn up for (capt), D. O'Brien. Bill Rvan, Martin same. Mullane D. Clifford. . Gil- L. Fitz- defeated in the West Final Meehan, Liam Long. Pat The sportsfield O'Keeffe. J-. Hissins, committeehave N. FordeiJ. Bourke, T. on Friday night last by a bourne. resumedwork aftera shortbreak. serald, Selection committee.-.;.untor Tttegoal.posts Ouaid,T. Costelloe,M. Quaid,R. very good Adare side. This and arenow staoding in K. Clif- hurline, novice hurling ;untor placeand a new O'Keeffe, K. Kennedy, was a very good match Btlly O'Brien look to the fielii in Fitzserald, rootbafi-Etll Ryan, general. Names are ford. D. being taken Sribs:S. Hirtnen for J. Higgins, and was a credit to all the ahd Des Murrihv. for the. proposedwork foice Board rlelegates-TommY and Con O'Keeffe for R. O'Keeffe young boys that.took part. West -Flynn, any9.ooy wno tlas not as yet O'Brien, Patrick BillY applied Adare were much the Jim Long. should contact Tom O'Brien Des Murrihg Bourke or strongerand went ahead Hurling. John O'Keeffe. Thev Captains-Junior are hopingto commencework Michirel Keane; vice-caPtain' oir by a point. Then we had a the proposed sports complex re goal which put plenty Michael McCarthv. nanoDailcoun, dressing of Novice hurlind, John FlYnn; rooms, excitement into the game. vice-captain,Ned lrwin. lunctlon room, within three weeks. O'Sulli- But Adare went out winn- Juiior football, Paud finished John Walsh. -When it will be the envy ers at the end by 4-3 to 2- van: vice-captain, of West Limerick and All under ase affairs were a credit to O. So I would like to take the.generosityof the peopleof the referred to the- first committcc please this opportunatyto thank and set Darrsn. the match,so come meeting to elect caPtains your al! you boys who turned uD'Merhbership a sDecralcommlttee. along as we need up fortraining and please fee wasfixed at f2. support. keep up the good work. U/l 4 team lined out as The full panel of players followsr SeamusBiggane, and subs is as follows: Conor O'Connell. Sean Shane Mulqueen, Paul Lane, Chris Lane, Brian Mccarthy, Fergus Cos- Burke, Stephen Kiely, tello,Eddie O'Brien, Ollie KevinClifford, Thomas O' O'Brien,Chris [ane, Bobby Keeffe, Aidan Ouaid, Pat Noonan, Pat Cullinane, Cullinane, Kieran Mul- Brian Cullinane, Owen queen, David Stapleton, Niall , Barrett, Eamonn McAuliffe ,"W'Wa Stapleton, Owen Timmy O'Gonnell, Neville Our Ul14 hurling team ?rbd Daffey,Tom O'Shea,Aidan O'Donnell.Andrew Holmes a verygood win over Feo' Burke,Noel O'Brien. Niall Hanley, Michael hanagh last Mondayeven- Ul12 teamzShane Mul- Sheehy, Michael McGar- ing in the semifinalof the queen, Paul McCarthy, thy, Eamon Byrnes, Ste- West. We now havetowait FergusCostello, Eddie O' I phen Stapleton, Ted Mc a while before we PlaY Brien, Ollie O'Brien, Chris Carthy, Ml. Raleigh. Adare in the final, date Lane, Bobbie Noonan, Pat i and venie to be arranged. Gullinane, Eamon Mc Also on Sundayevening Auliffe, Brian Cullinane, I our U/'l2s qualified to 1Timmy O'Connell,Andrew meet Adare bY beating \ Holmes,Neville O'Donnell, Feohanaghat Newcastle 1lNiall Hanley,Tom Lynch, West. The final is fixed to i Donal Burns,l Seamus take place at Rathkeale Hartigan, Stephen Stap- t ilit rilffi triliilftll rlltlhltlillil fltlfitll;tlll Under 12 hurling final: 4r'{'Ylg? UNDERAGE IEI,^ 1., I makethe sandwiches.Taytos rouRNAirENr'-'IIolVband mineralswere also given GranaghBallingarry d/ta to both teams and all our TWO.GOAL hurling team had a good childrenfollowers. wtn overJohn Mitchellsof Theteam linedout as foll- Kerryon Sundaylast at the ows:Seamus Biggane, Conor new sportsfield.This was a O'Connell,Sean Lane, Tom WINNING fine sportinggame from start O'Shea,Aidan Burke, Ste- to finish with lots of enjoy- phen Kiely, Kevin Clitford. mentand firsttime hurling. PatCullinane, Aidan Quaid, Granagh/BallingarryBor-d David Stapleton,Thomas O' MARGIN na nog club put up a fine Keeffe , Kieran Mulqueen, set of trophiesfor the occas- NiallStapleton, Onen Daffey, Granagh/Ballingarry,...,,...... 3-3 i! greatform at centrehalf back, ion. ChrisLane. Cappamore...... ,.,.,.,...,.,..., 1.0 Cappamore found it difficuh to John Mitchellshad some Subs: Gerard O'Gorman. make progressup the centre. A record crowd (gate receipts fine playerssuch as Kieran Jim Gaffney,lvan O'Donnell, f300) at Bruff on Moiday evening EamonnSlattery. Liam Ham- and Cormac Kennedy,for- BrianBurke who got injured saw Granagh/Ballinsarrvanal merslev. John Hlves. Eamonn merlyof Granagh, beforethe game. Cappamore ierve up-a f6ast of O'Malieyand MichaelRyan gavc now res- skilful and excitinghurling in the everythiirgfor thecauseoiCappa- idingin Kerry.lt was nice to under 12 countv final. more only to fall to the shber seethose two boysline our We hope to run brilliance of two more , At the end oi a delightfulgame the winners' midfield with their new Kerry club tournamentsof thistype for the West Limerick bois had ihree and half backline. and we goalsto spareover gallant Cappa- Both sidescame near to scorins wishthem the best the U/12and the U/l6 ieams more. Midfield supremacy was in the early stagesand it wai of luck. in the very near future. vitalin theopen spac'es of th6Bruff eventually.GranaghiBalIngarry Kerrytook the lead A - in the word of thanks to the fieldand it wash6re that Granash/ wno nao the opentngscore a 1st 5 minuteswith a point. ladies Ballingarryhad the edge. poinr by Pat Ctitlinanl. committeewho worked Patlluliinane and K'ieranKen- David Stapletongrabbed a vcrv We struck back with a well so hardin the supperroom nedyruled supremein the centre importantgrial befole half rimc rir placed ball in the net by to make the event such a of the parkand with StephenKiely leave the Wesl chamoionsfour David success. pointsclear at the brea'k. Stapleton.From there ...'..'.'..'.....'.:::Kieran Kenncdyand Christl onwe gota gripof the game Lanc. raisedgrce;r flass for thr' with NiallStapleton having winnersafter ihe turnoier. Whcn an excellentgame at corner trailing 3-3 ro 0-0..many a rcam forward. wouronavc tnrown In thesponge. --rk-g46 but not Cappamore.Thcy playld Scorerswere: David Straple theirbesl hirlins in rhc iirialrcn ton 2 goals,Niall Stapleton Eailrngarry minutes and gave their huge 1-1,Thomas O'Keeffe 1-3. Our under 21 hurlers played followingplenty-to cheer about. Aidan Drom in the first round of the West K. Kcnnedyl-2. D. Staplcron QuaidO-1. ' chamDionshiDat Quaid Park, The l-0. C. Lanel-0 andP. Cullinanc We would like to thank Feenagh- eame'endedina draw.There was 0-1.were the Granagh,Ballingarry DavidO'Keeffe (Wilson) ref Somegreat passages of play served scorers.Pat Gleeso-nrcolied' fo'r for the way he handled'the up by both teams. Cappamore. game xiwpAu, Best tbr tsallingarrywcrc M. and hopeto see him tmeding ett*-tf* gr-",'Jdhn Flavin. The annu6l,fien'eral of Kellv, A. QuU P. Clifford, in thc chairman of Bord na nOg, pre- refereemore matchesin the . with P. Bourkc. Zap lhe above club was held atlhe bacli line, s€ntedthe underl2 cuptokidran future.I thinkat this time it Lommunity O'Kelly being best up front. Centre,Feenagh. on Kennedy, the winnidg caotain. would be wrong to single Sundaylast. OfficerselectEd for Traiiring isln progiessand it is John Flavin consratui-ared'both outany one playeras 1987: president,.pat McGarrhy; hoped that .every player from teamsfor the disp'iavand was full all 1S vrce-presidents. mrnor to seruof turn uD Ior same put great performance Jim Noonan,Fi. of praisefor the pirents of the on a P.P.:Fr. every night for the nexi.fartnight. !.^Loopy. J. D. Griffin, youngboys who caineto seethem on the day.The final score C.C. Chairman. Senator as it makesit more easierfor the play Rory in a county final. was: John Mitchells 2-4. Kiely; vice-chairman,John Sulli- mentors to choose from when the van;.secretary, seniors'takeoin Killeedv onS$rr- Granagh/Ballingarry4-5. Martin McCarthy; asststantsecretary,_ Jim Long; day.week in quest of-that long Trophies were presented treasure-r, awaited w€lt title. .Tommy O'Brien; reg_ per to the winning team by rstrar,Michael Hartnert. Commii_ Work sops on usual in the tee: Denis 'complex.-andit'is thet the JimmyStapleton and Mark Barry, Pat Gilhourne, hoDed Tim Keane,Miurice club'rooms.etc.. wili bc markcd O Shea.After O'sullivan. all that a beau- NicholasRoche, Denis out shortlry. O'Connor, tiful tea was seryedto both Liam Cummins,Cyril Egan.John Mike Qiraid fizured well in the Flvnn. night last teams and mentors.A big oeot selectiononSundav iunior hurling aid it is hooed that thd Liirerick thankyou to the ladieswho selectioncommlt- tee: William Ct-Brien,John Mur- selectdrstate hotice. brought tarts, cakes, buns phy(Jnr.), Practice matches are arranged MartinMeehan; nbvice and those who helped to hurling selection commiitee: for both the senion and under Maurice palrick 21's. PliVen should contact their O'Sullivan, Flynn,Denis Barry; u-21 hurling respectiv! managersfor detailsof selectlon same. committee: Maurice O.'S.ulliva_n.Denis Murrihy. Michael Keane: minor hurling selection_committee:Cyril Egan, Donal _Egan. Michaci Keinc; novicefootball selection commit- tee: Denis Murrihy, Jim O'Con- nell, Jim Lons. The electio.-nof caDtainswas cleferredto a players'meeting.