Mc/Mac - 1911 Census, Co

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Mc/Mac - 1911 Census, Co Mc/Mac - 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Mackesssy Mary Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Mackessy Edward Ballymurragh East Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Mackessy James Ballydonnell Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Mackessy James Duckstown Rathkeale Rathkeale Mackessy James Knockaderry Clonelty Knockderry Mackessy Johanna Ballymurragh East Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Mackessy Johanna Castlemahon Town Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Mackessy Johanna Lacka Upper Killagholehane Drumcollogher Mackessy John Ballylanders Ballylanders Ballylanders Mackessy John Cantogher Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull MacKessy John Lotteragh Lower Bruree Rockhill Mackessy Kate Emmet Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Mackessy Michael Gortboy (Pt. of) Newcastle Newcastle Mackessy Michael Lacka Upper Killagholehane Drumcollogher Mackessy Richard Ballywinterrourkewood Rathkeale Rathkeale Mackessy Thomas Coolanoran Kilscannell Ardagh, Rathkeale Mackessy Thomas South Quay, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West Mackey Andrew Gleno Knocklatteragh Abington Murroe and Boher Mackey Andrew Mongfune Abington Murroe & Boher Mackey Anthony Lacka Stradbally Castleconnell Mackey Charles Ballybeg Dromkeen Kilteely, Pallasgreen Mackey Edmond Carrickittle Kilteely Kilteely Mackey James Enaghroe Fedamore Fedamore Mackey Johanna Cappamore Town Tuogh Cappamore Mackey John Castlefarm East Hospital Hospital Mackey John Gleno Abington Murroe and Boher Mackey John Gleno Knocklatteragh Abington Murroe and Boher Mackey John Gleno Knocklatteragh Abington Murroe and Boher Mackey John Kilduff Grean Pallasgreen Mackey Michael Castle Street, Stradbally Castleconnell Castleconnell 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 1 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Mackey Sarah Gooig Stradbally Castleconnell Mackey Thomas Kilduff Grean Pallasgreen Mackey Timothy Cloonlusk Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Mackey Winifred Kilduff Grean Pallasgreen McArdell Owen Croom Croom Croom McArdle P. J., R.I.C. Ardagh Town Ardagh Ardagh McAuliffe Anne Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Anthony Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Bridget Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe Cornelius Appletown Mahoonagh Mahoonagh McAuliffe Cornelius Ballaghbehy Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe Cornelius Boherbee Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West McAuliffe Cornelius Gorteen South Mahoonagh Mahoonagh McAuliffe Daniel Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe Daniel Kilcolman East Rathkeale Rathkeale McAuliffe Daniel Meenyline South Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McAuliffe David Tullybrackey Tullybracky Bruff McAuliffe Denis Meenyline North Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McAuliffe Denis Tooreennagreana Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull McAuliffe Ellen Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Ellen Rivers Kilmurry Parteen, St. Patrick's McAuliffe Ernest Meenyline South Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McAuliffe Florence Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Hanora Knockane Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West McAuliffe Hanora Tooreendonnell Kilmoylan Shanagolden McAuliffe Helena Baggotstown West Knockainy Knockainy McAuliffe Henry Moroewood Abington Murroe and Boher McAuliffe James Carroward West Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe James Cush Emlygrennan Ballinvana McAuliffe James Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe James Kells Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Jeremiah Seconglass Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull McAuliffe John Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 2 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish McAuliffe John Ballaghbehy North Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe John Ballybane Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell McAuliffe John Ballysimon Kilmurry Parteen, St. Patrick's McAuliffe John Barnagarrane Killagholehane Drumcollogher McAuliffe John Castleroberts Adare Adare McAuliffe John Commons Effin Effin McAuliffe John Killaghteen Ardagh Ardagh McAuliffe John Newtown Bruff Bruff McAuliffe John Rathcannon Athlacca Dromin McAuliffe Kate Lackanagrour Bruree Rockhill McAuliffe Laurence Athea Lower Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe McAuliffe Laurence Meenyline North Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McAuliffe Lena Sheares Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock McAuliffe Maggie Ballinlee South Dromin Dromin and Athlacca McAuliffe Margaret Dromcolliher Town Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford McAuliffe Mary Ballysalla Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell McAuliffe Mary Knockane Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McAuliffe Mary Knockane Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West McAuliffe Maurice Foynes Town Robertstown Shanagolden McAuliffe Michael Ballyallinan South Rathkeale Rathkeale McAuliffe Michael Ballyguileataggle Ballingarry Ballingarry McAuliffe Michael Chapel Lane, Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane McAuliffe Michael Cush Emlygrennan Ballinvana McAuliffe Michael Dromtrasna, North Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe Michael William Street, Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton McAuliffe Patrick Ballincolly Hackmys Charleville McAuliffe Patrick Darrery Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull McAuliffe Patrick Farrihy Killagholehane Drumcollogher McAuliffe Patrick Glengort South Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull McAuliffe Patrick Granagh Ballingarry Ballingarry McAuliffe Patrick Knockbrack Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe Patrick Rathpalatine Mahoonagh Mahoonagh McAuliffe Rose Boherbee Street, Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Newcastle West 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 3 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish McAuliffe Timothy Tullybrackey Tullybracky Bruff McAuliffe William Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale McAuliffe William Farrihy Killagholehane Drumcollogher McAuliffe William Farrihy Killagholehane Drumcollogher McAuliffe William Gortnagross Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe McAuliffe William Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane McAuliffe William Kilfrush Kilfrush Hospital McAuliffe William Meenyline North Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCabe John Conigar Mungret Mungret and Crecora McCabe William Castlematrix (Pt. of) Rathkeale Rathkeale McCall Robert Elmpark Demesne Kilkeedy Patrickswell McCann Bridget Bruff Town Bruff Bruff McCann David Hospital Town Hospital Hospital McCann Edward Castletown Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell McCann Ellen Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West McCann Hanora Ballywilliam South Rathkeale Rathkeale McCann Hanora Lissamota Ballingarry Ballingarry McCann James Knocklong West Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane McCann James Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West McCann John Bolane Kildimo Kildimo McCann John Caherhenesy Ballingarry Ballingarry McCann John Church Street, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale McCann John Cullenagh Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCann Kate Kilgolban Clonelty Knockderry McCann Margaret Aughalin Clonelty Knockderry McCann Mary Knockane Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCann Michael Cappagh Cappagh Cappagh and Stonehall McCann Thomas Gortroe Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell McCann Thomas Knocklong West Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane McCann William Ballymacave Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny McCarthy Alexander Kilmurry (Archer) Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Anne Glenfield St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock McCarthy Bridget Glenosheen Particles Kilfinane 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 4 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish McCarthy Bridget Gorteen Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Bridget Martinstown Athneasy Bulgaden McCarthy Callaghan Treanlewis St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock McCarthy Catherine Moymore Grean Pallasgreen McCarthy Charles Ballykevan West Ballingarry Ballingarry McCarthy Charles Coolaleen Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull McCarthy Charles Fair Green Hill, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale McCarthy Charles Gorteen Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Charles Kilmurry (Archer) Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Charles C. Feenagh Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Charles S. Feenagh Kilmeedy Feenagh McCarthy Daniel Ahnagurra Ballingarry Ballingarry McCarthy Daniel Cahercorney Cahercorney Hospital McCarthy Daniel Coolbaun Castletown Doon McCarthy Daniel Cross Tuoghcluggin Pallasgreen, Grean, Doon McCarthy Daniel Effin Effin Effin McCarthy Daniel Farrihy Killagholehane Drumcollogher McCarthy Daniel Mortlestown Particles Kilfinane McCarthy Daniel Pullagh Croom Croom McCarthy Daniel Sarsfield Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock McCarthy Daniel Treanboy Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCarthy Daniel D. Dromdeeveen Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCarthy Daniel F. Bawntard South St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock McCarthy Daniel J. Dromdeeveen Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine McCarthy David Curraghturk Ballylanders Ballylanders McCarthy David Garryncoonagh North Effin Effin McCarthy David Knockglass Killagholehane Drumcollogher McCarthy David The Square, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale McCarthy Denis Ballyhahil Cloncagh Knockaderry and Cloncagh McCarthy Denis Ballynamona Uregare Dromin, Bruff McCarthy Denis Baunatlea Ballingaddy Kilmallock McCarthy Denis Blossomhill, Pt. of Rathkeale Rathkeale (Rural) McCarthy Denis Darranstown Emlygrennan Ballinvana 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 5 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish McCarthy Denis
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