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The Automatic Tool Co. The Automatic Tool Co. of South Norwalk, Conn., of South Norwalk, Conn., milk-bott- Ia l. mllk-bottlT- ea p'r.par.d to furmiah eapa, plaim, Haaufaeturaa ppUf awbla : aa-U-aa waxad or priat.a, at lew pric.a aad ia qaaatitiaa aaglaaa aad ma tors; aavaloaa aad predneae to suit purchaser. apaaiaj, maakiaarj. R. :Bee. Factory Opposite Bast Norwalk R. Station. The Newtown Factory OppoaK East Norwalk R. R. Stat. VOLUME XXX. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1907. TEN PAGES. NUMBER ,1 The Melbourne Cancer TOWN TOPIQS. BaLth Cure Co. AT LIBRARY CORNER. AN OLD SUBSCRIPTION PAPER. Special Room KINDLY LOANED TEE BEE BY E. X 64 Bank St. Derby, Ct. JOHNSON, Combination. 1 H.1-- " Cure Cancer at tbelr Sanatarlum and guar- f Porcelain Lined Bath Tub (decorated antee a positive cure. They also treat mild But very few people are now living DeMcioms jto """cuuiiae,oompiete witn ail nlcue work) cases and old sores at your home if desired We Want You in Newtown who can remember the 2h J J,?l,,Di1 Porcelain LaTatory (complete with and can send you a blood medicine that wll condition of the exterior C 1 J nickle work to cure Internal of Corres- dilapidated floor.) - growth all kinds. of the Congregational church building, O o uown $53- pondence solicited. References gladly given. as was 65 when became . I Srpbon Action Waan Down it years ago, it Closet icombl nation dark or llffht Established for eight years. To See Do a much mooted question amoag those 1 wood.l (either What You Can upon whom the burden of its care, fi- nancial and spiritual, entirely depend- Biscuiit This Combination ia a Special Offer. Oar Guarantee ed, as to whether the building should Hot stands back Here for $15 to $20. of th be given over to the ravages of Time, .. e and the start anew and MADE WITH ittw rite us for -- organization particulars. CABBAGE, TOriATO and The average man feels like paying from $15 to $20 remove and rebuild in Sandy Hook. LETTUCE PLANTS, for his if he here he can do ex- With its clapboard covering warped, Twice Transplanted. Spring suit and buys it weather beaten and sadly worn, its THE H. W. HOYT CO.. cellently well at that price just come and see for yourself. windows blurred and out of date, the Sanitary Plumber. JOHN RECK & SON, railing around the open bell deck BAKING 162 pak St., 985 Main St., Bridgeport. Ready for service clothing doesn't cost as much as cus- liable to tumble on the heads of Phone tom, there are who the former. passersby, the single pole, unsheathed, 253. DANBURY, CONN. 6 ft Main 8t tailoring, yet many prefer and standing at an angle of 85 degrees, POWDER Our "very fine lines of ready to service garments have surmounted by old Chanticleer for (he Pi --.-: nana weather vane, a pitiable sight enough w a BRIDGEPORT. CONN. Professional Cards. been the means ot ar converting many. it was to me, then a ten-ye- old boy, ...mUiV iyv.uuau), nurmwi cm, mm. $15 and $20 at the Corner Store buys to be indelibly Impressed upon my are the most Crown Work W. J. Beecher, spent Library memory, so much so, that, on tfeis appetizing, and.Bridge A Specialty. w, in Attorkit-at-Lji- suits the latest shades of gray and "brown, new single rainy day, while rummaging among ful and nutritious of UKS KBCTOR UKLB. nmli Boo bos 26 and 26, 8anford Bldg, Bridgeport. sack with excellence. old papers in my "den," I came across breasted cut, and tailored conspicuous a well filled Office in Newtown'open on Saturdays from 9 out subscription paper a. m. to 3.90 p. m. They are suits that you will like suits produced by bearing upon the subject in hand, a tailors from the of the best panoramic view of the whole picture Much M. expert designs clothing design- seemed to pass before me, while a still, depends upon the Baking Powder Axbebt L. Sohtjylkr, D., ers in the land. small voice, seeming to come from the Live JRepresentatives PHYSICIAN AND STJROKON. long ago, said, "give it to the younger Phone : (Sandy Hook) 29-- 5. A brief inspection will prove all that we say about our members of the present generation, and Hours: 810 a. m., 12.30 p. m., 57.30 p.m. know what are we want to know. through the columns of Thk New- goods they you town Bee." ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. F. J. Gale, M. D., So with no apologies I give it, and E3i Department Managers Office In the David Beers Residence, when the reader is told that a large percentage of those whose names are Wanted In Every Town and In New Newtown Street. re- City England , given, were identified with other 1 Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 p m bodies Permanent Position Good ligious (mostly Episcopalians) - - ' With Income, JOHN 51 BRIDGEPORT.MIACONN. you will agree with me that it is evi- tZ.:i. , m r Rapid advancement to those Ub Walter H. KraKHAN, dence of not only a kindly feeling showing ability aad eoerarr. toward the then feeble organization. "te at once, stating age, business or oc- - PHYSICIAN AND StTRCKON, J but also of a civic that is fur I experience, present pride a com- cupation; and advise how widely are in Sandy Hook, Conn reaching in helping keep alive own and acquainted you your 8-- 7- -8 mon interest for common neighboring towns, and of onr Office Hours: 0 a. m. ; 1 to 8.30 and p. m. t,be good. f length rtM iW. 18--3. Good Telephone: Subscription. references required, with statement of business .and posit- M. D. Ladies' and Misses' We the subscribers do hereby sev ion of those you give as references. Address Cbukste A. Benedict, erally agree and promise to pay to ;:;:'yY: y, ; Physician and Surgeon, Eben ;Beach, Treasurer of the First a 1 28 Conn viS iwom f iJonn. State Street, Bridgeport, Ecclesiastical Society in Newtown, the I averiy niag., iJarttorci, Electricity one of the therapeutic agents. sums annexed to our names respective Office hours from 10 a n. to 12 m., 2 to i p. m SVITS! ly, for the purpose of repairing the Congregational church in said New Dr E. town. Newtown. Ausrust Second. 1845 DO YOU WANT Frank Judson, Long Coats, Short Coats, Skirts, This subscription to be paid the first i Dentist. oi uecemoer, 1845: 57 Obntkk St., Bexbel, Conn. Abel Botsrord, S50 00 Waists. 25 00 A NEW - Opposite M. E. Church. George Botsford, HARNESS I Office hours: 8.30 to 12 and 1 to 6. There's a time for Now's the time Abigail Marshall, 10 00 3? Or an Old On Mradedr W. eaa aooocaBtodac. yon. OaJl aad m as vbra I 221-- 5. everything, they say. Oliver Peck, 5 00 Tiliphobi, to the new for it is a that our stock 00 - 5 - get spring suit, certainty Elliott M. Peck, i A. O. CI., will never be better can't be. The season's styles . are set- Wooster Peck, 10 00 f W. W. (SL J. McQown, STEVENS are no reason for Hezakiah B. Fairchild. 5 00 CO.. OPTICIAN, tled, prices established, furthey delay. John B. Wheeler, 5 00 16 Walta St., Daatarjr, i South Britain, Conn. Ezra 1. Johnson, 15.00 Eyes tested .and glasses fitted at patrons novelties in Skirts. Come. 20.00 home without extra charge. Will respond We are showing the new Charles Johnson, promptly to 'phone or postal card. Henry Fairchild, 15.00 William Fairchild, 15 00 . The Attractive Residence of J. Sullivan, DR. Hiram Parrualee. 20.00 S. E. ALLEN, McLEAN Samuel C. Blackman, 10.00 Manager of the Curtis Hotel, Woodbury, Located, at the Hattebtown, Conn. 221 Main St., 157. Kurus somers, 1000 Lower End of ' - Boucik P. O, Address: Route 15, Stepney Depot, Ot, Danbury. Telephone Eben Beach, 1000 Woodbury Street. The City National Admlnlator of Magnetic Treatment. Spec- Lewis S. 7.00 5 Wall SU it, ialist in treatment of piles, eczema, catarrh, Briscoe, heart failure, stomach trouble and headache. Robert N. Hawley, 5.00 C. S. Scoville of New Haven was a A installed In - - - Medicine furnished for this treatment. Philo J. Marsh. 5.00 telephone has been BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Terms reasonable. Consultation Free. 5 00 visitor in town, Friday, .stopping at the home of George A lis ton at the Clara Tousey, the Grand-Centra- l hotel. head of the Street. , S Abner Beers, 5tX) Charles Platt, and Isaac N. Hawley, 3.00 C. was The policy of this Bank is to treat itt de- Baby Carriages Charles H. Beers, 3.00 Earle Remington and Thomas Mrs William Parker confined to Taaeker Piaao, Org ut aad Tkaery, Go-Cart- Field of New York passed Friday in her home, a few days last week, with a s. Sallu P. Barnum, 10 00 was positors liberally and with uniform cowtcty NEWTOWN OONN. Lemuel Beers, 5 00 town, stopping at the Grand Central severe cold, and unable to be at hotel. In of of the amount . rt 2 00 her work the factory the Allison .re'gardless. of business from the little go-ca- that folds up to the most elab Alexander Hall, Co. they Mrs Everything handy 2 00 Manufacturing at Hawleyville. - James Gordon,' orate and luxurious a could chuckle and doze in. Bucking- Isaac Nichols, , entrust to its care, carriage that baby - - Miss Valentine last week.