Intermixx Webzine 1 Intermixx Webzine 2
InterMixx Webzine 1 InterMixx Webzine 2 Jennifer O'Hara is far from your typical musician, which explains at least partly why she ended up in a band that is far from typical. Kudra's music has been unsuccessfully described as "progressive," or hard rock, or “alterna-rock,” but it has continuously defied those descriptions. Jennifer herself has also defied typical descriptions as a musician. I can count the femaledrummers I know on one finger, by Noel Ramos and Jenn is it. She also bucks the trend as so few drummers have, by being an active spokesperson for the group, and as our front cover photo illustrates, a likely visual icon. Replacing drummer Justin Piccorillo just over a year ago, Jenn is fast becoming a recognizable figure. Despite her Gwen Stefani-like allure, Jenn makes it clear that her beauty and charm do not overshadow the teamwork of the band. Formed in 1999, by former members of Red 40 LakeLake, Joe Pisko and Mike Bibeau, Kudra has been tweaking its line-up and metamorphosing into one of Connecticut's most influential groups in their genre. Well, that's assuming they fit in a genre, but as I said, they definitely have been making a mark on the local scene. With their recent entry into the ranks of InterMixx membership, Kudra has now embarked on a mission to expand that influence to a national level. As members of the internetwork, the band plans to perform in various InterMixx showcases around the country. These performances will bolster additional efforts by the band that have already resulted in national airplay for their songs on over 600 radio stations around the US.