Westfield Avenue and Goldsworth Road.Pdf
Planning Inquiry Decisions 95/0879 and 95/0980 References made to paragraphs: 63 Proposed satellite parking and CPZ (have not been introduced) 75 Typical Football crowds then 1,900 124-130 Impact on amenity of scheme WE.!':1Fif.t,D AvE. 95(0'b?q C101..l)!>W(J!l.lt\ I{ D. '1 sI 0 q ~ 0 GovERNMENT OFFICE FoR THE SouTH EAST Surrey, East & West Sussex Area Team The Borough Secretary Woking Borough Council ; 3 i\GV 1!:197 Bridge House Civic Offices I Walnut Tree Close Guildford Gloucester Square '. ~ GUJ 4GA Woking Surrey GU21 lYL • ·- ·' • ,. " •• ' • ¥ ~ ~. Switchboard: 01483 882255 .-.,, Tel: 01483 882 Fax: o148§71!82 GTN: 30U49 Our Ref: APP/A3655/96/265157 & SEP/21/A3655/0l Your Ref: DA/Westfield Date: 11 (\) 0 i.'e.~~r /"'"'I Dear Sir TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 - SECTIONS 77 & 78 APPLICATION. BY CONRAD PHOENIX. PROPERTIES LTD AND TESCO STORES LTD -LAND AT WESTFIELD A VENUE/KINGFIELD ROAD, WOKING. APPEAL BY HUNTING GATE DEVELOPMENTS, RAIL TRACK PLC AND LINKSIDE PROPERTIES LTD -LAND AT GOLDSWORTH ROAD, WOKING I. .I am directed by the Secretary of State for the Environment to say that consideration has been given to the report of the Inspector, Mr Richard A Morday BA(HONS) MCD MRTPI, who held an inquiry into: A) an appeal by Hunting Gate Developments Ltd, Railtrack pic and Linkside Properties Limited under section 78 of the Town and Countiy Planning Act 1990 against the failure ofWoking Borough Council to give within the prescribed pe1iod notice of its decision·on an application for the .dem~lition of existing buildings, alteration of levels, erection of Class A1 retail store 5510 sq.
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