Frotest of Some Free Men, States and Presses Against the Texass Rebellion, Ag.4Inst the Laws of Nature and of Nations

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Frotest of Some Free Men, States and Presses Against the Texass Rebellion, Ag.4Inst the Laws of Nature and of Nations I THE ANTI-TEXASS LEGION. FROTEST OF SOME FREE MEN, STATES AND PRESSES AGAINST THE TEXASS REBELLION, AG.4INST THE LAWS OF NATURE AND OF NATIONS. Rujhlers Rapine, Righteous Hope defier. -. "Ye serpents ! ye generation of vipers! ! How can ye encape the damnation of hell! !!" ,.. ....... 1845. Sold at tho Patriot Office, NO..^ Exchange st. Albany. +'tx ob. single; 50 per dozen; $3 per hundred ; $25 per thousad LIST OF THIS LEGION OF LIBERTY. y Delenda est Texas. Benjamin Lundy, British Emancipator, (Gen. Gaines' trespass,) G. W. Alexander, Mexican Decrees for I Gcorge Bradburn, Universal Freedom, EdmGnd Quincy, Texas Constitution Pawtucket Chronicle, against Freedom, Cleveland Jo~lrrral, President Guerero, Legislature of Vermont, John Quincy Adams, Gen. Assembly of Ohio State, The Mexican Arms, A. S. Society of Pennsylvania, : The London Palriot, A. S. Convention of N. Y. State, William B. Reed, Philadelphia Gazette, National Intelligencer, Friend of Man, Edward J. Wilson, Pres. Jackson's Inconsistency, G. L. Pos:lc!hwaite, William B. Tappan, New-York Sun, Southport ~rnirkan, N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, Edward Everett, Wilkinson's and Burr's trial, Mass. Legislature, 1843. African Slave Trade and Texas, The Free American, Bri~ishCommissioners Report, The L~beiator, (Bartow's Case,) The Liberty Press, Detroit Spectator, New-Y ork American, American Citizen, Mexican Side, 2 Liberia Herald, New-Y o~kTribune, + Daniel Wcbster, P~ttsburgGazette, W~lliamJay, Lynn Record, The British Parliament, Richmond Wbig, Barlow Hoy, Hoonsocket Patriot, Daniel O'Cmnell, Ham~shireRepublican, Col. Thompson, William H. Burle~gh, Fowell Buxton, Louisville Journal, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, State of Rhode Island, Robert Owen, Legislature of Michigan, Thomas Branagan, John Quincy Adams, Joseph Sturge, Seth RI. Gates, William E. Channing, Willlam Slade, Commonwealth of Mass., William B. Calhoun, Nathaniel P. Rogers, Joshua R. Giddings, David Lee Child, Sherlock J. Andrews, Edwin W. Goodwin, Nathaniel B. Borden, Joshua R. Giddings, Thomas C. Chittenden, John Maynard. John Mattocks, Zebina Eastman, Christopher Morgan, Gamaliel Bailey, J. C. Howard, V~ctorBirdseyq A. S. Standard, Hiland Hall, Thos. A.Tomlinm, William L. McKenzie, Stanley A. Clark, Chas. Hudson, La Roy Sunderland, Archibald L. Linn, J. B. Lamar, Thw. W. Williams, Tru. Sa' Archibald L. Linn, Dav. Bronson, Geo. N. Bripg., . William Slade, Petition to Congress. 46 TEXAS AND MEXICO. But the prime cause, and the real object of this war, a-e not di~- : tinctly understood by a large portion of the hone-t, disinterested, and ' well-meanins citizens of the Uni!ed States. Their means of obtain- [ ing cnr:cct inforrnntion upou the suhject have bren necessarily limited; and manv of them hzvc brcu deceived and misled by the ~nisrepresen- tations of those coiiccrned in it, antl especially by hireling writers of the newspaper press. They Ii:~vc bceri induced to belicve that the in- habitantsof 'rexas wereenqagcd in a legitin~atccontestfor the mainte- nance of the sacred principles of liberty, and ~hcnatural, inalieuable richts of man :-whtrcas, the motives of its instigators, aud their chief iGentives to action, have been, from the commencement, of a directly oppo+e character and tendency. It is susceptible of the clearest deino?a- strafton, that the in~tnediatecause, and the leading object of this contest, originated in a settled design, nmong the slareholders of this country, (tvith laltd specrclators antl slaee-traders,) to wrest the Large and valuable " territor~lof Term from the Jfexican Republic, in order to re-establish the .;- SYST~!XOF SLAVERY ; to open a vast and profitable SLAVE MARKET therein; and ultintately to annex it to the U~litrrlStates. And further, it is evident-nay, it is very genrrs!lv acknowledged- that the insurrectionists are principally citizens of ihe United States, who have proceeded tl~itherfor the purpose of revolutionizing the country ; and that they are dependant upon tlis nation, for both the physical and pccuniarv means, tocarry the design into effect. Whether the national lcgislatu& will lend its aid to this mo=t unwarrantable, a~~resaireattempt, will depend on tI9 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, expressed in their primary assemb>es, by their petilions and through t!ic ballot bores. The land speculations, aforesaid, haw extended to most, of the cities and villages of the United States, the British colonies in America, and the settlements of foreigners in all the eastern parts of Mexico. All concerned in them are aware that a change in the government of the country must take place, if their claims should ever be legalized. The advocates of slavery, in our southern states and elsewhere, want marc land on this continent suitable for the culture of sugar and cotton: and if Texas, with the adjoining portions of Tamaulipas, ' Coahnila, Chihuahua, and Santa Fe, east of the Rio Bravo dcl Norte, can be wrested from the hlcxican government, room will be afforded for the redundant slave population in the United States, even to a remote period of time. Such are the motives for action-such the combination of interests 7 -such the organization, sources of influence, and foundation of authority, upon which the present Texas Insurrection rests. The resi- dent colonists compose but a small fraction of the party concorned in . it. The standard of revolt was raised as soon as'it mas clearly ascer- tained that slavery could not be perpetuatkd, nor the illegal speculn tiw in land continued, under the government of the Mexican Republic $ The Mexican authorities were charged with acts of oppression, while .,g true causes of the revolt-the motives and deaigns of the insurgentti t; . BENJAMIN LUNDY. Y -were studiously concealed from the public ;.iew. Influential slave- lrolders are contributing money, equipping troops, and marching to the scene of conflict. The land speculators are fitting out cxpedit~ons from Eew York and Sew Orleans, with men, muuitions of war, pro- visions, kc., to promote the object. The Independence of Texas is declared, and the system of slavery, as well as the slave-trade (with the U:~itcd ~t;rtes,jisfully recognized by the government they have set up. Cornulissloucrs are seut from the colonics and agents are appointed hcrc, to makc formal application, enlist the sympathies of oixcitizuns, and solicit aid in evcry way that it can be furnished. The hireli~igpresses are acr;vely engaged in promoting the success of their effi:ts, by misreprtxmtin the character of the Mexicans, issuing infla!nmatory appeals, and urging forward the ignorant, the unsus- pecting, the adrcnturous, and the unprincipled, to a participation in the struggle. Cnder the crroncous construction of the treaty with Mexico, General Gaincs was autl~orizedto cross the boundarv line with his army ; to tnarch relenty 11iiles into the hlcxican terri<ory ; and to occupy the military post of Nacogdoches, in ease tie should j~&e it expedient in order to gtrnrd agnil~stIndiatt dep~edations! And further ; he was hkewise authorized to call upon the governors of scveral of the south- ioestern states for an additional number of troops, s1:ould he consider it cccesrzry. Front the Pensncolo Go:ctle. "About the middle of st mo:ith, Genc:>l Gaines sent 17 officer of the Cnited States army into Texas t,~rec!sirn runic deselt~rs. IIe found them already enlisted in the Texlon se~riccto ths non~berof trio hundred. They still wore the uniform of our army but refused of course to return. The com- mander of the Texian forces <;as applied td, to enforcb their return ; but his onlr reply was, that the si,ldicis m141t go, but he had no authority to send them back. This is a new ricw of ocr Texian relations." The following decrees and ordinances are translated from anofficial compi!ation by authority of the government of hl~srco. Extract f,.oln the Law of October 14tlr, 1823. Article 21. Foreigners who bring slaves with them, shall obey the Laws established upon the matter, or which shs1l hereafter be estab lished. DECREEOF JULY 13, 1821. Pro.kibition of the Commerce and Trnfic in Slaves. The Sovereign General Constitue:it Congress of the United Mexl can Statcs has held it right to decree the follosving : 1. The commerce and traffic in slaves, ~roceedingfrom whatever power, and under whatcver flag, is forever prot~ibited,within the ten- tories of the Vnitcd Mexican States. 2. The slaves, who may be introduced contrary to the tenor of the rding article, shall remain free in consequence of treading the .lexlcan soil. r BENJAMIN LUNDY. 3. Every vessel, whether national or forei?, in which elavm may be transported and introduced into the Mex~canterritories, shall be confiscated with the rest of its cargo-and the owner, purchaser, cap- tain, master, and pilot,-. shall suffer the punishment of ten years' con- finement. The Constitution of Coahuila and Texas, promulgated on the 11th of March, 1527, also contains this im ortant article : " 13. In this state no person shall ge born a slave after this Consti- tution is published in the ca ital ofeach district, and six months there- after. neither will the introfuction of slaves be permitted under any [Translated from page 149, Vol. V, Mexican Laws.] DECREEoa PRESIDENTGUERRERO. BbolitMn of Slavery. The President of the United LMexican States, to the inhabitants of the Republic- Be it known : That in the year 1829, being desirous of siunalizin the anniversary of our Independence b ,an act of national .Tu:tice an% Beneficence, which may contribute to tie strength and support of such inestimable welfare, as to secure more and more the public tranquility, and reinstate an unfortunate uortion of our inhabitants in the sacred rights granted them by natore, and may be protected by the nation, under wise and just laws, according to the provision in article 30 of the Constitutive act ; availing myself of the extraordinary faculties ,anted me, I have thought proper to decree : 1.
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    Washington University in St. Louis Washington University Open Scholarship All Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) 1-1-2011 This Inglorious War: The econdS Seminole War, the Ad Hoc Origins of American Imperialism, and the Silence of Slavery Daniel Scallet Washington University in St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Scallet, Daniel, "This Inglorious War: The eS cond Seminole War, the Ad Hoc Origins of American Imperialism, and the Silence of Slavery" (2011). All Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). 638. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by Washington University Open Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) by an authorized administrator of Washington University Open Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Washington University in St. Louis Department of History Dissertation Examination Committee: Iver Bernstein, Chair Elizabeth Borgwardt Randall Calvert Wayne Fields Peter Kastor David Konig "This Inglorious War": The Second Seminole War, the Ad Hoc Origins of American Imperialism, and the Silence of Slavery by Daniel Scallet A dissertation presented to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Washington University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy December 2011 Saint Louis, Missouri Copyright by Daniel Scallet 2011 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the Dwight D. Eisenhower Institute whose Clifford Roberts Fellowship Program provided funding for this project. I have also benefitted greatly from the Lynne Cooper Harvey Fellowship in American Culture Studies. Finally, I would like to thank the faculty at Washington University from whom I have learned so much as well as friends and family to whom I am eternally grateful.
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