Dr. Christian E. BUTZKE Professor of Enology Department of Food Science Windows of the World, the largest wine-selling restaurant in the world used to occupy the 106th and 107th floors of One World Trade Center.

All 73 of the Windows of the World staff on duty that morning died. CEB 1989 Wine & Health



The Roman Empire Wine & Health Wine vs. Food Poisoning ?

Escherichia coli O157:H7

(O-one-five-seven-H-seven) Salmonella enteritidis Listeria monocytogenes Campylobacter jejuni Wine & Health Wine vs. Food Poisoning ! The French Paradox

• French : high in cream, eggs, cheese, and other foods loaded with low-density “bad” cholesterol

• French have much lower rate of heart disease (1/3 of US) The French Paradox

CBS "60 Minutes" broadcast November, 1991

http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4750380 n Wine & Media The French Paradox

Oxidized “bad” LDL cholesterol builds-up on walls of arteries => heart attack, stroke Wine phenolics from skins & seeds are anti-oxidants which may block oxidation IF they make it into the blood stream uptake can increase “good” HDL cholesterol protecting against plaque build-up Works only on a daily wine ration basis of wine is ineffective The French Paradox

Oxidized LDL Cholesterol Plaque

Heart Arteries The French Paradox

Wine Consumption (gallons/capita) 2014

- France 11.5

- USA 2.6

- Saudi-Arabia “0”

http://www.wineinstitute.org/communications/statistics/keyfacts_worldpercapitaconsumption02.htm The French Paradox

Life expectancy

- France 82

- USA 80

- Saudi-Arabia 75 The French Paradox

Life (years)

Annual Wine Consumption (liters)

Mediterranean Diet Pyramid Wine & Health

1 Glass of Dry Wine (5 oz)

Calories: 105 Carbs: 0

Chemically, alcohol is NOT considered a carbohydrate. Wine & Health

Caloric values of wine by style (per 5 oz glass) Alc (%) Alc Cal RS (g/L) Carb Cal Total Cal Red (Zin) 14.5 120 0.2 0 121 Rosé (White Zin) 12 100 34 21 120 White ("dry" Char) 12 100 6 4 103 White ("dry" Riesling) 11 91 14 9 100 No Carb (Slender™) 12 100 0 0 100 De-alcoholized Rosé 0.5 4 58 35 39 Ice Wine 10.5 87 180 110 197 Port Wine-Style 19 158 130 79 237 Wine & Health

The Upside Protection against: Heart disease, high blood pressure Reduced platelet aggregation Improved vascular dilation/tone Certain , e.g. prostate, colon, lung Diabetes (NIIDM) Glaucoma / cataract / macular degeneration http://www.webmd.com/search Alcohol & Excessive Drinking Cancers • Mouth • Larynx • Esophagus • Liver • Colon • Breast • Pancreas • Lung Wine & Health

“To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” H. Simpson, 1997 Alcohol & Health

Did you know that 33% of Purdue students report having missed a class because of drinking?

www.purdue.edu/alcohol Alcohol & Health Uti, non abuti

The Downside • and abuse • Accidents • Crime • Medical treatments • Lost productivity • Uncollected taxes • Unpaid health/SS contributions

• Preventative measures cost 02/08/2009 Sexual Assault and Alcohol http://www.purdue.edu/sexual_assault Sexual Assault and Alcohol Sexual Assault and Alcohol http://www.purdue.edu/sexual_assault Wednesday, 9/19 Loeb Theater Alcohol & Health

Statistic I:

Alcohol Consumers (12+ years old) 1: 2

Binge Drinkers (past 30 days) 1: 5

Alcoholics 1: 17

http://www.samhsa.gov http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ethanol_CPK_ani.gif http://www.purdue.edu/hr/pdf/drugAlcoholInformation.pdf Alcohol & Health

Statistic II:

• Alcohol consumption (by volume): 87% as beer, 8% as wine, 5% as spirits

• 11% of US population consumes 88% of all wine

J.T. Lapsley, UC Davis Drinking & Driving

BloodAlcoholConcentration Legal Limit: 0.08%

Your Body Weight / 100

= X Glasses of Wine (5 oz)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content Moderate Drinking

Example: 100 lb woman : 1 glass (5 oz) 200 lb dude : 2 glasses (10 oz)

NB: 750 mL wine bottle = 25 oz Wine & Pregnancy

GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. “The campaign against drinking during pregnancy started in 1973 when several studies showed that heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause the condition known as the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

"What the government conveniently chose to ignore is that this syndrome is extremely rare, occurring only 3 times in 100,000 births, and then only when the mother drinks abusively throughout her pregnancy." Whitten & Lipp, UCSF Odds of Dying

Heart Disease 1: 3 Breast Cancer 1: 28 AIDS 1: 213 (IN) 1: 264 Terrorist Attack 1: 12,802 Lightning 1: 56,439 Who regulates Wine?

Dept. of HEALTH & Human Services? FOOD and DRUG Administration? NO!

Dept. of the TREASURY? Tax & Trade Bureau? YES! Who regulates Wine?

Dept. of the TREASURY? Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB)? YES!

Wine Excise Tax (<14% EtOH): $0.21/bottle

Alcohol Excise Tax Revenues (2003) : $4,398,717,000 Who regulates Wine?

Dept. of the TREASURY? YES!

1927 government ruling: “Illegal profits are taxable”

! Al Capone indicted for income tax evasion Who regulates Wine?

Dept. of the TREASURY? YES!

December 5, 1933: 21st Amendment “Repeal of ” Wine Warning Label Required on every bottle

1. GOVERNMENT WARNING: (1) According to the Surgeon General, women should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects.

2. (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery and may cause health problems.


Alcohol Labeling

27 CFR §4.36 - Alcoholic content. “Alcohol __ % by volume”

A tolerance of 1%, in the case of wines containing more than 14% of alc by vol, and of 1.5%, in the case of wines ("table wines") containing 14% or less of alc by vol, will be permitted either above or below the stated percentage. Organic Wine Labeling

1. “100 % Organic Wine” cannot include any non-organic substances. No added sulfites. 2. “Organic Wine” can include up to 5 % non- organic agricultural ingredients that are not commercially available in organic form and other substances, including yeast, allowed by 7 CFR 205.605. No added sulfites. => organic? 3. “Wine made with Organic Ingredients” can include up to 30 % non-organic ingredients. Up to 100 mg/L sulfur dioxide. => organic??? Wine Warning In FRANCE

Editorial story on wine = Advertising =>

http://www.winesandvines.com/template.cfm?section=news&content=52385 “Contains Sulfites”

1. Microbial Stability

2. Inhibition of Browning Enzymes

3. Binding of Acetaldehyde

4. Antioxidant Activity “Contains Sulfites”

5% of asthmatics have severe adverse reaction Affects possibly 1 in 600 people No evidence to cause headaches European don’t contain less than US wines Legal limit is 350 mg/L for wine (US)

Wine contains on average 74 mg/L SO2 Wine Headache?

Drink 1 glass of water with every glass of wine! + Wine Headache? © Mauricio Alejo