Bibliography of Hookworm Disease (Ancylostomiasis)
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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOOKWORM DISEASE (ANCYLOSTOMIASIS) BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L'ANKYLOSTOMIASE World Health• Organization Organisation mondiale de la Sante Geneve Il)65 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOOKWORM DISEASE BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L' ANKYLOSTOMIASE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOOKWORM DISEASE (ANCYLOSTOMIASIS) 1920-1962 BIBLIOGRAPHIE DE L'ANKYLOSTOMIASE 1920-1962 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION •tt ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE GENEVE 1965 © World Health Organization 1965 Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accord ance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. Never theless governmental agencies or learned and professional societies may reproduce data or excerpts or illustrations from them without requesting an authorization from the World Health Organization. For rights of reproduction or translation of WHO publications in toto, application should be made to the Division of Editorial and Reference Services, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Organization welcomes such applications. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Director-General of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country or territory or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. PRINTED IN SWITZERLAND © Organisation mondiale de la Sante 1965 Les publications de !'Organisation mondiale de la Sante beneficient de la protection prevue par les dispositions du Protocole N° 2 de la Convention universelle pour la Protection du Droit d'Auteur. Les institutions gouvernementales et les societes savantes ou professionnelles peuvent, toutefois, reproduire des donnees, des extraits ou des illustrations provenant de ces publications, sans en demander l'autorisation a !'Organi sation mondiale de la Sante. Pour toute reproduction ou traduction integrale, une autorisation doit etre demandee a la Division des Services d'Edition et de Documentation, Organisation mondiale de la Sante, Geneve, Suisse. L'Organisation mondiale de la Sante sera toujours tres heureuse de recevoir des demandes a cet effet Les designations utilisees dans cette publication et la presentation des donnees qui y figurent n'impliquent de la part du Directeur general de !'Organisation mondiale de la Sante aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique de tel ou tel pays ou terri toire, ou de ses autorites, ni quant au trace de ses frontieres. Sauf erreur ou omission, une majuscule initiale indique qu'il s'agit d'un nom depose. IMPRIME EN SUISSE CONTENTS Introduction . 7 Principal sources consulted . 10 List of references . 11 Index ......... 223 TABLE DES MATIERES Introduction . 9 Sources principales consul tees. 10 Liste de references. 11 Index .......... 239 INTRODUCTION The compilation of this bibliography of the world literature on hook worm disease (ancylostomiasis) was made possible through the financial assistance of the Rockefeller Foundation. It covers material published between 1920 and 1962 and thus brings up to date the bibliography published over forty years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation: ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Bibliography on hookworm disease. New York, 1922. 417 p. (Rockefeller Foundation. International Health Board Publication No. 11) In order to make the present bibliography as comprehensive as possible and to ensure a wide geographical coverage, a systematic search was made of important medical works of reference. A list of the principal sources consulted in addition to the indexes and catalogues of the World Health Organization Library will be found on page 10. Whenever possible, references cited have been verified from the original material, and for the textbooks only the latest known edition has been cited. Serial publications, such as reports issued at regular intervals by govern ments or private bodies, have not, in general, been included. As a general rule, titles of articles and books have been given in the original language, Cyrillic characters being transliterated in accordance with the system recommended by the International Organization for Standardization. In the case of material published in Chinese or Japanese, the title of the article in square brackets is as given in the source from which the reference was obtained. The references are arranged alphabetically by author, each item being numbered. A combined subject and geographical index in English and in French, referring to the item numbers, will be found at the end of the bibliography. The headings for this subject index were prepared by an international group of experts on helminthiases. So far as possible, pharmaceutical preparations have been entered in the index under the name appearing in the Cumulative list of proposed international non-proprietary names for pharmaceutical preparations, Geneva, World Health Organiza tion, 1962. -7- INTRODUCTION La presente bibliographie de l'ankylostomiase a ete etablie grace a l'aide financiere de la Fondation Rockefeller. Elle mentionne les ouvrages et les articles parus entre 1920 et 1962, et constitue ainsi une mise a jour de la bibliographie publiee il y a plus de quarante ans par la Fondation Rockefeller: ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Bibliography on hookworm disease. New York, 1922. 417 p. (Rockefeller Foundation. International Health Board Publication No. 11) Afin de rendre ce travail aussi complet que possible du point de vue technique et geographique, on a methodiquement consulte les ouvrages importants de references medicales. On trouvera a la page 10 la liste des principales sources dont on s'est servi en plus des index et catalogues de la Bibliotheque de !'Organisation mondiale de la Sante. Les references ont ete verifiees, dans la mesure du possible, sur le travail original meme; dans le cas des manueis; seule la derniere edition connue est mentionnee. Les publications periodiques, telles que les rapports publies a intervalles reguliers par des organismes publics ou prives, ont ete exclues. En regie generale, les titres des articles et des ouvrages sont donnes dans la langue originale; les caracteres cyrilliques ont ete translitteres conforme ment au systeme recommande par !'Organisation internationale de Norma lisation. Pour les publications parues en chinois ou en japonais, on a repro duit entre crochets le titre de }'article indique dans la source d'ou la refe rence est tiree. Les references sont numerotees dans l'ordre alphabetique des noms d'auteurs. La liste est suivie d'un index par matieres et par pays, etabli en anglais et en franc;:ais. Les rubriques de l'index ont ete choisies par un groupe international d'experts en helminthiases. Les preparations pharma ceutiques sont designees le plus souvent dans l'index sous le nom qu'elles portent dans la Lisle recapitulative des denominations communes internatio nales proposees pour les preparations pharmaceutiques, Geneve, Organisa tion mondiale de la Sante, 1962. -9- PRINCIPAL SOURCES CONSULTED SOURCES PRINCIPALES CONSULTEES Armed Forces Medical Library Catalog (Washington) Bibliografia Brasileira de Medicina (Rio de Janeiro) Bibliografia Medica Venezolana (Caracas) Bibliography of Agriculture (Washington) Bibliography of Scientific Publications of South and South East Asia (New Delhi) Boletin del Centro de Documentaci6n Cientifica y Tecnica de Mexico. Secci6n 4 (Mexico) Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur (Paris) Chinese Medical Journal. Current Chinese Medical Literature (Peking) Current List of Medical Literature (Washington) Documentation Bulletin of the National Research Centre. Abstracts of Scientific and Technical Papers Published in U.A.R. and Papers Received from Mghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan (Cairo) Excerpta Medica. Section 17 (Amsterdam) Helminthological Abstracts (Famham Royal) Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (Washington) Index-Catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology (Washington) Index Medicus (New York) Index Medicus (Washington) Index Veterinarius (Famham Royal) Japan Science Review. Medical Sciences (Tokyo) Japanese Periodicals Index. Natural Sciences (Tokyo) Medicinskaja Parazitologija i Parazitamye Bolezni (Moskva) National Library of Medicine Catalog (Washington) Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus (Chicago) Tropical Diseases Bulletin (London) Veterinary Bulletin (Farnham Royal) Zentralblatt fUr Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene. I. Abteilung. Referate (Stuttgart) Zoological Record (London) -10- 1. AABERG, M. E. 10. ABULADZE, T. E. Ancylostomiasis and hypoproteinemia com Sostojanie nekotoryh funkcij pt:Ceni pri anki plicated by pregnancy. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec. lostomidoze [Na Gruzinskom jazyke]. In: 1946, 52, 854-857 Plan rabot i tezisy dokladov XV naucnoj sessii i ABADIE, S. H. V. 3705 Instituta medicinskoj parazitologii tropiceskoj medicini imeni S. S. Virsaladze, (Tbilisi), ABATE, J. DE V. 2121 1961, 27-28 ABBADIE, A. U. V. URRIBARI ABBADIE, A. 11. ACHARYA, S. K. 2. ABBOIT, 0. D. Incidence of helminth parasites in pariah The effect of improved diet on children with dogs. Indian vet. J. 1933, 9, 210 a moderate degree of hookworm infection. 12. ACHARYA, S. K. J. Home Economics, 1934, 26, 577-580 Incidence of helminth parasites in indigenous 3. ABDALLA, A. dogs and jackals with special reference to Avitaminosis B 1 in ancylostoma