Grain Morphology
Domain of things that sedimentary are….1 A) Broad realm of the sedimentary…. Etymology: from the L. “sedimentum”, meaning “to settle out”, first used by C. Lyell (1830) in Principles of Geology to distinguish major genetic category of Earth’s rocks. Sedimentary components include: 1. particulates o clastic (derived from the greek “klastos”, meaning “broken”) . physically broken from bedrock o chemical precipitates . changes in a solution. a solution = solute + solvent o biogenic (from Gk. “bio”, meaning “life” and genic “ from Gk. “genesis" meaning “origin, creation" 2. fluids: (derived from the L. “fluidus” meaning “ to flow”), an inelastic material that permanently changes its shape in response to force, superductile o all four phases of matter may exhibit fluid behaviour: some solids (L. “solidus” meaning "firm, whole, entire" ice, glass), liquids (L. “to melt” or “flow”), gases (Gk. “khaos”), and plasmas (from Gk. “plasma, plassein” meaning “molded, spread thin”) o flow rate is quantified and qualified . viscosity (from L. “viscum” meaning “sticky substance”), defined as “resistance to flow” Earth’s Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Cryosphere all exhibit fluid movement (e.g. currents, convection) o Outer shells of density-stratified planet o Therefore, sedimentary environments include the parameters of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere, and their boundaries or interfaces with the lithosphere. o Temperature range from the (coldest temperature recorded on Earth, Vostok, Antarctica in 1983, -89 ºC (-129 ºF)) to about 150ºC (temperature of low grade deep burial metamorphism) Planets and other small solar system bodies (SSSBs) with significant atmospheres, cryospheres, or liquispheres also exhibit sedimentary processes o Examples include: Venus Mars Titan © WB Leatham, 2012 Domain of things that sedimentary are….2 Sedimentary Processes: Formation of Sediment: Breakdown of bedrock or other sediments, can have multiple geneses Weathering—breakdown of bedrock due to stationary exposure to surficial fluids 1.
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