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Feminist technoscience is a transdisciplinary branch of studies which emerged from decades of feminist critique on the Power and Technology 1st edition gender and other identity markers are entangled in the combined fields of science and technology. Feminist technoscience focuses less on intrapersonal relationships between men and women, and more on broader issues Masculinity knowledge production and how bodies manifest and are acknowledged in . Feminist technoscience studies are inspired by Power and Technology 1st edition constructionist approaches to gendersexintersectionalitiesand science, technology and STS. It can also be referred to as feminist , feminist STS, Power and Technology 1st edition feminist cultural studies of science, feminist studies of science and technology, and gender and science. According to Judy Wajcmanthe concept of technology has historically been bound to indigenous women. The roles of harvesters, or caretakers of the domestic economy taken up by these women lead Wajcman to conclude they would have created tools such as the sickle and the pestlemaking them the first technologists. This transformed the meaning from including useful arts technology — such as needleworkmetalworkweavingand mining — to strictly . The women's health movements of the s in the and the provided momentum to the emergence of feminist politics around scientific knowledge. Science was originally seen as an alien entity opposed to women's interests. Rather than asking how women can be better treated within and by science, feminist critics instead chose to focus on how a science deeply involved in masculinity and masculine projects could be used for the emancipation of women. Today's feminist critique often uses the former demonology of technology as a point of departure to tell a story of progress from liberal to postmodern feminism. According to Judy Wajcman, both liberal and Marxist feminists failed in the analysis of science and technology, because they considered the technology as neutral and did not pay attention to the symbolic dimension of technoscience. Feminist technoscience studies have become intrinsically linked with practices of Technofeminism and the development of feminist in cultural and critical vernacular. Feminist technoscience studies explore the coded social and historical implications of science and technology on the development of society, including how identity constructs and is constructed by these technologies. Technofeminism emerged in the early s, leaning on Masculinity different feminist movements. Feminist Power and Technology 1st edition reanalyzed the Scientific Revolutionand stated that the resulting science was based on the masculine ideology of exploiting the Earth and control. During this time, nature and scientific inquiry were modelled after misogynous relationships to women. Femininity was associated with nature and considered as something passive to be objectified. This was in contrast to culture, which was represented by objectifying masculinity. This analysis depended on the use of gender imagery Power and Technology 1st edition conceptualize the nature of technoscientific masculine ideology. Judy Wajcman draws parallels between Judith Butler 's theory of gender performativity and the Power and Technology 1st edition of technology. Butler conceives gender as Masculinity performative act as opposed to a naturalized condition one is born into. Drawing from the work of Butler and Donna HarawayAmade M'charek analyzes how objects, when linked to another object or signifier, construct identity through the use of human imagination:. Differences and similarities may be stable or not, depending on the maintenance work that goes Power and Technology 1st edition the relations that help to produce them. They are neither fundaments nor qualities that are always embodied… Differences are relational. They do not always materialize in bodies in the flesh, genes, hormones, brains, or the skin. Rather they materialize in the very relations that help to enact them. In this theory, identity is not the byproduct of genes, but the constant upholding of hierarchical difference relations. Technology too, as proposed by Wajcman, is a product of mutual alliances, not objectively given but collectively created in a process of reiteration. Western technology and science is deeply implicated in the masculine projection and patriarchal domination of women and nature. The differences between female and male needs were asserted by feminist movements, drawing attention to the exclusion of women being served by current technologies. During this time, household technologies, new media, and new technosciences were, for the most part, disregarded. Feminist technologies are ones that are formed from feminist social relations, but varied definitions and layers of feminism complicate the definition. Deborah Johnson [13] proposes four candidates for feminist technologies:. The successes of certain Power and Technology 1st edition, such as the pap smear for cervical cancer testing, relied on the feminization of technician jobs. Combined oral contraceptive pills were first approved for use in the United States induring the time of the women's liberation movement. The birth control pill helped make it possible for more women to enter the workforce by giving them the ability to control their own fertility. Decades prior to this, activists such as Margaret Sanger and Katharine McCormick fought for female contraceptives, seeing it as a necessity for the emancipation of Power and Technology 1st edition. The male domination of these fields led technologies such as oral contraceptives to be developed around what men considered to be universal, defining characteristics of women Masculinity being their sex and reproductive capabilities. The development of reproductive technologies blur the lines between nature and technology, allowing for the reconfiguration of life itself. Through the advances of genetic technologies, the controlling of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood has become increasingly possible through intrusive means. These advances in biotechnology are serving to develop life as a commodity and deepen monetary inequality - a link made by feminist theorists such as Donna Haraway. Haraway instead chooses to embrace technology as feminist instead of reverting to this idea of naturalized femininity. The corporatization of biology through the alteration of nature through technology is also a theme explored by Haraway. The OncoMouse is a laboratory mouse genetically modified to carry a specific gene which increases the creature's chance of developing cancer. UntilAmerican conglomerate DuPoint owned the to the OncoMouse, reconfiguring and relegating life to a commodity. Increasing breast cancer Power and Technology 1st edition in Black women are discussed in eco-feminist analysis of the modification of lab animals from breast cancer to being the discussion into an ethically ambiguous space. Masculinity in particular raises the question of whether modifying and expending a live commodity like OncoMouse is ethical if it leads to the development of a cure for breast cancer. The reconfiguring of life in biotechnologies and genetic allow for a precedence to be set, leading to capitalist Power and Technology 1st edition consequences. Through these technologies technoscience becomes naturalized, and also becomes increasingly subject to the process of commodification and capital accumulation in transnational capitalist Masculinity. This also develops life and nature as a thing to be exploited by capitalism. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Women's suffrage Muslim countries US. First Second Third Fourth. General variants. Religious variants. By country. Lists and categories. Lists Articles Feminists by nationality Literature American feminist literature Feminist comic books. European Journal of Women's Studies. . Archived from the original PDF on Retrieved Social Studies of Science. Feminist STS has long established that science's provenance as a male domain continues to define what counts as Masculinity and expertise. Wikipedia, arguably one of the most powerful sources of information today, was initially lauded as providing the opportunity to rebuild knowledge institutions by providing greater representation of multiple groups. However, less than ten percent of Wikipedia editors are women. Our main objective In sum, our aim here is to present a consolidated analysis of the gendering of Wikipedia. Cambridge: Polity, Handbook of Gender Power and Technology 1st edition Women's Studies. Cambridge: Polity. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity. Theatre Journal. Handbook of gender and women's studies 1. London [u. Feminist Technology : 6. Archived from the original PDF on 30 August Retrieved 30 April Cambridge: Polity, Accessed December 04, Feminist theory. Feminism portal. Ecofeminism Feminist method Hegemonic masculinity Women's Women's studies. Russell Dorothy E. Smith Marilyn Waring. Women's studies journals. Science and technology studies. of science Economics of scientific Power and Technology 1st edition. History and of science and technology . Actor—network theory Social construction of technology shaping of technology of knowledge scientific Sociology of scientific ignorance Sociology of the history of science . Power and Technology 1st edition Criticism of Power and Technology 1st edition black swan events Science citizen communication education normal post-normal rhetoric wars consensus controversy dissent enterprise literacy method misconduct priority skepticism Team science ecological STEM. Co-production Dematerialization Digital media use and mental health diffusion disruptive linear model system user Normalization process theory Technical change Technoscience feminist convergence determinism revolution transitions criticism of dynamics theories of transfer . Evidence-based policy of science history Power and Technology 1st edition science of Politicization of science Research Masculinity Right to science Socio-scientific issues Transition management. Categories : Feminism and society Science studies Epistemology. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Gendering Methodologies in the Study of Men and Masculinities | SpringerLink

Why do companies get caught up in illegal behavior, harassment, Masculinity toxic leadership? Researchers identify an underlying cause: a Masculinity Contest Culture. This kind of culture endorses winner-take-all competition, where winners demonstrate masculine traits such as emotional toughness, physical stamina, and ruthlessness. Surveys of thousands of workers in the U. Masculinity these norms lead people to focus on burnishing their personal image and status at the expense of others, even their organizations. It produces organizational dysfunction, as employees become hyper competitive Masculinity win. We surveyed Masculinity of workers in the U. Respondents rated whether various masculine qualities were highly prized in their workplace; they also reported on other Masculinity characteristics and their personal outcomes. Four masculine Power and Technology 1st edition, which together define masculinity contest culture, emerged as highly correlated with each other and with organizational dysfunction:. What all of this means is that masculinity is precarious: hard won, and easily lost. And the need to repeatedly prove manhood can lead men to behave aggressivelytake unwarranted riskswork extreme hoursengage in cut-throat competition, and sexually harass women or other menespecially when they feel a masculinity threat. The competition breeds unspoken anxiety because admitting anxiety is seen as weak and defensiveness e. Together this creates miserable, counterproductive work environments that increase stress, burnout, and turnover. Think about finance and tech startups, where billions of dollars are quickly made or lost; surgery, where high-stakes operations leave no room for error; and military and police units, where risky jobs are performed under strict chains of command. Where does this leave women? Like everyone else, women must try to play the game to survive, and the few who succeed may do so by behaving just as badly as the men vying to win. Women and minorities thus face a double-bind that makes Power and Technology 1st edition less likely to succeed; they may find it easier to survive by playing supporting roles to men Power and Technology 1st edition are winning the contest. Organizations rely on cooperative teamwork to succeed. But masculinity contests lead people to focus on burnishing their personal image and status at the expense of others, even their organizations. These problems create both direct costs through turnover and harassment lawsuits and indirect costs through decreased innovation due to Masculinity psychological safety. Put simply, masculinity contest cultures are toxic to Masculinity and the men and women within them. In extreme cases, such as Uber, the pressure cooker explodes, severely damaging or even destroying the organization. Dropping a diversity initiative onto these types of workplaces is unlikely to create meaningful change. In fact, current interventions, like those to prevent sexual harassment, typically fail or even backfire in these environments by creating more harassment. Real change requires shutting down this game. To accomplish this, organizations need to perform deeper, more committed work to examine and diagnose their cultures. These efforts must be led by those who have the power to spark Power and Technology 1st edition reform. It is crucial to generate awareness of the masculinity contest and its role in creating organizational problems. When organizations do not tolerate bullying and harassment, Power and Technology 1st edition bad apples are kept in check and good apples do not go bad. Effective interventions require authentic and meaningful connections to core organizational values and goals. For example, researchers have documented how an energy company undermined masculinity contest norms on oil rigs through a safety intervention. The bottom line demanded reform: oil rig disasters cost lives and money, environmental destruction, legal liability, and severe reputational damage. Leaders convinced workers that increased safety was central to the mission; and they monitored and rewarded desired behavior change. The need to prove manhood proved incompatible with the new mission-based rules. Not only were accidents and injuries reduced, but so was bullying, harassment, burnout, and stress. Organizations can leverage other core goals to motivate reform. Given the inherent dysfunctionality masculinity contest cultures Masculinity, chances are that almost any mission-related reform can help. For example, research demonstrates a common characteristic among innovative teams: psychological safety. Team members know that they can raise questions or voice doubts without eliciting ridicule or rejection. An initiative to foster innovation via greater psychological safety would naturally dampen the masculinity contest. As a by-product, the work environment should become more hospitable and inclusive toward women and minorities; after all, whose ideas are most often summarily ignored or dismissed in masculinity contest cultures? Because people publicly uphold the norms, it appears as though everyone endorses them. Research has shown that people in masculinity contest cultures think their coworkers embrace these norms when in fact they do not, breeding pervasive but silent dissatisfaction alongside active complicity as people stay quiet to prove they belong. Leaders can remedy this misperception by publicly rejecting masculinity contest norms and empowering others to voice their previously secret dissent. But they also need to walk the talk by changing reward systems, modeling new behavior, and punishing the misconduct previously overlooked or rewarded. Leaders also need Masculinity ensure that people who speak up are no longer punished or retaliated against for doing so, either formally e. Jennifer L. Her research focuses on sexual harassment and organizational cultures that encourage it. She is an author of the Women in the Workplace reports by LeanIn. Organizational culture. Companies need cooperative teamwork — not toxic competition. Related Topics:. Partner Center. Masculine Power and Gender Equality: Masculinities as Change Agents | Russell Luyt | Springer

It seems that you're in . We have a dedicated site for Germany. This book explores how political institutions can challenge dominant and normative masculinities, guiding thinking instead toward a transformation of gendered power structures and general equality. Her research interests include gender studies, Cold War Power and Technology 1st edition, postcolonial studies, popular culture, contemporary drama as well as post-socialism. She recently published Of Treason, God and Testicles. Only for the Brave? Change among the Change Agents? At Odds with Feminism? JavaScript is currently disabled, this site works much better if you enable JavaScript in your browser. Free Preview. Buy Power and Technology 1st edition. Buy Hardcover. FAQ Policy. About this book This book explores how political institutions can challenge dominant Masculinity normative masculinities, guiding thinking Power and Technology 1st edition toward a transformation of gendered power structures and general equality. Show all. Table of contents 10 chapters Table of contents 10 chapters Only for the Brave? Men in Finance for Emancipatory Social Change? Pages Thym, Anika. Show next xx. Read this book on SpringerLink. Recommended for you. PAGE 1.