Download Vol. 18, No. 3
BRUCE J. MAC FADDEN 1 .S .7rl 1-T-1 s ir<// I • 1t11 lilli 1 . .. -2 ' . # 5 1 '6 Z of the FLORIDA STATE MUSEUM Biological Sciences VOLUME 18 1974 NUMBER 3 CHECKLIST OF FOSSIL LAND TORTOISES ( TESTUDINIDAE) WALTER AUFFENBERG 2 4 - .9 5 8 , I 5* & r.% & 1 - r a * /5 1 9 '. 5 b .r .a + , / .IS1 5= . I S UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA GAINESVILLE Numbers of the BULLETIN OF THE FLORIDA STATE MUSEUM, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, are published at irregular intervals. Volumes contain about 300 pages and are not necessarily completed in any one calendar year. CARTER R. GILBERT, Editor RHODA J. RYBAK, Managing Editor Consultants for this issue: S. DAvm WEBB ERNEST E. WILLIAMS Communications concerning purchase or exchange of the publications and all manu- scripts should be addressed to the Managing Editor of the Bulletin, Florida State Museum, Museum Road, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611. This public document was promulgated at an annual cost of $5,227.75 or $5.227 per copy. It makes available to libraries, scholars, and all inter- ested persons the results of researches in the natural sciences, emphasiz- ing the Circum-Caribbean region. Publication date: September 30, 1974 Price: $5.25 CHECKLIST OF FOSSIL LAND TORTOISES (TESTUDINIDAE) WALTER AUFFENBERGI SYNOPSIS: This checklist is based on the main literature pertaining to fossil tortoises and an examination of many important specimens in museums in North and South America, Europe, and India.2 Zoogeography and evolutionary trends are outlined and briefly discussed. Of 318 species originally described as fossil land tortoises, 22 are removed from the family and placed elsewhere, 9 are considered nomina nuda, 13 are based on material unidentifiable at the species level.
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