Introduction Keyword: Hokum
Introduction Keyword: Hokum The word “hokum” is one of several examples of stage slang whose meaning, at a certain point in the 1920s, was much debated. According to a 1926 article in American Speech, it was the “most discussed word in the entire vernacular” of popular entertainment (another was “jazz”).1 The term seems to have origins in the late nineteenth century, perhaps deriving from “oakum” (material used to calk the seams of a ship; by extension, “sure-fire” gags and other material used to secure the success of a stage act) or, alternatively, as a combination of “hocus-pocus” (sleight-of-hand, trickery) and “bunkum” (nonsense). Still, those origins are sufficiently questionable that novelist Edna Ferber, in her 1929 Cimarron, could claim that the term was of exclusively twentieth-century deri- vation. (“The slang words hokum and bunk were not then [1898] in use.”)2 The ambiguous sources of “hokum” also correspond to a split in its development, which, by the 1920s, had seen the sense of “sure-fire” shift in the more dis- paraging direction indicated by “bunkum.” Writing in 1928, a reporter for the New York Times expressed incredulity that a term once describing material that “ ‘get[s] over’ . with an audience” was now synonymous with “hooey, tripe, apple-sauce, blah and bologna.”3 The word seems to have something to do with comedy, although this is not invariable. An article in the Times of 1923 indicated a possible melodramatic refer- ence as well, describing hokum as “old and sure-fire comedy. Also tear-inducing situations,” which suggests hokum’s applicability to anything that traded in strong or obvious effects, whether of comedy or of sentiment.4 “Hokum is not always com- edy; sometimes it borders on pathos” echoed the essay in American Speech.5 Still, the reference to comedy, specifically of the knockabout, slapstick variety, was primary.
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