Additions Toward a Thorough Understanding of the International Foundations of Andragogy in HRD & Adult Education
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University of Tennessee, Knoxville TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange International Adult and Continuing Education IACE Hall of Fame Repository Hall of Fame Repository 2007 Additions Toward a Thorough Understanding of the International Foundations of Andragogy in HRD & Adult Education John A. Henschke EdD Lindenwood University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Community College Leadership Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Disability and Equity in Education Commons, Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Educational Psychology Commons, Higher Education Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Other Education Commons, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education Commons, Special Education and Teaching Commons, Student Counseling and Personnel Services Commons, and the Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons Recommended Citation Henschke, John A. EdD, "Additions Toward a Thorough Understanding of the International Foundations of Andragogy in HRD & Adult Education" (2007). IACE Hall of Fame Repository. 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ACADEMIA ROMANA FILIALA CLUJ-NAPOCA ANVARVL INSTITVTVL VI DE ISTORIE "GEORGE BARIl" DIN CLVJ-NAPOCA v SERIES HUMANISTICA 2007 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE COMITETUL DE REDACTIE, CAMIL MURESANU (redactor responsabil) VASILE MARIAN (secretar de redactie) MONICA ALBU IOANBERAR IONUT C. ISAC ANDREINEGRU SIL VIU G. TOTELECAN Revista se poate procura prinlToute commande sera adressee a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Calea 13 Septembrie. nr. 13. Sector 5, 050711. Bucure~ti, Romania, Tel. 4021-318 8146,4021-318 8106, Fax 4021-318 2444; e-mail: [email protected]; RODIPET S.A., Piala Presei Libere, nr. 1, Sect. 1. P.O. Box 33-57, Bucure~ti, Romania. Tel. 4021-318 7000, 4021-318 7001, Fax 4021-318 7002, 4021-318 7003; e-mail: [email protected]; ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 S.R.L., P.O. Box 77-19, sector 3, Bucure~ti, Romania; Tel.lFax: 4021-610 6765, 4021-210 6787; Tel. 0311044 668; E-mail: [email protected]. REDACTIA: Institutul de Istorie "George Bari!", str. Napoca nr.11. Cluj-Napoca. 400088, Romania, Tel. 0264-59 83 43. © 2007, EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE Calea 13 Septembrie, nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucure~ti CUPRINS PSIHOLOGIE JOHN A. HENSCHKE and MARY K. COOPER, Contributii la 0 Intelegere detaliata a fundamentl:irilor internationale ale andragogiei In dezvoltarea resurselor umane i educatia adultil ...... ....................... ........... ........... ............... ............. 7 EV A KALLAY, Dezvoltarea posttraumatica - 0 scurta sinteza ................................... 55 rOAN BERAR, Problema aptitudinilor in psihologia clujeana interbelid1. .................. 87 MONICA ALBU, Un nou instrument pentru evaluarea autonomiei personaIe la adolescen!i ......... ....... ..................................................... ........... ......... ..... ....... ..... 99 LUCIA-ELISABETA FAICIUC, Teorii actuale asupra proceselor rationamentului silogistic ~i limitele lor explicative ..................................................................... 115 MARL·'\NA ROSCA, Cand ~i de ce a apl1rut sintagma "Scoala clujeana de psihologie"? ...... 137 SOCIOLOGIE ANDREI NEGRU, Comportamente ~i strategii de viatl! In Valea Drl1ganului Uud. Cluj)............................................................................................................ 163 SILVIU G. TOTELECAN. Spre 0 analiza teritoriala a rurbanului. Demo-economia a patru comune transi1vanene ................................................................................ 185 ZOLTAN SALANKI, Strategii de viata In situri rurate cu revalorificari culturale. Studiu de caz In Rimetea, judetul Alba............................................................... 211 ALIN A BOLEA, Scoaia romaneasdi ~coaHi incluziva ....................................... ....... 233 FILOSOFIE EUGEN S. CUCERZAN, Aspecte ale contradiqiei Ia Eminescu................................. 255 CODRUTA CUCEU, Particularitati ale mi~carilor de masa In post-comunismul clujean tin1purill ...... ................................. .......................................... ................. 271 VASILE ZVANCIUC, Realismul critic a1lui Alexandru Bogza.................................. 285 ECONOMIE VASILE MARIAN. Retlectii asupra continutului ~i viitorului banilor ........................ 307 DREPT CALlNA JUGASTRU, Reflectii asupra notiunii ~i evolutiei dreptllrilor personalitatii... 325 JOANA BOGDAN CATANICIU, Succesivele modifidiri ale Ordonantei 4312000 ~i proteqia patrimoniului arheologic ...................................................................... 341 An. Inst. de lst. ..G. Barit" din Cluj-Napoca, Series Humanistica, tom. Y, 2007, p. 1-404 4 RESTITUIRI DUMITRU ISAC, Filosofia teoretica $i filosofia practica la Kant................. .............. 357 RECENZII ANGELA BOTEZ, Arhitectura sistemului .sf conceptele integrative blagielle (Jonut Isac) .................................................................................................................... 385 FLORIAN ROATI~, Pledaarie pentru filosa/ia romdneascii. Eseuri apraape pole/nice (Ionut Isac) ............................ ........................... ... ............. .......... ......... 389 ACTIVITATE ~TIINTIFICA. REPERTORIU SELECTIV (2006) ........................................................................... 393 CONTENTS PSYCHOLOGY JOHN A. HENSCHKE and MARY K. COOPER, Additions toward a through Understanding of the International Foundations of Andragogy in HRD and Adult Education ................................................................................................ .. EVA KALLAY, Posttraumatic Growt: riefReview............................................. 55 lOAN BERAR, Aptitudes as a Research Topic Investigated by the Psychologists from Cl uj during the Inter-War Period ........................ .......................... ............. 87 MONICA ALBU, A New Instrument for the Assessment of Personal Autonomy to Teenagers............ ......................... .................... ................................................... 99 LUCIA-ELISABETA FAICIUC, Current Theories Regarding the Processes of the Syllogistic Reasoning and Their Explanatory Shortcomings.............................. 115 MARIANA ROSCA, When and Why the Phrase "The School of Psychology from Cluj" Occurred? .................................................................................................. 137 SOCIOLOGY ANDREI NEGRU, Comportments and Life Strategies in the Village of Valea Draganului (County of Cluj) ................................................. .............................. 163 SILVIU G. TOTELECAN, Towards a Rurban Territorial Analyze. The Demo- Economy of Four Transylvanian Communes .................................................... 185 ZOLTAN SALANKI, Life Strategies in Rural Sites Presenting Cultural Revalorizations. Case Study in Rimetea, Alba County....................................... 211 ALINA BOLEA, Romanian School - Inclusive School....................................... ........ 233 PHILOSOPHY EUGEN S. CUCERZAN, Aspects of the Contradiction in the Literary Production of Mihai Eminescu .... ........... ................ .............................. ............. ............. ..... ...... 255 CODRUTA CUCEU, Characteristics of the Mass-Movements from Cluj in Early Post-Communism .. ............................... ................................................... ........... ..271 VASILE ZVANCIUC, The Critical Realism of Alexandru Bogza .............................. 285 ECONOMICS VASILE MARIAN, Reflections upon the Content and the Future of the Money........ 307 LAW CALINA JUGASTRU, Reflections on the Notion and the Evolution of the Personality Rights...... ....... ............................................................................ ...... 325 An. lnst. de 1st. "G. Barit" din Cluj·Napoca, Series Humanistica. tom, V. 2007, p. 1--404 6 IOANA BOGDAN CA.TA.NICru, The successive Modification of the Governmental Ordinance 43/2000 and the Protection of the Archeological Heritage .......... ..... 34l RESTORA TIONS DUMITRU ISAC, Kant's Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.................................. 357 REVIEWS ANGELA BOTEZ, The Architecture of the System and the Integrative Concepts of Lucian Blaga (lonut Isar) ..............