REDCAR and CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a Meeting of the Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Will Be H
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REDCAR AND CLEVELAND BOROUGH COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a meeting of the Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council will be held on Thursday 21 November 2019 at 2pm in the Redcar & Cleveland Leisure and Community Heart, Ridley Street, Redcar and all and several Members of the said Council are hereby summoned to attend. ORDER OF BUSINESS Prayers. Elect a person to preside if the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are not present. 1. Apologies for absence. 2. To receive Declarations of Interest. 3. To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2019. 4. To receive any Announcements from the Mayor, the Leader of the Council or Cabinet Members. 5. To receive any Announcements from the Managing Director (Head of Paid Service). 6. To consider Questions from the Public for which Notice has been given. 7. To consider and agree any Reports from the Cabinet and the Council’s Committees. Date Committee Minute No Report Title A) 05.11.19 Cabinet 26 Internal Audit Arrangements B) 05.11.19 Cabinet 27 Appointment Process for Senior Posts 1 of 43 8. To receive Reports from Portfolio Holders. A) Report of the Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare (HEREWITH) (A period of 10 minutes, or such longer period at the discretion of the Mayor, will be set aside for questions which must be succinct and relate directly to matters within the report). 9. To consider Motions. 10. To appoint Members. Where there are vacancies or changes in appointment: • To appoint Members of Council Bodies and Representatives to serve on other bodies to which Members are appointed by the Council; and • To approve any changes to Committee membership and to appoint Chairs and Vice Chairs where appropriate. 1. TVCA Audit and Governance Committee – Councillors Sandra Smith and Berry to replace Councillors Pallister and Ayre. 11. To reply to Questions from Members of the Council. Questions to the Chair, Members of the Cabinet, Chairs of any Committee or Sub- Committee, Members of the Fire Authority, Police and Crime Panel or the Tees Valley Combined Authority Scrutiny Committee, for which notice has been given. Question 1: From Councillor Hannaway to Councillor Lanigan, Leader of the Council: “Given the increasingly dangerous use of language in political debate does the Leader agree that images portraying fascism, and spreading Nazi images as a “solution” for the children of Skelton are not to be tolerated and called out for the abomination it is? “Would she further agree that this council should do all it can to condemn the use of such material and disassociate itself from such imagery and messages?” JOHN SAMPSON Managing Director (Head of Paid Service) Redcar and Cleveland House Kirkleatham Street Redcar Yorkshire TS10 1RT 13 November 2019 2 of 43 BOROUGH COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 3 10 October 2019 BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Borough Council was held on 10 October 2019 at the Redcar & Cleveland Leisure and Community Heart. PRESENT His Worshipful The Mayor (Councillor Wells), Councillors Ayre, Baldwin, Barnes, Berry, Brook, Brown, Cawley, Clark, Cook, Mrs Cooney, Craig, Cutler, Davies, Dowson, Fisher, Fletcher, Foggo, Foley-McCormack, Gallacher, Griffiths, Hannaway, Head, C Holmes, L Holmes, Holyoake, Hunt, G Jeffery, S Jeffrey, Jones, Kay, King, Lanigan, Lax-Keeler, Lockwood, Massey, Morgan, G Nightingale, I Nightingale, Ovens, Pallister, C Quartermain, L Quartermain, Rees, Rider, Sandra Smith, Stuart Smith, Vince Smith, Teasdale, Thomson, Watts, Wells, Westbury, Williams and Wilson. OFFICIALS K Boulton, L Donaghue, P Kavanagh, A Nixon, P Rice, S Robson and C Styles. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were submitted on behalf of Councillors Brady, Clarke, Gray, Dr C Jackson and Moody. 11. TRIBUTES AND MINUTES SILENCE Members paid tribute to the two men that lost their lives at the former SSI site and Jade Smith who had featured in the Mighty Redcar documentary. The Mayor asked Members to join him in a Minute’s silence as a mark of respect. 12. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Berry declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Guisborough and North Yorkshire as a Member of Guisborough Town Council and the North Yorkshire Moors National Park Authority. Councillor Davies declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Loftus as a Member of Loftus Town Council. Councillor Gallacher declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Sirius Minerals as a shareholder in Sirius Minerals. Councillor Griffiths declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Guisborough as a Member of Guisborough Town Council, a Member of Guisborough Town Pride and as a Member of Take Heart Support Group. 3 of 43 BOROUGH COUNCIL 10 October 2019 Councillor Jones declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to children as a Foster Carer for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Councillor Kay declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item number 7B as his daughter and family members lived within the conservation area. Councillor Lax-Keeler declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to children as a Foster Carer for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Councillor Rider declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Saltburn, Marske and New Marske as a Member of Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council. Councillor Stuart Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Saltburn as the Chairman of Saltburn, Marske and New Marske Parish Council. Councillor Teasdale declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to Guisborough as a member of Guisborough Town Council, Guisborough Town Hall Gateway Project and Friends of Guisborough Cemetry. Councillor Westbury declared a non-pecuniary interest in all matters relating to health as an employee of South Tees NHS Foundation Trust. 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS 13.1 Mayor’s Announcements 13.1.1 Civic Service The Mayor thanked everyone who had attended his Civic Service on Sunday 6 October 2019. 13.1.2 Charity Fundraisers The Mayor announced that Councillor Adam Brook had been collecting donations in aid of Redcar and Cleveland MIND. Councillor Brook and friends had completed a sponsored walk from Grangetown to Redcar in memory of a close friend and also to mark World Mental Health Day. 13.1.3 Charity Bike Ride The Mayor announced that he would be taking part in a sponsored Charity Bike Ride where he would ride 50 miles to raise money for his chosen charities, Zoe’s Place and Eva Women’s Aid. 4 of 43 BOROUGH COUNCIL 10 October 2019 13.2 Leader’s Announcements 13.2.1 Events Update The Leader of the Council gave an update on the events that had taken place during August, September and October 2019. She thanked the Officers and Members that had been involved in the events and advised that they had been very successful. 13.2.2 Steel Stories Award The Leader of the Council announced that an exhibition celebrating the region’s steel and industrial heritage had won a national award. Steel Stories, an interactive exhibition based at Kirkleatham Museum, had been awarded Best Small Project in the Museums Change Lives Awards. Steel Stories was the culmination of 12 months of community engagement and research, showcasing stories, artefacts and pictures from real people who worked and lived in the steel industry and community. The Leader of the Council invited the Museum Manager and the Cabinet Member for Culture to present the award to the Mayor on behalf of the Council. 13.3 Cabinet Members’ Announcements 13.3.1 Kirkleatham Hall School 60th Birthday Celebrations The Cabinet Member for Children advised that Kirkleatham Hall School was celebrating its 60th birthday and a number of events had been organised. She thanked all the staff, parents and children at Kirkleatham Hall School. 13.3.2 Thanks The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods’ thanked all the staff and Elected Members who had donated and bought raffle tickets through his fundraising events. He advised that he had raised £15,000 for SAFA. 13.3.3 Guisborough Service Centre Opening The Cabinet Member for Adults advised Members that Guisborough Service Centre had been officially opened. She also advised what a huge asset this would be for the Borough and wished the Centre all the best for the future. 13.4 Announcements from the Chief Executive The Corporate Director for Adults and Communities advised that the Corporate Director for Resources and the Monitoring Officer were unable 5 of 43 BOROUGH COUNCIL 10 October 2019 to attend the meeting as they had a declaration of interest relating to Agenda Item 7A, the Senior Management Structure report. He also welcomed Kathryn Boulton, the new Corporate Director for Children and Families to the Council and wished her every success in her new role. 14. TO CONSIDER QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The Mayor invited Mr F Page forward to ask his questions. 14.1 Question 1 from Mr F Page, Guisborough resident to Councillor Hunt, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods: “I care for the future of my community and want to do what I can to help maintain standards and help reduce costs. I recently talked to Redcar and Cleveland Trade Waste Leaders with a complete commitment to confidentiality so could only discuss information available on the internet and the Council website. I hope they found me helpful, respectful and knowledgeable. Over the last 6 months and prior to the meeting I viewed the Council website, talked to businesses and determined that I could help the businesses improve their recycle procedures, reduce waste and save this Council and the people it serves money. The most successful people in the world have coaches. If you employ me I will be the recycle coach. My job will be to help businesses recycle responsibly and save the Council money.