Present: Cllr S Fowler (Chairman), Cllr J Harding, Cllr T Richards, Cllr I Harding, Cllr H Kilvert, Cllr P Stebbings and Cllr S Treavett

1. Welcome and to consider accepting apologies for Absence The Chairman welcomed those present. There were no apologies to be received from Parish Councillors as there was a full attendance.

There were apologies for absence received from County Cllr Mark Kiddle-Morris and Dist. Cllr E Gould.

2. To declare any Interests re items on the agenda No interests were declared.

3. To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November 2016 After adding thanks to Mr James and Mr Brolly for their work on the Hut, Cllr J Harding proposed the minutes of the 3rd November meeting, which had been circulated, be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting, seconded by Cllr Treavett and carried by the Council.

4. To discuss any matters from the minutes of November (not on the agenda). There were no matters arising.

5. To discuss Correspondence No correspondence had been received.

6. To discuss any Planning Issues 3PL/2016/1024/0 Land to the south of 43 Road, erection of 3 dwellings, refusal of outline planning permission.

3PL/2016/1298/HOU Mr & Mrs B Lippett, Hawthorn House, Barrows Hole Lane, single storey rear extension to dwelling, planning permission received.

3PL/2016/1545 Mr & Mrs B Bowers, Westcliffe House, Barrows Hole Lane, construction of a kitchen extension & carport. The Parish Council had no comment to make on this application.

7. To discuss the Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd. proposed offshore wind farm The Chairman had contacted the coordinator of the Necton Action Group regarding this project and had brought it to their attention that there is a ‘conflict of interest’ between Little and Great Dunham, Necton and and stated that he wishes to be invited to any meetings that may take place in Necton and he proposes to take Cllr I Harding with him to any meetings. Then they will report back to the Parish Council their findings of the meeting. Apparently there will be a report delivered to the Clerk in January and this will be circulated by her to the Parish Councillors.

The situation will continue to be monitored and Cllr Fowler will look again at the scopeing report. The letter from Vattenfall will be acknowledged and Vattenfall will be asked to inform the Parish Council when the next local meeting will take place and where, as the Chairman would like to be added to the ‘Guest List’ so to speak.

8. To receive an update on the Playing field and the Sign Cllr Richards tried to fit the new swing seats but she was not able to as she tried to use the existing chains. Some new chains will be needed. The Parish Council agreed that they be purchased at a cost of £42.12 plus delivery. A sign had been made and the Clerk brought it to the Hut but two signs are required, so she will order another one.

9. To discuss any Highways Matters All the pot holes have been identified and some have been filled in.

A sign has been stolen within the last month. It was made of cast iron, was circle shaped with the words on the top and County Council on the bottom. The Parish Council felt that the theft should be reported to the Police, so the Clerk will see to this.

10. To discuss the amenities area Cllr Kilvert has met with Mr Richard Calley and some trimming has taken place.

11. To discuss the footpaths After the last meeting Cllr Kilvert was asked to look into the cutting contracts of footpaths. There are 2 footpaths that are cut and they are cut about 3 times a year.

12. To receive an update on the Community Speed Watch Scheme In the year 2016, 662 Speeders were reported. That represents 14% of the vehicles that were checked. Since the SAM sign was installed, there has been a 39% fall in offenders detected. The number caught is still high enough to warrant the Police Enforcement Officer coming to the village twice a month. His figures do not show any improvement with a total of 39 offenders over the last three months being prosecuted. The sign is producing a great deal of data for Cllr Stebbings to study. There is going to be an Annual Speed Watch meeting in March and Cllr Stebbings will be attending it.

13. To authorize any necessary financial payments The Parish Council agreed to pay the necessary financial payments:-

Clerk’s net salary Dec/Jan. £197.60 HMRC tax Dec/Jan. £49.40 Hudson Signs £48.00 St Margaret’s PCC £200.00 Invoice from Malin & Co £65.00. The Parish Council decided a cheque for £50.00 should be sent as that was the amount that had been agreed and a letter of explanation will be sent with the cheque.

14. To set meeting dates for the remainder of the year The following dates were set:- Thursday March 2nd at 7.30 p.m. Thursday May 11th at 7.30 p.m. This meeting is preceded at 7.00 p.m. by the Annual Parish Meeting Thursday July 6th at 7.30 p.m. Thursday September 7th at 7.30 p.m. Thursday November 2nd at 7.30 p.m.

15. To receive items for next agenda Village Emergency Plan Tea Shop and Micro Pub

16. To confirm date of next meeting The next meeting will take place on Thursday March 2nd at 7.30 pm in the Hut.

There being no other business to discuss, Cllr Fowler declared the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m. and thanked everyone for attending

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