Flavor for Everyday Life|April/May 2016|$3 SPRING SaltA supplement of The Lima News TRAVEL ISSUE

Explore the shops of downtown Wapak

household 15 uses for lemon Check out the 25 Scenic Byways 2 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 OVER 65 YEARS OVER VALUES SERVING YOU OF PROVEN 40860737 Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 3 What color is What color dinnerware? your brown Orange, yellow. and most love you What do community? your about That they support the arts. Find the shaker in this issue and be entered to be entered in this issue and Find the shaker and thesaltmagazine.com, Visit our website, in hidden the shaker was issue, In the February/March Karen winner, to our most recent Congratulations winner! could be our next You Photo taken by Photo taken by Amanda Wilson at Casa Chic in Wapakoneta. On the Cover Hide & Shake & Hide card. grocery win a $10 at the top to be Shaker Contest link click on the num- street name, your Please include entered. and name your Only city and zip code. ber and name, by be received All entries must will be published. town online entries will be accepted. Only 2016. April 28, the photo on page 15. of Ottawa. Schroeder Peanut. peanut M&M’s? peanut Chocolate or or Chocolate around the world. the around A trip A you won the lottery? won you you won the lottery? won you thing you would buy if buy would you thing thing you would buy if buy would you thing Jerica LaRaye Humphrey Jerica LaRaye Freed Center Interim Director and Arts Administration Ohio Northern University Program Director, rst be the  would What [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] achaffi [email protected]

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[email protected] thesaltmagazine.com 3515 Elida Road, Lima OH 45807 Lima OH 3515 Elida Road, Flavor for Everyday Life Flavor available for purchase at the offi ce of The News. Lima ce of at the offi for purchase available

available for purchase at the offi ce of The News. Lima ce of at the offi for purchase available

Salt By Lora Abernathy Profile Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram @TheSaltMagazine. and Instagram Pinterest Twitter, us on Facebook, Follow

Front Porch Profi le Profi Front Porch ers a personal off into the lives glimpse of notable people in our communities

Salt is published six times a year by Civitas Media LLC and is available through through Media LLC and is available Civitas by Salt is published six times a year Front Porch Front whole or in part, is prohibited. Salt is free to The Lima News subscribers and is also subscribers The Lima News to Salt is free or in part, is prohibited. whole The Lima News. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of any material from this issue, in this issue, material from of any Reproduction All Rights Reserved. The Lima News. Publisher Editor Editor Food Stricker Pamela Design Layout n Wallingford Jayla Chaffi Andrea Content Abernathy Lora Sales Adrienne McGee Sterrett [email protected] [email protected] Barb Staples 4 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 22 13 28 36 20 Salt 12 24 32 16 30 34 features columns spring homeinspirationspring CONTENTS 5 7 6 9 By LoraBy Abernathy Salt notes By Pamela Stricker Publisher’s note lemon uses for 15 household patio thisspring Rethink your in bloom Spring Index Recipe for allofLimatoenjoyfor Jameson Manor: home Ahistoric Travel theOhioScenicByways Get going: in Wapakoneta’s downtown shops Find what you’re lookingfor success Brewing ‘adulting’ skills Show your off and about Out intheHurleyruns family Farm standsuccess John and Tonyand John Venturella In thekitchenwith... conned Getting 9 34 24 36 Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 5 40859347 Photo by Amanda Wilson Amanda by Photo Shop Local & Save Now! Shakers

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3790 Harding Hwy., Lima Welcome Home to a great night's sleep Home Welcome Websites! Great Two This shaker In each is- Salt comes from Auglaize Antiques LLC in downtown Wapakoneta. we sue of Salt, tryfeature to photos of salt creative and pepper from shakers our readers’ collections. Please submit photos and descriptions to editor@the- saltmagazine. Aprilcom by 2016 for 28, consideration for printing in issue. a future 40860717 Sales 8 6 SE CALL 17 17 17 31 26 17 17 17 18 25 Tire TOLL FREE Sales Department IN DELPHOS 419-692-3015 Service - Body Shop - Parts 1-888-692-3015 Wed. 7:30 to 7:00; Closed on Sat. & Fri. 8:30 to 5:30; Sat. 8:30 to 1:00 Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 to 5:00; Mon., Tues., Mon. & Wed. 8:30 to 8:00; Tues., Thurs. Mon. & Wed. 8:30 to 8:00; Tues., End Alignment • A/C Repair Makes & Models • 419-692-1136 OR 419-692-4651 • All AFTER HOURS TOWING PLEA • Front Professional Service Repair Professional SINCE 1946

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VISIT US ON THE WEB @ www.delphachevy.com GET YOURSELF A DELPHA DEAL Call or stop in for Free Estimate | 1725 East Fifth St. Delphos | 419-741-0011 Banana Split Cake ...... Banana Index Recipe Piccata...... 26Chicken ...... Potatoes Smashed Crispy ...... Patties Zucchini June’s Grandma Rhubarb ...... Stewed Grandma’s Sauce ...... Marinara Venturella’s John Martini ...... Lemon Drop Meatloaf ...... Pam’s Pie ...... Rhubarb Custard Rustic Raspberry ...... Cobbler Skillet Spaghetti Squash ...... Hoagie ...... The Hurley Cake ...... Lemon Triple 6 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 Joy Breakers Joy Makers, my joy when Ican serve someone, whether selfish thingsIcan doformyself. Itfuels someone elseis probably oneofthemost I can’t. what Ican, andcontentnottochangewhat the way they are, beingmindfulofchanging the present theway it is, acceptingothers cent, but content. includesaccepting That needs. Time tohalt, pauseandaddress my own combinationcanbea The “joy breaker.” stands forhungry, angry, lonely andtired. responsible formy joy. Ihave toown that. friends, my husband, my children are not ing themaccountable formy joy. My over andtrust. myself thatisnotmy job. Ihave it toturn kind offolkscanbesodraining. in need, but toomuch timewiththewrong people. There’s atimetoreach outtoothers time around negative, depressed orangry tion tooverload withinformation, orspend Itseemstobeaconstanttempta- spirit. productive andyieldstodiscouragement. creeps inandgives way tofear. It’s soun- wouldas.” my joy. ofallthe Thoughts “shoulda, coulda, Regrets tostealaway oftencomeandtry gone; Iletitdie. Today isnew andsoamI.” Breakers.” that donot. Icallthem “Joy Makers andJoy joying thingsthatbring andthosethings specific influencers ofjoy. Iamrecogniz- around me. peace even when allhellisbreaking loose want thatcalmassurance andsettled-down in pursuit ofadeepersensejoy in2016. I every situation.” choicetopraiseand thedetermined Godin ultimately everything isgoingtobealright, details ofmy life, thequietconfidencethat assurance thatGodisincontrol ofallthe joydescribes likethis: “Joy isthesettled piness Isn’t Enough” by Kay Warren, she Serving others. Doingsomethingfor • Serving tobecontent. • Learning Joy Makers: • Lack ofrest. • Holdingothershostage, mak- tofixothers. Ihave• Trying toremind • Feeding thewrongthings intomy • Frettingover thefuture. Worry • Joy Breakers: In my quest, Ihave identified some I shared inthelasteditionofSaltthatIam I likethat. In herbook, “Choose Joy: BecauseHap- Agonizing over thepast.“Yesterday’s acronymThe HALT Notcompla- what you brings joy. life. Findahobby. Spendsome timedoing rest andrecreation intotheroutine ofmy Take timetoinjectsomefun, entertainment, physical, andmentalneeds. spiritual ways tokeepthefocusonjoy. thataddressesof art joy, theseare good note, article, aninspiring oraframed piece verses orsayings. Whether it’s asticky way andgetonwiththeday. that ismostdreaded first. Getitoutofthe order thatcalmsmeandfuels my joy. care ofme. There issomethingabout whether it’s work, family ortaking challengingtome). (particularly leaders orcounselors. Letgoofcontrol care ofadebtthey can’t pay. it’s justaword ofencouragement ortaking • Spendtimewith otherjoy makers. • Take time totake careofmy own • Physical remindersofquotes, • Quitprocrastinating. Tackle thetask my• Prioritize responsibilities, • Askforhelp. Enlisttheaidoffriends, ketchup 2 tablespoonsbarbecuesauceor 1 teaspoonsalt 1 teaspoongarlic 1 large onion, diced 1 cancream ofmushroom soup 1 egg 1 cupoatmeal(old-fashioned) 2 poundsground beef Ingredients: PAM’S MEATLOAF please passthesalt! … andIchoosejoy. of thebestpossibleoutcome. It’s achoice thing isgoingtobeOK. It’s theexpectation It isthatsettled-down assurance thatevery- throes ofsorrow, even inthemidstofchaos. pain. Joy exists inthemidstofpain, inthe and onetofreeze. day. Iusually maketwo loaves, onetoeat leftover tomake into asandwich thenext especially incoolerweather. It’s alsogood foods thatseemstobeawelcome entrée, recipe formeatloaf, oneofthosecomfort spending timeinthekitchen. Above ismy have sealedthepanwithfreezer wrap. bake it. Justpopitinthefreezer afteryou minutes. sometimes ketchup. Bakeforabout45 I liketoputbarbecuesauceontopor into two loaves, andplaceinloafpans. barbecue sauce, inalarge bowl, shape I hopeyou do, too, anddon’t forget to Lastly, joy doesn’t meantheabsenceof mejoySomething elsethatbrings is If you freeze oneloaf, you donothave to Combine alltheingredients, except Preheat oven to350F. Directions: [email protected] Pamela Stricker Publisher Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 7 LORA ABERNATHY is the editor of Salt Lora in southern She lives magazine. Gary, Ohio with her husband, Lab named is mom to a yellow and competes and trains Boris, Reach her at in triathlons. or [email protected] @abernathylora. on Twitter I frequently take clothes and furniture to take clothes and furniture I frequently she has of what like to hear more But I’d other what instead of reading Though, Times article about her book, “Kondo’s de- “Kondo’s Times article book, about her and can be unique, cluttering theories are every- Discard basic tenets: to two reduced after thanking joy,’ ‘spark thing that does not getting the heave-ho the objects that are organizing and do not buy for their service; the has all already home equipment — your need.” you storage a and clutter isn’t the consignment store, for more bookcases are My new problem. nition than stor- and room-defi decoration is the bonus. that storage simply it’s age; dig the concept. because I really to say, Post Washington to a January According a second book just released Kondo article, Master An Illustrated Joy: “Spark titled, Tidy- and ArtClass on the of Organizing detail she goes into more wherein ing Up,” to organize. about how I sup- written about her books, people have just the have I them. pose I should go buy “the library.” place for them … in But then we saw THE bookcase set, and THE bookcase set, saw But then we putting everything so hard Gary worked several our books from I then moved to see the forest hard it’s Sometimes, harsh After being subject to winter’s about that a book I just heard There’s York New to an October 2014 According Even better, we said to each other, our eyes our eyes said to each other, we better, Even thought about our room lighting up as we “library-esque.” more being even had the opportunity to go we realized we within and stay big with our dream really This set had four bookcases, our budget. a corner, around “wrap” with the ability to With our tall close to 8 feet high. and were be perfect. it would ceilings, gigantic, These cases were black together. Sur- in one corner. t perfectly stunning and fi seemed bigger. room our tiny prisingly, as Gary “the library,” spots in the house to and I call it sometimes using a haughty, cially offi that we’re English accent now and began styling. fancy people, had to clear out the big, We for the trees. to get a true ap- table in the room unused for its potential. preciation and letting months, elements for so many our outlook on the renew warmth the sun’s no better time than there’s coming year, need in truly we what spring to re-examine our home. called, It’s that purpose. could help awaken Up: Tidying “The Life-Changing Magic of ArtThe Japanese of Decluttering and Orga- and it has report- Marie Kondo, by nizing,” revolution. an organizing sparked edly Notes

Like many people, there is a room in our is a room there people, Like many be- room,” “whatever called it the We’ve a dining after moving In December, and a missing something, it was However, Gary suggested adding a bookcase to ashes, one shelf with Bela’s can have “We tears. my I said through “I like it,” Bela, Dane, Great Our near-12-year-old later, days shopping a few went When we realized we got inside the store, Once we house that has always been diffi cult for us been diffi house that has always it believe we but quite small, It’s ne. to defi be- been the master bedroom have must closet and the bathroom cause of its large used it never We’ve connected. it’s to which for that. to four purposes three cause it has served we’ve during the eight years simultaneously there. lived desk as Gary’s table out that served room used — bringing in two never he — which wingback and my antique sitting chairs “whatever.” see past nally could fi we chair, a beautiful sitting room. It was soon helped us see the room tragedy family our library. could be: really it for what one side of the room. and some her food bowl maybe her collar, he helped me imagine. photos,” We 1. in her sleep Feb. died peacefully found a special place have of course, would, as an avid to honor her in the house but, I liked the idea of a bookcase. reader, We one bookcase. just to buy the plan was came home with four. bookcases. for two room have would we

Booking the room Booking Salt 8 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 nuts ontop. Chillovernight before serving. Serves 24-32. of bananas. Cover withCool and cherries Whip andsprinkle layer ontopofpuddingmix. on cooledcake. Slicebananasand instant puddinguntilthick. Spread until smooth. Gradually addthedry a 17-by-1 1/2-inchpan. Directions: Hershey’s chocolatesyrup 1/2 cupnuts, chopped 1/2 cupdicedmaraschino cherries, Two 12-ouncecontainers Cool Whip 4-5 large bananas, sliced Two 20-ouncecansDolecrushed Three 31/4-ounceJell-OFrench 11 ouncescream cheese, softened 1 packageDuncanHinesyellow 2 1/2cupsmilk Ingredients: County Fair someyears ago. also tooksecondplaceinthe Allen BANANA SPLITCAKE Reader Recipes civitasmedia.com. or amcgeesterrett@ Reach herat567-242-0510 worth sharing.life story believes everyone hasa for LimaNews.The She special sectionseditor MCGEE STERRETT ADRIENNE Contributors @lima_eddings. com oron Twitter aedddings@civitasmedia. Reach herat567-242-0379, quilting andgardening. ing, she’s canning, cooking, host. When she’s notwrit- Yorker andpublicradio News. She’s New aformer AMY EDDINGS Spread drained pineappleontop Blend milkwithcream cheese Mix andbakecakeasdirected in diced pineapple, drained vanilla instantpudding pudding cakemix iseasytocutinhalfforasmallercake.This recipeThis Adrienne isthelifestyle/ Adrienne Amy for writes Lima The — Lee Williams ofLima Resources. ofNaturalOhio Department relations managerofthe London, andtheretired media for MadisonPressThe in magazine, aretired staffwriter JANE BEATHARD on Twitter@GBrock4. [email protected] or Reach himat937-556-5759, media business for39years. magazine, andhasbeeninthe publication, forSalt awriter Life Today, aCivitas Media GARY BROCK cooking. scrapbooking, reading or writing, shecanbefound magazine. When she’s not SARAH ALLEN Jane is a writer forSalt Jane isawriter Gary istheeditorofRuralGary Sarah forSalt isawriter be entered inadrawing fora Salt Submission link at the top to Submission linkatthetopto be entered. Includeaphoto Every submittedrecipe will We may feature it got one. mustAll entries be received by 28,April 2016. in thenext issue. cake recipe submittedfor of your dish, too, ifyou’ve won forherbananasplit favorite recipe. and click on the Recipe and clickontheRecipe Congratulations toLee thesaltmagazine.com, Williams ofLimawho Williams Send usyour this edition of Salt. $25 grocery card. Visit ourwebsite,Visit

Scoop Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 9 40860731 Steve Archer 419 236-3647 419 618-4563 Barb Kohler Kyle Binkley Brianna Stumpf 419 236-3768 419 236-6075 Kelley Saam Tom Werling Tom 419 302-0226 419 236-5602 419 889-5157 567 356-0154 Tom Stinebaugh Tom 410 236-7091 567 204-5590 Dennis Kohler Amanda Moening Jeremy Huebner Jeremy (419) 738-3232 www.binkleyre.com Denise Spicer 419 303-7358 419 773-9406 Kristen Archer 121 W Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, OH 45895 121 W Auglaize St., Wapakoneta, RESULTS THAT YOU!!! MOVE THAT RESULTS 419 296-4463 419 302-9787 Dick Brorein Gary Binkley 419 302-1112 419 231-4333 Valerie Markwell Valerie Cheryl McCullough Jack LambertJack • Construction • Construction Staking/Layout Preparation • Easement • As Built Surveys Plan • Lot Survey/Plot “People don’t make that don’t “People household con- Will your has plenty to Wapakoneta came here “I originally kind of thing anymore. It’s all It’s kind of thing anymore. hurry a buck up and make need,” they ‘em what and give he said. if it strictly operate to tinue to the basics? Of adheres if the vintage but course, done in bold swirls glassware wood or the quality-built smile at you makes furniture at its or marvel its whimsy not feather why lasting power, nest? your offer along those lines these lled fi with its downtown days, with opportunities to which in linger. a working wow, thinking,

Binkley Binkley www.binkleylandsurveying.com 419-236-3768 Kyle J. Binkley, P.S. Binkley, J. 419-236-3768 Kyle

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The match holders were were The match holders during the time Popular And Jack Lambert, owner hung carefully, lined up in a hung carefully, for col- waiting neat column, choose their favor- to lectors design and era. ite color, a matches were wooden match household necessity, sometimes called — holders safes — became decora- — done in ceramics tive owers painted fl with pretty about the Only and the like. and hand, of a person’s size the made to hang on the wall, once-utilitarian item has now of collectors. caught the eye Antiques of Auglaize LLC, why. knows downtown shops downtown McGee Sterrett Adrienne By for in Wapakoneta’s for in Wapakoneta’s Find what you’re looking looking you’re what Find 10 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 took part inaco-ophomeandgardentook part Laura Clementzandsomeotherladies street,” Tomlinson said. Sheandco-owner about111/2yearsstarting ago “up the ceiling withstampedtindetails. as aspeakeasy. Itstillhasitscoffered via asidestairway, alsoserved foratime tainment. ballroom,The onceaccessible — sinceitwas built intheearly 1900s. stores —Nagel, Galaxy, Auglaize, Mike’s explained itwas avariety offurniture One oftheowners, Landa Tomlinson, building withanew use—CasaChic. do …andIlove it,” hesaid. upstairs. with anopera houseandgamblinghall andRogersTimmermeister Goods, Dry the 1920sto1990. Itsearliestusewas square feet. Itwas aJCPenney from than 200boothsandshowcases in25,000 since 1992. There are currently more structureThe hasbeenanantiquestore sense tobuy theshop. rent, hefigured itwould makefinancial how much hewas spendingonbooth booths atvarious antiqueshops. Seeing quenting auctionsandhadasmany as10 now-retired soonbeganfre- Lambert interested inantiques.” machine shops,” hesaid. “And thenIgot 2004. and thenboughttheantiquestore in Northwest inhis20s, Findlay inhis50s, California, movedsouthern tothePacific he’s nota Wapak native. Hegrew upin downtown,” said, Lambert explaining Casa Chichasbeenthere sixyears, It, too, hasatopfloorbuilt forenter- Just across thestreet isanotherold “I thoughtthiswould beafunthingto He alsofellforthebuilding’s history. Naturally drawn toantiquetools, the “I worked my whole lifesellingtoolsto • A farmers market• Afarmers isopen • LouAnn’s Tea Spot • Max’s Bar Dairy • LaGrande PizzaPub • Woody’s Diner • AlphaCafe The (The • CloudNineCafe • Marley’s Downtown DINING OPTIONS WAPAKONETA weather permitting. from June toOctober, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Saturdays wich.) Ham Pineapplesand- recommendswriter the • Wonderfully MadeBoutique • MoonFlorist • Macky’s HealthFood • OenKitchenandBathShow- • Park Street Music&Mercantile • Mercy Unlimited • Emporium Bridal The • Your Jewelry Box • FindersKeepers Consignment • Everyday Furniture &More • Thrifty Treasures • Village Green Floral &Garden • Relics • Riverside Center Arts • Dad’s Toyshop • CasaChic • Auglaize AntiqueMall Visit wapakshops.com fordetails. AND SPECIALTY SHOPS WAPAKONETA ANTIQUES room Store Center Amanda Wilson Photos by

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 11 40860739 Center ● Medicaid (OPERS) Contact 419-225-9040 Lima, OH 45804 OUR AMENITIES • Long Term Care Term • Long • Respite Services• Respite Nautilus, and More Nautilus, ● 24/7 RN Coverage Healthcare & Rehabilitation Healthcare Phone: 419.225.9040 Therapy Room with Bike, Therapy ● ● Medical Mutual of Ohio 804 South Mumaugh Road • Short Term Rehabilitation Term • Short • Outpatient Rehabilitation • Outpatient Lost CreekLost ● Humana Private Rehabilitation Suites ● Private Cable TV and More! & Phone ● Cable INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Facility: Facility: Specialized Treatment Programs Treatment ● Specialized Medicare ● Molina● Medicare ● MultiPlan VA Bene ts ● VA Healthcare ● United CareSource ● Co nity ● CareSource ● Buckeye 804 S. Mumaugh Rd, Lima, OH 45804 804 S. Mumaugh Rd, www.guardianeldercare.com/lostcreek Advantra / Coventry ● Anthem / Coventry ● Advantra ● Aetna We are here to help you, 24 hours 7 days a week! to help you, 24 hours 7 here are We Landa Tomlinson Landa is free. on other events, on other events, wapakoneta.com. 23. Each shop will Each 23. Arts April in will be have an artisan, and and an artisan, have from 1-10 p.m. April 1-10 p.m. from visit www.downtown visit www.downtown the street. Admission the street. For more information more For displays will be along will displays Clementz has been painting Clementz has been furniture move we say “We linson said. “Every one of them “Every linson said. customers.” has their own now, for some years furniture is a furniture and repurposed theme in the store. said, Tomlinson for a living,” our joke.” “That’s laughing. “None of us said, ‘Let’s go ‘Let’s said, “None of us about The shop features of a wide variety “It just gives store, and things grew. Now, Now, grew. and things store, and sisters her three Tomlinson, to together work their mother Chic a destination make Casa and vintage new, for quality items. one-of-a-kind in the end, but start a business,’ blessed to been so truly we’ve Tomlinson lives,” this in our have one after another “People said. ‘This is my will come in and say, shop.’” favorite items with vendors dozen two of retail floors three over spread divided The shop isn’t space. however, into strict booths, open, more opting instead for a It also offers feel. cohesive things for sale on consignment and layaway. Tom- tastes,” people’s different Nick Moeller. new Moeller Wills Arling 12 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 patron Tom chats with and owner Brew Barn Abernathy by Lora Photos From left, Thwaits Brewing SUCCESS ing themselves atthebar. “We’re evening crowd ofpatrons enjoy- voice tobeheard over anearly awesome,” hesaid, raising his decided totakethatleapoffaith. a “you-only-live-once”attitude, could besuccessfuland, with he was confident thebusiness at homesince2007. Hesaid Schools, hadbeenbrewing beer and graduate Local ofMarion Stein. in Maria the MoellerBrew opened Barn a brewery. So, onMay 17, 2015, skills tothenext level andopen something else—totakehis homecraftThe brewer wanted to becloserhisfamily in2013. decided tomove Stein toMaria dren andnofamily nearby, they years ago. twoWith young chil- were living inSanDiegoafew your own boss.” with thekids, soit’s nicetobe but Igettodoalotofbreakfasts I’m notthere fordinner(then), “Thursday nightisbrew night, so owner ofMoellerBrew Barn. trade offs,” saidMoeller, the lunches, but there’s different self-employed. reminder ofthebenefi ts ofbeing sweet photo. Itwas acheerful playing inthesnow. in theday ofhimandhisfamily he’d lunchearlier takenduring phone. Hewas aselfi sharing e By Lora Abernathy Wednesday, 3-11:30p.m. Thursday and Friday, noon-11:30 p.m. Hours: Private events by appointment Monday, Tuesday and “The response“The hasbeen Moeller, Steinnative aMaria Moeller andhiswife, Monica, “Some ofthefreedoms are It was more, though, thana Nick Moellerhelduphis Address: Drive, 8016Marion Stein, Maria OH45860 Instagram: instagram.com/moellerbrewbarn Facebook: Twitter: Email: [email protected] Website: moellerbrewbarn.com Saturday, 12:30-10p.m. Sunday MOELLER BREWBARN facebook.com/moellerbrewbarn twitter.com/moellerbrewbarn Phone: 419-925-3005 beer forthepeopleinarea.” said. “It’s ateamofguysbrewing people likeaboutthisplace,” he even opened. business before theBrew Barn tobuild thebrandeffort andthe beer, thepayoff ofastrategic can purchase MoellerBrew Barn where craft beerafi cionados tions across west central Ohio have keptitinthelineup. such ahitMoellerandhisteam ebrate baseball, but itbecame All-Star Gameasaway tocel- seasonal in2015before theMLB several seasonalbeers. 19 stylessinceopening, making 12 beers ontapandhasbrewed next craft beerwillbe. constantly wondering what his too, Moellersaid, aspatrons are Being onthecuttingedgeis, ofthejob. part most important ing.” have anaftertaste, it’s refresh- good. It’s full-bodied, itdoesn’t this oatmealstout. It’s very, very of Osgood. “However, Iwilltake lection ofallkinds,” said Thwaits, and heknows beer. man, helived inEurope 13years, expectations —hiswifeisGer- of regulars. Hecameinwithhigh Thursday, minglingwithagroup forthefiBarn rst timeona recent a relaxed environment.” People love tocomehangoutin getting somany callsforparties. “I thinkthat’s what alotof There are more than70loca- The Wally Post Redbeganasa BrewThe currently Barn has Making great beeristhe “They’ve gotavery goodse- Tom Thwaits was attheBrew

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 13 40860321 “This is the second-longest turn in Ohio you Everywhere got of investors “A bunch tourism and the cultural experi- tourism and the cultural remember residents Area ence. in historytheir Ohio courses that the school that detailed used for com- canal system was were the railroads before merce built. portioncontinuous of canal in said. Brady the United States,” that.” unique to have very “It’s The Lincoln Highway is unique. coast-to-coast road the first was for the promo- squarely built Mike Hocker, tion of auto travel. of the Ohio Lincoln director is still Historic Byway, Highway with that idea. enamored were they together and realized not going to sell an increasing because cars of cars number on roads could not drive literally “If Hocker said. that existed,” than 40 to 50 more went they Travel the Ohio the Ohio Travel Byways Scenic “If you travel travel “If you about 1962 in Ohio. one of these can you routes, kind of take in some of these intrinsic sites, and it can be and a cultural learning experi- ence or an “The scenic driving routes “Thescenic driving routes of the treasurer Neal Brady, natural. with the highway coincide really from beautification movement said, Barrett Johnson,” Bird Lady began the program saying “Get out said. Barrett escape,” really.” and explore, Miami Erie Canal Corridor has been working Association, the mar- since 2003 to improve history for keting of the area’s quality of life for local residents, has a flower on on has a flower The byway sign sign The byway it. It is a trillium, It is a trillium, it. Did you know? Did you state wildflower. representing the representing There is plenty There there’s become a byway, To slow lane, and start thinking lane, slow their experi- about enhancing to their the way ences along “I said. Strouse destination,” in the idea a rebirth think there’s the and enjoying of traveling of the experience d r i ve .” in Ohio of culture Thomas to see. is the Barrett coordina- byways tor for the state, run a program the Ohio through Department of Transportation, 25 by- are and he said there in Ohio. ways and doc- quite a bit of research with the umentation involved, in these value focus on showing historical, archaeological, areas: and recreational cultural, scenic, The road less traveled. less The road of the the appeal That’s pull that such a strong It’s it comes now, even And yes, for a chance are “Byways

Ohio Scenic Byways to Sharon to Sharon Ohio Scenic Byways Strouse. in been involved has Strouse championing historic roadways The retiree for some 20 years. involved of OSU Extension is Amish Country with the closely the eastern in partByway of involved as being as well Ohio, with the Ohio and National She is programs. Scenic Byway of the president-elect currently Founda- National Scenic Byway tools and provides which tion, She leaders. for byway training in Millersburg. lives less traveled. to the road down people to get off that freeway, the travel get off that fast lane, GET GOING GET Sterrett McGee Adrienne By 14 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 tion also America’s Byways designa- River totheIndianastateline; Virginia statelineattheOhio automobiles;modern from West butpopularity resurged with length; leftbehindby railroad 225 miles; piketowns dot early homes, barns, mills Cuyahoga Valley NationalPark; lage, BathNature Preserve, Bath: HaleFarm and Vil- and horseback riding bridge; trails forhiking, biking rivers; state’s longestcovered KokosingandMohican try: goods tomarket frequented by farmers taking River ScenicByway; was aroute NationalRoadandOhio Historic connecting two otherbyways, Byway: 37miles; scenicvistas bridges; farms views andparks; covered miles; ScenicBigDarby Creek with spurs ofmore than20 designation B&Bs; also America’s Byways history,Amish/German farms, winding curves androlling hills; ways/. www.dot.state.oh.us/OhioBy- looking andseeing.” way of orgowiththepurpose the monotony andgoadifferent how they gothere andbreak up tion,” Hockersaid. about “Think the carandgoingtoadestina- just gettingin to dothan there’s more that terms to thinkin they need brick. original are stillthe the Lincoln get through them.” road was sobadthey couldn’t went by oxcart, becausethe miles, they went by train orthey www.dot.state.oh.us/OhioByways Historic NationalRoad: Historic of Corridors Heritage Gateway toAmishCoun- Drivers’Scenic Trail Big Darby Plains:27miles, 160miles; Amish Country: • For detailedmaps, visit OHIO’S SCENICBYWAYS “I think Sections of nsbfoundation.org meccainc.org RESOURCES west toeast Travel from staring into staring summer so Travel tip you aren’t the sun. in the

Hocker: Heenjoys theLincolnHigh- Barrett: FAVORITE ROUTES would have beeninthe1920s. is very easytoimagine how thedrive of Wooster. way’s stretch andwest eastofMansfield he said. scenic route outofyour right backdoor,” motorcycle. “It’s really kind of takingthe the Olentangy byway, especially by rently lives near Worthington andloves Road ondrives toSpringfield. Hecur- ing County, andoftenusedtheNational Hegrew up inNewark/Lick- It windsthrough hillsand Strouse: Herfavorite summerdrives Brady: Hesuggests visitingJohnston overlooking theriver. byway with patios haslots ofeateries the lake. And, of course, the OhioRiver eries, restaurants andsunsetviews of Trail isalsoadraw becauseofitswin- activities.tourism Lake Coastal The Erie River, becausethere are lotsoftowns for Valley ScenicByway alongtheMaumee are nearwater. Sheenjoys theMaumee structures andthecommunities. Minster/New Bremen toseetheold ride, andcheckingoutFort Loramie/ Farm, where you can take acanalboat

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 15 40860744 Olentangy HeritageOlentangy Corri- 55 Pathways: Presidential Scioto Heritage ties Trail: Trail: 55 Tappan-Moravian Road: Mohican and Wally 64 Byway: Scenic Welsh written by Hancock County na- County Hancock written by at he looked as Taylor Tell tive parks farms, the Blanchard; Indian follows dor: 10 1/2 miles; River; of the Olentangy trails houses churches, barns, river, Hueston Miami University, miles; lives follows State Park; Woods William Henry of Presidents Benja- Harrison and grandson min Harrison Scenic Byway; into Ohio River State For- Shawnee Ohio River, Branch home, Rogers’ Roy est, valley overlooks history, Rickey Clenden- Lake, Tappan miles; birthplace of George ing Lake, Custer Armstrong Toledo, valleys; Walhonding and Ohio Valley Walhonding forests, “Wally”); (the Railroad wetlands ravines, farms churches, Welsh miles; Bob Evans and cemeteries; Raccoon Creek Homestead; and Daniel Boone history Ohio. The number of byways in of byways 25 1962 Scenic Byway: Ohio River The Old Mill Stream Sce- Cuyahoga Valley National Park Valley Cuyahoga length of the entire 452 miles; scenic views in Ohio; Ohio River and small river of the valley Byways America’s also towns; designation River, Blanchard nic Byway: the Old Mill Stream” by “Down The Miami and Erie Canal is the second-longest portioncontinuous of States. canal in the United program began in Ohio. began program The year The year the byway 2

39 miles; 39 miles; and enjoying the the and enjoying — Sharon Strouse — Sharon in the idea of traveling of traveling idea in the byway. “I think there’s a rebirth a rebirth there’s “I think experience drive.” of the The of miles Coastal Ohio 293 the Lake Erie the Lake Morgan County: pass- North 9 miles; Ridge: Ohio & Erie Canalway: , foothills of Burr Oak State Park, Appalachian Mountains than 100 historic more es by homes that date to the 1830s Valley Cuyahoga canal history, nature farms, Scenic Railroad, northern industry, preserves, 26.4 miles; miles; 26.4 Hocking Hills: Hocking scenes Township: Jefferson Erie Ohio: Coastal Lake Land of the Cross-Tipped Historic Lincoln Highway 11 Pike: Valley Lower 90 miles; Maumee Valley: Miami and Erie Canal: 54 scenic hills; hiking, camping, camping, hiking, hills; scenic outdoor activities of older barns homes amid and urbanization state parks, beaches, 293 miles; outdoor activities, lighthouses, Mau- Cedar Point, museums, follows mee State Scenic River; Conneaut from Erie shoreline also to the Michigan border; designation Byways America’s Ger- Churches: 38.4 miles; Catholic church man culture, farms architecture, coast- first 241 miles; Byway: for the car to-coast road Rog- George Mad River, miles; historic homes, Park, Clark ers Wetlands Estelle Wenrick Preserve former British Miamis, Fort Johnston of canal, views miles; hiking Agency, & Indian Farm 16 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 Farm standsuccess Saturday, noon-4p.m. Sunday 6 p.m. Friday, 10a.m. to5p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 10a.m. to Sept. 1-Oct. 31:10a.m. to5p.m. Fall Hours Saturday, noon-4 p.m. Sunday p.m. Friday, 9a.m. to5p.m. Tuesday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to6 June 1-Aug. 31:9a.m. to5p.m. Summer Hours Saturday Tuesday-Friday, 10a.m. to4p.m. Nov. 1-May 31:10a.m. to5p.m. Hours Winter/Spring Website: visithurleyfarms.com Phone: 937-686-4463 Huntsville, OH43324 Address: 9249stateRoute117, HURLEY FARMS runs intheHurley familyruns at thegasstation inHuntsville. sweet from corn thebackofapickup truck that hecouldmakesomemoney selling was 17 or18atthetime, gotitinto hishead community. was that. An endofanera forthefamily and from thebusiness in1996, that, shethought, When herparents calledit quitsandretired 1968, when LeaDelwas about10years old. miles southofIndianLake. same siteonstateRoute117, justafew stand, Produce,Wickherham onthisvery up working forherparents’ seasonalfarm produce business. LeaDel Hurley never wanted togetintothe sunny summerweekend, thatco-owner packed parking lotatHurley Farms ona By Amy Eddings And thenheryoungest son, Dan, who Wayne andJuneitin started Wickerham 57-year-oldThis farmer’s daughtergrew You’d never know, by thelookof Amish eggnoodles, andhomemadegood- cold. There are jams andjellies, pickles, severaloffering typesofhoagies, hotand from Ohioorchards. also sellpeachesfrom Georgia andapples beans, cabbages andcucumbers. They sweet corn, tomatoes, zucchini, green LeaDel, Danandhiswife, Kristin, now sell theretailLeaDel running sideofthings. matoes from thefamily’s 300-acre and farm stocking thestandwithsweet andto- corn Hurley Farms, withhusbandRussandDan thing todowiththat.’” own afarmer’s market. Idon’t want any- I thought, ohno, no. Isaid, ‘I don’t want to the way we saidLeaDel. usedto?’” “And don’t we justsellitoutthere atthemarket ‘Well, yeah, but ifwe’re gonnasellit, why going todoitagainnext year andDansaid, They’ve addedadeli—LeaDel’s idea— Fast forward another18years, andRuss, Two years later, theHurleys opened “So, everybody askedhimifwe were Photos by Craig J. Orosz Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 17 Preheat oven to 400 F. oven Preheat Stir together butter Bake 40-45 minutes. Pan-fry spoonful of starch In medium saucepan, Pour into pastry-lined into Pour Bake 40 to 50 minutes. chopped chini, crumbs Steam the zucchini 1/4 cup butter 1 egg Directions: Topping Stir in flour and and egg. Mix until crumbly. sugar. spoonful over by Drop berry mixture. and pepper. in hot oil 3-4 the mixture per side or until minutes Flatten with browned. on paper Drain spatula. towels. RASPBERRY RUSTIC COBBLER Filling Ingredients: 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons corn 1 cup water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 4 cups black raspberries Filling Directions: corn combine sugar, and vanilla. water starch, Stir in Cook until thick. into Pour raspberries. glass baking dish. Ingredients: Topping 1 cup flour 3/4 cup sugar rhubarb. with slashed Top pie pan. top crust and flute edges. and Dot with butter sprinkle with sugar. GRANDMA JUNE’S ZUCCHINI PATTIES Ingredients: zuc- 2 small or 1 medium 1 egg 1/2 cup saltine cracker Salt and pepper to taste Directions: 15-20 minutes. until soft, with Mash slightly Drain. or potato masher. fork salt crumbs, Stir in egg, Preheat oven to 400 F. oven Preheat Stir Beat eggs slightly. Remove from heat and from Remove to taste Combine all ingredi- cheese, optional cheese, Cut squash in half each half Microwave spa- Cool and separate cook bacon In skillet, Add bacon. Remove 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup flour cut up 3 cups rhubarb, 1 tablespoon butter Pastry for double crust Directions: Stir in in sugar and flour. stir in cheese if desired stir in cheese if desired mozzarella, (parmesan, cheddar or cheese of choice). GRANDMA JUNE’S ‘SECRET RECIPES’ GRANDMA’S STEWED RHUBARB Ingredients: chopped 4 cups rhubarb, or more 1/2 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons water Directions: ents in medium saucepan medium to low set over Simmer until sugar heat. and rhubarb is dissolved or warm Serve is tender. chilled. RHUBARB CUSTARD PIE Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon 1/2 cup shredded Directions: discard lengthwise, cut-side Place seeds. on microwave-safe down plate. or until easily 8 minutes fork. with pierced with fork. ghetti strands until crispy. salt sugar, brown butter, and pepper to the bacon Stir drippings in skillet. in bacon and spaghetti heat through. squash, sugar Scrub the red pota- Scrub the red When potatoes are Drizzle another 3 Place the potatoes in potatoes to the Move Grab the sugar, flour flour the sugar, Grab 1/2 - 2 inches 1 tatoes, diameter if more oil, olive virgin needed to taste pepper, 500 F. to oven Preheat at rack Place one oven 4 bacon strips, diced 4 bacon strips, 3 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon brown 500-degree oven on the oven 500-degree and bake for 15 top rack minutes. and con- rack oven lower to bake for another tinue until nice 25-30 minutes and brown. SKILLET SPAGHETTI SQUASH Ingredients: 1 spaghetti squash and let cool for 10 min- with potatoes Toss utes. 3 tablespoons of olive each is making sure oil, a Take coated with oil. each “smash” cup and potato to about 1/3 - 1/2 This is the inch thickness. fun part. oil tablespoons of olive sprinkle on the potatoes, and salt and with thyme pepper. Directions: position and the lowest one at the top position. on a baking toes and lay Add 3/4 cup of sheet. to the potatoes and water Bake in with foil. cover for 30 minutes. hot oven drain foil, remove done, started. CRISPY SMASHED POTATOES Ingredients: po- 2 pounds small red 3/4 cup water 6 tablespoons extra 1 teaspoon thyme salt and ground Freshly HURLEY FARM RECIPES FARM HURLEY of salt and and plenty get let’s pepper and Dan is lucky. It’s rare for a teenager to tell his rare It’s Dan is lucky. for anybody work wanna “I guess I just didn’t he’s winter day, cold late but On this sunny The nick- said LeaDel. ‘The Pit,’” call this “We that store at a retail and center The Pit is front he said, the truth?” know to want “Do you better start sleeping with one eye “You’d said want,” you what have never “And they chimed in stuff,” free have never “And we The family Farms. stuff at Hurley is free There ies like candied pecans, chocolate-dipped pret- ies like candied pecans, an assortment And there’s bars. and granola zels including an old-fashioned sugar cream of pies, Amish neighbor. LeaDel’s baked by still to have and rarer to do, mom and dad what supposed to be the It’s them take his advice. around. other way be outside rather “I’d 34. now said Dan, else,” being stuck inside a factory.” than working long leaning against one of the two inside, that flank the cash register. checkout counters feel must area the checkout name hints at how week- Kristin and the staff on a July to LeaDel, corn and the Indian Lake the sweet when end, coming on. are vacationers ago on the site years three built the Hurleys used to sell their they of the old barn where them to switch The shop has allowed produce. one. to a year-round a seasonal operation from pace of the off-season LeaDel said the slower customers know her the chance to get to gives Jack Hart, 70. like longtime Indian Lake resident “The service look in his eye. with a mischievous all that isn’t has gotten terrible and the product good.” said LeaDel with a laugh. buddy,” open, bags of potato chips in one had two Hart, who of sugar cookies in the other. hand and a box I guess I can but cookies, butter peanut “I want choke these down.” the stuff was tell him the free “I always LeaDel. here.” he was before day on March like Pi Day has added special events offer pie samplings and they during which 12, a deli There’s pie for a year. for free a drawing Russ and LeaDel Hurley and LeaDel Russ 18 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 “Would Ichangeitnow? No.” band?” shesaid, notneedingtoprovide theanswer. Shepaused. than that. Shenever thoughtitwould even be. over areluctant standfarmer’s farm daughter. inthisfamilyidea thathasrun forthree generations andthatwon refrigerated cases, atwhat hasgrown from hisgoodidea, agood selling Ohio-madeandOhio-themedproducts. season isaMadeinOhioDay onJuly 30, withmore than20vendors Day on Aug. 6andfree cookiedecorating onDec. 10. New this cheese tastingon 16,April afree lunchonCustomer Appreciation “Did Iever thinkIwanted towork inabusiness withmy hus- As forLeaDel, hismom, her “never thoughts” gobackfarther “I never thoughtitwould bewhat itisnow,” hesaid. Dan lookedaround thestore, atthedeli, thedisplay shelves and “I gottakeepworking topay forthisstuff,” hequipped. paidforhischipsandcookies. Hart sure itdoesn’t burn. Remove from theoven and placeona tobrown, isjuststarting interior watching carefully tomake Toast thebun inthehotoven for2to4minutes untilitswhite hot airoftheoven tocirculate andtoastbothsidesofthebun. the bun directly onthewire rack oftheoven. allowsThis the Directions: Salt andpepper, totaste 2 tablespoonsItaliansaladdressing 1 cupiceberg lettuce, shredded orchoppedintothinstrips 3 slicestomato 4 or5bananapeppers, diced One 8-inchwhite orwhole-wheat hoagie 1/4 poundprovolone cheese, slicedmediumthicknessatthe 1/4 poundsalami, slicedmediumthicknessatthedelicounter 1/4 poundturkey, slicedmediumthicknessatthedelicounter 1/4 poundham, slicedmediumthicknessatthedelicounter Ingredients: THE HURLEYHOAGIE Add saltandpepper toyour liking. theItaliansalad dressingDrizzle over thelettuceandtomato. Pile onthetomatoslicesanda generous handfuloflettuce. cheese beginstobubble andmeatisheatedthrough. cheese doesn’t begintoburn. Remove from theoven when 7-10 minutes, watching carefully tomakesure theprovolone slices ofprovolone cheese. of turkey and6slicesofsalamionthesandwich. Top with3-4 baking sheet. Slice hoagie, ifitisn’t slicedalready, andopenitup. Place Preheat oven to400F. deli counter Close thesandwich andenjoy. thebananapeppersSprinkle over thecheeseand meat. thesandwich,Return open-face, totheoven andbakeit To assemblethesandwich, place2slicesofham, 2slices 40860753 (419) 645-4281 | 401 S Dixie Hwy | Cridersville, OH 45806 226 N. Main Street226 N.Main Steve MyersService Inc. isthetrustedsource forallyourlawnandgarden needs. Massage Adaptive MedicalMarketing,Inc. Hair Cuts M-F 8:00a.m. 6:00p.m. •Sat8:00a.m. 2:00p.m. •SunClosed Facials

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40860728 Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 19 4086075240860752 40860725 Sat 10-2 Sat M,TH 9:30-7 40860718 300 N Main St 300 N Main St T,W,F 9:30-5:30 T,W,F Closed Sunday (419) 227-3877 we can let we can let LIMA LIMA #LoveLima! #LoveLima! I Love Lima I Love Lima 419-228-8200 SEWING CENTER OPENS: M-F 10-5:30 SAT. 10-2 OPENS: M-F 10-5:30 SAT. 2100 HARDING HWY., LIMA 2100 HARDING HWY., www.findlaylimasewing.com SALES & SERVICE 40860722 HOP

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40860734 40860727 40860729 DINNER SUNDAY MEATLOAF } LLC • Off-Street Parking ~ lopfenstein Owner 419-224-2224 • Must be age 55 or Older • Handicapped or Disabled • All Utilities Included in RentAll Utilities Included • Mon.-Fri. 8-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. K Taking Applications Taking TDD 800-750-0750 108 East High Street

Apartments 419-227-6789 Dominion Building Lima Ohio 45806 annrosscatering.com ara atering atering S [email protected] 3745 Shawnee Rd Suite 106 C oss (419) 225 - 5915 CARRY-OUT ALWAYS AVAILABLE ALWAYS CARRY-OUT MID - AMERICAN RESTAURANT AMERICAN MID - Ann R • Off-Street Parking 2228 SHAWNEE ROAD, LIMA ROAD, 2228 SHAWNEE 419-227-6802 { • Must be age 62 or Older • Handicapped or Disabled • All Utilities Included in Rent All Utilities Included • Mon.-Fri. 8-4 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Pilgrim Place 444 S. Main Street 444 S. Taking Applications Taking “SERVING LIMA FOR 40+ YEARS” LIMA FOR “SERVING TDD 800-750-0750 Apartments FRIED CHICKEN SATURDAY 20 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 or family reunion. Shewants toshare the perfectplace foraparty, reception 2,690-square-foot, five-room mansion as alternative event space. Sheseesher JamesonManorintoan has turned inside it, too. the curb, makesyou wishyou couldsee theCivillar during War. Italianatestylethatwas popu- Victorian double-column front porch suggestthe wooden doors, sidebay window and ing eaves, heavily-molded double its expansive lawn. Itswide, overhang- asyoucuriosity drive by. out, grand oldhomesthatpiquesyour By Amy Eddings allofLimatoenjoy homefor A historic Owner Shannon WannamacherOwner Well, you can. It’s thekindofplacethat, viewed from tall,The red homeloomsover brick Jameson Manorisoneofthosestand- Jameson Manor Spring HomeInspiration down West Market Street inwhat would owned surrounding properties upand developer George Jameson. Healso land owned by lawyer andreal estate W. Market St. nity neededtoenjoy,” shesaidof1028 her homewithallofLima. fabulous, too, andIjustwant “We madethecommitment community andmake itthe — Shannon Wannamacher — is already fabulous. Limais best thatwe can. New York The housewasThe built in 1879on “I feltthiswas somethingthecommu- to placeourroots inthis people toseethat.” Shannon and Andy Wannamacher on the front porch of Jameson Manor. Photos by Jaclyn Sollars Photo by Amy Eddings Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 21 Lima, OH 45805 Lima, manorlima.com Email: shannon jameson Website: JAMESON MANOR JAMESON Phone: 419-516-2852 @jamesonmanorlima.com 1028 W. Market St., St., Market W. 1028 Address: Like any old home, there’s still work still work there’s old home, Like any to stop asked me “The city has kindly offi- chief building Lima’s Bill Brown, houses of important to preserve “It’s his- chapter in the old home’s A new people that I want so much “There’s lous, too, and I just want people to see people to want and I just too, lous, that.” Wannamacher on the house. to be done second the from staircase will add a to into the backyard, floor terrace She wants code. fire with Lima’s comply She also lot. parking the private to pave attached the two-car to transform wants event an all-weather into brick garage wheelchair-accessible two with space, and a lift. restrooms she up to code,” until I’m holding events “I can appreciate said with a chuckle. that.” W. of 1028 love Wannamacher’s said cial, is an asset to the community. St. Market of so few because there’s that nature a lot of have “They them left,“ he said. historical character.” that Shannon tory now is being written, if And, is its caretaker. Wannamacher sense of what’s a new she has her way, transforming possible could be sparked, Jame- that George Lima in the same way he bought up farmland for son did when no one could imagine that a community at the time. “I said. Wannamacher to see and feel,” and I want to change perceptions want a lot.” … I just want Wannamacher said although Jameson said although Wannamacher not to name the home hard “It was opportunity and there’s She believes this negative there’s in the city, “Living could Lima native The 26-year-old at UBS Financial, “(Public relations) Wannam- Andy her sweetheart, Then, made the commitment to place “We become the backbone of Lima’s social backbone of Lima’s become the class. merchant growing scene and a true devel- he was the house, owned He wasn’t it. in lived oper and never owner. most noteworthy the home’s even in lived which the Boose family, That was 1910 to 1995. the home from Wan- history,” that knowing after them, was I wanted what “But namacher said. vision for Jameson’s to honor George for the progressive It was the community. happening in was what It reflected time. a time of oppor- It was Lima at that time. promise.” tunity and great to be had in Lima again today, promise near the beginning with homes like hers able to pur- that she was urban core chase for just $137,000. concerned you aren’t ‘Oh, perception, think “I don’t safety?’” she said. for your a fair assessment of the city that that’s I just want With this property, of Lima. experi- a great have people to come, the beauty of these appreciate ence, ‘Maybe and feel like, historic properties What a steal these in the city. I could live are.’” properties and else to live gone somewhere have Fordham from She graduated work. City, York in New in the Bronx, University and a degree in 2012 with a marketing opportunities. fistful of career … I felt like I could have NBC Universal. she said. stayed,” — and all signs pointed proposed acher, home to Lima. and make in this community our roots “New she said. can,” it the best that we Lima is fabu- fabulous. is already York 22 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 thing.” he said. “At theendofday, we actually didsome- deck, andwhen you’re alldone, you justtransformed it,” their whole front sidewalk andtheirpatiopool —andtheowners’formations reactions. it sometimesintoanextra living space. ers “actually hangoutinthere” afterthey’re done, turning chipped coatingover it. Hensonsaidthatmany custom- slipping ontheirgarage floors. Re-Deckputsanepoxy- epoxy garage floors. existing stamprenews, concrete wash andrepair and son said. stamped concrete overlay system. a gray patio, itintosomethingbeautifulwitha andturn employeespart-time cantakeexisting concrete, such as Deck ofNorthwest Ohioin2011. Heandhissixfull- pinned onPinterest, likely ona “My New Patio” board. suchrenovationsenthusiasts who undertake are regularly Henson’s isoftenfeatured onHGTV, andphotosfrom by updatingandupgrading concrete. Work similarto welcome visitors toahome. living space. A oncegray front porch cannow cheerfully with stampeddetails. A drab garage canbecomeanother By Lora Abernathy Rethink your patiothisspring “When you pulluptosomebody’s houseandyou do mostrewardingThe ofhisjobisseeingthetrans- part Many seniorcitizens, hesaid, are worried about He andhisteamalsodostenciloverlays, acidstaining, “Some ofitlookslikegranite when we’re done,” Hen- Henson, fatheroftwo amarried from Ada, openedRe- Henson hasmastered ofhometransformations theart An old, cracked patiocanbecomelikenew, especially Corey Hensonconsiders form. what hedoesanart Wanted: Show usyour shed structure thatnow hastranscended ity isthehumble pottingshed—a garden. And thatcentral hubofactiv- make somethingoutofnothing inthe way togetyour and handsinthedirt fromtuary the usuallifestresses, a outdoor rooms andgardens. hasgivenhistory uslandscapingand tio foraluminum lawn chairs. Modern grass, atree ortwo, andacementpa- Website: redeckonwo.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 419-549-5762 Address: 1698Findlay Rd., Lima, OH45801 RE-DECK OFNORTHWEST OHIO “Backyard” hasbecomeasanc- “Backyard” usedtomean aswath of Spring HomeInspiration of Saltmagazine. ered forpublication inafuture edition ber. Your submissionwillbeconsid- your name, address andphonenum- “shed”) by June 30. Besure toinclude [email protected] (subjectline use it. Sendusanemailatamcgees- abitabouthowshed andlearn you right. become abeautifulretreat initsown its workaday beginningsandcan We’d love toseephotosofyour AFTER BEFORE 2. Concrete can “pit andpop,” hesaid, should and thesurface 1. “Concrete isporous. It’s like asponge,” hesaid. To help keeping concreteingood shape Corey Henson’s top2tipsfor be sealedevery two tothree years. get itoff. allsummer,will sitonthesurface andrain isnotenoughto concrete andgarage eachspring. floors saltresidueThe prevent damage, homeowners shouldpowerwash their Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 23



TIGER SMITH! Always Always Always Give us a call! us a call! Give Free Estimates! Free Inspections! Inspections! Free After Before Since 2011. Fully insured. 5% Discount 5% Senior Citizen Discount Citizen 5% Senior for armed service members and veterans members for armed service 24 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 raisin. hands was actually oatmeal chocolate chipcookieinyour the cake was similartolearning lemon andnotayellow, butter ment. Jell-O moldsanddisappoint- of GirlScout’s cookie), holiday Smiles (my least-favorite type instant icedtea, Savannah ofyellowform Warheads candy, artificial fl avor thatcameinthe lemon. up when Idiscovered Iliked I knew Iwas officially agrown- By Andrea Chaƒn with 3lemonrecipes thatare sure toimpress Welcome gueststo your homethisspring Show your off ‘adulting’ skills Discovering acupcakewas Growing up, lemonwas an There’s nomore denying it. • Quick Hitch • Free Floating • Briggs &StrattonProfessional J.L. WANNEMACHER S&S,INC Removal System Mower Hitch™ • Quick Deck • Free Floating™ Mower Deck Series™ V-Twin Engine &Stratton• Briggs Professional Removal System Series Spring HomeInspiration 2 milesWest ofOttovilleon Route224 • Quick Hitch • Free Floating • Briggs &StrattonProfessional Removal System Series *Tax, set-up, fees to notincluded. changewithoutnotice. anddelivery Modelssubject ™ *Tax, feesnotincluded.Modelssubjecttochangewithoutnotice. set-up,anddelivery V-Twin Engine • Quick Hitch • Free Floating • Briggs &StrattonProfessional ™ Removal System Series *Tax, feesnotincluded.Modelssubjecttochangewithoutnotice. set-up,anddelivery V-Twin Engine ™ ™ ™ MowerDeck ™ ™ MowerDeck MowerDeck *Tax, feesnotincluded.Modelssubjecttochangewithoutnotice. set-up,anddelivery MowerDeck V-Twin Engine 419-453·3445 www.simplicitymfg.com www.simplicitymfg.com ™ ™ MowerDeck MowerDeck www.simplicitymfg.com Starting at Starting REGENT $X,XXX Note: Features vary bymodel Note: Featuresvary • Tight, 14" • Electric PTO • Infinite Height-of-Cut Turning Radius $2,399 at Starting REGENT™ and lemon?Especially lemon- coli, sauerkraut, salmon, olives “gross” thingssuchasbroc- that we suddenly begineating notice, itwas pink. made from thepowder. And made was pinklemonade, blue Jell-Ocupsinstead. late Mints,Thin andreached for Twist”), optedforcrispy, choco- on (don’t getmestarted “Pepsi andPepsichange forCapri-Sun oddly beverages citrus inex- up thered ones, spitoutsipsof the yellow candiesandgobbled suming lemon. Ipickedaround So, what happensasadults onlyThe lemonexception I didmy besttoavoid con- Oh, what sorrow. Say itisn’t so! REGENT $X,XXX at Starting Note: Features vary bymodel Note: Featuresvary • Tight, 14" • Electric PTO • Infinite Height-of-Cut $X,XXX at Starting REGENT Note: Features by model vary 14”• Tight, TurningRadius PTO• Electric Height-of-Cut • In nite Note: Features vary bymodel Note: Featuresvary • Tight, 14" • Electric PTO • Infinite Height-of-Cut VISIT US Turning Radius TODAY Turning Radius


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40860257 NEWSPAPER REPRODUCTIONNOTE: 150LPI recommended. 133LPI minimumrequired, See recipe onpage 26 Chicken Piccata (Place yourdealerinformationhere) Place DealerImprintHere NEWSPAPER REPRODUCTIONNOTE: 150LPI recommended. 133LPI minimumrequired,

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 25 40859059 Triple Cake Lemon 1 1/2 cups sugar 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 2/3 cup canola oil 2/3 cup lemon juice 3/4 cup sour cream Together we make we Together YOUR dreams come true! come dreams YOUR perfect slice that will impress perfect slice that will impress All this lemon and not a guests. I used a of lemon extract. drop lemons making it. total of seven Ingredients: Cake our 2 cups all-purpose fl 40860695 Building, Building, undersold! Building for We will not be We Board for Board, This cake is not for the This cake is not for the bowl of Kraft macaroni and and macaroni of Kraft bowl cheese or a corn dog. TRIPLE LEMON CAKE A deca- lemon faint of heart. distinct dent dessert, it features and makes a picture- layers hio’s leading Garage Builders since 1965! hio’s O

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FREE ESTIMATES! Great For Extra Storage! Great For FREE ESTIMATES! Bowman Brothers Bowman Brothers I don’t know the answer for for the answer know I don’t to liking I think the key But, turn kid won’t any Certainly, for many great Lemons are lemon is just maybe So, fl avored water? (My inner 8 8 (My inner water? avored fl old is shuddering.) year other foods — most of those cope we how it’s other than “adult- to do forced with being tasks such — grotesque ing” and paying as going to work bills. lemons. lemon is using real a glass of freshly-made down right? slice of Or a lemonade, decadent triple lemon cake juice and zest? made with fresh not be the out that may (Turns old 6 year as a best example, bite of this rst spit out her fi a couple adults Luckily, recipe. to eat to volunteer nearby were of her slice). the rest such things, other grown-up furniture wood as dish soap, deodorizing a kitchen polish, and throat soothing a sore sink, mixing with vodka. I still although, for us adults, a juice box, turn away wouldn’t 26 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 lifeloveandsugar.com.) (Recipe adapted from cake. lemon curd. tercream andtheother 2with Do thiswithaserrated knife. ers by slicingeachcakeinhalf. sugar andbeattocombine. and vanilla andcombine. a time, beatingtocombine. the powdered sugar, onecupat together untilsmooth. Add half Lemon Buttercream thick. spoon. enough tocoatthebackofa with awhisk. (like Idid). over water apotofsimmering double boiler, orinaglassbowl Lemon Curd until done. pans. until smooth. juice. Beatuntilsmooth. gether. Add eggs, oilandlemon a large bowl andwhisk to- powder, bakingsodaandsaltin Cake Directions: 3/4 teaspoonsvanilla 6 tablespoonslemonjuice 3 teaspoonsfinely grated lemon 9 cupspowdered sugar 1 1/2cupsshortening 1 1/2cupsbutter Lemon Buttercream 3 tablespoonsbutter (Iused 4 eggyolks 1/3 cupsugar 2 teaspoonslemonzest, finely 1/4 cupfresh lemonjuice Lemon Curd 3. Frost theoutsideof 2. Fill2layers withlemonbut- 1. Divide thecakeinto4lay- To assemblethecake: Add theremaining powdered Add lemonjuice, lemonzest Beat butter andshortening Refrigerate untilcooland It isdonewhen it’s thick constantlyHeat while stirring Combine allingredients ina Bake forabout25minutes or Divide batterintotwo 8-inch Add sourcream andbeat Combine flour, sugar, baking zest unsalted) grated (about 1-2lemons) Spring HomeInspiration sugar. Dip theedgeofglassinto the glasssoitisbarely moist. surfaceof thedrinking rubbing by takingalemon wedge and Directions: 3/4 ouncefreshly squeezed 2 teaspoonssuperfine sugar 2 ouncesKetelOneCitreon Ingredients: spirit, don’t use cheapvodka. ingredients and showcases the thathassofewwith any martini popularize “girly” drinks. Like San Francisco barwithagoalto it was created inthe1970sa fair, andaddbooze. Rumoris Lemon Shake-Upatthecounty Never hadone? aboutthe Think been astapleforgenerations. LEMON DROP MARTINI Mix thevodka, sugar and Create asugar-rimmed glass lemon juice vodka classiccocktailhas This Martini Lemon Drop 2 skinlessandboneless chicken Ingredients: looking capers. “adult” pointsforthefancy- complicated andelegant. Extra is simpletomake, but looks served inasauce. dish This is sliced, coated, sauteedand preparing foodwhere meat CHICKEN PICCATA the sugar. touseinplaceof simple syrup to avoid theshaking, make a cally usedindrinks. Ifyou want dissolving sugarthatistypi- wedge or twistedpeelof lemon. withalemon glass andgarnish into asugar-rimmed martini blended. Pour strained liquor well to makesure sugaris half-filled withicecubes. Shake lemon juiceinacocktailshaker breasts, cutinhalflengthwise Piccata isamethodof Superfine sugarisinstantly from jocooks.com.) (Recipe inspired hair pasta. withparsley.garnish sauce over thechickenand Alternatively, you canpourthe withparsley.skillet andgarnish Sauce willthickenabit. and whisk foraboutaminute. platter, addremaining butter, minutes. Remove chickentoa skillet andsimmerforabout5 needed. Add chickenbackto additional saltandpepperif the sauceandseasonwith toaboil.heat andbring Taste extra flavor. skilletto Return the brown bitsfrom thepanfor or wine, capers andscrape up Add lemonjuice, chickenstock move chickenfrom skillet. When chickeniscooked, re- minutes persideuntilbrowned. skillet andcookforabout3to4 oil, over mediumtohighheat. spoons ofbutter withtheolive flour andshakeoffexcess. pepper. Dredge chickenin Directions: 1/3 cupfresh parsley, chopped capers1/3 cupbrined 1 cupchickenstockordry 1/3 cupfresh lemonjuice 2 tablespoonsolive oil 4 tablespoonsbutter, unsalted flAll-purpose our, fordredging Salt andpeppertotaste Serve over buttered angel You canreturn chickento Remove skilletfrom heat. Add chickenpiecestothe In alarge skillet, melt2table- Season chickenwithsaltand nay) white wine(IusedChardon- @AndeeWrites. 1616, ext. 1619orvia Twitter can bereached at740-852- don, Ohio. She Press inLon- Madison of The and theeditor Salt magazine food editorof Andrea isthe ANDREA CHAFFIN

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 27 40852506 28 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 uses for lemon uses for 15 household salt toscourchinaware mix one part lemonjuice mix onepart To make furniture polish, gargle withsome rub withhalfalemon,rub or settle anupset stomach. make alemonjuice and cloth. Leave untilnearly into your garbage insects away while you For asore throat Toss usedlemons keep itcleanand and two olive parts oil. To of cleanthesurface lemon juicewithasoft dry, andthenwipeoff. salt paste. Wipe witha To remove paint dried house-paint willkeep to its original luster.to itsoriginal are paintinganduntil A few dropsA few oflemon Use one part lemon Use onepart white marble orivory disposal tohelp or badbreath, juice andtwo parts (such aspianokeys), from glass, apply hot smelling fresh. lemon juice. Suck onalemon to Spring HomeInspiration juice inoutdoor clean, wet cloth. the paintdries. ounce glassofwarm water. juice ofalemoninaneight- it shine. Mixthestrained hair withlemonjuicetomake After ashampoo, your rinse will absorbthelemonjuice. lemon. Don’t rinse: woodThe boards, withapieceof rub rolling pins, bowls, orcutting To get odorsoutofwooden make thehousesmellfresh. juice inthedustbag. Itwill dropsput afew oflemon Before you tovacuum, start them withfresh lemons. removed by rubbing your hands canbe Fish oronionodoron your aluminum pots.) hour. willalsoclean (This aboutan simmer inapotfor cover withwater, andlet ener: Slice somelemons, Create your own airfresh- a rust-removing scrub. blespoons ofsalttomake lemon juicewithtwo ta- Mix onetablespoon of and remove spots. a softclothtoshine Wash with anddry with lemonpeel. bathroom faucets Rub kitchenand

Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 29


you safe. Call 811, it’s the law! it’s 811, Call safe. you Knowing what’s below helps keep helps keep below what’s Knowing 30 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 bread,” Joannesaid. “It’s really John. bag inherhands. said Joanne, 65, holdingapaper sitting atthetable. for lunchandsaw the brothers Joanna Varga were comingin for interruptions. dining room. in awinktowalk through the sure they’ve beenwaited on.” go checkoneveryone tomake lunch rush. “I feelcompelledto sinking intoachairafterthe said Tony, 57, momentsafter sitting down atthetablehere,” down. all, you’ve gottogetthemsit restaurant, CasaLu Al. First of Venturella insidethebrothers’ Johnand interviewing Tony By Amy Eddings In thekitchenwith… “It’s homemade banana “You do?Isitticking?” said “I gotsomethingforyou,” Longtime patrons Joeand you’veThen gottobeready He was upandoutofhisseat “Here’s theproblem withme There are challengesto John and Tony Venturella at CasaLu Al thinking they’ll buy alittletav- from good jobs, nicepensions, job,”said Tony. a restaurant.running there’s nothingromantic about elders retired. 1982 when the ily business in joined thefam- 1973.in Tony dad anduncle in tohelphis 65, stepped in 1960. John, ian restaurant into anItal- it and turned Owl tavern Blinking The and theirUncleDominicbought John and Tony’s father, George, of Lima’s diningscenesince like onebigfamily. It’s beenpart ers, staffandpatrons interact place, arestaurant whose own- or whipped cream.” good warm with aglobofbutter “I seepeoplewho retired “It’s nota40-hour-a-week brothersThe are quicktosay Yes, CasaLu Al isthatkindof feel compelled togo feel with mesittingdown to make sure they’ve “Here’s theproblem check oneveryone at thetable here. I — Tony Venturella been waited on.” Casa Lu Al’s marinara sauce. the tomatoes,” saidJohnabout Venturella’s recipes.” “made inourkitchenfrom Mrs. menu stillproudly statesthey’re pecially thepasta sauces. The tinker withwas thefood, es- savvy ofJohnand Tony. Within is atestamenttothebusiness and paper-thin profit margins le tastes, demandingcustomers, offiCasa Lu Al inanindustry ck- throw theirretirement away.” John. “I’ve seenalotofpeople ern, hire it,” peopletorun said “It’s allaboutthequalityof continuedThe successof they didn’t kitchen. improved the refrigerator, and and awalk-in added abar dining room, expanded the turella brothers the Ven-uncle, their fatherand ing over from 10 years oftak- One thing paragus andHollandaisesauce. San Francisco salmonwithas- served withasiagocheese, and that’s lightly blackenedand salmon, Mediterranean salmon John. There’s simple, grilled dishes. proud ofCasaLu Al’s fish Because it’s allItaste.” order atrainload oforegano? I thinkofis, what didthey do, Italian products, thefirst thing My complaintwiththecanned John. “My momdidn’t useit. ny. To pepper. That’sit. the spices. basil. Dried Saltand a fresh tomato.” tomatoes are almostlikeeating tuted product. Stanislaus, those mercial brands, it’s reconsti- It’s fresh-packed. A lotofcom- Stanislaus, product. aCalifornia of tomatowe buy. We buy from “We don’t changethebrand “I likethepork tenderloin “Our salmonisterrific,” said brothersThe are equally “It’s toooverpowering,” said “We don’t useoregano,” said there’sThen thematterof Tony Venturella Amanda Wilson Photos by Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 31 40852363 . West West .

St., Lima, OH 45801 Lima, St., Phone: 419-229-0774 Email: thecasalual @yahoo.com casalual Website: restaurant.com CASA LU AL CASA 2323 N Address: John Venturella John [email protected] For more information or to Clarissa Frail at (419) 645-7160 Visit us at www.otterbein.org/cridersville schedule your stay with us, call: Pre-Plan Your Rehab Stay Your Pre-Plan INNOVATIVE CARE with Otterbein Cridersville! FOR YOU! Personalized Specialized ACCELERATED CARE PLUS (ACP) - Available Starting in April 2016! Let the tomato pulp, juice, juice, pulp, Let the tomato said not a laugh,” “A smile, of driedAdd a tablespoon to taste. Add salt and pepper tomatoes, Midwestern “Maybe 1/2 to for about 1 Simmer low to cook all day,” have “It doesn’t add one stick When thick, minutes,” John said. “Add the “Add John said. minutes,” juice.” (reserved) and garlic sauce onions green boil. slow low, come to a John. said. he fresh,” it’s if basil, “more chopped He mimes dumping the cupped palm into basil leaves of his hand. necessaryJohn said no sugar is Alta use to cut the acidity if you Cucina tomatoes. “California John said. do,” you on their sweet they’re tomatoes, own.” to your or until thickened 2 hours, liking. do “My mother didn’t he said. tomato have you’d did, that! If you not tomato sauce.” paste, Stir until it (1/4 cup) of butter. until melts and simmer a bit more Serve is incorporated. the butter Lots of it. pasta. over • Therapy Pool Water • Indoor Warm delivered by certified Therapists Parkinson’s therapy specifically for knee and hip replacements. • Newly Renovated Rehab Suites - All Private and Spacious! Suites Rehab • Newly Renovated Therapy Gym with all the latest equipment • State-of-the-art • Experienced therapists in physical, occupational, speech, respiratory and aquatic therapy • Specialized Therapies, including: -Specialized treatment for • LSVT BIG & LOUD® 40860319 “I take a can of whole, peeled peeled whole, a can of “I take of can? Most canned What size a lot of making you’re Yes, Sauté Set aside the tomatoes. Pompeiian, “I use Filippo Berio. Add a Sauté until opaque. Add the tomatoes. 20 for 15, “Stir that around toes. tomatoes (a Stan- Alta Cucina them and I break islaus brand), hand so that what’s up with my part. I let the pulpy left is just the He does said. John juice run out,” that juice. save to a bowl, this over need it later for the sauce. You’ll cans, tomatoes come in 28-ounce Alta Cucina the Stanislaus but that John mentioned is 6 brand through and available pounds, Amazon. sauce. to medium low in a pan over heat three bunches of green with some of “chopped, onions, in part not all of it,” but the green oil. olive good John said. too,” of minced garlic. tablespoon not being careful Stir frequently, to let the garlic burn and get bitter.

“My mother always said, ‘Don’t ‘Don’t said, “My mother always are here With this caveat, the toma- Start preparing by John and Tony hear this often, hear this often, Tony John and and hear stand here “To you aggravation “Whatever JOHN VENTURELLA’S JOHN VENTURELLA’S SAUCE MARINARA aunts for a recipe. ask your some- leave accidentally They’ll taste as thing out so it doesn’t good as theirs.” instructions for making his John’s He sauce. of marinara version weights specific give couldn’t of ingredients and measures he makes at this point, because, instinct. this sauce by sandwiches. They’re the best in the They’re sandwiches. “We’ve up Joe. piped the city,” since the here been coming neighborhood a good It’s 1970s. restaurant.” old. grows it never but such a have you say, customers do such a good you place, great it … for being here thank you job, said at least,” takes the edge off, To ny. “it makes said John, had that day,” it all worthwhile.” 32 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 Out &About 9328. counties, Indiana. Call419-738- bus toRichmond and trip Wayne Auglaize Society CountyHistorical 28 April 305-7384. 419-305-8045 orBRW Tool at419- 419-394-7178, Kathy Langsdonat Marys. Call Country Truck Salesat Post 9289, 1309E. St., Spring St. Dueling Pianos, 7-11 p.m., VFW A fundraiser featuring T &Rich 23 April wapakshops.com. neta. Visit in April,Arts downtown Wapako- 23 April 419-629-0411 orvisitauglaize.org. garage sales, 5 W. Fourth St. Call ofMinstercommunityVillage 22-23 April information. [email protected] forfurther 369-2985, ext. 118, oremailbluff- or [email protected]. Call419- Burkholder at419-722-1521 Jerry Street, downtown Bluffton. Contact Crafts Show, 9a.m. to3p.m., Main and 45thannualThe Bluffton Arts May 14 com orvisitwww.amiltellers.org. 223-8866, [email protected]. ShoreNorth Drive, Lima. Call419- 15 and22, Encore Theatre, 991 13, 14, 20and21, and2p.m. May “Making GodLaugh,” 8p.m. May May 13-15,20-22 amber.com. limachamber.com orvisitlimach- 419-222-6045, emailchamber@ 1450 N. CableRoad, Lima. Call 5:30 p.m., UNOHEvent Center, Commerceof Annual AwardsGala, Lima/AllenCountyChamber The May 4 visit jampd.com. Drive, Lima. Call419-221-1232or Visitor’s Center, 4240Campus ing ‘Batman,’” 7:30p.m., OSULima “Bats: What Watch-YouLearn Didn’t May 3 1552 orvisitlimaciviccenter.com. Town Square, Lima. Call419-224- Civicrial andConvention Center, 7 Parmalee, 8p.m., Veterans Memo- 29 April com. woh.rr.com orvisitartspacelima. 419-222-1721, emailartspacelima@ Lima, 65-67 Town Square, Lima. Call Show,A Spring 6:30p.m., ArtSpace/ 22 April AUGLAIZE COUNTY Out & AboutALLEN COUNTY 2911. Chamber ofCommerce at419-738- koneta. Callthe Wapakoneta Area Staples, 7p.m., downtown Wapa- intheParkwayParty featuring The May 27 419-738-2515. Fairgrounds. CallMattGossard at Wapak Tug Fest, Auglaize County May 21-22 org. 8811 orvisitarmstrongmuseum. Drive, Wapakoneta. Call419-738- Air &SpaceMuseum, 500 Apollo Astronomy Night, 7p.m., Armstrong May 21 org. 8811 orvisitarmstrongmuseum. Drive, Wapakoneta. Call419-738- Air &SpaceMuseum, 500 Apollo Astronomy Day, 10a.m., Armstrong May 21 Braun at419-296-0933. Park,morial St. Marys. CallJessica and Awareness Walk, 10a.m., Me- Auglaize CountySuicidePrevention May 14 739-7717. of Caring. CallRandy Fisherat419- United Way of Auglaize CountyDay May 7 townwapakoneta.com. at [email protected] orvisitdown- St., Wapakoneta. EmailJudiePresar p.m., Marley’s Downtown, 15Perry Derby Days Wine Tasting, 5-7:30 May 7 7430. Health Professionals at419-738- Wapakoneta. CallCommunity Grand Plaza, 913Defiance St., Beacon ofHopefundraiser, The May 6 739-9622. p.m., Wapakoneta YMCA. Call419- JediChallengeRun,Sertoma 6:30 May 4 armstrongmuseum.org. koneta. Call419-738-8811orvisit Museum, 500 Apollo Drive, Wapa- 1 p.m., Armstrong Air &Space Let’s GoFly aKiteattheMuseum, May 1 Lininger at419-394-6484. County Fairgrounds. CallBill Moon CitySwap Meet, Auglaize May 1 7:30 p.m. Call419-739-9622. Healthy KidsDay atthe YMCA, 5:30- 29 April wapak.org.School. Visit “Cabaret,” noon, Wapakoneta High 29 April earts.org. 419-423-2787 or visit findlayforth- the radioAmerican songbook. Call show willhighlightclassichitsfrom 200 W. MainCross St., Findlay. The Marathon Performing Center, Arts “Under theStreetlamp,” 3p.m., 24 April or momprom.org. fi ndlaymomprom/?fref=ts&ref=br_tf Ave., Findlay. facebook.com/ Visit dresses. ElksLodge, 900Melrose wear theiroldprom orbridesmaid inwhichout forcharity women Mom Prom, 7:30p.m., aladiesnight 23 April earts.org. 419-423-2787 orvisitfindlayforth- 200 W. MainCross St., Findlay. Call Marathon Performing Center, Arts A StuntDogExperience, 2p.m., 23 April com. Elsass atjelsass@hancockparks. Oakwoods Lane, Findlay. CallJessie at theOakwoods Nature Preserve, Walk, 7:30p.m., Discovery Center 18thannualThe EnchantedForest 23 April terarts.org. 419-423-2787 orvisitmarathoncen- 200 W. MainCross St., Findlay. Call Marathon Performing Center, Arts p.m., Toledo Symphony Orchestra, Four“The Seasonswitha Twist,” 8 22 April com orvisitartspartnership.com. email boxoffice@artspartnership. Main St., Findlay. Call419-422-3412, First Presbyterian Church, 2300S. “Beauty andtheBeastJR,” 7p.m., 22 April hancockparks.com. Contact JessieElsassatjelsass@ 1400 Oakwoods Lane, Findlay. woods Nature Preserve, 1-4p.m., FoolsApril inNature attheOak- An openhousewillbeheldfor 17 April St.,Cory Findlay. Call419-434-5335. Hester Powell Grimm Theatre, 1001 13-16, and2p.m. 17,April John& LikeFists,”“Hearts 7:30p.m. April 13-17 April wapakoneta.com. Commerce at419-738-2911orvisit Wapakoneta Area Chamberof Community garage sales. Callthe June 3-4 neta library. Call419-738-2921. Farm to Table, 6:30p.m., Wapako- May 31 HANCOCK COUNTY and Lora Abernathy Compiled by Sarah Allen Street, between MainCross and Boogie onMain, 6 p.m., SouthMain June 3 cockparks.com. hancockparks.com orvisithan- 419-425-7275, emailhpdparks@ in theirvaluable leisure time. Call members themselves entertained Woods. how Learn McKinnisfamily 1-4 p.m., Litzenberg Memorial A Pioneer’s Day OffOpenHouse, May 22 toricalmuseum.org. 419-423-4433 orvisithancockhis- preview from 7-10 p.m. May 14. Call a ChampagneandCandlelight homestour,will hostahistoric with Museum Hancock Historical The May 14-15 [email protected]. Rob Ledwedge at419-934-2713or Recreation Area, Findlay. Contact registration, Shelter5, Riverbend DiscGolf Spring Tournament, 8a.m. May 14 ohio-art-craft-show. event/22/28th-annual-springtime-in- cloudshows.biz/event-calendar/ Findlay. Call419-429-7344orvisit Fairgrounds, 1017E. SanduskySt., a.m. to5p.m., HancockCounty inOhioCraftSpringtime Show, 10 May 7-8 hancockparks.com. [email protected] orvisit Call 419-425-7275, emailhpd- a.m., Riverbend Recreation Area. 20thannualThe FishFestival, 8-11 May 7 marathoncenterarts.org. Findlay. Call419-423-2787orvisit Center,Arts 200 W. MainCross St., #75, 7p.m., Marathon Performing sented by theFindlay ElksLodge Re-Creation RockUSA!, Party pre- May 7 artspartnership.com. Sarah Foltz at419-422-4624orvisit 1615GrayAirport, St., Findlay. Call MayThe ArtWalk, 5-7p.m., Findlay May 6 openarmsfi ndlay.org. assault. Call419-420-9261orvisit domestic violenceandsexual Company toraise awareness about Sponsored by UnionBank The Park, 219McManness Ave., Findlay. Her Shoes, 10:30a.m., Riverside eighthannualThe Walk aMilein 30 April fortfi ndlayplayhouse.org. house. Call419-423-7168orvisit “Guys andDolls,” Fort Findlay Play- 28-30,MayApril 1,5-8,12-15 Out & AboutSalt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 33 a.m. to noon, Van Wert County County Wert Van to noon, a.m. St., Washington 1055 S. Fairgrounds, Wert. Van 6 May Life- to 4 p.m., 8 a.m. Leadercast, YMCA Camp Clay, at house Church Wert, Van 9196 Liberty Union Road, Area Wert Van the by sponsored Call 419- Chamber of Commerce. 238-4390 or visit vanwertchamber. com. 12 May Flowers, Paper Night at the Museum: County Histori- Wert Van 6:30 p.m., St., Washington 602 N. cal Museum, Visit Wert. vanwert.com/mu- Van seum. 12-15, 19-22 May Civic Wert Van Tide,” “The Outgoing Wert. Van Race St., 118 S. Theater, Call 419-238-9689 or visit vwct.org. 13 May 7-9 p.m., ArtsOhio City in the Park, 102 S. Ohio City Memorial Park, Visit visitvanw- Ohio City. Main St., ert.org. 14 May Service Club Pancake Wert Van to 12:30 6 a.m. and Sausage Day, High School/Middle Wert Van p.m., 10708 state Route School Commons, Visit Wert. visitvanwert.org. Van 118, 15 May Historical County Society Wert Van Collins Fine Foods, Series: Speakers County His- Wert Van 2-3:30 p.m., Washington 602 N. torical Society, Visit Wert. vanwert.com/ Van St., museum. 15 May Spring Boychoir Area Wert Van United Trinity Concert, 3-4:30 p.m., St., Walnut 220 S. Methodist Church, Visit Wert. visitvanwert.org. Van 16 May Wert County The Van Agricultural fair entertainment free Society’s Junior 10 a.m., auction, fundraising County Wert Van Building, Fair St., Washington 1055 S. Fairgrounds, at Contact Jason Rawlins Wert. Van 419-771-0237 or jrawlins3@road- runner.com. 20 May to 9 a.m. Spring Pioneer Camp, 9196 YMCA Camp Clay, 4 p.m., An Wert. Van Liberty Road, Union life of how re-enactment interactive Visit vwymca.org. in the 1800s. was 3-5 June Peony Wert Van Annual The 41st and Weekend Artrageous, Festival Park, Fountain to 11 p.m., 10 a.m. Wert. Van downtown PUTNAM COUNTY PUTNAM VAN WERT WERT VAN COUNTY April 17 Nis- 7:30 p.m., Tenors, Texas The Arts Center of Performing wonger 10700 state Route Ohio, Northwest Call 419-238-6722 or visit 118 S. npacvw.org. April 17 Wert Van 1-5 p.m., Pistol Fun Shoot, Association County Outdoorsmen Middle Road, 9065 Ringwald Range, Point. 1 April May 23-24, 29-30, Van 7 p.m., “Buying the Moose,” Road, 220 Fox Senior Center, Wert email Call 419-605-6708, Wert. Van or visit [email protected] offstagetheatre.com. April 30 Nis- Brian Culbertson, 7:30 p.m., Arts Center of Performing wonger 10700 state Route Ohio, Northwest Call 419-238-6722 or visit 118 S. npacvw.org. April 30 8 Plant Sale, Master Gardener’s June 4-5 June Ohio Pro- Trial, Race & Field Water Peter 740 St, Sportsman, gressive Visit fortrecov- Recovery. Fort Road, ery.org. April 21 7:45 in a Nutshell, Awareness Stroke 147 of Ottawa, The Meadows a.m., in- Event Ottawa. Putnam Parkway, Call 419-523-4092. cludes breakfast. 6 May to 4:30 p.m., 8:30 a.m. Leadercast, Ot- Church, Lutheran Creation New Visit tawa. ottawachamber.org. 3 June Chamber of Com- Area Ottawa Ottawa 4-7 p.m., Friday, First merce lot at Oak and parking municipal Ottawa. Main streets, 7-8 June County of the Putnam The Friends Used Book annual District Library Street Fourth to 8 p.m., 9 a.m. Sale, Call 419-523-3747. Ottawa. Gym, on the Add Events link at the Events on the Add listings of regular meetings.) listings of regular special events only and excludes excludes and only special events (The calendar is for organizations’ (The is for calendar organizations’ top to enter your event information. event your top to enter Visit thesaltmagazine.com and click Visit thesaltmagazine.com listed in Out & About? in Out listed Want to see your event event your see to Want County at 419-584-0014, camc@ County at 419-584-0014, bright.net or camc-ohio.org. 6 May Brick Street, 6-10 p.m., Cruise-In, the by Sponsored Recovery. Fort and Fort Merchants Recovery Fort Car Club. 7 May garage community Coldwater Email coldwatergarag- sales. [email protected]. 7 May 9 a.m. Amnesty, Tire County Mercer County Fair- Mercer to 1 p.m., Call 419-586-3695. grounds. 13-14 May Mercer County Ribfest, The Mercer Mar- W. 1001 County Fairgrounds, Call 419-586-3239 Celina. ket St., or visit mercercountyohiofair.com. 15 May “Annie Summer Concert Series: the by sponsored 2 and 6 p.m., Jr.,” Recovery Fort Arts, of the Friends Call 419-852- Elementary School. email for- 4941 or 419-375-4000, trecoveryfriendsofthearts@gmail. com or visit fortrecoveryfriendsoft- hearts.com. 17 May The Culpepper and Merriweather Recovery Fort 5 and 7 p.m., Circus, the by sponsored Middle School, Visit Merchants. Recovery Fort fortrecovery.org. 21 May The 2 and 7:30 p.m., Gilley, Penny 3769 state Route 127, Overdrive, email Call 419-925-9999, Celina. or visit [email protected] theoverdrive.com. 21 May 5K with Ob- Muddy A Mad Run: Ambassa- p.m., to 4 8 a.m. stacles, Fort 2205 state Route 49, dor Park, t the will benefi Proceeds Recovery. Henry project. EMS building St. Visit themadrun.com. 27 May County Chamber of Celina-Mercer 12:30 p.m., golf outing, Commerce Visit celina- Celina. Den, Fox’s mercer.com. HARDIN COUNTY MERCER COUNTY April 30 The 2 and 7:30 p.m., Crystal Gale, 3769 state Route 127, Overdrive, email Call 419-925-9999, Celina. or visit [email protected] theoverdrive.com. 1 May Bill Ken- Speaker Series: Sunday site manager of Sunwatch nedy, State Recovery Fort 3 p.m., Village, Re- Fort Site St., 1 Fort Museum, Call 419-375-4649 or visit covery. fortrecoverymuseum.com. 6 May 4 p.m., Hopefest, The 18th annual St. Athletic Complex, Post Wally at- will include infl The event Henry. and ceremony, a survivor’s ables, Contact drawing. grab a grocery Association of Mercer the Cancer April 28 7:30 p.m., “Swing in the Spring,” Northern the Ohio by presented Freed Jazz Ensemble, University Call Ada. St., Main 525 S. Center, 419-772-1900 or visit onu.edu. April 28 Hospice Beacon of Hope Dinner ONU 6-8 p.m., Auction, and Charity 525 S. McIntosh Center, Ballroom, Call 419-634-7443 or Ada. Main St., visit hardincountyoh.org. 6 May “Pirates with a Day Senior Citizens a.m. 9:30 theme, of the Caribbean” Building, Community to 2 p.m., 14131 County Fairgrounds, Hardin Call 419- Kenton. County Road 140, 673-1102. 7 May County Hardin The sixth annual Up- 6:30 p.m., Sports Hall of Fame, 510 High School, Valley per Scioto Tickets Courtright McGuffey. St., S. Quest at any be purchased may Union location in Credit Federal Ada and Kenton. 19 May Founda- County Community Hardin 4:30-5:30 p.m., tion Celebration, Main 128 N. Armory, County Hardin Visit hardincountyoh. Kenton. St., org. Crawford streets. Visit artspartner- streets. Crawford ship.com. 4 June Walk/ 5K and 1 Mile Judgement Free Riv- 8:30-11:30 a.m., e, Roll/Shuffl Findlay. TR 208, 9250 erbend Park, t- planetfi Call 419-422-3000 or visit ndlay-oh-209. ness.com/gyms/fi 34 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 Gary Brock photo new “Star Wars” Žlm. a display promoting the stormtroopers “guard” last September, arow of nati Comic Expo held At the2015 Cincin- are oftencostume contestswithcashprizes. heroines, conventions will love toseeyou, andthere “dressing up” asyour favorite actionheroes or andsummer.states allspring Also, ifyou enjoy there are plentymore inOhioandneighboring was held inStrongsville, nearCleveland. Early in April, the Cinema Wasteland movie festival HorrorHound Weekend was heldinCincinnati. in Cleveland was heldinFebruary. InMarch, the like-minded followers. Butnotanymore. or even of thousandsofmilestoattendagathering these conventions usedtohave totravel hundreds known as “fan expos” and “cons.” comic bookandanimeconventions, collectively all-time highthisyear. bers, andtheirnumbers inOhiocouldreach an By Brock Gary and animeconventions fiction, horror, comicbook Your guidetoscience But nottoworry. Ifyou missedtheseconventions, Already thisyear, the Wizard World ComicCon Now theconventions are coming tothefans. ofOhioanswhoThousands are devoted fansof We are talkingaboutscience fiction, horror, They are growing andnum- bothinpopularity Getting conned ville, KY40209. fandomfest.com. Visit Expo Center, 937Phillips Lane, Louis- FanDom Fest. KentuckyFair and July 29-31 daysofthedead.net/indianapolis.Visit ecutive Drive, Indianapolis, IN46241. Wyndham Indianapolis-West, 2544Ex- Days oftheDeadhorror convention. June 24-26 midwesthauntersconvention.com.Visit ball, contestsand100-plusvendors. show, hauntedhouse tours, costume Haunted house-related seminars, trade 400 N. HighSt., Columbus, OH43215. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Midwest HauntersConvention. June 10-12 friends.org/lakeeffectcomiccon. Mentor, OH44060. comicsand- Visit tion. Holiday Inn, 7850Mentor Ave., Lake EffectComicBookConven- June 5 con.com. Cincinnati, OH45245. animatic- Visit Inn andSuites, 4501EastgateBlvd., Animatic Con. 29-MayApril 1 UPCOMING CONVENTIONS EastgateHoliday

lis. Weekend.Horrorhound Indianapo- TO BE ANNOUNCED 430 W. St.,Vine Lexington KY40507. vention. Lexington Convention Center, Scarefest horror andparanormal con- Sept. 30-Oct.2 comicexpo.com. Cincinnati, OH45202. cincinnati- Visit ergy Convention Center, 525ElmSt., Cincinnati ComicExpo. DukeEn- Sept. 23-25 daysofthedead.net/louisville. Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY40209. Visit Crown 830 PlazaLouisville Airport, Days oftheDeadhorror convention. Sept. 2-4 neocomiccon.com. Visit Royalton Road, Strongsville, OH44136. NEO ComicCon.Holiday Inn, 15271 Aug. 14 wizardworld.com. High St., Columbus, OH43215. Visit Columbus Convention Center, 500N. Wizard World ComicCon. Greater

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Big City Style With Small Town Smile! Big City StyleWith Town Small Kathy’s KashKathy’s $10 off every $50 spent $10 off every conned 36 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 Spring own heat, according toJimMcCormac, viaauniqueabilitytogenerateary its through icysurfacesoilinmidFebru- first. spunkyplantpushesitswayThe way. wildflower seasonwillbewell under zine isinreaders’ hands, Ohio’s spring By Jane Beathard in bloom Marsh Marigold Skunk cabbage always appears By thetimethisissueofSaltmaga- in latewinterandearly when spring “photoperiod” weeks —thosebrief wildflowers. They are subjectto Ohio’s atures, spurs theappearance ofmost trout lily and buttercup begintosprout. of-spring, hepatica, bloodroot, white March, when favorites likeharbinger- of Natural Resources. a naturalist withtheOhioDepartment Sunlight, more thanwarming temper- Skunk cabbage bloomsuntilmid Champaign County:CedarBog Ottawa County:Lakeside Daisy Fairfield County: Portage County: Highland County:MillerState FowlerRichland County: Woods Fulton County: Jackson County:Lake Katherine Preble/Butler Counties: Lake County: Greene County: Adams County: Adams County: Adams County: Hamilton County: Wildflower Walks Times for Spring Best Placesand early June State Nature Preserve, midMay to State Nature Preserve, midMay State Nature Preserve, early May Nature Preserve, early May May Nature Preserve, toearly lateApril early June State Nature Preserve, to lateApril Nature Preserve, lateApril State Nature Preserve, midApril April Woods StateNature Preserve, mid ture Preserve, midApril Nature Preserve, midApril March tolateApril Golden StarLily Preserve, late Nature Preserve andGladys Riley tolateMayApril Preserve Lynx Prairie Trail, late Preserve, midMarch tolateJune out Park, midMarch tomidMay Hatch-OtisStateNa- Goll Woods State Whipple State Whipple Edge ofAppalachia OhioRiver Bluffs CliftonGorge State EagleCreek State Shallenberger Shawnee Look- Photos courtesy of the Hueston Ohio Department of Natural Resources Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 37 to Order or Stop In Call Ahead Subs & Other Take Out Food Take Our Great Pizza, One-Stop Domestic & International Wines, Beers, Craft Beers, Mixers, Premixed Cocktails, Coolers, Soft Drinks & Bar Aids. Mon.-Sat. 9 am-10 pm, Sun. 11 am-9 pm Extensive Wine Selection! | 10% OFF Cases of Wine! We have all of your favorite brands and selections in stock at great prices! 3333 W. Elm Street, Lima | 419-991-1901 Wine Sellers Your LIQUOR STORE Above, Wild Blue Phlox; below, Red Trillium Red below, Blue Phlox; Wild Above,

Hours of Operation Mon. Wed. Fri - 9-5 Tues. & Thurs. 9-6 Sat. - 8-1 Sun. - Closed 2696 Greely Chapel Rd., Lima, OH 45804 www.heavenlystitchesquilts.com 419-979-0218 [email protected] About half of Ohio’s 1,800 na- 1,800 half of Ohio’s About Robert Henn Naturalist to “It took me four years published Indiana University descrip- It included not only priced currently The guide, “Colleges use (the guide) for wild- book promotes Henn’s “Humans tend to place little Regular updates on Ohio’s added. owers. wildfl plants are tive 313 of the most categorized of owers “Wildfl popular in to the eld guide fi rst the fi Ohio,” blooms. wild state’s Henn said. guide,” rst write the fi A second edi- the book in 1998. in 2008. tion appeared also background but tions, and how owers stories of the fl used them for medici- pioneers nal and other purposes. Amazon, at $19.45 through Henn said. popular, remains he added. courses,” botany — an issue preservation ower fl near and dear to the author’s heart. cannot they on things value eld guide “A fi he said. name,” and provides owers names the fl them.” to value a reason bloom are ower spring wildfl on the ODNR website available at naturepreserves.ohiodnr. owers. gov/wildfl any one cut of fabric (3 balls or less), three yards of yarn or one notion. Where Quilting is Divine

Spring Beauty “There’s not as much diver- as much not “There’s ower wildfl Not surprising, the top toward “Ohio ranks Adams County the He calls “The shortgrass and cedar

(not good on special orders or sale items. Expires May 31, 2016) Expires or sale items. (not good on special orders 20% off 40859349 leaves are not yet on trees and and trees on not yet are leaves oor fl the forest reaches sunlight day. each minutes for more after trees owers sity of wildfl “Al- McCormac said. leaf-out,” bloom all spring, some though, fall.” summer and the slopes blankets rst color fi Thereafter, of the Ohio River. north about the season moves bloom Peak 10 miles a day. mid comes between statewide he added. late May, and March states for among Midwestern have because we owers wildfl a It’s habitats. such diverse with boreal state ‘crossroads’ prairies the north, from forests Valley Ohio River the west, from and specialists on the south, uences from Appalachian infl McCormac said. the east,” diverse oristically most fl state’s because the great — largely that once covered glaciers that area. of Ohio missed much in (Adams glade prairies loaded with rare County) are species — perhaps the great- plants of rare est concentration in the state and the richest McCormac plants,” in native 38 | Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 — Ralph Waldo Emerson laughs inflowers.” “The earth more thought... And one in JacksonCounty, Ohio. Photo takenby KimKnauff Salt | Northwest Ohio | April/May 2016 | 39 40860745 419-225-3425 • GARAGES • EXCAVATION JARED BENNETT • DECKS & PATIOS • CUSTOM HOMES & • CUSTOM ROOM ADDITIONS • ROOFING & SIDING • KITCHENS & BATHS • KITCHENS • WINDOWS & DOORS • OFFICE: Specializing from the Specializing from CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Ground Up Construction Ground • FOUNDATIONS & CONCRETE • FOUNDATIONS 40838397