15 July 2010

HIV/AIDS f you are only a casual follower of the trends in HIV/AIDS research, you would be forgiven for thinking that there is nothing new to say about this field. I!e miraculous drugs that keep so many HIV-positive people alive have, ironically, blunted the urgency with which the press, policy makers and the general public used to talk about the epidemic. In fact, as this Nature Outlook shows, there is a renaissance afoot in the "eld. !ere is, for S2 COVER ART: NIK SPENCER instance, hushed talk of something most people contents had given up on: a cure for HIV/AIDS. With more S2 On high alert powerful new drugs and a clearer understanding Emma Marris Supplement Editors S4 Learning from the elite Apoorva Mandavilli, of the virus’ ways, some researchers are quietly Bijal Trivedi Michelle Grayson exploring approaches to #ush the virus out of the S5 The primate connection Art & Production body completely. Bijal Trivedi Martin Harrison, In the past few years, researchers have also S6 Dancing with an escape artist Sarah Loriot, Karl Smart made remarkable progress in understanding Sarah DeWeerdt S8 Tiny steps towards an HIV vaccine Production Controllers how HIV literally exhausts the immune system Cassandra Willyard Susan Gray, Emilia Orviss by keeping it on high alert, and how exquisitely S9 Joining forces Web Production Editor di$erent each individual’s immune response is Cassandra Willyard Terhi Raukko S11 The outlook for a cure to the virus. Scientists are learning, slowly but Virginia Hughes Sub Editor surely, how to build antibodies that can neutralize S14 Forgotten lessons Victoria Kitchener the virus, and vaccines that can prevent it from Paroma Basu Marketing infecting people in the "rst place. S16 Developing solutions Elena Woodstock, Some of these lessons come from unexpected T. V. Padma Hannah Phipps S18 Fighting the monster places — ranging from monkeys in Asia to sex Amy Maxmen Managing Editor workers in Africa and haemophiliacs in the S20 Grassroots initiatives Nick Campbell United States. !ey are also the result, as is Amy Maxmen Magazine Editor o%en the case with big advances in science, of S21 A call for collaboration Unmesh Kher Tim Appenzeller multidisciplinary collaborations. collection Project Manager Outside the laboratory, too, there is new hope. Claudia Deasy Experts are combining every tool at hand — such S23 AIDS research must link to local policy Salim S. Abdool Karim & Quarraisha Abdool Karim Editor in Chief, as mobile telephones, male circumcision and S25 Public database for HIV drug resistance in Nature Publications microbicides laced with antiretroviral drugs — to Philip Campbell prevent new infections. Even South Africa, that Tulio de Oliveira, Robert W. Shafer & Christopher Seebregts Sponsorship hotbed of AIDS denialism, is "nally facing up to Gerard Preston, Reya Silao, S26 Is the high virulence of HIV-1 an unfortunate Stephen Russell its epidemic. coincidence of primate lentiviral evolution? We are pleased to acknowledge "nancial Frank Kirchhoff S36 HIV-1 exploits innate signaling by TLR8 and support from ViiV Healthcare in producing DC-SIGN for productive infection of dendritic this Outlook. As always, Nature carries sole cells responsibility for all editorial content. Sonja I. Gringhuis et al. Apoorva Mandavilli, Consultant Editor S44 Retroviral intasome assembly and inhibition of DNA strand transfer Stephen Hare et al.

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On high alert HIV keeps the immune system in a hyperactive state, gradually leading to its ruin, reports Emma Marris.

he last time you had a cold, you prob- proteins, known as cytokines and chemokines, ably sniffled, coughed and stayed at and a host of other proteins. home in bed for a couple of days. This ready and roused state is short lived in All the while, your immune system the case of most viruses; however, HIV triggers Tfought a quick battle against the cause of the chronic immune activation. “Practically every cold: a virus. It was a battle with a foregone arm of the immune system that has been inves- conclusion, as many of them tend to be. In tigated has been shown to be in a hyperactive most cases, the immune system is triumphant, state,” says Jason Brenchley, an investigator at and mops the floor with the virus within a the US National Institutes of Health. couple of weeks. As immune cells are activated, they become

CUNE HIV is no ordinary virus, however. After targets for HIV, so an active immune system C a quick skirmish with the immune system paradoxically amounts to a higher viral load. A key element in this story is pace. The CUNE

— what researchers call the ‘acute phase’ of Cells that constantly replicate when activated rate of disease progression varies enormously C infection — HIV escapes eradication, often eventually become depleted, causing a prema- between people, and some ‘elite controllers’

HLY AND J. M. M M. J. AND HLY living on quietly for years and only much later ture ageing of the immune system. In a process never reach the milestones that mark AIDS C dragging the immune system to utter ruin. that is still mysterious, chronic immune acti- (see page S4). Scientists can roughly predict HLY AND J. M. M M. J. AND HLY

In the past few years, researchers studying vation seems to wreck the tissues that produce disease course by looking at virus levels in the C the long road from infection to AIDS have been immune cells1. blood. As far back as 1993, however, research- particularly interested in ‘immune activation’ This set of effects has been linked to con- ers found that elevated levels of CD38+ CD8+ OUEK, J. M. BREN M. J. OUEK, D — a state in which the immune system stays on ditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. cells — a subset of immune cells that correlate . C. . D OUEK, J. M. BREN M. J. OUEK,

high alert and prepared to fight. Even on its own, immune activation “makes with immune activation — are a better harbin- D 2 In this condition, the immune system mar- you feel lousy,” says Daniel Douek, chief of ger of AIDS’ arrival . C. . D . FAVRE, FAVRE, .

D shals many types of cell into an active mode, human immunology at “Immune activation is one of

ready to sense and attack pathogens. The body the US National Institute “Practically every the oldest ideas in HIV research,” FAVRE, . D J. MOLD, MOLD, J. produces abundant amounts of signalling of Allergy and Infectious arm of the immune notes Carl Dieffenbach, director Diseases’ Vaccine Research of the Division of AIDS at the US

system has been MOLD, J. Center. National Institute of Allergy and shown to be in a Infectious Diseases. “We have Long road hyperactive state.” just rediscovered this more times The basic outline of HIV than I care to think about.” pathogenesis is well chronicled. The virus enters the body usually through mucosal tissue, such Recurring theme as the lining of the vagina or anus. Once there, When researchers first began thinking about it encounters CD4 cells, which orchestrate the immune activation, they saw it primarily as a immune response. The virus gains entry into symptom of the illness. these cells, where it insinuates its DNA into host “At the time before we had good drugs, or any nuclear DNA. For a day or less, each CD4 cell drugs at all, I think that most people thought essentially becomes a factory for viruses, and that [if] we got a good drug and knocked out the then it dies. virus, that immune activation would go away,” This is what allows HIV to persist where says Susan Plaeger, director of basic research in other viruses beat a hasty retreat. Once the Dieffenbach’s division. As therapies that control acute infection is past, HIV continues to rep- the virus became available, however, it was clear licate and diversify by mutating into many dif- that immune activation lingers even when viral ferent forms, each one a new challenge to the numbers are down. immune system (see page S6). Several new findings have brought immune Over years of infection, the average person’s activation back to centre stage, according to CD4 cells slowly decline. HIV takes up resi- researchers. dence in quiescent immune cells and possibly First, scientists discovered, about a dec- in other hideouts (see page S11). The deple- ade ago, that sooty mangabeys and Afri- tion of CD4 cells cripples the immune system, can green monkeys, ‘natural hosts’ of the HIV damages the gut and makes it leaky, allowing leaving the host vulnerable to any attack, and HIV-like simian immunodeficiency virus other pathogens to enter and wreak havoc. turning HIV infection into full-blown AIDS. (SIV), do not show immune activation and do

S2 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK

not get sick. Rhesus macaques, the experimen- CUNE tal model for HIV vaccines, do have immune C activation, however, and develop AIDS (see page S5). Second, researchers reported in 2008 that HLY AND J. M. M M. J. AND HLY elite controllers, despite their seemingly good C health and negligible viral loads, show some abnormal immune activation3. Finally, many HIV-infected individuals taking antiretrovi- OUEK, J. M. BREN M. J. OUEK,

ral drugs have low viral loads but suffer from D inflammation-related diseases of ageing — C. . D heart disease, liver disease, cancer and per-

haps even dementia — earlier than do their FAVRE, . uninfected peers. D One trial, called Strategies for Manage- ment of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (SMART), MOLD, J. which was designed to study drug scheduling In the acute phase of infection, HIV depletes the gut’s CD4 immune cells (seen in the bumps on left), in HIV-positive people, found that protein and their numbers never bounce back (right). markers of inflammation were higher in those who died during the trial4. The implication is that immune activation contributes to mortal- In the acute phase, the virus depletes CD4 Some researchers argue that microbial ity from conditions not typically classified as cells in the mucosal tissue of the gut, and their translocation is the consequence, not cause, of AIDS-related, says Douek. numbers never bounce back5,6. In the process, immune activation, but Douek dismisses the Overall, evidence from natural host mon- the virus also destroys the gut mucosa’s struc- criticism. “It’s a circle — immune activation keys and clinical observations suggest that tural cells. “The gut has holes, it is leaky,” says causes leaky gut which causes immune activa- viral infection and immune activation are both Douek. tion which causes leaky gut,” needed for progression to AIDS. Damage to the gut’s immune “It doesn’t really he says. “In a sense it doesn’t system allows other pathogens matter how much matter [which came first].” Persistence of memory to make their way to lymph virus you produce in Given that immune activa- What causes immune activation? Most obvi- nodes and penetrate the body, the body, but what tion is intricately tied to disease ously, it is the virus. Like any invader, it causes where the rest of the immune kind of cells are progression, measuring viral immune cells to wake up and gird their loins system must wake up and fend load or even the number of killed.” for battle. It is not clear, however, why the state them off, says Satya Dandekar, CD4 cells might not be the best of activation should persist for decades. a microbiologist at the Univer- way to chart the disease, Douek It might be that the kind of cells that are sity of California, Davis. adds. Doctors could instead count central infected are so important to the immune This immune activation persists even when memory CD4 cells or markers of immune acti- system that the host has no choice but to try drugs knock the virus down to undetectable vation and inflammation, and combine several to get rid of every last bit of the virus, suggests levels because the gut has lost its ability to measurements into a standardized algorithm Guido Silvestri, a pathologist at the Hospital repair itself. Early treatment might prevent that predicts the course of infection. of the University of Pennsylvania in Phila- this damage, Dandekar says. “A lot of benefit Meanwhile, some groups are trying to delphia. that one sees in early treatment may really calm the chronically alert immune system In particular, the presence of virus in lymph stem from repair of the mucosal sites.” by adapting therapies for other inflamma- nodes, where ‘central memory’ CD4 cells live, Another, potentially complementary, the- tory conditions — some as basic as aspirin could keep the immune system engaged in ory suggests that the weakened gut defence or vitamin D — and designing drugs to stop fighting the virus, Silvestri suggests. These allows pieces of the omnipresent — and microbial translocation. cells specialize in retaining information about generally benign — gut bacteria to enter the “Now that we are able, we believe, to a pathogen’s identity and creating armies of bloodstream, where they activate the immune suppress virus for many, many years with rank-and-file ‘effector’ memory cells for when system7. antiretroviral drugs,” says Douek, “immune the host re-encounters the threat. Tellingly, This ‘microbial translocation’ has been activation and inflammation in treated indi- sooty mangabeys and African green monkeys shown in HIV-infected people in several viduals may become the greatest obstacle to do not lose as many central memory cells or studies, mostly in the later stages of disease. In long-term health.” show chronic immune activation. May 2010, Douek, Brenchley and colleagues Emma Marris writes for Nature from Columbia, “It doesn’t really matter how much virus reported in Science Translational Missouri. you produce in the body, but what kind of that HIV infection increases the numbers of 1. Sodora, D. L. & Silvestri, G. AIDS 22, 439–446 (2008). cells are killed,” says Silvestri. “Not all CD4 regulatory T cells — a subtype of CD4 cells 2. Giorgi, J. V. et al. J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 6, 904–912 cells are created equal. Some are really quite that modifies the immune response — and (1993). expendable.” lowers the numbers of another immune cell 3. Hunt, P. W. et al. J. Infect. Dis. 197, 126–133 (2008). Evidence in the past seven years of a great that helps defend the gut mucosa8. The result- 4. Kuller, L. H. et al. PLoS Med. 5, e203 (2008). 5. Guadalupe, M. et al. J. Virol. 77, 11708–11717 (2003). decline of CD4 cells in the gut has prompted ing imbalance might lead to a leaky gut and a 6. Brenchley, J. M. et al. J. Exp. Med. 200, 749–759 (2004). two more theories about how HIV causes dysfunctional immune system, the research- 7. Brenchley, J. M. et al. Nature Med. 12, 1365–1371 (2006). chronic immune activation. ers suggest. 8. Favre, D. et al. Sci. Transl. Med. 2, 32ra36 (2010). www.nature.com/outlooks S3 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010 MA G BIS SY BIS R TRUNG DUN/CO TRUNG O Learning V from the elite Researchers hope to unlock the secrets of the select Some Kenyan sex workers, like Dorothy Mumbe (above), resist HIV infection even after being few who rein in, or even exposed hundreds of times to HIV-positive men. resist, HIV infection, says forcing it to mutate and evolve in a way that partner — are repeatedly exposed to the virus, renders it less fit2. “These people didn’t get but never get infected. Bijal Trivedi. infected with a wimpy virus — they made their “Some women we’ve been studying for years viruses wimpy,” he says. have been exposed hundreds of times to men ob Hoff has been HIV-positive since we know are HIV-positive. They weren’t using 1984. He has never taken antiviral Hints from the genome a condom, despite counselling, and still they drugs, yet his immune cells are numer- Together with researchers at the Broad Insti- weren’t infected,” says microbiologist Keith ous and healthy, and the virus is unde- tute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Walker also Fowke of the University of Manitoba who Btectable in his blood. led a genome-wide association study including has been studying a cohort of commercial sex Hoff is an ‘elite controller’ who can do what about 1,000 elite controllers. Earlier this year workers in Nairobi for more than 20 years. big pharma and vaccine developers cannot: his team announced, at a conference in Banff, “That’s well beyond the realm of luck — it’s hold HIV in check and keep AIDS at bay Canada, that 350 single-nucleotide polymor- something really biological,” he says. without medications. phisms (SNPs) clustered in the major histo- HIV-resistant women appear to have ‘quies- More than 33 million individuals are compatibility complex (MHC) — a region on cent’ or resting immune systems, Fowke says. infected with HIV, and about 2.7 million join chromosome 6 rich with immune-response They show lower levels of cytokines, which are those ranks each year. However, it is estimated genes — seem to protect elite signalling proteins that ramp that 1 in every 200 people infected never suc- controllers from the effects of “These people didn’t up the immune response, cumbs to the virus1, whereas another 6 or so the virus. get infected with a and the activity of many non- ‘long-term non-progressors’ (LTNPs) control One clue to the role of these wimpy virus — they immune genes is also lower HIV, albeit with a higher viral load, and remain SNPs comes from a study pub- made their viruses than in controls. symptom-free for at least seven years. lished in Nature in May this wimpy.” The women have more Figuring out how these people control year3. Walker and colleagues regulatory T cells, which calm HIV could inspire vaccines and therapies reported that a variant of the human leukocyte the immune system, and fewer activated CD4 that mimic their immune systems. “[When] antigen B (HLA-B) gene located in the MHC immune cells. However, their ability to fight other you meet someone who’s been infected for boosts the immune response by producing infections and viruses is not compromised. 25 years, looks entirely healthy and has never powerful killer T cells, which recognize and HIV infects and replicates better in activated taken any medications, you just feel like the destroy infected cells. T cells from those who cells. Fewer targets allow greater opportunity answer is standing there for us to just fish out,” carry the HLA-B57 variant recognize many for the evolution of immune responses that says Bruce Walker, director of the Ragon Insti- parts of the HIV virus and more HIV mutants would eliminate the virus, says Frank Plum- tute in Charlestown, Massachusetts. than do T cells from controls. mer, scientific director general of the National Since 2003, the International HIV Control- About 65% of elite controllers carry the Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health lers Study has examined the factors that keep HLA-B57 allele, says Mark Connors, chief Agency of Canada. The idea that a quiet elite controllers and LTNPs healthy. Other of the HIV-Specific Immunity Section at the immune system could be the key is “potentially research groups are studying the few people US National Institute of Allergy and Infec- paradigm shifting,” Plummer adds. with natural immunity to HIV, who resist tious Diseases. The link between the allele Some reported data contradict this hypoth- infection even after multiple exposures. and T-cell function is “an attractive idea,” but esis. Plummer has proposed launching a global An infected individual carries, on average, the computer models need to be backed up consortium to study individuals with natural about 30,000 copies of HIV RNA per millilitre experimentally, Connors notes. immunity. He and others are also trying to of blood. Those with AIDS have more than identify the genes that endow the Kenyan 100,000 copies, LTNPs have between 50 and Quiescent systems women with resistance to HIV. 2,000, and elite controllers have fewer than 50, Rare individuals with natural immunity to Bijal Trivedi is a freelance writer in Washington which is well below the detection limit of most HIV could also yield game-changing discov- DC. conventional tests. eries. These people — including sex workers, 1. Okulicz, J. F. et al. J. Infect. Dis. 200, 1714–1723 (2009). Last year, Walker showed that the immune haemophiliacs who have received contami- 2. Miura, T. et al. J. Virol. 83, 2743–2755 (2009). system in elite controllers cripples the virus, nated blood, and individuals with an infected 3. Košmrlj, A. et al. Nature 465, 350–354 (2010).

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and macaques could be the loss of T-helper 17 (TH17) cells — a subset of CD4 cells that is key The primate for antibacterial defence. Douek and others have shown that SIV-infected sooty mangabeys and African green monkeys have healthy levels of TH17 cells in the mucus lining of the gastroin- connection testinal tract. Loss of these cells is a hallmark of progressing infection in humans and macaques Studies comparing HIV infection and its simian (see page S2). counterpart in different monkey species are filling Model monkeys gaps in knowledge, explains Bijal Trivedi. In their search for a surrogate for HIV in humans, researchers use about 20 differ- ale African green monkeys are CD4 cells in sooty mangabeys have lower lev- ent SIV strains and modified SIVs, dubbed notorious for their striking red els of the receptor CCR5, which HIV needs SHIVs, to infect different species of macaques. penis, bright-blue scrotal area to enter the cell. African green monkeys Each virus–host combination has strengths and white abdomen. To AIDS have fewer surface CD4 receptors, which are and limitations. Mresearchers, however, these monkeys and required for HIV infection. The main problem with the SIV–macaque another African species, the sooty mangabey, “They’ve chosen two different ways of model, says Paul Bieniasz, a virologist at the are known for a less visible trait. removing target cells of the virus,” notes Daniel Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New Both are natural hosts of the simian immu- Douek, who leads the Human Immunology York, is that the SIV genome differs by about nodeficiency virus (SIV), which is the primate Section of the US National Institute of Allergy 50% from HIV-1, which is the most prevalent counterpart and ancestor of HIV. Although and Infectious Diseases’ Vaccine Research strain worldwide. infected monkeys have more than 100,000 cop- Center. “I really think that is the root of why To create a better model for vaccine tests, ies of SIV per millilitre of blood, they do not they don’t progress [to AIDS].” Bieniasz and colleagues are modifying HIV-1 get sick or develop anything resembling AIDS. Viral load is not the only factor influenc- to grow in monkeys. So far, they have created By contrast, Asian macaques infected with SIV ing progression. People with low levels of a version that will infect pigtail macaques, mimic the trajectory of human HIV infection. HIV sometimes show serious inflammation initially causing virus levels to reach up to Understanding what allows and a slow decline in CD4 one million copies per millilitre of blood — just the African monkeys to coex- “It is amazing that cells. Some such cases slowly like in the initial stages of human infection. ist with SIV could help develop [the monkeys] are progress to AIDS, says Steven These monkeys do not become sick and, drugs or vaccines against HIV able to switch off Deeks, professor of medicine at after six months, their infection mimics that that ape their response. these pathways.” the University of California, San seen in long-term non-progressors, who “Comparative AIDS research Francisco. naturally control HIV levels and slow their EPL.COM is essential to figure out what protects us from “There are people who think it is only the progression to AIDS (see page S4). R transmission, and what protects us from virus, others think it is only inflammation, and “We basically have to find a way to make the pathogenesis,” says Guido Silvestri, professor we think it is a little of both,” adds Deeks. virus more robust in pig-tail macaques,” says of pathology at Emory University. When the virus first infects the body, humans, Bieniasz. “We need it to trigger AIDS.” SIV infections in the natural host monkeys macaques and natural hosts mount a dramatic Bijal Trivedi is a freelance writer in Washington

share similarities with human HIV and macaque immune response. In sooty mangabeys and DC. WILLIAMS/NATU ROD

ES SIV infections; however, it is the differences African green monkeys, R that intrigue researchers. For example, unlike this reverts to base- ICTU P humans and macaques, female natural hosts line levels after about TILL

S rarely pass the virus on to their offspring. three months, whereas In people, there is a general trend: the more it remains high in

PHOTO/ virus in the body, the faster the progression humans and macaques

IOS to AIDS. This is probably why elite control- throughout the chronic /B N lers, whose immune systems can whittle down infection.

YLVAI viral loads to barely detectable levels, rarely get “It is amazing that S

R AIDS (see page S4). By contrast, sooty mang- [the natural hosts] are DIE R

O abeys and African green monkeys with high able to switch off these C viral loads remain healthy. pathways of immune What is more, the natural hosts maintain response even when relatively healthy numbers of CD4 cells — virus replication remains BIOSPHOTO/ white blood cells that orchestrate the immune consistently high. And it response and are targets of HIV — in both blood seems that they benefit and the mucus lining of the genital tract. from doing this switch off,” says Silvestri. Evasive targets One potential trig- African green monkeys (left) and sooty mangabeys (right) are natural One key to the monkeys’ resilience might be ger for chronic immune hosts of the HIV-like simian immunodeficiency virus, meaning that they that they have fewer cells that HIV can infect. activation in humans never develop anything resembling AIDS.

www.nature.com/outlooks S5 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

however, shaping the evolution of the virus. When virus levels initially peak, HIV is rela- Dancing with an tively homogeneous, with millions of identical copies of the infecting strain. Last year, researchers showed that the viral sequence later evolves precisely in the parts to which escape artist the T cells respond1. “The mutants [are] being selected very rap- Sarah DeWeerdt describes the intricate relationship idly, within days, right in front of your eyes,” says between HIV and the host immune system, each McMichael, who led the study. Within weeks, the body is teeming with ‘escape mutants’ that influencing the other’s next moves. the T cells must learn to recognize.

hen people talk about infec- the body, replicating wildly. At the same time, Handicapped defence tious disease, the host is often killer T cells — which recognize and destroy From the beginning, HIV selectively targets described as being at war with infected cells — begin proliferating rapidly. and kills CD4 or helper T cells, “the master the pathogen, which is an apt HIV levels in the bloodstream peak 21 to 28 coordinators of the host immune response,” Wmetaphor. Look closely at HIV infection, days after infection, and T cells spike a week or notes John Moore, professor of immunology however, and it also seems like a dance: the two later. As T cells accumulate, they begin to and microbiology at Weill Cornell Medical virus and the immune system match each reduce the amount of virus in the bloodstream. College in New York. “So you have this hole other, step for step, in a performance as intri- With some viruses, this is where the dance in the immune repertoire.” cate as it is deadly. ends. “There are many infections we have Eventually, the depletion of CD4 cells leaves Each person’s immune system is unique and where T-cell immune responses control the the body susceptible to pathogens, signalling dances differently. Although HIV infection usu- virus,” says Sir Andrew McMichael, professor the progression to AIDS. Even early on, how- ally leads to AIDS, the timing and course of pro- of immunology at Oxford University’s Weath- ever, the CD4 cells are dysfunctional, impair- gression varies greatly from person to person. erall Institute of Molecular Medicine. In these ing the immune response to HIV. Without In the past few years — thanks to methods cases — chicken pox, for example — the virus functioning helper T cells, newborn killer that detect HIV soon after infection — research- remains in the body, but usually does not cause T cells fail to mature, or die prematurely, and ers have learnt that the immune response in long-term problems. so the body becomes progressively less able to the first weeks often sets the long-term course In most people infected with HIV, however, generate new ones as the virus evolves. of the disease. They are also learning how the killer T cells become progressively less effective. Three to six months after infection, the level body makes antibodies to HIV, and how this HIV has an almost limitless capacity to mutate, of HIV in the bloodstream stabilizes to a ‘set immune response evolves over time — insights and in effect is constantly trying on new dis- point’. This predicts the course of an individ- that might aid the search for a vaccine. guises — turning the dance into a masquerade. ual’s disease: a higher set point usually means HIV becomes detectable in the bloodstream Because T cells respond to HIV, it is tempting a quick progression to AIDS, and a lower set about ten days after the initial infection. Over to conclude that the virus leads the dance. The point means a slower sequence. the next two to three weeks, it spreads through immune system also exerts a subtle influence, What defines the set point is not fully understood, but “there’s some sort of bal- ance between the nature or virulence of the virus and the immune response of the host,” McMichael says. For example, a highly viru- lent strain of HIV is likely to result in a high set point even if the immune response is strong. The varying strength of the immune response

CNRI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY PHOTO CNRI/SCIENCE can be traced (see sidebar) in large part to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules. Three types of HLA class I molecule, HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C, are found on the surface of every host cell. These HLA molecules hold on to protein scraps from the virus and signal to the killer T cells that the cell is infected. The genes for these HLA molecules are the most variable in the genome — each has hundreds of different alleles. This variability, reshuffled each generation, allows the body to recognize a huge variety of pathogens. The HLA-B gene seems to have the strongest overall effect on HIV, says Mary Carrington, head of the HLA Immunogenetics Section at HIV (red) selectively targets and kills CD4 immune cells (pink), the master coordinators of the the US National Cancer Institute. Those who immune response. carry some HLA-B alleles, such as B27, B57

S6 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK

Genetic invitation For years, scientists have been trying to NIBSC/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY PHOTO NIBSC/SCIENCE understand why some people with HIV quickly develop AIDS and others seem more resistant. One method, genome- wide association, involves scanning bits of DNA scattered throughout the genome to look for variations more common in the latter group. A handful of studies have identified several single-nucleotide polymor- phisms (SNPs) associated with better control of HIV. Most variants are in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mol- ecules, which help the immune system to recognize infected cells. For example, the first genome-wide association study of HIV linked a variant of the HLA-C gene to a stronger immune response and slower progression to Immune cells (like the one above, in green) exert a subtle influence on the evolution of the HIV virus (red). AIDS3. Variations in HLA-B also seem to delay disease course. Results from an international study and B58, tend to develop AIDS slowly. Other When neutralizing antibodies finally are of about 2,000 HIV-infected individu- alleles, such as B07 and B35, are associated produced, the virus mutates to evade them, als, expected to be published later this with a rapid progression. the body fashions a new response, the virus year, confirm the importance of the HLA Those alleles that offer protection bind to escapes again, “and so on, in an endless system, says Mary Carrington, head of highly conserved HIV proteins that are essen- ‘to-ing and fro-ing’ between the antibody the HLA Immunogenetics Section at the tial to the virus’ function. If the virus mutates system and the virus,” says Dennis Burton, US National Cancer Institute. in these proteins, it often does so at a cost, professor of immunology and microbial These studies reliably pick up common becoming less virulent — and contributing to science at the Scripps Research Institute in variations present in at least 4% of the a lower set point. In contrast, less protective La Jolla, California. “But there isn’t any great population. Rarer variants might also alleles bind pieces of proteins that HIV “can impact [of the antibodies] as far as we can see affect HIV control, notes David Gold- mutate away and not have any effect on viral on the overall virus replication.” stein, director of the Center for Human fitness,” Carrington says. Two to three years after Genome Variation at Duke University. “There’s some sort of infection, about one in every To identify rare variants, he argues, Slow burn balance between the four or five people infected researchers should compare whole The dance with HIV includes nature or virulence with HIV begins to make genome sequences rather than looking at another set of partners: anti- of the virus and the broadly neutralizing antibod- markers for differences. bodies that recognize and bind immune response of ies, which inactivate many Goldstein is planning to sequence to viral proteins. Antibodies different strains. Ironically, by the genomes of at least 50 people who appear early in HIV infec- the host.” the time they make the anti- have been infected with HIV for years tion, at a similar time to killer bodies, these people have too but have not developed AIDS. He also T cells. The early antibodies are not effective, much virus, too many flaws in the immune plans to compare the genomes of peo- however, and do not reduce virus levels in the response and too many reservoirs for the virus ple who progress relatively rapidly with bloodstream. to benefit from them. What is more, HIV can those who progress slowly. Antibodies that neutralize HIV and pre- mutate to evade these antibodies much faster Although the high cost and slow vent it from infecting cells are produced about than the body can develop new ones. speed make whole-genome sequencing three months after exposure. This is relatively Still, broadly neutralizing antibodies are difficult, both limitations are rapidly late compared with the response to many viral something of a ‘holy grail’ for vaccine research- diminishing, Goldstein says. “A lot of infections, and might be partly due to viral ers. “They’re the sorts of antibody responses this story is going to be told over the damage to B cells and the germinal centres that we’d like to elicit or induce through vac- next two or three years.” –S.D. where they mature. cination,” says Burton. These problems have long been known to Two large-scale efforts are under way, one response have evolved. “The exciting thing for occur in chronic HIV infection; however, coordinated by CHAVI and the other by the me is that more and more people are becom- researchers showed last year that they begin International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, to under- ing interested in the host side of this,” says in the first weeks or even days of infection2. stand better how these antibodies are made. For Haynes. “We’re going to have to understand “It was surprising to find that there was such each effort, researchers took blood samples this area of biology before [an HIV] vaccine early destruction and damage to germinal from hundreds of people every few months, is going to be made.” centres,” says lead investigator Barton Haynes, beginning a few weeks after HIV infection. Sarah DeWeerdt is a freelance writer in Seattle. director of the National Institutes of Health- The researchers plan to isolate the broad- 1. Goonetilleke, N. et al. J. Exp. Med. 206, 1253–1272 (2009). funded Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immu- est, most potent antibodies from the partici- 2. Levesque, M. C. et al. PLoS Med. 6, e1000107 (2009). nology (CHAVI). pants, then retrace how the virus and antibody 3. Fellay, J. et al. Science 317, 944–947 (2007).

www.nature.com/outlooks S7 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

wall,” says Gary Nabel, head of the NIH’s Vac- cine Research Center. Tiny steps towards Isolating the antibodies is only half the challenge. How can the vaccine prompt the body to produce them? “That’s the $64,000 question,” says Dennis Burton, director of an HIV vaccine IAVI’s Neutralizing Antibody Consortium, and professor of immunology and microbial Recent successes are reinvigorating research into a science at Scripps. Burton and others are trying ‘reverse engi- vaccine for HIV, reports Cassandra Willyard. neering’ techniques — working backwards from the antibody structure — to build ast September, after more than 20 years that can bind to key parts of a virus and pre- molecules that stimulate the body to produce of disheartening research, HIV vaccine vent it from infecting cells; and activating the them. researchers had their first, albeit small, immune system’s cellular response, which tar- In March, at a meeting in Banff, Canada, taste of success. gets and destroys infected cells. Merck researchers announced that they have LIn a of about 16,000 people in The trouble is that HIV varies widely — even designed a molecule that elicits a neutralizing Thailand, the candidate vaccine RV144 low- within an infected individual. HIV infection antibody in guinea pigs and rabbits. It is the ered the rate of HIV infection by about 30%. tends to elicit antibodies and immune cells first time that “this kind of reverse engineer- RV144 remains far from market, but the that are specific to one particular strain, and ing process has been validated on the biologic trial gave the field a badly needed boost. After no help against others. side,” says Koff, “so it’s a real advance.” Merck’s much-hyped V520 failed in 2007, This variability defeated vaccine efforts until Some groups are exploring strategies that many researchers questioned whether a suc- RV144. In this combination formula, ALVAC bypass the immune system. For example, a cessful vaccine could be developed. (developed by Sanofi Pasteur) is designed team at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia “We showed for the first time that it’s pos- to elicit a cellular immune has devised a way to insert the sible,” says Jerome Kim, deputy director of sci- response, whereas AIDSVAX “We’re doing genes for these antibodies into ence at the US Military HIV Research Program (made by Global Solutions everything we can to cells using an engineered virus. and a lead investigator on the RV144 trial. for Infectious Diseases) is These recombinant vectors surprise ourselves.” No one yet knows why RV144 worked or designed to induce produc- produce enough antibodies to how to improve on it; however, this glimmer tion of antibodies1. protect monkeys from infec- of success, together with recent clues to other The odds were against this combination tion with an HIV-like virus3. The team plans ways to boost the immune response to HIV, from the beginning: ALVAC’s efficacy had to test the concept in people. has researchers feeling optimistic. “This really never been tested alone, and AIDSVAX had A good vaccine would also boost the cellular is a renaissance,” says Wayne Koff, chief scien- flopped in two previous trials. One group of immune response. To overcome HIV’s diver- tific officer of the International AIDS Vaccine leading researchers was so sure of failure they sity, researchers are testing artificial genetic Initiative (IAVI) in New York. called on the government to scrap the study. sequences that mimic parts of its genome So why did the combination succeed? but cover the widest possible array of strains. Thai mystery Barton Haynes, head of the National “These sequences are not [ones] that are found OTO/MHRP

H Vaccines generally rely on two tactics: tricking Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded Center for in their entirety in any naturally occurring

AP P AP the immune system into producing antibodies HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology, is prob- virus,” says Dan Barouch, chief of vaccine ing this mystery by analysing blood samples research at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical from trial participants. “We need to study Center in Boston, Massachusetts. this trial to try and understand everything Injected into rhesus monkeys, these ‘mosaic’ we possibly can about what happened and sequences incite an immune response broader why,” Haynes says. and deeper than with the natural virus4,5. A clinical safety trial is planned, Haynes says. Genetic diversity Although these studies seem promising, Meanwhile researchers are hunting for continuing obstacles make HIV research- ‘broadly neutralizing antibodies,’ which can ers loath to predict when a vaccine might be bind to numerous HIV strains and block them ready. from infecting cells. A vaccine that could trick “What you can say is that it would be a major the body into producing these antibodies miracle if we had one in less than ten years,” might prevent infection. Nabel says. “On the other hand, we’re doing In 2009, researchers from IAVI and The everything we can to surprise ourselves.” Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Cali- Cassandra Willyard is a freelance writer in New fornia, isolated two broadly neutralizing York. antibodies from the blood of an HIV-positive 1. Rerks-Ngarm, S. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 361, 2209–2220 2 individual in Africa . Last October, at a con- (2009). ference in Paris, NIH researchers announced 2. Walker, L. M. et al. Science 326, 285–289 (2009). 3. Johnson, P. R. et al. Nature Med. 15, 901–906 (2009). Although no one yet knows why, a candidate vaccine three more antibodies that bind to a new target 4. Barouch, D. H. et al. Nature Med. 16, 319–323 (2010). called RV144 seems to prevent HIV infections. on the virus. “We’ve clearly broken through a 5. Santraand, S. et al. Nature Med. 16, 324–328 (2010).

S8 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK

Joining forces No single strategy alone is likely to thwart HIV’s spread. Researchers are turning to ‘prevention packages’ of two or more approaches, Cassandra Willyard reports. SNNDA WUHU BY SHANGRING CHINA

eveloping a vaccine against HIV appeared to increase women’s risk of contract- has proven infinitely complex, but ing the virus. designing alternative methods of In December, researchers reported the most This Chinese device, a ShangRing, holds the prevention has not been any easier. recent failure: a gel called PRO2000, which had foreskin in place, allowing it to be snipped away DOf the handful of strategies tested in recent shown promise in a small study, but had no quickly with no stitches required. years, only male circumcision has been an effect on HIV transmission in a trial of 9,385 unequivocal success. Older strategies, such as African women. vaginal ring — much like the ones used for condoms and needle exchange, all sounded contraception — could deliver low doses of more promising than they turned out to be. Preventive pills the drug for a month or more. Researchers at After decades of disappointment, research- These disappointing results were not a major Weill Cornell Medical College in New York ers are turning to antiretroviral therapy — the setback, says Sharon Hillier, professor of have designed a ring that delivers both antiret- one tool proven to stop the virus in its tracks. obstetrics, gynaecology and reproductive sci- roviral drugs and contraceptives, although it Trials are under way to test whether oral ences at the University of Pittsburgh in Penn- has not been tested outside the laboratory2. antiretroviral pills or gels laced with the drugs sylvania. “We had already moved on to the Similarly, antiretroviral injections that last can prevent infections. Researchers are also next generation of products, which are much for several months, like the contraceptive testing whether treating infected individuals more potent.” injection Depo-Provera, might be prefer- early can make them less infectious (see side- The new generation of microbicides, two able to a daily pill. “The less you have to think bar on page S12). of which are in clinical trials, are laced with about it, the more likely it will be adopted,” “We are in a new antiretroviral-based pre- potent antiretroviral drugs. Results from Shattock says. vention generation,” says Mitchell Warren, the first trial, a 900-person test of a vaginal director of the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coa- gel containing tenofovir, are expected to be Aggressive strategies lition, a New York-based non-profit organi- announced in July at the International AIDS Scientists have known for more than a decade zation aimed at accelerating HIV-prevention Conference in Vienna. that people who have low viral loads are less research. The preventive power of antiretroviral pills likely to pass on the virus. Some studies have Scientists are also assessing combinations has been harnessed before, to block transmis- shown that treating HIV-infected individu- of two or more of the strategies — for example sion of the virus from mother to unborn child. als early decreases their risk of infecting their condoms, needle exchange, male circumci- For example, a single dose of the antiretroviral partners. One research team is testing this sion and antiretroviral drugs. nevirapine, given to the mother approach — dubbed ‘treatment as prevention’ “Because no new prevention “Because no during labour and to the infant — in a clinical trial of 1,750 couples. intervention will be a silver new prevention after birth, cuts HIV transmis- Last year, the World Health Organization bullet, we must understand intervention will be a sion by more than 40%. (WHO) proposed that an aggressive global the optimal combinations of silver bullet, we must Scientists reason that the strategy of yearly universal HIV tests and interventions,” says Stefano pills might also prevent the immediate antiretroviral treatment for those Bertozzi, HIV director for the understand the virus from taking hold in infected could dramatically slow the spread of Bill & Melinda Gates Founda- optimal combinations uninfected adults. This pre- HIV within a decade, and reduce prevalence tion’s Global Health Program. of interventions.” exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to 1% within 50 years3. The ideal prevention strategy strategy is being tested in at Many experts argue, however, that this ‘test is cheap, effective and easy to use. Although least five independent trials. The first results and treat’ approach will be difficult to imple- condoms meet these requirements, many men are expected later this year. “We are going ment. “I think it will be a challenge even in are reluctant to use them. In the early 1990s, to get our first glimpse at whether these the US, let alone in places with a much higher researchers began thinking about strategies new approaches with antiretrovirals work,” HIV burden,” says Connie Celum, director of that women could control. They estimated that Warren says. the University of Washington’s International a microbicide that is 60% effective at prevent- For such methods to be effective, they must Clinical Research Center in Seattle. “How do ing HIV infection could prevent 2.5 million be used regularly — daily or before every risky you think about test and treat when it’s such infections in just three years1. sexual encounter. That might be feasible in the a long way to go to even treat those who will Unfortunately, the microbicide field has controlled setting of a clinical trial, but imprac- die in a few years if they don’t get [antiretro- been plagued by failures. Scientists have tical in the real world, notes Robin Shattock, virals]?” developed dozens of candidates, and led at professor of cellular and molecular infection The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) least six into clinical trials. Despite promising at St George’s, University of London. is planning to test a less-regimented strategy preclinical data, however, each has failed to Some researchers are devising ways to make in Washington DC and New York City’s Bronx prevent infection. Alarmingly, a couple even these methods easier to use. For example, a neighbourhood. The three-year study, set to www.nature.com/outlooks S9 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

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Scientists are testing every preventive approach available, including microbicides, vaccines and antiretroviral pills, alone and in combination.

begin in June, will rely on local health centres. Cutting edge users in Eastern Europe, men who have sex The researchers plan to encourage HIV testing In many countries, there is a dearth of trained with men in the Americas, and households through media campaigns, and to help those professionals who can perform the surgical in Uganda. The institute plans to fund several who test positive to find doctors to prescribe procedure. Some research teams have set up more this year. treatment. “We really want real-world data,” training camps, and others are investigating Celum, who is designing a package for says David Burns, branch chief for HIV pre- ways to make the procedure easier and safer Uganda, is investigating the feasibility of vention research at the US National Institute to perform. sending health workers door-to-door to test of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. One clinical trial, organized by researchers for HIV. Based on the results, they could Some interventions take longer to gain at Weill Medical College of Cornell University develop an on-the-spot “prevention prescrip- traction than others. In the case of male cir- in New York, is testing a Chinese device called tion,” she says. cumcision, for example, lack of political will, ShangRing, which consists of two plastic rings Real-world tests of these combinations are limited resources and even cultural mores have that sandwich the foreskin, allowing it to be not always feasible. Clinical trials would cost deterred some communities from adopting snipped away quickly. A typical circumcision hundreds of thousands of US dollars and take the procedure. “Nothing gets to the heart of takes about 20 to 30 minutes, but ShangRing years to yield results. What is more, says Burns, social cultural issues as much as a man’s penis cuts that down to about 5 minutes — with no “it quickly becomes a very complex research and his foreskin,” Warren says. stitches required. However, the device must design.” The NIH projects will be assessed Three independent clinical trials showed, be left in place for ten days to allow the wound using small pilot studies, with successful strat- in 2005 and 2006, that circumcision cuts to heal. egies tested in larger clinical trials. men’s risk of contracting HIV by about one- Even if millions of men sign up, circumci- Mathematical models offer a quick and half. Consequently, the WHO, in 2007, began sion neither eliminates their risk of infection inexpensive way to skip some cumbersome recommending male circumcision for HIV nor directly benefits women. “It can’t be con- steps. “You can simulate the impact of an prevention, and the strategy is slowly gaining sidered as the sole method of prevention,” says intervention,” says Hallett, who is working ground. Maria Wawer, professor of population, fam- with Celum on the Uganda project. At least 8 of the 13 African nations identi- ily and reproductive health at Johns Hopkins These new approaches require unprec- fied as priority countries in 2007 by the WHO University. edented levels of collaboration between and the United Nations Joint Programme on In fact, no single strategy — not even a vac- immunologists, virologists, modellers, and HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) are scaling up male cine — is likely to be 100% effective. In some behavioural and social scientists. circumcision services. Kenya, which launched cases, “two interventions applied together “People are moving beyond the [attitude its campaign in 2008, has made the most can be greater than the sum of their parts,” that], ‘There’s only my approach that’s going to progress. As of February 2010, doctors there says Timothy Hallett, a research fellow in the work,’” Celum says. “The move towards com- had circumcised 90,000 men. The government department of infectious disease epidemiol- bination prevention is breaking down some of aims to reach a million men — nearly all those ogy at Imperial College London. There are few those divides.” uncircumcised in the country — by 2013. hard data, however, on which combinations Cassandra Willyard is a freelance writer in New South Africa, in April, launched free male cir- might be best for a given population. York City. cumcision services as part of its national HIV Last year, the NIH funded six groups to 1. Watts, C. & Vickerman, P. AIDS 15, S43–S44 (2001). campaign. The country’s ministry of health design “prevention packages” for specific 2. Saxena, B. B. et al. AIDS 23, 917–922 (2009). aims to help 2.5 million men by 2015. populations — including injecting drug 3. Granich, R. M. et al. Lancet 373, 48–57 (2009).

S10 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK

The outlook for a cure There is a formidable arsenal of drugs available to treat HIV. Virginia Hughes finds that, for the first time in years, there is also renewed hope of a cure.

ot long ago, you would have been If that sounded too good to be true, it was. Protease inhibitor drugs (spheres) bind to a hard-pressed to find an HIV In the same issue of the journal, Bob Sili- viral enzyme (yellow) and prevent HIV particles researcher who would utter the word ciano’s group from Johns Hopkins Univer- from maturing. ‘cure’. sity inspected the small number of dormant NHIV has a remarkable ability to resist anti- immune cells that harbour HIV. Because these In 2007, Merck released raltegravir. This viral drugs and hide in the body, so the idea of cells do not replicate, they are impervious to was the first drug to target HIV’s integrase eradicating the virus seemed impossible. Sug- treatment. Once activated, however, his team enzyme, which stitches the viral DNA into gesting otherwise, researchers feared, could found that these cells can start pumping out the host genome. create false hope and complacency. the virus into the blood and lymph nodes2. Clinicians welcomed drug cocktails spiked

In the past few years, however, there are Two other groups described these so-called with raltegravir after large clinical trials showed LIBRARY PHOTO PHANTATOMIX/SCIENCE increasingly loud whispers about a cure for latent reservoirs in 1997, and two years later Sili- they trounce drug-resistant strains of HIV, and HIV. The year 2007 saw the clinical debut of ciano’s team estimated that it would take about suppress virus levels significantly faster than do integrase inhibitors, which prevent HIV from 60 years for drugs to flush out HIV from these standard combinations. Several other integrase inserting into the host genome. The following stores3. “It was a real blow, I think, to people who inhibitors are in the pipeline, and early data year, a bone-marrow transplant eliminated the were interested in eradication,” Siliciano says. suggest that they are better than raltegravir. virus from the body of an infected German The field instead shifted focus to preventing “The number of papers on HIV integrase man (see sidebar, Interfering with genes). Last resistance by using combinations of three or inhibitors has just boomed over the last two year, breakthroughs in cell-culture techniques more drugs — dubbed highly active antiretro- years,” notes Yves Pommier, chief of the Labo- allowed researchers to screen for drugs that viral therapy (HAART) — and ratory of Molecular Phar- can lure HIV from its hiding places. to decreasing the side effects of “It’s marvellous that macology at the US National “I was very pessimistic five years ago, but treatment. now we have very Cancer Institute. “It’s marvel- we had to try,” says Warner Greene, direc- These efforts were hugely suc- effective inhibitors lous that now we have very tor of the Gladstone Institute of Virology cessful: there are 32 approved for all the three HIV effective inhibitors for all the and Immunology in San Francisco. “And as HIV drugs, and at least a dozen enzymes — it will be three HIV enzymes — it will we’ve tried, I’ve become much more optimis- more in the pipeline (Table 1), be very hard for the virus to tic that we might be able to achieve a drug- which, together, can suppress very hard for the virus escape them all.” free remission.” the virus for decades. to escape them all.” Other HIV proteins might His optimism is understandably tinged with “Now that HAART works so also make good targets. In 2002, caution, however, as scientists promising erad- well,” Siliciano says, “we’re turning to the next Michael Malim and colleagues fired up the field ication were proven wrong once before. step: can we actually cure anybody?” with the discovery that one of these proteins, In the summer of 1996, researchers attend- Vif, degrades a human enzyme, APOBEC3G, ing the eleventh international AIDS meeting In the pipeline which evolved eons ago to damage viral DNA4. in Vancouver trumpeted data showing that Like most viruses, HIV hijacks its host’s cel- Without Vif, APOBEC3G would block HIV certain combinations of antiretroviral drugs lular machinery to replicate. HIV is a member replication. can suppress HIV to undetectable levels in of a particularly nefarious family of viruses, That basic research is starting to pay off, the blood. however, which insert their DNA into the and many scientists are hunting for drugs that The buzz grew over the course of the fol- host genome. When the host cell replicates, block Vif. In 2008, Greene’s group at the Glad- lowing year. In May 1997, David Ho’s group its daughters make more virus. stone Institute launched a collaboration with at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Insti- Antiretroviral drugs target different stages Gilead Sciences to find Vif inhibitors. tute in New York reported in Nature that HIV of this replication cycle, limiting the viral load Another tactic is to target the host cell, levels in eight people dropped by two orders and allowing immune cells a chance to clear rather than the virus. HIV primarily attacks of magnitude within ten days of receiving a out infected cells. The most widely used drugs CD4 T cells, which normally help the immune particular three-drug combination and were block the enzymes that HIV needs to infect system fend off invaders. A handful of new undetectable within eight weeks1. new cells. The standard regimen includes two compounds block CCR5, which is a receptor Using a mathematical model, the research- drugs that block reverse transcriptase, which on the surface of CD4 cells that HIV must bind ers estimated that, barring any complications, HIV needs to convert its RNA genome into in order to penetrate the cell. the drugs could eradicate the virus from an DNA, and one protease inhibitor that prevents In 2007, Pfizer debuted the first CCR5 infected person in less than three years. viral particles from maturing. blocker, maraviroc, which is effective at keeping www.nature.com/outlooks S11 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

     Interfering         %46:4@4<480 !!%' '4-9>0. #3,=0 with genes (  !!%' )44) 0,6>3.,<0 #3,=0 * !!%' )44) 0,6>3.,<0 #3,=0 In 2008, doctors in Germany made an :<4.4>,-480 !%' @0B, #3,=0 astounding announcement: they had 7/9B9@4< !%' %& #3,<7, #3,=0 wiped out HIV from a middle-aged man ::<9@0/ 48  7,<50>0/ ,<,@4<9. % ,8>,2984=> )44) 0,6>3.,<0 when they gave him a bone-marrow ,= &06D08><4 transplant to treat his leukaemia. )4.<4@4<9. % ,8>,2984=> &.30<482#69?23 #3,=0 The doctors had replaced the bone marrow with that of a donor who #  % ,8>,2984=> )44) 0,6>3.,<0 #3,=0 % 4834-4>9< carried a genetic variation that disrupts #%"  #<92084.= #3,<7,.0?>4.,6= #3,=0 7989.698,6 ,8>4-9/C the function of the CCR5 receptor in ::<9@0/ 48  7,<50>0/ T cells. When this molecular doorway %,6>02<,@4< ! 0<.5 9 8. ,= =08><0== is broken, HIV cannot enter host cells. 6@4>02<,@4< ! 460,/ &.408.0= #3,=0 To this day, despite having stopped all antiretroviral therapy, the man has no &  ! )44) 0,6>3.,<0&3498924 #3,=0 detectable HIV in his blood. &  ! )44) 0,6>3.,<0&3498924 #3,=0 Bone-marrow transplants are not a 0@4<47,> ,>?<,>498 4834-4>9< C<4,/ #3,<7,.0?>4.,6= #3,=0 practical option for treating HIV 8>9< -,64D?7,- ',4 0/ 496924.= #3,=0 infection: upwards of one in three people 7989.698,6 ,8>4-9/C who receive them die, and they cost at (8589A8 ):? 4834-4>9<= 49><98 #<0.6484.,6 =>,20 least US$150,000. Still, the case offers 460,/ &.408.0= (8589A8 )41 4834-4>9<= #<0.6484.,6 =>,20 hope for scientists using gene therapy 6,/=>980 8=>4>?>0 to tinker with CCR5, and perhaps other 97-48,>498 :466 >A9 genes involved in HIV replication. '<,8=.<4:>,=0 460,/ &.408.0= ::<9@0/ 48  For example, RNA interference, which 4834-4>9<= 97-48,>498 :466 is a method of silencing genes, has been 460,/ &.408.0=<4=>96 ><4:6, '<,8=.<4:>,=0 4834-4>9< cating and mutating in cultured T cells. 97-48,>498 :466 Researchers have also launched several +$?,/ :466 '02<,@4< 460,/ &.408.0= #3,=0 clinical trials using methods to modify the  -99=>482 ,208> CCR5 gene in host cells. !  48>02<,=0 4834-4>9< !!%'  8988?.609=4/0 <0@0<=0 ><,8=.<4:>,=0 ,8,692?0 !%'  8?.609=4/0 <0@0<=0 ><,8=.<4:>,=0 ,8,692?0 Carl June and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania are harvest- ing T cells from HIV-infected individuals viral levels in check. However, people who HIV drugs in the United States — combines and disrupting the CCR5 gene using have been on HAART for long periods tend to drugs from different classes. More are on the zinc fingers — protein components that carry HIV strains that use the CXCR4 receptor way, however. recognize specific DNA sequences and instead of CCR5. Drugs that block CXCR4 are Last year, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer turn genes on or off. Preliminary results also being developed, but animal studies sug- together launched ViiV Healthcare, a com- from the 18-person trial are expected in gest the drugs are toxic. pany that will focus on creating new antiret- March 2011. roviral , particularly combination At a conference in January this year, Daily dose pills. In April, Gilead Sciences began phase June reported that the gene therapy No matter how effective the available drugs, III testing of its ‘Quad’ pill, which combines has allowed one participant who is off the harsh reality is that they must be taken two reverse transcriptase inhibitors and one antiretroviral treatment to maintain for life — although when to start them is an integrase inhibitor. undetectable levels of virus for two equivocal point (see sidebar, Perfect timing). If These combinations might make taking the weeks longer than is typical. treatment is interrupted, HIV rapidly springs pills less cumbersome, but they will not be able Last year, the first randomized and back into action, rising to detectable levels to alleviate the harsh side effects. Depending on placebo-controlled test of a gene within weeks. when therapy is begun, the lifespan for those therapy for HIV showed that a technique Partly to make taking the medications more on HAART is 10 to 30 years shorter than aver- that uses ribozymes — RNAs that cut palatable, and partly to keep the HIV drug age. They also suffer from a host of conditions other kinds of RNA — to disrupt HIV arsenal stocked with new compounds, many including heart, kidney, liver and bone disease, genes is safe, but does not reduce viral companies have invested in making pills that cancers and serious cognitive problems. load. combine multiple drugs. Some studies suggest that these compli- Although these methods have not yet “Taking one pill a day is much easier than cations are more the result of a sustained been proven effective, the potential taking two or three,” says Michael Mullen, inflammatory response to the virus than of benefits have encouraged researchers. acting chief of infectious diseases at Mount drug toxicity. In either case, the chronic prob- “Drugs have to be taken every day, but Sinai Medical Center in New York. “Pharma lems are a natural consequence of long-term gene therapy could do the same thing in a is realizing that the most important challenge infection. in antiretroviral therapy is improving adher- The ideal HIV drugs would not just sup- one-time treatment,” notes Ben Berkhout, ence by simplifying regimens.” press the virus, but would eliminate it from professor of virology at the University of So far, only the commercially available pill the body — something that is just beginning Amsterdam. –V.H. Atripla — one of the most widely prescribed to look feasible.

S12 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK HOTO

/AP P /AP Perfect OREA B timing OBERTO R How early should someone infected with HIV begin treatment? Doctors in the developed world recommend drugs when the number of an infected individual’s CD4 immune cells falls to less than 350 per cubic millimetre of blood. Many doctors in the United States say treatment should begin as soon as HIV infection is diagnosed, even if CD4 counts are normal. “This very aggressive approach is new, and it’s based on non-definitive data,” says Steven Deeks, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Still, Deeks supports early interven- tion because research has shown that lower CD4 levels pre-therapy lead to Although antiretroviral drugs are effective, they must be taken for life, and can cause harsh side effects. more age-related problems. “The longer you wait, the more inflammation, the Elusive target found several.” Although the compounds more immunologic dysfunction and To eradicate the virus from the body, scientists identified so far are probably too toxic for use perhaps more of these diseases will must first pinpoint its hiding places. HIV is in people, he notes, it is encouraging that the occur,” he says. particularly good at staying invisible. In 1997, technique works on the small scale. “The longer you wait, three teams independently discovered one There might also be many other reservoirs in HIV reservoir: resting memory T cells. These which HIV replicates at low levels. These could the more inflammation, cells stay quiet for decades, and are activated be blood stem cells, other immune cells such as the more immunologic only when the immune system encounters an macrophages, or inaccessible caves such as the dysfunction and perhaps invader that it has seen before. brain or the gastrointestinal tract. more of these diseases An HIV-infected individual carries about “If we’re going to come up with an eradica- will occur.” one million infected resting memory cells. tion strategy, it’s not going to be just as simple However, while in this state, these cells are as purging the virus from T cells,” says Mario In April 2009, a report in the New invisible to the immune system. The only way Stevenson, professor of molecular medicine at England Journal of Medicine found that to destroy the reservoir, scientists reason, is the University of Massachusetts. beginning therapy when CD4 levels are to stimulate the cells to begin making virus, Last year, several leading researchers called less than 350 cells per cubic millimetre of thereby rendering them vulnerable to antiret- for a large collaboration involving academia, blood carries a 69% higher risk of death roviral drugs. industry and the government to identify HIV’s compared with levels of 351 to 500 cells In the late 1990s, researchers used agents hiding places and investigate ways to drag the per cubic millimetre. 5 such as interleukin-2 growth factor, which virus out of them (see page S21). This was an observational study, activates all T cells, to prod the cells out The ultimate test for any treatment that however, so researchers could not deter- of their resting state. Provoking a global attempts to clear out the reservoirs is to take mine whether certain characteristics of immune response is dangerous, however, patients off therapy and see whether their people who get early treatment — such and can trigger massive leakage of fluids into viral loads stay in check — which some deem as better drug-adherence rates or less tissues. unethical. recreational drug use — explain why they One alternative is to tickle the latent cells so Even the most enthusiastic researchers fare better. that they express HIV proteins without repli- admit that the field is far from understand- To resolve the debate, an international cating themselves. For example, inhibitors of ing latency, and is at least a decade away from research team last year launched a histone deacetylases — enzymes that suppress producing compounds that could clear out the randomized, prospective clinical trial, HIV transcription — could stimulate latent viral reservoirs. If history is any guide, how- called the Strategic Timing of Antiretro- cells to produce HIV. ever, they will not stop trying. viral Treatment, which is projected to run Screening for such drugs is technically “Scientists are stubborn,” Stevenson says. until 2015. challenging because resting T cells tend to “That persistence on the part of the scientific Even if early treatment is beneficial, die in culture. In the past year, however, sev- community hopefully exceeds the persistent cautions Gregg Gonsalves, an AIDS eral groups have genetically or chemically qualities of the virus.” activist who has been on antiretroviral engineered the cells so that they can survive Virginia Hughes is a freelance writer in New therapy for 15 years, “actual clinical longer in culture, allowing scientists to screen York City. practice may play out entirely differently, for drugs that target the viral reservoirs. 1. Perelson, A. S. et al. Nature 387, 188–191 (1997). in terms of people’s ability to stay adher- “It’s actually fairly easy to find compounds 2. Chun, T. K. et al. Nature 387, 183–188 (1997). 3. Finzi, D. et al. Nature Med. 5, 512–517 (1999). that turn on latent HIV without causing global ent to medications and deal with side 4. Sheehy, A. M. et al. Nature 418, 646–650 (2002). effects.”–V.H. T-cell activation,” says Siliciano. “We’ve already 5. Richman, D. D. et al. Science 323, 1304–1307 (2009).

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HIV worldwide Forgotten lessons For many people in the developed world HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was. Paroma Basu explores the consequences of complacency.

iscussions about the global AIDS In the mid-1990s, pharmaceutical companies epidemic invariably focus on sub- developed a slew of protease inhibitors — which Saharan Africa and other impover- block HIV from making copies of itself — and ished regions. That is no surprise: other drugs that cut viral loads. Combina- Dsub-Saharan countries alone are home to two- tions of these drugs dramatically decreased the thirds of all HIV-positive people in the world. number of people who became ill from oppor- It is easy to forget that the epidemic is thriv- tunistic infections or died from AIDS. ing in more privileged areas, where it silently More than 30 antiretroviral medications takes a steadily mounting toll. In 2007, as many are now available, and dozens more are being as 54,000 adults and children died from AIDS developed (see table on page S12). in North America, according to the World The newer treatments are also easier to Health Organization (WHO). take. In the early days, some HIV-infected Since the 1980s, outreach and prevention people had to take up to 22 pills a day on a programmes have helped avert thousands, if strict schedule, some with food, others requir- not millions, of HIV infections in high-income ing refrigeration and so on. New combination countries. Readily available antiretroviral pills allow people to take as few as four a day drugs have helped turn it into a chronic, man- and the number is set to decrease even further. ageable condition. For example, Gilead Sciences is developing a Public-health officials worry that these suc- ‘Quad’ pill that packs a full day’s anti-HIV cesses have, however, spawned an epidemic regimen into one tablet. Targeted prevention of blasé attitudes. People are less attuned to The WHO estimates that at least 695,500 The epidemic in developed countries has messages of prevention, and the importance people in high-income countries were on always been concentrated in high-risk groups, of routine HIV tests and adherence to treat- antiretroviral therapy at the end of 2008, and such as men who have sex with men (MSM), ment. Risky behaviours are are living longer, more produc- sex workers, prison inmates, injecting drug beginning to re-emerge, even “We are seeing a tive lives. users and immigrants. Social shifts within as numbers of HIV infections wave of resurgence A 2008 analysis in The Lancet these populations have created new pockets are on the upswing. found that in high-income coun- of infection. Between 2000 and 2007, for of new infections.” tries, an HIV-positive 20-year For example, MSM still account for more example, the estimated rate of old given proper antiretroviral than one-half of all new infections in the newly reported HIV cases in Europe rose from treatment is likely to live to at least 69 years of United States, but a higher proportion of the 39 to 75 per million people, according to the age. In the earliest days of the epidemic, patients cases are now in homosexual men of African- Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ died, on average, within 26 weeks of infection, American and Hispanic descent, who are AIDS (UNAIDS). says Fauci. infected at a much younger age. “We are seeing a wave of resurgence of new As a result, the pall cast by HIV in these Rates of infection in African-American infections [in developed countries],” says Paul countries has faded — and given way to public women are 15 times higher than in white de Lay, UNAIDS deputy executive director of complacency. women. In Canada, aboriginal women are programmes. One survey of 2,554 adults in the United increasingly testing positive for HIV, and in States, released last year by the Henry J. Kaiser Europe, migrant populations — predominantly Dangerous attitudes Family Foundation, reported that just 6% of from the African subcontinent — are at higher In the 1980s and early 1990s, when AIDS was Americans say HIV is the most urgent health risk for heterosexually acquired infections. associated with an inevitable and harrowing problem in the country, compared with 44% “Given that HIV is a dynamic epidemic that death, messages about HIV prevention carried in 1995. is continually evolving, we have to think of a sense of urgency. Those attitudes, combined with the flag- prevention in a dynamic way, directly reaching “No adequate therapies were available ging economy, have meant that “funds [for out to and engaging communities in a cultur- [then],” recalls Anthony Fauci, director of HIV/AIDS prevention] have been reduced and ally competent manner,” says Kevin Fenton, the US National Institute of Allergy and programmes are being cut back,” says de Lay. director of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Infectious Diseases (NIAID), who cared for Many young people do not have a real sense Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention at the some of the earliest HIV patients. “Messages of HIV’s dangers, he adds. “Young, vulnerable Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of prevention and being sexually careful were people are moving into high-risk behaviours, (CDC). very well heard because there was a big fear whether heterosexual or homosexual [activ- To reach African-Americans, the CDC, in factor in society.” ity], or injecting drugs.” April this year, launched the ‘Act Against AIDS

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and 27% in Canada are unaware of their HIV

status. In Europe, up to 38% of infected people REYNOLDS/ MICHAEL are diagnosed after the virus has caused irrep- arable damage to their immune systems. “The problem is that when these patients finally do enter care, most are at a very late stage of infection,” says Jens Lundgren, direc- tor of the Copenhagen HIV Programme and professor of viral diseases at the University of Copenhagen. “This late percentage situation has not improved at all, and remains an abso- lutely unresolved problem in the developed world.” Early diagnosis is important for several rea- sons. A growing body of research suggests that early and easy access to treatment and support services can limit the virus’ spread. For example, a widely discussed 2008 analy- sis by the Swiss National AIDS Commission found that an HIV-positive person with an undetectable viral load after six months of antiretroviral therapy who has no other sexu- ally transmitted infections carries a negligible risk of passing on the virus.

Prevention fatigue As HIV/AIDS has matured into a chronic disease, developed nations face a host of new concerns, including the care of long-term sur- Demonstrators outside the White House in Washington DC protest against declining funds for vivors and the best time to initiate antiretrovi- HIV/AIDS prevention and cure. ral treatment (see sidebar on page S13). Leadership Initiative’, a five-year programme The following year, UNAIDS and the WHO Long-term survivors can grow tired of prac- that recruits established institutions to the proposed similar guidelines. A complex web ticing safe sex, adhering to the demanding fight against HIV. In February this year, the of social, psychological, legal and financial fac- drug regimens and informing new partners of CDC also initiated the ‘I Know’ campaign, tors prevent many people at risk from getting their HIV status — what experts call ‘preven- which encourages young people to talk about tested, however. tion fatigue’ — notes Koen Block, executive HIV on social networking sites. For example, lack of health insurance, cul- director of the Belgium-based European AIDS Prevention campaigns should also be tai- tural misconceptions and worries over immi- Treatment Group. lored to specific high-risk groups, such as sex gration status deter many economic migrants They also struggle with depression, social workers at truck stops, homosexual men who from learning their status. Laws that prosecute isolation and loneliness. One 2006 study of 914 use crystal methamphetamine or older women individuals who knowingly transmit HIV also people in New York City found that two-thirds married to injecting drug users, experts say. prevent high-risk groups from seeking care. showed symptoms of depression. “We also see Health authorities have avoided publicly Many perceive themselves — often wrongly very fragile and inadequate social networks for singling out marginalized populations, notes — as being at low risk, says Christoforos Mal- a lot of these folks,” says Mark Brennan, senior Bruno Spire, research director of the Marseille louris, director of programmes at the Amster- research scientist at the New York-based AIDS branch of the Institut National de la Santé et dam branch of the Global Network of People Community Research Initiative of America, de la Recherche Médicale. “The solution is to Living with HIV. For instance, few prevention which conducted the study. empower these groups, so it’s not about preven- or testing schemes target the elderly. Medical problems associated with taking tion for these groups but prevention with these Even in 2010, the stigma associated with antiretroviral drugs for many years are a sober- groups,” says Spire, who is HIV-positive. HIV cannot be underestimated, adds Mal- ing reminder that, despite all that scientists louris, who is HIV-positive. have learnt, there is a long way to go before Peer education “[In the MSM community] I hear a lot of infected people can live trouble-free lives. Spire and colleagues are experimenting with rejection because of HIV status and see a lot “Antiretroviral therapy is really one of the peer-to-peer outreach programmes, in which of ‘sero-sorting’ of partners according to sta- great advances of modern medicine — people high-risk community members educate oth- tus, so you see a lot of positive–positive and are getting decades of productive life out of ers. In one preliminary project showing early negative–negative couples,” he says. “This is these drugs,” notes Steven Deeks, professor success, MSM who are not medical profes- an indication of the ignorance of what is really of medicine at the University of California, sionals were trained to administer diagnostic risk. Instead of learning about it, people try to San Francisco. “They’re just not yet getting a tests to others in four French cities. deal with it by not dealing with it at all.” complete life.” In 2006, the CDC recommended mak- According to UNAIDS, an estimated 21% of Paroma Basu is a freelance writer in Lausanne, ing HIV tests a part of routine medical care. HIV-infected individuals in the United States Switzerland. www.nature.com/outlooks S15 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

HIV worldwide making room for deadlier, drug-resistant versions. As in richer nations (see page S14), Developing doctors in some developing countries are see- ing early heart attacks and kidney failure in HIV-positive individuals. “It’s like we are running backwards on the solutions treadmill,” Karim says. “We are not stemming the tide of the epidemic.” There is more to combating HIV in the developing world Broken promises than providing affordable drugs. T. V. Padma looks at the Prevention programmes in most developing innovative new strategies being employed. countries rely largely on international funds, which are vulnerable to ‘donor fatigue’ and the “Mambo?” them less likely to develop drug resistance or global economic downturn. The single Kiswahili word for “How are transmit the infection. Despite lofty promises, many donor agencies you?” arrives in a weekly text message from “This has huge implications,” says Lester, have not delivered. For example, the Global the AIDS clinic in Nairobi. assistant clinical professor at the University Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria From Kajiado, 200 miles away, the clinic’s of British Columbia. Hospitals and clinics in pledged US$10 billion a year when it was set patients, mostly members of pastoral Maa- Kenya and Ethiopia are planning to adopt the up in 2001, but has delivered only US$3 billion sai communities, respond with “Sawa” (OK) scheme, he says. a year so far. or “Shida” (problem). If, after two days, the Mobile telephones are just the In 2009, funds from US-based patient does not respond, a nurse follows latest strategy in the developing “We are not charities — except from the Bill up with a telephone call. This simple system world’s fight against HIV/AIDS. stemming the tide & Melinda Gates Foundation confirms that patients remember to take their In the past three decades, these of the epidemic.” — had decreased by 3% since drugs and are feeling well. countries have launched aware- 2007/2008, and funds from The scheme, which began in May 2007, ness campaigns, built testing and counselling European charities had decreased by 7% since takes advantage of the fact that, even though facilities, expanded their research capacity, col- 2006, according to an April 2010 report from the roads between Kajiado and Nairobi are laborated in international trials and negotiated the International Treatment Preparedness poor, the mobile telephone service is inex- for better access to drugs. With no vaccine or Coalition of HIV-infected people and their pensive and reliable. microbicide in sight, governments are devising supporters. The texting scheme is the brainchild of innovative approaches, including door-to-door “Abandoning the AIDS response now will researcher Richard Lester, who noticed that testing and social networking sites. inevitably lead to a return to headlines about about one-half of his patients in Nairobi people dying of AIDS that we read at the owned mobile telephones and about 90% had Innovative approaches beginning of the decade,” the report warns. access to a shared telephone. In April this year, South Africa, until recently PEPFAR is one of the few schemes to have EWS/CORBIS

N With funds from the US President’s Emer- the ‘poster child’ for AIDS denialism, launched maintained funding. Launched in 2003 by gency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Lester the country’s biggest HIV testing programme. then-President George Bush, it was extended

ORNING and the University of Nairobi in 2007 launched President Jacob Zuma publicly disclosed his for a further five years in 2008. This legisla-legisla- M a randomized trial to test whether mobile HIV status — negative — to lessen the stigma. tion authorizes up to US$48 billion to combat telephones can help improve follow-up and The government also announced free male- global HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. outcome in patients in remote rural areas. Pre- circumcision services as part of its prevention “In a time of tightening budgets and eco- liminary analysis of the data suggests that those programme. nomic constraints, this request for the eighth

TOM FOX/DALLAS FOX/DALLAS TOM who participate have lower viral loads, making To those who have been on the front lines of year of PEPFAR is the largest request to date the disease from the beginning, the landscape in a president’s budget,” says Eric Goosby, is dramatically different. PEPFAR’s US global AIDS coordinator. “When as a very young doctor I saw my first PEPFAR programmes continue to scale HIV patient with Kaposi’s sarcoma, I thought up prevention, treatment and care for it was something unique. I did not anticipate HIV/AIDS. According to a September 2009 the devastation that would unfold before me,” analysis, PEPFAR has directly supported says , director of the Cen- antiretroviral therapy for more than 2.4 million tre for the AIDS Programme of Research in infected individuals. South Africa (CAPRISA). Yet, “[if] I have seen As welcome as donor aid is, however, it the devastation, I have also seen the miracle of can skew national priorities. As an example, hope offered by antiretrovirals,” Karim says. Karim points to South Africa, where HIV Despite undeniable gains, however, the research infrastructure expanded impres- course of the epidemic remains largely sively, with international studies on both basic unchanged. In sub-Saharan Africa, for every and clinical research. person who gains access to antiretroviral “But much of the research agenda meets Text messages sent to mobile telephones are drugs, two get infected with HIV, Karim says. international rather than domestic priori- helping clinics in Nairobi follow up on patients in New complications arise all the time. HIV ties,” Karim notes. For example, South Africa remote villages. has revived tuberculosis (TB; see page S18), is researching HIV vaccines, but not the high

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Despite undeniable gains against the epidemic, in countries like India (pictured above) and Pakistan, the epidemic is spreading to heterosexual couples. levels of infection among its young women or for the drug itself. Indian companies used this patent rights in selected countries, and allow why a substantial increase in condom distribu- loophole to produce cheap generic versions of local firms to make medicines with mutually tion — from 8 million in 1994 to 376 million in expensive antiretroviral drugs. agreeable licence fees. 2006 — has not reduced its rate of new infec- These days, 92% of those receiving treatment tions in high-risk groups. in low- and middle-income countries take Networks of hope National governments are no better at fund- generic drugs made in India — the ‘pharmacy Developing countries are also coming up with ing their AIDS programmes. At an April 2001 of the developing world’. innovative solutions to their own, and others’, summit in Abuja, Nigeria, 52 African coun- In 2000, Brazil threatened to issue a com- problems in different arenas. tries pledged to allocate at least 15% of their pulsory license — a clause in international pat- For example, in the late 1990s, the Boston- national budgets for health. In 2007, only three ent law that allows countries to waive patents based non-profit group Partners in Health (Botswana, Djibouti and Rwanda) were on during national health emergencies — arguing founded the HIV Equity Initiative to provide track, and three others (Burkina Faso, Liberia that its growing AIDS epidemic was a national treatment and care to infected people in Haiti. and Malawi) had reached some targets. emergency. This small charity has grown into a network of These slow and bureaucratic governments are It carried out its threat in 2007, issuing a nine health centres that serve 1.2 million peo- no match for the rapid shifts in the epidemic. compulsory license to import efavirenz — ple under a national programme supported by HIV/AIDS in Central and Southeast Asia which prevents HIV from replicating — from Haiti’s health ministry. has spread from injecting drug users to their an Indian firm. In 2008, Brazil’s patent office In 2007, a doctor from Haiti set up a similar sexual partners. In countries such as India and also rejected a patent for tenofovir. rural clinic with volunteers in the mountains Pakistan, the epidemic once spread mainly Following in Brazil’s defiant footsteps, about of Lesotho, an African country with no medi- through commercial sex work and drug use, but a dozen developing countries have issued cal school and about 80 doctors to attend to its is increasingly affecting heterosexual couples. compulsory licenses. “Brazil revolutionized two million people. global AIDS treatment and shaped global India, Brazil and South Africa are also col- Affordable drugs AIDS treatment policy,” says Amy Nunn, laborating on research projects, including HIV Developing countries also need to sustain and assistant professor of medicine at Brown vaccines, combating HIV–TB and creating expand treatment programmes that depend University in Rhode Island. maps of viral diversity. on cheap HIV drugs, the demand for which Things could go wrong again, however. In Brazil provides locally made HIV drugs continues to grow. 2005, India agreed to recognize international to almost a dozen countries in Central and Over past years, international charities have patents, meaning its companies can produce South America, and in Africa. In March this taken the lead in providing cheap medicines to only generic drugs that are already on the mar- year, several Portuguese-speaking countries the poor. For example, the Clinton Foundation ket. In five or ten years, this is likely to create a together set up a network on HIV and sexually has negotiated lower prices with 8 firms on 40 serious shortfall in affordable drugs. transmitted diseases. drug formulations and with 12 suppliers for test- “It is a very complex issue,” says Mauro At an individual level, too, the urge to help ing kits. This has translated into cheaper drugs Schechter, professor of infectious diseases at and support each other is obvious. In Kajiado, for two million people, nearly one-half of the the University of Rio de Janeiro. “We need for example, those who receive the weekly infected population in developing countries. more innovation but at the same time, people “Mambo?” text forward it to relatives who are Much credit also goes to India and Brazil, should have access to treatment,” Schechter not part of the Kenyan trial. which thumbed their noses at drug companies says. “How do you do both at the same time? “As people become more connected, they and encouraged other developing nations to We have not found the answer.” become more hopeful,” says Lester. “Hope do the same. One potential solution is UNITAID, a removes stigma.” Before 2005, Indian laws recognized patents not-for-profit patent pool set up in March T. V. Padma is a freelance writer in New Delhi only for the process used to make a drug, not 2010, in which drug companies forgo their and South Asia editor of SciDev.net www.nature.com/outlooks S17 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

Calmette-Guérin (BCG) TB vaccine can be lethal in HIV-infected infants. Fighting Many TB patients who were previously improving with drugs relapse after starting a course of immune-boosting antiretroviral therapy, with a paradoxical reaction called the monster immune reconstitution inflammatory syn- drome (IRIS). “It may be that as antiretroviral Co-infection with HIV and tuberculosis is a potent drugs improve immunity, an inflammatory reaction is directed at the mycobacterium caus- combination. Amy Maxmen investigates the impact ing TB, and that reaction gives rise to the IRIS of this deadly duo. symptoms,” says Graeme Meintjes, senior clini- cal researcher at the University of Cape Town. ayoki Mfinanga calls it “the monster” TB might be an important reason why HIV IRIS typically occurs two weeks after TB for the way it wreaks havoc on a body. patients in the developing world suffer higher patients begin taking antiretroviral drugs. The Co-infection with HIV and tubercu- rates of mortality after beginning antiretroviral lymph nodes in the neck swell, high fevers hit losis (TB) can be devastating, trigger- therapy, says Steve Lawn, asso- and dry coughing begins. Some Sing rapid weight loss, severe pneumonia and, ciate professor of infectious “We consider patients develop abscesses, often, a quick death. diseases and HIV medicine at co-morbidity of HIV stomach pain or kidney dam- Treating both diseases simultaneously does the Desmond Tutu HIV Cen- and TB so prominent age. About one person in every not improve matters, and in fact can cause fatal tre in Cape Town. Although that it makes sense to ten who develop IRIS has men- kidney and brain damage. “We don’t under- the probability of death after ingitis or inflammation of the stand what happens when you combine TB the first 12 months of antiret- use HIV money for TB brain, and many of these people and AIDS drugs,” says Mfinanga, director of roviral therapy is about 1.8% research.” die. Because definitions of IRIS the Muhimbili Medical Center at the National in developed countries1, Lawn vary and there are no diagnostic Institute for Medical Research in Dar es and colleagues found that the rate is as high as tests, reports of its frequency range from 8% to Salaam, Tanzania. 26% in sub-Saharan Africa2. 43% of TB patients taking AIDS drugs3. With weakened immunity, HIV-positive In May 2010, the Center for Global Health IRIS was first described in the mid-1990s, patients are highly susceptible to TB, and TB Policy drew together leaders in US science but has become more common since. “There’s makes HIV disease progress quicker. According policy and advocacy to discuss the alarming no question that the large-scale roll-out of to a 2009 World Health Organization (WHO) increase in TB fuelled by HIV in the develop- antiretroviral therapy has helped millions of report, there were more than 1.4 million cases ing world. “In 2008, TB killed more people lives, but to be blind to the consequences of of TB–HIV co-infection worldwide, resulting than anytime in recorded history,” said Peter massive interventions, which are lifelong and in about 0.5 million deaths in 2008. In sub- Cegielski, team leader for drug-resistant TB at delivered to a large proportion of your popu- Saharan Africa, home to nearly 80% of those the US Centers for Disease Control and Pre- lation, is not helpful,” says Robert Wilkinson, infected with both diseases, TB is the leading vention. “In sub-Saharan Africa, that’s purely professor of infectious diseases at the Univer- cause of death for HIV-infected individuals. because of HIV.” sity of Cape Town. The deadly fallout of co-infection is forc- In some cases, the immune-suppressing ing officials to take notice — and revise their steroid prednisone can mitigate IRIS. Because EINTJES

M priorities. “We consider co-morbidity of HIV of the risk of side effects such as diabetes, high and TB so prominent that it makes sense to use blood pressure and osteoporosis, however,

GRAEME HIV money for TB research,” says Anthony prednisone should not be given for more than Fauci, director of the US National Institute a few months. Worse, if prednisone is given to of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “In fact,” people who have drug-resistant TB or another Fauci says, “what I’m planning to do is to uti- infection that could be mistaken for IRIS, it lize some of our clinical trial networks that might exacerbate the condition. were only for HIV to study TB alone and TB with HIV.” Eye of the monster One way to prevent IRIS might be in the tim- Exacting its toll ing of antiretroviral therapy. Some clinicians In the past few years, access to HIV medi- try to avoid IRIS by delaying antiretroviral cines in the developing world has improved. drugs until after the patient has completed As more individuals have begun taking the TB treatment, but a February 2010 report drugs, however, they have faced unexpected of a controlled clinical trial in South Africa complications. Interactions between drugs cast doubt on this strategy. The researchers for HIV and TB can cause nausea, allergic reported that twice as many people died in reactions and joint pain. Rifampin, which is the group that delayed taking antiretrovirals the mainstay of TB treatments, weakens the as in the group that treated both diseases at 4 Many tuberculosis patients on the mend relapse efficacy of antiretroviral drugs such as pro- the same time . after taking antiretroviral drugs, developing tease inhibitors and the non-nucleoside inhib- This has stirred some controversy: in June swollen neck glands and high fevers. itors efavirenz and nevirapine. The Bacillus 2010, other researchers challenged the study

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Co-infection with TB–HIV (as in the woman being examined, above) can be devastating, triggering rapid weight loss, severe pneumonia and, often, a quick death. design5, and questioned the influence of drug- adults in South Africa. Animal data sug- found that HIV and [multidrug-resistant] TB resistant TB6 and other factors that contribute gest that it will be safe for infants with HIV, rates are going up, and the two things show a to IRIS7. Three ongoing large trials are explor- Douglas says. Thus far, there have been no very clear association.” ing the ideal time for those on TB treatment to serious adverse reactions in adults. David Drug-resistant TB takes longer to treat begin antiretroviral therapy. McMurray, an immunologist at Texas A&M and requires treatments that are 50 to 200 Other researchers are testing various com- College of Medicine who is not affiliated with times more expensive. According to a 2010 binations of antiretroviral and TB drugs. For Aeras, says the vaccine “ought to be perfectly WHO report, the estimated cost of treatment instance, Wilkinson’s team is assessing the safe in HIV-positive individuals.” Results are between now and 2015 will reach US$16.2 safety of combining HIV treatments with the expected before 2013. billion. Although new drugs to tackle resist- TB drug isoniazid. The WHO recommends Clinical trials for HIV vaccines have not yet ant strains are being developed, it will take isoniazid over rifampin for HIV-positive indi- been designed with TB patients in mind, how- many years for them to be affordable for the viduals in areas of high TB prevalence who do ever. “A fundamental issue is that if someone majority. “In five years, there will not be new not show signs of TB, although it has not been has an episode of TB and develops immune anti-TB drugs for use in developing countries rigorously tested in this setting. dysfunction, will that affect the ability of that because the compounds in the pipeline won’t Frustrated doctors say they hope that as individual to mount a response when they’re be ready until 2015 — if we’re lucky,” says each new HIV or TB drug enters the market, given an HIV vaccine?” asks Clive Gray, Paul Nunn, coordinator of the WHO’s Stop they will not need to scramble to learn how department head of HIV immunology at the TB Partnership. co-infected patients react. National Institute for Communicable Diseases Perhaps answers will flow from recent “We quite often sit at meetings where phar- in Johannesburg. “The way to answer that is investments by large organizations and insti- mas try to convince us to use their [HIV] to do an HIV vaccine trial in people with tutes in rich countries. The Howard Hughes drugs for South Africa, but unless the drugs immune memory to TB, but it’s not really on Medical Institute, for example, plans to invest are compatible with pregnancy and TB, unless the agenda now.” US$60 million in its new research centre on they are compatible with rifampin, they aren’t TB–HIV in South Africa, slated to open by very useful for us,” says Linda-Gail Bekker, The spectre of drug resistance late 2012. deputy director of the Desmond Tutu HIV Another looming threat is drug-resistant TB, Those with fewer resources do what they Center. “They need to be tested in pregnant particularly in crowded hospital wards where can. Mfinanga’s group is trying to determine women and TB patients — but that rarely hap- susceptible HIV-positive patients provide a res- the ideal timing for antiretroviral therapy in pens, and often that’s an afterthought.” ervoir for resistant strains. This became appar- people infected with TB, knowing that it is Some drug developers, however, are finally ent in 2006 at a hospital in Tugela Ferry, South small incremental advances in knowledge — realizing the importance of developing TB Africa, where 52 of 53 HIV-positive individu- and not a knight in shining armour — that will solutions that work for HIV-positive patients. als infected with extensively drug-resistant TB help slay the monster. “You can’t use a TB vaccine worldwide on a died within a few months — many before they Amy Maxmen is a freelance writer in New York massive scale and screen everyone in advance got the results from diagnostic tests. City. for HIV — that’s impractical,” says Gordon Resistant strains of TB continue to sweep 1. Braitstein, P. et al. Lancet 367, 817–824 (2006). Douglas, executive chairman of the Aeras through HIV clinics. “We used to think that 2. Lawn, S. D., Harries, A. D. & Wood, R. Curr. Opin. HIV AIDS 5, 18–26 (2010). Global TB Vaccine Foundation, a non-profit HIV was in Africa and [multidrug-resistant] 3. Meintjes, G. et al. Lancet Infect. Dis. 8, 516–523 (2008). organization that partners with companies to TB was in Russia — well, not anymore,” says 4. Karim, S. S. A. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 362, 697–706 (2010). develop TB vaccines. Gail Cassell, vice president for scientific 5. Wilson, D. & Meintjes, G. N. Engl. J. Med. 362, 2137 (2010). 6. Garcia-Vidal, C., Salvado, M. & Salavert, M. N. Engl. J. Med. The clinical trial for one of Aeras’ lead can- affairs at Eli Lilly in Indiana. “In 2008, we did 362, 2137–2138 (2010). didates, AERAS-402, includes HIV-infected big surveys in the Ukraine and in Latvia and 7. Kadhiravan, T. N. Engl. J. Med. 362, 2138 (2010). www.nature.com/outlooks S19 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010

HIV worldwide “There were a lot of people who doubted our ability to do it because Cambodia had no Grassroots infrastructure,” she says. “Not only did we end up recruiting 661 patients but, what’s more, we’ve enhanced care all over Cambodia for TB initiatives and AIDS.” Fighting the brain drain A Cambodian group has developed a pioneering Goldfeld has mentored local clinicians in writing proposals, designing studies and community-based approach to HIV and TB care and publishing results. That training is bound to research. Amy Maxmen describes how this powerful have a broader impact, says Kristian Olson, a clinician educator at Massachusetts General model is being expanded to other war-torn countries. Hospital and health advisor for the GHC. “If you create this cadre of inquisitive or 30 years, the paediatric ward of the Many international medical NGOs are in physician scientists that are driven to answer Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital the process of leaving Cambodia. At times like compelling questions, you’ll do a lot for staff stood crumbling at the southern end of these, “the [GHC] becomes more important.” retention and reverse the brain drain,” Olson the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh. says Didier Laureillard, a physician specializ- says. FIn 2008, supported largely by private dona- ing in HIV and TB at the European Georges Olson volunteers with GHC’s outpost in tions, the Cambodian Health Committee, Pompidou Hospital in Paris, who volunteered Addis Ababa, set up with the Ethiopian Min- a non-governmental organization (NGO), with MSF in Cambodia. istry of Health’s approval, to transformed the ward into the Sullivan Out- The group owes its success in “They really work combat HIV and TB. Accord- patient Center for children with HIV and Cambodia in part to sustaina- on incorporating the ing to a 2008 World Health tuberculosis (TB). Later that year, Médecins bility brought about by training community.” Organization report on Ethio- Sans Frontières (MSF) entrusted the care of and working with the commu- pia, 40% of TB patients tested 205 HIV-positive children to the centre. nity. Its staff members visit patients at home there were HIV-positive. Now called the Global Health Committee and enlist local health-care workers to monitor The Cambodian team has repeatedly visited (GHC), the Cambodian group was born in 1994 the nutritional quality of meals eaten by those Addis Ababa to train local doctors. Last year, at a refugee camp on the Cambodia–Vietnam receiving antiretroviral drugs from its clinics. with funding from the Jolie–Pitt Foundation, border. The genocidal Khmer Rouge regime Goldfeld also initiated basic research in the it opened the Zahara Children’s Center for targeted health-care professionals, so, when its mid-1990s. Her team is conducting a clinical HIV-positive kids modelled after the group’s reign ended in 1979, those who survived were trial on the ideal time for those co-infected with similar Maddox Chivan Children’s Center in left with no medical infrastructure. TB and HIV to begin taking AIDS drugs. Cambodia. Since its inception, the GHC has cared With some tweaks, the GHC’s model for

GHC for more than 5,000 HIV patients and cured building medical infrastructure will work 25,000 people of TB, says Anne Goldfeld, the in any impoverished, war-torn country, says group’s co-founder and professor of medicine Sok Thim, a former Cambodian refugee and at Harvard University. With donors rang- the group’s co-founder. “We have the model ing from the drug company Eli Lilly to the and the means to deliver it,” Thim says, “We United Nations World Food Programme and want to help wherever there is great need for the US National Institutes of Health, the GHC TB care.” provides medicines, meals and care for an Extending models to other countries is estimated 15,000 people. The group manages harder than it sounds, cautions Hamilton. “I’ve five centres for HIV and TB care and research seen good models work in one country but not in Cambodia, stretching from rural provinces transfer to another.” For example, he says, the to Phnom Penh. Ethiopian government is wary of NGOs. Yet those affiliated with the GHC say it has suc- Community involvement ceeded in Ethiopia partly because it works in In 2008, the group expanded its model to partnership with the Ministry of Health. Ethiopia. Staff members have also visited As a survivor of the killing fields, poverty refugee camps in Pakistan, and are discussing and TB, Thim relates to the frustrations of plans to move into Swaziland and Vietnam. Ethiopian health-care workers, Olson says. Their approach differs from other missions “Care providers in Addis Ababa see Thim as that deliver care after war, says Paul Hamil- a medical expert who easily could have been ton, project director at an aid organization in the poor refugee,” says Olson. After training Uganda, who is not affiliated with the GHC. with Thim, Olson says, “I heard them going “I think their commitment is longer and they The Cambodian group has cared for many from no confidence to feeling like they will be really work on incorporating the community. children infected with HIV and tuberculosis, [part of ] a centre of excellence”. And the second thing that is really different is including Ye How (at age six in 2006, top; and Amy Maxmen is a freelance writer in New York that they do a lot of basic research.” after successful treatment a year later, bottom). City.

S20 www.nature.com/outlooks 15 July 2010 HIV/AIDS OUTLOOK

A call for collaboration Specialization has its place, but truly innovative advances in HIV research usually come from interdisciplinary efforts, reports Unmesh Kher. S t is probably a good thing Rowena Johnston from a conviction shared by many in the field The discovery of HIV by France’s Luc Montagnier E

got her doctoral degree in neuroscience. that their profession has become at once too (left) and American Robert Gallo (right) MAG depended on the combined efforts of clinicians, I Y When Johnston joined the Foundation big and too internally ghettoized. TT for AIDS Research (amfAR) nearly nine “There are more [HIV] investigators than epidemiologists and virologists. Iyears ago, most people working on HIV would there are nucleotides in the HIV genome,” have felt foolish even mentioning a cure. As an says Douglas Richman, a professor of pathol- which was a landmark in rational drug design outsider, however, she could look at the propo- ogy and medicine at the University of Cali- and primer to a cascade of antiretroviral drug sition with fresh eyes. fornia, San Diego, and lead author on the discovery. SLOAN/AFP/GE TIM “I wasn’t loaded down with all the baggage Science paper. “It shows you just how clever “Perhaps the biggest breakthrough of all,” that was preventing people from explicitly the virus is.” says Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, “has pursuing a cure,” recalls Johnston, who became been the successful development of now more amfAR’s director of research in 2004. Her una- Isolated experts than 30 drugs that, in combination, have bashed ambition has now found expression: Excessive specialization has also hampered totally transformed the lives of HIV-positive in March 2010, amfAR requested proposals the flow of information between research- individuals.” for a consortium dedicated to exploring “the ers. For example, HIV immunologists rarely As the field evolved, the number of con- barriers to and potential for HIV eradica- interact with immunologists in other fields, tributing disciplines multiplied. The develop- tion.” In May 2010, it issued grants totalling notes Bruce Walker, professor of medicine at ment of sensitive assays to quantify HIV in the US$1.2 million to launch the initiative. Harvard Medical School, and director of the bloodstream — the typically unsung contribu- The rest of the field is eyeing the same goal. US$100 million Ragon Institute, launched tion of analytical — touched off A paper in Science last year sketched out the last year in Massachusetts with an explicitly an avalanche of discovery in the 1990s. organizational structure of interdisciplinary mission. “The mere development of these assays a ‘collaboratory’ for a cure. “What we need Because there is no mouse allowed the field to understand the correla- The US National Institutes is for people from model for AIDS, Walker adds, tion between viral load and disease progres- of Allergy and Infectious other fields to work those who develop HIV vac- sion,” recalls David Ho, chief executive officer Diseases (NIAID) is prepar- cines do not interact with of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center ing a request for applications on the problem.” immunologists who work with in New York City. explicitly aimed at exploring mice, and miss out on valu- Ho’s work captured the interplay of the virus how HIV hides out and persists in the body, able insights. “I think there are basic universal and its target cells, and linked those dynamics and for developing safe strategies to eliminate truths that can be generated in mouse models to disease progression. Mathematics and com- the latent virus. and applied to humans,” he says. puter modelling played an integral role in those These schemes have more in common than If history is any guide, bridging some of studies, which Ho notes was unusual in virol- just their aims. They also share a view of how these gaps would be wise. Most major break- ogy at the time. His work led to the standard best to attain them: through an interdisci- throughs in HIV research have relied on the use of drug cocktails to treat AIDS. plinary team of scientists with diverse back- integrated contributions of multiple disci- grounds. plines. The discovery of HIV depended on Fresh blood amfAR has awarded the bulk of its fund- the combined efforts, on two continents, of Today, HIV researchers generally agree that ing to three collaborative teams that will clinicians treating inexplicably immune- the two areas most in need of interdiscipli- each address distinct aspects of the problem. compromised patients, epidemiologists track- nary efforts are the quest for an AIDS vaccine These groups are expected to talk frequently ing the emerging disease and virologists racing and the search for a cure. “Those of us who’ve and, where helpful, participate in each other’s to isolate its causative agent. been in the field haven’t solved the problem,” projects. NIAID’s programme would also seek Likewise, when the HIV genome was says Walker. “What we need is for people from to support a collaborative effort that includes sequenced in 1984, the possibility of attacking other fields to work on the problem.” teams from academia, the private sector and it with drugs less toxic and more effective than Innately interdisciplinary approaches such the US National Institutes of Health — much the first chemotherapeutic agent AZT (zidovu- as systems biology could shed light on some as was envisioned in the Science paper. dine) drew a host of new scientists into the fray, of the toughest problems facing the field, such A glance at HIV/AIDS research suggests not least structural biologists. The subsequent as how activating certain receptors on cells that interdisciplinary groups are increasingly determination of HIV protease structures led of the innate immune system — the generic the order of the day. Such groups have emerged to the development of inhibitors of the enzyme, first line of defence — influences the adaptive www.nature.com/outlooks S21 OUTLOOK HIV/AIDS 15 July 2010 E RS U O N HARD C I R

The US$100 million Ragon Institute, launched last year, employs engineers, clinicians, basic immunologists, computational biologists and geneticists.

immune response to HIV infection, which is In 2005, the US National Institutes of Health bulk of funding for HIV vaccines still goes to dominated by antibody and T-cell responses (NIH) established a US$315 million, seven- individual grants. Of the US$561 million the against specific pathogens or antigens. year venture named the Center for HIV/AIDS NIH set aside for HIV vaccine research in fiscal “There has been a failure to appreciate what Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI). It was fol- year 2009, CHAVI’s cut was US$49.8 million. kinds of immune responses are needed to lowed a year later by the Bill & Melinda Gates Besides, Fauci says, many of the people funded protect against HIV,” notes Bali Pulendran, Foundation’s US$287 million constellation through CHAVI also have independent inves- professor of pathology and laboratory medi- of consortia named the Coalition for AIDS tigator grants — underscoring the fact that its cine at Emory University. “It’s a larger issue Vaccine Discovery. Many complain that these members are not group thinkers. than just HIV research because the way people initiatives have concentrated scarce funding Some say a CHAVI-like consortium is just have analysed immune responses in the con- on a small group of researchers. what the field needs to find a cure for HIV. In text of any disease, or any antigen, is through “It has a way of homogenizing the field,” says the Science paper, Richman and several other the use of standard immune assays.” Ho, who first raised his concerns when CHAVI leading scientists argued that the NIH should In 2008, Pulendran applied a systems- was just a concept. “These people are forced to provide “funding, regulatory oversight and biology approach to predict — with high meet — it’s almost dictated by the grant fund- coordination” to a multidisciplinary, multi- accuracy — the precise immune responses ing structure. They talk about the same things sector collaboration — one that depends as elicited by the powerful yellow fever vaccine. over and over, and pretty soon I think every- much on the contributions of big pharma as Using a DNA microarray, Pulendran and col- body thinks the same way, when what we need those of academia. Richman says he does not leagues measured changes in gene expression in the field is more ideas, new ideas.” believe amfAR’s initiative has the resources in response to the vaccine and then used that Instead, say Ho and others, collaborative to fund a true consortium. expression profile to estimate levels of the sub- groups should form naturally. Julie Over- Johnston counters that the organization sequent T-cell and B-cell responses. baugh, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson has successfully fostered other underfunded Similar approaches relying on microarray Cancer Research Center in Seattle, adds that areas of HIV research, including studies on analysis, proteomics, microRNA profiling and the AIDS vaccine consortia might also be microbicides and the preclinical development other techniques generate thousands of vari- premature. “We’re still early in the game, in of several antiretroviral drug classes. In many ables for computational analysis, and could be terms of potential vaccine candidates that cases, she says, amfAR’s initial investments applied together to solve seemingly intractable might ever make it to the real world,” she says. were followed by support from other institu- problems, says Pulendran. “In the past four or “The ‘groupthink’ can be a bit of a problem at tions, including the NIH. five years or so,” he says, “people have begun to this point. Dominant personalities can win in The organization hopes to catalyse a col- understand that to fully capture the molecu- those kinds of settings.” laborative movement towards a cure, says lar and cellular mechanisms of immunity, you Fauci bristles at such criticism, pointing Johnston. “It’s probably fair to say that most need a much more global approach.” out that CHAVI’s director, Barton Haynes of AIDS researchers are still sceptical that there Duke University, has a reputation for open- can ever be a cure,” she says. “But our view is Vaccine wars mindedness, and routinely takes advice from that if you don’t even try, you can guarantee Most agree that interdisciplinary problem- many investigators in the field. that there won’t ever be one.” solving is a good thing. More controversial are “CHAVI implements the ideas of a lot of Unmesh Kher is a freelance writer in New York the consortia for HIV vaccine research estab- investigators in a synergistic and collabora- City and a consultant for the International AIDS lished by two of the field’s major funders. tive way,” Fauci says. He points out that the Vaccine Initiative.

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