Offering Procedure

Before service starts, place relevant number of offering at the back of each section. Allocate team members to either send or receive the containers at each section.

During the service, as the MC prays for the offering, move into position at the end of the rows.

Pass the offering containers along each row, as soon as the MC finishes the prayer. Refer to the offering map for the directions of the containers.

Don’t forget to take an offering into the Parents Room. A second usher must join the Parent Room usher to bring the container back into the auditorium.

Take the offering containers into the ‘Safe Room’, by walking through the auditorium side door, through the kitchen and into the MPR.

Only those authorised, and who hold a current police check can take the to the safe. There must be 3 people in attendance when dealing with the money, and they must not be family members.

Separate the Next Steps cards from the containers and place the rest of the tithes and offerings into a money . Special love offerings are to be placed in a separate bag from the tithes and offerings. Sign the book and place the money in the safe.

Ensure that the door to the right hand storage room is locked at all times.

At the end of the service, empty offering containers are to be returned to the Usher Desk.

Offering Map (Auditorium)

Green dot = Usher sending containers Red dot = Usher receiving containers Blue dot = Offering Containers Containers should be sent in the direction of the red arrows Ushers should use the side door marked with a yellow arrow, when going to the safe.

Offering Map (Multipurpose Room)

Green dot = Usher sending containers Red dot = Usher receiving containers Blue dot = Offering Containers Containers should be sent in the direction of the red arrows