Red Bank Register, August 28
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' It ! -- All &D News of i WE DO BBV BANK o.'iil Surrtounding Towns li OUR PART I tf »* V ToM Fearlessly and Without Bias. ^ I. _ -_ d Weekly, Entere4 &» Second*Cities Matter at Uia Poet- Subscription Price I Year SI.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 9. ct Red Dai k, N. J.. ut.tlor tha Act of March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1933. £ls Months $1.00. le Copy 4 c PAGES 1 TO 8, AT FXBEMEN'S FAHS. OFFERS TO BUY l.yent at Heatlden'eP Corner Starts airs. Amelia Ortii May Purchase Sea- Auspiciously, coast Iron Works Plant. Lost Saturday night eaw one of In Some time ego tho Seacoast Iron the biggest crowds over to attend Red Banker Named on State Works company which has a plant ono of ilremen'a lairs held by the Innovations at Annual Exhibit o£ on Oakland street at Red Bank, was Henddon's Corner lire company. Rnmuon. Garden Clvfo Attract: Committee to Recommend adjudged bankrupt. Creditors and While the storm tho first part of Keen Interest—Mrs, Bertram Improvements to be Under- other interested persona havo been this week cut attendance sharply, the notified that Mra. Amelia Orth of At- loir committee la most enthusiastic H. Border* Wins First Prize. taken With Federal Aid. antio Highlands has made an offer over tho largo number of people that New features, combined with the Knsley M, White of Red Bank has for the property amounting to 5100 Explosive, Believed to Have Been Dynamite, Placed Red Bank Association Matures Series Which Started I attended the first evening. Autos regular exhibits, mode tho annual been appointed a member of themore than tho mortgage and other I wore parked in all available park- Mower show of tho Rumson Gar- 2>roject committee for New Jersey, encumbrances. Mrs... prth haa also in October, 1926—-Another Series Will ing space on both sides oj tho state den club last Friday an outstanding which will function under the Public made.'a"n.'offer. olt$l,S(fo for tho per- Table on Porch of Maple Avenue highway lor a distance of two blocks success, Keen interest was chdwn W)arks act. This committee will rec- sonal property and accounts re- Mature in October. on cither side of tho fair grounds in tho silhouettes and tho illustrated oihmend to the Advisory Board for ;eivable by the company. The cred- Residence of Contractor. and every passing; bus discharged its story, stilt life flower, submerged New Jersey such projects as new tora havo been notified to appear In On Monday tho Kcd Bank Build- dues each month and double series quota of patrons. According to Oba- flower and lunch table arrange- roads, new schoolhouueg, sewers and the bankruptcy courtroom in the An explosive, believed to have been ing and Loan association disbursed shareholders two dollars each month, dlah Hallcnbuclc, chairman of the fair ments. The show was held In thoother permanent improvements. The postofiico building at Trenton next dynamite, early yesterday morning to its shareholders In the 43-B series tho latter maturing sooner than tho committee, and David Simpson, sec- carriago house on tho estate of Mm. Advisory board has three members, Tuesday morning at half-past ten aid damage estimated at $200 to ths the sum of seventy-two thousand two slnglo shares. retary of the flro company, total re- Bertram II. Borden, and tho beau- one of whom JB Mr. White's brother, o'clock to show cause before C. H. rcaidenco of Schonck S. Thompaon hundred dollars. In July tho share- Tho ofllco of the Hod Bank Build- turns lor tho evening were very large tiful display transformed the place William H. R. White. Wheelans, a referee in bankruptcy, of Maple ovenuo and Petera f Ride and Outing )1 ff I holders In thla sorles mado tho last ing and Loan association is in thein comparison with other years, in into a veritable faryland. Knsley White stated that within a whether or not the offers should be broke windows In a house next door monthly payment required and Inter- banking room of tho Broad Street spite of tho fact that prices charged Bhort time he will invite the heads of accepted. Mr. Wheelans has given and aroused tho cntlia neighbor- National bank and some of Its ofll- were but half those of former years, First prize for tho greatest num- notice that if a public sale is or- hood. est credited to the shares slnco that ber of points was won by Mrs. Bert- all Monmouth county municipalities The 1-5-8 Young Men's Republi- data matured thom at two hundred cors are always in attendance during Tho lair will continue all this week, to meet at Red Bank, "when he. will dered It will be held Friday morning, can Club of Middletown The explosion occurred a few min- business hours lor the purpose of re- closing Saturday night. ram H. Borden, who received 37. September 8, at ten o'clock at the dollars each, Mrs. George V. Coe was second with explain to them the work of the pro- Township Rents Community utes before two o'clock. No ono waa ceiving payments and furnishing in- ject committee and how the county Seacoast Iron Works plant. injured though one resident, Miss A largo number of tho sharehold- formation rolatlvo' to building and 2<H£, Mrs. Dexter Blagdcn third ers proforred to leave their money with 17 and Mrs. Samuel Hiker and can share in receiving the funds House at River Plaza. Julia Smeed, Bleeping in a bedroom loan matters. available. The federal government •n the adjoining house, wao thrown with tho association and received In- Tho building; and loan idea was Opposition To Mrs. J. Amory Hackell tied for The 1-5-8 Young Mcn'a Republican come sharo certificates paying lour fourth with 16%. Ono of the fea- will financo these projects by paying i the door by tho Impact of the <SK- started in a small way several gen- tho entire expense when the jobs arc club of Middletown township had its per .cent Interest. These certificates erations ago and -the movement has tures of the show wJUch attracted regular semi-monthly meeting at the loslon. aro considered an excellent and sale conaiderble interest was a miniature completed, receiving in return bonds Tho explosive had evidently been progressed until at tho present time requiring twenty to thirty years trt River Plaza Community house Fri- place Investment, practically every community through- model of roadside planting by Mra. River Project day night. The club formerly met iaced on a tablo on tlio southeast Seabright Council Postpones Ac- Leighton Lobdell and Mrs. Gray mature and representing seventy per icr of the Thompsohop n prchporch.. TliTha The matured series was opened In out tho country has'its associations, cent of the total cost. Tho other on the last Friday of each month tabl October, 1020, and 1B what Is known tho aggregate assets of which run in- tion on Passage Until Next McW. Bryan. only, but starting in August, meet- was blown to small pieces, thirty per cent will he paid outright Committee Named to Get Infor- Par of it were found under tha In building and loan circles aa ato billions ol dollars. Thcso associa- Meeting—Tax Delinquents to The judges wero Mra. John A. by the federal government. ings have been held the first and porch. mation About Asking for Fed- third Friday evenings of each month. double oerlCB, Bach of tho stock- tions ore wholly mutual and all prof- Receive Notices. Stewart, Jr., and Mrs. Norma, Mc- In addition to Mr. White tho mem- holders in thla aeries paid In $164 per Its aro apportioned among tho share- Pherson" of Short Hllla, Mrs. F. eral Aid to Improve the Plans are mado for as many mem- i. flower pot that was on tho table The Scabright mayor and council crs of the project committee are An- * also blown to smithereens. Tha share and each sharo earned $36, holders. Tho Hod Bank Building and Tower Bates of New Vernon, Ar- drew J. Mauzy of Jersey City, S. F. Shrewsbury River. bers of tho club as possible to go on rlas malting tho total of $200 returned. Friday night held a public hea'ring i of • the window betwoen tha Loan association has been in cxlst- thur HerringtOn of Madison, Er- Newklrk of Elizabeth, J. A. Carr of the boat trip up the Hudson river on por•ch and tho sitting room, under ITifty individual shareholders re- onco lor 46 years, having been or- on the "vice and immorality" ordi- nest "Wild of Hanover and S. J. The mayor and council of Red the night ,of Thursday, September 7. nance. After a general discussion, Ridgcwood, A. E. Wickham of Sea- Bank on Monday night took action whllch the tablo oat, was blown out, ceived tho benefits of their system- ganized in 1887. Cariquist of Morristown. Mrs. keifirh- Hide Park, J. M. Brooks'of Trenton, This trip is being sponsored by tho and1 bits were embedded la tho wall atic saving. Stockholders aro usually given the during which the members of the ton Lobdcll wao chairman and Mrs. to investigate the advisability ot ap- affiliated Young Men's Republican council and several residents ex- Walter Spencer of Merchantville, of the room and in tho piano on the Tho Red Bank Building and Loan preference In making application for Gray McW. Bryan vice chairman of Glen Brewer of Pleasantville and W. plying to the federal government for clubs of Monmouth county and ar- other side of-the room.