Programmes include:

Completion of LCN+

Local cycle schemes

Cycle parking schemes

Review of cycle accident locations

Cycle training

5.9 Promoting cycling is a key part of national, and Harrow’s transport strategy. It is part of the strategy to combat the growth in traffic congestion by increasing choice and providing alternatives to the car. Cycling also improves accessibility, is pollution free and beneficial to health.

5.9.1 Cycling is promoted by:

• Providing cycle routes • Providing cycle parking facilities • Providing cycle training for children • Providing better cycle information and raising awareness of the benefits of cycling • Ensuring all new highway schemes are cycle friendly

5.9.2 Cycle audits The borough does ensure that cycling considerations are taken on board for all transport schemes. A new Technical Practice Notice has been produced to ensure that all engineers involved in scheme design are aware of the need to cater for cyclists.

Contents of this notice are as follows:

Good design practice requires that the effects of any new highway proposal, on all highway user groups, be considered to ensure that the proposals are of no detriment to any particular group and that, where possible, opportunities are taken to effect improvements for all user groups.

Traditionally highway schemes have been tailored to the needs of drivers of motor vehicles and pedestrians but priorities have changed and it is becoming increasingly more important that the requirements of more sustainable modes of transport be considered.

Principally the needs of alternatives to the private motorcar are important, for example public transport and cycling with increasing emphasis on walking.

The following briefly outlines some suggestions for engineers developing proposals for schemes on the public highway.

The notes are appropriate in respect of all transport modes and it is accepted that the design procedures of competent highway and traffic engineers will already include the audit of proposals to ensure the following objectives.

The notes are prepared to highlight the relatively recent prioritisation of the needs of cyclists and the development of the local, London and national cycle network.

The audit procedure of all and any highway scheme must ensure that:

1. All available opportunities to provide new cycling facilities are investigated and where possible provided as part of the scheme. This is particularly important when the parent project lies on part of the identified cycle network. 2. All available opportunities to improve existing cycling facilities are investigated and where possible implemented as part of the scheme. 3. All new proposals on the public highway are of no detriment to existing cycling facilities. 4. All other highway schemes are audited to ensure that the proposals have no detrimental effect on its use by cycles.

The audit procedure should include an initial detailed discussion with the council’s cycling officer to ensure that all possibilities are examined and, where appropriate, on-going liaison as the proposals are developed.

For general guidance reference should be made to the current edition of the publication “London Cycling Design Standards” and in particular in respect of above practice note the Institution of Highways and Transportation publication “Guidelines for Cycle Audit and Cycle Review”.

This practice note will be regularly reviewed in line with changing legislation and acquired knowledge.

5.9.3 The council’s key policies on cycling are:

C.1 The council will promote, support and encourage the use of bicycles generally, and in particular for journeys to schools, workplaces and shops as a key element of the Strategy C.2 Given the inherent relative danger of cycling vis-à-vis other vehicular transport modes, the council will give priority to the safety issues of cycling when considering schemes C.3 The council will progressively develop a Borough-level network of cycle routes incorporating all LCN routes together with such additional routes and/or ‘spurs’ as will be necessary to serve all major generators / attractors of person-trips, such as town centres; schools/colleges; stations; libraries; parks; local shopping centres; sports centres; hospitals; and major work locations; and will undertake “cycle audits” at key stages of developing a cycle route C.4 The council will seek to achieve the highest practicable standards of cycling safety and convenience, by means of engineering design and sensitive implementation; wherever practicable, and depending on the specific characteristics of an individual cycle route or site, segregate cyclists from other vehicular and pedestrian traffic C.5 In considering individual schemes, the council will seek to provide both for the most direct routes for cycling between places and for the segregation of cyclists from other vehicular traffic by means, in priority order, of: • Fully segregated cycle tracks (from both vehicles and pedestrians) • Cycle tracks fully segregated from vehicular traffic but occupying a clearly delineated part of a footway • Mandatory cycle lanes on local or main roads • Cycle tracks in parks, available at all hours and only where such provision is not practicable consider: • Shared use of bus lanes • Cycle tracks in parks, during park opening hours, together with appropriate diversionary routes at other times • Advisory cycle lanes on local or main roads • Shared use of footways C.6 Where schemes are designed to permit car parking beside cycle tracks/lanes, the council will ensure, by appropriate design and implementation, that cyclists are not obliged to deviate from their ‘normal’ line of travel and are accommodated between the parked cars and the footway C.7 The council will ensure the progressive achievement and maintenance of a high quality of cycle route provision, as well as clear continuity and consistency in design; and will ensure that, wherever practicable, provision is designed and implemented to cater for tricycle and trailer use C.8 The council will give a high priority in its maintenance and other programmes affecting the road network to keeping cycle facilities available and in good condition C.9 In all future plans and when considering any transport and development proposals the council will give more priority to provision for non-motorised modes of travel including cycling on all local access roads C.10 The council will publish and distribute cycling leaflets and maps, in areas of the Borough, identifying the locations of designated cycle routes, barriers to use (including main roads) and main road crossings C.11 The council will use its powers and resources to provide secure and weather- protected cycle-parking at sites generating/attracting significant numbers of cycling trips – most particularly, at strategic interchanges and stations; and encourage other authorities with specific responsibilities within the Borough to do the same C.12 The council will use its powers as local planning authority to make planning permission for future development conditional upon the availability of an appropriate level of pedal cycle parking (see parking standards) and facilities such as showers and lockers and encourage provision of “cycle pools” C.13 In existing developments, the council will encourage employers to make provision for employees wishing to cycle to a similar standard to that it requires from new development including the provision of “cycle pools” C.14 The council will support schemes which make pedal cycles available for hire – possibly on the basis of an on-demand “take-here / leave-there” service C.15 The council will promote the recreational use of cycling – but give priority to its aim of increasing cycling as an alternative to car use.

In addition, regarding cycle safety: RSCP2. Given the inherent relative danger of cycling vis-à-vis other vehicular transport modes, the council will give priority to the safety issues of cycling when considering all traffic and highway schemes. RSCP3. The council will seek to achieve the highest practicable standards of cycling safety and convenience, by means of engineering design and sensitive implementation; wherever practicable, and depending on the specific characteristics of an individual cycle route or site, segregate cyclists from other vehicular and pedestrian traffic. RSCP4. The council will provide children’s cycle training for Borough residents during the Easter, half term and summer holiday periods. RSCP5. Additional cycle training sessions will be arranged at middle and high schools that have benefited from TfL’s additional cycle parking facilities. Where possible these will be carried out within the school day. RSCP6. The council will investigate the use of external cycle training bodies to expand the facility to older children and also make training available to adults.

5.9.4 London Cycle Network + – Led by Camden Statement of Commitment to the London Cycle Network (LCN+)

Policy Context

The Mayor’s vision is to make London a city where people of all ages, abilities and cultures have the incentive, confidence and facilities to cycle whenever it suits them. Cycling is integral to the Mayor’s vision to develop London as an exemplary sustainable world city.

The Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) includes a commitment to prepare a plan to guide the development of cycling initiatives. To meet this commitment Transport for London published the London Cycling Action Plan (LCAP) in February 2004. LCAP includes a target increase in cycling of at least 80% by 2010, and 200% by 2020 when compared to year 2000 levels.

LCAP sets out a balanced package of measures that will help achieve the Mayor’s vision and deliver all the economic, social and environmental benefits of an increase in cycling.

Objective 1 in LCAP is to complete the delivery of the London Cycle Network+ (LCN+) by 2009/10. This is to be a 900 Km long network of strategic routes that will provide cyclists with fast, safe and comfortable conditions.

This authority is committed to the implementation of LCN+ network links numbered 16, 19, 86, 87, 89 on land under its control as shown in the following map. We confirm that these routes and sites are safeguarded, to give protection against contrary proposals.

Additionally this authority commits to working with TfL’s Lead Borough (, LBC) and TfL and other stakeholders to achieve this.

The Traffic Management Act imposes a network management duty on all local traffic authorities to secure the expeditious movement of traffic (including pedestrians and cyclists) on their road networks, and to facilitate the expeditious movement of traffic on other authorities’ networks.

In fulfilment of its responsibility to deliver LCN+ schemes, this authority is committed to securing the expeditious movement of traffic (including pedestrians and cyclists), and will ensure a balance of network capacity and safety for all modes. Given that cyclists are particularly vulnerable road users, this borough undertakes to pay particular attention to accommodating their needs through sites where works are taking place.

Programme LCN+ is programmed to be substantially completed by 2009/10.

The following map and LIP proposal delivery forms show link numbers and works up to 2008/09.

Process The LCN+ programme for the London Borough of Harrow will be developed with our officers and the LCN+ team at the London Borough of Camden.

In order to ensure that the LCN+ network requirements are to be met, the individual scheme proposals will be initiated through the Cycle Route Implementation Stakeholder Plan (CRISP) process. This is a feasibility assessment on an LCN+ link that is intended to support this borough in scheme planning, programming, design and implementation by engaging stakeholders at an early stage. Using information gathered on existing conditions, opportunities and constraints, the CRISP assessments will recommend strategic solutions on each link. This borough is committed to use the CRISP process.

Additionally, this borough is committed to ensuring that schemes are designed in accordance with the TfL’s London Cycling Design Standards (LCDS).

In pursuance of this commitment, this borough will send scheme design proposals to TfL’s Lead Borough (LBC) for checking using the ‘LCN+ Design Check Procedure’.

All the links within the LCN+ network will have been subject to a CRISP assessment by 2007/8.

This borough commits to using existing and new processes that may be developed to support the delivery of this programme, including for example: the Monthly Monitoring (MM) reporting forms and the variation pro-forma, for network and scheme change control.

This borough commits to using road safety audit procedures on cycling schemes.

Monitoring and Performance

Delivery of LCN+ by 2009/10 is a key task in LCAP as a contributor to the achievement of the LCAP objective of an 80% increase in cycling in London.

Progress on the LCN+ programme will be measured by: • the number of CRISP assessments completed, • schemes designed and ready for implementation, • additional route length delivered.

A method for measuring additional route length (based on measures of level of service) is being developed by TfL.

The above is reported through the LCN+ Annual Report produced for TfL by LB Camden.

Another action arising from LCAP is the need to support highway authorities to maintain cycling routes and facilities to give confidence and demonstrate the long term commitment of TfL. A pilot asset management initiative was undertaken in 2004/05 and reviewed and developed further in 2005/06.

5.9.5 Between 1991 and 2001 cycling trips in the borough increased by a third (33.9%, source LATS), the 5th highest increase in London. However, there are fewer cycle trips in the borough than the average for London. According to the last London-wide survey in 2001 Harrow were 21st highest of 33 .

5.9.6 Sustrans Sustrans is a sustainable UK transport charity that works on practical projects to enable people to choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment. The National Cycle Network is a massive series of signed cycling and walking routes linking communities to schools, stations and city centres, as well as to beautiful countryside. By 2005 the National Cycle Network will extend to 10,000 miles of routes throughout the UK. A map showing the proposed Sustrans route in Harrow follows. A detailed programme and funding for this scheme has not yet been finalised.

Form Number 33 London Borough of Harrow

LIP PROPOSAL DELIVERY FORM Summary of Proposal: Programme to complete LCN+


Dates: 05/06 to 07/08

Description of Main Elements: bid bid Est. future

Scheme (Location, Start & End Roads, Description of Proposal LCN+ Link number) 2005/06 Link Link Number 2007/08 2008/09 Bid 2006/07

Link 87 (Alexandra Avenue - Station


Provide toucan crossing facility by Alexandra Ave/ Warden Ave/ Rayners converting existing zebra to enable a safe 87 70 Lane crossing to Rayners Lane Estate and also the shops the other side.

Link 282 (Hindes road / along Harrow

View - Long Elmes) 282 Hindes Rd, Harrow View, Long Elmes CRISP STUDY 7

LCN+ Link 86 - Eastcote - north Harrow

- Wealdstone - Belmont - Edgware

Whitchurch Ln (B461) to High St, 86 Signage/remedial works 107 20 Edgware

86,87, Provide continuity of route and improve Signage and Local Surface Upgrades 45 45 88,89 conditions to LCN+ standards

Conversion of existing roundabout to a 86 Headstone Drive/Princes Drive junction signalled junction with ped facility. (CRISP 50 250 86/20 & 86/19

Review existing Layout and re-design new 86 Headstone Dr/Cecil Rd layout to include satisfactory provisions 15 150 for cyclists. (CRISP 86/18) Signage and Local Surface Upgrades, short section of cycle track (86/17), improvements to existing alignment Headstone Dr, Wealdstone High St, (86/16 crisp), existing toucan crossing re- 86 Canning Rd, George Gange Way, Peel alignment on George Gange Way (86/15), 30 70 Rd/Byron Rd possible traffic calming on Belmont Rd and Grasmere Rd. Flat top speed table proposed at junction of Byron Rd/Peel Rd/Belmont Rd (86/14).

Refuge proposed along Kenton Lane to provide refuge for cyclist right into and out Kenton Lane toucan crossing between of Grasmere Gdns and a toucan crossing 86 Grasmere Gardens and Beverley 60 near Dob bins Close to link cycle rout to St Gardens Joseph's First & middle school.(87/12 CRISP)

review and improve existing junction layout to make it cycle friendly and help 86 Wemborough Rd / Weston Dr 5 65 slow vehicular traffic around bend. (86/09 CRISP)

ASL at existing signalled junction with 86 Headstone Dr/Harrow View minor road widening to facilitate lead in 10 90 arms. (86/22)

Provide/improve cycle facilities through this busy junction which at present is over capacity. Investigate possibility of 86, 87, contraflow cycle lane along Canterbury Station Rd/Pinner Rd, Nrth Harrow 75 89 Rd leading to a toucan crossing linking to link 86 already completed. Signalled jct to have ASL with lead in lanes for southbound and eastbound.(86/24,86/25)

Provide entry treatment to side roads Nrth Harrow to Pinner via Woodlands, where possible, green surfacing and 86 75 Pinner Rd, Marsh Rd (crisp 86/2B) extend waiting restriction on Marsh Rd / Pinner Rd.(crisp 86/2B,86/3a,86/4a).

Improve parking restriction where possible. Onstreet advisory cycle lanes Pinner to Eastcote Village via Eastcote 86 and where possible provide entry 90 Rd. treatments and or reduce turning circle into out off side roads.(crisp 86/5a,86/5b).

LCN+ Link 89 - North Harrow - Northwick Park Hospital - Sudbury Hill Station- Ealing Consultants had undertaken a junction review study in 2004/5. The scheme will not be implemented during 2005-06 as Rd A4127 - Sudbury 89 further investigations would need to be 107 20 Hill/Sudbury Court Dr/Harrow Rd A4005 carried out. However a variation form has been submitted to TfL to seek approval to have funding div

Advisory cycle lanes along Greenford Rd and ASL's on all approaches to the signalled jctn with lead in cycle lanes, Section between the borough boundary additional markings within the junction 89 with Ealing and Sudbury Court area and minor kerb alignment/changes 20 60 Drive/Sudbury Hill. (£80k). Also a segregated cycle /pedestrian footbridge needed to overcome pinchpoint near Sudbury Hill Station (£600k). (crisp 89/1b, 89/1c).

Improve subway crossing to better accommodate cyclists, provide facilities two way cycle track from the existing 89 Kenton Rd/A404 Watford Rd pelican crossing on Kenton Rd to the 15 240 subway utilising the footway on the southern side, also convert pelican to toucan. (89/2a).

On road advisory cycle lanes along central section of Kenton Rd (1.4m wide). The eastern and western ends wil l require 89 Kenton Rd A 404 to Peterborough Rd 120 carriageway widening and removal of approximately 2/3 mature trees.(crisp 89/3a)

Widen existing cycle lanes to 1.2m - 1.5m Lowlands Rd between Roxborough Park adjacent to parked cars wit 0.5m Gap 89 85 jctn and Tyburn Lane between parked cars. On south side. Also upgrade pelican to toucan.(crisp 89/3b)

Provide a link between Lowlands Rd and 89 Roxborough Park Junction Roxborough Park underpass cycle 15 120 facilities (crisp 89/3c)

Provide small buildout as a physical 89 Greenhill way access protection on Pinner Rd before cycle 5 exit.(crisp 89/4b)

Review waiting restrictions and Pinner Rd between Roxborough Park and enforcement. Repair excavated sections 89 5 North Harrow. of highway. And entry treatment to side roads approx. 11 Link 88 (Roxborough Road - Carlton

Avenue at Brent Boundary)

Link 88 (Roxborough Road - Carlton 88 CRISP Study 7 Avenue at Brent Boundary)

Implementation of CRISP study Improvement of cycling facilities along the 88 30 100 recommendations. Link

The funding of the part of the LCN+ which is at Petts Hill has been included on the Petts Hill form and not here.

FUNDING REQUIRED TO DELIVER PROPOSAL TOTAL FUNDING TABLE (£K) 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Total (£K) FUNDING REQUIRED FROM BSP 284 389 660 945 2,278 FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES (Details To Be Provided Below) TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED 284 389 660 945 2,278 STATUS AMOUNT OTHER FUNDING SOURCES (Requested, COMMENTS (£k) Approved) TFL OUTSIDE BSP BOROUGH RESOURCES PARTNERS (please specify) OTHER (please specify)

Key Delivery Partners, Dependencies and Risks: This work is dependent on receiving BSP award

Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy in the borough:

MTS Proposal/ Policy Improved safety and conditions for cyclists Priority Area Target Number number (Appendix C) VII 7,13 4J.Pr4

Modal Impact Impact (Positive, Negative, (Please list the Modes affected) Neutral) Cycling, walking Positive Other modes Neutral Impact Cross Cutting Goals (see section 4.5 of this Guidance) (Positive, Negative, Neutral, N/Al) Promoting safety & perception of safety for all travel modes: Positive

Encouraging sustainable means for travel: Positive

Balanced road space allocation: Positive

Requirements for sustainable developments: Positive

Equality & Inclusion Target Group (please specify): Neutral Form Number 34 London Borough of Harrow

LIP PROPOSAL DELIVERY FORM Summary of Proposal: Harrow Local cycle schemes

Location: Boroughwide

Dates: 05/06 onwards

Description of Main Elements: Scheme Details 2005- 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Roxeth Green Avenue 150 Between Eastcote Lane and Shaftesbury Ave Linking LCN+ route 88 (Link 87) to Harrow Town Centre via the local cycle network. ( 2way off road cycle tracks on north west side of Roxeth Green Ave. And subject to available funding conversion of 2 existing crossing Zebra & pelican to toucan crossings). Harrow & Wealdstone to Harrow Town Centre 85 Junction/site specific treatments & accessibility improvements Connecting completed LCN+ route 88/45 (NW9/NW6) via Princes Drive, Barons Rd, Milton Way, Blawith Rd, Nibthwaite Rd, Colton Rd, Hamilton Rd, Welldon Crescent, Greenhill Rd,/Greenhill Way. Greenhill Way pelican crossing to be converted to a toucan (To be co-ordinated with New Harrow Project Central Area works in 06/07). Eastcote Lane, South Harrow to Northolt 95 Cross-borough link to Hillingdon via via LCN+ route 88 (NW9) along Alexandra Avenue, Eastcote Lane, Walton Avenue, and Somervell Road High Road, Harrow Weald to Wemborough Road 10 40 40 1.7km linking completed network in Harrow Weald with completed section of LCN+ along Weston Drive Newton Farm Ecology Park Cycle Track and Alexandra 150 130 Avenue Toucan Crossing Linking Rayners Lane Estate residential area to the completed LCN+ (NW8) route via the Ecology Park with toucan crossing on Alexandra Avenue to link to schools via Malvern Avenue and Merlins Avenue. Cross borough link to Hillingdon Uxbridge Road (Stanmore to Northwood) 20 170 Route 89 (A410) between Clamp Hill and Hatch End (linking with route implemented as part of LPSA safety works) Feasibility design (route to be determined) 20

TOTAL 150 190 190 190 190

Blocks highlighted in green indicate that sections of the route pass through green areas such as parks, open land and brooks etc.

TOTAL FUNDING TABLE (£K) 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Total (£K) FUNDING REQUIRED FROM BSP FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES (Details To Be Provided Below) 150 190 190 190 720 TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED 150 190 190 190 720 STATUS AMOUNT OTHER FUNDING SOURCES (Requested, COMMENTS (£k) Approved) TFL OUTSIDE BSP BOROUGH RESOURCES 190 pa Approved Harrow Capital PARTNERS (please specify) OTHER (please specify)

Key Delivery Partners, Dependencies and Risks: This work is dependent on Harrow capital funding and on results from consultation

Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy in the borough:

MTS Proposal/ Policy Improving conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Priority Area Target Number number (Appendix C) Encouraging modal shift. VII 7,13 4J.Pr3

Modal Impact Impact (Positive, Negative, (Please list the Modes affected) Neutral) Cycling, walking Positive Neutral Other Impact Cross Cutting Goals (see section 4.5 of this Guidance) (Positive, Negative, Neutral, N/Al) Promoting safety & perception of safety for all travel modes: Positive

Encouraging sustainable means for travel: Positive

Balanced road space allocation: Positive

Requirements for sustainable developments: Positive

Equality & Inclusion Target Group (please specify): Neutral

Form Number 35 London Borough of Harrow

LIP PROPOSAL DELIVERY FORM Summary of Proposal: Cycle Parking Facilities

Location: Borough wide

Dates: 2005/06 ongoing

Description of Main Elements:

This is to provide cycle stands and cycle directional signs at railway stations, bus stations, shopping centres, employment centres, leisure centres etc along LCN+ and local cycle routes.

FUNDING REQUIRED TO DELIVER PROPOSAL TOTAL FUNDING TABLE (£K) 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Total (£K) FUNDING REQUIRED FROM BSP 10 10 FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES (Details To Be Provided Below) 10 10 10 30 TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED 10 10 10 10 40 STATUS AMOUNT OTHER FUNDING SOURCES (Requested, COMMENTS (£k) Approved) TFL OUTSIDE BSP Approved 06/07 BOROUGH RESOURCES 10k pa Harrow capital to 08/09 PARTNERS (please specify) OTHER (please specify)

Key Delivery Partners, Dependencies and Risks: This is dependent on receiving Harrow capital funding

Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy in the borough:

MTS Proposal/ Policy Priority Area Target Number number (Appendix C) VII 13 4J.Po1, 4J.Pr7,

Modal Impact Impact (Positive, Negative, (Please list the Modes affected) Neutral)

Positive Cycling Neutral Others Impact Cross Cutting Goals (see section 4.5 of this Guidance) (Positive, Negative, Neutral, N/Al) Promoting safety & perception of safety for all travel modes: Neutral

Encouraging sustainable means for travel: Positive

Balanced road space allocation: Positive

Requirements for sustainable developments: Positive

Equality & Inclusion Target Group (please specify): Neutral

Form Number 36 London Borough of Harrow

LIP PROPOSAL DELIVERY FORM Summary of Proposal: Review of cycle accident locations in Harrow

Location: Various locations along/near LCN+ routes and Local Cycle Network routes


Description of Main Elements:

The map overleaf shows the location of accident hotspot in Harrow along the LCN+ and Local Cycle Network routes. In general, the cycle accidents over a 3 year period (01.06.2001 – 31.05.04) are randomly scattered throughout the Borough. There does not appear to be a significant pattern to the accidents. It should be noted that an in depth study was not carried out on the cause of each accident. Because of the low number of cyclists and cycle accidents in the Borough, reviewing locations identified based on the low number of accidents does not seem appropriate.

Location No of Accidents & Severity 1. Pinner Rd/ Headstone Lane 3 Slight & Pinner Rd/Southfield Park 2 Slight 1 Serious

2. Queensbury Circle (northern arm) 1 Slight 1 Serious

3. Headstone Drive/ Harrow View 1 Slight 1 Serious 4. Uxbridge Rd/Dove Park 1 Slight 1 Serious 5. Uxbridge Rd/Oxhey Lane 1 Slight 1 Serious 6. Long Elmes/College Ave. 3 Slight 7. Headstone Lane/ Long Elmes 2 Slight 8. Masons Ave/Byron Rd 2 Slight 9. Uxbridge Rd/High Rd 2 Slight

Locations 1 and 3 will be reviewed as part of the LCN+ work. Location 6 will be addressed as part of the Local Area Accessibility Study Location 8 will be addressed as part of the Local Safety Scheme


Key Delivery Partners, Dependencies and Risks:

Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy in the borough:

MTS Proposal/ Policy Priority Area Target Number number (Appendix C) VII 4J.Pr5

Modal Impact Impact (Positive, Negative, (Please list the Modes affected) Neutral)

Impact Cross Cutting Goals (see section 4.5 of this Guidance) (Positive, Negative, Neutral, N/Al) Promoting safety & perception of safety for all travel modes:

Encouraging sustainable means for travel:

Balanced road space allocation:

Requirements for sustainable developments:

Equality & Inclusion Target Group (please specify):

Form Number 37 London Borough of Harrow

LIP PROPOSAL DELIVERY FORM Summary of Proposal: Cycle Training Programme

Location: Schools

Dates: 2005/06 onwards

Description of Main Elements:

Cycle Training Activities include the following: • General promotion and provision of cycling and cycle training to schoolchildren is being offered at schools in the borough. Both playground and on road training for pupils at middle and high schools will be available. • Training courses using external cycle trainers will be investigated to increase the numbers of children trained and also to make training available to adults. • Design and print of cycling promotional materials to support cycling and cycle training to a wide audience for distribution to schools libraries companies and cycle retailers. • Promotion of cycling to middle and high schools pupils. Ongoing to children of appropriate ages. This could be done at schools and/or through local youth and community groups • Set up a group of paid part time instructors to facilitate playground and on road cycle courses • Set up basic cycle instruction courses for 8-9 year old pupils using school facilities • Set up cycle training courses for children aged 10 and above using school facilities and on road training. • Promote through school travel plans and safe routes to schools activities, the benefits of cycling and investigate the provision of cycle storage and/or parking in order to make cycling attractive to schools, • Arrange for transport to carry cycles and equipment to course venues – vehicle could be used as storage facility for Harrow Cycle Training Scheme.

• Look for an area in local parks where cycle training could be based – ongoing facilities used during the school holidays. Purchase site equipment as required. • Promotion of annual or bi-annual cycle events, which may be linked to charity, for local children, parents and groups from local businesses or social groups. Identify a suitable venue – preferably with reasonably good surface, or use a road route (local cycle network). Programme Measures 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 Cycle training provision Promotion with schools £15k £20k £20k to middle schools – to promote and arrange playground and on road training courses in training school and holiday periods Contact cycle trainers, £10k £12k £17.5k Cycle training for older discuss requirements, children and adults monitor and evaluate Provision by external training programmes trainers to school groups and also to adults


Key Delivery Partners, Dependencies and Risks: Major risk is that even with additional cycle training, safety is not guaranteed to improve This work is dependent on receiving TfL BSP funding

Delivering the Mayor’s Transport Strategy in the borough:

MTS Proposal/ Policy Priority Area Target Number number (Appendix C) I, III, VII 1 4G.Pr7, 4J.Pr8

Modal Impact Impact (Positive, Negative, (Please list the Modes affected) Neutral) Cycling Positive

Impact Cross Cutting Goals (see section 4.5 of this Guidance) (Positive, Negative, Neutral, N/Al) Promoting safety & perception of safety for all travel modes: Positive

Encouraging sustainable means for travel: Positive

Balanced road space allocation: Neutral

Requirements for sustainable developments: Neutral

Equality & Inclusion Target Group (please specify): Neutral