Trans. Revista Transcultural de Música E-ISSN: 1697-0101
[email protected] Sociedad de Etnomusicología España McGranahan, Liam Bastards and Booties: Production, Copyright, and the Mashup Community Trans. Revista Transcultural de Música, núm. 14, 2010, pp. 1-11 Sociedad de Etnomusicología Barcelona, España Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative TRANS - Revista Transcultural de Música - Transcultural Music Revie... Home PRESENTACIÓN EQUIPO EDITORIAL INFORMACIÓN PARA LOS AUTORES CÓMO CITAR TRANS INDEXACIÓN CONTACTO Última publicación Números publicados < Volver TRANS 14 (2010) Convocatoria para artículos: Bastards and Booties: Production, Copyright, and the Mashup Community Explorar TRANS: Por Número > Liam McGranahan Por Artículo > Por Autor > Abstract Mashups, also known as bootlegs or bastard pop, epitomize current changes in the production of, and interaction with, popular culture. Mashup artists utilize computer technology to remix and reshape the culture around them, and to build and maintain community. By looking at the history of the mashup genre, the dispersed nature of the mashup community, the production techniques used by mashup producers, and the impacts of copyright law, this article demonstrates that the mashup genre and the worldwide community of its fans and producers are on the cutting edge of popular music, technology, and copyright. Share | Keywords : Mashup, mash-up, bootleg, copyright, remix.