Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic June 2018 2


1. General introduction...... 3

1.1. The project...... 3

1.2. The partner and the project...... 4

2. Regional contexts...... 6

2.1. Territory’s general profile...... 6

2.2. Territory’s CCI profile...... 10

3. CCIs Sector Analysis: evolution and current situation...... 12

3.1. Evolution...... 12

3.2. Current situation...... 14

3.3. Creative Districts...... 19

4. CCIs sector characterization...... 21

4.1. Stakeholders...... 21

4.2. Mapping 1 - Competences...... 23

4.3. Mapping 2 - Regional creative ecosystem...... 26

4.4. Good practices...... 30

5. SWOT Analysis of the CCI sector...... 34

6. Conclusions...... 36

7. Appendix...... 38

8. Bibliography...... 41 3


1.1. The project

Creadis3 - Smart Creative Districts is an European initiative in the field of Cultural and Creative Industries (later on “CCIs”) that links six territories of the European Union: Regional Council of Central Finland, Emilia Romagna Region, Public Service of Wallonia, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Region of Western Greece and Regional Government of the Basque Country. The Department of Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Government leads the project, which will be implemented between 2017 and 2021.

The Creadis3 project was born with the main objective of aligning territorial public policy agendas to support the development of more efficient cultural and creative industries poli- cies in territories aiming to generate innovation and economic development around cultural policies. The main objective is declined in 6 sub-objectives: ences and learning new knowledge from the partners is a great opportunity to gather etc. andsupportinternationalization of creative SMEs. At thesametime sharingexperi- nology sectors through existing and future creative hubs,technology parks, universities, local (city authorities,localhubs) andfoster cross collaborations across culture and tech- (existing and future creative hubs,clusters, regional authorities,BusinessChambers) and Ministry of Economy, , National Export Agency, Innovation agencies), regional administrative collaboration onavertical axis: national (Ministry of Culture, Slovakia, support schemeof IROP –Priority Axis 3through improved governance inorder to foster planning to develop tools that willsupporttheimprovement of implementingcentralized As a partner in the CREADIS3 project the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic is different authoritiesincharge of CCIs. level administrative collaboration across theterritory to enablebetter synergies between the Ministry of Culture of theSlovak Republic isthe1asub-objective that aimsto Foster multi- contribution to regional development. Eachpartner hasaspecificsub-objective, which for The CREADIS3 project aspires to improve institutionalgovernance andboostCCIs 1.2. The partner andtheproject • • • • • • potential of theregion andretain talents/creative entrepreneurs /1c/. Support international territorial attractiveness to increase investment in the creative cies /1b/. Articulate better culture andeconomic policiesfor effective CCIs innovation poli- synergies between thedifferent authoritiesincharge of CCIs /1a/. Foster multi-level administrative collaboration across the territory to enable better ness modelsof research andinnovation infrastructure andcapacities/2c/. Support the internationalisation of SMEs through capacity building and new busi- over effects /2b/. Improve cross fertilisation across culture andtechnology sectors to trigger spill- cubators, universities, science parksetc. /2a/. Improve cross collaborations withinthelocalecosystem of hubs,labs,clusters, in-

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE General introduction 4 Mgr. Eva Pavlovičová, Dis. Mgr. Michaela Štofová Mgr. DáriaHamajová PhDr. DenisaZlatá Author(s) of thereport generate more tailored actionsfor effective support of the CCIs inSlovakia. the Slovak Republic willaimto improve themultilevel cooperation inthefields of CCIs and One of themainoutputs of theproject isanew action plan inwhichMinistry of Culture of vak Republic. and tool aimedat supportingthedevelopment of theCCIs anditsecosystem intheSlo- new know-how that willbeactively usedduringtheprocesses of creating new policies June 2018

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE General introduction 5 6


2.1. Territory’s general profile

Modern Slovakia was born as an independent nation-state in 1993, when it was peacefully separated from the Czech Republic, splitting from the former Czechoslovakia by mutual agreement.

Surface area: 49,034m2

Population: 5,435,343 mil. (51,2% women; 48,8% men)

Population density: 111 per 1km2

Relative to other OECD countries, the average performance of the Slovak Republic across the different well-being dimensions is very mixed. Material conditions, environmental quality, and civic engagement and governance are all areas of comparative weakness. The average household net adjusted disposable income was about two-thirds of the OECD average level in 2015, while the long-term unemployment rate, at 5.5% in 2016, was almost triple the in theendof 2017 andto increase to 3.6%in2018. tinues at one of the fastest rates in the EU. Real GDP growth was expected to be around 3% 2 1. According to the Country Report Slovakia weaknesses The Slovak Republic’s average level of current well-being: Comparative strengths and walking aloneat night,compared to theOECD average of 69%. personal security, despite alow homiciderate, only60%of report feeling safe an upper secondary education, andadultskillsare alsoabove theOECD average. Regarding attainment intheOECD: 92% of theadultworking-age population have completed at least average of 69%. However, theSlovak Republic hasthesecond-highest level of educational and only66%of Slovaks perceive their healthas“good” or “very good”, below theOECD OECD average. Life expectancy at birth (77 years in 2015) is amongthe lowest in the OECD, Having asay in turnout Voter government quality Water support Social quality Air skills at15 Cognitive 1 Homicides* Adult skills Educational attainment Feeling safe at night satisfaction Perceived health Life expectancy Life Household income Time off Household net wealth Working hours Employment 2 from 2017Slovakia’s economic expansion con- sanitation Earnings Basic affordability insecurity* Housing unemployment* market Labour Job strain* per person Long-term Room Income andwealth Subjetive well-being Personal security Environmental quality Civil engagement andgovernance Social connections Education andskills Health status Work-life balance Housing Jobs andearnings

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Regional contexts 7 3 Republic According to the Research and Innovation innovation are not effective and reforms are proceeding slowly. research institutionsandbusinessare stagnating. Policy measures supportingresearch and other Member States. BusinessR&Dspendingandcooperation between thepublicsector, In spite of risingR&Dintensity, Slovakia’s science baseisstillranked below thanof most sized enterprises sector isbeinggranted greater policy attention. ficiency continue to present challenges. Slovakia’s relatively dynamicsmallandmedium- a vitalrole inSlovakia’s economic diversification, whileinnovation policy and resource ef concentrated mainlyinthewestern region. Small andmediumsized enterprises canplay electronics manufacturing accounts for asignificantproportion of domesticoutputandis centrated inonlyafew sectors andregions. The country’s specialisation inautomotive and While Slovakia’s economy ishighlyintegrated into globalvalue chains,production iscon - decline further in2017and2018ontheback of robust economic expansion. 9.7% in2016,almostfulltwo percentage pointsbelow theprevious year, andisexpected to The labour market haswitnessedacyclical improvement. The unemployment rate fell to Gross domesticproduct per capita(EUR):14,910 Gross DomesticProduct Index (%):102,9 Gross DomesticProduct (mil. EUR):80,958 Detailed information aboutGDP from 2017 spective areas of specialization for Slovakia: industry andsocialsphere hasstarted onlyrecently. The RIS3hasidentified following pro- to other countries, isvery low andthe useof innovative processes intheareas of creative • • • • • Increasing thevalue of domesticraw material base. Creative industry. Production andprocessing of plastics. Processing and increasing thevalue of lightmetals andtheir alloys. Automation, Robotics andDigital Technology. 3 (RIS3) theshare of knowledge-intensive services inGDP andexport, compared Strategy for Smart Specialisation of theSlovak -

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Regional contexts 8 5 4 Development indicators from 2015 Foreign trade balance: 3,7 mld.EUR Total exports: 70,1 mld.EUR Total imports:66,4mld.EUR Employment rate (15-64years): 64,9% Economic activityrate: 60,1 % by Statistical Office of theSlovak Republic Indicators of economic development from 2017according to “The Slovak Republic infigures” GDP creation. creative industry is here seen as the area, which has potential to increase its share in the innovative society asoneof thepreconditions for anincrease inthestandard of living.Slovak in GDP creation) of theStrategic objective no. 3-Creating a dynamic, open and inclusive area of CCIs iscovered withinthepartialobjective b(increase theshare of creative industry The visionof thisstrategy willbeaccomplished through several strategic objectives. The • • • • • • Multidimensional Poverty Index value (MPI):not calculated in2015. Gender Inequality Index value (GII): 0.179 in2015(ranking it39outof 159countries). Gender Development Index value (GDI): 0.991 in2015(ranking itinGroup 1). Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index value (IHDI): 0.793 in2015. tries inOECD). the very highhumandevelopment group andbelow theaverage of 0.887 for coun- (40 outof 188countries andterritories -below theaverage of 0.892 for countries in Human Development Index value (HDI): 0.845 in2015. 5 : 4:

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Regional contexts 9 sectors of CCI). As for theaverage employee per CCI company, itisapproximately 2,4. CCI aswell (43,812 of thenumber mentionedabove presents onlyfulltimejobsinthemain sents fulltimejobsanddifferent kinds of parttimejobsand contracts inthemainsectors of In 2015thenumber of employees inculture andcreative industrieswas 62,914 that repre- Number of employees inculture andcreative industries 10,218 were legalentitiesand10,081 individuals. In 2015,thenumber of companies inCCI area was approximately 20,299 units,of which Number of companies inculture andcreative industries 7 INFOSTAT -Inštitútinformatiky aštatistiky(2017), Satelitný účet kultúryakreatívneho priemyslu vSRrok 2015(experimental version), 6 Republic According to theResearch andInnovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation of theSlovak 2.2. Territory’s CCI profile Culture andCreative Industry Satellite Account from 2015 available. Therefore, for thepurposesof thisreport, we present data from theexperimental for thissector. In 2018willbethe first experimental data from theupcoming Satellite account Satellite Account in 2020 and thus provide relevant statistics for future strategic documents Culture isincharge of thistask andispreparing to launchtheCulture andCreative Industry create aSatellite account for CCIs to improve statistical data inthissector. The Ministry of dynamics of thesector. As aresult of thisthegovernment of Slovakia adopted atask to based on statistical data available at the time (2011) that doesn’t reflect the structure and CCIs. Even theexisting Strategy ondevelopment creative industryinSlovak Republic is Nowdays, there are nocurrent official data specifically focusedon economicindicators of most prospective orientation of thecreative industryinSlovakia. 91 % directly in Bratislava. Design and computer programming can be considered as the Moreover, 46%of allfirmsinthecreative sectors are seated intheBratislava region, of that 5.01 %of thelabour force work inthesesectors, pointingoutat significant specialisation. view of concentration of employment inthecreative sector since inthisregion approximately and create clusters. The Bratislava region isoneof prominent EUregions from thepointof with traditional sectors. The firmsincreative sectors are considerably concentrated inspace 6 (hereinafter RIS3) cultural andcreative sectors are developing inSlovakia along 7 . 10 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Regional contexts portion ontheproduction of economy was about5.3%. Production of cultural and creative industriesin2015was about9,622,432 EUR. The pro- Culture andcreative industrie´sproduction intheSlovak Economy The proportion of theaddedvalue of CCI intheaddedvalue of theeconomy was about6.5%. The addedvalue of thecultural andcreative industriesin2015amounted to 4,591,284EUR. The addedvalue of theculture andcreative industries economy in2015. The GDP of theculture andcreative industriesrepresented around 1.32%of theGDP of the Growth andShare of GDP of theculture andcreative industries economy. Employment inthesectors of CCI represents about8.08% of total employment inthe Employment inculture andcreative industries

CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Regional contexts 11 12


3.1. Evolution

The most important facts and significant elements for the regional/state CCI industry and policy over the past 20 years: different plans, legislation, another key milestone, etc. 2017 01/01/20016 2015 01/01/2015 01/05/2014 18/12/2014 28/10/2014 01/01/2013 01/01/2009 04/12/2003 01/09/1994 01/06/1992 1991 DATE with culture). animated production, publishingandbook market, musicandscenic art,craft industryof traditional, folk and urban culture, market Investments inthecultural andcreative sector (sectors: film, TV, video, radio andphotography, visualarts,multimedialindustryand Integrated Regional Operation Program design andICT). Investments inmicro andSMEsincultural andcreative sector (sectors: advertisment andmarketing architecture, design,fashion Operational Programe Research&Innovation creators brought theconcept of acreative economy to Košice, creating space for creative industriesandcreative tourism. strong industrialcenter into apost-industrial city with creative potential, university background and new cultural infrastructure. The As apartof theEuropean Cityof Culture 2013,theInterface 2013project was implemented, whichaimedattransforming Kosice asa European Capitalof Culture Košice 2013 mechanisms for thecreation anddisseminationof cultural andscientific values. the culture of national minoritiesinthefield of cultural andscientificactivities of nationalminorities,inparticular by creating support It is established by Act No. 138/2017 Coll. The Fund is an independent public institution whose mission is to promote and stimulate The Fund for thePromotion of theCulture of National Minorities exercise of their rightsintheframework of European andinternational law. The New Copyright Act isamodernandflexible legal regulation thatprovides authors and other rightsholders withamore effective NewCopyright Act Bratislava Regional Grant Schemefor Culture Promotion for individualswhocontribute to development of artsandculture increative way or by research. of works of art;supportof international cooperation; educationalprogrammes inthefields of art,culture andcreative industry;grants culture withaspecial focus ondiversity. The Council provides grants especially for creation, production, distributionandpresentation of theSlovak Republic andisindependentof central bodiesof state administration. Itsmainmissionisthesupportof “live” artsand according to Act No. 284/2014Coll. The Council replaced thesubstantial part of theformer grant system of theMinistry of Culture It isaself-governing publicinstitutionguaranteeing supportfor artactivities, culture andcreative industry, whichwas established SlovakCouncil Arts new technologies. (hereinafter “R&D”)sector andacademia. The component of its Acceleration Program isCreative Point, whichprovides access to The strategic goal of thenationalproject was to create aninterface amongtheprivate/business sector, research anddevelopment National Business Centre (implemented by Slovak Business Agency) of theMinistry of Culture andwillsignificantlyincrease thepossibilitiesandsources of support. A new publicinstitutionwas created to promote anddevelop audiovisual culture andindustry. The fundhasreplaced thegrant program Audiovisual Fund according to Act No. 516/2008Coll. Act No. 618/2003 Coll. oncopyright andrightsrelated to copyright. Copyright Act persons executing theprofession “restorer” inthearea of theSlovak Republic. It was establishedby theLaw of theNational Council of theSlovak Republic No. 200/1994 Coll, whichhasthetaskto gather physical The Chamber of Restorers Europe andpartof thenetwork of competent authoritiesintheENACA architecture. engineers). Itsactivityisfinanced from its own resources withoutstate subsidies. Itisamember of the ACE Architectural Council of It was establishedby the Act of theSlovak National Council no.138/1992Coll. (on authorized architects andauthorized construction Slovak Chamber of Architects It isacontributory organization of Ministry Of Culture of theSlovak Republic. Slovak DesignCentre (Act no.185/2015Coll.) FACTS &FIGURES 13 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation • • • • State administration of publicpoliciesfor theCCIs. Following administrative levels canbeidentifiedinSlovakia: For their part,regional capitalcities(municipalities) alsoplay akey role inthedevelopment city. Their self-governing bodiesare referred to asSelf-governing (or autonomous) regions. The Slovak republic issubdividedinto 8regions, eachof whichisnamedafter itsprincipal 3.2. Current situation Self -administration which are connected by aparticular socialinterest (different types of associations). All institutionsestablishedunder the Act. No. 83/1990onCitizens CivilLaw Associations Local level (municipalities) Regional level (8 regions) National level 14 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation Description of regional/state strategy andpublicpoliciesthat impacttheCCI sector inSlovakia THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC SPECIALIZATION OF FOR INTELLIGENT AND INNOVATION STRATEGY FOR RESEARCH PROSPERITY - KNOWLEDGE TOWITH THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTION PLANFOR THE IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY CREATIVE INDUSTRY NATIONAL LEVEL POLICY NAME AT TARGETED SECTORS CCIs CCIs CCIs Measure 4.2: Access to capital Measure 4.1: Subsidies Priority 4 Action 3.5:Protection anduseof intellectual property Measure 3.4:Cluster support Action 3.3:Creating conditions conducive to business industry internationalization of goods andservices inthecreative Measure 3.2:Supportfor theexport and Action 3.1: Raisingawareness of thecreative industry Priority 3 capital through mobilityandtransfer of knowledge Measure 2.3:Promote thegrowth of thequalityof human Measure 2.2:Further training increative activities Measure 2.1: Creativity andcreativity education Priority 2 Measure 1.1.: Physical Infrastructure Development Priority 1 Development Strategy: within thefour priorityareas of Creative Industry The Action plandefines specificactionsandmeasures P4: Supportingfinancinginstruments P3: Increasing theabsorption capacityof themarket P2: QualityHuman Resources P1:An Effective System for Developing Creative Industry The strategy defines four priorityareas: sectors. defines thecreative industryasone of theprospective European Structural andInvestment Funds in2014-2020, The strategy isanex-conditionality for implementation FEATURES MAIN STRATEGY (implementing ON-GOING 2015 –2017) period was X √ √ 15 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation FOR 2015-2023 SELF-GOVERNING REGION OF THE BANSKÁ BYSTRICA AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC REGION BYSTRICA SELF-GOVERNING RICS OF THE BANSKÁ SLOVAK REPUBLIC SPECIALISATIONOF THE STRATEGY FOR SMART INNOVATIONRESEARCH AND GOVERNING REGION RICS OF THE KOŠICE SELF- GOVERNING REGION OF THE KOŠICE SELF- AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC FOR 2013–2020 SELF-GOVERNING REGION STRATEGY OF THE KOŠICE REGIONAL INNOVATION AT REGIONAL LEVEL POLICY NAME POLICY TARGETED Partially CCIs/ Partially CCIs/ Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs SECTORS culture culture period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof excellent higher education. improving system of vocational educationandsupporting innovative Slovakia’ contains policy measures aimedat Goal 4aimsatimproving qualityof humanresources for challenges. of life contains three policy measures ongrand societal innovative society asacondition for improving quality Goal 3aimsatcreating dynamic,openandinclusive of excellent science. Goal 2relates to supportto economic growth viaresults increasing embeddednessof key industriesinSlovakia. Goal 1tackleschallenge of thedualeconomy andaimsat research, innovation andeducation. 2014-2020. Itsets goals andpolicy measures are aimedat The RIS3documentisthenationalR&Istrategy for activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentf period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment and development for the period2015-2020. region inthefield of business,innovation and research The documentisakey development documentfor the FEATURES MAIN or theimplementationof STRATEGY ON-GOING √ √ √ √ √ √ 16 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation SELF-GOVERNING REGION RICS OF THE BRATISLAVA 2014 -2020 GOVERNING REGION FOR OF THE BRATISLAVA SELF- AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC GOVERNING REGION OF BRATISLAVA SELF- CULTURE FOR 2015–2020 DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGYFOR THE 2014 -2020 GOVERNING REGION FOR OF THE ŽILINA SELF- AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC GOVERNING REGION RICS OF THE ŽILINA SELF- FOR 2014-2020 SELF-GOVERNING REGION STRATEGY OF THE NITRA REGIONAL INNOVATION GOVERNING REGION RICS OF THE NITRA SELF- Partially CCIs/ Partially CCIs/ Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs culture culture period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof It focuses on: The documentanalyzes theregion’s innovation potential. activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment regional level andamanualfor thecoming years. conceptual background for reflection onculture at The documenthastheambitionto become atimeless . . . educational incubator network infrastructure of aregional innovation and and innovative entrepreneurship optimal environment for creative people,life creativity andinnovation inpeople developing humanpotential, cultivating √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 17 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation 2014-2018 OF KOŠICE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURE THE STRATEGY FOR THE 2016 –2022 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TRENČÍN CITY PROGRAM FOR 2015-2020 PREŠOV CITY DEVELOPMENT 2010 –2020OF BRATISLAVA AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC 2015-2023 + ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT OF NITRA ECONOMICSOCIAL AND THE PROGRAM OF GOVERNING REGION SELF-OF THETRENČÍN RICS 2013 –2023 GOVERNING REGION FOR SELF-OF THETRENČÍN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC GOVERNING REGION RICS OF THE PREŠOV SELF- 2014 -2020 GOVERNING REGION FOR OF THE PREŠOV SELF- AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF ECONOMIC AT LOCAL LEVEL POLICY NAME POLICY TARGETED Partially CCIs/ Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCIs Partially CCI/ Partially CCI/ Partially CCI/ Partially CCI/ SECTORS CCI/Culture culture culture culture culture culture coordination withrelevant key stakeholders inthearea. on sustainabledevelopment of theterritory andon Trenčín Citydeclares interest to actively contribute document for regional development support,where The Development Program represents thekey strategic future of development. the current state of theterritory anddetermines the The document conceptually andsystematically analyzes development. social center of Slovakia anddetermines thefuture of its position of apolitical,cultural, business,scientificand as thecapitalof theSlovak Republic, whichfulfillsthe The documentisbasedonthespecialstatusof Bratislava future of development. the current state of theterritory anddetermines the The documentconceptually andsystematically analyzes culture andcreative industriesintheterritory of Košice. A key documentonthedevelopment andsupportof activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment activities. a localimpact.RICSisanactionplanfor specificIROP Integrated Territorial Investment atregional level with RICS isastrategic documentfor theimplementationof period of 7years. for theself-governing region. Itisusuallyprocessed for a together withthe Territorial Planare thekey documents The Program of Economic andSocialDevelopment FEATURES MAIN STRATEGY ON-GOING √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 18 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation creative industriesaswell asinnovation according to RIS3,itisnot developed inSlovakia authorities andindustrial stakeholders inorder to foster thedevelopment of culture and Creative District,defined asanecosystem that generates collaboration across public CCI. Slovak Republic regions, or supportfor theMinistry’s strategic development projects inthe management in thefield of conceptual supportand coordination of CCI development inthe national andregional level; cooperation withintermediate bodiesfor IROP PA3 and project thorities of state administration andlocalauthorities;monitoring of trends ingiven areas at coordination of supportanddevelopment of culture andcreativity withrelevant central au- gies, actionplansor legislative proposals inthearea of culture andcreativity; horizontal for example, development of concepts, coordination of the preparation of sectoral strate- and internationalization withintheMinistry’s competencies. Its mainactivitiesincluded, development of culture andcreativity interms of supportingtools for creativity, innovation and Creativity -was set upwithintheMinistry of Culture, to fulfilltheministry’s role inthe In 2016,anew departmentof theMinistry -theDepartmentfor Development of Culture Slovak economy, etc. economy, quantification of employment inthefield of culture and creative industryinthe tors onCCIs, production and addedvalue of culture andcreative industriesintheSlovak the final tool for regularly collecting of thenecessary data to quantify theeconomic indica the upcoming Satellite account available. After this period, the Slovak Republic willhave future strategic documentsfor thissector. In 2018willbethefirst experimental data from is preparing to launchtheSatellite account in2020 andthusprovide relevant statistics for CCIs to improve statistical data in thissector. Ministry of Culture isincharge of thistask and As aresult of thisthegovernment of Slovakia adopted atask to create aSatellite account for dynamics of thesector. is basedonstatistical data available at thetime(2011)that don’t reflect thestructure and on economic parameters either from micro- or macro-economic level. The existing Strategy that hasbeendesigned more asageneric review of status quoof thesector, not focusing 2015). The analyticalpartof theexisting documentsisbasedontheanalysis from 2013, Plan of realization of Strategy of CCIs Development for the period 2016-2017 (accepted in potential of CCIs inSlovakia (2013), Strategy of CCIs Development (2014) andthe Action gic documentssuchastheBasisof CCIs Development inSlovakia (2013), Analysis of the Cultural andCreative Industries (later “CCIs”) andhasbeenworking onseveral strate- Since 2011theMinistry of Culture of Slovak Republic adopted new agenda inthefield of 3.3. Creative Districts - 19 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation CREADIS3 project. the years 2020 and2021 willbecreated, aswell asonthemethodology andoutputsof the based onwhichthenew Action Planfor Cultural andCreative Industry withtheview for has ended in the end of the 2017, Ministry of Culture iscurrently evaluating its outcomes, Regarding to thefact, that theimplementation process of the Action Planmentionedabove of theMinistry of Culture of Slovak Republic. used to improve thesystem of publicinvestments through publicinstitutionsunder thepolicy key documentsfor regulation andimplementation of new mechanisms. The Analysis willbe Action Planfor Cultural andCreative Industry withtheview for theyears 2020 and2021 as The analysis isneededto update theStrategy of Creative Industry andalsoto create anew sector analysis consisting of thefollowing mainpoints: At the moment, Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic needs to focus more onspecific CCIs reducing administrative burdens andremoving legislative barriers. to place emphasis on activities sensitive to such types of entrepreneurs and to focus on entrepreneurs andSMEsor freelance artists,itisalsoimportantfor theMinistry of Culture with afocus on creating new jobs. Given that themajorityof thesector are independent and growth of micro andsmallmediumenterprises inthecultural andcreative industry the regions of theSlovak Republic, ensuringitssustainabilityandsupportingtheemergence actions aimedat building andsupportingtheoverall ecosystem of thecreative economy in priority of theMinistry of Culture inthisarea isinparticular to implementactivitiesand for thedevelopment of thecultural andcreative industryanditsefficient networking. The The Ministry of Culture of theSlovak Republic places great emphasisoncreating conditions services, premises andtechnology for rent, incubator/accelerator services, etc.). – located intheregional capitals) andnon-financial support for creative entities (consulting for creating aneededinfrastructure (establishing acreative center inmajorityof theregions regional operational programme 2014-2020 -Priority axisNo. 3that willprovide sources yet. The supporingactiviesfor boostingtheCCIs ecosystem are partsof theIntegrated • • Evaluation and Analysis of publicinvestments for Slovak CCIs. Suggestions for development of investment opportunitiesfor Slovak CCIs. 20 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector analysis: evolution and current situation 21


4.1. Stakeholders

Members of the stakeholders group („SG“) are representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic; Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic; Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic; Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic; Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic; Audiovisual Fund; Arts Support Fund; Of the Slovak Chamber of Architects; Club of Advertising Agencies of Slovakia; The Slovak Game Developers Association; The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Informatization.

The selection of SG members was made by addressing, in particular, representatives of the Ministries, as support for CCIs is carried out either directly through the Ministries themselves or their established organizations. Other members of the SG are representatives of chambers and fund providing organisations as well as selected representatives of the associations in order to cover all CCI sectors. LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS GROUP REPRESENTATIVES NR. 10 12 13 11 8 9 6 4 2 5 3 7 1 Ministry of Culture of theSlovak republic The Clubof advertising agencies Slovakia (KRAS) The Slovak Chamber of Architects SlovakCouncil Arts Audiovisual Fund Ministry of Transport andConstruction of theSlovak republic republic Ministry of Education, Science, research andSport of theSlovak Ministry of Finance of theSlovak republic Ministry of Economy of theSlovak republic Ministry of Culture of theSlovak republic Investment andInformatizationion Office of theDeputy Prime Minister of theSlovak Republic for Slovak Chamber of Commerce Slovak GameDevelopers association INSTITUTION Chairperson of stakeholders group PhDr. DenisaZlatá President Robert Slovák Director JUDr.Hanuláková Viera Director Mgr. Jozef Kovalčík, PhD. Director Prof. Martin Šmatlák Tourist IndustryDepartment Mgr. František Morong initiatives State policy implementation,European andinternational R&D Science and Technology Department PhDr. Luboš Svetoň organizations Director of Departmentof financial tools andinternational Ing. MartinPolónyi Director General for BusinessEnvironment andInnovation Ing. Mgr. Miriam Letašiová Director General of Media, Audiovisual andCopyright Department JUDr. Anton Škreko, PhD. General director of theInvestment Management Department Alena Sabelová Chairman Juraj Paľa President Marián Ferko NAME 22 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization ticular indocumentsrelated to the implementation of ERDF, Regional Innovation Strategies Supporting measures for thedevelopment of CCIs at regional level are mentionedinpar measures alsopartlycover cultural andCCI developments. analytical-strategic partandtheprogram part,whichcontains concrete measures. These program of economic development andsocial development of theregion consists of the ties set outintheNational Strategy of Regional Development of theSlovak Republic. The development document, which is elaborated in accordance with the objectives and priori- based on Act No. 539/2008 Coll. supportfor regional development. This isamedium-term At regional level, eachregion hasanEconomic andSocialDevelopment Program, whichis example, education or tourism. for the area of culture (including creative industry as well) which is associated with, for Within theregional self-government, eachregion hasanorganizational unitresponsible of social, economic and cultural development of the territory of the self-governing region. of its inhabitants. In particular, it ensures the creation and implementation of a program self-governing region takes care of theall-round development of itsterritory andtheneeds No. 302/2001, independentlymanages itsown property anditsfinancial resources. The legal entitywhich,under theconditions established by the Act onSelf-Governing Regions divided to two different levels - regional andlocal level. Regional or localself-government is In theSlovak Republic are self-govern bodiesparticipating incultural andcreative policies and monitor policies,provide analysis andexpertise andpresent themselves to thepublic. services andhumanitarianfunctions,bringtheir specific concerns to Governments, advocate tions are task-oriented anddriven by peoplewithacommon interest, perform avariety of are establishedunder theCitizens CivilLaw Associations Act. No. 83/1990. These organiza terests of individualsengaged inthat profession andthepublicinterest. All theseinstitutions They are usuallyanonprofit organizations seeking to further aparticular profession, thein- Another importantentities,mostlyoperate at national level, are professional associations. are covered mainlythrough operational programs, grant schemesandfundsfrom ESIF. schemes. At national level supportingprogrammes andsubsidiesfor culture andtheCCIs port inthefield of culture and CCIs isprovided to entitiesthrough fundsand other support which asubstantialpartof thesupportmeasures intheCCI area isfunded.Financialsup- CCIs inparticular through theimplementation of policiesand European structural funds,of At national level, thecentral bodies,ministriesandtheir organizations supportculture and Competences per administrative level in theSlovak Republic 4.2. Mapping 1-Competences - - 23 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization conditions for thedevelopment of CCI inthegiven area. priority axes isPA3 Mobilization of creative potential intheregions, whichaimsto create of thePriority Axes of theIntegrated Regional Operational Program (IROP). Oneof the The UMRwillbeimplemented through Integrated Territorial Investments withinthescope of theterritory. The preparation of theSUDstrategy isensured by theregional authorities. the needsof thefunctionalcityarea withthemostsignificant impactonthedevelopment Regional Operational Program (IROP). The SUDstrategy needsto beset withemphasison part of a Regional Integrated Territorial Strategy (RICS) which is based on the Integrated Development of Culture 2014-2018 of Košice. Sustainable Urban Development (“SUD”) is materials focused onthedevelopment of culture andCCIs, for example The Strategy for the part of thelocaldevelopment documents.However, somecitiesalsohave specificstrategic present insomecities.Most local strategy papers donot focus ontheseareas, butthey form or tourism. Specific policiesandstrategic documents focus on CCIs at locallevel are only ture (includingcreative industryaswell) whichisassociated with,for example, education Within thelocallevel eachcityhasanorganizational unitresponsible for thearea of cul- technology for rent, incubator/accelerator services, etc.). gions) andnon-financial support for creative entities (consulting services, premises and for creating a needed infrastructure (establishing a creative center in majority of the re- research andinnovation 2014–2020 (OPVaI) -Priority axisNo. 3that willprovide sources gional operational programme 2014-2020 -Priority axisNo. 3andOperational programme But intheupcoming years there are plannedactivitieswithintheframe of Integrated re- applicants. As for creative industries, this kind of support is not covered in the regions yet. year eachregion allocates aspecificamountfrom their budget andsets rules for possible partly on cultural industries. This support is provided throught grant systems, almost every At regional level thesupportingprograms andsubsidiesare mainlyfocused onculture, or potential intheCCI area withintheIROP PA 3Mobilization of Creative Potential. approach to territorial development. RICSalsoincludesananalysis of theregion andits sures that willbethebasisfor theplanned mesures, withanemphasisonintegrated the implementation of the IROP (ERDF) in a given region defining the specific planned mea sectoral andother relevant strategic documents.RICSisabindingstrategic documentfor of economic development andsocialdevelopment of citiesandmunicipalities,regional, velopment andsocialdevelopment programs of theself-government regions, theprograms territorial investments willbeimplemented onthebasisof RICSbasedontheeconomic de- 2014-2020 programming period. Under the conditions of the Slovak Republic, integrated mentation of the integrated approach to be used in the implementation of the IROP in the or Regional Integrated Territorial Strategy (RICS).RICSisaplanningtool for theimple- - 24 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization self-governments withintheculture andcreative industryanditssectors. national, regional andlocallevel. They show themainfocus (for support)of thestate and At theendof thisreport asapartof the APPENDIX canbefindtables of competencies for services, etc.). ative entities (consulting services, premises and technology for rent, incubator/accelerator majority of theregions –located intheregional capitals) andnon-financial support for cre- will provide sources for creating aneededinfrastructure (establishing acreative center in tional programme research andinnovation 2014–2020 (OPVaI) -Priority axisNo. 3that of Integrated regional operational programme 2014-2020 -Priority axisNo. 3andOpera ously mentionedabove, intheupcoming years there are plannedactivitieswithin theframe As for creative industries, this kind of support is not covered on this level yet. But as previ- rules for possibleapplicants. almost every year eachoneof themallocates aspecificamountfrom their budget andsets or partly on cultural industries. Each local administration has their own grant system and the regional one. Supporting programs and subsidies are also mainly focused on culture, The situation relating to thesupportfor culture andCCIs onlocallevel isvery similar to - 25 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization of entrepreneurial skillssuchas: Republic. As apartof their services, they provide specialized trainings for thedevelopment PO3. Currently, there are several businesscenters, incubators andlaboratories intheSlovak to supportCCIs intheSlovak Republic, which shouldbeimplemented from 2019viaIROP schools aswell astasksrelated to thedevelopment of incubation andacceleration schemes promotion of entrepreneurial education andentrepreneurship at primary andsecondary Slovak Republic 2014-2020. Its current Action Plansets outspecifictasks focusing onthe one of the prioritiesdefined intheframework of the Strategy of CCIs Development inthe universities. The development of humanresources inthecultural andcreative industriesis through specialized studyprograms anddepartmentsof secondary vocational schoolsand Slovak Republic isalsovocational training. At present, education inCCIs isimplemented One of thetools to stimulate creativity andcreate conditions for CCIs development inthe support for allsectors, not justspecifically for CCIs. specifically on CCIs are rare, so we were reporting most of theprograms that provide provided ingiven areas. Basedonmappingresults, we canseethat actionstargeted This document was mappingjustthemostimportantactions,institutionsandprogrammes support schemesfor SMEs,etc.) whichwere describedinfollowing cathegories: (e.g. skillsdevelopment, business management capacitybuilding,internationalisation involved (e.g. universities, tech andcreative hubs,incubators, etc.) andservices provided Slovak Republic. This mappingmadewithfocus onsupportingpoliciesandtools, stakeholders The mainobjective of Mapping 2was to identifytheregional ecosystem around CCIs inthe Regional creative ecosystem intheSlovak Republic 4.3. Mapping 2-Regional creative ecosystem • • • • • • • Consultation services. Financing. Growth. Innovation. Entrepreneurship. Creation. Competences development. 26 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization in Slovakia: the supportof entrepreneurship inCCIs, thefollowing supporting structures was identified Republic through IROP PA3, which should be implemented from 2019 onwards. Regarding of incubation andacceleration schemesspecificallyaimed at supporting CCIs intheSlovak startups more attractive. An importantsupport for theCCIs willbealsotheimplementation with uniqueideas,attract foreign subjectswithinnovative ideasandmake investment in environment andastate supportsystem that could activate Slovak subjectsandindividuals concept isto supportthestart-up ecosystem intheSlovak Republic by creating abusiness is seenasthesource of innovative solutionswithsignificantgrowth potential. The idea of this Development of Start-ups ecosystem in the Slovak Republic, where the support of incubators In June 2015,theGovernment of the Slovak Republic approved theConception on Support and The listof organizations providing services mentionedabove isadduced inMapping 2. the following typesof services: have beenidentified inSlovakia that partially cover theinfrastructure in CCIs andprovide establishement of creative centers intheregions of Slovakia. At present, several entities implemented viatheIROP PA3 operational programme intheupcoming years through support for thedevelopment of theinfrastructure willberealized through theactivities covered by the activities of associations and non-goverment organisations. State systematic infrastructure to systematically cover theneedsof CCIs inSlovakia, thisneedispartly to supportthework of individualcreators. Dueto thefact that there isstillinsufficient An indispensablecondition for thedevelopment of CCIs isthecreation of infrastructure • • • • • • • Short-term education (workshop, seminars, conferences, etc.). Designing of businessplansfor future businessmen. Business andInnovation Centers. Technological and BusinessIncubators. Providing promoting creators andcreation inCCIs. Providing services excluding rents andcoworking spaces. Providing services includingrents andcoworking spaces. 27 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization in theMapping 2. other central government authoritiesandseveral institutionsandbodieswhich you canfind activities. Other forms of businesssupportandforeign trade activitiesare alsoaddressed by Ministry of Economy of theSlovak Republic isakey player in support of foreign trade activities, isensured by thestate administration, itscentral authoritiesfor eacharea. The structure of foreign trade of theSlovak Republic, aswell asthesupportof itsforeign trade bureaucracy (time, cost andnumber of export andimport documents). The organizational than theEUaverage. Overall, however, Slovakia lagsbehind theEUaverage dueto higher Slovak SMEs ininternationalization. The share of Slovak SMEsinexports andimportsishigher Speaking of internationalisation, theSlovak Republic stillhas alow rate of involvement of grammes was identifiedwithinservices provided by following organisations: In thearea of growth (includinginternationalisation) two project focus onacceleration pro- tions inthisfieldandprogrammes to promote innovation isshown in Mapping 2). tions andthepartners are industrialcompanies (overview of selected labs,significantinstitu- to support collaborative appliedresearch. The founders of the centers are academicinstitu- The platform for innovation intheSlovak Republic istheCompetence Centers. They are tools CCIs are also the labs, which were created especially at the universities (supported via ESIF). they carryoutinadditionto their mainfocus. Important partsof supportingtheinnovation in ronment for innovation inSlovakia, inparticular through research andacademicactivitiesthat In thearea of innovation, universities alsohave animportantrole to provide asuitableenvi- SME-E-learning E.g. of selected programmes provided inthisfield: • • • • Incubation -National BusinessCentre. Support programmes for SMEs-Slovak Business Agency. creativity, talentandprofessionalism of peopleworking inthecreative industry). Escalator –Creative Industry Košice (intensive program to educate anddevelop the SMEs). National BusinessCenter (Acceleration Program, Internship, Growth programe for 28 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization area aswell. from banksor bigcompanies suchasOrange) hasstarted to focused onthisprogressive (mainly design) and startups has started to occur, the support of the private sector (mostly visual arts.Lately, thefocus hasstarted to bewider andasthetrend of creative industries supporting core artsfields,in general mostlyprotection of cultural heritage andsupport for focused onmany different areas. As for supportingculture, they are mainly focused on In theSlovak Republic, foundations andprivate companies providing private financingare mented activities andvisibleresults of theapplicant’s organization. system. Private companies whenselectingaproject expect successfully forepassed imple- or through sellectionbased on detailed criteria set by the most corporate foundation’s grant Companies usedifferent project selectioncriteria. This canbedonethrough adirect selection, not imposetheobligation ontherecipient to taxtheamountreceived. donor to reduce histaxbaseby thecost associated withthevalue of thedonation anddoes problematic legislative arrangement for sponsorship. Donation doesnot currently allow the the most common forms of privite financing. The problem of private sectora fundingis from private companies. As for theprivate sector, donations andadvertising contracts are funds from domesticandforeign foundations. Financialcontributions canalsobeobtained Private sources of financing are represented by individual or corporate donations as well as istrative level. Their focus andthetotal amountof supportprovided vary ineachregion. subsidies andgrant schemes for supportingculture andCCIs canbeidentified at eachadmin- supporting programmes andsubsidiesfor culture andCCIs isavailable inMapping 2).Public nancial tools suchasoperational programs, grant schemesandfunds(overview of identified At publiclevel financing for culture and CCIs iscovered mainlythrough non-refundable fi - and CCIs inSlovakia. The lastarea that we mappedintheMapping 2was publicandprivate financing for culture 29 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization 1. Creative Industry Košice /CIKE/ 8 ation presented by: and SMEsingeneral aswell. The finalthree good practices chosen reflect thisspecificsitu- (these are stillquite limited inSlovakia), butpractices focused onthestartingentrepreneurs Slovak republic hadto consider not justthepractices directly focused ontheCCIs area the bestpractice withproven track of evidence inthisarea. The Ministry of Culture of the system isstillinitsinitialphase.Regarding thissituation, itwas not an easy task to choose Due to thefact, that thethemeof CCIs isrelatively new inSlovakia, thecreation of itseco- 4.4. Goodpractices marketing, international cooperation andother related activities. etc.), theoperation of thecultural centres Barracks/Kulturpark, theSPOTs project, activities, to address development projects (creative economy, community development, task was primarily to prepare the programme for 2013 and the supporting programme implementation, monitoring andevaluation of theproject “Košice Interface 2013”. Its main A non-profit organization of the same name was created to take care of the preparation, 2008 inBratislava. approval of theInterface 2013project by aninternational selectioncommittee inSeptember Košice - European Capital of Culture 2013. The city acquired this prestigious title after the The mission of Creative Industry Košice isdeeplyrooted initsorigins,theorganization of • • • MediaLab. in general, butoferring at leastsomeof theservices dedicated to CCI. National BusinessCentre &itsCreative Point -focused mainlyontheentrepreneurs Creative Industry Košice -fullyfocused onCCIs withoutacertain sectoral preference. 8

30 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization 9 2. National Business Centre /NBC/ needs of peopleworking increative industriesandculture. gramme consists of aset of workshops, seminars andlectures, whichare designedfor the Typology of services provided: information, news andskills(soft skills), education pro- through itsconsultancy andadvice onstrategic documents. city. It also helps the city and region develop policies and sustainable regional development ditions for cooperation withtheprivate sector anditsinvolvement inthecultural life of the mobility andresidential programmes. Its task alsoincludesthecreation of favourable con- institutions, increasing their international profile, for example by providing foreign trips, creative industriesinSlovakia. It provides education for talented individualsandcultural levels in order to create ideal conditions for the growth and development of cultural and also participate inthecreation of strategic cultural documentsat national andinternational come professionals, openinginternational markets andeducating them. The organisation Creative Industry Košice helpspeoplefrom thecultural andcreative environment to be- Creative Industry Košice. level, whichstillserves asthefundamentalobjective andmissionof theorganization called people inthecityandraising theprofile of thecity at thelocal,national andinternational This meansparticularlythedevelopment of humancapital,creating conditions for talented Plan 2013-2015” and“Cultural Strategy for Košice 2014-2018”. Interface 2013”andtheresulting materials “Košice 2020 -theCreative Economy Master ings. The Košice 2013non-profit began to focus onactivitieslisted inthematerials “Košice which took over responsibility for theadministration andoperation of therenovated build- the City of Košice founded the subsidized organization, K 13 – Košice Cultural Centres, The non-profit organization went through afundamentalchange at theend of 2013,when 2014-December 2015. €9,989,602.86). The first phase of theproject was implementated intheperiod of May Development, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (eligible expenditures: project, whichhasbeenrealized throught operational programme: Research and Establishment andDevelopment of theNational BusinessCentre inSlovakia isanational 9

31 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization ment of new products. offering services that are tailored to creating modules and prototypes as well as develop- self-standing component of the Acceleration Program. It isbasicallyacreative workshop Within NBC, specialized especially on CCIs, can be identified Creative Point, which is a NBC offers three types of supportandservices: product. well asto creative and innovative peoplewhoare considering commercializing their ideaor tablished businesses in different stages of their life cycles andaspiring entrepreneurs as offering awideportfolio of information andsupplementaryservices to allstartingandes- business. The mainmissionof theNBCisto implementtheconcept of aone-stop-shop This centre offers comprehensive support to SMEs and thoseinterested instartingtheir the economy, includinginnovative businesses. potential, startingandexisting smallandmedium-sized companies from various sectors of and specialized capacities to provide awideportfolio of highqualitysupport services for attract foreign, mainlytechnological andinnovative, companies andto buildprofessional future andstartingentrepreneurs duringtheseedandstart-up phase,to prospectively The role of theNational BusinessCentre isto underpinanddevelop thepotential of society. to allow applying R&Dknowledge through thebusinesssector both inthemarket andin needs of entrepreneurs, increasing their competitiveness andinnovative performance, and sector andacademia. The National BusinessCentre (hereinafter “NBC“)strives to meet the terface amongtheprivate/business sector, research anddevelopment (hereinafter “R&D”) The strategic goal of thenational project was to create aNational BusinessCentre asanin- • • • sources, FabLab). fer, scientificand research cooperation, financialsupport of SMEs,information re- Innovation support(services involved: intellectual property andtechnology trans- Program, Businessenvironment monitoring, Better Regulation Center, Finance). Business support(Services involved: Growth Program, Internship Program, Support tion Program, Finance, Startup events, Businesssupport). Support for starting a business (Services involved: Acceleration Program, Incuba - 32 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization the aimto buildabackground for project andprototype implementation. MediaLab alsoparticipates inthe infrastructure of localfab labsandcreative centres with them gets different kind of awards. students participate andimplementvarious projects even duringtheir studyandmany of of students that are successfully findingtheir jobs after graduation each year. Many of the work experience at thesametime,evidence of success ispresented by thehighnumber the aimto helpstudentsto gainnot justtheoretical butpractice knowledge andrelevant As oneof theMediaLab´s maintasksisto create connections between different fieldswith example through theuseof multimedia. opportunity to consider theuse of visual communication in an interdisciplinary context, for on studentssemester assignments,addressing specificproblems. Thus, studentshave the MediaLab alsocollaborates withateliers withintheDepartmentof Visual Communication is onesemester (3months). an optional activity. Programme istimebasedonacademiccalendar soitsmaintimeframe Students attend theMedialab asapartof their studyprogrammes or they canattend itas particular fields of artand technology. Besides of projects execution, MediaLab initiates presentations, workshops andlectures in Project basedsystem encourage studentsto focus onaproblem solvinginaholisticway. isations to helpconnecting participantsandsupportthe execution of projects to success. and tech, academicfieldandpractice. MediaLab buildsnetwork of individuals andorgan- One of MediaLab´s maintasksisto create connections indifferent fields i.e. between art nication andincorporate theminto educational process. ground inuseof new technologies andprinciplesinfields of art,designandvisual commu- Academy of Fine Arts inBratislava, that aimsto create technological andtheoretical back MediaLab isaspecialized space withintheDepartmentof Visual Communication at the 3. MediaLab to awidetarget group andinspiringentrepreneurs. creativity, knowledge sharing,proven procedures andfurther resources for creative ideas The maingoal of Creative Point isto provide access to new technologies –enhancing - 33 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE CCIS sector characterization 34


STRENGHTS WEAKNESSES 1 Developed ICT sector and multimedia 1 In the field of export: sector a) weak support of export and internationalization of goods and services in CCIs 2 Human potential of involved subjects 2 In the field of awareness: a) low public awareness of CCIs b) perception of culture as an exclusive recipient of public support

3 Systematic solutions of financing from 3 In the field of education: public sources (Audiovisual Fund, Fund a) lack of education focused on innovation in a system of education of CCIs for Arts, Slovak Business Agency) b) low motivation of employers from CCIs for education of their employees

4 Existing cultural infrastructure 4 In the field of innovation: a) low participation of subjects of CCIs on creation of technological, non-technological and cross-sectorial innovation b) lack of cooperation between subjects of CCIs in a field of creation of innovative products and subjects of CCIS with technological sector and traditional industries c) low knowledge and lack of implementation of content-based innovation processes into product creation of cultural and creative industries to respond to market needs d) low motivation of CCI´s companies for cooperation in the field of R&D

5 In the field of financing: a) low motivation of investors to invest to CCIs b) absence of analysis and evaluation of existing support mechanisms in the field of public finances for the cultural and creative industries c) lack of legislation supporting the investment to CCIs d) lack of tools supporting the access to finance for CCIs 6 In the field of multilevel-governance in CCIs: a) lack of structure b) lack of effective collaboration

OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 1 Global support for development of 1 Persistence of low public awareness of CCIs and their products information society 2 Bigger markets for CCIs 2 Strong international competition 3 Increase of interest in products of CCIs 3 Brawn drain 4 Educated and internationalized young 4 Regional asymmetry in access to finance generation

5 Access to finance from EU 5 Access to private financing for CCIs Operational programmes: - Integrated regional operational programme 2014 – 2020, PA No.3: Mobilization of creative potential in the regions - Operational programme Research and Innovation 2014 – 2020 PA No. 3: Strengthening Competitiveness and Growth of SMEs

6 Change of the paradigm of relationship between culture and tourism 36



Lack of awareness and missing data on CCIs N/A – the concrete actions will be decided later as a part of the new Action plan The awareness of CCIs in Slovakia is still on the low level. This leads to several difficulties and problems for the CCIs such as low motivation of investors to invest in CCIs, low public perception of culture as an exclusive recipient of public support, or low participation and cooperation The adopted a task to create a Satellite account of subjects of CCIs (and other fields) on creation of technological, non- for Culture and Creative Industry to improve statistical data in this area. technological and cross-sectorial innovation, etc. Ministry of Culture is in charge of this task and is preparing to launch the Other problem is absence of official data specifically focused on economic Culture and Creative Industry Satellite Account in 2020 and thus provide indicators of CCIs, which would help to consider CCIs as an perspective relevant statistics for future strategic documents for this sector. area for contribution to production of the slovak economy.

Supporting structures Implementation of these missing support schemes will be partially covered through IROP PA3 from 2019 onwards by establishing creative centers in Lack of incubation and acceleration schemes specifically aimed at the . supporting CCIs in Slovakia.

Missing multilevel-governance collaboration in CCIs N/A – the concrete actions will be decided later as a part of the new Action plan For creating effective policities and conditions for CCIs, we need to establish a new model for multilevel-governance collaboration and its structures.

Internationalisation of CCIs N/A – the concrete actions will be decided later as a part of the new Action plan Weak support of export and internationalization of goods and services in CCIs.

Investing & Financing CCIs N/A – the concrete actions will be decided later as a part of the new Action plan There is still lack of private investments in CCIs and lack of tools for support the private investment in CCIs too ( low motivation of investors to invest to CCIs, lack of legislation supporting the investment to CCIs, lack of tools supporting the access to finance for CCIs).

Legislation N/A – the concrete actions will be decided later as a part of the new Action plan CCIs are nowadays facing legislative hurdles, such as intellectual property rights and varying tax regimes, lack of legislation supporting the investment to CCIs , etc. 38

7/ APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 Table of Competencies: National and regional level




CRAFTS x x x No specific x No specific x x No specific sectorial sectorial sectorial MUSIC x x focus focus x x focus





CULT. HERITAGE x x x x x 39 CREADIS3 INTERREG EUROPE Appendix APPENDIX 2 Table of Competencies: Local level





PERFORMING ARTS x x x x x x No No CRAFTS x x x x specific specific MUSIC sectorial x x sectorial x x x x focus focus VISUAL ARTS x x x x x






• OECD (2017), How’s Life? 2017: Measuring Well-being, OECD Publishing, Paris.

• European Commision (2017), 2017 European Semester: Country Report – Slo- vakia, Brusel.

• Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky (2017), Slovenská republika v číslach 2017, Bratislava.

• United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2016: Briefing note for countries on the 2016 Human Development Report: Slovakia.

• INFOSTAT - Inštitút informatiky a štatistiky (2017), Satelitný účet kultúry a kreatívneho priemyslu v SR rok 2015 (experimental version), Bratislava.

• Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2017), CCIs Mapping 1: Competenc- es per administrative level in the Slovak Republic, Bratislava.

• Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2017), CCIs Mapping 2: Regional cre- ative ecosystem in the Slovak Republic, Bratislava.

• Ministerstvo kultúry Slovenskej republiky (2014), Stratégia rozvoja kreatívne- ho priemyslu v Slovenskej republike. Bratislava. 43

For additional information contact

Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

Department of Culture & Creativity Department

Contact: [email protected]

Tel: +421 2 2048 29 02