Pirates of the Isps: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks Into International Pariahs
21st CENTURY DEFENSE INITIATIVE CyBER SECuRITy #1 July 2011 Pirates of the ISPs: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks Into International Pariahs Noah Shachtman 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20036 brookings.edu Pirates of the ISPs: Tactics for Turning Online Crooks Into International Pariahs Noah Shachtman CyberSeCurity #1 July 2011 21st CENTURY DEFENSE INITIATIVE Acknowledgements every research paper is a group effort, no mat- My Wired.com colleagues—ryan Singel, kevin ter what it says on the byline. this project relied Poulsen, kim Zetter and David kravets—cover more on outside assistance than most. brookings the cybersecurity beat better than anyone. this Senior fellows Peter Singer and ken lieberthal paper would have been impossible without them, were the ones who convinced me to explore the and without brian krebs, master investigator of broad topic of cybersecurity. the panel they as- the online underworld. sembled gave me new insight with every meeting; my colleague allan friedman was an especially bill Woodcock, rick Wesson, Jeff Cooper, tyler invaluable tutor and remarkably generous with Moore, audrey Plonk, Jim lewis, Dmitri alpero- his time. heather Messera and robert o’brien vitch, Paul Nicholas, Jessica herrera-flannigan, provided important research and logistical sup- Jart armin, richard bejtlich, Steve Schleien, Jona- port. My research assistant, adam rawnsley, was than Zittrain and many, many others steered me tireless in his exploration of the minutiae of ev- away from my worst ideas and towards those few erything from tort law to pirate havens. not-so-bad ones. for that, i am deeply in their debt. brookings recognizes that the value it provides to any supporter is in its absolute commitment to quality, independence and impact.
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