Mies About the Kathasantsagara
Mies about the Kathasantsagara BY J. S. SPEYER. Verhandelingen der Roninklijke Akademie van Welenschappen te Amsterdam. AFDEELING LETTERKMDE. NIEUWE REEKS. Deel Till. N°, 5. AMSTERDAM, JOHANNES MULLER, Januari 1908. todies about the Kathasaritsagara BY J. S. SPEYER. der Koninklijke Akademie van Welenschappen te Amsterdam. AFDEELING LETTERKUNDE. NIEUWE REEKS. l)eel Till. N°. 5. AMSTERDAM, JOHANNES MULLER. 1908. Index of passages quoted from other Sanskrit texts than Kathasaritsagara and Brhatkathamanjari page Avadanagataka I, 48 10. 157 1897 87 22315 85 K s e m e n d ra : Aucityav\Icaracarca gl.7 23 note The (Pali) Jataka 1, 26614 87 Jatakamala VI, 27 159 p. 22115 132 Tantrakhyayika I, 56 51 (ed. He'rtel) Dagakumaracarita Uttarakh., IVth Ucchv 161 Divyavadana p. 63325. 157 Panini HI, 2, 13 78 Prabodhacandrodaya V, st. 28 88 i Mudraraksasa I, st. 15* 54 n. III, at the beginning 131 IV, p. 179 (ed. Trimbak Telang). 51 bharatavakya . 52 . 53 Rgvedasamhita I, 63, 4 J IV, 1, 15 . 77 IV, 19, 4 I Varahamihira: Yogayatra 7, 14* 85 141—43 of the / Qlokasamgraha Brhatkatha, and and about it. judgment 56—59 The asterisks point out places critically treated. Index of notable Sanskrit words As the words making up the list of p. 76 — 87 are put in alphabetical order, they are not included here. page page anvaya. 22. 23 . 32 niblialayati 129 apalapana. 53 niyama . 100 °apasada. 161 nirlaksml . 156. 157 aqahuna 73 nispratibhana 157 acraya 53 patlias 111 utphalati 144 paravatakkho (Paigaci) 30 udghata 131 parvctna 53 upahartavya etc., confoun- bhasa 9 ded with upjalian 160 marda.
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