Historical Introduction to Traditional Okinawan Shorin Ryu of Grandmaster Eizo Shimabukuro

By Sheree Adams1 The indigenous fighting art of Okinawa dates back hundreds of years. It evolved from Gengkosu, or Okinawa fist, that is believed to be approximately 900 years old. The evolvement continued with the influence from China into Todi, China Hand, then to Bushi no Ti, the fighting art of the warrior class. Ti developed into what we commonly know today as Karate. Two main ryuha have developed; Shorin Ryu from Shuri and Tomari and Shorei Ryu from Naha. Shorin Ryu is characterized by its quick movements and fast while Shorei Ryu is known for its strength and soft flowing techniques. This series of DVDs contain the traditional of these two ryuha, or schools, as taught to Grandmaster Eizo Shimabukuro, Hanshi, of Shorin Ryu Karate Do Rendokan, as well as some traditional Okinawan Kobudo. Born in the village of Gushikawa on April 19, 1925, Grandmaster Eizo Shimabu- kuro had the good fortune to have been taught by the legendary teachers of both Shorin and Shorei Ryu. Grandmaster Shimabukuro began his studies in 1937 under Chotoku Kyan, an expert of Tomari te. It was Kyan sensei whose effect on Grandmaster Shimabukuro has been most profound. Kyan sensei’s constant drilling on morals and conduct instilled in his students the humility and gentleness you see today in Grandmaster Shimabukuro. Under Kyan sensei’s tutelage, Grandmaster Shimabukuro excelled at kicking and . He is also one of the few people to learn the secret technique of defense against multiple attackers, which consists of fighting inverted while in the safety of a tree. The kata shown in these DVDs from Kyan sensei are , , Wanshu, Gojushiho and Chinto. In 1938, Grandmaster Shimabukuro began training in Shorei Ryu under Goju Ryu’s founder Chogun Miyagi. He trained simultaneously in Shorin Ryu and Goju Ryu under both Kyan and Miyagi sensei and continued to practice and teach both systems until 1950. Since then he has concentrated primarily on preserving and teaching Shorin Ryu. From Miyagi sensei he acquired the strength and practiced the diaphragmatic breathing know to Goju Ryu. He still retains and teaches the kata Seuinchin and from his training with Miyagi sensei. In 1943, Grandmaster Shimabukuro left Okinawa for Osaka. Living next door to his cousin in Osaka was Choki Motobu. Grandmaster Shimabukuro was able to avail himself of Motobu sensei’s expertise in regards to his legendary and powerful punches. Makiwara were plentiful around Motobu sensei’s residence and marathon makiwara training was not uncommon. In May of 1948, Grandmaster Shimabukuro opened his first dojo. This was the be- ginning of what came to be 64 years of continuously teaching traditional karate. For 20 years the U.S. Marine Corp contracted Grandmaster Shimabukuro to teach their troops at several different dojo. To date, Grandmaster Shimabukuro estimates he has person- ally trained as many as 35,000 U.S. military personnel. Today there are many dojo of various styles throughout the world that, at some point in their lineage, have been influ- ence by Grandmaster Shimabukuro. In 1955, Grandmaster Shimabukuro trained with Zenryo Shimabukuro, a long time student of Chotoku Kyan. They were good friends and Grandmaster Shimabukuro credits Zenryo Shimabukuro as one of his teachers. In 1960, Grandmaster Shimabukuro was recognized as an expert in Okinawan karate and was awarded the title of Hanshi by Kanken Toyama. Also, Grandmaster Shimabu- kuro was appointed to the position of Chairman of the Okinawa, General Headquarters, All Japan Shorin Ryu Karate Do International League. In 1961, Shimabukuro, concerned with the changes he began to see in Shorin Ryu Karate, went to see the oldest Shorin Ryu Grandmaster alive at that time. His name was Chosen Chibana, a Grandmaster of Shuri Te. Wanting to preserve the old “Castle Karate” of Shuri, Grandmaster Shimabukuro humbly received instruction from Chibana sensei in the correct form of those traditional kata. They are Shodan, Nidan and Sandan, Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan and Godan, Sho and Pas- sai Dai and Kusanku Sho and Kusanku Dai. Grandmaster Shimabukuro also preserves and teaches traditional Okinawan Ko- budo. From Kyan sensei he learned Tokumine no Kun and Sakagawa no Kun. These kata are thought to have been devised by “Tode” Sakagawa and passed on via “Bushi” Matsumura. Grandmaster Shimabukuro’s sai kata consist of Tawata no Sai as taught by Tawa- ta via Taira Shinken to Grandmaster Shimabukuro and Tõei2 no Sai, a kata Grandmas- ter Shimabukuro originated in 1948. Grandmaster Shimabukuro also teaches his own kama kata that he devised in 1946 called Tōei no Kama. Grandmaster Shimabukuro has developed a comprehensive self-defense system called Tōei no Jujutsu. Tōei no Jujutsu is a collection of over 400 techniques that include defenses against attacks by knife, club, sword, spear or bo. Grand Master Shimabukuro considers himself fortunate to have had five great teachers. They are Chotoku Kyan, Chogun Miyagi, Tatsuo Shimabukuro (his older brother and founder of Isshin Ryu), Choki Motobu and Zenryo Shimabukuro. Grandmaster Shimabukuro has taught an untold number of students over de- cades of teaching and has traveled to North American multiple times to instruct at his various dojo. In 2008, Grandmaster Shimabukuro made his last trip to the United States that culminated in a banquet honoring his 60th year of teaching. Today Grandmaster Shimabukuro’s hope is that traditional Okinawan Karate Do will be preserved through the diligence and dedication of his students. These DVDs were produced as an adjuvant for Grandmaster Shimabukuro’s stu- dents and as a way to preserve the traditional kata of Okinawa. We hope you enjoy these DVDs. 1 This historical introduction was compiled from an interview with Grandmaster Shimabukuro during his 1999 visit to Sheree Adams’ dojo in Powell River, BC, Canada. Relevant updates were added in 2012. 2 Tōei is the romaji for the kanji of Grandmaster Shimabukuro’s kata and jujutsu.