General Index Byzantine Lectionary 49 Byzantine Liturgical Tradition 118, 187, 189,217 1 Corinthians 60, 196 Byzantium 45, 184 1 Cor

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General Index Byzantine Lectionary 49 Byzantine Liturgical Tradition 118, 187, 189,217 1 Corinthians 60, 196 Byzantium 45, 184 1 Cor General Index Byzantine lectionary 49 Byzantine liturgical tradition 118, 187, 189,217 1 Corinthians 60, 196 Byzantium 45, 184 1 Cor. (12:7-9) 88 Canada24 1 Cor. (2: 16) 60, 197 Cappadocian Fathers 27, 138, 203 1 Kings 3 193 Catholic Counter-Reformation 215 1 Peter 3:4 182 Caucasus Mountains 163 Absolute 152, 153, 155, 181 charity 210 Aetius 138 chemistry 175 anakephalaiosis ( ava.Ke<j>aA.a.tcoot~ ) 26 Chernobyl' vii Annointing Christ7,57,60,61,69, 76,81,84,90,91, Sacrament of 86 99,100,106,121,130,141,144,154,165, anthropology 171, 177, 203 196,233,236,241,249 antinomy 27, 49, 66, 80, 109, 136, 170, Christian Righteousness x, xi, 21, 33, 38, 171,179,180,181,207 39,41,42,62,64,71, 72,73, 74,75,84, apokatastasis ( WtOKatacrtamg 80 86, 91, 98, 104, 113, 115, 117, 129, 131, apophaticism vi, 26, 27, 49, 54, 66, 68, 136,143,198,200,216,220,221,227, 77,99, 114,133,203,207 228,229,230,231,232,234 Apostles 67, 81 Christology vi, 171 Arethas 113 Church 24, 32, 34, 141, 142, 149, 156, Arianism 138 177,185,219,221,241,249,252 Aristotle 93,200 Church Universal viii Ethics 200 Church, Catholic 35, 81, 178,214,219, ascesis 9, 30, 75, 178 234 atheism 148, 158 Cioran, Samuel 157 Austro-Hungarian Empire 2 circumspection 111 baptism 83, 199 coincidence of opposites 180 Basilian nuns 17 Colossians (2:2) 60 Basilians (OSBM) 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,10 communism 34 Batum 175 Confession 134, 248 Bazylewycz, A. 22, 239 Constantinople 163 beatific vision 98 consubstantiality 168 Beatitudes 88, 200 cooperatives 13 beauty 175, 178, 183 Copleston, F. 153, 157 belles lettres, 44 cosmology 26, 159, 177 Benedictines 5, 7 cosmos vii, 17 4 Berdayev, Nicholas 158 councils 77 biology 175 Archeparchial-Lviv 18, 33 Blahochestia (Bnarosecra) 31 Archeparchial-Lviv, (1940) 122, 123, blessedness 97, 98 139,143,241,242,243 Bossuet, J.B. 50 Archeparchial-Lviv, (1942) 123, 125, Botsian, Bishop Y osyf 24 242,244 British Museum 159 Chalcedon, (451) 141, 166 B ukovinians 24 ecumenical 81, 89 Bulgakov, Sergey iv, 160, 162, 164, 165, Lviv, (1891) 86 166,167,169,170,171,173,174,175, L'viv, Pseudo-council of(1946). 35 176,177,181,185,221 Nicea, (325 ) 129 From Marxism to Idealism, (1903) Trent72,80,81,82,83,86,98, 198, 164 216 "The Philosophy of Vatican I 83, 198, 216 Economics",(1912) 162 Vatican II 213 The Unfading Light, (1917) 163, 166 Zamost',(1720) 86 The Wisdom of God,(1937) 167, 171 counsel 109 General Index Cracow 6, 9 Fichte, J.B. 152 creation 129, 130, 156, 169, 170, 172, 181, Filas, Fr. Platonid, O.S.B.M. 9 191,205 First Absolute 154 Crimea 163 Florensky, Pavel iv, 165, 167, 173, 175, Daniel ( 1) 193 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183, Daniel, prophet 193 185,221 Dar Piatdesiatnytsi ~ap Il'.HT,lleC.HTHHii:i, Of Spiritual Truth 174 [The Gift of Pentecost]. 69 The Pillar and Foundation of Truth despair 199 173,177 Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite 198 folly, (µropta) 106 Divine Nature 28 foresight 109, 111 Divine Ousia 68, 138 forgiveness 199 Divine Revelation 74, 75, 77, 81,172,227, freedom 172 228,229,230,233 Galatians.(5:22) 87 Divine Salvation 219 Genocchi 20 divinisation vi, 28, 69, 101,170,222 see Georgia 174 also theosis Germany 116 Dobromyl' 7, 8 Genesis.(4 1) 193 docility 109, 111 "(\'0µ11 (gnome)l09, 112 Dresden 163 gnosis 159 dualism 168 Gnosticism 156, 157, 158, 167, 171, 172, Eastern Churches 212 177,183 Eastern Europe 2, 219 God-Man 142, 154, 156,249 Eastern Theological Motifs 25 Godmanhood 69, 154, 156, 167, 171, 177 Ecclesiastes 106 grace 33, 64, 78, 88, 89, 99, 101, 103, 105, ecclesiology 26,171,216 114,122,130,196,234,235,244 Catholic 212 Greek 190,201 economics 162 Greek culture 60 ecumenism iii, 16, 164, 219, 241 see also Greek language 60 union of Churches Greek philosophy 60 Ego 185 Halych 10 Egypt159 Harvanko, S. 89 emanationism 158 Hebrew 55, 190, 194 energeia (evEp)'Eta) 27 Hebrew Bible 194 ethical maximalism 103, see moral Hegel, G.W.F. 152, 153 maximalism Hellenistic Judaism 193 euboulia. 112 heresy 158, 180 Eucharist 100, 220 Hesychasm 27, 28 Eunomians 27 Hitler 116 Eunomius 203 holiness vii, 66, 68, 69, 91, 125, 126, 127, Europe iii, 5, 6, 126 128,131,203,220,239,244,249,251 eustochia 111 Holy of Holies 54 Evagrius Ponticus 29,146,218 Holy Scripture 49, 52, 59, 61, 81, 84, 91, faith 83, 102, 104, 114, 234, 243 104,122,187,189,196 Fathers of Syrian Desert 199 Holy See 23 Fathers of the Church vi, vii, viii, xi, 25, Holy Spirit 29, 52, 59, 61, 67, 79, 80, 87, 51,53,57,66, 70, 72, 77, 79,81,85,89, 88,101,103,110,126,197,237,251 94,99, 102,108,109,114,117,118,130, gifts of 57, 61, 64, 80, 87, 88, 89, 103, 136,138,140,146,147,150,153,170, 110,113,128,129,197,212 172,185,187,188,196,197,198,200, Holy Tradition 77 201,202,204,205,206,207,208,209, Holy Triad 37 ,39 211,212,215,217,221,222,225,234 hope 83, 85, 102, 199 Fathers of the Desert 203 Horologion 68 Fathers of the Egyptian desert 30 Hrynchyshyn, Bishop Michael ix 273 General Index humanity 178 Latin 201 idealized 154 Latin rite 49 humility 191 latinization viii, 15, 212 Hutsuls 11, 24 linguistics 176 hymnography 182 Liturgical Movement 214 hypostasis vi, 29, 168,222 liturgical questions 23 Hypostatic Union 29 liturgical reform 15 icons of Sophia 184, 242 liturgical service in honour of Sophia, 184 idealism 162 liturgy viii, 45, 46,212, 214 Idealism, German 158, 215 Logos46,57,60, 77,143,153,154,165, ignorance 93 168 Immaculate Conception 82, 121, 132 Incarnation of 154 immortality of the soul 18 Lord's Prayer 61, 68, 69, 70, 71, 116, 123, imprisonment 17 127,136,241,251 Incarnation 138, 140, 141, 154,245 Lossky, Vladimir v Ineffabilis Deus 82 Louis XIV 50 ingenuity 109 love vi, 7, 18, 19, 27, 32, 80, 84, 85, 86, integral knowledge 179 87,88,89,90, 131,139,145, 18~ 184, intellect 109, llO, 1 ll 243,244,246,247 intellectual intuition 152, 155 L'viv 17, 18, 132,197,225,226,227,237 intelligence 110 L'viv Archeparchial News 38 Isaiah, prophet 57, 87 L'viv seminary 12 Israel 190, 191 L'viv,Theological Academy of 12, 13, 14, Jackowski, Fr. Henryk 4 121 James (1:5) 188 Luke (21:15) 59 James (3: 14-15) 134 Mark (13: 11) 59 James (4:1-3) 52 martyrdom 32 Jansenism 216 Marxism 161 Jesuit College, Cracow 9 Mary 49, 82, 121 Jesuits 4, 7, 8, 9,215 materialism 150 Jesus ben Sirach 56 mathematics 176 Jews 20 Matthew (10: 16) 59 Job (28:28) 135,249 Mattew (25:1-13) 59,105 Justification 80, 82, 83, 86 Matthew (5) 88 Justinian 45 Matthew (7:24) 59 Kant, E. 152 maximalism 29, 92 kenotic spirituality 140,245 medical clinic 13 kenosis ( xeveoou; ) 31 memory 109 Khomyakov ,A. 179 memory 111 Khrystynopil' 10 mercy 199 Kiev 46,184 Messiah 54 Kiev-Halych messianic texts 56 Church of viii metalogical order 179 Kievan Rus' 31, 184 metaphysics 157, 164 Kingdom of God 155,219 Metrophana 113 Kireyevsky, Ivan 152, 179 Misle 55 Philosophical Foundations of Integral Missionary, The 9 Knowledge 152 Mohyla, Petro, Metropolitan of Kiev 214 knowledge 19, 33, 44, 47, 57, 67, 74, 76, monasticism 8, 14, 20,205 80,87,88,89,92,99, 101,102,111,132, monism 168, 170 152,179,185,193,201,207,230,232, Montecassino 5 233,234,235 moral maximalism 92 Korolevs'kyi, Fr. Cyrille ix, 12 Moscow 6, 163, 165 Kulish, P.57 Moscow Patriarchate 35 274 General Index Moscow Theological Academy 174, 176 passions 82, 85, 92, 93, 98, 104, 112, 120, Moscow, University of 148,159,163, 174 205 mudrist' (Mynpicrs ) 45 Pastoral Letter "More about Mystical or mystagogy 83 Spiritualist Phenomena," (September mystery v, 99, 101, 165 1942) 140, 244 mystical ascent 98 Pastoral Letter (November 15, 1934), mystical experience v, vi, 33, 142, 144, about the Feast of Christ the King 24 7 145,160,162,175,209,222,244 Pastoral letter "Ilpo MOnHTBY "[On mystical knowledge 216 Prayer] 38, 42,219,225 mystical life 28 Pastoral letter "The teaching of mystical teaching 210 Catechism," (August 15, 1934) 247 mystical theology v Pastoral letter "On Mercy," (June 194 2) mystical vision 159, 194, 244 130,244 mysticism 148 Pastoral letter "Our Program," to the natural law 112 clergy of the Stanislaviv Eparchy, natural science 156 (July 1899) 239 nature 78, 81, 84, 113, 114, 120 Pastoral letter "Who is at Fault?" (May Nazis 20 1934) 133,246 Neoplatonism 158 Pastoral letter of the three Ukrainian Neoplatonist Nous 153 Catholic ordinaries of Western Ukraine, NewTestament43,51,53,60, 106,192, November 13, 1936, regarding the 196 apostolate of the laity 128, 251 Nicholas of Cusa 180 Pastoral letter "Pravdy Viry" [The Truths non-contradiction, principle of 136 of the Faith], (1902) to the Ukrainians Novgorod 184 settled in Canada 128,251 occupation Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful Soviet Russian 18, 33, 34, 120, 132 (November 3, 1937),on the subject of Old Church Slavonic 45, 58 those who did not receive Holy Old Testament 43, 52, 53, 54, 56, 90, 106, Communion at Paschaltide 134, 248 107,124,189,192,193,195,196 Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful Old Testament prophets 54 for Great Lent, (1939) 127, 135, 249 ontology vi Pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful Origen 67, 189,205, 211 on the dangers of communism, (July Commentary on the Song of Songs 1936) 126, 248 210 Pastoral letter"The Christian Family," a Original Sin 81, 82,203 pastoral letter to the clergy and faithful of orphanage 12 the Stanislaviv Eparchy 130, 239 Orthodox Church viii, 34,137,162, 178 Pastoral letter,"To the Youth of Ukraine" Orthodox theologians 35 132 Orthodox Theological Institute 164 Pastoral letter,"On Catechetical Ousia 27, 49, 105, 137, 168, 170,172,203, Instruction(l934) 125 222 Pastoral letter, "The Greatest Palamism 27, 28, 35, 172 Commandment," (1901) 129,131,239 Palamite hesychasm 35 pastoral letters 22, 23, 24, 25 Palladius 208 penance 199 panentheism 170, 181 Peripatetics 93 pantheism 162, 170, 174, 180 persecution 195 papal Encyclicals 214 philosophy 72, 74, 75, 156, 164 Paradise 76 Hellenic 150,200 paralysis 16 moral 210 Paris 163, 164 natural 210 Pastoral Letter "The Most Powerful Russian "religious" 150 Instrument for Pastoral Work," (Spring Western 150, 151, 153 1943) 139, 245 phronesis (q,pov11m<;) 58 275 General Index physics 175, 176 141,147,148,173,178,181,203,215, physike (<l>ucrtK'Jl)98 216,221 Pidliute 225 Ruts'kyi.Yosyf Veliamyn, Metr.
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