ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND Annual General Meeting Saturday 7th July 2012 at 2.00 p.m.

The 75th Annual General Meeting of the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland was held in The Raheen Woods Hotel, Athenry, on Saturday 7th July at 2.00 p.m.

Attended: 80 persons attended.

Apologies: 7 Apologies.

The President welcomed all to the A.G.M.

1. The Minutes of the AGM of 2nd July 2011 were taken as read and adopted on the proposal of Barry Hogsett, seconded by Kay Molloy.

2. Matters Arising: None.

3. Report from General Secretary:

Membership 2011/12 The membership figure this year again shows a substantial gain - this time 693 additional affiliations. This represents a gain of 2.27% in affiliated members - we are almost 1000 ahead of the 2010 figure, so good work everyone. One new Grand Master this year - Donal Garvey - congratulations to him! We caught him with the presentation when his NPC Gay Keaveney, presented it to him at the Seniors Camrose match in Scotland. Coming down the track are Michael McGloughlin, Karel de Raeymaeker & Tommy Garvey. Karel is making the pace and although lying in second place in this race, he has been racking up 70+ National Points over the past few years; so if anyone is opening a book on the next Grand Master that's where my money would go! To give us another problem - what will we call "Double" Grand Masters - "Great", "Superb", "Glorious"? Gay Keaveney heads the list with 1952 National Points and Tom Hanlon holds 1944. Both are likely to top the 2000 mark during this coming season - a subject for another day, perhaps!

Club & Regional Information We lost 5 clubs permanently, gained 15 new clubs and welcomed back one. AND for next year - we have at least 3 new clubs set up to affiliate in September - along with three more clubs who have been on the "being stalked" list for a few years. There remain a number of clubs whom we know are not properly affiliating all their members - we hope to initiate action that will prompt clubs to review their affiliation "Policy" to reflect their correct membership during the coming year.

The Club Master Point returns are coming in reasonably well - we have approximately 55% in and processing by the inch at this stage - we will again cut at end of July this year; thereafter automatic allocations will be made. Once again this year, the automatic allocations are 400 for a factor 4 Club, 500 for a factor 5 Club & 600 for a factor 6 Club. NB We will again make the draw for those Clubs who have submitted before the end of June under AOB later! 1 1 Governing Council and Management Committee Meetings There were three Governing Council and five Management Meetings since last AGM - all valuable and well attended. I would again encourage Regions to ensure that where the delegates are unable to attend meetings, substitutes should be identified that could attend if called upon. Items can crop up that need to be attended to quickly.

Sub-committees operated in the following areas: Teaching A "New" teacher's course was held in April in Templeogue from which 22 new teachers were qualified. The next new teachers' course will not be held until 2013-14 to allow demand to build up again.

Master Classes for existing teachers will be organised for next season.

Work is continuing on reordering the content of the Teaching Manuals with Helen Holman putting in the main effort. It is hoped that Seamus Dowling's input can move this project forward over the next few months.

As comprehensive a list of classes as possible is published in our September Newsletter and uploaded on to our website. We would ask for everyone's help in getting that information collected and collated - CDOs and Regional Officers please help.

Our thanks to the Teaching Committee, Pat Carr, Helen Holman, Maire O'Keeffe, Anne Doyle, Maureen Meade, Roisin Troy, Michael O'Loughlin, Thomas MacCormac and Fionuala Gill, with advisor Seamus Dowling.

Youth The two schools competitions were organised without Gay Keaveney this season- the Pairs in Limerick and Teams in Galway. Thomas MacCormac and Eamon Galligan, aided and abetted by Diarmuid Reddan, took on the task and seem to have coped manfully. I know that Thomas has proposed some slight changes to the structure which have been relatively well received, but he has mostly adhered to the tried and trusted Thank you to Thomas & Eamon.

We are again hoping to present bridge at "Freshers Week" in 3rd level institutions in September to attempt to retain some of our schools experts - Richard Boyd will be looking after that. If any of you have any contacts that could be mobilised in this area please let me know.

Our youth committee, with some changes in personnel, is beavering away ort behalf of our young players. As yet, there are no plans for a Golf Outing, but that may change. Other fund raising efforts were held in the past year and the raffle was very successful. We have a pair in Vejle in Denmark this week, Richard Boyd & Kelan O'Connor. Finishing just yesterday evening, the lads finished in 10th place in the President's Cup - a very respectable result. Again I would ask, if any of you know of young people anywhere in the country who are interested in bridge, the Committee would like to hear of them.

Thanks to Martin Brady, Ann Fitzmaurice, Karel de Raeymaeker, Michelle Murray, Richard Boyd, Thomas MacCormac, Aoife MacHale and John Murchan. Michelle has just retired and her position as Treasurer is to be taken by Aoife. John Comyn has also retired and we thank him for all his efforts.

2 Tournament & Play Committee The Committee met on a number of occasions during the year when the need arose. Two of our Assistant National Tournament Directors, Bernard Higgins & Michael O'Malley, have put together a Club level Tournament Directors Course, which they have delivered in various venues across the country. Some of you may be thinking of organising such a course for your own areas during next season - don't put it off - have material, will travel!! Thanks to Convenor Fearghal O'Boyle, Tom Hanlon, Tomas Roche, Joe Murray, Gordon Lessells, Brian Lawlor and Diarmuid Reddan.

Finance The finance committee is comprised of relatively local members who are always available to meet (usually at short notice) to review our financial progress and plans. There are still only 5 of the 13 Regions who remit Affiliation Fees directly to HQ to help with our cash flow. We would really appreciate it if others could follow that pattern. We did need to take up the offers of cash assistance in the late Autumn from various sources, but only for a short period of time - many thanks to those who helped. My thanks to Hon Treasurer, Freda Fitzgerald, Neil Burke and Fran Swift, and our Auditor - Joe Bevan.

Competitions A number of our original Competitions Committee abandoned ship last year and we recruited a number of new members …. but we have yet to meet! Circumstances overtook us during this year and "normal" activities were suspended. Thanks in advance to Barbara Burke, Freda Fitzgerald, Brendan Martin, Damien Nee and Margaret Walshe.

The competitions held during the year were in the main very successful with the unavoidable change in venue for our National Pairs Championships - to this hotel, being the only time when criticisms were levelled. The venue here is just marginally too tight for the 60 tables required, resulting in some of the Inter B tables locating in the foyer. The hotel did everything right and we are very grateful for their prompt response to the situation that developed when the Shannon Oaks Hotel was damaged. Our switch of the National Mens & Womens Pairs & Teams Championships to Westmanstown was warmly received - once the travellers found the venue! Entries in our 2012 Simultaneous Pairs Week Competition grew again and we hope the new prize structure - which included nightly prizes for Intermediate A, B & Novices, was well received. Our commentaries received general praise but the odd complaint crept in when Enda Murphy's "political" asides did not meet with approval- my hands are up - the Editor's fault! Our thanks to commentators Tommy Garvey, Enda Murphy, Derek O'Gorman & Terry Walsh, Lucy & John Phelan & Thomas MacCormac & Peter Pigot. Please encourage more of your clubs to get involved - next year's will run from 4 - 8 February 2013. The Marie Cummins Trophy was won this year by the South Eastern Region. It is presented to the Region with the best overall performance from all three national team events. The Intermediate B competition received only 13 entries - up from 9 last year but still far short of the 28 teams possible!! The Northern Region was loath to relinquish the magnificent Trophy as they had held it for the past two years, but we have prised it from their grasp and I would ask President Sheila to present it to a member of the South Eastern Regional Committee - to be dusted until next April!

The “4Fun” teams event, played in early June was the now customary success. The Frank & Brenda Kelly Trophy was presented this year to Roscommon who shone in a field of 60 teams, one up on last year. The Trophy was there - carefully wrapped up - so it was not presented on the day. Please step up Larry Shine to receive it now!! (I have had time to get it engraved as well!) Because of a clash with another event, the photographers were missing from the day so if any counties had their own publicity machine there on the day - we would love to get some photos of the teams, particularly the prizewinners and of course the Best Dressed 3 Team where I believe Louth retained its title. KilKENNY, despite signed undertakings, was again missing - there will be sanctions if no team appears next year. We played in Westmanstown Sports Centre again this year and the venue and arrangements were superb - many thanks to Barbara Burke.

Many, many thanks to our fantastic Tournament Directors who have done heroically during the season - they are "simply the best"! Thanks also to those who act as our Observers and members of Tournament & Play Committees at our National events and there is now a position of "Appeals Consultant" - someone who will advise against risking the deposit!!

Orientation Course I Manual. We have distributed Organisational Guidelines for Clubs, followed by the equivalent Guidelines for Regions and we got distracted from the follow through that would have produced briefing workshops for Regions. We will follow through on that during the coming season, if Regions require assistance in the area.

International Committee Our International Committee does its best to organise our trials, attempting to reach trials formats that will be meet the approval of as many as possible. Meetings have been held with player representatives but precious few have turned up for them. The ladies steering group initiated in 2010 appears to have passed away, but perhaps the right person could be found to give it the "Kiss of Life". Our thanks to Michael O'Connor, Mary Trench, Alex Montwill, Michael McGloughlin and Tomas Roche.

Marketing & Communications Resurrection time - we didn't meet during the year but with the potential of large numbers of beginners in September, we need to get back into the marketplace A S A P. Previous members - sit beside the phone waiting for a call!!

International Competition We retained the Sonya Britton Trophy for the friendly match against the NIB U last August in Armagh and despite the Northern Region's entertainment efforts, we failed in retrieving the Corn Cairdis trophy from the English - so while they did bring it over for the event, they took it away again! Our various Camrose , Lady Milne, Junior Camrose & Peggy Bayer, and Senior Camrose efforts failed to secure any of those trophies for us this year - but we always have next year! And the year after and the year after that again!!

The recent European Championships in Citywest, while not producing any medals for the teams, has provided invaluable practice for our teams who all get the opportunity to do battle again in 5 weeks time in the . I have no doubt they will continue to do us proud at the table. The real winners were yourselves, together with all your clubs, regions, congresses and many individual players who firstly responded with the funding to allow us to hold the Championships. You then followed up by volunteering in your droves to help at the Championships - whether it be "Meet & Greet", driving officials, manning the hospitality desk, watching the phones of the players, standing sentry outside the playing rooms, acting on "pee" duty (Accompanying players to the toilet) acting as caddies, dealers, shop assistants (Merchandising), BBO operators, Vu graph commentators, journalists in the Bulletin, media relations - releasing photographs to the regional newspapers, shopping facilitator, arranging the wonderful flowers that adorned the premises, helping to assemble (and disassemble) the tables and equipment needed for the Championships, and of course, our superb Tournament Directors Fearghal & Diarmuid who got plenty of calls to the table and got all their decisions right! - we thank you for making the 51st European Team Championships "one of the best (if not the best) of the modern era" to quote many of the players and officials 4 who attended - and with just 4 months of a lead time. Then there were all of you who came to support - to watch at the table, to sit in the theatre and to play in the open pairs - more than 100 clubs were represented by their members thank you! The venue in Citywest was wonderful with every member of the staff reacting instantly to any request for assistance. Our only blip there was the unfortunate scarcity of rooms on the last few nights which resulted from the hotel having accepted a booking from a conference for that second weekend - and being unable to get it relocated. We had a superb Organising Committee - Chairman Joe Moran who had the experience of organising the Killarney Championships (and still doesn't do detail), now former NIBU Chairman Sandie Millership who took care of the worldwide face of the Championships in organising the BBO presentation and of course, the excellent IBU President Mary Kelly-Rogers from Fermanagh! Mary started her preparations in February and worked on the Transport & Hospitality areas, sourcing the hospitality bag from China, the contents from all over the place, the prizes from Belleek Pottery, producing with our own Bulletin Editor, Olive Rose, an exceptional Hospitality Guide - absolutely stuffed with everything our visitors could need. Her Transport team organised the transfers to and from the airport with consummate ease - despite the unwillingness of many players to divulge their travel arrangements! Each of these Committee members had appointed Deputies who could take over in case of a bus running over them - Mary had Fionuala Gill, Sandie had Eamon Galligan, Paul had Valerie Mathers and Joe had Paul-I suppose that meant Joe had Valerie if the bus hit Paul? Anyhow, it was a fantastic piece of organisation, so much so, that Maurizio di Sacco, the EBL Tournament Manager, spent his time in the car to the airport asking when did we think we could hold another Championship? He was so impressed with the venue and the number and quality of our volunteer helpers! Who knows? But Ireland is back on the map, one way or the other!

We even had genuine security agents in place during the Championships, courtesy of the Israeli teams - Alex & Hagay were really nice chaps who fitted right in, once you got over the constant talking to their wristwatches and hands to the ears! It didn't hurt that one of them was the best looking chap on campus - so the ladies said! He has an open invite to every county in Ireland so long as it begins with D and ends in L. He fell into chat with one of our caddies and told her this story.

The Mossad had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists; Two men and a woman. For the final test, the Mossad agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. 'We must know that you will follow our instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. . . Kill her!!' The man said, 'You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife...' The agent said, 'Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home.'

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, 'I tried, but 1 can't kill my wife.' The agent said, 'You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home.'

Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping the sweat from her brow. 'This gun is loaded with blanks' she said. 'I had to beat him to death with the chair.'

MORAL: Women are crazy. Don't mess with them. 5 We have a few items remaining from the Championships that you might be interested in. We have some of these wonderful side tables in White and Green - selling for €3 each - these would be wonderful for your garden and placing your mint juleps on! Then there are the Championship glasses - going for €l0 each. If you don't like mint juleps, these would be perfect for home-made lemonade to cool you down in the raging sun! And I have brought some of the Bulletins from the Championships for you as well- help yourselves!

Appreciations It is an unfortunate fact that life is fleeting and gaps have been created amongst our numbers since we met last year. It is impossible to list everyone here but to mention a few - we have lost Des Scannell, Stan Coggin, Ger Cummins, Tom Molamphy, Frank Gallagher, Tom Kavanagh, Canon John B Deane, Kay Bonner, Treasa Lyons, Tom & Jean Boland (parents of Rory) and many others I just heard yesterday of the passing of Kay McGarry, mother of Kieran and some of you veterans of Mary Walsh's foreign holidays will remember Mary's great friend, Daphne Reilly, originally from Wales but who lived in Manchester - she too left us recently - we will remember you all.

Our sympathies must also go to players who have lost family members during the year and there were many.

Also, serious illness continues to beset numbers of our members during the year we wish them all a speedy return to full health.

Many thanks to all our Regional Secretaries, County Development Officers, Master Point Secretaries, Public Relations Officers, members of the Governing Council and all our Officers.

I would like to repeat the advice I gave last year to any officer involved at Regional or County level - if you don't find yourself comfortable in a role with which you have been landed - ask for a transfer! Some jobs don't suit everybody, so don't feel awkward at asking to be relieved of your responsibilities; your Regional Committees can try to find a replacement. There is nothing worse than thinking that a particular role is being undertaken to discover at the end of a year that nothing happened. We all need to be particularly aware and active during this time to avail of our opportunities. Again thanks to all those who have contributed throughout the year.

Sheila has represented the Association wonderfully across the country, responding to the need to encourage members and clubs to support our Championship fundraising in particular and fitting in every Congress, competition and meeting between her holidays in Spain. She now returns to the day job of Carlow County Development Officer and getting her next to last available son married off - still one left! Thank you most sincerely, Sheila.

Vice President Michael is believe it or not, starting his 10th year in office. I referred to him in my notes for the Western Region AGM as having "the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of Job" and that he has, in spades! Thank you, Michael.

President Emeritus Joe took to the airwaves before the Championships in an effort to get bridge some coverage and we did eventually!! And we got Mary O'Rourke and her kickboards for good measure!! Thank you Joe - it was a costly exercise for you personally.

Emer has just finished her five years as Hon Secretary - and has done a superb job in the role. Any delays in issuing minutes are down to me - not to Emer. It s hard to believe but the time has flown and Emer flies Iow when she travels to Dublin for our meetings. So much so that she was stopped for speeding recently. She rolled down the window and asked: 6

“Is there a problem, Officer?” Garda answers “Yes ma'am, I'm afraid you were speeding.” Emer:-“Oh, I see”. Garda “Can I see your license please?” Emer: “Well, I would give it to you but I don't have one”. Garda: “Don't have one?” Emer: “No. I lost it 4 years ago for drunk driving” Garda: “I see...Can I see your vehicle log book please?” Emer: “I can't do that”. Garda: “Why not?” Emer: “I stole this car” Garda: “Stole it?” Emer: “Yes, and I killed and cut up the owner”. Garda:” You what!?” Emer: “His bits are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see” The Garda looked at Emer and slowly backs away to his car while calling for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A sergeant slowly approaches the car, hand on his baton, saying “Ma'am, could you step out of your car please!” Emer got out of the car saying: “Is there a problem Sergeant?” Sergeant: “My colleague here tells me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner” Emer: “Murdered the owner? Are you serious?” Sergeant: “Yes, could you please open the boot of your car please” Emer opens the boot, revealing nothing but an empty space Sergeant: “Is this your car, ma'am?” Emer: “Yes, here is the log book” The original guard is quite stunned. Sergeant: “My colleague claims that you do not have a driving license” Emer digs into her handbag and pulls out a wallet and hands it to the sergeant who examines it carefully. Sergeant: “Thank you Ms Kee but I am puzzled, as I was told by my officer here that you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner!” Emer: “Bet the lying bastard told you I was speeding, too.”

Thank you Emer for all your support over the years.

Our Treasurer Freda has completed two years in the role. She comes to the office for half a day almost every Wednesday to keep things up-to-date. Thank you, Freda.

Our Governing Council Chairman Frank continued to keep Council meetings focussed during the year. He had indicated that he would stay on for one more year -last year, and as he is on holidays right now, I cannot confirm that he will continue in the post. In any event, we owe him a huge vote of thanks for his work to date.

Paul O'Reilly stepped up to fill the Governing Council Secretary and to give a left handed perspective on life. Many thanks to Paul and I can confirm he will continue!

We have some moves in the Regional Secretary ranks, Helen Holman takes over from Ger Cassidy in Eastern Region, Jim O'Sullivan from Mary Doherty in Northern Region, Rita Cassidy's spot in North Munster has yet to be filled, Maura Lane takes over from Carmel Connolly in South Munster, Hugh Donnelly-Swift from Marion Kilbride in South Midland, Michael O'Malley from Michael McAuliffe in Dublin South and Jo O'Cleirigh from Ann Burns in Mid Leinster - thank you so much to all the retirees and be assured of our support to all the newcomers.

I have been notified of some changes in the County Development Officer ranks that are absolutely vital to our future -leaving are - Mary Doherty, Danny Liddy, John Fitzgerald, Richard Trehy, Pat Carr, Catherine Slattery, Michael O'Malley (On Promotion), Gerry Tracey - arrived/ ing - Rory Egan, Donal Geraghty, Mary (The Moss) Doherty, Eleanor Hipwell, Moira Coughlan with a few more individuals to be identified. . Our thanks to all those stepping down and good wishes to those taking over. 7

Thank you to George Ryan in the Irish Times, John Comyn in the Sunday Independent, and Michael Brennan at the Munster Express, who give us such good coverage

Una Walsh, editor of our own , the Irish Bridge Journal, is with us and each one of you has a renewal slip within reach; - just complete the renewal slip, give Una the loot for 6 issues, and watch for the postman! We have provided Una with some really good assistants who will work with her over the coming months with a view to expanding the circulation of the IBJ There will be one of them with a list of current subscribers on each door as you leave to ensure you are a subscriber. Seriously, we need to give our own publication every support and help. Thank you, Una.

Valerie, Mary, Fionuala (our part-timers) are the stalwarts of the office and they all went above and beyond the call of duty at the recent Championships as did our dealers Richard & Jonathan. A huge thanks to all of them for their help and support throughout the year. Eoin was with us for a good proportion of the year and he eventually got the remaining Regional websites on line - many thanks to him and congratulations on his upcoming nuptials (Sinead said - Eoin, get a proper job! And he did) And then we have Thomas - who is about to be elevated to the position of PresidentElect. Congratulations on your appointment and many, many thanks for all your efforts with Schools, Juniors and Teaching. Sir!

I attended only one Regional AGM in South Munster this year because of the Championships - and that only because our longest serving Regional Secretary, Carmel, was retiring; methinks she is already enjoying that retirement! I hope to attend as many Secretaries meetings in September as possible.

Failures this year I am too tired to think of them but suspect that some items got long fingered once the Europeans were announced - they will be followed up and attended to.

Successes Our visit to Aras an Uachtarain to meet President McAleese was the highlight of the first half of the year and I know all those who were selected to attend were thrilled to be there and thoroughly enjoyed the day. Our thanks to IBU President Mary Kelly-Rogers for organising it for Irish bridge players. It will be down to Liam to get us invited for a power breakfast with President Higgins! Mary followed that with the inaugural Senior Pairs competition for the Pat McDevitt trophy which was won by Pat McDevitt and Michael MacDonagh! This event takes its place in the calendar together with a Teams event which will be run in April 2013 in Derry.

Presidents Award Our 2011 Award went to that man, Gay Keaveney, from Galway, who backed his love of our game with his actions throughout his life - since he took up bridge in University. He was instrumental in building the magnificent Galway Bridge Centre - in the planning, the fund raising, the finishing! He has been part of the organisation for The "West of Ireland" Congress in Galway every Easter for more years than anyone can remember. He contributed to every issue of the Irish Bridge Journal with his Bidding Quiz since his good friend and partner the late Paddy Walsh began the project. He has organised the annual Schools Pairs & Teams for almost thirty years, giving over two weekends every year to the competitions themselves, not to speak of the many evenings before the events contacting the schools around the country to get their support. He has achieved all of this, while playing his own game of bridge at an incredibly high standard, hampered only by the ineptitude of some of his partners (not you Enda!) Well done Gay. 8 We have more than 20 nominations in hand from last year; entries will close by 31st August for this year’s new candidates.

Looking Forward. We need to continue promote our two sets of Simultaneous Pairs -IBU & CBAI - there is plenty of scope to increase our participation!

The first Celtic Congress was held in Fishguard last weekend and while I heard good reports from our Welsh colleagues, I did hear a bit of muttering from one group of attendees. The dates are tentatively booked for next year's event at the same venue, but I think I might do a little more investigation before we throw ourselves wholeheartedly into the concept.

An invitation to participate with Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland in a Simultaneous Pairs event to replace the annual BGB event has been extended and we have just received fuller details. This proposal has yet to be put to either our Management Committee or the Council of the IBU, but I can imagine that if there is the slightest danger that the entries for our own Simultaneous Pairs might be affected, ....

I am confident of some sponsorship this season from no, not funeral directors but you are going in the right direction - Hidden Hearing and Specsavers! Details later!

In the course of approaching various bodies for support for the European Championships, Dublin South County Tourism discussed the holding of a tournament in 2013 under the umbrella of the "Gathering", a major initiative of Failte Ireland to attract tourists to the country. I quickly put together an outline proposal with costs, expecting the idea to be long-fingered, at least until I had fully recovered from the Europeans. Not at all, I was at a meeting of 20 interested groups on Thursday evening, to be told that the funding was 99.9% in the bag, from leader and from Corporate sponsorship and could we have details by 15th July for a launch on 25th July. This is a Dublin initiative but the same approach will be or has been rolled put across the country. For all of you involved with Congresses - this could be very interesting for you. For me - it will take care of my next few weeks!

I have been greatly honoured by beihg asked to captain the European team for September's Warren Buffett match against the US - because Paul Hackett stepped in to play with Tom Hanlon. Either way, I am delighted to be going, even though there are a few on the team that I wouldn't know if I tripped over them! For myself, I will be 20 years working for you in October this year and I can honestly say I have enjoyed almost every minute of it! Those minutes excluded will be mentioned (with relish) in my memoirs!

NEW MEMBERS Be aware, be very aware, that the opportunity presenting to us this autumn may never be repeated, where we have the chance to introduce Bridge to thousands of Bankers and Civil Servants and others who have opted to take early retirement. These individuals are chomping at the bit for pastimes and pursuits that will engage them for the future. Don't miss the chance to welcome them into our game - even if you have to teach bridge to just 4 in the Drawing Room! Thank you. NEW CLUBS Asgard Kilbride Galway Education Centre Dunshaughlin Harmony Munster Bridge Academy Adagio Cork Cahirciveen Saints & Sinners Liffey KM Kilcullen Portarlington CLTC D15 9 LOST Sometime NYC Duleek Ardee Golf Thomastown RETURNED Bird Avenue FOR NEXT SEASON JOINING Carlow Castle High Cross Tuam Shankhill Tennis CLOSING Drumcondra Novice BEING STALKED Doonbeg Ramelton Milford

4. Report from Hon. Treasurer – Freda Fitzgerald:

“I hope everyone has copes of the Annual Accounts with them. Firstly I would like to thank Joe Bevan, our auditor, for his usual efficient audit of the accounts. Also thanks to my fellow committee members, Fran Swift and Neil Burke. Also the staff in the office at HQ for all their cups of coffee to keep me going when 1 visit them!

A very quick run down through a few items: Income - The Affiliation Income has increased due to the greater than expected rise in Membership Competition Income is down despite a larger in the Simultaneous Pairs, where additional prizes were awarded, but also because entries for some of the National events outside of the capital slipped a little -I don't imagine that this will be ongoing. Expenditure Most items are in line with the previous year. Our staff costs were a little ahead of budget due to Eoin's longer than expected involvement in the Regional Website Development. Our PR costs include the new texting service for members who have provided their mobile telephone numbers. Repairs to Premises is starting to build up as our building ages. This is something we have to keep in mind as we go forward in preparing our ongoing budgets.

Our Balance Sheet shows the surplus over the year building up the Bank Balance, and although the stocks look to have increased significantly, the main reason is a stock of tables which will sell at the start of the season.

I mentioned last year that Paul would revamp some of the layouts of Regional Accounts to reflect the layout recommended in the Organisational Guidelines - 1 will be holding him to that, whenever he gets a minute.

If you have any questions, I would be very happy to get hand over to my boss Paul to answer them!

Thank you.”

Matters arising: None. 10




14 5. Address of President Sheila Gallagher:

“Good Afternoon one and all, and Cead Mile Failte to Athenry to our AGM. It is wonderful to see you all here and thank you most sincerely for coming. Well, all good things come to an end and my term of office likewise.

My sincere gratitude to South Midland Region for nominating me and giving me the opportunity I enjoyed so much and for the tremendous support they have afforded me.

I sincerely want to thank Paul Porteous for all his help during the year. He was always ready to help out and extremely approachable and pleasant. Thank you, Paul.

I would also like to thank the Officers and staff of CBAI Templeogue for all their help and hard work. Thanks to all the members who invited me to their Congresses and were so kind, hospitable and friendly to me. I appeal to all of you to support the Congresses as a tremendous amount of work and effort goes into making them a success and a lot of anxiety in anticipation.

I would also like in particular to thank our Tournament Directors for the wonderful work they do, Their job is not easy and they do it very professionally. Thank you most sincerely. We are fortunate in CBAI to have TDs of their calibre.

I would like to thank all the members and clubs throughout the country who contributed so generously to the hosting of the European Championships in Citywest. It was a tremendous success.

Without your generosity of spirit and deed it would not be possible. Go raibh mile maith agaibh go leir.

I now wish to hand over my chain of office to Liam and I wish him every success.

Beir Sua agus Beannacht ort Liam. Go raibh míle máith agaibh.

6. Incoming President, Liam Hanratty assumes Office:

Prior to his presidential address, Liam Hanratty on behalf of the C.B.A.I. presented Sheila Gallagher with a token of appreciation of her year in office.

“Good Afternoon, Céad Míle Fáilte to Athenry and a very sincere thank you to you all for coming West today and to all the Galway folk who have come out to support me.

I must say a big thank you to the Western Region for nominating me as National President; I feel very privileged and honoured to be the 8th CBAI President from this Region. I am well aware of the contributions made by Past Presidents from the region going back as far as 1950 when J. Henry Daly was elected President at the first A.G.M. to be held outside Dublin (that meeting was held in Galway). The late Dick Tierney and Maureen Ryder were to follow, mighty Workers for our Association, and then we had Una Walsh, Bernie Finan, and Michael O’Connor. Una, Bernie and Michael are with us today and we are very conscious of the tremendous work that they continue to do for the Association. 15 Needless to say others have contributed to the Association also, and the Region has had its fair share of success with many players representing Ireland in major competitions and our Connacht Inter-Provincial Team. While the team may have been a bit slow out of the blocks, (Seamus Dowling's History tells us the Inter Pros started in 1952, and that Connacht’s first success was in 1982), since then they have certainly made up for the slow start - winning 17 times since 1982.

I would like to pay a big tribute to our outgoing President Sheila Gallagher; she was a wonderful President and a perfect Ambassador for the CBAI. I felt she spoke with great sincerity on every occasion in what was a very busy year for the Association and the President. Thank you Sheila for all your efforts and you well deserve a wee trip to Spain that this time might be extended to more than 5 days.

It would be remiss of me if I didn't mention the recent European Championships held in Citywest. They were a fantastic success. Everybody should be very proud. It has done a lot of good for Ireland and for Bridge. The organisers can walk tall, as can all the bridge players who participated, all the Clubs, all the volunteers, and all the fundraisers who helped make this a success. What impressed me very much was the reports I got from overseas players who competed in the event. They spoke glowingly of the welcome, the hospitality, the genuine sincere desire to make everybody welcome and to meet all their requirements. They all expressed a desire to return.

I would love to see the atmosphere from the European Championships permeate through to Clubs, where a warm welcome awaits all, with a particular welcome awaiting beginners and novices who often have a huge fear of meeting more experienced players, a fact which more experienced players may have forgotten! For several years now, I have adopted a catchphrase, which is 'Keep Smiling'! I hope to see many smiling faces in bridge rooms over the coming year and I hope all of us will be smiling at the end of my year in office.

After the meeting there will be light refreshments and a short Charity Bridge Drive, from which the funds will be donated to. Croi, the West of Ireland Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Thank you! Keep Smiling!”

7. Election of Officers: President- Elect - Thomas MacCormac - Nominated by Dublin South Region. Proposed by Aoife MacHale; Seconded by Joe Moran. Vice-President - Michael O'Connor. Proposed by Martin Hayes; Seconded by Rosamund Jennings. Hon. Secretary - Rita Cassidy. Proposed by Mary Doherty; Seconded by Carmel Connolly. Hon. Treasurer - Freda Fitzgerald. Proposed by Kay Downes; Seconded by Frank Kelly. Hon. Auditor - Joe Bevan Proposed by Neil Burke; Seconded by Fran Swift.

8. Any other Business: Draw for clubs who submitted Master Points returns before the end of June was conducted with the prize of the weekend away going to Kilmessan Bridge Club in the North Eastern Region . Further prizes will be drawn in the following week. Thanking all the delegates for coming and contributing, Liam invited everyone for refreshments being served immediately after the meeting. The President closed the meeting.