
361Lec25 HENRY’S LAW CONSTANT Tue 16oct18 is the PARTITION COEFFICENT for a gas between gas phase and a liquid

B(gas) B(liquid) B(liquid) B(gas)

partial pressure of gas  pB   pB  K( forward) = =   or   dissolved gas [B]eq  XB eq OR

concentration dissolved gas [B]  XB  K(backward) = =   or   partial pressure of gas  pB eq  pB eq

so, HENRY’S LAW CONSTANT= an ALL of the above = “HENRY’S LAW”

1 Vapor Pressure of dissolved gas k = K = B eq of dissolved gas

Why are they so large??? They are the vapor pressure of the “pure dissolved gas” i.e. Xgas = 1 Hypothetical standard state of pure aqueous gas with a ∆H0 = to that of the gas surrounded by the . The numbers are straight-line EXTRAPOLATIONS of values at very low up to X = 1 for the dissolved gas. 2 Looks exactly like Rauolt’s Law: X PB= XBK

3 Table 6.1 Looks exactly like Rauolt’s Law: X X PB= XBK K = PB when XB=1 (the VERY hypthetical “100% gas in liquid” –but surrounded by liquid”)

More reasonable is using the usual 1M standard state

4 361Lec25 Tue 16oct18 Partition Coefficient(s)

Most common: B(solvent 1  B(solvent 2) Keq= [B(2)]/[B(1)] e.g., using “sep funnel” Which of the following are partition coefficients? Name (Keq) Partition Coeff.

Henry’s Law constant B(solvent)  gas(vacuum) PB/[B] or PB/XB

Evaporation/Condensing A(liquid)  gas(vacuum) PA/XA = Vapor Press

Dissolving/Crystallizing crystal  any solvent e.g., [B(aq)]/1 (solubility)

Melting/freezing A(s,Xs,A)  A(liquid,Xliq,A ) X liq,A/Xs,A

Answer: All of the above! For example, Henry’s Law constant is actually the PARTITION COEF. of a gas between vacuum and liquid

5 At equilibrium the activity of a solute or solvent will be the same in ALL phases if the same standard state is used in each phase

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 A A A A B B B B

If A in equil between 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3 THEN also at equil between 1 and 3, even if not touching 6 Gibbs : F= C – P + 2 F= number of “free” intensive variables =how many variables (e.g.,T, p, conci) may be changed without changing the number of phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 C = number of “components” A A A A B B B B P = number of phases

C(P-1) equilibrum constants (constraints) why P-1 ? Because K13 =K12 x K23 P(C-1) + 2 variables why C-1? what are the 2? Because the mole fractions must add to 1

F = number of extra variables = variables – constraints F = P(C-1) – C(P - 1) + 2 F = PC –P – PC + C + 2 = C – P + 2

7 Gibbs phase rule: F= C – P + 2 Example 10 independent things dissolved in P=1 C=10 F = 10-1 + 2 = 11

= 9 of the 10 things , temperature and pressure.

If you lower the temperature until one of the things X precipitates, number of phases is suddenly 2 F becomes 10 because you can no longer control the concentration of X. Why?

because of the equilibrium X(s)Xaq)

If you try to add more X(aq) it would just precipitate and adding more X(s) just makes more X(s), which changes nothing

8 Shaking will create an emulsion: like mayonnaise.

9 Take a different route

10 At equilibrium the activity of a solute or solvent will be the same in ALL phases if the same standard state is used in each phase

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