Hampshire. 27
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DIREOI'ORY.] HAMPSHIRE. ALRESFORD. 27 chapels. The charities amount to about £5o, ari~ing here, and gave it, with -adjoining lands,- to the Knights from various bequests, the chief of which al'e !'ink's £2o, of St. John of Jerusalem; their ancien~ chapel still Harr.itJ's £,10, \\'ither's £.7' xos. Dunn's £5 and O>vey's remains, but is not used. The area. is 509 acres; rateable £4 ns. ...d. rut distributed in pronswns, clothing value, £127; the population in 1891 was ;13. and money. A fire brigade has been formed, and an Post, M. 0. k T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, engine house was erected in 1.881, The fairs are the last P3rcel Po!!t & Insurance k Annuity Office, Alresford. Thursda.y in. July (st}led too July- Lamb Fair); there is George Peploe, postmaster. Letters delivered at 7 & also a pl,::asur& fair held in October-fir,t Thursday after 8.35 a.m., 3·35 & 7·45 p.m. ; mail to South of England, the nth. There are two branch bank~ and a brewery. ;12 noon; the box closes ffrr dispareh at 6..45, .X'k45"' J~angtons, the seat of Col. Henry Stratton Bates J.P. 12.55 & 9 p.m. but letters can be posted by the night is pleasantly situated at the entrance to the town from mail till 9· 10 p.m. with an extra stamp. Money orde:ra the east; Arlebury~ that -of Herbert; H .. Walford esq. on granted & paid from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. Telegraph office the. Winchester road, about half a mile west of the open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. No business transacted on town. The Eccle.siastieal Commissioners are lords of sundays after zu a.m. Wall Letter Bo~ at Railway the manor. The principal landowners are Lord A"h~ st-ation cleared at. 12 noon & 8 p.m.; sun. 8 p.m. ~nly hurton and H. H. 'Valford E-sq. The soil is chalky Parcel Post same as mall & an extra. one. at 10 p.m~ loam; subsoil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats by mail cart turnips and watercre,s. The area is 686 acres; rateable County Magistrates for the Alresford District of the value, £5,413; the population in 1891 was 1,464, includ~ Winchester Petty Sessional Division. ing S officers and 6o inmates in the \\Orkhouse. Bul{lett William Whitear D.L.. Old Alresfo:rd house, Old Parish Clerk, James Sait. Alresford, chait·man OLD AJ.RESFORD is n pari"h in the Eastern division Sbelley Lieut.~Col Sir OharJes bart,Avington pk.Alresford of the county, hundred of Fawley, 'Vinchester petty Ticbborne Sir Henry Alfred Joseph Doughty bart. D.L. sessional division (Alresford district), and county court 'l'ichh'lrne park, Alresford district, Alresford 'union, rm a.l deanery of Alresford Aubertin Lieut.-Col. Peter, The Weir, Alresford and a1tchdeacbnry and diocese of "'inch-ester, separated Dates Col. Henry :::.tratton, Langtons, New Alresford from New Alresford by one of the streams which are Christy Joseph Fell esq. Upton, Old Alresford tributary to the Itchen. The church of St. Mary, built Dutton Henry John esq. Hinton Ampner, Alresford in 1753, is a structure of bricks and tlin~ consisting oi Honghton Thomas Alderman esq. Armsworth house. cl.ancel, nave, transept and a tall massive western tower, Old Alresford containing a. clock and 6 be'ls: there is a monument to Stone Charles esq. Kllnieston, Alresford Jane (Compton), d. 1757, Ist wife of Admiral \Valford Herbert Henry esq. Arlebury, Alre~f{)rd afterwards created! Lord Rodney, • who died in The Chairman of the rur:d district council in the division 1792 and was buried here : the church has about is ex-officio a magistrate 250 sittings. The register dates from the year Clerk, Joseph Ridlev Shield, Broad street 1556. 'rhe livin~ is a rectory, net yearly vahte £278, with Petty sessions are held at the TGwn hall every- alternate residence and :28 .acres of glebe, in the gift of tre Bishop thursday at u a.m. The following places are in of Winchester, and held ~ince rBg{ by the Rev. Frederick eluded in the Petty< Sessional District:-NaW' Alresford, M~thews Middleton M.A. Unin~-rsity Coi:ege, Oxford. Oid Alresford, Bighton, Ropley, Bishop's Sutton, Bram~ The charities are £3 IO~. ~l'a't':y, arising from bequests dean, Hinton Ampner, Cheriton, Beauworth, Ktlmiat<m, in 1700. In 1852 the Misses Omslow erected alms~ Ovington, Tichborne, ltchen Stoke, Northington, houses in me>:IHJry of their mother: they ~ill hold Swhrraton, Brown Candaver, Cbilton Candover, Westl three couples, who live rent free. Here is a. HGme Tisted &; Godsfiald for the orphans and fat~ "l'less <>hildren of Primitive Alresfonl Rural District Council. Methodists and other<>, who are recommended by Meets at the T.Jnion workhouse alte-rnate fridays at 11 a.m, the quarterley meetings oflf tha denomination and Clerk, Matthew Hale Moss, West street, Alresford elected by the annual conferences; they are eligible Treasurer, S. N. Mourant, Capital & Counties Bank, between the ages of five and ten y~ars, and remain in Alresford the institution, boys till fuurteen and girls till sixteen, Medical Officer of H-ealth, Francis William .Jollye, Broad when situations are obtained for them; the present street, Alresford number in the home is 46; viz. '1$ girls and 3r boys; District Surveyor of llighways & Sanitary Inspector, the secretary is the Rev. W. E. Crombie, 17 Rockbourne P. B. Grinham, Tichborne down, Alres~ord l'Oad, Forest HiFl, London S.E. Old Alresford House is Alresford Union. the soot of William Whitear Bulpett esq. D.L., J.P. and The following are the parishes comprised in the union: has grounds of 97 ~cres. Upton House is the seat of Jsph. Deauworth, Bighton, Bishop's Sutton, :Bramdeau, Brown Fell Chri'Sty esq. J.P. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners Candover, Cheriton, Chilton Candover, Godsfield, Bin· are 1ords of the m~mor. The principal landowners are T. ton Ampner, Itchen Stoke, Kilmeston, Ne.w Alresford. A. Houghton, W. W. Bulpett 'and J. F. Christy esqrs. N orthington, Old AlresfQrd, Ovington, Rople;t. Swar The soil is chalk ; subsail, chalk. The chief crops are raton, Tichborne &; West Tisted; the population of wheat, oats and turnips. The area. is g,63o acres of land the union in 1891 was 6,628; area, 42,287 acres; rate and 32 of w;~ter; rat-eable value, £3,211; the population able value in 1894, £32,506 in 1891 wa,s 469. Board days, alternate fridays at the Workhouse at II a.m Parish Clerk, Thomas William Merritt. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment C-ommittee, Post Office.-William Padwick, sub~postmaster. Letters Matthew Hale Moss, West street, Alresford f~om New Alresford arrive at 6.55 a.m. & 10.45 a.m.; Treasurer, S. N. Mourant, Capital &; Counties Bank. xsb dispatch rr.so a.m. & 2nd dispatch at 7.30 p.m. Alresford The nearest. money order &; te:egraph uffice is at New Relieving Officer for the Union, Worthy Light, ilr·11d Alresford, 2 miles distant street, Alresford li'ational School (mixed), erected in r84i at the sole Vaccination Officers, Alresford sub~istrict, George. e:xpense of Miss Onslow, in 1878 tran•ferred to trustees; Lawrence, East street, Alresford; Ropley sub-district, average attendance, 41 ; Mrs. C. S. Rampton, mistress ·waiter Ford, Ropley Armsworth is a. tithing of Old Alresford, 4 miles north~ Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Ko. I district, east from New Alresford station. A service is held here Charles Edward Covey, East street, Alresford; No. l2 every Sunday at 6 p.m. by the rector of Old Allresford in district, }'rancis William Jollye M.R.C.S.Eng. L.R.C.P, a room licensed by the bishop. Armsworth House, a Lond. Broad street, Alresford modern mansion of Italian .architecture, finely situate in Superintendent Registrar, George Peploe, East street, a well-timbered park of so acres and surrounded by ex~ A1resford; d-eputy, Harry Peploe, Ea..,t street, Alresford tensive woods, is the seat. of TbQIIlas Alderman H1>ughton Registrars of Births & Deaths, Alresford sub~strict, esq. J.P. who owns the whole of the 'land; the populati<Jn 'Worthy Light, Broad street, Alresford; deputy, Geo. of the tithing is about 100. Payne, East street, Alresford; Ropley sub~district. Letters through Alresford (which is the nearest money Waiter Ford, Ropley; deputy, Francis N. Ford order & tclegraph office) auive 7-45 a.m Registrar of Marriages, Worthy Light, Broad street; Letter Box cleared at 6.30 p.rn.; sunday, 11 a.m deputy, George Payne, East street, Alresford A school is maintained by Thomas A. Houghton esq Workhouse, Tichborne down, a building of red brick. J.P.; Mrs. Blackstone, mistress built in 1835, to hold 200 inmates; Charles Edward Godsfield, 3 miles north-east from New Alresford Covey, medica.l officer; A. Stokes, master; Mrs Srokes. station, formerly extra~parochial, is now a parish in matron Alresford union, adjoining Armsworth, and belongs to School Attendance Committee. Thomas A. Houghton esq. In the year II38 Henry de Clerk, Matthew Hale Moss, West street, Alresford RWi, BiJhop of Winchester, established a. comrnandery Atte.ndance Officer, Worthy Light, Broad st. Alresf()rd .