09/29/21 Contemporary Social Theory | University of Kent

Contemporary Social Theory View Online

230 items

Useful reference works (6 items)

Key contemporary social theorists - Anthony Elliott, Larry J. Ray, 2003 Book | Core (Must Read)

Contemporary social theory: an introduction - Anthony Elliott, 2014 Book | Core (Must Read)

The SAGE handbook of - 2014 Book | Core (Must Read)

The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014 Book | Core (Must Read)

Social theory: the multicultural and classic readings - Charles C. Lemert, 2004 Book | Core (Must Read)

Contested knowledge: social theory today - Steven Seidman, c2004 Book | Core (Must Read)

Week 13: Introduction: What is social theory? (16 items)

Key readings: (3 items)

Contemporary social theory: an introduction - Anthony Elliott, 2014 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Chapter 1: ‘The Textures of Society’).

Why Is Classical Theory Classical?1 - R. W. Connell, 1997 Article | Core (Must Read)

The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014 Book | Core (Must Read) | Feminist epistemology and the politics of knowledge: questions of marginality

Further readings: (13 items)

Rethinking modernity: and the sociological imagination - 1974- Bhambra, Gurminder K., 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

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Current Sociology - Gurminder K Bhambra, July 2014 Journal | Background (Could Read) | (Special Issue: Knowledge Production in a Global Context – **see introduction and all articles).

Southern theory: the global dynamics of knowledge in social science - Raewyn Connell, 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

Key contemporary social theorists - Anthony Elliott, Larry J. Ray, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in and the Privilege of Partial Perspective - Donna Haraway, 1988 Article | Background (Could Read)

Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought - Patricia Hill Collins, 1986 Article | Background (Could Read)

Black feminist thought: knowledge consciousness and the politics of empowerment - Patricia Hill Collins, 1991 Book | Background (Could Read)

Critical theory: selected essays - Max Horkheimer, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 188–243.

Social theory: the multicultural and classic readings - Charles C. Lemert, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Feminism without borders: decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity - Chandra Talpade Mohanty, c2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Editors' Introduction Reinscribing British sociology: some critical reflections - Thomas Osborne, Nikolas Rose, Mike Savage, 2008-11-24 Article | Background (Could Read)

Contested knowledge: social theory in the postmodern era - Steven Seidman, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Engendering the social: feminist encounters with sociological theory - Barbara L. Marshall, Anne Witz, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Part I: Contested Foundations

Week 14: The Frankfurt School (13 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

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Dialectic of enlightenment: philosophical fragments - Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, 2002 Book | Core (Must Read) | Enlightenment as Mass Deception

Culture industry reconsidered Webpage | Core (Must Read) | pp. 12-19.

Further readings: (11 items)

The essential Frankfurt School reader - A. Arato, 1978 Book | Background (Could Read)

Critical theory: a very short introduction - Stephen Eric Bronner, Dawsonera, c2011 Book | Background (Could Read)

Contemporary social theory: an introduction - Anthony Elliott, 2014 Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 2: ‘The Frankfurt School’).

The philosophical discourse of modernity: twelve lectures - Ju ̈ rgen Habermas, 1987 Book | Background (Could Read) | Ch.V

Introduction to critical theory: Horkheimer to Habermas - David Held, 1990 Book | Background (Could Read)

Critical theory: selected essays - Max Horkheimer, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 188–243.

Between philosophy and social science: selected early writings - Max Horkheimer, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read) | The State of Contemporary Social Philosophy and the Tasks of an Institute for Social Research

Critical theory, Marxism and modernity - Douglas Kellner, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read)

Critical theory and society: a reader - Stephen Eric Bronner, Douglas Kellner, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Introduction).

Critical Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Webpage | Background (Could Read) | (entry on ‘Critical Theory’):

The Frankfurt School: its history, theories, and political significance - Rolf Wiggershaus, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Week 15: Psychoanalysis (21 items)

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Key readings: (3 items)

Civilization, society and religion: group psychology, civilization and its discontents and other works - Sigmund Freud, Albert Dickson, James Strachey, 1985 Book | Core (Must Read) | Vol 12.

For and against psychoanalysis - Stephen Frosh, 1997 Book | Core (Must Read) | pp.175-227.

For and against psychoanalysis - Stephen Frosh, 2006 Book | Core (Must Read) | pp.175-227.

Further readings: (18 items)

What does the black man want - H Bhabha Webpage | Background (Could Read)

Still crazy after all these years: women, writing and psychoanalysis - Rachel Bowlby, 1992 Book | Background (Could Read) | Still crazy after all these years: travels in feminism and Psychoanalysis

Between feminism and psychoanalysis - Teresa Brennan, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read)

Case histories I: 'Dora' and 'Little Hans' - Sigmund Freud, Alix Strachey, James Strachey, Angela Richards, Alan Tyson, Sigmund Freud, Sigmund Freud, 1977 Book | Background (Could Read) | Still crazy after all these years: travels in feminism and Psychoanalysis

On metapsychology: the theory of psychoanalysis ; 'Beyond the pleasure principle,' 'The egoand the id' and other works - Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Angela Richards, 1984 Book | Background (Could Read) | Mourning and Melancholia

On sexuality: three essays on the theory of sexuality, and other works - Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Angela Richards, 1977 Book | Background (Could Read) | Female Sexuality

Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud, James Strachey, Angela Richards , 1973 Book | Background (Could Read) | Studies in Hysteria

Freud, race, and gender - Sander L. Gilman, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read)

Postcolonial theory and psychoanalysis: from uneasy engagements to effective critique - Mrinalini Greedharry, 2008 Book | Background (Could Read)

The gendered unconscious: can gender discourses subvert psychoanalysis? - Louise Gyler, 2010 Book | Background (Could Read)

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The gendered unconscious: can gender discourses subvert psychoanalysis? - Louise Gyler, 2010 Book | Background (Could Read)

Dark continents: psychoanalysis and colonialism - Ranjana Khanna, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Introduction).

Powers of horror: an essay on abjection - Julia Kristeva, 1982 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 1-31.

The four fundamental concepts of psycho-analysis - Jacques Lacan, Jacques-Alain Miller, Alan Sheridan, 1979 Book | Background (Could Read)

States of fantasy - Jacqueline Rose, 1996 Book | Background (Could Read)

Freud and the non-European - Edward W. Said, Jacqueline Rose, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)


Sigmund Freud - Pamela Thurschwell, c2009 Book | Background (Could Read)

Week 16: Post-structuralism (20 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

Writing and difference - Jacques Derrida, Alan Bass, 2001 Book | Core (Must Read) | Structure Sign and Play in the Discourses of the Human Sciences

Philosophy in a time of terror: dialogues with Ju ̈ rgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida - Ju ̈ rgen Habermas, Jacques Derrida, Giovanna Borradori, 2003 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially ‘Introduction’ and ‘Deconstructing Terrorism – Derrida’).

Further readings: (18 items)

Derrida & the political - Richard Beardsworth, 1996 Book | Background (Could Read)

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Deconstruction and Everyday Life, Or How Deconstruction Helped Me Quit Smoking | Boothroyd | Culture Machine Webpage | Background (Could Read)

Of grammatology - Jacques Derrida, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Spectres de Marx: l'E ́ tat de la dette, de travail du deuil et la nouvelle Internationale - Jacques Derrida, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read)

Rogues: two essays on reason - Jacques Derrida, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Taking Turns: Democracy to Come and Intergenerational Justice - Matthias Fritsch, 2011-11 Article | Background (Could Read) | Moodle

Derrida's Ethical Turn and America: Looking Back from the Crossroads of Global Terrorism and the Enlightenment by Michel Rosenfeld :: SSRN Webpage | Background (Could Read)

Deconstructions: a user's guide - Nicholas Royle, 2000 Book | Background (Could Read)

Jacques Derrida - Nicholas Royle, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Margins of philosophy - J. Derrida, 1982 Book | Background (Could Read)

Poststructuralist ethics: subjectivity, responsibility and the space of community - E. Jeffrey Popke, 2003-6-1 Article | Background (Could Read)

Deconstruction and democracy: Derrida's Politics of friendship - A. J. P. Thomson, c2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Between Justice and Legality: Derrida on Decision - W. W. Sokoloff, 2005-06-01 Article | Background (Could Read) | (Moodle)

Outside in the teaching machine - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 2009 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapters 5 and 6).

Outside in the teaching machine - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapters 5 and 6).

10. Deconstruction I - 1/9/2009 Audio-visual document | Background (Could Read)

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Derrida - defining deconstruction - 6/9/2008 Audio-visual document | Background (Could Read)

Jacques Derrida: Section 1 - 21/5/2008 Audio-visual document | Background (Could Read)

***Week 17: Reading Week: No Class***

Part II: Power, politics and social difference

Week 18: Power, discipline and governmentality (23 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

Discipline and punish: the birth of the prison - Michel Foucault, 1977 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially ‘Docile Bodies’).

Inventing our selves: psychology, power, and personhood - Nikolas S. Rose, 1996 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction).

Further readings: (21 items)

Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing - Alison M. Jaggar, Susan R. Bordo, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read) | The Body and the Reproduction of Femininity

Unbearable weight: feminism, Western culture, and the body - Susan Bordo, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

The history of sexuality: Vol 1, An introduction - M. Foucault, 1979 Book | Background (Could Read)

Michel Foucault, beyond structuralism and hermeneutics - Hubert L Dreyfus, Paul Rabinow, Michel Foucault, 2013 Book | Background (Could Read) | The Subject and Power

Power - Michel Foucault, James D. Faubion, 2001 Book | Background (Could Read) | The Subject and Power pp. 326-348

Power - Michel Foucault, James D. Faubion, 2001 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp. 201-222.

Society must be defended: lectures at the Colle ̀ ge de France, 1975-76 - Michel Foucault, Mauro Bertani, Franc ̧

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ois Ewald, Alessandro Fontana, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Unruly practices: power, discourse and gender in contemporary social theory - Nancy Fraser, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read) | Foucault on Modern Power: Empirical Insights and Normative Confusions (see also other relevant chapters).

Michel Foucault's archaeology of scientific reason - Gary Gutting, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read)

'The birth of bio-politics': Michel Foucault's lecture at the Collège de France on neo-liberal governmentality - Thomas Lemke, 2001-01 Article | Background (Could Read)

Foucault: a critical reader - David Couzens Hoy, 1986 Book | Background (Could Read)

Foucault, governmentality, and critique - Thomas Lemke, 2011 Book | Background (Could Read)

Foucault and the problem of the subject - E. McGushin, 2005-09-01 Article | Background (Could Read) | (Moodle).

Foucault: a critical introduction - Lois McNay, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Governing the soul: the shaping of the private self - Nikolas S. Rose, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read)

The politics of life itself: biomedicine, power, and subjectivity in the twenty-first century - Nikolas Rose, 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

The politics of life itself: biomedicine, power, and subjectivity in the twenty-first century - Nikolas Rose, 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

Gender: the key concepts - Mary Evans, Carolyn H. Williams, 2013 Book | Background (Could Read) | Power’

Foucault on freedom - Johanna Oksala, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Foucault, health and medicine - Alan R. Petersen, Robin Bunton, 1997 Book | Background (Could Read)

Youtube Lectures by Foucault

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Michel Foucault - The Culture of the Self, First Lecture, Part 1 of 7

This is the first in a series of three lectures in which Foucault examines Western culture's conceptual development of individual subjectivity:


Week 19: Social class and distinction (21 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste - Pierre Bourdieu, 1984 Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 1: ‘The Aristocracy of Culture’ (especially pp. 12-18)

Formations of class and gender: becoming respectable - Beverley Skeggs, 1997 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction and ‘(Dis)identifications of Class’).

Further readings: (19 items)

Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities - David Bell, Gill Valentine, 1995 Book | Background (Could Read) | Trading Places: Consumption, Sexuality, and the Production of Queer Space

Language and symbolic power - Pierre Bourdieu, Pierre Bourdieu, John B. Thompson, 1991 Book | Background (Could Read)

The weight of the world: social suffering in contemporary society - Pierre Bourdieu, Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson, Susan Emanuel, E. Joe Johnson, Shoggy T. Waryn, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read)

Readings in economic sociology - Nicole Woolsey Biggart, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read) | The Forms of Capital

Rethinking class: culture, identities and lifestyles - Fiona Devine, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Where we stand: class matters - bell hooks, 2000 Book | Background (Could Read)

Disgusted subjects: the making of middle-class identities - Stephanie Lawler, 2005-07-29 Article | Background (Could Read)

The aftermath of feminism: gender, culture and social change - Angela McRobbie, 2009 Book | Background (Could Read) | Chapter 5: ‘What Not to Wear’ and Post-Feminist Symbolic Violence

The uses of cultural studies: a textbook - Angela McRobbie, 2005

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Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapter on Bourdieu).

The uses of cultural studies: a textbook - Angela McRobbie, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapter on Bourdieu).

Shopping, place, and identity - Daniel Miller, 1998 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapters 1, 5 and 7).

Cultures of consumption: masculinities and social space in late twentieth-century Britain - Frank Mort, 1996 Book | Background (Could Read)

The moral significance of class - R. Andrew Sayer, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapter 5).

The moral significance of class - R. Andrew Sayer, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapter 5).

Class, self, culture - Beverley Skeggs, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially chapters 6 and 8).

Deviant (M)others: The Construction of Teenage Motherhood in Contemporary Discourse - HELEN WILSON, ANNETTE HUNTINGTON, 2005-12-22 Article | Background (Could Read)

Reality television and class - Helen Wood, Beverley Skeggs, British Film Institute, 2011 Book | Background (Could Read)

White trash: race and class in America - Matt Wray, Annalee Newitz, 1997 Book | Background (Could Read)

“Chav Mum Chav Scum” - Imogen Tyler, 2008-03 Article | Background (Could Read)

Week 20: Feminism, gender and sexuality (26 items)

Key readings: (3 items)

Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity - Judith Butler, 2006 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Preface and Chapters 1 and 2).

Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity - Judith Butler, 2006 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Preface and Chapters 1 and 2).

Contemporary feminist theories - Stevi Jackson, Jackie Jones, 1998 Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 10: ‘Theorising Gender and Sexuality

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Further readings: (23 items)

The lesbian and gay studies reader - Henry Abelove, Miche ̀ le Aina Barale, David M. Halperin, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Introduction and chapter by A. Rich in this volume).

Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex - Judith Butler, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Introduction and Chapter 1).

Undoing gender - Judith Butler, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Undoing gender - Judith Butler, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Sexual politics, torture, and secular time - Judith Butler, 2008-03 Article | Background (Could Read)

The globalization of sexuality - Jon Binnie, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Gender - R. W. Connell, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially pp. 31-71).

The second sex - , Constance Borde, Sheila Malovany-Chevallier, 2009 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp.19-36.

The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

The SAGE handbook of feminist theory - 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

Gender: the key concepts - Mary Evans, Carolyn H. Williams, 2013 Book | Background (Could Read)

The Bare Bones of Sex: Part 1%u2014Sex and Gender - Anne Fausto%u2010Sterling, 2005 Article | Background (Could Read)

Aberrations in black: toward a queer of color critique - Roderick A. Ferguson, c2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

The history of sexuality: Vol.1: The will to knowledge - Michel Foucault, Michel Foucault, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read)

A reader in feminist knowledge - Sneja Marina Gunew, 1991 Book | Background (Could Read) | (pp. 139-160).

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Judith Butler - Sara Salih, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read)

Judith Butler and the ethics of 'difficulty' - Sara Salih, 2003-10 Article | Background (Could Read)

Epistemology of the closet - Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, American Council of Learned Societies , c2008 Book | Background (Could Read)

Epistemology of the closet - Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, 1990 Book | Background (Could Read)

Queering the color line: race and the invention of homosexuality in American culture - Siobhan B. Somerville, 2000 Book | Background (Could Read)

Sexuality - Jeffrey Weeks, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Interchanges: Heteronormativity and the desire for gender - R. Wiegman, 2006-04-01 Article | Background (Could Read)

Identity and difference - Kath Woodward, Open University, 1997 Book | Background (Could Read) | (**Chapter 4 provides a useful overview of scholarly debates concerning gender, sex and sexuality).

Week 21: Postcoloniality and the politics of ‘race’ (27 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

Strange encounters: embodied others in post-coloniality - Sara Ahmed, 2000 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction and Chapter 1).

Strange encounters: embodied others in post-coloniality - Sara Ahmed, 2000 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction and Chapter 5).

Further readings: (25 items)

The cultural politics of emotion - Sara Ahmed, 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

Black skin, white masks - F. Fanon, 1970 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Chapters 4 and 5, pp 64-119).

New ethnicities and urban culture: racisms and multiculture in young lives - Les Back, 1996 Book | Background (Could Read)

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The location of culture - Homi K. Bhabha, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

The location of culture - Homi K. Bhabha, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Rethinking modernity: postcolonialism and the sociological imagination - 1974- Bhambra, Gurminder K., 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

Current Sociology Webpage | Background (Could Read) | 62(4) (Special Issue: Knowledge Production in a Global Context – **see introduction and all articles).

Feminism and 'race' - Kum-Kum Bhavnani, 2001 Book | Background (Could Read)

The Empire strikes back: race and racism in 70s Britain - University of Birmingham, 1982 Book | Background (Could Read)

Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness - Paul Gilroy, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read)

Against race: imagining political culture beyond the color line - Paul Gilroy, 2001 Book | Background (Could Read)

After empire: melancholia or convivial culture? - Paul Gilroy, 2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

We Got To Get Over Before We Go Under Webpage | Background (Could Read)

‘My Britain is fuck all’ zombie multiculturalism and the race politics of citizenship - Paul Gilroy, 2012-07 Article | Background (Could Read)

Without guarantees: in honour of Stuart Hall - Stuart Hall, Paul Gilroy, Lawrence Grossberg, Angela McRobbie, 2000 Book | Background (Could Read)

Scattered hegemonies: postmodernity and transnational feminist practices - Inderpal Grewal, Caren Kaplan, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Imperial leather: race, gender and sexuality in the colonial contest - Anne McClintock, American Council of Learned Societies, 1995 Book | Background (Could Read)

Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses - Chandra Talpade Mohanty, 1988 Article | Background (Could Read)

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Orientalism - Edward W. Said, 1985 Book | Background (Could Read)

Culture and imperialism - Edward W. Said, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read)

Choosing ethnic identity - Miri Song, 2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Marxism and the interpretation of culture - Cary Nelson, Lawrence Grossberg, 1988 Book | Background (Could Read) | Can the Subaltern Speak?

The post-colonial critic: interviews, strategies, dialogues - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Sarah Harasym, 1990 Book | Background (Could Read)

Outside in the teaching machine - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 2009 Book | Background (Could Read)

Outside in the teaching machine - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 1993 Book | Background (Could Read)

Part III: New Formations

Week 22: Transnationality and states of exception (14 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

State of exception - Giorgio Agamben, 2005 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Chapter 1).

Abu Ghraib: Arguing against Exceptionalism - Jasbir K. Puar, 2004 Article | Core (Must Read)

Further readings: (12 items)

Homo sacer: sovereign power and bare life - Giorgio Agamben, Daniel Heller-Roazen, 1998 Book | Background (Could Read)

Giorgio Agamben. The State of Exception. Der Ausnahmezustand. 2003 1/7 - 25/5/2009 Audio-visual document | Background (Could Read)

Are prisons obsolete? - Angela Y. Davis, c2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

Scattered hegemonies: postmodernity and transnational feminist practices - Inderpal Grewal, Caren Kaplan, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

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Transnational America: , diasporas, neoliberalisms - Inderpal Grewal, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Multitude: war and democracy in the age of Empire - Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, c2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Giorgio Agamben: a critical introduction - Leland De la Durantaye, 2009 Book | Background (Could Read)

Giorgio Agamben - Alex Murray, 2010 Book | Background (Could Read)

Flexible citizenship: the cultural logics of transnationality - Aihwa Ong, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read)

Neoliberalism as exception: mutations in citizenship and sovereignty - Aihwa Ong, 2006 Book | Background (Could Read) | (especially Introduction).

Global assemblages: technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems - Aihwa Ong, Stephen J. Collier, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Global assemblages: technology, politics, and ethics as anthropological problems - Aihwa Ong, Stephen J. Collier, 2005 Book | Background (Could Read)

Week 23: Affect and assemblages (23 items)

Key readings: (2 items)

A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia - Gilles Deleuze, Fe ́ lix Guattari, 2004 Book | Core (Must Read) | (‘Introduction: Rhizome’ and and one other chapter).

The affective turn: theorizing the social - Patricia Ticineto Clough, Jean O'Malley Halley, 2007 Book | Core (Must Read) | Introduction

Further readings: (21 items)

The cultural politics of emotion - Sara Ahmed, 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

Deleuzism: a metacommentary - Ian Buchanan, c2000 Book | Background (Could Read) | Ch.3

Deleuze and feminist theory - Ian Buchanan, Claire Colebrook, c2000

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Book | Background (Could Read)

Understanding Deleuze - Claire Colebrook, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read)

Gilles Deleuze - Claire Colebrook, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read)

Deleuze and research methodologies - Rebecca Coleman, Jessica Ringrose, c2013 Book | Background (Could Read)

Incorporations - Jonathan Crary, Sanford Kwinter, 1992 Book | Background (Could Read) | pp 625-633.

Negotiations, 1972-1990 - Gilles Deleuze, 1995 Book | Background (Could Read)

Cinema 1-2 - Gilles Deleuze, 1992 Book | Background (Could Read)

Dialogues II - Gilles Deleuze, Claire Parnet, Hugh Tomlinson, Barbara Habberjam, 2012 Book | Background (Could Read)

Feminism, Foucault and Deleuze - M. Fraser, 1997-05-01 Article | Background (Could Read)

Gilbert, J. (2006) 'Signifying Nothing: "Culture", "Discourse" and the Sociality of Affect'. Culture Machine V6. http://www.culturemachine.net/index.php/cm/article/viewArticle/8/7

Deleuze and Guattari: an introduction to the politics of desire - Philip Goodchild, 1996 Book | Background (Could Read)

The affect theory reader - Melissa Gregg, Gregory J. Seigworth, 2010 Book | Background (Could Read)

INVOKING AFFECT - Clare Hemmings, 2005-09 Article | Background (Could Read)

A user's guide to capitalism and schizophrenia: deviations from Deleuze and Guattari - Brian Massumi, 1992 Book | Background (Could Read)

Parables for the virtual: movement, affect, sensation - Brian Massumi, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read)

Emotion and social theory: corporeal reflections on the (ir)rational - Simon J. Williams,

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2001 Book | Background (Could Read)

Affective relations: the transnational politics of empathy - Carolyn Pedwell, 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

Feminist Theory - Carolyn Pedwell, August 2012 Journal | Background (Could Read) | Introduction (and other articles in this journal special issue).

Terrorist assemblages: homonationalism in queer times - Jasbir K. Puar, 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

Week 24: Post-humanisms and new materialisms (20 items)

Key readings: (3 items)

Simians, cyborgs, and women: the reinvention of nature - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 1991 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction and Chapter 8).

Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention of nature - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 1991 Book | Core (Must Read) | (especially Introduction and Chapter 8).

New materialisms: ontology, agency, and politics - Diana H. Coole, Samantha Frost, c2010 Book | Core (Must Read) | Introducing the New Materialisms

Further readings: (17 items)

Open Forum Imaginary Prohibitions: Some Preliminary Remarks on the Founding Gestures of the `New Materialism' - S. Ahmed, 2008-02-01 Article | Background (Could Read)

Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter - Karen Barad, 2003 Article | Background (Could Read)

Meeting the universe halfway: quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning - Karen Michelle Barad, 2007 Book | Background (Could Read)

Metamorphoses: towards a materialist theory of becoming - Rosi Braidotti, 2002 Book | Background (Could Read)

The becoming of bodies: girls, images, experience - Rebecca Coleman, 2012 Book | Background (Could Read)

Transforming Images: Screens, Affect, Futures - Rebecca Coleman, 2014 Book | Background (Could Read)

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Volatile bodies: toward a corporeal feminism - E. A. Grosz, 1994 Book | Background (Could Read)

Becomings: explorations in time, memory, and futures - E. A. Grosz, 1999 Book | Background (Could Read)

Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective - Donna Haraway, 1988 Article | Background (Could Read)

Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 2006 Book | Background (Could Read)

Primate visions: gender, race, and nature in the world of modern science - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 1989 Book | Background (Could Read)

Modest ̲ Witness@Second ̲ Millennium.FemaleMan ̲ Meets ̲ OncoMouse: feminism and technoscience - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 1997 Book | Background (Could Read)

The companion species manifesto: dogs, people, and significant otherness - Donna Jeanne Haraway, c2003 Book | Background (Could Read)

When species meet - Donna Jeanne Haraway, 2008 Book | Background (Could Read)

The skin of the film: intercultural cinema, embodiment, and the senses - Laura U. Marks, 2000 Book | Background (Could Read)

Abstract sex: philosophy, bio-technology and the mutations of desire - Luciana Parisi, c2004 Book | Background (Could Read)

Feminist Theory - Myra J. Hird, August 2011 Journal | Background (Could Read) | Special issue on ‘Nonhuman Feminisms’
