Show # 864-2 Chart Date 10/11/86

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Show # 864-2 Chart Date 10/11/86 SHOW # 864-2 "WEEKLY STAT LIST" CHART DATE 10/11/86 10 i 8 1 - 3 ~iHEN l THINK OF YOU 2 Janet Jackson 82 01 11 3 3 :) Gary, IN/Gary &Encino/Encino t4 /10 2 - 4 DON'T FORGET \·1E (iii HEN l 'f-1 GONE 2 Glass Tiger 86 50 Toronto/ 14 I 9 3 - 6 TND OF HEARTS ~. Stacey (! 86 01 Anaheim//Fullerton 9 ! 8 4 - 7 THRD!ilHlG IT ALL AWAY 3 Genesis 77 30 ~. 9 14 Godalming, Surrey, Eng/london 7 i b 5 - 9 1YP1CAL MALE 4 !ina T:.n-rJer 34 01 5 9 9 Nutbush/Knoxville/L.A, 5 ne ~( Tina stats 6 20 1960-1975 11 /10 6 - l STUCK WITH YOU 0 Huey Lewis &The News 82 60 t2 i CJ If) Marin County, CAl 1/ 1/ 2/ 2! 2 9 J 6 7 -12 HEARTBEAT 5 Don Johnson 86 10 1 15 /11 B- 2 FRIENDS AND LOVERS -6 Carl Anderson &Gloria+ 11 ~'i?il. A. 8 Gloria Loring stats NYC/Minneapolis/L.A. 7 ! 5 9 -14 TRUE COLORS 5 Cyndi lauper 83 01 6 7 7 Astoria 1 Queens/Queens • Brooklyn/Manhatt 11 / 9 10 - 5 -5 Daryl Hall 86 10 Pottsto•n/Phily/Manhattan -/ -! 1/ 1 I iO D. Hall t J: Gates stats 6 16 26 30 4i12.l15/15 I 12 I 7 11 -13 ALL CPIED lJU1 2 Lisa Lisa ~ Cult Jam/Full 2 .., NY/NYC i1 ! 8 12 -16 HEAVEN IN 'x10Uf\ EYES{Tep GunJ$ 4 Lt:tverboy Bl 50 L Vancouver, B.C./ 9 ! 5 13 -19 I DIDN'T MEAN TO lURN YDU+Irl b Robert Palmer 76 10 5 5 Balley, Yorkshire/Malta~ Eng/Nassau. I 12 I 7 14 -15 t'\ISSIONARY MAN Eurythmics 8~. 11 3 9 10 Landon/ 10 ! 6 15 -20 {i MATTER OF TRUST :, Bi 11 y Joel 74 10 2 9 27 30 Bron1/Hicksville/Long Island 12 I 9 16 - 8 WALK THIS MAY !rl -8 Run-D.H.C 86 ~.o 1 Hollis, Queens, NV/NYC 1/ 1/ 3/ 3 12 /10 17 -11 LOVE IONE -6 Billy Ocean 7& 10 2 6 8 8 Trinidad/E.London/london 2/ 2/ 2/ 3 3 Anita Baker 86 (ll Detroit! I 5 l 3 19 -29 HUNAN 10 The Human lea.gue 82 42 2 4 "..J England! l3 113 20 -10 DANCING ON THE CEILING -10 Lionel Richie 82 10 5 11 11 11 Jaliet 1 lL//TskgeL B.Hls 1/ 2/ 21 21 2 Q B f 4 21 -23 EARTH ANSEL!Karate Kidlll !rlS 2 New Edition 83 40 I Boston/ 10 i 7 22 -22 LOVE WALKS IN (j Van Hal en 78 40 2 10 14 Los Angele~./ q l 3 23 -33 TAKE ME HOME TOtHGHT 10 Eddie Money 78 10 5 13 NYC/MY/Oakland, CA 18 /12 24 -17 \40RDS GET IN THE ~lA'/ -, Miami Sound Machine 85 31 3 3 Ni ami I 7 I 4 25 -32 GIRL Wl'T HELP 11 7 Journey 78 30 6 16 22 San Francisco Bay Area/ 17 /13 26 -18 TAKE tri BREATH A~lAV \Top Gun!$ -8 Berlin 83 21 fl 1 2 6 Los Angeles/ -l 2i 2/ 2 3 i 2 27 -38 11 Boston 76 ?? 2 6 7 Boston/ ,.., ~' / 6 28 -30 FOHH OF NO RETURN 2 Nu Shooz 86 C).) 2 2 Portland/ 6 I 29 -41 'i.!J!l GlVE Ul\IE A BBU Nat·\E 12 Bon ,jovi BD, 5(i '"'i. Central~ New Jersey/ i i 2 30 -39 WORD UP 9 Cameo 84 30 2 Atlanta.! (; ; ! 1 31 -42 THE RAW 11 Gran "Juice" Jones 86 1c_t Hou.s ton/H2.r len~/ I 2 32 -40 TRUE BLUE B \'i2,donna 83 01 9 11 11 Bay Cty/Pontiac/NYC &LA2/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 3 I 3 I'LL BE OVER YO!J 4 Toto 78 6(1 4 8 12 Los AnGeles/ I 3 34 -35 IN YOUR EYES 1 Peter Gabriel 77 10 3 b Surrey,Eng//? f 4 ~.5 -~A PAEANOHHA -1 Art of Moise w/Max Head8631 2 London/ 71: .J.J Ma>~ Headroom 86 British TV/British &Amer TY I 7 36 -26 HilS! AND SHOUT lrl -10 The Beatles 64 40 20 33 48 65 Liverpool/disbanded 1970 ! 1 37 -47 l AM BY YOUR SIDE 10 Corey H2-.rt 84 1(l 6 Montreal/Kant., Spain, Can./Montreal 38 -43 EMOTION IN i'IOTION 5 Ric Ocasek 83 10 1 B(istonl/ ..,,, ·JC• Cars stats 4 rt 16 'l ~·9 -45 THE NEXT TIME I FALL b Peter Cetera w/Amy Grant 11 2 .!. Chicago/ /Malibu 39 Amy Grant stats 2 3 Augusta, SA/Nashville/ 40 -51 JUMPIN' JACK FLASH (r} 11 Aretha Franklin 61 01 16 37 63 Memphis /Detroit! r4!~t I~~ (141 ~I *lOP40* WITH CASEY KASEM TO: AMERICAN TOP 40 SUBSCRIBERS FROM: ABC WATERMARK DATE: OCTOBER 6, 1986 RE: LOCAL COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY IN THIS WEEK'S AMERICAN TOP 40 PROGRAM, #864-2, FOR AIR OCTOBER 11-12, 1986, THERE ARE AN ADDITIONAL SIX MINUTES OF LOCAL COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT c-1 IN EACH HOUR. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-3 IN HOURS 2, 3, AND 4. 30 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-5 IN HOURS 2, 3, AND 4. 60 SECONDS ARE LOCATED AT C-5 IN HOUR 1. IABC Watermark I • 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. West o Suite 555 o los Angeles, CA 90068 o 818/980-9490 . FORWEEKE~~G: --1~0~~~1~1~~~8~6 ----~~~ AME ICAN CYCLE NO. J1b4 PROGRAM _2 ,OF _13_ j ABCWGten11ark j DISC & HALF HOUR NO. lA (BaCJ{ed Wlth 4B) *lOP40* e PAGE NO. I ,•, T H ,- ~ C r ' ~ .u l '' 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 SCHEDULID ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 00:00 BILLBOARD: NCM, AMERICAN 'IDP 40 BROUGHT 'ID YOU IN PARI' BY PONTIAC, AMERICA 1 S ROAD CAR aM>ANY ••• PONTIAC, WE BUITD EXCITEMENT. '!'HEME AND OPENING OF PART I THEME: "THEME F'R.CM AMERICAN 'IDP 40" #40 JUMPIN 1 JACK FIASH (B) Aretha Franklin 09:47 #39 THE NEXT TIME I FALL (A) Peter Cetera with .Aiey" Grant 09:47 C·1 NETWORK SPOT: AI.M:M> JOY :30 (OUT CUE) jingle ends cold after ••• " ••• Mounds and Alnond Joy" 10:47 LOCAL INSERT: 1:30 11:47 LCX:I): AMERICAN 'IDP 40 #38 EMJI'ION IN IDI'ION (A) Ric Ocasek 04:01 C·2 15:48 NETWORK SPOT: PONTIAC/U.S. ARMY 30/30 (our CUE) voice out cold with ••• " ••• The U.S. Army." :60 16:48 LOCAL INSERT: 17:48 I.DGJ: AMERICAN 'IDP 4 0 STATION MENTICNS #37 I AM BY YOUR SIDE (A) Corey Hart 07:38 #36 TWIST AND SHOUT (B) Beatles C·3 25:26 NETWORK SPOT: FLINS'IDNES/OOUBLEMINT 30/30 (OUT CUE) jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• waitin 1 for you" 26:26 LOCAL INSERT: :60 27:26 STATION I. D.: Ov"ER FOR SIDE lB :10 FOR WEEK ENQ~G: ---._;;;1;,..;.0_,__/;;;.;ll::..o/....;:8;....;:6~-------:-:,....­ AME ICAN CVCLE NO !lb4 PROGRAM 2 OF _13_ IABCWGtelltJCJrk I • DISC • HALF HOUR NO. ] B (Backed wj tb 3A) •10P40• PAGE NO. _=..2 __ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 SCMEDUL.D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 27:36 I.DGO: AMERICAN 'IDP 40 #35 PARANOIMIA (A&B) The Art of Noise with Max Headr<Xlll 09:31 #34 IN YOOR EYES (B) Peter Gabriel 37:07 C-4 NETWORK SPOT: PCNI'IAC/TRICK OR TRFAT 30/30 (OUT CUE) jingle ends cold with ••. " ••• at theaters everywhere" 38:07 LOCAL INSERT: :60 39:07 I.DGO: AMERICAN 'IDP 40 #33 I'LL BE OVER YOU (A) Toto #32 TRUE BLUE (A) Madonna 07:55 C·S 47:02 NETWORK SPOT: IDUNDS/AMERICAN F'IaVERS 30/30 (our CUE) jingle fades after ••• " ••• saneone special yourself" 48:02 LOCAL INSERI': :60 49:02 I.DGO: AMERICAN 'IDP 4 0 #31 THE RAIN (A) Oral "Juice" Jones 08:38 QL: BIGGEST DROP FRCM NUMBER mE #30 IDRD UP (A&B) Carreo 57:31 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57:40 THEME 'ID: 57:50 C·& 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 59:50 STATION I. D.: :10 ® FORMAT AND COMMERCIAL CLOCK AME ICAN C-6 ~ *lOP40* Hour __r __ 0 YviTH CASEY KASEM - Program 864-2 \ \ ~ ci \ \. 1-' ~ Sides IA and IB '\ j: -- -- ...c ell Chart Date 1o1n/86 SEGMENT .1. (09:47) Local minutes --- - available 1~ SEGMENT ·s· ~ (07:55) ~////1\~~ (04: Oll I Network minutes used 4~ SEGtv£NT .4. ·a· (09:31) (07:38) ABC C-3 Contem~ i)RadioNet:r:t FOR WEEK ENDING: 10/11/86 AME ICAN CYCLE NO. 864 PROGRAM ~ OF _13_ I ABCWatennark j DISC II HALF HOUR NO. 2A (BaCk With 38) •TOP40* e PAGENO. 4 .,.,,~_ASt•~. ~·· 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 SCMEDUL.D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 00:00 THUVU!i ANU Ul".l!i.L" _Nb u.r· 1"1\tC.l' l.l. STATION WEICCl-1ES #29 YOU GIVE WVE A BAD NAME (A) Bon Jovi 10:24 LDD: HARD 'IO SAY I'M SORRY (A&B) Chicago C-1 10:24 NETWORK SPOT: PONTIAC :30 (OUI' CUE) jingle ends cold with ••• " ••• excitement, Pontiac." 10:54 LOCAL INSERT: 1:30 12:24 AMERICAN 'IOP 40 STATION MENTICNS #28 POINI' OF NO RETURN (B) Nu Shooz 04:33 C-2 16:57 NETWORK SPOT: DOUBLEMINT /TRICK OR TREAT 30/30 (OUT CUE) jingle ends cold with ••• II ••• at theatres evel)1Where.
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