28 AINSTABLE. . [KELLY'S part of Armathwaite. Edward Ecrovd• esq. of Low Post Office.-Miss Mary Collingwood, sub-postmistress. House, Armathwaite, is lord of the manor of Ainstable, Letters received from .Armathwaite, Cumberland, at and .A.rthur Charles Aglionby esq. lord of the manor of 6.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.45 a.m. & 5.25 p.m. ; no Armathwaite. The manorial court of E. Ecroyd esq. sunday delivery of letters. Armathwaite is the nearest is held in the parish every two or three years. E. money order & telegraph office Ecroyd esq. P. W. Parkin esq. of Sharrow Bay, and .A.. C. Public Elementary School (mixed), rebuilt in 1874, & Aglionby esq. and the vicar are the principal land­ endowed in 1743 with £14 yearly, arising from 4 ownt>rs. The soil is a light and fertile loam ; the sub­ acres of land. In 1874 the endowment was sold, & soil, clay, sand or gravel; hard and soft freestone are the school house & master's residence were erected found in the parish. The area is 4,373 acres; rateable from the proceeds. It will hold 90 children ; aver­ value, £4.533; the population in 1901 was 4,034· age attendance, so; John Herbert Muschamp, master Ruckcroft is a small straggling village in the High The school is under the control of six managers ; .Arthur Quarter of .Ainstable~ IO miles north-east from Penrith. Burne, Culgaith, , correspondent Goods should be addressed to .Armathwaite station, Wall Letter Box, Ruckcroft, cleared at 5 p.m. week Midland Railway days only Carrier.-To Carlisle, George Greenup, sat

AINST.A:BLE HIGH QUARTER. Ecroyd Thomas Backhouse, .Armath- Ho~garth Isaac & William, farmers, Marked thus * letters through Kirk- waite Place Beckbrow oswald, Cumb. Wilford Rev. Lionel Marshall M . .A., Hope Thomas, boot & shoe maker D.C.L. Vicarage Hope William, blacksmith COMMERCIAL. Independent United Order of Me­ *Dixon Geo. Joseph, farmer,Nunnery chanics (.!.instable lodge) (Henry Doad Mary .A.. (Mrs.), farmer, Dale COMMERCIAL. Watson, sec) Fisher Edward, farmer, Dale Ainstable Reading Room (Jonathan Johnson Matthew, farmer, Bank Harrison John, yeoman, Barugh Sill, sec) Kendall J ames William, blacksmith Harrison John, farmer, Bra.mery Atkinson John, farmer, Towngate Little William, farmer, Red hill Hodgson Alfred, farmer, Dale Bird Peter, farmer, Townhead house Murray Thomas, Crown P.H Hoggarth Richard, farmer, Beck Bowman John, farmer, Bell •house Muschamp John Herbert, sc-hool­ Lancaster David, farmer, Slack Boyle James, farmer, Common Edge master & assistant overseer Scott John, farmer, Farrshield Clark Goorge, farmer, Carr holm Richardson .Albert, Bed Lion hotel, Watson Thomas, farmer, Cross house Dodd Joseph, yeoman &i farmer, hon. sec. Conservative Association Wilson Thomas, farmer, Highfield Bascodyke Foot (Ainstable district) & agent for RUCKCROFT. Ellwood Thomas, butcher, Row Foot Crown Insurance Oo Ba:xter Hannah (Mrs.), farmer Gill Isaac, lmilder & stone mason Rickerby Robert Lambert, farmer, Dixon John 0. C. yeoman &i farmer Goodfellow Robert, farmer, :Bank Foot Bascodyke head Elliot David, gamekeeper to P. W. Graham Joseph & Matthew, farmers, Robins-on Wm. farmer, Channel pool Parkin esq Longdales Rowe Thomas, farmer, Towngate Greenwood Thomas, Crown P.H Greenup Goorge, carrier Scott Thos.Jas.yeoman & frmr.Harras Porthouse Sarah Elizh. (Miss), farmr Harrison William Graham & Thomas, Scott William, farmer, Vicarage farm Rowntree Mary Ann (Miss), farmer joiners &c Smith .A.lice (Miss), shopkeeper Harrison Thomas, grocer Thomlinson Thos. frmr . .A.instable hall .A.INST.A.BLE LOW QUARTER. Harrison Thomas Sanderson, farmer, Watson Henry, farmer, Street house Letters t•hrough .Armathwaite. Bascodyke Young Jsph. yeoman & frmr. Aim bk Buck Miss, Townhead house Hetherington Joseph, frmr. Oatlands

ALLHALLOWS is a parish, township and straggling J tion, which js now very indistinct, runs thus:­ village, on the north bank of the Ellen, with stations "Lancelotus Salkeld Filius Thomae Salkeld, hoc fieri at and , on the Maryport and Car- . fecit 1589." The house was restored by the late lisle railway, and is 4 miles east from .A.spatria and George Moore esq. in 1861, and is now the property 6 south-west from , in the Mid division of the and residence of William Parkin-Moore esq. D.L., J.P. county, .A.llerdale-below-Derwent ward and petty sessional The mill at Harby Brow is now converted into an division, union, and county court district of Wigton, electric generating station for supplying light to the archdeaconry and diocese of Carlisle. The church of All Hall. Ha.rby Brow is an ancient residence, and includes Saints is an ancient edifice of stone in the Norman a pele tower 30 feet square and 6o feet high, but now style, consisting of small chancel, nave, south porch, in ruins. Lord Leconfield and Sir Wilfrid Lawson bart. and a western turret containing 2 bells ; attached to of Isel, , are the joint lords of the manor, the church is a mortuary chapel, originally belonging 1 and the principal landowners. The soil is of a sharp to. the Salkeld family, and now containing marble tab- gravelly and loamy nature; subsoil, various. The chief lets to George Moore esq. d. 1876, and his two wives, crops are wheat, oats, potatoes and turnips, with some and to Mrs. Parkin-Moore: there are II2 sittings. The good pasture land. The area is I,692 acres; rateable church of .A.llhallows, built in 1897-9, was consecrated value, £4,755 ; the population in 1901 was 794·

3oth Aug. 1899; service is held in the old church on B.\.GGROW is a pleasant village, 2 miles east from one Sunday evening in each month during the summer. , on the north bank of the Ellen. It is also used for funeral services. The registers date from the year 1656. The living is a vicarage, net , close to Mealsgate station, con­ yearly value £ 486, with residence, in the gift of the sists principally of cottages for the men employed in Bishop of Carlisle, and held since I8g5 by the Rev. John the colliery. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected 1895• Wordsworth. The George Moore Memorial Hall, erected and a Primitive Methodist chapel. The village is sup­ in 1879, at a cost of about £ 1,300, as a memorial to plied with water by the Aspatria and Silloth Joint George Moore esq. merchant and philanthropist, is 8 Water Board, from their reservoir in the parish of building of stone in the Gothic style, and contains Ireby. rPading and recreation rooms, a large lecture hall and Post &i M. 0. Office.-Samuel Tate, sub-postmaster. a library containing upwards of 6oo volumes. Mrs. Letters from Mealsgate, Cumb. arrive at 9 a.m. & George Moore, Mrs. Mary Barnes and Thomas Moore are dispatched at 4.50 p.m. Letters for callers only esq. have bequeathed legacies to this Institution. Rit- at 5·35 p.m.; no delivery of letters; Mealsgate is the 1!on's charity uf £1 yearly is for distribution in money. nearest telegraph office Thomas Moore, of Whitehall, left £250 in debentures, Public Elementary S'Chool (mixed), erected about 1855• producing £8 12s. yearly, for the poor. Coal is found & enlarged in 188o; it will hold about 300 children; in abundance in this parish, also freestone. Whitehall average attendance, 207; Wilfred Bushby Hewson, was the mansion and manor of a younger branch of master, Leesrigg the Salkelds of Corby; a portion of the house still Railway Stations. remains, and bears the arms of that family, carved I Mealsgate, .Jonathan Ostle Penn, station master on a stone onr the entrance, dated 1589; the inscrip- Baggrow, John .Alexander Stewart, station master

ALLHAI.J.OWS. COMMERCIAL. George Moo re Memorial Hall (Wm. Marked thus * receive their letters .A.llerdale Coal Co. Limited Parkin, hon. sec) through Brayton. Cumb. .A.spatria Industrial Co-operative So- Little James, farmer, Upmanby Beckels John W. Knapethorn ciety Ltd. (The), Priestcroft London Joint Stock Bank Ltd. (sub­ *Mitchell John Jacbon J.P. The Barn&s John, farmer, Harby brow. branch) (John Graham. manager) ; Knowe, Bag-grow Blacklock Thos. shopkpr. Priestcroft open fri. 10.30 to 11; draw on head Parkin-Moore Wm.D.L., J.P.Whitehall Elliott James, boot & shoe dealer office, 5 Princes street, London E 0 Wordsworth Rev. John, The Vicarage Fletcher Thomas, farmer *Nelson James, farmer, Baggrow