The Auk 114(3):542-552, 1997

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The Auk 114(3):542-552, 1997 A OU Check-listSupplement The Auk 114(3):542-552, 1997 FORTY-FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS This seventhsupplement after the publicationof coniformesto the order Ciconiiformes,the recogni- the 6th edition (1983) of the AOU Check-listof North tion of three subfamilies in the Falconidae, the ele- American Birds includes taxonomic and nomenclatur- vation of the New World quail from the level of sub- al changesadopted by the Committeeon Classifica- family to that of family (Odontophoridae),removal tion and Nomenclature between 15 March 1995 and of the family Pteroclididaefrom the order Colum- 15 March 1997.Because this will be the last supple- biformes to a position incertaesedis between the ment beforethe publicationof the 7th edition of the Charadriiformesand the Columbiformes,removing Check-list, it also summarizes other decisions made the family Upupidaefrom the order Coraciiformes by the Committeesince 1983 that were not intended and raising it to the level of order (Upupiformes), to affect the 6th edition but rather were to lay the and the separationof Old World and New Worldbar- foundation for its successor. Most of those decisions bets (Capitonidae)with the latter placedas a sub- relate to sequenceor rank of certain taxonomiccat- family (Capitoninae)in the family Ramphastidae. egories. The Committee believes that compendia Toucan-Barbets(genus Semnornis)are included in suchas the Check-listare not appropriateplaces for the Ramphastidaeas a subfamily(Semnornithinae). the first appearanceof novel taxonomictreatments In the suboscinepasserines, the subfamilyTham- or rearrangements.Therefore, we take the opportu- nophilinaeis elevatedto the level of family (Tham- nity of this supplementto inform you of ways in nophilidae).In the Tyrannidae,we recognizea sub- which the 7th edition will differ from the 6th. The family Platyrinchinaebut not the subfamilyTityri- styleof this supplementdiffers from that of the pre- nae. Severalallied generaformerly scattered among vioussix becausethey were designedto providede- the families Tyrannidae, Cotingidae, and Pipridae tailed changesto text in the 6th edition;this onealso are removedfrom their respectivefamilies, grouped is to provideinformation on how the 7th editionwill together,and placed incertaesedis before the Cotin- differ from the 6th. Many detailson reasonsfor the gidae. changeswill be discussedin the Prefaceor text of the In the oscinepasserines, changes include recog- new volume. nition of a corvineassemblage (the parvorderCorv- Most changesin rank and placement of major ida of Sibleyand Ahlquist[1990]) of primarily Aus- groupsare basedon DNA-DNA hybridizationstud- tralasianfamilies separatefrom other oscines,and ies, primarily thoseby Sibleyand Ahlquist (1990), beginning the arrangementof oscineswith these wheresuch studies have support from otherkinds of familiesin the sequenceMeliphagidae, Laniidae, Vi- research.The committee realizes that we havebarely reonidae,Corvidae, and Monarchidae,the lastbeing begunthe reorganizationof our conceptsof relation- movedand elevatedfrom its positionas a subfamily shipsamong avian groups and the translationof that in the Muscicapidae.The family Sturnidaeis moved knowledgeinto what is of necessitya linear list. We to a positionfollowing the family Mimidae. The sub- havenot ignoredthe many reasonedsuggestions for families of the Muscicapidaeand the Emberizidae change,and we acknowledgethe validity and even- are returned to their former rank as families;king- tuality of many of them. Moving a family or a genus lets, genusRegulus, are removedfrom the Muscicap- from its traditional place changesthe apparentre- idae and elevatedto the rank of family (Regulidae). lationshipof the groupssurrounding it and, aspull- The genusPeucedramus is removed from the Paruli- ing a stonefrom the bottomof a wall, may causethe dae and insertedin a monotypicfamily (Peucedram- entire structureto collapse.Our goal is to rebuildas idae),ahead of the Parulidae.The sequenceof genera we progress,accepting changes that we deemvalid in the family Thraupidaechanges to agree more and that do not causedisruption elsewhere. We ac- closelywith that in volume13 of Check-listof Birdsof knowledgethat we will make mistakesalong the theWorld (Paynter 1970). A groupof emberizinegen- way,and hope that future committeeswill havebet- era with possiblethraupine affinities is movedfrom ter success. within to the beginningof the Emberizidae,and the Among the changes in nonpasserinesare the family Cardinalidaeis movedto follow the Emberi- transferof the family Cathartidaefrom the orderFal- zidae. 542 July1997] Forty-firstSupplement 543 AppendicesA, B, and C of the 6th edition are com- Baeolophusinornatus, Baeolophus bicolor, Buarre- bined into a singleAppendix or hypotheticallist, in- mort brunneinucha,Buarremon virenticeps, and cluding all speciesof uncertainstatus or occurrence Aimophilaquinquestriata); in the Check-listarea. Appendix D is eliminated. (8) 2 speciesare changedbecause of merger with Namesof speciesin the Appendixdo not appearin extralimitalspecies whose names have priority the main list, as they did previously.A list of French (Atlapetesatricapillus into Buarremontorquatus namesof all speciesis added to the Check-list. and Sporophilaaurita into S. americana); Contrary to a decisionannounced in the 38th Sup- (9) 9 Englishnames are changed(without a change plement (Auk 108:750, 1991), neither former AOU in taxonomic status) (Falcated Duck, Scaly- numbers nor more recent World Numbers are used throated Foliage-gleaner,Streak-chested Ant- in the 7th edition. PatronymicEnglish names that pitta, Thrush-like Schiffornis,Sapayoa, Gray- end in "s" are rendered in the possessive("s's"), as headed Piprites, Tamaulipas Crow, Golden- are other patronyms. hoodedTanager, and ElegantEuphonia); Changesto the main specieslist of the 6th edition (10) 1 scientific name and 2 English names are (as modifiedby previousSupplements) fall into 11 changedbecause of reallotmentof populations categories: among species(Hemignathus obscurus, Lesser Akialoa, and H. ellisianus,Greater Akialoa); and (1) 7 speciesare added to the main list becauseof (11) a correctedspelling is provided for one specific new distributional information, including 5 name (Pluvialis dominica). transferredfrom Appendix B (Phoebetriapalpe- In addition, 6 speciesare added to the Appendix brata,Neochen jubata, Accipiter soloensis, Haema- (Aix galericulata,Porphyrio porphyrio, Larus dominican- topusostralegus, Tringa totanus, Chlidonias hybri- us, Zenaidaplumbea, Brotogeris chiriri, and Parusma- dus,and Ficedulamugimaki); jor). Further, 2 generic names in the Appendix (2) 10 speciesare added to the main list becauseof change(Phoebastria irrorata and Thalassarchechrysos- the splitting of speciespreviously on the list toma),1 speciesname changes because of a split from (Brachyramphusperdix, Geotrygon carrikeri, Man- an extralimital form (Sporophilabouvronides), and one acusaurantiacus, Baeolophus ridgwayi, Hylorchilus Englishname changes(Fea's Petrel). navai,Vireo cassinii, Vireo plumbeus, Ramphocelus costaricensis,Calyptophilus tertius, and Agelaius No distributionalinformation is includedexcept as assimilis); it changesthe statusof a specieson the list. The net (3) 12 speciesare changedby being split from ex- 16 additionsto the main list bring the numberof spe- tralimital formswhose names had priority,with ciesrecognized as occurring in the Check-listarea to a net addition of 2 speciesto the list (Glaucidium 2,009. palmarum,Glaucidium sanchezi, Glaucidium gris- The main text of the 7th edition will differ from the eiceps,Baryphthengus martii, Philydor fuscipennis, 6th edition as revisedby Supplements35 to 40 as fol- Dendrocolaptessanctithomae, Xiphorhynchus su- lows (page numbersrefer to the 6th edition): surrans,Thamnophilus atrinucha, Hylopezus dives, Scytalopussp., Corapipo altera, and Euplectesfran- pp. 11-13. The albatrosses,family Diomedeidae, ciscanus); are arrangedin four genera,following the resultsof (4) 2 speciesare removedfrom the main list be- geneticstudies by Nunn et al. (1996).The sequence causeof merger with anotherspecies on the list and new name combinations are Diomedea exulans (Caprimulgusotiosus and Atlapetesgutturalis); Linnaeus,Phoebastria nigripes (Audubon), Phoebastria (5) 1 speciesis movedfrom the main list to the Ap- immutabilis(Rothschild), Phoebastria albatrus (Pallas), pendix (Parusvarius); Thalassarchechlororhynchus (Gmelin), Thalassarche (6) 2 scientificnames are changedbecause of no- cauta(Gould), Thalassarchemelanophris (Temminck), menclaturalpriority (Ara tricolorand Contopus Phoebetriapalpebrata (Forster). English namesdo not cooperi); change. (7) 30 scientific names are changed because of generic reallocation(Phoebastria nigripes, Phoe- p. 13.Phoebetria palpebrata (Forster), Light-mantled bastria immutabilis, Phoebastria albatrus, Thalas- Albatross,is moved to the main list from Appendix sarchechlororhynchus, Thalassarche cauta, Thalas- B on the basisof a photographicrecord at Cordell sarchemelanophris, Nomonyx dominicus, Asturina Bank, southwestof BodegaBay, California, 17 July nitida, Falcipenniscanadensis, Aethia psittacula, 1994(National Audubon Society Field Notes48:984, Athenecunicularia, Pseudoscops clamator, Aerod- 1994). ramusbartschi, Lophotriccus pilaris, Poecilotriccus sylvia,Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, Petrochelidon ful- p. 59. The family Cathartidaeis insertedin the sub- va, Poecilecarolinensis, Poecile atricapillus, Poecile
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