On behalf of: Macbryde Homes Ltd

Report No: P18-423-R01-V1 August 2018


Report prepared by: Hepworth Acoustics Ltd 21 Little Peter Street M15 4PS

On behalf of: Macbryde Homes Ltd

Report prepared by: Paul Bassett BSc MSc FIOA – Technical Director

Report checked by: Donald Quinn BSc FIOA – Managing Director














Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd


1.1 Hepworth Acoustics Ltd was commissioned by Macbryde Homes Ltd to review noise mitigation measures for a residential development of 32 dwellings on land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd, Flintshire.

1.2 Hepworth Acoustics carried out a traffic noise assessment for residential development of this site in 2016 for a different applicant. Our findings and outline recommendations for mitigation of noise from the A550 (Penyffordd Bypass) were set out in our report Ref. No. P16-010-R01-V2 dated February 2016.

1.3 Subsequently, in February 2018, planning permission was granted on appeal for a residential development of 32 dwellings on the site, subject to conditions. Condition 9 requires that:

“The acoustic attenuation measures as set out in the Traffic Noise Assessment Report No. P16-010- R01-V2 February 2016 shall be implemented in full prior to the occupation of any dwelling hereby approved”

1.4 It is now necessary to review our recommend noise mitigation scheme to take account of the specific housing layout now proposed by Macbryde Homes.

1.5 This updated noise report has therefore included:

i. A re-inspection of the development land site and environs;

ii. Review of the results of our previous traffic noise survey.

iii. An updated traffic noise survey;

iv. Review and specification of noise mitigation measures for the specific housing layout proposed by Macbryde Homes.

1.6 The author of this report has the following qualifications:- BSc(Hons) in Environmental Science; the Institute of Acoustics’ ‘Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control’; and MSc in Environmental Acoustics. He has 30 years of experience in the assessment and control of environmental noise and is a Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics

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Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd

1.7 The various noise units and indices referred to in this report are described in Appendix I. All noise levels mentioned in the text have been rounded to the nearest decibel, as fractions of decibels are imperceptible.

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Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd


Site Description

2.1 The proposed development land is located is a field on the west side of Penyffordd village between existing residential development in Hawarden Road and the Penyffordd Bypass (A550). The site adjoins a field to the south. The proposed development land is shown in Figure 1.

2.2 Hawarden Road joins the A550 at a junction just to the north of the site. However, the noise environment on the site is due to traffic noise from the A550 and intermittent traffic passing on Hawarden Road does not result in any significant noise impact on the site.

2.3 The site is currently farmland that is used for grazing and the land is fairly level. The land is slightly elevated above the A550 by approximately 1 metre. There is an established hedge running along the boundaries of the site with the A550 and Hawarden Road.

2.4 The A550 is a fairly busy road between and the A55. There is a 40mph speed limit in place on this section of the A550. Further south the national speed limit applies.

2.5 Further to the south there is a recently built Taylor Wimpey housing development on land next to the A550.


2.6 The housing site layout proposed by Macbryde Homes is shown in Figure 2. The development is for a mixture of detached and semi-detached houses totalling 32 dwelling units. Some of the houses will back on to the boundary with the A550 and therefore, as stated in our previous report, some acoustic screening measures will be necessary for the rear gardens as detailed in Section 5 of this report.

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2016 Survey

3.1 Hepworth Acoustics Ltd carried out a traffic noise survey at this site previously in January/February 2016. The purpose of the survey was to quantify the level of traffic noise from the A550 on the westernmost part of the site. Road traffic noise measurements were carried out at three representative locations on the site near to the western boundary for representative sample periods of the daytime and night/early morning.

3.2 The noise measurement locations are indicated in Figure 1 and are described below:

• Location 1: South-west area 4m from the western boundary fence.

• Location 2: Midway along the western boundary, 4m from the boundary fence.

• Location 3: North-west area near junction, 4m from the boundary fence.

3.3 Details of the noise survey method and associated analysis are set out in our 2016 report.

3.4 The full results of the 2016 traffic noise survey are shown in Appendix II and the calculated noise exposure values are shown in Table 1:

Table 1: 2016 Road traffic noise exposure levels (dB)

Location Daytime LAeq,16h Night-time LAeq,8hr 1. SW Area , 4m from W 65 60 boundary 2. Midway along W 65 60 Boundary @ 4m 3. N Area , 4m from W 68 63 boundary

3.5 The noise levels measured at Location 3 were slightly higher than at Locations 1 and 2, probably due to a clearer view to the road surface. However, it is assumed that at first floor level the night-time traffic noise exposure level at Location 3 would also apply to the other locations near to the western site boundary.

2018 Survey

3.6 Hepworth Acoustics Ltd carried out an updated traffic noise survey at the site on 21-22 August 2018. This time noise measurements were taken over a continuous 24-hour period at Location 1 using

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Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd

unattended auto-logging noise monitoring instrumentation. Also, some daytime noise measurements were carried out on 21 August at ‘satellite’ Locations 2 and 3 (and at an additional location at the north of the site – Location 4).

3.7 Details of the noise survey instrumentation, weather conditions, survey notes, etc are provided in Appendix III together with the results.

3.8 The actual daytime LAeq(16hr) and night-time LAeq(8hr) values measured at Location 1 were found to be 62 dB(A) and 57 dB(A) respectively. By comparing the sample noise levels measured at Locations 2 to 4 with those measured at Location 1 at similar times, appropriate transfer functions have been derived which have then been applied to the Location 1 values to derive the daytime and night-time noise exposure values for Locations 2 to 4. On this basis the 2018 road traffic noise exposure levels are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: 2018 Road traffic noise exposure levels (dB)

Location Daytime LAeq,16h Night-time LAeq,8hr 1. SW Area , 4m from W 62 57 boundary 2. Midway along W 62 57 Boundary @ 4m 3. N Area , 4m from W 64 59 boundary 4. N Area, 4m from N 61 56 boundary

th 3.9 Short-term peaks of noise at night measured at Location 1 were in the range 66 – 78 dB LAmax, the 10

highest value being 73 dB LAmax.

3.10 Thus, the 2018 LAeq road traffic noise exposure values in Table 2 have not increased from those that were measured in 2016, and in fact are lower. Therefore, for a robust approach, for the purposes of determining the necessary scheme of sound insulation measures for the residential development we have referred to the higher results of the 2016 noise survey. This also means that the noise mitigation scheme is consistent with that referred to in Condition 9 of the extant planning permission.

3.11 On this basis the recommended noise mitigation scheme, to achieve the criteria adopted in Section 4, is described in Section 5.

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Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd


4.1 The most relevant national guidance on appropriate acoustic design goals for new residential development is set out in BS8233: 2014, Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings, which carries the full weight of an adopted British Standard. The design criteria recommended in BS8233 for daytime periods (07:00 – 23:00 hours) and night-time periods (23:00 – 07:00 hours) are summarised in Table 3:

Table 3: BS8233 recommended acoustic design criteria

Activity Location 07:00 – 23:00 23:00 – 07:00

Resting Living room 35 dB LAeq,16hr

Dining Dining room/area 40 dB LAeq,16hr

Sleeping (daytime resting) Bedroom 35 dB LAeq,16hr 30 dB LAeq,8hr

4.2 BS 8233 also states that, “where development is considered necessary or desirable … the internal target levels [i.e. those in Table 3 of this report] may be relaxed by up to 5dB and reasonable internal conditions still achieved”.

4.3 BS8233 also recognises that regular individual noise events at night can cause sleep disturbance, thigh no specific criterion is stated. Peaks of noise from individual events are usually described in

terms of LAmax values and these can be highly variable and unpredictable such that for design purposes it is usual to take into account the findings of research described in WHO Noise Guidelines that states ‘for a good sleep, it is believed that indoor sound pressure levels should not

exceed approximately 45 dB LAmax more than 10-15 times per night’.

4.4 For this development we therefore recommend the following noise criteria be adopted with windows closed and trickle ventilation provided:

• Daytime noise below 35 dB LAeq inside living rooms and bedrooms; and

• night-time noise levels not exceeding 30 dB LAeq and generally not exceeding 45 dB LAmax in bedrooms.

4.5 For outdoor amenity spaces such as private gardens and patios, BS8233 states that ‘it is desirable

that the external noise level does not exceed 50 dB LAeq,T with an upper guideline value of 55 dB LAeq,T which would be acceptable in noisier environments’. The latter would include sites near to busy roads. However, the new standard also recognises that these guideline values are not achievable in all circumstances where development might be desirable and in such cases, for sites near to the

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‘strategic transport network’ higher noise levels in gardens (i.e. above 55 dB LAeq,T) may be acceptable. Certainly, the A550 forms part of the strategic transport network in this area of Flintshire. Nevertheless, in this report, for the purpose of specification of heights of acoustic fencing at this

development, we have adopted an acoustic design criterion of 55 dB LAeq(16 hours) for rear gardens of the new dwellings.

4.6 Meeting the above adopted noise criteria will provide a good standard of protection of residential amenity for future residents of the proposed development.

4.7 Our noise mitigation recommendations to meet the adopted noise criteria are described in Section 5.

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5.1 The layout drawing shows that rear gardens of some houses will be adjacent to the western boundary of the site with the A550 where traffic noise exposure levels were found to be 55 dB

LAeq,16hr . Therefore, it is necessary to install adequate acoustic screening in the form of a noise barrier fence along the western boundary as shown in Figure 3. This is consistent with our original outline noise mitigation measures referred to in Condition 9 of the extant planning permission for this site and the noise barrier that was necessary along the western boundary of the nearby Taylor Wimpey housing development.

5.2 Our calculations indicate that in order to reduce traffic noise levels to within 55 dB LAeq,16hr it is necessary to install acoustic fencing of 2.2 metres in height in the southern area, rising to 2.8 metres in height at the northern area. There is also a need to return the acoustic fencing along part of the southern and northern boundaries, as shown in Figure 3.

5.3 The acoustic fencing must be a proprietary acoustic fence with no holes or gaps. We recommend acoustic timber fencing of at least 20mm thickness, with a minimum surface density of 12kg/m2. The fencing should have double-rebated boards or joint cover strips to ensure that there are no gaps at joints.

5.4 Suppliers of proprietary acoustic timber fences include Jacksons Fencing (www.jacksons-, Gramm Barriers ( and Ransfords (

5.5 To make room for the fence, the boundary hedge/trees which overhang the site would need to be cut back. If this is not possible the fence would have to be installed slightly inside the site boundary.

5.6 The heights of the acoustic fencing recommended above are consistent with those described in our 2016 report and which form part of the acoustic attenuation measures that are required to be implemented under Condition 9 of the extant planning permission. If it is desirable for other planning considerations to reduce the height of the acoustic fencing then traffic noise levels will exceed 55 dB

LAeq,16hr to some extent in relevant gardens. However, as described previously in para. 4.5, BS8233 specifically accounts for such circumstances and so such an approach would, if necessary, be consistent with the guidance set out in the British Standard.

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Sound Insulation of Houses

5.7 Some sound insulation measures are necessary for habitable rooms of houses that will be exposed to significant levels of road traffic noise. Our recommendations are made below.

5.8 Windows of standard well-sealed thermal double glazing (4mm glass – 4mm glass) have a typical

sound reduction performance of 25 dB Rw + Ctr. (Note - Rw + Ctr is also referred to as Rtra).

5.9 Therefore, to achieve the adopted acoustic design criteria, where traffic noise levels exceed 60 dB

LAeq,16hr during the daytime and/or 55 dB LAeq,8hr and/or 70 dB LAmax at night, higher specification glazing will be necessary.

5.10 The ground floor habitable rooms of the houses proposed nearest to the A550 will benefit from the shielding of traffic noise that will be provided by the proposed acoustic fencing. Therefore, for these rooms, windows with standard thermal double glazing of 4mm glass – 4mm glass will provide adequate sound reduction.

5.11 However, for exposed first floor bedroom windows in the westernmost area of the site higher specification glazing is necessary. We recommend double glazing with a sound reduction

performance of 36 dB Rw + Ctr for these bedrooms, as indicated in Figure 3.

5.12 Typically, this sound insulation value would be achieved with double-glazing of 10mm glass – nominal cavity – 8.4mm acoustic laminated glass (e.g. Saint Gobain ‘Stadip Silence’).

5.13 Alternatively, ‘double windows’ could be installed comprising an outer window of standard thermal double glazing (4mm glass – nominal cavity – 4mm glass) and inner secondary glazing of 6mm glass in a suitable separate frame (e.g. ‘Selectaglaze’ system) with a cavity of at least 100mm between inner and outer windows

5.14 For houses slightly further back from the road at the northern and southern ends (Plots 4, 20 and 21) we recommend that bedroom windows are fitted with double glazing having a sound reduction

performance of 30 dB Rw + Ctr. Typically, this sound insulation value would be achieved with double- glazing of 6mm glass – nominal cavity – 6.4mm acoustic laminated glass (e.g. Saint Gobain ‘Stadip Silence’).

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5.15 We note from the Macbryde house type drawings that there will not be any windows to bedrooms in side elevations of the houses. Therefore, on this basis, the relevant house elevations requiring sound insulation are indicated in Figure 3.

5.16 Also, for rooms where enhanced glazing has been recommended, specialist acoustic vents will be necessary instead of standard window frame slot vents. Various types are commercially available but we would recommend types such as the Greenwood EAR42W 3-part system, comprising humidity sensitive indoor unit, acoustic sleeve, and outdoor acoustic canopy or wall mounted Ryton AAC125HP

units, or a similar product with a sound reduction of at least 40 dB Dn,e,w.

5.17 Other houses/elevations on the development (i.e. those not identified in Figure 3) will be further away from the A550, and/or adequately screened by those houses nearer to the road, such that no specialist sound insulation measures are necessary and standard thermal double-glazing and slot vents will suffice.

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6.1 Planning permission was granted for residential development of land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd in February 2018 subject to conditions. Condition 9 requires a noise mitigation scheme to be implemented, in respect of traffic noise from the A550, as described in our 2016 noise report.

6.2 The noise mitigation scheme has been reviewed in this updated report to take into account the specific housing layout proposed by Macbryde Homes.

6.3 As before, standard acoustic design criteria have been adopted from the relevant British Standard that will ensure the protection of residential amenity. However, to achieve these criteria it will be necessary to implement noise mitigation measures for some of the houses on the development.

6.4 Appropriate details and specifications of the noise mitigation measures have been described in this report.

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Macbryde Homes Ltd Land at Hawarden Road, Penyffordd

Figure 1: Site Location & Noise Survey Positions



Survey Positions Survey

Figure 1: Site Loction & Noise & Noise Loction Site 1: Figure

Noise survey positions survey Noise



Do notscale fromthis figure





2 1

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Figure 2: Housing Site Layout


Figure 2: Housing Site Layout Site Housing 2: Figure


Do notscale fromthis figure Project:

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Figure 3: Noise Mitigation Scheme



Figure 3: Noise Mitigation Mitigation Noise 3: Figure





Acoustic fencing: Acoustic

30 Rw + Ctr + 30 Rw

36 Rw + Ctr + 36 Rw


Sound insulation of bedroom of Sound insulation


Do notscale fromthis figure

Project: Key:

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Appendix I: Noise Units & Indices

Sound and the decibel

A sound wave is a small fluctuation of atmospheric pressure. The human ear responds to these variations in pressure, producing the sensation of hearing. The ear can detect a very wide range of pressure variations. In order to cope with this wide range of pressure variations, a logarithmic scale is used to convert the values into manageable numbers. Although it might seem unusual to use a logarithmic scale to measure a physical phenomenon, it has been found that human hearing also responds to sound in an approximately logarithmic fashion. The dB (decibel) is the logarithmic unit used to describe sound (or noise) levels. The usual range of sound pressure levels is from 0 dB (threshold of hearing) to 120dB (threshold of pain).

Due to the logarithmic nature of decibels, when two noises of the same level are combined together, the total noise level is (under normal circumstances) 3 dB(A) higher than each of the individual noise levels e.g. 60 dB(A) plus 60 dB(A) = 63 dB(A). In terms of perceived ‘loudness’, a 3 dB(A) variation in noise level is a relatively small (but nevertheless just noticeable) change. An increase in noise level of 10 dB(A) generally corresponds to a doubling of perceived loudness. Likewise, a reduction in noise level of 10 dB(A) generally corresponds to a halving of perceived loudness.

The ear is not equally sensitive to sound at all frequencies. It is less sensitive to sound at low and very high frequencies, compared with the frequencies in between. Therefore, when measuring a sound made up of different frequencies, it is often useful to ‘weight’ each frequency appropriately, so that the measurement correlates better with what a person would actually hear. This is usually achieved by using an electronic filter called the ‘A’ weighting, which is built into sound level meters. Noise levels measured using the ‘A’ weighting are denoted dB(A) or dBA.

Frequency and Hertz (Hz)

As well as the loudness of a sound, the frequency content of a sound is also very important. Frequency is a measure of the rate of fluctuation of a sound wave. The unit used is cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Sometimes large frequency values are written as kiloHertz (kHz), where 1 kHz = 1000 Hz.

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Young people with normal hearing can hear frequencies in the range 20 Hz to 20 kHz. However, the upper frequency limit gradually reduces as a person gets older.

Glossary of Terms

When a noise level is constant and does not fluctuate, it can be described adequately by measuring the dB(A) level. However, when the noise level varies with time, the measured dB(A) level will vary as well. In this case it is therefore not possible to represent the noise climate with a simple dB(A) value. In order to describe noise where the level is continuously varying, a number of other indices can be used. The indices used in this report are described below.

LAeq This is the A–weighted 'equivalent continuous noise level' which is an average of the total sound energy measured over a specified time period. In other words, LAeq is the level of a continuous noise which has the same total (A–weighted) energy as the real fluctuating noise, measured over the same time period. It is increasingly being used as the preferred parameter for all forms of environmental noise.

LAmax This is the maximum A–weighted noise level that was recorded during the monitoring period.

LA10 This is the A–weighted noise level exceeded for 10% of the time period. LA10 is usually used as a measure of traffic noise.

LA90 This is the A–weighted noise level exceeded for 90% of the time period. LA90 is used as a measure of background noise.

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Appendix II: 2016 Noise Survey Results

Date(s): Daytime : 22 January 2016 Night-time : early hours of 5 February 2016

Equipment: Rion NA-27 ‘Type 1’ sound level meter (S/No. 00590966), Rion NC-74 calibrator, tripod, Kestrel 2000 thermometer/anemometer.

Daytime – Dry (but road damp from earlier rain), mild (11-10oC), mainly sunny, Weather: variable light SW breeze (1-3m/s). Night-time – Dry, mild 9-10oC, calm to light SW wind (0-2m/s), overcast.

All levels in dB(A)

Location 1: SW Area – 4m from Western boundary

Daytime Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 13:01 13:16 72.7 68.1 65.4 60.1 Traffic, birds. 13:55 14:10 73.3 67.9 64.8 58.1 Traffic, birds 14:52 15:07 72.6 68.1 65.4 59.7 Traffic, distant street cleaner, distant aircraft. 15:46 16:01 71.5 67.9 65.1 58.8 Traffic

Average LA10 = 68.0 dB(A) = LA10 3hr LA10 18 hr = LA10 3hr -1 = 67.0 dB(A) LAeq 16hr = LA10 18 hr -2 = 65.0 dB(A)

Night Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 03:27 03:42 68.5 44.6 46.2 29.6 Occasional traffic, bird. 04:21 04:36 72.4 56.2 53.9 32.2 Occasional traffic, bird. 05:18 05:33 74.1 63.9 59.3 40.0 Intermittent traffic, bird. 06:11 06:26 74.1 66.7 62.7 51.8 Intermittent traffic. 06:46 07:01 72.0 66.6 63.4 55.8 Traffic

(Log) Average LAeq = 60.2 dB(A)

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Location 2: Midway along Western boundary, 4m from fence

Daytime Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 13:38 13:53 73.3 67.7 64.4 55.6 Traffic, birds. 14:34 14:49 74.0 68.1 64.9 58.0 Traffic. 15:29 15:44 75.3 68.6 65.7 58.9 Traffic

Average LA10 = 68.1 dB(A) = LA10 3hr LA10 18 hr = LA10 3hr -1 = 67.1 dB(A) LAeq 16hr = LA10 18 hr -2 = 65.1 dB(A)

Night Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 04:04 04:19 72.2 55.7 54.0 33.1 Occasional traffic, birds 05:00 05:15 71.3 62.1 57.3 41.0 Occasional traffic. 05:53 06:08 73.5 65.5 62.8 48.8 Traffic

(Log) Average LAeq = 59.5 dB(A)

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Location 3: North End, 4m from west boundary fence

Daytime Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 13:20 13:35 73.9 70.3 67.0 59.7 Traffic, birds. 14:16 14:31 76.0 70.4 67.5 60.1 Traffic. 15:10 15:25 74.0 70.9 68.3 63.1 Traffic

Average LA10 = 70.5 dB(A) = LA10 3hr LA10 18 hr = LA10 3hr -1 = 69.5 dB(A) LAeq 16hr = LA10 18 hr -2 = 67.5 dB(A)

Night Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 03:46 04:01 73.7 54.6 54.9 31.4 Occasional traffic, bird. 04:40 04:55 76.3 61.1 58.1 34.4 Occasional traffic, bird. 05:36 05:51 74.5 69.0 64.1 51.4 Intermittent traffic, bird. 06:28 06:43 75.4 69.7 66.0 57.1 Traffic

(Log) Average LAeq = 62.7 dB(A)

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Appendix III: 2018 Noise Survey Results

Date(s): Daytime : 21 August 2018 (plus morning of 22 August at Location 1) Night : 21 – 22 August 2018

Rion NA-27 ‘Type 1’ sound level meter (S/No. 10632001), Rion NL31 ‘Type 1’ Equipment: sound level meter (S/No. 01120844) & all weather kit , Rion NC-74 calibrator, tripod, Kestrel 2000 thermometer/anemometer.

Daytime – Dry, warm up to 23oC, sunny periods, calm to light W-SW breeze Weather: (generally 0-1m/s). Night-time – (from forecast) Dry, mild 16-18oC, light to moderate SW wind,

mainly overcast.

All levels in dB(A)

Location 1: SW Area – 4m from Western boundary

See Chart on following page.

Summary Results below:

Daytime : 21 August 10:15 to 23:00 & 22 August 07:00 to 10:15 = 16 hours

LAeq(16 hr) = 62 dB(A)

Night : 21 August 23:00 to 22 August 07:00 = 8 hours

LAeq(8 hr) = 57 dB(A)

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09:15 LAeq 08:45

















01:15 00:45

00:15 23:45

23:15 22:45

22:15 21:45 21:15

Time (hh:mm)

20:45 Location 1 Location









16:15 21/08/18









11:45 11:15

10:45 10:15









80.0 90.0 100.0 (dBA) Level Noise

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Location 2: Midway along Western boundary, 4m from fence

Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 Traffic, sheep in field, intermittent distant 10:15 10:30 72.9 65.6 62.1 50.6 hammering/circular saw on roof of house. 11:15 11:30 73.2 66.0 62.1 50.9 Traffic, birds in nearby hedge. 12:15 12:30 72.1 65.3 61.5 50.4 Traffic

Location 3: North End, 4m from west boundary fence

Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 Traffic, occasional distant circular saw on roof 10:31 10:46 74.1 66.5 62.9 51.6 of house. 11:32 11:47 74.1 66.9 63.3 52.1 Traffic, birds in nearby hedge. 12:32 12:47 75.5 67.2 63.5 51.9 Traffic, aircraft

Location 4: North End, 4m from north boundary fence

Time Measured Noise Levels (dB) Comments Start End LAmax LA10 LAeq LA90 10:49 11:04 73.7 64.7 61.2 51.7 Traffic, intermittent dog barking at house. 11:49 12:04 70.3 64.8 61.6 55.1 Traffic, birds in nearby hedge. 12:48 13:03 71.1 65.8 62.4 55.7 Traffic, birds in nearby hedge.

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