LIT17_SE08_U02_A3C_M_WC.indd 194 194 more. once danger in of Holland—were other the all with Franks—along the and , the invaded 10,May 1940, On free. and safe felt they for awhile, atleast There, Netherlands. to the emigrated four, was family when the 1933, In Nazis. the under Jews of the persecution increasing the about to worry began in1929. Anne and Franks The in1926 daughters—Margot two had and married were inGermany, they where born Frank were Edith and Otto About the Frank Family proficiently. complexity bandindependentlyand the highendofgrades 6–8text comprehend literary nonfictionat By theendofyear, readand Informational TextReading 



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HOLOCAUST F r a nk compare theinformationintimelineand correspond toeventsinhistory.You willthen showing howeventsintheFrankfamily In thislesson,youwillexamineatimeline Comparing Text to Media opportunity tocompleteacloseread afteryourfirstread. Apply thesestrategiesasyouconductyourfirstread. You willhavean First ReadNONFICTION discuss, andwriteabouttimelines. The followingwords orconceptswillbeusefultoyouasanalyze, VocabularyMedia Timeline Frank FamilyandWorld War II the play order of events order time the follows that sequence parallel: chronological: annotated: notes notes the same time same the NOTICE CONNECT topic asyoufirstread thistext. abouttheunit ideas youlearn you haveread. knowledge andtheselections the selectiontoother The Diary ofAnneFrank The Diary similar and happening at at happening and similar containing explanatory explanatory containing new information or new informationor arranged in a in arranged ideas within ideas within

. events ontheright. events ontheleftandmore recent chronological order, withtheearliest The eventsinatimelineappear • • during thesametimeperiod. are related toeachotherandhappen Parallel timelinesshoweventsthat or explanations. It mayalsoincludebriefdescriptions occurred. and thedatesonwhichthey An annotatedtimelinelistsevents Comprehension Check. you wanttorevisit. vocabulary andkeypassages ANNOTATE RESPOND W F by marking by marking r a by completing the by completingthe a r nk II Timeline Fa mil y

a n d Worl d

31/10/19 7:33 PM Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. LIT17_SE08_U02_A3C_M_WC.indd 195

Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. secondary sources. text types.There are twobroad categoriesoftexttype:primarysources and When youstudyhistoricalevents,itisimportanttoconsultawidevarietyof BACKGROUND the Notesboxestomakeconnectionsandcapture yourobservations. about howtheeventsdepictedhere continuetoshapetheworldtoday.Use understanding oftheFrankfamily,World War II,andtheHolocaust.Think the images,considerhowvarioustypesoftextshelpyoubuildadeeper and imagesare primarysources. Asyouread theannotationsandlookat pulls togetherandinterprets othertextsandimages.Someofthose The annotatedtimelineonthesepagesisasecondarysource becauseit sources. official records. Photographs,maps,andartifacts are alsotypesofprimary sources includeawidevarietyoftexttypes,suchasdiaries,speeches,and A World War II Timeline • primary source actual diary. However, itisbasedcloselyonaprimarysource—’s Interestingly, theplay include textbooks,commentaries,encyclopedias,andhistories. sources are oneormore stepsremoved from anevent.Suchsources A NOTES secondary source Frank Familyand offers afirsthand,eyewitnessviewofanevent.Primary interprets oranalyzesaprimarysource. Secondary The Diary ofAnneFrank The Diary isasecondarysource. Frank Familyand World War IITimeline MEDIA MULTIMEDIA SCAN FOR



31/10/19 7:33 PM 195 1941: Growing Nazi restrictions on the daily lives of Dutch Jews force the Frank girls to attend an all-Jewish school. Frank Family June 12, 1942: Otto gives Anne a diary for her thirteenth and World War II birthday. July 6, 1942: The Franks go into hiding after Timeline receiving an order for

MILY Margot to report to

A a forced labor camp. They hide in the attic

NK F rooms above Mr. Frank’s 1934: Anne starts

RA workplace with the help Summer 1933: kindergarten at the of close friends. Another Alarmed by Nazi Montessori school in family, the Van Pels actions in Germany, . (called the “Van Daans” begins in her diary), joins them, the process of followed by 1929: Anne Frank is moving his family (“Dussel”), months later. born in , to safety in the Germany. Netherlands. TIMELINE OF THE F

1930 1935 1940

January 1933: 1935: The September 1, 1939: May 1940: The Adolf Hitler Nuremberg Germany invades Nazis invade the comes to power Laws are passed Poland, triggering Netherlands. Once in Germany. in Germany, the beginning of in control, they set Over the next stripping Jews World War II. up a brutal police few months, all of their rights as force, the , political parties, German citizens. to administer laws d War II EVENTS d War

l except the Laws passed over to isolate Dutch Jews r

o Nazi Party, are the next several from the rest of the banned. Jews are years further Dutch population. dismissed from isolate Jews, medical, legal, including the government, requirement to and teaching wear a yellow positions. Star of David. TIMELINE OF W

NOTES Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learning Company LLC. Copyright © SAVVAS

196 UNIT 2 •

LIT17_SE08_U02_A3C_M_WC.indd 196 31/10/19 7:33 PM August 4, 1944: 1947: Anne’s diary The hiding place is published in of the Franks is Dutch. Over the discovered and next few years the families are it is translated arrested. and published in September 3, France, Germany, 1944: All eight the United States, of those who hid Japan, and in the attic are Great Britain. deported from the Netherlands to Auschwitz death camp.

March 1945:* Anne and Margo 1960: The hiding die of the disease place of the Franks typhus in the is converted into a Bergen-Belsen permanent museum concentration that tells the story camp. of Anne and those who hid with her.

1945 1950 1955 1960

May 1945: The Allies 1960: Adolf Eichmann, one of win as the war in the last major Nazi figures to

January 1943: Europe ends. be tried, is captured and put on The Battle of trial in Israel. He is convicted Stalingrad marks and executed for his role in the turning of the arranging the transport of Jews tide against the to concentration camps and Nazis. ghettoes, where an estimated six million Jews died. June 1944: The Allies carry out a successful invasion of France. Their success gives many who live under Nazi occupation hope that the end of the war is near.

* Estimate. Exact date unknown.

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Frank Family and World War II Timeline 197

LIT17_SE08_U02_A3C_M_WC.indd Page 197 1/9/20 1:26 AM f-0242new /136/PE02971_RDG/Backlist_Reprint_Requests/NA/SE/READING/XXXXXXXXXX/Layout/Interi ... LIT17_SE08_U02_A3C_M_WC.indd 198 198 Complete thefollowingitemsafteryoufinishyourfirstread. Comprehension Check formulate aresearch question you might use to find out more about it. to Explore Research of the Holocaust?aspect research that detail. what In way the information does you learned shed light on an to Clarify Research RESEARCH 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

UNIT 2•THEHOLOCAUST went intohiding. How longafterAnne’s deathdidthewarinEurope end? What wasthecauseofdeathAnneandhersisterMargot? What eventprompted theFrankstogointohidingin1942? What happenstoJewswhentheNuremberg Lawsare passedin1935? the Netherlands? What washappeningtoJewsinGermanyaround thetimeFrankfamilyfled to


Describe thesituationforDutchJewsattimeFrankfamily

Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from the timeline. Briefly

Choose something that interested you from the timeline, and

31/10/19 7:33 PM Copyright © SAVVAS Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.