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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2,______1996 ._~ c. issUE 77 IN OUR 49TH YEAR l~j'i$;pi!i,c".,'l Grand J·ury indlcts sheriff's deputy Three of four fort lease proposals Extortion and knew that paperwork authorilinl tossed out by state o the . dismiasal of the chara­ intimidation of against the two women WB8 beinI Three ofthe four proposals to prepared. lease Fort Stanton were tossed out witness charged The women spent more than 24 Thursday by the state selection hours in jail after beilll anuted committee. by DIANNE STALLINGS Sept. 27 and jailed on a S10.000 Carolyn Jackson, spokesperson Ruidoso News Staff Writer bond for invalid criminal c:Iw'Ja for the state General Services De­ After listening to evidence for filed by the sheriff's office. aeecJrd· partment. Raid she could not reveal 1.6 days, a Lincoln County grand ing to the indictment. which proposal still is under con­ jury Wednesday returned four in­ 'ftley were arrested Cor tryina to sideration, when a final decision dictments against Sheriffs Deputy smuggle contraband into the jail. will come, or how the three rejected Angelo Vega. At the time,. Vega llaid the IIUh­ proposals did not follow the The deputy, who has worked in stance was BU.Bpeded to be guidelines ofthe request (or law enforcement since December marijuana. It later wu eonfirmed proposals. 1991, was indicted on two counts of to be tobacco. The deadline for choosing the extortion (third~degree felony) and The endicbnent 88)'8 Vep knew winning bid was today. two counts of intimidating a wit­ the two women were unaware or "At this point, we're getting fur­ ne88 (fourth-degree felony). He the court and district attol1lfJY deci­ ther clarification from the one still faces a maximum nine yeBnl in sions to dismiss the c:a.a epinat being considered;' Jackson said. prison and $20,000 in fines, them. Instead of infOl'llline the "We're trying to get the best pos­ Don Hillonll1le Ruidoao New. without aggravating circumstances. women, Vega threatened that un­ sible tenant for the fort." Students at White Mountain Intermediate School work on computers purchased with revenues from Vega has been put on adminis­ less they cooperated with Proposals were submitted by the Ruidoso SChool Dlstrict·s two mill levy property tax. School officials will buy more computers if trative leave with pay pending the authorities by workine 88 IUII"eOtiea groups hoping to use the fort for ju­ voters once again renew the mill levy at the polls Tuesday. outcome of the trial, according to a informants, the pending cue•. venile rehabilitation, housing for prepared statement issued by against them would be proeeeuted. homeless veteranB, military retire­ Sherifi' James McSwane. Vega Attorney Gary Mitchell. who ment, and residential treatment for could not be :reached for comment. represents Foster, wrote a letter to emotionatly-disturbed juveniles. Ruidoso School District Two pTOSeCUtors from the office the county commission in October of New Mexico Attorney General about the alleged actiODi of Vep Tom Udall presented the evidence and po88ible involvement ofSherifi' seeks tax renewal Tuesday to the grand jury in response to a McSwane. One of the women aid Eight gambling request from District Attorney Bert the sheriH' questioned her about bills to Senate by DON HIXON now pays $40 a year for "Districts are leaning on capital Atkins, who employs McSwane's possible involvement in illepl Ruidoso News Staff Writer Ruidoso's mill levy, and that improvements money (through wife as a secretary and handles the drugs by county commi.lionen. Voters will decide Tuesday sheriffs criminal cases in court. Eight gambling-related bills number would remain constant local mill levies) much more Vega was hired \0 work in the whether to continue the two-mill Udall's office also will prosecute were outlined to the New Mexico if the mill levy is renewed Tues­ than before." county detention center in Decem­ Senate ThUJ'8day. Wednesday was tax levy for the Ruidoso day by voters (in New Mexico, Besides direct state funding, the case against Vega, said spokes­ ber 1991. but soon moved into the the deadline to submit legislative Municipal School District. property is taxed on one-third of 'the school gets money through man Kay Roybal, to avoid any ap­ position of animal control officer bills. The Public School Capital im­ market value). bonds, grants. an occasional spe­ pearance of conflict of intere8t on with the sheriffs office. He wu The eight bills include: provements Act Levy must be The Ruidoso Municipal cial appropriation from the state the part of the district attorney's of­ promoted to a regular deputy and renewed by Ruidoso voters every - Senate Bill 380, which would­ School District receives money legislature, and the two-mill fice. acted as head ofa local narcotics in­ legalize video gaming at racetracks, three years. Since 1974, when from the state government, but levy. The five-page indictment states vestigation task force (or one year charity and fraternal clubs and li­ the act was originally imple­ the two-min levy is still vital to Without the two-mill levy, the that on Sept. 28, 1995, Vega until the task force was downsized censed liquor establishments; mented statewide, the Ruidoso the school system, district busi­ district would be forced to use threatened Shelley Woods, 38, and and employees were forced into con­ - SB 381,legalizing video School District's tax has been ness manager Caron Snow said. state money meant for opera­ Molly McBrinn Foster, 40, with tract lahor. Vega then moved back gaming at racetracks; approved by voters in all seven House BiU Two contaill8 tiOl18 for capital improvements prosecution of "meritle88 criminal into the position ofdeputy. elections. - SB 418, which legalizes video school district educational fund­ instead, she said. charges with the intent to wrong­ An agent with the New Mexico gaming at tracks and charitable At the last two-mill levy elec­ ing and includes money for "There would be less for fully compel (the women) to do an State Police in Clovis headed the and fraternal clubs, and ratifies in­ tion in February 1993, only 10% salaries, benefits, services, sup­ salaries, benefits, cl888room sup­ act against (their) win" as un­ pre-grand jury investiration. within dian gaming compacts; of those eligible voted. Of the plies, textbooks and utilities, plies and 80 on;' Snow said. "I dercover narcotics informants. the parameters outlined by Atkins. - SB 606 allows video gaming 4,094 registered voters, only 388 Snow eJ:plained. don't know what we'd do without Vega also pushed the women to No date has been set (or Vep'. at fraternal and veterans clubs; people marked their ballots. "That's distributed through the levy." sign an apology to the detention arraignment or trial, Roybal said. - SB 607 allows any 501C, non­ There were 298 voters for the the public school funding for­ Ruidoso's two-mill levy center administrator and sheriffs Vega's will lHl the only C88e thi8 profit group to have video gaming; mill levy and 90 against. mula and becomes the open­ revenue translated into about office 8aying they had been ap­ grand jury hears. - 3B 701 redraws present com­ For this election 5,460 people tional fund," she said. $428 per student during the last propriately arrested, the indict­ "The grand jury must Be cIia­ pacts to raise age limits, etc.; are registered, County Clerk "The level of funding that three years, school district offi­ ment said. The move was an appar­ banded because the attorney gener­ Martha 8aid. - SB 710,lmown as a status Proctor school districts now receive cats said. ent attempt to prevent them from al requested (the grand jury) only A person with a $60,000 home quo bill, halts all gaming fOT one (from the state) is much lower BUing the county for wrongful ar­ for this very limited PurpoH; aid year at the level dictated by the with a taxable value of $20,000 than it used to be," Snow added. Please see Election, page 3A rest, according to co~ documents. 12th Judicial DiBtriet Judp courts 80 a task force can come up The indictment states Vega Richard A P8J'8OIl8. with a plan; - and SB 806 proposes a joint venture between Indian tribes and the state. Campos introduces About three or four other bills Ruidoso Downs listed as have yet to be di8CU88ed. legislative bill to fastest-growing N .M. town INSIDE fund Ruidoso projects by DON HIXON Ruidoso News Staff Wrner "'We have encouraged village clean­ The Village of Ruidoso DOWDS is the fastest Sewer rines, and House. ups and 't's exciting to be the fastest o The Las Lomas sewer line bond­ growing municipality in New Mexico, according to grOWing community in the state." ing measure, known as Senate Bill the most recent U.S. CellBUB Bureau figures. youth center, pool Almost 80% of New Mexico's 99 incorporated JOE HAYHURST 312, must also pin approval from VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO DOWNS MAYOR would be funded the department of the environment municipalities increased in population between the to c:ertify the need (or the project, 1990 and the 1994 census. Ruidoso Downs has grown from 920 people in promoting the area." State Sen. Pete Gampos bas in­ the bill sa)'8. That bin sets the end of fiscal 1990 to 1,300 people in 1994, a 41.3% increase. Many people move to Ruidoso from other _tea troduced leeislation that would pro­ because the cost of living is low year 1998 as the deadline to accom­ "I think that we have a lot more civic pride now compared to oth. vide $1 un11ion through severance than we did (our years ago," Village of Ruidoso parts ofthe country, MoweD said. tu bonds for water distribution plish the project, or the authoriza­ tion will be void. Downs Mayor Joe Hayhurst said. "We have en­ "We are a fairly untouched mountain town with and wastewat.r system improve­ couraged village clean-upi and irs euiting to be beautiful 8cenery." she said. "'l1le weather ia not too nlent8 in Ruidoso. S534.000 to g­ In 88 814, the SI million for water and wastewater lines in the the fastest growing community in the state." bot or too cold and it's a quite duirable place to tend sewer line. in the Las Lomu Population in Ruidoso also expanded. 'ftle popu­ live." subdivision in Ruidoso, and village must al80 be approved by the environment department before lation in 1990 was 4.600 but by 1994 that figure Other census figure. show: S260,OOO for a youth center and rose 19.6~ to 6,602, an increase of902 people. - Carrizozo - down 1.42~ from 1.071 to 1060; ft'imming pool for the village. the boI1dI caD be itlUecL • The fill8DCe and administration "PRrtonally. J think Ruidoso is iust a neat place - Capitan - up 24.70% from 8G to 1.012; - Corona - down 21.88~ from 216 to 118. The leeialation must finrt eo department mlUt approve the to ." Eucutive SeeretaryJDeputy Clerk Mary Muwe1l relpOllded when quizzed as to why people - New Mexico's population 1.8~. 80,000. tbroqh two hearings in committee money (or tbe youth center and pool roM or from 1.61 million to 1.69 miRion. ranJdn& u and be l'eported out favorably be­ before it can be aDocated, 88 314 were D10Vinr inlb the ree;on. "Blame it on the it 86th chamber of commerce for doibl 8uch a ereat job o( in population nationally. fore it cometI to a vote in the Senate 18Ja. ,

, 1 .~ ,.~ " ______..-.~ ..._--.__~~. L.. __...... ___...... -.. --. ....-. ....-...... - . ...- _ ...... ------...... ------~ ..-.. - .....- -- .- - .- L...... ~ 2AfThe RukIo&o NewslFrkIay, Feb/Ullll/2. ,_ -- Traek owners face • j:~~~~ -. criticism over bill on the IIIllIueak queat;on. 800 r--.,...... ---~---...,.---r---.....--,.--...... --r----.-~-_ o Some sena­ Undor 88381, UY.. of the "drop" on the eleetronic gaming mAebin,s '- --.--+-r--J---1--1----1----1~f___f___f______I tors sugg~st would go to the state. The -drop" is equal to all money _d minus track owners all money paid in prizes. 'IW 10'Ji 800 >--+ are trying to get would i)­ riding on your backs." lage , J.ckson said. tively budgeted • 2'11> increaae in '"We're seeing real anomalies groa receipts 1IIlles. Then in Ssp­ possible relocation of bonded dabt this year - debt the Indian gaming compacts were on d sl vlIIago is emnmitted to Pllfiag oIf each month;' Jackson said, starting Iembor, departments were Baked to Rui o~'s W -Mart to Ruidoso on time. 0varaIl, the WIsp has M/lHAI:L SAN('IU:/ the Senate table. Observe:"s feel that ifa gambling with May 1995. hold olfon capital purcha.sas. SOIA'" SI;.NA10~ May 1994 collections were up Therefore. mid-year ganaraI ~;""'rlainty about whethar. shont *1lI miDlon in 01ltlItlII)I!in. bill is passed, it may be an amal­ ~ gamation of several bills. 15'11> over 1993, but MI\Y 1995 col­ fund revenues are at: 47'11> of of the Rqidoao no- Tradr. wuuId bonded debt. lections dropped 18~ compared to annual budget, while expeilclitures State Sen. Michael Sanchez On Tuesday, the Horsemen's As­ c1_ and ifit cIidn't, how long its By posIpODing aome capital JIUl'" sociation began an advertising M.y 1994. are at 40'11>, h.said...... would run. cbaaea, the WIspis able to tighten questioned Weatherly about an ac­ Various economie trends emerg~ cusation made Monda)' by Sen. blitz, taking out full-page ads in the But then June 1995 collections "This all has ..rtainIy atrected its IiacaI belt without cutIing jobs, jumped 32'J& 1994, CoI- ing the past two years prompted John Arthur Smith, chairman of state's two biggest morning news­ over June receipts," Jsckaon told councilors Jackaon said. the Senate Select Gaming Com­ papers (The AlQuquerque Journal mittee. Smith questioned 88381 in­ and The Santa Fe New Mexican> troduced on behalf of the Horse­ and running ads on television tout­ men's Association, claiming it gave ing. the economic aspects of horse Task forc~ warns ofcrumbling roads a tax break to racetracks the way it racmg. was written. The ads say horse racing pro­ by DIANNE STALLINGS proposed by the guvamor, tha Ii... "1 give you my personal as­ vides 10,000 jobs and puts $175 Rukioso News Starr Writer -We realized that recommending a gas tax year bonda will have signlli t1y surance that won't happen," million into the New Mexico econo­ Lincoln County and its five would be controversial. But we also recog­ lower _ coat&, Ll90n said. Weatherly responded Wednesday my. municipalities could coIleet $2.8 nized that a gas tax means that the use" of The Intereat is eotimated at: *3&.5 million for local roadwork if the miIJIon, while 2O-year bonda would state Legislature and the governor highways would pay for their construction coat more than __ million in in­ follow the recommendations of 8 and maintenance. It ensures that tourists and terest, ha said. citi zens task foree. others using New Mexico highways help to The group is urging the .state to pay for them, Instead of putting the entire The stats highWI\Y and trans­ i88ue $1.2 hillion worth of bonda to portation c1apartment reOBi..s inject some cash into New Mexico's burden on New Mexicans.- shout $180 mi1Jion in federal fund­ deteriorating roads. DomE HOXIE ing each year, but that amount Is CITIZENS HIGHWAY TASK FORCE azpeeted to d...... to *140 mil­ Stote Rep_ Lorenzo Lerranga CR­ tion in 1996. The amount or state Bernalillo) has introduced s bill and many roads are reaching the BBtimatsd *37,3lf1, Ruidoso Downs funding has atayed 10110I III $186 th.t should .ccomplish th.t goal, saturstion point, CHAT pointed $33,243, C.pitan *32,571, and million the past raw years. But if based on funding recommendations out. Corona *7,748. . inIIation Is factored in, thet amount from the task force, . "We realized that recmnmendiag ahrinka to *187 million and must Appointed by Johnson July • gas IIIll would controversial" Stote Rep. Ban Lilian (D-Santo m be provlda for construeti.... repair ond 1996, CHAT conducted 17 town ,task foroe member Dottie Hoxie maintenanea on 11,800 mil.. of Fe) introduced. bill Monday that ~ugh~t sets its sights a bit lower. House mseti_ the "!"ts to told traIIic safety bureau oftieiela. highways. : gather ~lic opuuDn on high'!I\Y "But WB also ncognized that a gas , Bill 531 would .uthorize up to t250 A national study relaased in : million of extra honding .uthority conatruclion, repa1r and funding IIIll means that the uaars of high_ optiona. More th;an 100 people ~ ways would PI\Y for thair construe­ 1996 .I\YII New Mexico ...... d ito : for highWI\Y improvement projects. ~ded an~ ~di- in"-ant In alate highways by The money would be earmarked for the meatinga an tion ond maintenlllltAl. It enaur.. lional 500 returned queatiomuurea. that touriata and othsra using New 30'11> tram 1982-92, ac:cordiag to the , four-lane expBDSions on highly­ nawalattsr. traveled two-lane routes. About In its linal report to tho govar. Mexi.. highways help to pay Ibr • *160 million in tl...year bonda th..... instead of puttiDg tho entire "Tbe .....age we boanI over and nor, CHAT recommended the high. over tram the cltiZaaa of this stala could be iasued by pledging fiJur WIlY dopertment iasue bonda. for burden on New MexiC8D8." cents ofg.. taa. Lu,jon and the clMlJlOnaora ofthe was that. they wuuId be willing to *1.2 billion. MembOl1l contended PI\Y taD8 Ibr roade if the HB531 also would allow Gov. tho plan would DOt only meet the bill intnHIuzed Monda,y diaecree mon., Gary Johnson to impose a one or with the task forca reeommeade' waa uaecllbr ...... " said Tom Swill­ atate'. moat critical hichwI\Y nasda, atadI. CHAT vIoe ohair and two-cent highWI\Y bonding gasotine return money tions. m..,.... but slso would to ~ Rio RanchD. tax for more projeeta up to the t250 eommunitis. to allow them to Compend to the bonde or million total. determine their own tr&napartatjon Highways in the stats are in priorities. critical condition, ac:cordiag to • report released by the Governm'a Fnnn the *1.2 biltion, *1.09 biI- lion would be uaecI on tho stats'. List of sources Citizens Highwl\Y Assesament Task Force (CHAT). Information tram hiJbway ayatam. The other *no that report waa reviewed in the De­ ='I.:.t~~ cember edition of TraIIic 8a1llty for highway funding Nawa1etter PUblished by tho New age and pepulaI.ion. To sacure the *1.2 bIlIiDD In 20- - to-tmpo. a DU-qIIart8I' JNlI' Mexico Trallie Safety Bureau and Oat of 112 eounties iD the state, year~ bonde, an additional eent _ ""':ftts ,1M and Lineoln CounIiY and ito ,live '--" the Institute of Pu1JIie Law of the munieipalltlea would rank 13th In *76' • In state """'!i would. slimlMre tit lQ11Uon In ...... ,.lin· University or New Muico. have 10 be pnMded IIIIlIII8I\Y to the tarageney tranaran tram the lOad Doa HiJlOI\fIlIIl! Rtd...o New. Without on immediats Intllalon the amount.ofmoney that would be .state hiaJnnIy department. . Ilmd;" of into the state's hit'::. m_ ~ PoullJIil __ Ibr the 1UIdI. - to -.Niah a 6-ceJil ...... 1ne Studies payoff system.. ssfety and economic • =:.. C:::p":?:: _t will aulI'er, the CHAT heap,coIJeetiag$l7.8m1111on. , tiCIOIilI fT8 miIIIOJI- IIIIlINf;ad by :~~r=LW.iDta~ ~ White Mountain Elementary SChool studenls ErvJna Herrera (left) report atatad. It pointed to 11.700 OJ the amount to LIneoIa. CHAT ware: 8&\lIIllV tranaran &om tha lOad and Adan JIminez won new bicycles In a random drawing of mil.. ofdelieient ...... naarly bait the. ClDlIJlW ~ wou1d _- to restore to the IdfIhwq de- Ilmd: . honor roll students' names. The bikes were made possible by ofthe atate'a hIcJ!wIIY ByaIem. - t2.lI&. million, the Ul.e ~cle -ond/iD,-.,:a=sonfll ·11 New Maxico ronks third YiIIap.llte- -flne_'Dlllhe"liIla .If -_.;~ contributions from local merchants. alre8clY BaIcIDao woUld teI\aet $112;211'I,' • .•coIIlICllld or vlIdeu-...... ,. . "11 In the Dation tar high...,fldlditiu, Carriaoao 1Wl1lId NCBi.. : sa, '. ..,., ~to...... , '."

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" ,""""',-.

P~lice promoted Ruidoso Downs Police _ril Chris Condon (left) and Ray Montes W1lf8 recently promoted from patI1)Iinan 'staius,:to the rank of corporal.-Condon W8$ also named as the department .ield' investI- gator and Montd"ls now a shift supenrlsor. .

Election------Continued from _1A the past with the l.vy are: 7 p.m. Tu.,dsy at the Ruidos. Civic Evente Center. "Tbe levy really allows lIB to :..... land improverllents including make the schoola a batter place lOr new sidewalk~ tree.B, shrubs, All registered Yotera who live in our kids," Ruidoso Municipal sprinkler systems._ a new running the Ruidoso School District ani School Dietricl Saperinleadenl track, n.w b1aacbe... and land,cap­ eligible to vote. Mike Gladden aBid, "II m..... ing at all echool Bilea; about $360,000 per year lOr the "The district includes Ruidoso schools." - building imProvements in· Downs and runs almost to the c1uding _peting. IlYD1 Door ref...... Glencoe Civic ,"nta Center, then Tbe lwe...... lllevyis designed for bishing, lelephone syslBms. baating te:l- ~ :reservation Hne and just: a capital improvement nesds, bul it ayslemB sod..uod ayalems. Iittl. past Farley's:' sBid Ruido.. can also' be \lB8d 10 subBidise bond Schools Superintendent Mike Glad· money. sod for lsod and buiidinge - increased handicapped acces­ den. "Ro,ocho Ruidoso is in our dis­ mmntenanee. The money is not Bibility; triet. but- Alto is in the Capitan dis- \lB8d lOr .aIaries. . trict." _ and equipment for eurrieular- Futur. pi.... lOr lwe-miIJ levy and eKtraeurricular programs have Voter,. must: have been regia­ doIlore ioclud. parchaBing addi· b••n parchaaed, including nursing t....d by Jan. 9, sBid County Clerk tionBl computers for classrooms, supplies. student deake sod farai. Marsba Proctor. grounde malnleneno:e and roof and ture, roof repair or replacement. "You have to have registered to buildingrepair. Snow aBid. lunchroom seating SysteMS, activity vote 28 days prior to an election to ''Sometimes things jusl aren't vehicles, classroom ,eomputers. be eligible to vote in that election," anticipated, like a roof leak at one coPiers, musical instruments $ad Proctor said. .. of the Bilea thet neado to b. audio visualdquipment. repairel\:' &he sBid. . - " . Cell 257-4051 for more informa· Soiae of tba pi-ograms funded in Polls will 6. opan ftoDi 7 a.m. to tion. New·sign will hail convention center; hotel needed nearby by KATHLEEN McDONALD jt; legitimizes the convention cen­ thealets'sraeetraclrs. ficult, .specially since the wlage inereaae thi. coming year b.ceu.. Revelay sBid. Ruldoao News Stall Writer ter."Bailay said. Resort man.... Jon Sberry baa baa no public lransparletion ays. of new special events plannad by Many people drawn to the viI· Tbe four.7e...... 1d Ruidoeo Con· The Bignsgsla pari oftha IIUIBler 88id eonstnaction bingel on .. tem. Selman sRid. . Ruidoso's new special events COOl'-' lage because of the concerts would ....lion Center wi11lina\ly have an plan lOr the convention sod civic panded gaming st the lreclL "I se. it hurling lIB DOl baving a dinalor Anne Revelay. a1.. go up to lbe ski area, Revelay eIactronic elga marking ite location center comp\.... Tbe plan also in· I'rBssntiy in Santa F. to attend hotel bare," &he lold lba councilors. Many of lbe evenlB will center told the village council. for Mecham Drive JIIIIlIHllSby. c1udes a balel. legisIative hearinga on gambling -We tum down an average lwe - around Ruidoso'. 5Othbirthdsy, "I know some of the bands would V'.u- councilors aiJproval\ bills. Sharry eouIdn't bsreached for ml\ior eonventions" ..... month. &he .ba sBid. b. happy to go up lb.re and play $5ll.ooo lOr coDBtruclion ofii mar­ Wban s bale! is built, it too wiD comlll8Dt. said. "Tbe '96 calender haa become for an hour as a teaser," Keveley que elga lOr lba con_lion center sppaar on the elga. a1_ with the Tbe hotsI laaao requires eon· Lsek ofa balel fOn:eB Salman 10 full b1owo; Keve1ey aBid. "Our ob- said. . Tueadl\Y. DIlferent deelga optione Links GoIfC...... _ 10 begin within a two- aeII eonvenlioJia lOr 3.000 allendeu jeclive is 10 bring more viBilers inlo wiD be put oullo bid, vm.... Man· Ruidoso Downs Race Traek year period, and ifil deem't begin or fa...... , sinee viII.... ladgea now Ruideso:' Bailay al.. sBid the ski ar.a and ...... GaryJackson BBid. owoar R.D. Hubbard and bUBinsss by next fall. theless. will be void. hav. s lota\ ofabou12.200 bede. Chiof among thue is tho "Tunes Ruidoso communily sbau\d work Th. money wiD come &om the partner Ed Allred Bip.d s 5O-yaar Having a hotel within walking "If we're aeriouB aboul being in and Tup· aeries of dancelconcerIB closer on promoting events and at­ viIIag.'. $110,000 common srsa 1m. 1888...... 1 with the w!sge in di_ ofthe convention center is the eonvenlion buain.... we're BOh.duled 10 run &om F.b. 26 10 tractions. provemeilt t\md. 1994 10 baild a $16 million resort vital lOr the center's ...... n .ue- going 10 need a convenlion hole!." April 6. Each oflb. six shows is ex- 'nis benefits of the electronic botsI with 162 _rna at the Bits, On ..... aBid Farea Merritt Selman, BaiI.ylater said. peeled 10 draw aboul600 people. "We're listed on the Ski Apache m_ sign can't be un· viIIage-owoed Isnd. marketing dlrector for the Ruidoso Aboul 100 convenliono were Revelay baa contscled Ski brochure as their 1-800 number be-­ d....stimated. aBid Ruide.. VaIl.y Ceaslnaclion was put on hold by Convenlion '" Viallers Bursau. boolrsd at the center laat year. and Apach. officials to seek b.lp cause they don't have one." Bailey Chamb.r of Gemm.... Director the busin... partnen aarly laat Without the hotel, marketing. the viUage took in about $20.000 in promoting the series on show days, sBid. and 509£ ofthe cbamb.r', toll. JOBO BaiI.y. yaar after the stole Legislature Raido.. to large groups aa a _ revenllBS. bal &he was told the co_rIB won~ free phone calls on winter days are .. "NOI only does it give visibility. failed to approve vidBO gemb\ing lOr premiere convenlion Bile Is dif· Convention center bookings msy dir.ctly impact the ski area, inquiries about Ski Apache.


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'~I"._.W\IIi:IIi ~~l~it~-;",,:...... ' . . ., .. .. ~"'fF"'''''' • '" '., .'. _ I/tN!E: " . Please go toJhe p!>lIs ~,,_ . .Tuesday and suppDrt Ruidoso School District

It may not be a glamourous electl!l" with. battling personalllles, but it's probably the most important electlon this year for your children. Ruidoso School District voters are being asked Tuesday to renew a two mill property tax that supports the school district State law requires voters to re- approve the mill levy every three years. . This is the one soun:e of funding that gives tl18 local school district the most control over Its use. School of­ ficials plan to use il for compulers to help students keep up with modem times. They also use the money to keep buildings in shape, preventative measures that save money in the long run. In these days of penny-pinching voter attitudes, we cannot assume that others will Jake care of the voting for us. Please. go to Ihe polls Tuesday.

~--­ ~--- <;6Televjsicm is an invention "wow.' WANTTO KNOWHOW MUCH BlE~Y IT TOOK TO FL"f "(OU ~p "fOUR EMTOUFJl\GE BlER'tWHERE YOU ""ENT lMTYEAR, SE'RETAR'f a'LEA-flY?" . whereby you can be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have . in your house." lite shops I wasn't sure Ibey were job...... an ...... lite in Not happy about __open...._ there waahardly d CIIIIUlI'7 1126 miDion JBoI ..-. 'DuIir WiIIIbeylook rorjoba thot make eothnated 8nng81 ~ COIle • [)AVItJ FROST car being towed any .... lII'OUDd. BIIt I'm sure tho the JIlI,JroII f'or horse mcing employ. .... S60 million and the 'Value of BRITISH COLUMNIST, TF.l.EVISI()~ PROOUCER· 1995 TO THE IIDITOR: dt;y I118kes money on lite towiDg e..n . IIleir hpwding and mcing aIock is ond parking ticket, 80 _ oren't Whst kind of incestives will it esHmated tohe 176 miDion. too ooncemed aboutyour 1ocoI· obop (This kiter was origioolly writ· take to replace horse racing's 18117' u-Iving IIIOJI8l' &om theoe op­ _.I'm oI...ure tbi.1etlerwill million conlzibulion 18 tho stste'. ~ COIle an aD tho oII'aI.... "'a 10 lhe RuidGso Police Depart­ go'in lite trash and lbought of as meal The writer asked thai il be -.omy1 Who will the Ilums, l'eed blond.... l'eed deoIen. <;60on't avoid the media. oaly one tourist sogry _t thor. about &nd that lniogs a business big veterinsriQllO, and equipment and printed in this newsJKJlHY"J her vehicls being 18...... whUe she They'/I always get you." I'visited your dt;y Isst week and enough 18· .....ate 10.000 j"'s? IIJe.. vehicle supptien. They will need wss b;ying your waS very upset by your now perk­ 18 8I\iOY town. Iieve whoevw itIs will ask &no a lot lUJll-ment in , 'DIe "joho I just hope othere you in­ ing ordinance, I came Ruidoso ibat or !u' bresksl 'l1Jere f'or N_ Maico" noed 1IO • SUSAN MOUNARI to conveoienee will take lbo time to a100e for a get.way weekend and some noeeth_ deols f'or j in bep aD tho rwuI parlB ofthis in- LJ .s. Jtf.PRESENTATIVE· 1994 write their oomplainte, ond think wss rudely awakened by my vehicle tho post, but npladgg tho race dusllyinmind. twice abOut visiting your ticket being towed away while I was .Iumre'a rwul18 urbanJ.... oughttu It would he far hettsr to haw- a walking your shopping area on trap•• ...... thaJme...·ofany._ 1....._·...... to.. tha .... Sudderth Street. I talked to a shop ment ..tup chargod with that mis- mcing industry thot lIoesa't ... owncr ond round ollt that the perk. J ....nirez CbesIDId sion. racehorse jobs or ..... any horse ing had changed sinee my last visit Amarillo, 'lba payroll hos to -..to the f"anus. It Is rer _ 18 add eJeo. at to Ruidoso. aUKiliary industries thot serve Ironic _. the horse races to POLICY keep _ growing, beca_ the Lost trackjobs raciDg patrons. After aD, when I have several complaints about tourists to horse nco pones pe.y a lot mlllll 111l! Ruidoso News encourages leUers 10 the editor. especially your new parking: I didn't see your hers. race come New can't be replaced Maioo tracks, Ibey are spending people thon just lbobetIing winner ubout local topics and issues. yellow curb because ofthe ice, snow shout 1120 million. OuHf-atale or the horse owner. E1ectnmic and dirt covering them, the curb racohors. owners an spending 118 games st horse races will keep f".uch Ieller must be signed and must include the writer's tele­ was gray as the picture enclosed TO THE EDfl'OB: flOV8l'I1III8Il &om looIdng f'or a phone number and address. The phone number and street or mail­ milJioD. Can flOV8l'I1III8Il "jobs f'or will prove. AI.., what "'out people Now Muioo" mythical indust1y f'or New Mai.. ing addl"css will not be prinlcd. however the author's hometown that would b1

Season of winter c;..tn bring happiness, too .' •• •! •

" -,,~.,II!I .~"'" ~;. "_,~ ..'",!III!; _,\I!!!,..,I!!I.• ""l,.,>;II'._""'_ ,11';-"'.. p.""'_ -- - 1III""" _ - iI!l .. . ,',

• •

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• MISA, PARRIIW,. LOCK_OD,BIOBLAND, RANCBVALB, SA.DIA, ., Campos on Committees' CAMBO, BARRY 8 ZIA , Committee BLBMBN,.ARY SCHOOLS, IAncoJn County 8JDbu1aiue. 81'8 S_8IIalltor Pete qamp..(l)­ _ooedinAlto, Capitau,Car­ Lea V_)wasllpJlllintad last . oriaozo, Corollaand Ifoudo. 'DJey are weekto tbe Senate Committeea' YUCCA JR. BlOB 8 CLOVIS .eened byvoJuutaera lima th_ Committee, tha Ieaderabip com· _(whoare p81d flJr ndt mittee reaptlD8ibIe flJr maid.., c0m­ Inm), butmore voIWlteeee are mittee ...... _inthes-te. CBRIS,.IA. SCROOL .....ted. Au70ne intereatedin bee­ 'l1le committeea' committee is 'aming Wl EMT·B aad.voIWltl'!er eJeo reeponaibI..in 8Dot1l1lr·Jeii8Ja­ -with ODe ofthese seniees, ecmtact live .....00..flJr determJuiJIg . are savin. Furr's receipts la • ComJie J.Hopper, Ctmuty Emer­ wbBtber iatrodu..d biDs are _ Servioee CoonIiuator••t 50S. __uderthe.--.lito. ~lIIi,.ratop,attbe...... ty•. ' &ioD-aad be ....eidered duriIItr. redeemlaward.compuler maa8&l"'e olIkein the murtbowoe obort Campos .ald. atCarrizozo. Camp..Ie tbe ~tyeaUCU8 cbairmau and...... tha 'Vice • equipmenl farlheir class­ obairmanortheSenate WI\Y8 BOd ;Rio Bonito Meaua Committee. He I. eJe•• member.rthaS8Wlte C.nservati.n roams.. Plea.e help Ihem by impoundment Committoe BOd tha Senate Select ~not Gaming Committoe. Cam....baa hurting now, aerved in tha hate aince 1991. saving your receipls lao! "I am bouored thatmy .... ,'BLM officials say Ie_iv the New MOllica Senate A small Impouvdm_ofwablr ha..placed theirtrustinme byap­ 7urn .callecled receipls in la 'OIl theRi. BOIIito inthe llauehee of poiuting me to tblalaedarabip com· IIlittoe," Campos said. "My commit­ Souterrasubdivision is notdameg­ • ;iugdo_IIow,olDdeJe with m.atto tha people ofGWldaJ-. parlicipating schools & help 'the _uofLemJ Menegeme"t Saa Miguel. LIncoIu BOd De Boca IIII¥. 00lIIItiea w.iII remain atroJIg•• 'l1le BLM was eelred to loot into Ihem reach Iheir .oal!. . . repoIteofaetnemobetroatiOlldur- Checkpoints on ing. meetiagin lincoln eewraI . natural resource mOIltbe ego, and then were remlndodbyHoDdoresidentJamee laws all year 8aDehez Iv lIIlOlher Lincoln meetr ------' - ing We wee1m ego. State ami fedoraJ egenci..will : Lealie Coo.. BLM Roswell Die· be ....ductiuc raodom patrol. BOd 'mctmaaegor. said ebe and • etefr cboekpointa within thestele ofNew .bydro1ogiet last week examinedthe Mexico from Feb. 1throuBh the ami obstrueliOll eboutWe mil..weet.r ofthe year. the bouudazy ofFortSteutou. 'l1le..-ae oftbeee reudom cbeeke Ie to cbeek au compliance "It'••amaII diveniOll thatcreat­ with nstwal J'8BOUJ'Ce laws. For ed.pool, batwater Bows ....aad more inIlJrmatiou, pi....call (506) tbrougb it,'Ctme.aid. "'l1le 827-6880.

~ , , .. ' -'.,.', .··Uti-..tit·'. ., .•',,,,,,,'-. ... '0 ,, " .. ,- _ '.- _.... ', ',-'"., - Pedro Chavez BOd two ...... Rufina MOIl. or Albuquerque, Eftie Mwpby .r Pedro . CIulvea, lI2, of SaIl Belen, Macari. Cbs... of SaIl Patricio, cIied Dec. II?, 1995. Pallido aod Ra,mond CI!avez of Mr. Cbavez was bora Cot. lI8, Albuquerque; 10 poIIncIebiIdren; one 1908 to DeUida Mouto1a CIIa1IU gre~d; aad numerous' aad MaciIrio Cbavez. He Hved maet lliecea ami uepbewa. ofbialira inSaIl Patricio. He was ...... ded.in daeth by bia F1mereI maea \9118 be beld at St. ;vife, Lore/!*llll 'hoIUlUo diawii, in JIII1e CathOlic Cbllr

o ....._Slle.tB ,· 1••••11I .. Kt/SRIII!II ...I..... , ...... , ••FeZ .... 7 • _hr • Cua...... '.. .. ,...... ~sS••t ·;·nl..~.· ..,...... _.... - M~: ,~", '~' • ,,:. .. . ,,' .' roO>' . •... . .t" - •._",'.'.:'";-_" . '." • .'. ' "-<. '-" ,":,;. •.. \~,;;" ~.- ~. -.. ,

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RUIDOSO'S FOUR-DAY Pittman, Smith ~ WEATHER OUTLOOK Kimbor\V ·AmI PIttman fII _ amid ~ decora­ Bonito Fire Dept. theSun VaUoy StationinAlto. For Ruidoso ... IIUIIIiad to lUBlin AI· tions fIInd, White and...... turther iDibrmation, eaIl336-4308. bert SmiIIl or Rui~ at 6 p.m. on 'DIelllido_astro~ SUNDAY High••••40 has new omcers Doc. 17,llIII5 at Cree MoadoIJe p ... by Veuo widta .~Low•.._10 Local Lutherans Couatr,y Club. . tJain. J;~. ~ 'DIe BllJIito VoluDteer Fha De· \0: .Ii ,.- ~olIioonand ~, ' p__ IwJge Mike Line olIicialAld. _LJ'beJty Bryant served as tho "', ::.~, .., awarded gold star .. p" 'J1Ie In:ido'o. paroats are loaa IIIlltzOD or ~, and Duot;y .c"4- Partly JII'lIl8Dted a...... atilll _UBI Members orAid Asoociation for moeliqlaa.9. Coin or CorIobad and Butch. Boavera, brother or the ....­ cloudy Lutheraoa(AAL) Braach17870in Pit1mBD or Ruidoso. 'DIe ...... served as bast man. BVPD_the ...... UDitiea or Ruidosobave been aWlll'ded agald Alto, ADgus and BIlJIito. paroats are Ilobort and IwlY 'J1Ie haJlPl' I:IIUp1e IjIent their starratiqbythe rrateraal,JJoaafit Boavers orBuidOoa Dowos.. ChieCIIuwmI Puckett intr0­ aocioty!'or their oump1aryoem· wedding Dight at Caaa de Putron in duced be alIiem's: __chief muaityvelua_1lIlI'IIico& 'Dto In:ido's oioliBr and brother, I.iJI£!IIa and will reside in Germany, Bryant Leo Jack Orio, depalaI chiefMark Slam· iD Liberl¥ and Stager whore the ...... iaslationod with Milsbnnches uel'Bllkad Pitbaan, sang "AIlolr AJI" at the the U.S. AnDy. . MONDAY lI;sh 42 TuEsDAY lI;sh..·.44 baqh,fi..eaplaia Bob Palko. eight porI'ormaaco caIoCBries. To Low 12 Low ....13 1IId'ety...,-Cbris !)eRDO, public achieve tho bighootntingo, gold or relatioos Iieu_tYvanne Bilver otaro, branches muat BDDuaJ· ... LuaDi, fiaaaco lioutoaaat Bob Iy_atleast ono AAL Maaaick andnacue lieuteaoat Coy bonevuleat activit¥. such 88 a Volquardsen graduates Stambaugh. . Cundraiaer or work ~"'; Puckett aIao introduced _iBis­ 'Dtey a1ao musI;eo nino Duatin H. Volquardoen, a 1987 _ve ollicera:'BeCI'elary Ed Pan· meetings. _ atleast _ oduo grIII!I.. or Ruidoso llich BchooI. ninglan, IreaBurer Bob Maaaick, rational activil¥ aad _ member graduated at tho 103rd Cammaaco­ and department diopateh8r Los"" awaren...... 1, and oemply with mont ot Now Muieo State Unlvor­ "1luaty" LuaDi. AAIJo attondaaco. voting and sit¥on SaturdtlY. Doc. 16. . Pucka" aIao presented at­ roporliDg roquiiemorila. V...... earned a BochoIor ""- tondaaco a...... to MarkSlam· 0fIic0r0 for 1996 AAL BI'ODCh or S...... dosros in EIeol:rieaJ WEATHER ALMANAC ..... baugh aad Ed I'tlaaingIDD88 gifts 117870 lluidoao are Erwin C. _ Engineering. ofappreciatiOQ to members' ing, president; Don ElIia, vice presi. He ia the oon orFred and CarroJ - VaIq~ Raidoso remJi~BS Hill" 1.I>w I'rodpiIBIJIm spouses. 'Dt... gifts were crafted by dent and J_Tosnsing, ...... orBuidoso. Duatin has BVPD -_herTim WoirwiJJo or lBJy and treaaurar. Msotlap are an . oight>yoar.oJd dough"", Tuesday 37 18 .(ll'" ~ Wednesday 52 30 .00' wrulAl Pottery. hold atS1Iaphoni ortho HUIo ., Thunday 37 23 .20" An.Y- residiDg in BVFD'ooJis. Lutheran Cburch in lIuidoao. rn.e'., Cboyanne plan to live ", lrictisinvilAld tojoin the dapart­ AAJ has incroaasd their matcb· in Lao Cru.... wbilo Duatin eon· ·it Regional-Friday High Low Forecast mont. BVFD moolAl the llrst and ingfimdo Cor the 1Iuidoao bI'ODCh \ -, ,y' tinues to eam his Master's in the I] ....ni1 Tuesdayo ooeb month at aamsfiold. • Albuquerque 40 25 Snow showers p..... or 117870 from $2.200 to $2,600. Dualln Vo"'-n EI Paso. TX 50 38 MOldy cloudy Lubbock. TX 18 10 Light snow Midland. TX 24 15 Light snow []..... ,. 1be foDowin.a reporIl we.. '....., by 1 Ad4I infQIfoUowup WII'UIIU, dlJJa LYlUnUJI cilJ...i 10 Ihe Rllii'oto1'oIi,* nq.IlineDL 2 "'""'" u/Mll'larroluBUf Cam MtlDn. SA'lURDAY.JAN.21 2 ..-.-Ani.. oIhc:r -amdc:s ICBfM·7V [II . (CIDaIlnued fmm Jut...-J 1_...... - 9:45 p.m. ADoIher bu.....II)' c:ard IlllIted 1-.... on l!ac:aliber LaDe. 5 Noo-c:rimbW .,:11,,111_ - 10:17 p.1Do AnCllher burBIuY QlnI 'ThoR deeded for difklmll Exc:aliber ~e coodo. ,...... , - 10:17 p.m. Another I!aalIiber Lane 1 UnleCUfIl! buildin$ cm4oburalatY. Needar. IV..ca.lism In Pe:bnlury Ihe: pilJloply 01 briahl - 1&.51 p.m. Mu.... Drive c:aa.. ... - 1:19 ..m. Stale ~ auoutc 10 RPD wimer ~tAl'II ,~ 01 lbo peak. fillinJ lhe: quesas report 0IIi qamvaled ....ub. Itqlon with hWo fcnWc dnmt drivel'.--.. Bonded STARDATE_ agulbcullll1d lIOulh dun.... e:venlna...... AI IIIIIl" YcnUll and 5ulum _ hayi.... -11:42 p.m. GnDiIc DrIve c:alIer rea-u - 7:30 ...... Mont BiaDc aller ~ violcnl dum_tic ,iblUlon .. ber fIl!lidCoco. lbeir conjlllH:uOII. Luok (01' IhCPI jUllI fenuJm drunk drivu ran inlO yard. Subjed at· _ ....L ~ ~ated. Taken to RPD. I.J de:an:ClI in me: lloulh\ltClll in -9;06..rn. Ai_.. -400 Meehan Drift, .\....,th>h' .... " ..nr""If~ UrDn-uJ (~"""wrytH e:llfly evening. Salurn '" !he fai... cmc:. - 11:44 p.m. Sw6u Olakl caller IqIOIU on Ihc: lower left. po-Ijbk draak driYU in..-. UDknowa fUIOIL, AU dar. ,,,, u"", "1 TO',"" 111 ...... /11. f'or...." /,,/mmurh.. - 9:32 LID. While ~nDriVII cd!« aliI. I oltQO.S,.,lhu, SUNDAY.JAN.:l8 ~ ~ door .. Ic:booI buOdlq. Teul c.n. by type: ...... - 11:36 ...... IAIcc\Iiew A,.,wlllcall caIIw ~ta 10 speM 10 an ofIk:er abouI break Ia. ~l.I1leplin ...... - 12:01 ~ SuddBnh Drive calkr ~ the jud hi... dot: la fftlld 01 Qef ~·I ...... ranL Dasdl~ of. - 1:51 p.m. III Snetaile,~__ LEGALS _ bn*e...... IiIto • boIue be ..... Waddaa aI. - 3:10 p.nt. 2553 Sadclllllb Drive c:.IIa ~ female mnnlna iDIo Ibe IINeL Aitimd iClCDlDI ·CIeCI. TWE1.FTH .lUDlCIAi. D1SnnCT - 4135 ~ AI.m .. HaU ac.d m'..fYOFOF~Nff~CO raldmc:e. CanedunIb. - 8:19 ~. MoaIIey e-.. aDer ...... N.EJI IilKOAOPIID. • 0, been liylna 10 IUdI • Ie.JeIen• .u "'-9. ~ClCIIIIaded. ~ ADdear. -.RHONDA LEA SlCOAOPIID. .- om ...... __ """" ...... -' '*"~ - 1:410 p.m. Road ORe5-IN 'Robin caller ...... --DIvIMlnIII .....1.'....,.­. -"",---.0-_... PLASTIC ~ RECONSTRUCTIVE 30% off ." SURGERY Selected Shoes Terry D.Tubb, M.D Boots & 8ags 50% offebu.....·s snowboerts. BREAST AUCtMENrA110N (SAUNE IMPLANlS) UPOSUcnON FOR. BODY CONroURING FACE AND NECK LIFT More lDerchandlse lDOVed EYEUD Sl,IRCiERY (BLEPHAROPLASlY) Call 'IhOIDaS LASERTREATMENT fORWRINKLES today and ask If:» •.-.. ilrea~ about our special CertUledBy ~OI ~' ADleriean Board . q,Jafentine'~ ~=-- . (f/MI Of'Plasdc $urpry ---...-.• __...... 'INC.' --­ " c1f¥J:fe:~ ,'" 1-800-472-1291 , r. -., 1304 West• Texu • Midland 257-4001.' , .. . ,.-

. ~, ...... ,.,.... ,~ ...',.r;"-~: ..;. . ,,,.~. __'... --'....~•.. ~...,,"_,..•• _""'".,.. ~"",,",,,,,",,~, .. ,'~ '.... ,: {..... ,''";~--',,...;;,;~.:!I-~,:,,;;:::';,.,.,, '"".. ~ ,;.... ".;..,:""..,~~ _0.. "''':E:'J.:~k;;;,:,,.L.' .0. ..,,,,,::",,,,,,.',.'J:.,:·'.c "--~" O!!qo;i"¥"""'.J!!,'it",""!':"~~~:""'--,:,r~rr-.'«'!"'r"--oI'=~"--~~"""""'--"'''' __ ... '\ __or ~'''- ... - .. ' •• ; , "{ . . • • • . Frtdav. FebRlll 2. 1996n't1e R\JkIIlSO NewsI7A ',.... ,.,.,~ .. ~... '" ..' ." • BUSINESS

r'" .;'~>\,¥~:;s"'; ;,'~~"'..f.rt: '/ i ';'~'r1t'~ ..•".. i 4?t,,4!,:~'~ ~Ji. H'"~~¥~" ',.' ~ '. ,~,'X 'f; L' '."":.": .,--":.. .,1~'.;-,~;tl'·v..u;·,, ,,11' _, ,;-, " ,.<-" " ....._:>:'.=~=~==~ hrtny will beth be proVickd with .~rea~lon~~eatures 't::::~Se:::ns ~~=p'5S compulerB, .nppertequipment and ,,0 Look BIoll'training through a grant funded by tho._LegiBlnture. I andc~afti fiJr=="'':''=:'T'' ~Io~~~=~-:: The grant wiD BIlow tho Iibrarie. crafts ..g supplies .. 10 receive i_tionthot would . ~:.'~..:.. ---,_....~ ....;.. .L--·$18 .... she"d ~dontortho _ .. Brown.-eli...mediclne at' ..,DC*eax- ....__ R...... auu.> . 10...... 11. Yi"is~ WbitBker, whocrow....bml10 ....- otherwi..he expenBive. Libraries RuJclosc! ~ stallWlbr, • iug'. doweIe, appIBB, bB1Ie, "What 1 _10_ve ..... thiDp. ye' ~ in tho 6o1d. =~aclice ABBooi..... or wiU' also be able to eomnaunfeate via .. Pat doal\Il'tB1d Iier n wheel. and oh.... pe&8 in·.."..... that enQIIJocI.v .an atr-d.. 8D,yder . lIP'.""",' v __ WI'.L tho e1ectroni.maiI.yotem, enhnne, . =t :-:r...... elimatB-o....• bIl tho hBBt .....• ._BB1d.Ma...... 18 ,.oraBlll"'ri- --...... and ing interlibrlll')' sharing. BBlua.a for her arlbriliB- "We'nl hopiq that tho wooden' 0 ...... CreatiODB B1Boill IiUed -l8Q'ilITruman Bnmott, who State economic "So "" BOhl ORr ~. in craft. BUppIju naII1 eatehu 00," with Wlique~ Iikul!llo pllill1> ,...,...... or ••• and lIranaon,MiBB.,~ana.V.and Pat BBiol:""The B\u!p ill a eomlJina· ingw, VaI8ntinn D

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',; ... ' '.' " - .' ,- ,""'-"',". • ,41.." " ' .' . • "

Seeing zeros . Capitan elementary students conducted severaJ projects laSt week to recognize the school yeer's 1001h day. Pholo'lll bot­ 10m lell - Frank Snyder end Brendon Osborn tackle the scales. Top. lell photo ­ Stacey Trapp holds a stltp 01 10. one-foot..rong pieces of peper 10 n1easure the hall. Top right photo - Kayle Roberta gets ready 10 weigh cookies. Photo at bottom right - kIn­ dergarten studenls Jessica ward. Dakota Montes. Ilrittany Lee end K.D. Elsey make trail mix In units of 10.

EM • :Forget tIie cliocofates !Jloneg, BUSINESS •• Let's Get Suspended. 15 ILLIOR 10% over invoice on all 3 Suspended Bikes \,1. IlYSI 'To sweeten tIie tfeaf '25% off First Federal is the new all cycling accessories - gloves, helmets, financial source for Lincoln I bar ends, computers - you know all those county business with over 15 million dollars to loanl First toys you just got to have. Federal Savings can help your company with just about every .9lntfifyoustiffare craving more type of commercial and business financial aervice 40% off possible. at some of the most all winter clothing, competitive rates arOundl Just come byour convenient location Only at and pick up a loan application, or we'll send you one fastl You can count on First Federal for your businessl

First·Fed•••1 " SaVings Bank of N!eXlco open 7 am - 6 pm Dally New , . ·Uncaln County's New Financial Souroe· 1103 .....m Ddlti. -,'d!:.-o.NM8Cl345 I.'~,. 398 Sudderth· 257-4008 , \: 'I. . ,.,' -. .~, ' ~:; --'.,- • • -. -- .. .;... . '-,-, ._." .. ,.'. ' It - ,

, , , , ... •

'DIe DGrIhem ooeIioa WIlier fCnIIlJIJ • '.1'lIeIdlv'o mee1inc is _'and windi... willi JiUIe .. DO IhouIIlen. IIld Ann "-' V1a1\lODte, .. willi Ke,yatoae. 'DIe IIJIdp _the Ilio BoDIIo 11_..... DOt lip 10 __ 8IoDdanI& IIewnII __ doD\ lIIIow ....~~tor dri-.'DIe.....-'on the nad is ruued, ...... DMda .-.uoa; he said. ' . ' 'DIe DGrIhem _ III the prqject _ at. Hich­ way S32 01' Ski Run Road .....CODIinau aOI'Ih IIJr 4.1 mil....IitwH....road. ConBIrucllon wmlt 00 IIIot parlion. eo!jm.ted • '5.81 miIIioo. could becia in 1998, -.IiDI'".. ~AJI ...~. ".ot 'ftJe JII'lIIOII"lI improveJllmU wooId ~ of - rosllllaoinc and reaIGndioo IIIthe J'OlIlhnIy; - .ddiogfive-fbo& ah~ - building ll-l'aot wida dimbivg lao.. willi ...... foot ahauldara a100g IDIIfIt IIIthe PIIdaet route; - rapladog iliabridp _ Si.1Iio 1l88\IO; • - and noCOll8lnlotitm of the ioIiarsectilme III ilia hilhwaywith SIIlI'7. Siena BIio.. Airport Road ..... Fort Sl8Dlonlload.; "We ""-'tideDIlfiod ~og we 111 aIg- niticaot iJlllllllt eoviroJDD8DtalIy." """"M IIld Wedlleaday &om hi. Alboquerque viii "Some minor welllllll!ll ...... are, in...m.l, about ooa-teoth III 8D ..... 'DIe fiDa1 mvinmmeolaI noport Ia DOt due UDliI end of1997.bul,_",adapod...... "

• I CAPITAN - CARRIZOZO· OTERO COUNTY ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE INC. NATURAL GAS Ollice Serving Alto - Capitan - Mescalero ASSOC. 8:00 A.M. "tIl 5:00 P.M. , , 336-4550 II 217 S. Lincoln Avenue I , For Power,Outage Call Toll Free 354-2260 • 1-800-358-8443 • 1-800-548-4660 . Call The Ruidoso News to place " yQJU ad in, the ..., ~ ,...'" ''''t'~fan Directory. 257-4001

\ • MARVJONES -- ....,,,..._-

I· 'CI',. D,,,. 1.1I11cl1 Spcci"h

Served by the THE MORE WE CHANGE, Friendliest'People intoMin. THE MORE WE STAY THE SAME.

Gorditas & American Food 2205 Sudderth Drive· 257-4791 MARVJONES .. ' ...;,;..; .'- .... \ .. Looking forward .' to Monday? Make your weekend really count! Spend the night, have breakfast CONTELCELLULAR IS NOW GTE MOBILNET. us & 1eIII', ,,------~ But you wodt have any trouble puttiog the new name '" the fiooes. been...the'-of...... , 1! )(! (1 II we oIRo-liIre our otaIf-mnoins the ...... n.e...... _ and neiaJ>ban pmvidins the ...... • ,,,"' "I ' 1,,11 , Il"'"senoia:, the 1wgc 25.~miIo caIIinB -.the ...... convenient IoaodoN . ... and ihe...... , bonefits IiJre Mr. Rea:w!l our24-hour mad$ide _pmpam. ADd, of_~...... 1iJre $100 olF,...... llnt bill. 0.. the pop""" Mom..lIa bPC6s0I'1Ip Phone lOr juat $2'-95. • . $2OOwlue.So when you .....tedlular"""",call on the bat. GTEMobUnCt. CcI1u1arllyanyothet namela".,the_ I ..MobIIner

. ;" . " i • it

,'" " .' ~ ~! t ... >,JL:...... -~:L, __ ...... ,_~i;J,;a' .....; __ ,;.,;;w,~·~.;;.".;lO ..... ~_...-..oi ...... -__..-...-..-...... ~~_~...... ,,;...... _ ...... _ .... """" _ ~""""~"'iIO"1""'_""'''''''''''''''''''''''''~'-'''''''''''''''~·'''''·''''''-~'''''''-'~'''''.'''''''~'''''':·''·''''''·'''O.. :..- ..,,,.,.....""'... ..,..-._"~f,~r:-'·'""'··.""·"'.;<~.

NewslF~del'. 10A1The RuJdc>sIJ February 2, 1996 ., '-'r .,.,.,... ,," ... , .., ,.','''' . •,': • "


. , , .":' .f'1... can " " 'uNo.,. ·.:.f'" 25'1.. 4001 ,257... 7053 r. Classified Ads ,,,, C-.ssified Reader ~!!!O!DS!!!!!~·!!..!!------"1.~ 5 p.m. MOiideI' - Midweek issue only) (One Umende 'I. Bu.i.,...Oppoieuftida :N. .",. or_ 5 p.m. Wednesdey - Weekend issue I. ReId Ea8IC Z.RalIiIUIe""" 19. A,....fotSale u..~..~ .., ...... ·Tlucb _Nip nxx- Disolav Ad Deadlines 32¢ a Word J..<-!...... • ..HouIafa(BIle 22._r2(.Vulitor:".._ 37...... _' • , 5 p."'. Monday - Midweeklssue 5.CIIJJM fars.Ic x:_W_ • • 5 polO. Wednesday - Weekend Issue 6.1IlIob;1c ~foI' S.re 23. AUlD.... B.WadI;w.-. • 16 words or less· minimum 7. HoiII.-·tlll'RaIl, ..RoY.. &:...... TmJen; _ s.vices • I.e I Notice Deadlines 25.~·"'ifanoo 41' __ • charge $5.41, tax included. 9...... -MtJIlUcI; far...ItmI 3 p Monday - Midweek issue .. - ...... - 401l1dQRo . '. 10. cOndos fcirRat :17:_A~ "'.a.;JdOUoW_ 3 p Wednesday - Weekend Issue II.cabins ror Rent 28. ~a...... Fili;iWOGd rar....e j You may charge to Visa or 12. Mobile5plca'farReId 29 AS_ _ As Always.•• Please check your advertisement for er:rors. Claims for errors must be ,MaslerCard by poone; 13. Reid toShaN . 3D.. y SIIa 46.,"'"4 Found J received by The Ruidoso News within 24 hours ofthe first publication c:tue. 14. WIlDt ID Real 31 000dI .7.1baIik. You • otherwise. cash with copy. 15. SIOnIgc SpKO'OI' Renl n. Music.llDstnu:nenl$ 48. ArIaoDacemeats ­• PublUherassumes no,/ins"cialretlpo,,8ibililyforlypogra/micBl erron in 16. PuIure for Rent 33. it.nliques oW. ~5 • adverli8emclI/S exceptIopublish tI correclioR In 'he next h.lU!~ 17. BluillltlS RenI8ls • •

HIGH VISIBIUTY BUILDING FOR SALe By owner 9 acres 'GOVERNMENT FORE· ALTO LOT. Full mernber8hlp 1ReaJE_ on Mechem Or. Excellent po­ North 51 Alto. Heated 25.00 CLOSED homes from $t.00 a ·Iillle 1888 than half an acre. lIDHIEIlRAamIf1r.rn:' WON- tential fOl restaurant, retall, ot· sq. n. workshop and much lnopalr """"I. oe'nauon' $23,000. C811713-355-5260. enjOy brutliIBIdng vIeW8 01 fices, etc. or foI InvestmenL more: possible flnanc· taX. repo's, REO's, FDIC, leave message...... ,...810.._ SELL OR TRADE 1 3f4 acre Great frontage and parking. ing.$135,OOO 505-336-8129. ATC, lAS; Your area. "011 pool<. SnHol' ...... oI mounl8ln site, terdflc vtews, $165,000 Call Susan 01 COI~ ·free 1-800-898·9778 DOUBLEWIDE • LANCER pinesInthe air., ~""'Ihe $17.900. Trade S7,gOO eqw­ leen #500846 Century 21 Exl5t39 for current listings. BY OWNER Horne and stIDD wann eouIhern NM -.5 tv lor Vette, Hariey. Rod or Aspen Real Estate 257-9057. LAND WANTED Serious on 8 acres. capitan. &hop30)(­ beaulilul counIrY acf88 cIo8e vehide of equal value or fi· private investor looking' for 40, greal "'ewe, $78.000. to town"",""_.000 wi FOR TIE 1IfBCP-""'11NCI nance with $1500 clown. CASHI Sold real estate? 500·10,000 acres sullabte for' after 4 p.rn. (505)354-9131. tenns. Don"I delaYl Cal PIo­ John 257-3548. .$ ...... Carried fln!!fficlng? I will buy larJJe 101 s."bdlvlslon In ALTO VLLAGE with full goll. peraesoflheSW.1..aoo­ tIC_SIerra BtancIi ·VJeIiv.­thrB8 or lend on you contractl RUidoso/Uncoln county area. 312 house on level easy ac­ C~SSlFEDS AUI~ext.2291. car ••_d g...... pel' FOR SALE Lot in Ponderosa mortaag$. Any size. IocaUon. cess lot, won't last long at READ THE G8l'da WIlle lit: AEIMAX of Can pay cash or lerms to You may ftnd som8lhlng you R~LTS Heights, Block 34, Lol 35. Pal O'Brien 505-823~2877, 1· $89,500. Realty Services are in 8Ight whlUl RuJdoao 2611-6833. aHS92 CALL I17-411Dt ID lind out FOf' Info. call '~915~394· suit, Call Renee at (505)624­ need QI' want In The RUJdOsa .800-3479501 loll free. 5457. 258-4574• ...... or 1-800-087-8670. 8bouIDIacIncIadu8ll8d'" 4700. N..... tloo. Tha Ruidoso_NeWL CUTE LITTLE MOBILE with DOII'T WORKY••• add-on. Only $27,500. Owner .~; financing. , ALTO CHALET with super . ~,::'''' views. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. CllII CIndyat OfIryL~-.,...257...." garage and full membership. L1C1273525 $124.500. RIi'MRC 0' Ruidoso --- CLAS8B9JN 1009 Mechem, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 f:?=-?- ROSWBLL=.. OffIce: (505) 258-5833·800-657-8570 Cllnulll:6nDaUaD8YIrDIDe Eech OffIce Independently Owned and Opended d!!IMasl • 'l'llUltBDAY.PBBItUABY 22. 1898·8:00PIIAT"lHB BAU.YPORTINN.aDODN, MAIN.1IOBWBLLo NIL - ...... m.n...... ___ • 'l\Ipsucc...... • QdaI:ItiJ'I-uaetiaDuid SaD,.. 8lu:lqlraI1e...... - • Ower...... 4O.DOO eetfsfLwI For mGnl iafbnDaIirm,aDd1aI' ThePrudentlal8 •....-.ratlGD Lele Easler REALTORS· CaD: 108OO-'JTl.1171 "ASK ANYONB DI RBAL 42S Mechem Driw: -20.'" 284· ...,.d...... NM 8834S BSTATB ABOUTtJr Bus.

HILLS1DE RETREAT WE "AVE A NEW UI'DNG:GOBGEOUS HOME SDlJ: l'i!!Si!;ij!!ii~~i~!!i~~~~!!~l PRICED TO SELLI ATED ON THE BIP RUIDOSO BIYERI Excepllonal FUlly furnIShed 3 bedroom. 21.>l11h 1\110 hornll EnJOY qUlel, poaceful Fo,,' bodroom. 2 112 bath home with panoramlc vIDW9. 3.848 acre lot; very prlYRIG. The TLC resl'" ShOW$. Be8utllul gaI'derIa. oJlODllanl work· homa. Southwestern moII1 with red lile roof and white selbng. Ilmplace. filii gall membership Very moo anti price mducecl stucco exterior. level. twelve rooms. three bed­ Now JUS! $119.500. CALL CHARLES IMKE '500526. shoP, loIS 01 storage. morelS249.500. CALL DOUG SIDDENS. Spill _501827. CENTURY 21 Aspen Real Estal8 257..go57 CENTURY 21 A$pen Real ESlsla257-9057 rooms. lour ba1hs, five built-in fireplaces. fWD kltch8ns. pantry, game mom. workshop and Ihree car aaached eEAunFUL NEW HOME! ON Tttl! QREEN AT CREE SUfHlr st8m1 Blanca VIlIW. Two bedrooms, 2 baths, metal root, deck, gamge. Level entry. Top quality craftsmsnshlp, call for Lo....1y ::I hodlOom. 2 baIh home with all&:hod doubla garage, large more deUliIs. liVIng BrBa lind nlOO deck FULLY FURNISHED1 Very nloo. Exeellenl auport end IDts 01 SllJqg8. L.arg8 unnnishetl basomenl (possible 10 double 5q. fl.!) $139,5DO. CALL LARRY TILLMAN. -sM100. locallon A greal bUV at $122.000. CALL MARTIN ROSE '500397, CENTURY 21 Aepen Real Estate. 257-9057 NeW LlSDNG=AFFOROAILg.AFfOBDAILEI One CENTURY 21 A$pen Real Eata18 257-9057 bedroom. one bath condominium. great for Ihat weekend SPACIOUS uvtNG IN INDtAN HILLS HUGE HOllE ON 1.7 ACRES get-a·way or rental properly. Easy access with paved Bordars nattonallorest, 91orr& 8lanca 'II8w. Romodel&d lNOughollll ThIS 4 bedroom. 3 I.>lIlh home has over 3000 sq fl. and BIlachad drive. Refrigerated sir conditioning app11ance8 includ­ Four spaCiouS bedrooms, 3 b&lhs. groat room, work shop, doub18 and on • u errs Isnes awl Mountain 2-car garage Nice. opon IIoor plan. big decks. mountain VIews garage, security system. $175,000. CALL OVEUA ESTES. 1t66OOO8, ed. Owner will consider flnancing 10 qualified purchaser. EJloollenl candrIIon. 5228.500. CALL JAMES PAXTON.•501101 home with three bedrooms. IhI'H baIhs. two CENTURY 21 AsplIn Real EstatB 257-9057. 549,500. CENTURY 21 Aospan Real Estate 257·9057 "replaces. two IIvIna areas. game room. 112 b8Semeni & morel Aeduced to $119.500- THIS CONDO HABIT AU' SECWDED FEELING IN THe PlNESI Lovely Ioc:atIon PERFECT ALTO TOWNHOMEI SIena Blanca vlews trom nearty every room! Three bedroom, 2 M and Three bedrooms (2 master Budos), 3 balhs.. dolghllul pallO, Greal for . for this 1hree bedroom. one and 314 baIh nestled In the M. Lyn...... GAl.; ....~_ tID 2 hll.lf baths. I..argB don, loft, weI bar, la..,dry area. slnglll Fuly a.v onl&rtamtng. Ot!erel1lumlshed InclUl1ss 'un goa mambarBtdp. S169.500. garage. pJnes, Front and back decks. pretty .... possible owner f..-ntshod.•117,000. CALL PEGGV JORDAN, _660130. CAlL SUSAN OR Cou.eEN.•501745. flnanang with large $87.500. CENTURY 21 Ass:lBn Real E51a18 257-9057. down. CENTURY 21 Aspon Real Estale 257-90S7. _ ••• at EAOIlIrQ "S IIlDlPElllIBtu OW'lI:D MDOP'IIUITlII "Mllldng New F...... While elm Idn,.", 11 RulUIllt lAItparl\lOlliS,''''lel III"'" II'" ~ ~M - n~""...Jb IIIU"'"'.," nOll EPdICcJoII""ltOo fqual_; ...... ,~. ICatIpIng ---

Johnny MobIe}' MallrMobIa!I Home 267-11890 Ham. 2688428_.-~ 251-5485 KI__• •~~':\,.IJ "Ai ' §,," ... 1 f. ~ 7~ \.~~~QO''&"1'~ " Ann Jones '• 378-4289 Hom. _19_. OWnIng FIn...... ' with 15,000down. Twa bedraanIB, t bBIh. f8nc8d 1:IriIr:kVIVd. 135.IOD. .' REAL ESTATE .'.." 111.... bed",*,," 1 bdl. NIce d8ak. Law cost per...... 1oOL CJnIJ-.oao. .'r' HEAR1' OF UNCOlN HISTORICAl Dlsnuet. lhOughtutv (505) 257·4228 (800) 489-9289 ClUAUIY COUNRIV HOML LocoIed 3 Two bed­ .' O'ld oerIeCtIv resforBClHom& and Guest nome situat­ en ocr8S. er room. 2 bClth. spocIbus ranch s~ countty KItchen, t: on ocrGS. Ftud hoy fenced --- ed 11 '7 trees. barn cweo dining room, enC:IOSeCl sun DetacneCl Totrdyl8inDdBledandfulvrurnw.d. .. fl 2bedroorn. t ..... t· IQI nvestock. '00 many omBl1llles10 lsi. GIII& us CI COil 1608 SUddedh Drive .,om... LaQIe.. garoge/worklhol:J, gr8enhouse. bOin. ~OD J-' IQI mora datal&. overIDoIditg $11a.oao.

~ ,.~.t{ "1 '. --' ' , ...... -- '. ". "':""'1 _--~-- .' n--··-.._2toO(lloiool;_~ , ,....,tIiIJo...... - ...._.__ ',h .~ ~ " . . ' ~ -_. #. J.,. th_b8cIIoon'\ 2 1/2 Jr'~--:'-:lJ~MIarniL~••~~-_1Il ::J _...... -- -- -" ----- " . .... ""- ...... _agol/...... :. ·• AFFOID,AILE ALTO home reduceclI 10 8220.ooo.i)D. FeU • bBd'OOm. 3 bath. f\IIy f\.rftshed. 0'acIaUI1IW1D ex::eam­ ·• mOClolloN, open dining aroo. .Iop I4VBr kitchen. Lot:otedon twophscovereci101& Mo1IvaIed SBIer. ! ­• •


.~ ,. • If +' '!" ... iJ· o• .

• . I .' .. , .,' ~ Fllday. February 2. 1l111t11Tl1e A'*'-Nl!WafIfA ~ ,' ~ ...... ",... ' ...... -- "-,-...... - . . ""-"il. . 11.4 . '1'

7 . • '__ Fr.~_ own vehlat.. 1·800.&27· wI!h- 180& eq. It., ...... 3B Mlscellltlt80lls -.",...._- N " ... Sent -.. 258·4674 Re. H.STORIC TlNNII! Sllve' -"....",. 'OBI CIIEVROLET sus­ URBAN__4X4...... LOADEDwor-• .. ... "'..... ;r~=-=.. 1'IinIf'. 8rIIow boc:ikt 257"'71. '1.ocre-.=:=.=--==__Flea ~ 10 ~~.;.,:.:,::.._-...... =--_' __==... Kllll.=.',:&"UP8 ...... ,. PART.TIIIIE POSITION 20 Plckupalrrucka _P_H.. ~_'n.- '188. ..EEP Wrangler ~":"::''':::O ~ ~.=.=..'"'l!=. ,_ ~ eenre.. hnellta+Bonuee8l" ",,. &.1"~~ -_&_---.208·.71~3822 ~~'.n:~1'fOH two·..... f!l!IM. Wi. ean 8 ..1._SWlFT ;;z:;t~.fu.""_ cilb,' $1&.&00. 815-S26-87e2 _582. . .-!!.ne.IoW _ • plusd8- 'A'lldellver. drtvin.TnWWWg" ...... ---­ "'llent~iInd' ·"eA"", .1I.mATES. benetIIe. '."'FORI> 4>(4, lor 8bUc:Iw8d set1I8rnenIfJ. an- GlUt fDrCfdver 10Condos far Rent 52,300 OBO. p.,..198&, Fma RE .. D-D E LED 3 nulU8lI" l01Is" payouill, In- ~. 1" ~"'I8&; IIEIIRDCIII&, 2 ...... _ Ranger _uper Cab wllh TWO~lWobath. =",...... 080. 354- 8'"ranc e a Ia Im 8. • n d '7:::::::''":--:-::-::"",:-:-== I'OlIIlIIIL8 OWNER _ Condo. Cha~lon, Run ~~112. NOW ~TIRQ =::.~ 188OIMo. __ &-' ~ dII8cJ pu~ naUans APPLICA: '1Dr COOkI. ClHCI . Two' beeuIi(uI! '. "'" _. $1ll11.!1OO, COlI S7B-7108. _ 1." ..ESP CHEROKee II ...... -._. $17._. ~RE _.."'" .._ ~_.-= =_,,=ToI PI... 1WO BEDROOM On. balh EI PasO, tilI8-7804. BBQ with InI8grar eJlhaUst 1IanB In perBGI10111¥ fiQlu 9­ 5:~Ei 'M. DoDd c;cjjuIiUan . and 11".01. 81' 102 'Sudderth. ~._.~ ...... nee... 0811 Jeff._&Really 8.,...... RANGER' XLT '1991. -..2!!!!1W4...... clean S8D.OSO 258-8127. ;E:;OE.===-===,:..,,,­ c:n..';y"\,~on fIB.. COI\dIIlun. Woo. 288-3624. ' FOR, SALE SmaO round SOCOIIRD CISlER'lL Hoe­ EIIrd8 257-11II57. buIane bailie with reaulBror pllBl HHC ... RN with .11 cabins for Rsnt 22 Ml>IorcycIeB and,. roIoIIIIer. 2$708D4D., ~lcaI '88S1M111111l1nt· =:lis. r8II8ble car. ·Help with "ATV' J'AMAHA 2CftO WITHQUI' ClLA"BniI reloca::'II=n8~s. For ,1... Safe. rapid, nonsurgical, more CB1I 60&­ Ba'nsheie. Great candltion, low hauiIL Cd Bob. eve­ pennanenl reBtorllUDn In $-II ...... &'B8~ 268~902a, weeks. AlrUne pilot devel­ 11,500 aped, doctor appl'OV8d. ~ EXPI!IIII!NCED '1R11I -Cift: , IrifannoIIon "" _., 800-422­ P&N'I'ER cau 268-8D11O. ,0 5 C8blns far Sale 7320 en "225 408-861­ POSITION FOR 25 livestock 557:"= 408-881-5577. _EN • IIIIIId allllBs _ 51. Sol ...... UPPER CANYON CABIN ...... WOLFF TANNING BEDS Expel'lenc8 In medIB_.sales. 'lIoorplllllO TWo bedIvoms. 1 bldh. Cam- "'-1nIm, ....DIRECT.... SAVEl cam­ Pr8ferablV pdnt. Appllcani .I'::"'.:::...·r~ merclal/home units 'rom mUJI be' cnitIiIve~ QllItDmer. =Nice bac:k ~h. H....vr.; $199; Low .,.monthly ~ and service Oriented. or· .-...... downon..-Bnd_...... WOOd8d lor wfth IBveI RCC8SIif L & D SELF S'RHIAGE mania. FREE coJDr C8IIIIOg aanIzed and BbIe 10 work un­ - ..... 40 lIP_ a.r euetlng deadlines•. '-­land_..._lOba entry. $88.&00 Call Joe or2i7-9463, C8II today 1-11DD-842-13O&.. 25IJ.594O ._B.· ...... & Irregular haU1'8 while zagone U01773, centurv 21 ·paldin lui. ClIII _al1. AsPen REt.. Eat8Ie 257-9051. FOR· BALI! ami metal offtce maintaIning a positive alii­ 2B Pels.Supplln • desk $100. One wood office bJele and team IIPML RBllable _1or1lllJl8 17 Business RenlBls desk S'15. 257-5576. ItansPar1a1lan Is required. Send res"",,, to: Viewer 6 Mobiln far Sale PURR....FECTLY 8wlEET . ·ALASKA EIIPLDYUENT FIg. DIrect, do ,ICBIM·TV, p.o. I ~~c~,:e~ .... Indu.... Earn u. to Boll 810. Roswell, NM 13000-$60011+ ",r monlh. 3 unci--for Sale HOUDAY SIlABON .8 hold 110 Val8n11ne's. 1 Blue 88202. At&t: VIeWer Olf8CI Room & Boardl' Tf8I1sporta. Manager. • HERE' "00D.shapplng point Male. 1, Blue cream tlon' No exr.erlence BY OWNER • 1hree lip'" wtIh pl8dlael NO @8Y"' PoJnI Female. 257-5S7a. POSTAL WORIltER auNtty DISPOSITION bedr0Dm8 1 3f4 bath, 1800 neCS88arvl Ma elFema'e. Eb*d inemwulhlplDl_"!P marna lit -MardI 3 ,biIniL Age 18-70. For 11'IDl81nfonna. TRAINEES Now hlmg H.S. _m_.~_. 'FULL BLOODED Gennan .... It. '04 La Luz Lon.. S188/Mo. 4 bdnn. dou­ tiDn call: 206-871-3612 ext gams. 173; No exp8rleooe SfOSt.CXJD.257-56811 bIewida UOder S2S8JMo. Pre­ sh••ho'" ",po fo, 001•• $SO each. 26&3875 or 37B-8266 "11583. needed" wiD tIBIn. Must leave _.a__lO,_..- ...... - oVa, ...... Col. ,. the anta., Qaod pay and ...... BY OWNER Two ,'amlly leavam,_•. - hQme. $18.9OD 111II BIJO.7ll6-GlI12: DLS48. 20 FOOT PIPE TRAILER benefits. 1-B00-354-9627.. can home, three bedrooms. three MOO355 century ...... ,...... · Aspen RE. 2&7-8057. 30 Yard Sales GVW. 6 monIhs old $1950, VARIOUS "OSITIONS e ...... _=ro._ 257-81111.'257'-8448. oval'..... _.. .. po...... rage downs1aI.... 25?-7543. Call Thomas Enchantmenflnn. 3D7 HWV_ ... ACRES IN RUIDOSO Sur­ FEBURARY 2.1.4 rDundBd lJY subdivisions, BROADEN YOUR WORLD ?OW. IMIIACULATE CHAlET with FrI.8at.Sun apen 9:00 AM wUh ,Scandinavian, Euro­ 3IBrge bedrooms, 2 baIh8. Ex­ to place your Lots 01 &tore nu:II8 and ,ftx­ . _ ...... n far_· pean. South American. CAR DETAIL PERSON tures. clothes. Jewelry. toys. _ T.~ _. AsIan, Runlan high school ex­ needed at Ruidoso Fold Un­ ,--1110.000. or 1rBdea. ~ With • nice deck and classi£ied ad. quilts. qurlaw, many mom mangs 8tUdentB ,arriVing Au­ cain Mercury. Apply at 100 e. .tennIe ~ • RBM8K of bBes" S84.SOO caD doh~ greel thfngs locat9d al 833 Fluldoeo. 1·8D0-857..a&7D, Highway 70. ....,.. Tal PIn.. R_ 257-4001 Highland' Lane • Ruidoso .uAISE...... CBII1-8DD-SfBUNG. "'" 338-4978. 258-6833. 267-7788. DOwns, EIlL of 1nwv. 70 at ASSISTANT M_AGER for ·Sports Tbeatl8. go Paeed CRUISE SHIPS HIRING ,bridRe, 1st road, IUm right EBm up to $2DOD+IMo. wark­ r30~~~:r=j~ . :;':undfSlde 3 LandlSale 3 LandlSale ant ftouse on right. Ing an crulSB shIpS or land­ flee &. light· maintenance. lour CClrrIp@rlIe8. No sxP. Small eafarv" + furnished 31 Hollllllhoid nBC888lUY. For Info. CallI· aparIment and utilille.. R.. 208-971-3552 9Xl CB9582; aress wek:0m8. CilII 811i- 88&3472. EO&. 6 ·KlNOBEDROOM SUIT 100 YEAR OLD HAND $395. AoUque dockB 26% HEWN VIBAB FOR BALE CASA BLANCA Ie aocepUng oft. P£..4 Bure..·I7fj. CurlD8l· CALL 1HJ5.8t8 ... ~DnII for all postIIans• .,. CClItaDe 1 1f2J'MI. easI of Apply In person. 501 racelrBcf[ 378-4681. HILLYARD Janitorial MeCtlemDr. . SuDDlies. Now available BI BLACK LACQUERED U~n. R'*Ioso Tool Renllll, 1109 NEED 2D AGGRESSIVE 0lJt. . Room Couch, Loves8al. 2~-3B14. ~ .:'.;,'.. ~,c:r.'" Mechem. side sales In Uncaln me !! Fobl... _""",. and ~counU88. No menl enter &. plclUres. WANT TO LOSI! WEIGHT saI98 ~JIImCe nece~, • $96D.,257-4136. and teet greet? CBII 257. ... _ ...... _.CoII . Tbe 3921 tor a 100% Nalural SOFA 'L-8IIAPe nine back Product...... ,-' ..... 100.. ..10.... BoI... ".. -,. Rancbes new, three feel creep by NEED HELP In keeping your DRIVER Tl!AMS ned of seven feet long. $450. 336­ new yeBm resolution to lose being 8horI Chanaed by your tif 4402. welatit, feel better? Call 267­ current carrle""- Our lop 392't for 8 guaranteed prod. 18EU118 earn S1D4.000+lVeai". FRIGIDAIRE WASHER like UCI. new $195. CoudI 8 loot. Excellent. benefile. 41:f1(1:l:11' Southwest pBBfeI cOlora. hBJd­ $200,0. hiring bonus. Ii. I IV used, S35D. 336:.iWiO. frelghlliner convenUonal fleet. , SolOs welcamed. Milke lI1e MILLER'S FURNITURI!...... 10 ...... , ..._. col. ESTABLISHED -MAIN Ing 1-800:-441-43lt4. C0ve­ B Apia. far Rent ETC. 10DO Sudderth. 257­ nant Transport: STREEt- Specially' ShoP 3109. Buy, sel, Inlde. New .5 to 10 Acre Homesites priced 10 BB1I, OWnBt WliI . merchanilUle dally. Onry .. .nd '281 EtIk:Iency baln, Call ~. Really' hr­ store In town wli tilke yo..- PART TIME LAUN~RY cabins MIdtown. U1lR6eB paid. YIoe8 268-4674. trad8-lns. ' HELP evenlng,e, and Clean and cozy. 258-5877. weekends. App!y In person. from the low $20,000's VENDlNB RTE.. Brand new STUDIO APT. with fireplace. FRAMESBOp· Becker's MaUnIBIn Laundly, maahlnes (25+) :~,:.,r 721 Mechem. Horse stal and pipe pen. Slock~. No 8. SPIICIALS Protective Covenants. Paved Roads Ho.... cat and small dDg No gimmicks. Steady n­ Get u.o.e priahout 01 'WATER PLANT ..... AI, ""...... cab" In­ come. ExDansIon f1nl;UlC8 to the Clio... OPERATOR Village 01 Telephone &: Electric Service. Breathtaking Views cluaed. $4501M0.. $200 100'8 and rellre 1·BDQ.395­ Ruidoso. Salary .6789 to security/cleaning deposit. JOYCE'S ANTIQUES used TBECAMEI. 7374. J1m. tumllure. appliances. We 9.7212. ADps. will be ae­ Rio Bonito Frontage. Beautiful1i'ees 378-401l7. BOUSE ..pled until 4:00 pm Friday. bUY, sell and bade. 650 Sud­ 714Mecbem E.P'CIENCY APARY· 19 Auto. for Sale dei1h. 257·7575. FebIUB'Y 9, 1998. Camplete Convenient to The Village MENTS for rent. $286IMo. Jab dBaa. and apps. &I the VI:::s:.: RuIdoso. 3 f 3 Cree =~.$150. dBpo8IL .-t8U: CHBVY S.10 with· 32 Music Instrument lB' D'gIIal M Dr. PO Or. 69, • Over 110 happy owners since _po'. $4.... Un Fun's Salellll8 Ruldosa. NM 88345. 258­ TWO .. 'IWO BEDROOM two pBrkU1g Iot). 257-7862. STEREO, Hitachi receiver. 4343. FAX-268-3011. EEO. ~rs, S_ our]uly 4. 1994 opening. baIh ~ 8VBIJ8bJe. - BIG· 8aosul $100. R_rene.e required Cd 1••1 BLACK LINCOLN aBO, Fender Rodes 88 Only $599.00 KITCHeN COOKS I.unch & ~ 2815 SUdderth Dinner shifts avallebfe. AQDIy 1~K!n!e,~!!!:!-~'407II.~·~::-:::-=·,:",-=-:rc&enl"~~ $'00. OBO 2&7· In p&t8On 10 Laurte. Cieit S'onte~a =.,-u::: - 257-1i410 ., may be the 1:':-;:. 378-8346. J Meadowe Reslaurant & 12.&00. JJt,:dM: '1 J Mull.., PIANO For _1:!~~1 Kohler &. Lounge. 301 Cou1try Club _DAanee. $4601M0. DluG 1... SUBURBAN .1l4, CBmpbeIl. l:XCtIIIent condI­ Dr. Land ofyour Dreams! ...... NO PETS. AvallBbJe emerald areenhlends1one, tion. 364 3362 uk tor Emily 37 Wanted to Buy M81cIh 1. C8II 2S7-9DB5 eve. loaded. 3Ir.CJQD mI8!: ~. or Vlrpl. DANER&: FIBIbed 48 8IIIt8 RIngs. 5386 d&yB-25B-44QB , wo OTR. AssIgned new conven­ WANTI!D LAIiG~ CIDEII tlonals. competillve pay. Call or come by our office today EFFicIENCY API'& $2501 FOR BALE 1887 314 ton, 33 Antiques LOG81 4 ft. to 7 It. tonU: benelns. $1000. Blgn af Mo. utlBUes paid. 257-9059. 4K4, Fant P.250, 1888 112 le'Oe round 'or chalnaaw bonus. RIder PlOArarn. ftexl· to speak to a land professionaL ~~=:~1~sr::g ANTIQUE PO"CELAIN carver. 257-4736. bIB Urn. off. Call Raadrunner ,FURNISHED TWo . woodbumlng 8toYe for sale. Truddng l-BOCWI78-7784. _EDROOII 2 .12 bath BPlUt~ noon an 2/21186. Tenng. Goad contItIan $160. c.J1 WILL PAY UP TO '"00 tor ment 'or leas8, view. CASH. In'ormatlOn 338­ 501 buuon.fIV \.evhi .. JeanB RELIA.BLE. GOOD 616 Mechem Drive flreplaCle, dishwasher, 4333 378-8125. or Jacket8 - WIth a CBpItal E NATURED Orlhodonllc A8s1e­ In the word levi's on 8nBII rnICrilwavo. WID. BI.. &... :;=.',--==-,.-..""...,..., Iont n_...... 2.5 .... bill paid. SBOO/Mo. 257-3161. r 35 Sporting Go..... red tag bBSlde pocket. AlSO per month rot PracIIoB. 1n 257-9046, Ext 1293 ...... fo, "'tI"'.. Ruidoso. Send resume or RICE AlRMSHED A....RT· SNOWBDARD Boots $225. 1?O'I'a: 378-1"180. . ai»pllcallon to 713 W. . Devekm.... IE ...lId

','; 'CTO··R·.,'" '" ' ., 'y' .'

e .Tfi.eFirt. PCau PRIMESi\R 8(,' • fl" • ·...... D_....~... P4tio PCUS '.: " Ci-lll 257-7852 for JtJsti1l/ittion SPCciid ,_. ~. " Dave & Merilyn BuchBnIIn FREE IN$PI!Ol1ON8 202 Mechem Dr. Auldaso. NM 88346


'. '! ...... •...!rl'·_..;...~~~:.~~_'· .• "f'·a-V'l..:;~'""""'~'~.,,-;,~ ..:;i"~.{i'~~~ ".""!!.'.r.T.... ·'r

, ~ .. ~ [2AfI'he Ruid!reo ~rIday. FAlbrUIUY 2, '9f'" • .. !,,:' · · CLASSiFmDS, . ., " -LEGALS CATTLE BARON Restaurant HOUSECLEANINGII RelIa­ ~iIoPD: Is now 1ICCOP1lng appIladions 408ervice8 ble. truatworth)I and wlIIingto L-Ig~,~~,' for e~ une cooke. WOfk seven ~ ~ week. eJrPerienced food servers, Call 257-5927 for detaIJ. ~~"'''''''''''''-F ,----.'" ' , buS persons and hoste~s. -SUPER CLEAN- Cleaning ~~~~- ~ply in person between 2-4. service - honest - reliable. Tue8d~ys Home or Business METAL ROOFS and Thursdays REMODELS·ADDITIONII E!==ta only. Health benefits avail.. References - Day or Night ANEHJ&~IIIMIIO able and best compensa!iQn 378-5656. Daleo BuDders in the area. ~~SI; PROFESSIONAL HOUSE­ GARAGEDOORS,.QARA,OB CLEANING Free estJmat8$. DOO/JOPIlNBBB CARRIZOZO. tEW.-;xJCO Call 376-4742. 2~Y~!!7 a.dJan~=.=aoY=-'CIIIiJc ~ V ' , JJ'S MOBI"E ~ REUPHOLSTERS and EIecIIcin a.tc: r.:r: window cleaning. Call for esdnnates.257-2402. t:==~ IN APPIlECIAnOI\l: The Dclne C!lIIIer fIllf Moll /I0Il Hal IhIa COMPUTER UPGRADESI ltZnd dIllfor Jan\'*y, 1l186. Does your PC need updat­ famiy of D.L •.,... GaM ing'? More RAM, larger hard would like to express their 81.n- CJ2OII2J(l)Z4,(2)2 disk. CD-ROM, new printer, new mainboard. Windows. =e==~u:..up Old problems fixed? Upgrad­ c;:omfort by ,caHfIta'·. vi .' Ing may be less expensive s~~ cards, -flOwers lind tl1an replacing. Free fooddurfngtheilnessandsub­ estimates. 258-9127. true colorl sequent death of our loved one. A special acknowl­ Auto Paint & Body FULL CHARGE edgement of thanks to the BOOKKEEPING. All federal Expert - Jim Beardaley Gateway Church of Christ and state taxes, Including 122 Vision Drive ~_~ ladles for pJ'Qvlding and serv­ InetrucUonaI,...... Ion payroll. Income tax prepara­ (505)257~ ing food to our out of town F.-cJIItato.. tion. 378-7114 or 623-3032. Monday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00 f~ and friends. Also, the TemPOflUY part-time and/or kindness shown by .James oo-QII as neoded empJDyple~l TYPING Professional will and' Cindy Hobbs fOr render­ type books, legal documents, fO mollilQl: classes offe~ at Ing the special music and ENMU POIIaIes campus. term papers, etc., minimum ~s for the funeral service. LEGAL NOTICE job $20. 378-8304. Our st~re appreciation to I£QALftOI1CE ,. •. '• ~llponlibJe,peuoD wirbdri· The PI8nnIng and ~ ConvnIsslDn ver's IiCMIC 111!4 reJillb~tnIIUI- each and everyone. 01 the Vi/bJge 01 RuIdoSo will hold a .ELECJION PROCI.AIIA'1IOfl1 .... itc4.,...... KNIVES, SCISSORS, regular m88llna.. on FebruaJy. 19. 1.998 Virginia Gann III VJlIa~ t4I. 313 Cree Meadowa WHEREAS. S8ctlOna Hl2-' thrl:Iul'!1­ :;:r~~dJ"" pf TOOLS. Professional knife Drive. The meetng. will beg.. III 2:00 22·19 NoM.SA 1978 malf be c:llliiI .. .~. .. ]; \be 'Ioclntiloftt. .' kt-. sharpening. Will pick'up and t1=,s~~~~amily p.m. The purpose Of \be mlNllirIg wI8 be "SCHOOL ElECTION LAW". to consider Case • PVll6-OO3 a Van. ~~8a1iJ,and deliver same day. Call Wade AND WHEREAS, undIII and b]f ".,.,. and Mavis Reecer 8""!t req_ for the following C$e­ 9:30~.JQ;tof~.P qdS~y 257-3874. Donald scribed propelty. or ArtIde. 22,.School EIec:Ilon LaY!'. ,pm­ ~,..:Continu~oriOf· viIIIon Is made for the holdina 01 SChoOl JOHN'S MAINTENANCE Lolli 1 & 2. Block 1. Lookout. Sd. Dlstdct EJectJorq. througJIour the Sta18 ~otin­ 49 Personals Ruidoso. UncoIn Counly, New Mexico. or New MeJdco and In Nch eo.wv and enJplO')tment each.YCfIf Service, Remodeling, deck­ ~ School DIstrIi:I the<8oI; geatupDll~ Ilvai.labjJj~of ing, all types of repairs. Re­ 01271T(2J2 ~s:o~PLANNING & ZONING fun. and jDb perfonnanc:e. ferences. Reasonable ratas. COMPASSIONATE NOW THERE:FORE. II Is herebll pm-' LEGAL NOJICE S4.77/how. Available ASAP. Year round. 258-3703. MATURE WOMAN seeks c:lPned and putIllc notice ~ of • PUBUC NOJICE live-in companion' situation ISfCIeaIUli R Rictta«15 School Districl EJec:IIon CO lM! held In POI' an application or more Planning Administrator the Ruidofo School I)IatrIcI NumINI' 03. The RuIdoao-UncoJn eo.mtlf ExtnItar· HAVING TROUBLE with with middle class/upper class onT...... lf. F8bIuary e. '998. be­ riIOfIaI Zoning AuthprIIJ' WIll hold a infonnation. contact BNMU ~ Ruidoso Instructional Centel'. your PC? I make house calls, elderly woman. Will dOVe. 02181T(2)2 the I10Ura of ...... o'cIodc a.m. f.lIlIular mlNl!!illl to 1IondaJ!•. ~ will install programs and and __ o'cIodc p.m. on .aid clay,. In -2, 11lH. Th8 maetlna _ begin III 7(1) Mechem Drive. Ruidoso 01' clean, c:ooI(, take care 01 you. network. 354-7000 or 354­ LEGALNOTICE ~~s3rC:~~ ".3Op.m. In the COunCIl' Chamb8J11 0' calI2S7-2120. Apply by the S Call 806-247-2266. ORDINANCE 11801 Ihe VIlJaIl8 .of Ruidoso on C," 3197. lion 1IhalI. beheld for \lie PlJIJIOIII oIaub­ MHdowII DrIve In Ruidoso. p.nL deadline Pcb. S, 1996. The Vdlage 01 Cap~ Board 01 mll&1g to ..~eIKUlra of1MDl&­ ANllOIIlIIc IX IlmploJa' Truat_a will dJscu.. III a PUblic: hear­ trlctttleIclIIowInO pulJIIc&clloolcepIIaJlm- YARD MAINTENANCE Prun­ ing 00 February 12, 1996 al 8:30 p.m. IIflIV8QIeIlI tax QUutIon: ' establiShing ()riljnance 96-1 amending I. Callto Older ing, Raking. Tree planting, the Unilorm Traffic Coda ,eJaIIng 10 un­ PUBLIC' SCHOOL CAPITAL .. 39 Work Wanted Gutters cleaned. Hauling, Call lawful riding, thus providing lor an or­ PAOVSlENrTAX QUESTION: II. Roll caJlflntroduetions Reasonable rates. FREE dinance making it llegal for c:ettU1 persona 10 ride In an unenclosed por­ 'Shall tha Board 01 Educalion 01 III. ApprovaJ of minutes- Estimates.·257-7934. TholDas tion 01 a IruJ:lc. Ordinance 96-1 will be Ruidoso Municipal SchooJ Dlstricl No. LADY SEEKS POSmON re­ con_red (or adoptiOn 01 \he regular 03" LIncoln CoUnIlf. New MaJdco. be V. NewbualnaliS cent work experience, typing, MOBILE WINDSHIELD RE­ meallng ot the Board 01 Trust_ on alllhoriz8d to ImpojIe a property tax of $2.00 per each ",000 01 net IallabIe computer entty, some acctJ PAIR Most insurance com­ 42 Child Care today and February 12. 1996 al 7.00 p.m. BI \he pr~ FlnaI DisPosl\lon of Recommenllatlon Village HaD Bldg. value 0I1he allocated 10 the Dia­ In OCtober (rom ET Commi$S1on on : bookeeplng & general office panies waive deductible. cost trlct wider the PropeJllf Tu Cod4t for ~ duties. 257·4972. to customer is $0. Conve­ IsIDeborah Cummins the tax,..,. 1998.11197 and 'A. Rectileat to place a mocar home In nient alternative to costly. RESPONSIBLE AND CAR­ ask about Clerk-Traaaurer, CMC 1998 'cirthil PlJIJXIH 01 1M r4lRlOdellnD. R-1 RelIIcIantJaJ zoning on a Ir&d 01 ING Babysitter. For more In­ VUlage 01 Capllan maklng addilIOna to. providing equip­ land In 5ec:tlon 27. Township 11 SouIh. Windshield replacement. 01 formation. Call 258-9249. ment .for lumillhlng publIC school RIIIIIIlI'3 EaslCB.J. Walkins areal Mobile Service, Ron, Roddy. our special 020V 4TC1)28,31(2)2,7 bulkJlnlp. pun:hulng 01 Improvlng pub­ 257-3844. lie llChool grol.lllct.. m"'8I18Il<:8 OJ pub­ VI. Adjournment 43 Want Child Care LEGAl. NOTICE lic schoof bulldlnga 01 pubic school lJIafentine's QIOunda 8XCIIIaMt 01 AIaIV aJlllllllSlls 02111T(2)2 EQUINE EXERCISE too PUBUC NOTICE • oJ flfIIPI.OY88a of the DlIUIcI, and busy? Professional rider will VILlAGE OF RUIDOSO purChasing .acUvlty vahlclaa for exercise your horse. 378­ BABY-SITTER NEEDED for REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP's) IIlInSPOrtJnO aJudlInl8 10 eXJrllCUrrJcuIar LEGAL NOTICE three children, in our home. BILLV THE KID VISITOA'S IN­ schooJ aetMties? 8304. 'Day TERPRETIVE CENTER SITE M-F, after school. Approx. IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND NoIIc:e of Publl: Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN. thai the RUIDOSO WINDOW TINT­ 3:30 - 5:30. Need references Sealed prClPOUIli will be accepled at To Whom 1\ MalfConcem. and transportation. Call Ron the office 01 .... Pu,chaslng Agent, Judgea Of, EJectIcIiJ and the Cis.... 01 1NG Residential/Commercial classified ElaCtJon have bean appolntad In aald 25% discount thru February or Lisa, 258-3386 421 Wingfield, RuldQ50. NeW ....iJc:o School DIatrIct and public notice Is NOIIce IS herebY given thai on March 2. 11134.5, until 5:00 p.m.. Mountain TIme. '996 at 12;00 a public: 1996.378-5250. hereblf give 01 1M pIaca daaJanated P.M. saI8 wiH be section . on Thundlly, FebIUIIIY 211, "111&. 'AN the AId aJacIJoti Is tobe held: held al East Highwalf 70. Ruidollo proposals shaD be' In B sealeG wn- Downa. New MeIdCo 10 sell fo, cash the YARD SERVICES, Flowers, 44 Firewood for Sale envelope. clearly marked "Visitor's I~ following atOlBge 10 wit: .tarprellve Center Site Proposal' Any CONSOUDAT£D POLUNOPLACE: tree removal, pruning, raking, P/OPOsal received after the aloremen· 257-4lXJ1 RUIDOSO CIVIC EVENTS CENTER Clsy Block. Sioole 12). Loveseal. Free­ gutters, hauling, everyday, QUALITY SEASONED lionad deadline' &had be relumed un· ~~. ChaJra (3). Queen Bed. year round. FREE opened. 111 SIERRA Bl.ANCA DRIVE FIREWOOD Juniper, cedar, RU~.NEW MEXICO ESTIMATES. 257-5808, pinon and oak. Delivered or you pick up, Different cuts ~- -~~-~ available. KlndHng bags also. - "'''''... ~-. - - - ~ - ...... ~- The Raldoso Center Reasonable prices. Pr-Bston _ _ '-- '--...-- ,_, ,_ _ 0 _ J Alzheimer's Uait will be hosting a Stone. 354-2356. SEASONED PINON Split' monthly Alzheimer's Support Group and delivered $1251 cord. NEW CAR AND TRUCK SPECIALS for families who have loved ones Calf 257·3205. PINON. JUNIPER, PINE MIX Ford Aspire _ 1996 Ford Bronco aftIicted with AlzheiJner's Disease.. $135. cord. Delivered and stacked. Half cord. $70. (No r.arryinQI 336-4524. • -'..--...... '. The first meeting will be held on FIREWOOD Seasoned. splil. Fehrauy7, 1996 Various types, lengths and ~ amounts. Delivered and • stacked. Available everyday. at the Ruidoso Care Center 257-5808. $7755 Plus TT&L Customer and school degree rebate Included $2000 Rebate or 4.8% Financing at 7:00 PM • S-speed manual overdlrve transaxle • Power brakes • Dual air bags • 4-Wheel-anti-lock brakes. Driver air bag • 5.0 LEFt V·8 engine in the Activity Room. Buying Green­ Unsplit FORO FACTORY PROGRAM CARS AlligatorJuniper. For more iofonnation call DawoaR. Call 336-793'" or These cars are Ford factory low mileage rental returns ~AIz Coontingtor at 257-9071 420-2323 1995 Townear Of\g\na\ tASf'P 1995 Taurus ong\nallASf'P Szo,185Nevi $11,600 III 1995 Contour f'8R18\n\ng ~ RaR1a\n\ng ~ 45 Auctions ~~~ ~W~ Go West. EQUIPMENT AUCTION rr\ SOCORRO, N.M. Our Annual Spring Auction Go l\rby's. will be March 15th & 16th. Con­ Arhg\ sign your equipment now to c:::s~ assure proper time to Save $13,000 Save $4,000 Save $3,000 advertise. Tumbleweed Auction Co. The Secret is Out! Socorro. NM 505·835-2321. Arby's Is a GREAT place to workl MJG cORfioRATION operates over 26 Arby's Restaurants 46 Lost & Found in New Mexico, Texes and Durango, CO. We are opening new restaurants in 1996. We can make things happen for CHOW~AMOYED MALE 6 those Individuals whO have what it takes to become a part of yrs. ReddlshlBlonda -Mister­ our Mangement Team. Currently, we have Immediate open­ from Mechem & Sudderth. ings for managers, assistant managers shift lead- ~ REWARD, Contact David ers and crewl No experience is necessary, Just the King 257-514t. desire to manage others while building a bright ~ CELLULAR TELEPHONE .. future for yourself. We offer a cQmpetitlve salary. I FOUND on Cliff Drive. 378· '. /'. - . , .( . benefits and complete training. For more informa- ... t' l ~ ,P~' 4459 ask for Bob...... , .~ tion, call or sUbmit a resume or application to: ~tI!f!"~. ~ ,; 47 Thank You .. J , '" ~ ~~~1":'-'?7;"'­ MJG CorporationlArby's ,.. ''"\I'''C)(.!;O;;:'''''''' • '~"'<";"":'-~N':""'~<>_':':';:,;.. j:.q.;',J,"_' . ~; .,'~"{'~;.;)~." ..Lf'.;~i"~.;:.~r~':', •.~ 633 Sudderth Seniors ON BEHALF OF MY FAM­ 1993 Ford Pick-up, 1994 Chevrolet Ext. 1992 Ford Explorer, 1995 Ford Pick-Up 1994 Ford PICk-up, 257-7775 Welcome ILY and mysell, I would like 4x4. automatic, c8mper Cab. 4x4, 5-speed, 4x4, 5-speed, low XLT, 4x4, save 4)(4, auto, low miles to thank all the wonderful peo- loaded miles thousands

• ." v --- -. ~ ,. #fill

~ ~....~~"I>. "~~ ",tItti i' < ~ ~.. ::"" , -,' _:-:_'. The Air Force ,.,Ii" --. - '- ~*'~ •. 1994Jeep Cherokee, 1993 Chrysler concord, 1992 pontJab Grand 1993ChEMbIM~ Has Jobs 5-speed, AlC, Hke new one owner, loaded Prix, auto, loaded, V-6 V-6. NC, automatic We F1r&Ice.._~our JobIsYourCredit.•EasyTerms ELECTRONIC We're hiring. And we'll train you in one of more than 250 No Credit • Problem Cred(t·· School ,-gree TAX FILING AT NO CHARGE! high-tech skills. Then when your enlistment is up, your skills Credit •.First Time Buyer • Bankruptcy will be in demand in a civilian jc;>b. Plus, we'll help you pay • Reposaeslons for college while you're in the Air Force. We also have a plan Come...usl for you to have money for school when your Air Force tour is over. ~L,'".I_.,~~r:lJJIDOI\II,SEO-"C_: nV For more information call1-800-423-USAF . "'. ,,;.:. ;••'..,:,,·'LN,·., .. ',: ., .. R;. '/,Un , (or contact your local Air Force recruiter. 100' HlghWay-10e.i- 378-4400 ; ~ " :< AWAHD Wlj~j~ING SALES Aj~D SERVICE

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• It Entertainment: Swing in~o country music page2~

e Entertainment: UvingRootS of Music page 28

e Sports: .Warriors try to rope Colts page3B

e Sports: Injuries, ~illn~ss. hurt CHS boys page ~B

etvGuide pages 128-238

e Sports: Desert Warriors down Ruidoso page4B a Past Tense: No good~in bad guyRudabattgh p_ge8B

eN.~ nmes Banet New Mexico SChool of Dance In Ruidoso. Moreno has . . Victor ~reno Instn.tcII (left torlghl) Laury Reed. Nancy,GrB­ Crossword fin, and Joyce Cox during his Adul Bdet Fitness Class at more than 50 years of experience In the world of ballet. Pflge '.t1 B

Personalities: Ballet director brings dance to mountains, pages 5·7B

. ~ ., •

2Bf1"he Ruidoso NewslFrIday, February 2. 1996 .'. ' '. "".. ,,, ( , , Swing to country "LIving Roots of MUSIC" , , western dance classes relived etFlickinger Center ~ Dancers can get into the swing Hi&h School's Fine Arts 1IuilcIing. A lIIIique free coneen. '"DIe ClI1cediDa; ecarinll. 1wrcIY" KeiIlor'a "A trairie Home Com- , ofthinp at ENMU·Ruidoso's Com· TeeDs thIoullb 88m citizeDa are UviDg Roo1B or Music," will be eunlY,cIoncaine, .(IBIl1teries, plIIlion." r mllllity Education 1llIur88 in IllIwdry welrome. StwIent8 Deed not have a held at 7p.m. SatunIay, Feb. 10 Kiowa IlOIII'tiDg fhate and eJeo. , western dsnee. 'ft1e focus ofthe _. partner to join in the tim, at the P1ickiager Center for Per· tronicwoadwinc1s, POl is a ~ .. weD, , week cl88B is the basics ofTwo­ IDstruetorB for the 1llIur&e are formiDg Arts in A1amogonIo. Pelon, who lltudied the his- end her ..,_lion or 1llI1leeted· I Step, Waltz and Jitterbug. Karen Laine and Glen Barrow, who tory or mllBic end iDstrumenta· ballads by Francis I 'I1Ie class nms 7:30-9 p.m., Peb. have taught a variety orgnJUp and Lauren PeJon traces the story tion bath in America end over­ CIiilcr in the late 19th Il8I1tuJy , 9through March 14. private lessons, 'DIe fee for the _. of mllBic and instruments· _bas perfomled in comerIs have_,espeeia1Iy appealing I Designed to iDstill self'. week IllIur&e is $45 per person. , throughout history and peJIomls throughout the UDiW States, toaudi_' . I pregr8!Il is ...... D__-d ....U,J , confidenee sml provide fimdamen· Register at the ENMU·Ruidll8O mllBic f'rom the 1st to the 20th Cmda, 'AustrIlia, New 'DIiI . , tal knowledge for beginnera, those oftiee natto Furr's on Mechem centuries ,on instruments sud1 Zea1aDd, Europe, China, ItUSllia' the FIickiJigIr «mter for Per-, , who hove taken the cl88B before csn Drive. Por fiuther information as lute, pilar, lyre, reconIers,and Kazakhstan. • has also CniDg. with timding f'rom , also fine tune their dsnee flair with please call ths ENMU·Ruidoso or· gemshoma, conuunuse, performed as 8 8Oloist with New MeJiIllI Endowment for the , intermediate skills and techniques. fice, 257·2120 or Karen Laine, 257· krummbora, scbnieqIsit'e, syiDphohy otchesI:r88, on televi· HnmllJlities.For DUn informa· ,~ C188Bes v4Il be held at Ruidoso 7777. wwm, fllCbtt, peIIDjwbistJes, mon specipls and with Garrison tion, eaIl (605) 437-2202, I r ,r r r I I I • oGIRL scour COOKE SALE- IJ CALL FOR MUSTS--5:30 p.m.• IJIIUSEUIIOF11IE HORSE­ Highway 70. RuIdaso DwnI; 378­ .",..It • UYe Jan. 29lhrDugh Feb. 19. CookfelI will Wednesday. March 20 Is Ihe deQdIIne be d8IIvel8d March 7. CooIdes can be lor 8IlbmIIIlnlJ ,WlIIks ID Ihe Socond 4lIOIl. Open dally Tuasday· Sunday W, "~ pUrchased by caIIng your local GIJ1 annual Mlnlalum ~ Show atlhe fnJm 10 Lln.1D S p.m. Npw lIhowIng: Ame..AItfc· SeIec:IIona fnJm Ihe per­ I .. Scout Council program e:emr or by II8nINn GderyIn AIbuqueJque, , .' 8aJdean • .'Any manent.coIIlCIIon. caJIIng 800-374-9846. Co8IIs $2.50 ...... ArIB lIIIIIt . C1A1Ji1rtE VII MIS: SdlrA110N residing In New MelIIco 18 eIIgiIIe. ~.~arn. U CREE MEADOWS COUNTRY per box. __ Saturday, Feb. InfonnIIIion 8IId a PIoiIpec*Is .... 31l1he SwIll CIlIfet 1M. MIlmbera '. o UNCOLH courm HEAlrAGE CLUB 301 COUntry Club Dr.. available atlhe BlmIaBn,lIl' CIII TRUST HISTOAICAL Rulll_257·2733 - 6 p.m. oINCOIIE TAll ASSISrANCE PRO- sos: . ...1nvIfed to 1lIlInd. 681-1122 for IlIlIIed copies. C8IIh CENlEAICOllIl11lOUllE IlUSEUM Thursdays and Fridays and 7p.m. GIWI-Sponsonld by Ihe CommunIIy Al:ll0Il ProgIIIm. The pro- awallls. rIJbons 8IId celllllcalel will be ANDUNCOLH STATE IIOftU,.wENJ Satunlays. "Kert' will be playing. !J DONA ANA DDwsEAS-• Noon- 4 gram Is lorlh8 1995 laic ee8llOll Jan. giveIi p.rn. ~y, Feb••at Ihe Soc:IaI - Kighlyay 3IIll. UncoIn. 653-4025; 3O~ro~h~1~The~~ Open from 9 a.m. ID 5 p.m. dally. U ENcttANnI~ INN· C(lnf8r Clf fII!I Good S8rnBriIan V1llallB, lorIncorne-eligble peopIlI who ... 3011 BulnlwaCln:le. Las Cruoes. SCREAMING EAGLE LOUNGE. help wllh State 8IId Fedel8llncome !J APACHE CULTUfW, CENTER. 70 W_ RuJdolo IJ PARENTING COURSE - 7-9 p.m. TIte pre.i.wiG be on'using Hwy. Downll378- Tax short fOllllll. They wll_dlenIe SaInt JIlseph Mission, U.S. FIsh & 4051 - James 80mn Band Tuesday, Feb. 6 af Ruidoso High dGwIllrlg tolqmlve your phvstcel by appoInImenI only al815 Sudderth, WHdIIIe P.4eIcaIeIoNallonal Fish Wednesday through Satunlay. Rock & SChool In Ihe Public Meeting Room. hII8ItII" 1Iy8aJldll.aums and Susan Suite 1.10. Ruldoso. CillI257-6f143 HaIl:hery, all In Mescalero. blues. R&B and countJy, AppnJprlate dlsqlDne methods wlIf be Bryant 01 Earth Elements In FlagslBfl. roll. lor Iurther lnIormllllon., Wednesdav night lam sessions. Ihe 8Ubjecf oIlhe IIIICOIIlf meeling 01 Arlz.The pl8S8lll81io!1 will be lollowed WlIIkshopa ID Ihe II8e pamnling COlIIll8 &POIlBlJI8Cf bfmlnl on leamlrig a AARP TAll AIDE VOLUNTEERS 1 a THE WlNNER'S CIRCLE, 2535 by Ruidoso Municipal SdIools.It II led doWIIe. pelllOllll dowsing and map Pail. - 2-4 p.m. Wednesdayll and Fridays cIcrtWliIg. A ctonaIIon of $5 per pen;on Suddtrth Dr.. Ruld_ 257-1535- by Dr. B1rg11laMolhe and 18 palloIa starting Wednesday, Jsn. 31 fhlllllgh Isfticll*led ID daInIy rneeIlng costs. 8 p.m. 10 close every Thursday .1IesentiIIed 'FlaIsIng RdIpOIIIIiIIe ApIiII2 altha Ruidoso SInIor C8nler. caB Jeanne.Marie ...... Chldnln." No reglsIralIon II needed. For InIOnnItIon through Sunday· JJR Band (local The wIIIlteIp elderly low IJ SKI APACHE ~ 257-llOO11or volIRoolB For Iurther InIonnaIIon ceH 257-6149 GliIIlIngir at 522-4887. band perlonns countJy western and Income taxpayen;.witfI federal boIIt or 354-2781. sid IllflOIl . rock 'n roll). no cover. and state Income bIU8. CI LINClDLN cournv MEDICAL CENIER AUlIIUAAY - 9:30 am. IJ A..DOSO A11tLETIC CLUB, 415 a WIN, PLACE AND SHOW, 251. a ENIIU DEDlCA110N - 5:30-7 p.m. I Monday. fib. SinIha Conference Wlnglfald, 257-4f1f1O - Aet'IIIJIcs, SuddIr1h Dr.. RuIdoIo 257-elll12 - 8 Friday, Feb. 2 at EasI8III New IJ CC)UNTRY WESTERN DANCE COIny.~ Nautilus, walghls. r MeXlco Room at LIncoln racquelbalI, fnle , p.rn. to cIo6e MondaVB through Unlversily.721 Mechem DdvII, CLASSES - 7:30-9 p.rn. Friday. Feb. center, 211 Suddel1h DIIve. f1u1doso. No!HnImbeIs WtilcollIe. SaIUJdays. 7::11 p.m. 10 12:30 p.m. Ruidoso. 91hroug1tThUlllday. March 14 at f , SlnIays, country music. Ruidoso High Sdlool's Fine ArIB IJUNCOLHCOUNrIAEPllBUCAN .....------., o ARTIST RECEP1'ION - 7:30-9:30 Bulldlng. Rag!star at ENMUoRuIdoso PARTY - S:30p.lIl•• dImara16:15 . p.rn. Friday. Feb. 2 at Eagle Ranch Art oIIIce I18llf ID Full's on Mechem DdvII, p.m. MondaY. Feb. 5 at Marie LaVeaux 10 have your . , . ~ ... , • •• GalIa1y near Alamogordo. Artisl Mary For further Intonnallon caB 257·2120 FleaIIunInl; 1214Mschem Dr., • • • • SaxIon'll wOOl will be on dl8play 1 or 257·7177. infol'iDatiOD , etp'·• ...•• •• Feb. FIuIdOeo. John H. DendahI. d1aInnan , through Feb. 29 atlhe galery. Houra 0I1he RepuIIllcan' Party 01 New he~ , [J DWI BLITZ -now through Sunday, are 9 am. 10 8 p.m.. BlIVIIIl days a MexICo. Win apeak. For reI8IVaIIons, listed free, , Feb. 4lhro~hout New MeJdco and week. !J CASINO APACHE, c.rtzo pIealIe eel Pat HIJne at 354-2382, Bev Nys JinlIy 853­ eaII , UncoIn Countv. CInyon RaId, M••CllnApIcIII al25&4372l1l' Vigil at UNCOUI COUNTY MEDICAL , o A••1MIkln251-&1C1-0pIn 10 4609 by noon Saturday, Feb. 3- , o LOCAl. MUSICIANS SHOWCASE CENIEA AUllIUARY THAFT SHOP am. 10 1 a.m. SIIlday fhroogll BeIlIU""· COIUS­ , -9p.m. every Thursday night on - Monday. Feb. 511uough Saturday, Wednesday, 24 houri a dayThursday o PLANNING ..ZONING ~ KBUY radio. Turner and SIlvennan wiD Feb. 10 at 140 Nob HII Drive. shop will thrOugh Saturday. $KIN - 2p.n MciIiiIay, .ran. 5 lit ·1'". ~ Interview a differenlloc:al musician or hBVllIIs pm-sprtng 1/.2 price sale. .RuIdolIo V11l1ga HII. 257.~OOlit ~ gllqleach week. For aIghl WII8ks cu!- at oART ItFlUl80~D -4p.rn. r mlnating with a Iree concert at Marie oCOMIIUNI1'Y HEALtH CARE CI DLAZY 2CltUCKWAGON ewtt LaVeaux's on March 17. Thursdiy, Feb. aat R\idOSO ~ae ~ FORUII-8:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 5 - Sevan daysaWMk parround. HliJL . Dedines: , B11he San PIbIcIo SlInIor ctIizenII Reservations only. AuIhtlnIIc chuCk· , [J BEGINNING WATER MEDIA CenI8r. Hondo resldenIs .111 aIao Invlf. wagon lqlp8I'8IId d1uckwagon lIllIBr- 3p..... M.nday , CLASSES -10 a.m.' 2 p.rn. every ed ID 8:30 p.m. T",y, .1IlInd. Feb. IIIInmInt (ooMJoy poeby, guitar IIIIl8II:, ThursdaV Ruidoso seniOr CiIlzens , at 6 at Ihe CatholIc Church In CapItan. eIll.). ReseJVBlloilB IiIUBt be lIIede by 3 for WedJlesday; Center. 9 a.m. ·4p.m. _ry Tueeday r NogsI resIdenIs IIlI BIeo InVIIed to p.m. CBII 257·7636 lor 1nI0nnatJ0n. , af Radrose Studio. and beginning In aIIBnd. 6:30 p.m. Thtnday, Feb. 6 at 3p.... ~" ., n..-., FeblUary. 9 a.m.• 3p.m. al Stellon Dr. Wood'll house In Uncoln. The ~ Art Canter (demo In Ihe morning.) For fann Is ID help •••SBB Ihe medlcaI o RUIDOSO DOWNS RACE tRACK !J AT"CINEMA, 257.."4: molll InIonnaIIon cell (!i05)ll53-42Oa needs and COIlClIIlIlI 01 allJricoln - SImuICasIIlICiIg. Cs1137l1-4431 tor ~JulUt," 'Twelve Monke1s." CaIt forFri"" Paula WhIle, Instructor. County reslclenlll. • times. IIleal8rfor allow IknalI and IlItinge.

.•~·.I.· • Qd_ d 4, "-'--~ -, -- - •- =- Wi - " - '-l', Friday. February 2. 19961The Ruidoso New&I3B

• tas~ Warriors faee'tall of roping in ,Colts', Wolthers , . . , .. ..:' . • byLAURACLYM~ or better. Senior point guard Cory Ruldo~ News SrJ!IIIs Writer •• PREP BASKETBALL Hood leads all Class AAA playelll ' A paD' of formidablll foes VI8lt . ' in the state with a 6.6 assists per H1!idoso Cor lIlIJIle Diatpct 3AAA STANDINGS, game average. He also leads the bilya cage llIltion Friday and Satur- • Bous District lAM WarriOl'll in scoring at 13.1 ppg. day I I Hodges paces Ruidoso in ihe Weniors' weekeDd 'starts ":01 Springs . 3'() 104 rebounding with an 8.6 avernge. . Fri.lft•• D-:..... Sil---'s n~I~D C1'1I88 Silver 2-1 \3·3 The senior forward 8Cl!res 9.7 ppg. , "'? -_...... , \IV.... Santa Teresa 2-2 7-9 Ws No.4-ranked tllsm. The Socorro 2.28-8 Mer hia 29-point effort at Hot Collll bring a 13-3 overalhnark and Cobre 1-2 7-8, Springs, senior guard Rex Com- 2-1 diatrictrecml to the contest. Ruidoso ()"3 7-9 8Ilche'iaaecond on the telllll in scor- "'lb., are an awesome basket- ing with a 16.6 avel'llge. Junior ball team. 'l1Iey don' seem to have Boys District 3A guard furan Trout aoores 9.1 a miSsed a beat from last year; Tularosa 1-0 16-2g8llle. Ruidoso coach Ben Sanchez said. Dexter 2-1 11-7 Ruidoso's weekend doean't get ~V01 did skip a beat-versus Cloudcroft , 1-2 7-11 any easier when Cobre ealIs Satur- s.eom's WllIIiors last week. 'l11e ' Capitan 0-1 9-8 day. 'l1Ie Indians .have as much , CP!ta JlUinb1e1 til the Wartiors, 65-,' " physical talent as anyone in the '63f iI\ \:~ e1loeier5 Silw, then avel'llg8s double figures in both district, Sanchez said. Cobre is a bounced back to beat Santa Tere8ll, scoring (l6-plus) and rebounding more guard-oriented team snd that 93-66. " (to-plus). .' should help benefit the Weniors, "Ruidoso is trying to get back on The WarriOl'll must limit what whose post players lack height but the winning track, too. 'l1Ie War- Wolthm is able to do. Sanchez not heart. riots are 7-9 overall and o.a in the said. It wiD be atough task, eouid- Despite the tems 0-3 start in " ¥AA. ering Ruidoso's tallest player is 6-6 district play. Sanchez hasn't "We've got to find s way to get B Joshua Hodges. lowered his goal of finishing in the district win," Sanchez said. "Before, Another key will besh~ting top two of the 3AAA - that goal is we were finding ~ to win when down the Colts' guard play. Silver's still within reacb of the WarriOIll' we didn't play well." 'l1Ie WBlTiolll guards are not 88. strong 88 last fingertips. Perhaps a more at­ haven't been doing ths~ lately. year's crew, but ther are solid none· tainable and necessary goal is to . " " ,', ' "Well have to play wen. We've tbelees, Sanchez Ed. . take third or fourth place at least. RexCOIllanChe ~jbe W~r with G'hOt hlUkl.laSt'SaturGay VllrstJS put ourselves in a position where Solid is right. Silver's Chris Either ofthose linisbeswould guar­ Hot $prlngs.COmanche scordledlfle"riets fot29 points oh 7-{ot-10 we have to take C8I'lI of every Perea 1eads the team with a 19 ppg sntee the WarriOl'll B home g8IlIe in fRlm 3-point range ancHWor-8 fiOmlhQ raul 111!8. bui ~ waSn't det$il: Sanchez added. overage. Another Colt guard, Jason the fil'llt round of the district ellOughl to lilt Ruidoso to vIcIory. COnlanctil!.)ind,lils.Wan'lorteam- Against Silver. Ruidoso must Mamajo, dishes out more thsn five playoffs. mates face IIIe state!tl No: lkanked Sliver COlis lOJIay. and IIIen take" contain one of the state's best big aesists a game. Varsity tipotr botb nights should on a_ CobI8 SCIIad Saturday In apair of must-win DIstrk:l3AAA men in senior center Andrew Ruidoso countel'll with Colii' War- be around 7:30 p.m. at the Ruidoso games for Ruidoso. . Woltbelll. At 6-Coot-8, Wolth8l'll DOl'll averaging nine poinlll a game High School gym• •

Tiger girls Injuries, illness make. also to host ens boys short on depth Blue Demons by LAURA CLYMER Without McGarvey, Capitan Coach NlIl'DI8D Cline's pIs Ruidoso News Sports Writer . coach Gerald Montes must figure I ~ ~ I team tries to knock from ankles and ehurned out who wiD help post player Keith I the unbeaten ranks in District Iltom8ebs have wreaked havoc on Col defend Dexter's Will Bram- 6AA today in CaPtan. 'DIe Blue the CIIptan 'fiw boys basketball blett, the Blue Demons' top 1 Demons sit stop tJte atIIndings team earlier this -. ,returner. .. I with a4-D 8M record. .Senior guard Neil Montes rein- "He's their go-to guy: Montes I 'l1Ie 'ftgers ('/-13 overall, 1-3 jured his hurting joint snd forward IIIlid. "Keith is going to have to step I I district) and mus Demons have ·iJeNlDy McGarvey sufrered a up." I split twu previousg"airie With . second-degree sprain during pree- Right now, Montes' plan is. to I each other. Capitan beat Dexts tiee III what turned out to be a use Josh Perplta 88 Coi8 backup. I at bome in the SmokeY Bear Monday, bloody, Monday Cor the But the 'Bger eoaeb _ bring up TouriIament third ftl._ 'Bgm. acouple ofjUJ!ior VlllSity )l1ayers to I 33-30. But ~ 24-hour bug I DeItet tJffi: A flu compounded help iIeCend the tall and' t8lented I district ...... :...," between the two the pioblem Cor Capitan, lIideliDing BramIIlett. ' sehoo1a,4i.3i':TnDcilter. juniorCody'l\mlliciwltcmlPradlce ..A'Dger ~', depenlls on twu 80:4 S'hO-g' A .,pail of seniors Teresi sndMowinl8OJlle ofhis ttammates. things: handling ~8 Cull'COlU't II. Banda and Liilfiles, iead Beth .. has missed pracIiee pressure ~ eontailllllg.Br8lllblett. Winners fRlm the' KnI(IhIs of COlumbuS Free Throw Grabem's JllueDemOlJlJ.' IIiuee turJIiDI' his lDkJe again. After tIJeit loss /lIllin8f: ~oud- C~nshlp sponsored by Ruidoso COUncil .97 on Jan. 21 Dater is. p1M 8 matelt-up 'lb. is Ii chsnee he'D play today croft S4tmday,tbe 'Bgmhad to gathered for agroup shOt after the compelillon for boys and girls I0Il8 _ ..8lIII that took wbenCaPtan(9.8,Ool)bCl8tIn.K. rttOCll8d1eitener&ies.lllfreeothtow ages 10-14. They IncJutte. frOm left, standing: Ray Sainz. CIiJJe aad the 'BIeri;" surprise tel' (11·1. 2-~)in an impirtant Dis- ebooliDI and oITetJsive rebounlJingTUlarosa, boys 11; Frank Darame. Jr., Ruidoso. boys 14; Tommy tbi"~h"fuJiiilmt. triet!i.AA:~.·. in pncIiee this week. ''l1IOSe _ AIdaz. Capilan. boy!! 10; Josh, Vega. Citrrlzcizo, boys 13; and "Wei bi _~ this ~, ..the • .band - two ...where they bad_ per- De_ 88ma, RIlIdo89.boys 12. FIORI row, ~Rlm left: Kely timeMUJtd,"."proIIIiIed. ,orro.tmthiscase";'islllcrutcbes. CorlIliJIc..n. OWen. Capitan, girls 13; Pauline Saenz, Ruidoso, girls 12; Pearl ~"or itllIJlPOI8datay oft'hii ,"'ftIe.v,.. quite 8 lit and An'as, AIIldoso.lllrls 14; and Kaycl BnJllel~ Ruidoso. girls 10. PIe_..n-. PIlI'fl . • IDkJe Cor at least 10-12 .,.a prettY iQGt1lJal1club. but The winners quaUfitid for dIsIrIcI c:ompetit/On. J;...... ;, ...,...__.... _ " t'be)'llbeitabl8: Mooteasaid...... - - - __ . ~- -~-."...... -----...... ------...... ,.

4111The Ruidoso NewslFrlday, FeblU8lY 2, 1998 . . • \ SPORTS

SPORTS SHORTS SKIREPORT~ Ski Apache is open willi litis I, 2, J, 4. 5, 7, 8 and lIIe gondola operating. The lower mountain and most upper mountain bails are open, except The Trench. Ski officials are reporting a snow deplh of 44 inches midway on Ibe mountain. Surface conditions are powder and packed powder. New snow Thursday was 14 inches. To hear the ski report, call 257· 9OOJ. REPLAY. ~ This week in Lincoln Counly sports history. compiled from The Ruidoso News. 10 years ago - Ruidoso's Lillian Duffy steals an inbounds pass and scores a layup willi six seconds left 10 give lheWarriors a47-46 win over Artesia. Ruidoso ups irs reconlto 3-10. . 10 years ago - Mark SlJaSsburg capblres first place in !he Roswell , . ~ ~. IV wrestling tournament. Joe Jazmln Fleharty played her final home game as a Warrior TueSday .Angelica tdeS to galn:ll'DftbOf or Ihe cilrlng a Yales takes second while Gary agalnsl Sanla Teresa. Fleharty and her teammates lravel to Cobre I8C8llI Ruidoso ~ GI!R8. 11It wantoISlatIf to SaID Teresa, 58· Whitten, Scooter Davis and Rick today wherellley hope to win llleirfilstdlslrlcl game orllle season. 44, Tuesday. FlguelOJsc:oP.Jd 12pofn1s6) leadlheW8nloJs. Tate place Ibird. ]0years ago - Corona's Cardi· nals win lIIeir second Bean Valley conference tournament wilb a 59­ Desert Warriors keep Ruidoso winless 56 victory over Estancia at Mountainair. by LAURA CLVIlER just didn't 8IllCIIte,· Ruidoso coach pcint.vietory. 'l1da time, Ruidoso piek up tJ1eil. fiJ8I; win or the year. 40 years ago - Nyles Lackey and Ruidoso News Sports Writer Dwayne Rogers said. IIl8lIe STHS 6Ih.t· fur a 14-point Coble took a 63-69 9idary JlIII, 6 Ronnie Perry of Ibe Class Cstate ~JlOI'tw!ity knocked fllld the 'l1te young Warriors also have win.' over RuidIJro. In that game, the championship football team from Ruidoso girls basketbaD team trouble recogniziug what lIlljust- "'l1tese girls have alot or cbamc- Warriors busted loose fur 27 fourth. Ruidoso are chosen to play in the couIdD't flll8W8r the door in ite last JlI8IIts to make to an opponent, ter because they've reeeived some l(lIIliter points end nearly won the annual all-star game in Albuquer­ home game ofthe eeBSOn~. Rogers said. 'Once we mature, we'D eritidem. But they've been sticking game. que. Santa Teresa's ~ Wamore be apretty good team.' tlJpther and 'not poinUDg fingere at . bested the loeal WamOl8, fi8.«, In SeDior Angelica Figueroo scored each other" said Rogers defentIiDg "fm upeeting us to go out end t , points I Cross Your Heart Cup a District 3AA!' Iftp game. 'llJe 12 10 lead the Warrim. his • ..: "By fllld .., wive play bard early in the game. 'D1eir r takes off February 14 1088 leaves Ruidolo with .an 0-16 Guard Denise RGcIeIla added 10, stuck together," guards couldD't handle our full· The annual Cross Your Heart overeD record and 0-& cliAtrict alate. while Jazmin Fleharty pikhed in . ;. court pressure. 'l1tey wore down," . I Cup ski race is set for 10 a.m. to 2 Ruidoso trailed by lII1y Cour seven. Senior ADgeIa Simms scorecl Rw~ will ba!8 its character Rogers~ "We'rejuat,goinglotry I p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14, at Ski Mints, 22-18 at the half' end by siI in her last home eontest as a tested agam when It faeea a tough to tabIt 10 them early. I r-' W• road trip Friday and Saturday. 'l1te • Apache. Proceeds will benefit the seven after three ~ B~t un· am~, . Warrim play Cobre Friday end 'DIe W8!'I'iore will have a , Lincoln County Humane Society. Clfted turnovers, especially m the Ruidoso showed IlDprovement then visit Silver City the DIlt day tougher lime orit Saturday against t Those interested in participating fourth quarter, preveated the Will'- over the last time it met Santa • Silver's Colts. '!be Colts share the can preregister at the Ski School riore from get1inl ant closer. Teresa, Jan. 20. In that fiJ8I; game, IC the Warrim start quickly No. 7 ranking with 'Dwrsau in Desk, or call the Ski School for "We had the oppo1't\mitiea. We the Delel't Warrim cruisecllo a 28- BPinst Cobre'slndians, they eoultI Class AM. • more informalion. Cosi is $10. Once again, prizes will be given away for such unique categories as Supper to benefit RHS athletes "Biggest Flirt," "Best Buns," "Best CoslUme,"and "Toorsie" (where Before attending the RuiOOsolHot Springs boys basketball game Saturday. 6:30 p.m. Cmizozo;¢ Vaughn men must wear women's clothes), Feb. 17, fans can enjoy a spagIIeIli supper from 4:30 to 1p.m. at the Ruidoso 7:30 p.m. . Cobre at Ruidoso among olbers. High School Cafeteria. Cost is $5 for adults 81Id 53 for children. SundIr. Feb. 4 Historically, !he Cross Your Proceeds from the supper will benefit RHS athletes selected to parIil:ipale in Bawling Heart Cup is Ibe silliest race of Ibe !he Coaches Care New Melico's Gridiron Elchange Ibis summer in AustmIia. IJ aJIl. Ruidoso WOIlIeII's year. The post-race party starls at 6 Bowling _ialion p.m. the day of Ibe race at Casa lalIIllIanIl!lJJent Blanca restaurant in Ruidoso. Tigers------TuIIdIy. Feb. 8 State select soccer CoIltlI\Uld tram PIlle 38 in the 'ftgere gmnuium. PtIp Girls l1oIk8boll team tryouts Feb. 17 'l1Ie 'D&m's need a good per- CAT TBACKSr GirI8 Diitriet 5:30 pm. Canizclzo.TIll.-. The New Mellico State Soccer COl'lll8JlC:l tAl restore some _III 6AA standillp ilJe: (1) lJext.et, 4-0, PtIp Boys BalkllbtJ/l Associlllion is holding its second confidence. (2) C1ouc1ercit. 3-1, (8)captan, 1.:1, 7:30p.m.' RuidosoatS_ men's and women's Slate select "'l1tey need to beat lCilIebody: (4) '1'u1arosa, ...... DIe Uhour flu Tmaa team tryouts S8lUrday. feb. 17. at Cline said or biB team. "We just bug also bit _ CIirIe. 'DIe 'BIer CIInizoto at'IUllIIIlllA Ibe New Mellico Youlb Soccer haven't p~ weD in the last two menter mi8iell MolIday'i prsetite, W"stling Complex. For more infonnation gmnea.' ' but returlled til the iidelines 'nJu. y,m. Ruidoso holts Las call 296-6118 or 915-775-1943. Girls aelion starts at 6:30 p.m. dtIY c1esPte I queasy aIomaeh. Cruces and GoddanI

--..-. 'IiI··.1'liI'iiij.fiii'"'lIIIlill'iiI'"'1'","lIlIie..__''__' •.:_.•FE__.'.'lIIfi"IifIi".- ....""'i...·olio;.-...... 0'...... fl...· ..,or.....'...... is a ,a &1 , 2 2 2 aCE '~ ••,A' "j ¥tS,$SC 2 • a. • • - 2, I . Friday. February 191161The Ruidoso NeWSl5B I I . I I -----'------·-...... :·PERSONALITIES...... :· --"' l L . .. I I j I Moreno brings beauty of ballet to Ruidoso mountains I I :'-, ", .. - ',' by DON HlXo,N receive the title ot'Premier .i" ' I I RuIdoso Newl Staff WIler . Dauseur. He W88 only 2& years old. . I LittllV'lCtAIr MoreIlD WlIS not a Morends eyestwiakle as he Ie- ., didn't like it at I . , slr(lIIJ ebiId so the w.v doctor members his first public ballet &p' I recommended ballet Blfa".to pearIIJICe.' . first because I saw I streII&tben his 1IIlISCI1I8. "It was aperformance of I all of these little I 'Ibe c10cter llOllId not have bowa .'Caraival' when I W88 with the ~ that ballet would Do} only _oath- Carp de Ballet," he chuckles. "And giris and I was a I en Moreno; itwould1JeclnIul his life. hen Ihad this big lady that 1had I 10JJg pusioa. toIift." boy you know. 4 " "We lived in Buenos Aires, la- His knack lor lesrnlng ballet Gago told me to patina and my sister was already pieces quickly ca_him to be in taking lIam:e with FranciBeo Gogo," demand as astand·in whenever an· behave or he Moreno ssid. "Gogo was an artist other per(ormer was unable to with the Buenos Aires Opera House lIam:e. . would kick me and whoa I was 8bout 12,years old, ."'DIey would"eaI1 me beeause 1 out.'" I began Imlning under bili direc- knew the stepa," be said. tion." . .' . Moreao's dedication to thUd 01 . , Today, 66 yearslater, Moreno ballet mused him some trouble ,• VtcroR MORENO resides in Ruidoso and continues with his regular studies, aDd even BALLIlT NEW MEXICO DIRECTOR his ballet'eareer as the artistie though he did gradllate &om high director and ehoreographer oIBaI· school, his IIIlIl'1rs were low. ------~ Today. Victor Moreno ieaOOes ballet and other fonns 01 dance from let New.MelillO. He also 01fD8 and "Fortwmtely, we lived aezt door , his studio In Ruidoso. He also dIrects the Ballet New Mexico dance ojl818tes Ballet NeW MaillO~l to the library and Iwouldjust read de Monte Carlo. '!be audition is company: . oIDanee on Sudderth Drive.' books on my OWII," ha said. "My nat .JIIlOOllIIsful and it's not long belore Ballet lJecame Moreuo's passion, edueaEion was in ballet and opera Moreno is named as the principal but it dida'thappen ~t. beeause at the tinie, in Buenos daneer Cor the oompany. "I dia'flike itat first beeause 1 Airei, 1fll1liul tlJe ~ 0_ "At that time, Ballet RUBBe de aawall ot'these little girlsand I 'singers and conductors in the . Monte Carlo was very IamOIlll," he was alittleboyyouknow," he said. world." , . said. "We had the mosUantastie •• "Gogo told me to be~,e or he' Moieno's [email protected]· performers in the world orballet." would kick IDe out." " Iiaued her ba1letl~ eventual· ' Durlng them years Moreno Moreno decided to buelde"dDrm, Iy Ii8eoming aball8rina.' danced with Ballet Russe de Monte disllOvered that he liked ballet and ~~ about 20 years ago," Carlo, he performed wi\h such soon progl'eIlIe6 Cnnii being arebel- he said. ..&tID studied mU8ie lamous ballerinas as Mia 1ious student to teaching classes on 'andJl~tiiJi III'iiI ill very happy." Slavenska, Al8l8l1dra Damlova, his own."' During his long lcwe atrair with Nathalie Krassovaka and others. "When I wu 13,lprogreBBed to balle~ Moreno has ronned seven 'nul seeno again changes; this the Corp de Batiet," Moreno said. daallll companies in five states, in· time to 1957 Los Angeles. Moreno '~ "And when Iwll816 years old, in elnding the new Ballet New MeUco has left and traveled to l 1944, Ibecame aprol'essional dan· in Ruidoso. LA wllere he storts the Spanish ,) ear." .:. . "I've always loved tAl dance and Amerieaa Ballet Coinpany. As ~J)aneer' 1riththe Teatro to teaeh dwe;" he said. " . ',. .. ' .. ' CoICii de Buenos Aires iIIArgea. 'l1te SeeDe shifts to 1961. Moreno :uwc01 the ~1'8 were Striking a maCho pose. Mo no starred with ballerina Irina Boroswka tiaa,1foteno beeame the yDI1DgeBt has decidedto travel to New York tramed as SpamBh daneers and the ,In the 1.950, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo production of the "Capri- man iiHhehlltory oChiIlcollJ1ty to city to audition Cor the Ballet RUBBS Please see Moreno, page 68 clous Espanol.~ ,

lon's Wrangler Work Shirts $21.95 Flannel Work Shirts $3199 251 offal! 'boots •Ladies Lacers S75.0d" Roper Boots starting at S50.00

" . o,.a 74&,. •week. "' . "" landay .. Th.,.10-5 pill • Fri4a.y & Saturda.y 10-6 }il!I • Sun4a.y 12~5 . " • . ", . .,.- p .,. . _ ..1.111. ~ ,;. m...- ....~ ··t""~· ,~ .... m , " ,-\ •

." ".:;:-;':",~ ,~"'ki ,-,:~ "~''''.'~ ,,~ ,':; I" ,,'." .•',.... ': " ,,".'j ., .;..' ...... ,.1"',.,.. ,'.'" .•..., "'1' ',0' .•' , '" .. "",...... ""', "• , ,~,., .....",- ,"",' "." ·"1···..·"·· •••' d ,,,,,~",, "., ." " .. '.' .1.

~ ;~." • ...

\ Friday. FeblUa~ 2. 19961111e Ruidoso News17B .', , ... PERSONALITIES PERsONALITIES Moreno ...... ------..-.....

COfbedfroml1li. lis IwiJ) tjto DlCl.~to am proud ofthem.ft and Wonderland' ~utl need dan· scheduled ror~e last wee~ in May, saylhat I'-my last ie,' '1'nat••pride is also ob- .ror the Imut••," he sail ..88 Ilia ~t hmne . 'Jlllbaytbatrightnol, lam mlin Moreno'Blatest_vor, '1be "diOi are tentaUvely "In addition tGthe pulllie )lef' . 8, ' .,' BdelNe, Mexim, anon·profitor·formanres,Iho~ ~H able to ~. 'AaIOng 88 tlJeregioD. He maynot Ntto talk alut .tion that lost December ent the ~uctiOi at no charge for the Wet, I,nlstey,' Krnno lit II ives, IIlIthe idjitely8 Yell Ruiao audiences wi~ 8 "I 'hiInk that stdenl8 in ~e 8Chool~" be said 1pelu1l,Jam here to Btay,- INd rather. He reguhout his ,.ucUon of'lbe Nuteraeker! 'I,.. -ftafs,important ~ me beea~ , U.Jwthrl80lII,~ut, ar,aisahigl18cbooIOOd 1ightnonllat I'm hoping (or every child' _allltl.~t.get when 88W lout how many limes Uctor, ODe. wi'.puters lore moredancer88o that wtean do aebanoo te see ~e prHucUons. belwbeenlll8lri~_. amtheyoungeatll1l88Ollgriu, moreprOOuius,"hesaid h Id h th Vt~rMorenohaslleen. amthequefton. . atnitha degree in metallurgy, 'earegoingtG~dolng'e~r 5 OU. ave e~alletrormorethan52yearaHe ' 'l!iail•••..ia;I ..,...... 1~tIe NPI~'. .opportUnity to =_lmIiB)!IIItl

• "I think that every wid shoul~ develop their have the opportuni~ to ~evelop

I I ~eir lJoIIies and ~eir minds," he bodies and their said, "Ballet mD ~ve them ms· d~ne and it is my ~ft to ~a~ . minds. Ballet them 'e.uUfu! art ofBclng," , Vidor Moreno doesn\ perform will give them murhtheseUY8,~utW~eneoo , arises, he uready. discipline and it "In Lioekin 14, lId 8 . ' dancer &om Dallas who Ileme ·:,!'F.,~1 is my gift to ~Urirc'llilNatnUr,'le . 1I.,!.'f.)~i,"lil,; 881l!.1had to ~ut on a.ean~ 'l,~.;.'~:~'··~)'.JM;; .te'~ch .. l ..:;: them the danee'1\e Wain orfue mowers," "'fJ}'~ 'I !/,1,1 CI M 'dthat ,1.••I.l..II \~~:;\4:~);:::~' oreno B81 WlIIIIW y, one ,~. ).tt;~~\y of~e o~er ~""'l~ beautiful art of ~. pedormers took over '. ~4%i:11\\; ,. Iawr. "l~~~:;~~~:'; ~~tel~8tstil~~1 . dancing. fA 'I "I Wa8 Ured cde ;'~;~,~:~~f1 18 very streooous, DU WI 0 "'f~:~f some W1cing and now fm in betttr ';"~, V'CfOR MOREN~ shape than Iwas two yearugo," he sail!. . BALLm" NEW MExIco Ballet New Mexico is currently seeking volunteers and contri~u· , DIRECl'OR ' tiona to help M~ the upeomlng • Morn.._ baledna EiIIIf8Ida.a In lhe 1955 BalBI Russe de Monte Carlo" petfonDB11Cl, 'Ibe ~one number is . '~~-rheBladtswan.· I --'"---- 2iI9,

~~ ChILeo's CRIMESTOPPERS 41;,1,1" ".4D1S IIggIt IIIrlto ~ ToM! "CRIME OF THE WEEKI! .wIlII~Mlatfil The Ru_Uncoln Coun~ Crime SI0pp818 will pay ~ to $1,000 for Ta Information that leads to the arre~ Bnd Grand JU~ Indictment or Rouunailll Maglsllale Coud Blndover of ~e pelSon or persons vmo committed ~~ 1lItI_ ~~ny Coun~. ,.",...far.,."., crime or any OIher unsolved crime In Uncoln ,.IIOrdn. DIlvI" VAIdn Lers work together to ca~ astop 10 clime, ItIIU 701141· At lIII Y III Mlor. Mil I' Phone 257~545 _iii _lilt

"k long as the, ' ,region supports the ballet, Iwill . stay. Hopefully I .am here to spy.' , II .


BsNswMExIco ": " "":I>l1:i(., ·:"'·ii';::/·',.,~r \'t;J' l' .: .'.''f . -_'.fUUIl".ICOIIMJl1.t.'PoIa 1IlI191) Ba1i11IIiI ~ Dijlls _ ar_ Pas,dt IlEmt 1It.~" h TIle t_.1ldFnco lilet te~d Moreno wIlh ballerina Deborah Weaver. ---....!t__ Gago/IiriYllta~btman,outage_the prmtlOn. . , ...... , i_ •__ ••_".-""•• ·'...;;.·T.."'••,...... -.~ •••,""'~.,"''''==''''".. ".. < •. _.. n .... e.,," '~>=r .. r:a. 4 i.l&.iL.. • C•.UP •• _c. c· .=e:

, 8BfThe RUIdoso News Friday. FeblUalY 2. 1996 Ruidoso school ski program jn l.imbo for 4th year , . -, by DON HIXON children well being Yerbany Ill- doo1 houn to (Illrticipate in the PJlllIl'IIID," Gladden said. """s good Ruicloso News Stall Wrller tacked by non-Indian students "For $7 a day, a kidsm Apache Handi~ SkierJ fir the M!JIJIIunil¥ and bell'11- The Ruidoso School District ski about the !libe's proposed nuclear could ski once a week Associtlion pIlJJtlIID, either. . dents. whollliBllt IIOt _ the op- program is stiD on hold, and school waste 8torlIge project, and not 'DIe regular _!ski progtsm pll'tunil¥to ski othenriss." officials don't know when it will enwgh Indiw were participating for four weeks. The pro- had _.800 to 500 stw!eIlts par- 'l1Iroogb. @Ie program, load ski resume. in athletics. gram generated a lot of ticipaIiDr colllltJwide. lisid Nob shops rented ~~ £or • an4 ' The last school ski program was Since the cancellation of the ski community interest.· Hill school princiPBJ and ski pro- the ski area sold'lralf-elay lift lick- in the 1991-92 school year, Gladden program, the district hasn't heard gram coordinator Roger SQ.. eI8 Cor $2. . said.' &om the tribe, Gladden said. ROGER SOWDER 'DIe ski prGgl'Qm!~ starts Former tdtool ski JlftIllr8IIl8 ran The program was officially can· Mescalero oJIicials were unavaiI- SKI PRooRAM CooRDINATOR two weeb aftAlr"oriIuuaa vacation a1JoutC.weeb. SowWaid. celed last year by. the Mescalero able (lI' comment about when or if . ml1'lJIIlI Cor fOur weeks, districtsu- "For $7f!J .., a kid could ski Apache Tribal Council. The IriOO the school ski program might year 1IgO, Gladden decided it perintendsntn.Gladdensiid. once a __ (qr fOur ""Sow. operata Ski Apache. Aletter f'nnn resume. , WlIu1dn't be fair to allow haniJ· "We're al...,. inteluted in the del'said. ...JIllIiIrImginerated a WendeD Chino eaid Indian school· Aftm: receiving Chino's lettAlr a icapped students to leave during opportunity to have a school ski lotofcominlJllil¥intmst" , , .

, .,.. , ;',';'." t . ,',

~ , r f I I, ,I I I


I. ' , .•_ .• _ 7' , '7 _:.a;:. UP ?::a3S.=.W'." S.d,!£ ,3, a !, P 25 !, :s. ; ,;, 2 . 2 ... 2 a .42 .. J ...... -- ..... _'....,- •

t"i, I Friday, February 2,19!16/The R\lldoso N_S8 j

j I l I j . j j I j • • j j I j j I 1 I I I I I

. • 'Ruidoso Convention & Civic Events Center , Wednesday, February 14 . , ;~~cclb ~ ~f17ll(B ~Ibcm>w , liItl1JTlJ Spring Mix of fresh salad greens with dressing Chicken Piccata with garlic herb pasta BroccoH Spears with cheese sauce . , , . Baby CarrotS with brown sugar and bourbon glaze Hot Rolls & Butter • Amaretta Surprise , Iced Tea & Coffee t

Tiekets are on sale at The Ruitloso News' through Friday, February 9. ; . TicketS- $15.00 No tkkel$ dJbe 8vaDable at tbe door•. . .

" ""~''''''','",;,,;,>'' ""0" "i'."'; y, ";'~ __ ' .. , •• •

·e:·, , ,;, ...-:t..:~:::.-+_"~',,.. b" :""e::~'_'::"::Z:" ~~:-"~:""."._ ':""_:'~m",,~~·.~"r~:'.,,':*!"~!'" '",,",,', ...''~-:.,,""'..... ,,-_"".",._',",'_,',...'...... '-••__.,-:~~. "". __,.... ' .. _. '. _ ,"_'" '", .~, Ii a is 2 2 22i,] JUS. it l £! i.e R, . ale •.•. ; au

• 10B1The Ruidoso February 2, 1996 New&lFriday, .; -~.." ":.- ;'" '., ,.. ".- . • •


. . t .. . JL.!IIo.~; iDI ... U.s. ilipay 70. 7:30 p.m. ~.AIs'~ ""To'..1115 Ih... 10 Z ALCOHOUCS IIV+ GROUP ...... p.sL~.QiII2S1..m5. blld1binI'IlImda,I. SUPPORt' C11125I-SIR~ar2$J.olOB.- ANONYIIOUS _thotho...... ,. , Ruidom Add aroap B.P.O.DOES LoviIq: 0dIaI Suppaot Gmup for OPlMSl'CLUB RUIDOSO ~NECWB IiietldIIIld fanilyof IBV+ _ die M.... III die SlIuud Building. Lower ".. cvay IICmo MccllIlea...... ~1I6:3O Level. __. Does .....in Ihc m'. Lodp BuiJdiq TuadiY' tItitd T...... '. Pur infontlllio8, caD ...... CouIDy ChIlJ in die from p.m. f\tluIh w~.AIs' ...... on U.S.lfilbwa, 70. 7:30 p.rn...... 257·2236 or (I-BOl1) 57:J..AIDS Sunda)'5-8 p.rn. open ladies lU1d lUCas and r_lbundaJ'S. IIllllIl 10 I p.m. AIs' ~ I!QJ­ C111258-3348, 33U17Slir336-4IZ1i. . ""ll .....u.g.. _ III1dl, 258-5711 04 Jim W..... HUMANE SOCIETY Mundays-Noou AA .....u.p lU1d 8 BETA SIGMA PHI 2SMZllI- P 10 SIqJ Slud,. OF UNCOLN COUNTY sERVICE «:I,UB coU-' Four chapIon _ in morobm' • T""....,.-8 p.m. dOlil:d AA and ORI)EROF 11tE homcs. 7:30 p.rn...... lU1d Inwth _ II 5:30 p.m. lbe IbinI W...... =~ ~ y Alanon. da,1I1hc ....1I

- ,, .- ." ....~:

• Friday, Fetnupry2, 19961The RuidosO N~sll1B

S j:), L UTE T 0

A..I:-puUpse intAl LiDcoIn. Purchaser. SiDce tJJe· sale eounv. ,.., llOIllpIed _I... ·Iaaeuthal • Co., of this p\ace cal JI8W8)III'" by Polly E. .. bOught tJJe buildings and. ORKING Cbavu. . meJthandise oftbe Post. . Mr. Howel1, rl the RoaweIl TheUncoln ReconI, wa in town '1'llescIay Ind.pe.....nt and in campaJiy with Mr. Geo• OMEN'96 . Feb, 4. 1892 Curry, rl Picacho, who favored ~l\Ja\t ~Ibll)v~ . this oftire with acall• IL_lCIb 6 '1bt etrecta of Delaney ami Mr,Geo. -B. BadIer bas va­ Ruidoso COdVention & Civic Events center VIIiI, iDcludiDg their ..build· cated the house 0_ by JODes ing and ~ at Fort TaIiarerro, of White Oab, and Wednesday, February 14 Stanta, and Delane)' ranch ami has JDOVed intAl the house which stock OD the Hondo, wen sold at he bas lately purchaeed. public auction last Tuesday Mr. Andy Ricbanlsan, frmn Tickets are on sale for $15 at The Ruidoso News until Friday, Feb, 9•. morniDr rca-$28OO, B.D. CJatIjn the IJIock ranch was in town the No tickets will be a"ai/oble at the door. , Co.. of New York being the 6rst oftJJe weU:.

Edited by Will Shortz No. 0816

ACIIOII t LA.-to-Seattle • dlr. • Alrik8n8r I explorer'S aids hrIl-+-+­ IIHonolulu's Island . ,.Lolly home IIPavarotli selaetlon "Gyrate " Magnfficent Julia? " Recalcitrant lucille? I' Duell's gall !liM_rot unaavory film roles IIGeolll8lric shapes

14 Johns 01 'Mary Popplns' bMH-+- , • 21 Out-ot-sorts Clare? - ...-...., • RanSlsaance I Csmomla wine BAlers' exams fiddle region perlor)llance Therels No 'Place • Leprechaun's • It Cowl 1Spinning Larry? a Delineated turf • French miss, lor 4Uncle MUlle ...POIlwar .0Uler:Prefix short • Kind 01 surgery Aultrlan a, Sleps leading :IIBlaCk cuelloo • German alllcle chancellClF down to lhe Ganges Like HOnle 14SBII·absortled 7 sunburned 41ReI1u11s aSnlCkend- person Jani8I'/ 47 SpllIllng The equity built up in your home is a money source you can tap, Let us 17'-haIl1' IMUIIlrn Image .Stitched yotNe .'_ m8ll1lnlcbellel • Coli. entrenee • Vast expanse help with a Home Equity Une of Credit Brecklnrldge' I NonIerlile eo Miners' quest tlDllagraeable You can get the cash you need at COMPETITIVE'ratBs and terms, And our conve­ . person nient repayment plan won't keep you awakB nights. You'll be able to finance your ., Spanish It'Smooth ANSWER TO PREVIOUi PUZZLE sOldler·hero Opermr' child's education, arrange an upcoming wedding, even a Blue Jaramy? ling.. consOlidate your bills into easy monthly payments. And 41 VoIleybIIl eI10bl tlRIIII1ed the best news Is, all or part of the interest you pay may • X-nIy unltl ,.Cullure be tax deductiblel' . 47 scete .. IIHIdluml . .V8ClHIlt tI:'loIIIhave Our Home Equity Una of Credit leis you reach for the AND 0UR1aWN•1001 I'HIJlIlVEHot? .FIrIIIY01 stars...and find them. Right under your roof. IICoyJoey? . vaudeVHle IIS8IbIrd • • rrYUOOSlavhero D~, IIlsn'luprlght . ItLab W"'"'JtI T IIAttrICI8d ETN .-=."P1~COOpt IITVprobIem 8 T R U ItLlketheWhile . I7Mc1lriJ1C11uck? T LA .. ::O~ng .~puppat A • .".... 'I :~, ""t, .. \ " Member 1095 Mechem· Ruidoso, NM 88345 ~.~Ieature DOWII GIl __• to._CIUil • Contact your tax advisor about your situation, IIArigItIcGeorge? .... taIlCIIotOIIIlIIloII«,'~'lII.. FDIC t SnllCk -;~r"- 1I••,. hot _PIC

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Frlday, February 2; 19116fThe Ruidoso Newsl158 •

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FAMILY VISION CENTER •• Dr. D. Joyce Sonnenmoser Dr. Anatole F. Gutowski (50S) 257·5029

• TRANSITION LENSES If you like having Photogrey lenses but the weight of your glass lenses is almost unbearable, Transition Lenses may be the ansWer for you. These lenses are made of plastic and include scratch resistant coating and UVprotection with the prescription. These lenses tum dark outside and then lighten'up indoors. The more UV light there is outside, the darker the lenses will • become. You can have the advantage of Transition , Lenses in Single VISion, Progressive or Ff28 Bifocal and Trifocal prescriptions. Please call or, come by the Family Vision Center and speak with Cynthia, Pat or JoReta about the advantages of Transition Lenses in your prescription. ______~ __ ~ ~_~_ ~~ ~~~.o-=. au. 3 SSs0••••

.... :: 000 GO 0 oa 000 OCHO lOCI C~ at 8 =t;~ a= ~ Mtt jii _ gi*i: i:e:i ~ Ef­ .l!1.8••fiilfiiltff@@888}f8@@11.@@888~.@@[email protected]@irfiil@8Ifl@@•••@.@@@.Ji~·@••ff@a'@fiilif@@Jti@@8eBle~~~~f~~~@@@@i ~i i • f!~iIHIIIIJ ii!iil1tr!lii"lij!fiIJilljllijijili:11 ifi11lil1iJlI illl,I!I(~ iiltllliJI~liii ,iiiililll;ill I tD-i 11 1 ~1I1! IF I ifl'i.fU 11 111&1 111 l,fBI!l1 trY, '"Jil 11 I i .'t- &(' f! tj hi;rtll", =' !I.,,,, - ~f rI ~ '" - Ii B.. ~ J J~ B.u I [B Ig If i!UII...r I' r"'~· 0 fiJ. - in ilf }II B I II lU l;U iit i! if' ·1(1 Ilfl ij f1l11 If I ~ h hI H .1 h.1 h. , .. ~ ..... ~ ~ I: h =~ i . 5. : ~ :E: i' .. ;r • co .... . - ~ CIi ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:; === = = - -- -- ~ i i I iiliill!l i '* ~ ~i ~§ !! ·f 0 f.·li8~·118wf@i@J'.Br@!18!rS e.~@~@@J@~~18ee~@lifOf·i@fiil@fiil@@srfi8~rfiilfiilS8@@.@@@@~~r88S(I8RDAoo_--~AAAQ N a,@ I i~llil.' ~J .i!,8 lI·il~:J!ifl.lf'lfil ~iiflllllliJlfJ!lt:!:lf;i i ~, t8 r ... I I iSj1i =: If II l Ii I if fftd II 10 IJJ~IIII @.r,I(llf~'f!! frIJljfpjlll!:f.f~ ~ '!' I! ~ If .1 J r! D ,iif~ tJlfJlI,fIIJl, -,-. ~ Eli • • II' f~ f~~~ ~ ~I_i s s i~ (I.~ I B i B:S Jij~ I fi Uti ori Ii iji ~ II If ~ no II~I .1 ~~ if J !~ t~ ilJI I I II ill II ~ f il' lif d ~1~,iUBI hfl ., .., II~;i'"i '.!l ll fllr .J iii i,i h f if' Iff h If ~ ~~ U"~ Jltl If Ii If il It !j .If. uJ f !i.. r w-r! , f vA ... -- ...... I• § ~ii ~j~~ i~ ~ i ~~~ ~llli~ i 11!liilll i'fiil·tli·lislls~S8 itillr·Ufll(jI1·lf@tl~i811'J@if~n~ji~IJ@i@J!·lri1H8BI@U8 B}@gI81·t"U(jII~It~p8n@J'·i'~I@II@I'fii11J.~1 .•1111- .. ' _'L_ ilnlk"llnljirJi~II!iJlil illlnfn~HtgQllhhibfiilifJd ·. -IUllu, il Udf il JlJiiII'_~" : III . Ii' Ill- "'..... _ III 1_1",1 If _",!F;;h••, _!l: a.l -;sfl ---- , ,- j 1 jll • ~J -1, •••• ,. :. ,. ii iii~ liB~ ijJ !r If 11;1 Ii if II J! ~I I! ~~~I ~j Ii i~ ~J :! Ii :i Ii .w j~ :~ ~~ i • ...

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EVENING CHANNELS5·· CABLE CHANNEL 2 ilI'~t~·""~O ", '''''''116$$ II~wl f'ASf livf" A1/0rM. . .,

, 18B1The Ruidoso NewsIFriday, February 2, 1996


I I I I !



Call Thomas today and ask about our special o/afentine's tJJay classified section

257-4001. •

, ., - - ;; '. - to· .. -~~: 1_.1 '., " '" .. -' ..',:;" ..:,.:;, . - =,=.!=+-. • ... • ~-- '-.-~"-"<'- - ,_.. _.

• Frldav, FeblUlUY 2. 1991l1fhe Ruidoso Newsl19B ·r"- • by DIANNE STALLINGS llIeted animals also problibIy will . - " , .:'," ... ~,:. '. "- 'O:"·"t..: ". '.' .-'., • .- ';' ." require These pets are currently up for a(loj)tlon at Uncoln County Humane Society Ruidoso News Staff Wilier . treatment." .. .. ~ .. . CIllI257~1I41' .. Moat people 81'll Iamiliar with Humans can contract mmor what iii collllllOll1yWled Diange, versions, but only with intense hoW8Vlll'the ailment takes smral contact with infeeled _'" he forms, and in n8ll1'ly 011 eases re­ said. quires' vigorous lreabnent and '"In the case or Demodectic contagion control. . lIIlUige, puppies are bd'ected The moat common forms of within the firatfew dsys or life, III8IIg8 111'8 caused by several but symptoms may not appear un· types of mites, said J'JDI Riggins, til the puppy is fOlD' monthe old," director or the Limoln. County Riggins said. ''This condition H!1DlBne Society anima18helter. though similar in appelll'ance, "In the ease or Ot.odectid and does not itch. It generol1y is CheyletieDa mange, the mites live l'Oj(arded as a hereditary condi­ in the em and on the skin," Rig­ tion. Animals who are diagnosed gins said, "In the case or SllI'eOptic should not be' iIllowed to breed. and Demodectic mange, miwa 'l11e condition also often is ex­ burrow into the skin." tremely resistant to treabnent." In 011 cases mept Demodectic However, don't dispair. In a' .mange, the sym~~s 111'8: recent case, a local veterinarian . - hair.loss beginning around feared a four-month-old puppy's the eyes and lops or paws and immunity system \VII8 too com­ 't progresmng;- . promieed to fighlthe infestation. - intense itching and dis­ However, he gave the akita mix comfort; slloDg'medicated bathe once every - skin rashes progressing to two weeks for eight weeks, with Dooley Is a IWo-year-oldneutered male Thumper, a four-month-old collie mix ulceration and dofonnity il\ ad· the '8IJIllctation that four addi­ Labrador ",Ix. He's smaller than aver­ with eyes that could melt all but the vanced cases; tional bathe might be needed or age, but smart and eager to please. He coldest hearts. was brought to the - and very pungen~ yeasty that she might not respond. To his would respond well to training. Dooley shelter with her sister by an owner who omeD akin to decomposing flesh. delight, the initial lreabDent was found wandering as a stray In mid· did not have room for them. They're "In those cases, lreabnent by brought the infestation under con­ town Ruidoso. . bright, altentlve and ready to bond. your veterinarian, generally is trol and a luiurious coat grew. topicol (not ingest.ed), eliminating The mites .are part or the the inf'eslation and treating any nonnal skin fauna and do no Sponsored by: secondary skin infections," Rig­ harm in emaD numbers on a gins said, "1'reabnent usually is healthy animal. Sometimes. a lengthy. .... dietary change is needed to en­ "In aU orthese casea, the candi- courege proper development ofthe ....------... tion is highly contagious. AU con- immune system in young animals. ----'...------

RUIDOSO CHANNEL LINE-UP ~ ClI SEIOOGE CIt , AFTERNOON 2 KASA(IND) 20 Showlimet AIIIlquerque, NM 21 Cinemax 3 KENW(PBS) 22 Disney" POIIaIes, NM 23 TNT 4 KOBR(NBC) 24 USA • RosweU, NM • 25 K45BX(IND) 5 PrevueG. • Ruidoso. NM 6 CNN 26 CSPAN 7 KOAT(ABC) 27 Comedy central AIluqueJque. NM 28 NEW The 8 WTBS (IND) learning Channel AllanIa,GA 29 CSPAN 9 Amellcan MClVle 30 cartoon Network Classics 31 Country Music TV I 10 KBIM(CBS) 32 UniviBion Rnswell,NM 33 TmvelChannel 11 . LOCAL Channel 34 Home ShoppIng 12 WGN(IND) Club ChIcagCl.IL - 35 MTV 13 DI8covGIy 36 WOR MORNING 14 The Na$llville 37 The Weather - Netwolk Channel 15 F8iIlRy~ 36 ESPN 18 Hedl6~ 39 NIcIceIodeon . 17 HBO" .~ 4b Si:f.R 18 HBO-2" \41 FX t 19 HBO·3 -42 Homes &B8rdens • pay S8iV/Cei

~_ iliiioloiiiIiii~ ~ ~ .. :- jr¥li'F~t~I;<.:f'·n"!;··r __ __·IiIi-·1iIIIi··..·- .' ;,' .:..•..; .. .. ;.1.. . _il., 'r ,-:"i'·.. __,'dO,'''''''.,''_ p'''; -'j T 'W"·_ _ , ..:...-.' "._ .. __ ~ '.. ~"'._",....,.,..-...... -- "., .. = "W; d. '=. _ \."'_ ,.". • 4 , - • • , • 20BIThe Ruidoso News/Friday. FebrualY 2. 1996





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22BJThe Ruidoso NewslFriday, February 2. 1996


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AFTERNOON .. -....,...-.~~.--... _~---~.~. -.,..----~._.-~'- -.,---.---, - ---

Friday. FebRJary 2, 19l1611'he f1u1doso New&f23B , I WEEKDAY L;rsTINGS CoNT. .

Look for'votingbaUot for WOOF THE YEAR mour• SAL TO Wo G WOMEN \ Special Secdon on Friday; February 9.

~ Ballots must be returned to I I I , RUIDOSO NEWS ..J THE .. l I I l • I by Tucsday; I I ,I I February 13. I I I

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.'... .. 24B1The Ruidoso NewslFrtday. February 2. 1998

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. '., TttE AREA'S NeWEST' .,

Open Frjda~ " Saturdolf· Nights.· S pm • CloSrg .' C.9L1'£ M'£SC.9L£i£!/(O, . SPORTS BAR Open 7days a week • 11 am - 10 pm Luncheon Specials Ifl CJl1£ $t,{£SCJUl£!lO . Wonderful southern M~xico recipes _. Open 4pm to closing " Lunch &Dinner . Watch Y9~ favorite"sport on the big screen TV . Call 505-257-6693 for Reservations Enjoy youl'favorite beveta8e by the cozy fireplac~ The Mescalero. Inn· Carrizo Canyon Rd. - 1 mile north of Inn of the. Mountain Gods .

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