United Nations Important GK Questions

(Q.1) The United Nations (UN) Charter came into force on which date?

(a) 24th October 1943

(b) 24th October 1945

(c) 24th October 1947

(d) 24th October 1949

Answer: (b) 24th October 1945

(Q.2) Headquarters of United Nations (UN) is located in:

(a) New York, USA

(b) Washington DC, USA

(c) London, UK

(d) Paris, France

Answer: (a) New York, USA

(Q.3) Currently, how many countries are members of United Nations (UN)?

(a) 187 countries

(b) 190 countries

(c) 193 countries

(d) 196 countries

Answer: (c) 193 countries

(Q.4) was admitted to the United Nations on which date?

(a) 24th October 1945

(b) 30th October 1945

(c) 15th August 1947

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(d) 26th January 1950

Answer: (b) 30th October 1945

(Q.5) On 14th July 2011 ______was admitted as the 193rd member country of United Nations

(a) South Sudan

(b) Somalia

(c) Tuvalu

(d) Tonga

Answer: (a) South Sudan

(Q.6) Currently, which are the five principal organs of United Nations?

(a) General Assembly, Nuclear Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat

(b) General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat

(c) General Assembly, Nuclear Council, Trade Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat

(d) General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat

Answer: (b) General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice and UN Secretariat

(Q.7) The first session of the UN General Assembly was convened on 10 January 1946 in:

(b) New York, USA

(b) Moscow, Russia

(c) London, UK

(d) Berlin, Germany

Answer: (c) London, UK

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(Q.8) UN Security Council consists of how many member countries?

(a) 5

(b) 10

(c) 15

(d) 20

Answer: (c) 15

(Q.9) Out of the 15 members of UN Security Council, how many are Permanent Members?

(a) 3

(b) 5

(c) 7

(d) 9

Answer: (b) 5

(Q.10) Which among the following are 5 Permanent Members of UN Security Council?

(a) USA, Russia, UK, France and Germany

(b) USA, Russia, UK, France and India

(c) USA, Russia, UK, India and China

(d) USA, Russia, UK, France and China

Answer: (d) USA, Russia, UK, France and China

(Q.11) Which among the following is a specialised agency of the United Nations?

(a) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

(b) International Labour Organisation (ILO)

(c) World Health Organisation (WHO)

(d) All of the above

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Answer: (d) All of the above

(Q.12) Which among the following is NOT a specialised agency of the United Nations?

(a) World Bank Group

(b) World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

(c) Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

(d) World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Answer: (d) World Trade Organisation (WTO)

(Q.13) Who was the first Secretary General of United Nations?

(a) U Thant

(b) Kurt Waldheim

(c) Trygve Lie

(d) Dag Hammarskjold

Answer: (c) Trygve Lie

(Q.14) First Secretary General of United Nations, Trygve Lie was from which country?

(a) Sweden

(b) Finland


(d) Ireland

Answer: (c) Norway

(Q.15) Who among the following UN Secretary General died in an Air Crash?

(a) U Thant

(b) Kurt Waldheim

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(c) Trygve Lie

(d) Dag Hammarskjold

Answer: (d) Dag Hammarskjold

(Q.16) Who is the current Secretary General of United Nations?

(a) Kofi Annan

(b) Ban Ki-moon

(c) Scott Morrison

(d) Antonio Guterres

Answer: (d) Antonio Guterres

(Q.17) Current Secretary General of United Nations, Antonio Guterres is from which country?

(a) Portugal

(b) Italy

(c) Greece

(d) France

Answer: (a) Portugal

(Q.18) Which among the following are official languages of United Nations?

(a) English and French

(b) Chinese and Arabic

(c) Russian and Spanish

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) All of the above

(Q.19) Who among the following donated land for UN Secretariat Building?

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(a) Andrew Carnegie

(b) Henry Ford

(c) Franklin Roosevelt

(d) John Rockfeller

Answer: (d) John Rockfeller

(Q.20) Who is the current Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations?

(a) Syed Akbaruddin

(b) Asoke Kumar Mukerji


(d) Nirupam Sen

Answer: (a) Syed Akbaruddin

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