June 21, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 9 12231 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The resolution, with its preamble, vided as follows: Senator WARNER in objection, it is so ordered. reads as follows: control of 30 minutes, Senator LEVIN in Mr. CHAMBLISS. Mr. President, first S. RES. 519 control of 15 minutes, Senator KERRY I ask unanimous consent that a mem- Whereas on Tuesday, June 20, 2006, the in control of 15 minutes. ber of my staff, Beth Sanford, be grant- Miami Heat defeated the Dallas Mavericks I further ask unanimous consent that ed floor privileges during the remain- by a score of 95 to 92, in Dallas, Texas; following the 60 minutes, the Demo- der of this bill. Whereas that victory marks the first Na- cratic leader be recognized for up to 15 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tional Basketball Association (NBA) Cham- minutes to close, to be followed by the objection, it is so ordered. pionship for the Miami Heat franchise; majority leader for up to 15 minutes to Whereas after losing the first 2 games of f the NBA Finals, the Heat came back to win close. Finally, I ask consent that fol- lowing that time, the Senate proceed CONGRATULATING THE MIAMI 4 games in a row, which earned the team an to the vote on the Levin amendment, HEAT overall record of 69-37 and the right to be named NBA champions; to be followed by a vote in relation to Mr. TALENT. Mr. President, I ask Whereas Pat Riley, over his 11 seasons the Kerry amendment, with no amend- unanimous consent that the Senate with the Heat, has maintained a standard of ment in order to the Kerry amend- now proceed to the consideration of S.
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